Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Oh Isabella!! Poor you! That is dreadful!! I feel like flying to England and smacking the cr*p out of your DH! What a total JERK! Yes, you bit yourself on your ankle and wrist. How outrageous!

    Grrrr. I am so sorry this happened. I sending prayers for your speedy recovery and gentle hugs.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Oh My God isabella, OK-you live on a farm-you have to have an axe or a gun. Now I cannot tell you who to whack first but someone and that lunatic dog, have to go bye-bye. This is incredibly serious. I git me thickest cowhide gloves; grab that little beastie and either drown it or make it into doggie stew!! I just cannot believe the things your 'family' does to you. My Lord, you are a saint to put up with it all. I would sh*t can all of them. Just crate littel cujo and bring it over here to my house-I have 6 rifles;1 shotgun and a baretta handgun (well, the family does)-I would be happy to help you solve all of your problems. AND you really do need to go to the doc and get those wounds checked-at the least you could get blood poisening. IF I had a husband like that I would have called the police: had his butt arrested at the bar and charged him with assault with a deadly dog. I am just so angry-Lordy, you poor thing!! For real, it sounds like the dog needs to be put down. i have not heard of dogs attacking like that and being allowed to live-do you all have a local pound or animal place that could come and get the beast. You need to start training you new ram with little stuffed doggie targets until he gets the idea. I am so sorry for you and if you were my Mom, I kill the thing. Sorry but i love you, SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    Oh, Isabella -  that dog and man are lucky you are so patient.  I'd'a had em both up on charges.  He is a jerk and the dog is not to be trusted.  Please stand your ground with this banishment, and please accept my best wishes for a quick recovery. ((  ))  I hope your DD just hauled his ashes when she told him off.  Bit yourself indeed.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Oh Isabella, I am utterly appalled!  That dog and maybe that man also have got to go!! It's insane for you to have to go through this, and your DH is clueless, bit yourself, right!  Please put your foot down and send the dog at least packing.  I just reread some of your posts and you've endured far more than that stupid dog deserves, and yes, I am a true dog lover, too.  Some dogs are just not possible to rehabilitate once they've crossed a line, and that one most assuredly has.  Please get yourself to an ER and at least have the wounds looked at, and certainly get a tetanus shot, antibiotics, treatment.  You must.  How's your blood pressure doing? 

    Although I do not own guns, I agree with SV on this one.  Wouldn't take but one shot, by somebody who could aim, that is!  Sort of reminds me of my daughter's dogs, neither of whom had ever been "socialized", terrorized the neighborhood when they'd escape their fence, etc.  She finally had to take one to the pound but found a home for the other. He lasted in the new home maybe a couple of hours, then the man brought him back because the dog had killed one of his cats.  So, that one also went to the pound.

    Take care.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Isabella,  OMG, that is terrible!!! Dog has to go and so does DH.  And even if you hate jabs, you need to get your wounds checked out and get a tetus shot.  I forget who told me once that the only thing that has more germs and bacteria than a dog's mouth, is a human's.  And your lymphedema arm at that!!!  I am so protective of mine and it never fails that is the one that usually gets injured. Puncture wounds are bad....I had a stray dog sink his teeth into my calf one time and had to be on an antibiotic for a month.  Maybe the new ram can be taught to protect you.  Take care of yourself, dear lady.

    SV,  Your dogs looks like sweethearts. We have friends with a Springer...her name is Scarlett.  They give all their dogs an Ohio State name.

    I am at dad's again.  Went to a cont ed course today at the local college and other hygienist I rode to Portsmouth with just left to go back to Cincinnati.  Another friend of mine who is here visiting her mother will take me back with her tomorrow.  I enjoy making the trip a lot more when it is not me driving.  Last night we went out for Mexican so I could have my margarita and tonight we are going to the Japanese Steak house.  Now all the town needs is an Indian restaurant. They are having Swap Days at the fairgrounds which I have always wanted to go to....they supposedly have everything there, even wild animals which I am sure is not legal.  If I could find someone to go with me I would go.  Tomorrow I am going to plant tulips before heading back home. 

    Weather here would be great for eating out if we had a deck like yours, Jackie.  

    Are you working on plans for our fishing trip, Barb? 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    on a happy note, I saw these today

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010

    Lisa, Beautiful---I can almost smell them.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    I couldn't believe how fragrant they were this morning...made me just sit and enjoy the aroma

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    SoCal --- guess how many times I just hit "save picture as".  You have given me so many pictures to us --- many become my desk-top or an avatar.  Keep up the good work.  Yellow ones are especially gorgeous.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    Jackie, I have good subjects, glad you like them

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    Gorgeous, Lisa.  Thanks for sharing!

    Well, gals, I learned today that I just need to stay out of Belk's for October.  I'm one week into radiation and finally had to get a bra without underwires.  Walked in and just got weak in the knees as the whole store was a mass of pink ribbons, banners, ad infinitem. I just grabbed a bra in my size and when I paid for it, the salesgirl had on a pink sweater with a pink ribbon on it, and damn if the receipt didn't have a pink ribbon too---I made a quick exit and held it together just until I got in the car.  A year ago, this wouldn't have phased me at all, but now, I seem to resent it almost.  Like, I know, I know, don't remind me.  Here, we all know, every one of us.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    I hear you Kathy.  Pink stinks.  I am sure when BC awareness month lst started, someone felt they were doing a good thing and then everyone jumped on the band wagon thinking they could make a buck off the deal and it's just gotten out of control

     My friend Kathy whom I am riding back home with tomorrow is spending the night here because her mother now lives in an assisted living dad and old boyfriend, Ron, who is putting the replacement windows in and doing some other work at my dad's house and I went out to dinner at the Japanese steak house.....anyway, she called and said she was sitting on my father's front porch looking at this dog that was lying right in the middle of the street.  So we came home and she and I got the dog to come up on the porch, she's a female with no collar,   got her some food and water and now I have a bed made up for her in the backyard on the top of the steps and she is out there sleeping.  My father said she could stay , but not in the house which is probably a good thing since she is either allergic to fleas or has mange and i wouldn't want to infest our dogs.  Anyway, she is a sweet dog, but doesn't wag her tail so  I am thinking she doesn't know how to be happy, and she is timid, but came to both kathy and I when we called her.  She wanted to come in so I guess she has been in a house before.  Tomorrow we are going to take her to Sierra's Haven which is the local dog shelter and I will give them some money to clean her up because I can't have another dog and neither can Kathy and my father doesn't want one.  Daddy lives right by the cemetary and people are always dumping pets off by here and it just makes me sick the way people can do something like that.  Dogs like your MIL's Isabella, I could understand dumping one like that.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2010

    Isabella, my heart just breaks for the things you go through.  If dogs attack people without provocation here, they are put down, no questions asked and that is what needs to be done to that dog (and maybe dh as well) It sounds as though he is too big of a jerk to have any redeemable qualities.  I send my love and best wishes and hope you get your wounds checked out before you get a bad infection.  (((hugs)))        Darla

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    Isabella, that dog really has given up his right to live with people. Your ex DH, him too. So sorry that happened to you. I tak it it was one of those little dogs that can just zip around really quickly. It is understandible that you were unable to defend yourself in the dark witha totally unexpected intruder.

     I just ofund this board, I am 65 and certainly qualify. I make many many typos, so readling between the lines is necessary when reading my posts.

     I go for my first TAXOL on Monday anbd am just recovering from a bad cold that caused me to be cancelled for chemo last week.  I have finished DD 4 AC then have the DD 4 Taxol followed by RADs then some mediicne for 5 years.

    I just moved ot WA in July, I had a lumpectomy in June in Illinois and began treatment in Seattle on June 13 at the SSCA Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.  Really poor timing to move and get cancer at the same time. My surgeon didnt want me to wait and have surgery here she said it would get to long and I needed to get it out. She is an excellent surgeon and the Docs out here really praised what a great jb she  had done and her exceptionally good write up of the entire thing. 

    I will be peeking inhere now that I have found you. Does anyone here undersatand about Poise pads after chemo because of the uber hydration we are told to do. On the other boards no one has ever responded to any mention of the need. Without these pads I would have to change clothes 6 times a day. Haha. 

    I am a big dog lover too and will love rreading about anyones farm animals. 

    See you tomorrow.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Ginger!  You'll find just about EVERYthing on this thread!  Wink I can't answer your questions about chemo, but I'm sure a lot of the gals here can relate to that problem! 

    At OUR age, there is so much going on in some of our lives, that cancer just seems to be aNOTHER problem!  But we're all here to listen.

    Connie, hope you are doing alright!  Are things getting any better?  And Isabella....I just hold my breath while I am reading your posts!  You are braver than I am!   Just glad you can & will stick up for yourself with all these PROBlems!   Sounds like DH will not believe anything you tell him!  And just quit going around & biting yourself!   I'd put them ALL in a dog-house somewhere miles away !!!!!  And let them fend for themselves!   Your poor Pups!  They don't need another mongrel terrorizing them!    Who said, you should train that new Ram to protect you AND your pups?  That was a good one, Ha! 

    And guess I should say, I don't mind all the "pink'....What bothers me most, & makes me so sad, are seeing all the women & families, supporting "Survivors" and having lost loved ones.... are all together for the "Walk for the cure".... Over 50,000 people walking for "us."   The supporting companies don't mean to make any of us mad, they just are doing their part......I know it is way to "commercialized" now, but it IS for a great cause.....Love you all....xoxooxoxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Ginger -- glad you discovered us here.  We all make typo's so if you will look right above where you are typing --- there is a mini tool bar.  The last item has an ABC and a check mark.  If you tap is a spell-checker and will help you.  I'd be totally lost without it.  I'm a dog and cat lover --- have rescued a lot etc.  Little Alfie is in my lap as we speak trying to help me type.  Alfie is a cat who will have a chance to use all of his nine life's in safety here.

    Hmmm, pink.  Interestingly enough, until I got cancer I did not like pink.  None of my clothes had pink etc.  Now, I don't mind it.  As for the commercial aspect --- as long as money is getting to research and development I'm good with that --- but like everyone else --- after the last 20 or 25 years of "Think Pink" isn't it about time that all that cash actually produced some answers.  I don't know that we will ever eradicate this problem --- but it would be fantastic to develop tests that would actually "find" cancer at the earliest stage -- also be specific as to just who should have chemo and what kind.  Just seems to me so much has been spent and we have so many basic-type questions that don't yet have answers ---  I hope with all my heart soon.

    Hope Isabella, Connie and everyone is doing fine.  Sealed  Ya know --- just keep smilin' it makes people wonder what you been up too.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh Kath, you were in cancer hell-pink Belks! And for real, Old Mrs. Belk was my Grandma's best friend and they were my godparents-errrgh! Welcome Ginger! Quick note-I just don't feel well today for some reason. It's like I get a good day on the beach and overdo it and i am flat on my back the next few days.

    Anyway, I wanted to invite all who want onto my facebook. When you find me, i must approve you as a friend. Tim, owner climbing expeditons outift, is a close friend. They are in the Himalayas now and is posting trip to me in real time-the wonders of cybespace today!

    Anyway, he is headed on climb with a group and now in Pangboche in Nepal-one of the monestaries I stayed in. He and the group will be lifting our whole thread up in prayers with the monks during the "Puja." The Puja is the climbers blessing. This is like getting blessed by the Dalai Lama so I feel that we are really special. I tried to post my facebook link here but cannot figure it out-will keep trying. I asked Tim to take pix of the ceremony for us!! Hopefully we can get that done and I will post. I am following his climb in cyberspace and just feel very blessed. I did Everest in 1980.

    So just want to pass on this wonderful treat-at least to me it is. Love you all, SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited October 2010

    I can't find Tim Ripple on FB. Is there anyother clue you can give me to find you on FB Copy paste does not seem to work on this web site.

    I am Barb Jonusaitis on face book because that is my name. Haha

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2010

    SV, what is your facebook name?

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2010

    SV, you amaze me!  My husband would just LOVE to meet you--if there is a TV show about Everest he's watching it.  It's been a lifelong fascination of his.  I usually watch them with him also, and am in awe of those who make it.  He's never done much climbing but we do have a picture of him rapelling (sp?) off a cliff during his days as a Scoutmaster.  He's just this little tiny speck.  Of course, I was unaware that he was doing this until I saw the picture and was horrified.  Now, he likes to kayak and occasionally go rafting. I fear I'm a bit more sedantary.

    Remarkable about the Belks being your godparents.  The first Belk store was here in downtown Monroe. 

    Hope you and everybody else feel more rested soon!  Bed sounds like a pretty good idea to me.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Ok ladies, I use my name Melissa Jenkins, on facebook, but apparently there are a gazillion of "me". I have no idea how to get my gals onto my facebook other than the conventional way. And Barb, I tracked everything and could not find you to put you as a friend on my page. I will keep trying. My icon is me in at the helm of my sailing boat-OK, this is really special and never shown. This is the very sacred 'Yeti' head and "Yeti hand" held at Pangboche monestary. Tim sent me this pix to me today bec i lost the one i took in 1980 when I was on Everest.

    I am looking at this and might be to creepy for a few-plz let me know and i'll delete it-just know that we are in Nepal in spirit. AS 'wierd' as it looks, it is one of the holiest relics in Nepal. So this is supreme mojo for us-like top of the world "blessings" stuff. Tim just sent me the picture bec he is at Pangboche. xxoo, SV

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

       Well, the pet sanctuary in Portsmouth which is no kill, would not take the dog....said they over overpopulated now.  I have never seen so many cats in one place except for the pet horders on Animal Planet....they have this huge fenced in yard with cats everywhere.  They must not have as much room for dogs, but I heard a lot of dogs barking and saw a few in a fenced area in back.  I was willing to pay to have the dog spayed and for shots, but they said No room at the inn and suggested the pound....yeh right, I know they would put her to sleep there.  So then when I got back to my Dad's I tried the SPCA and the number is no longer a working number.  Called a few people my father suggested and left messages and to make a long story short the dog rode back to Cincinnati with me and my friend Kathy and now she's on the front porch and our dogs are going nuts.  I gave her a flea bath and put front line on her, but I don't know if that scaly stuff on her back is from a reaction to fleas or mange and don't want to risk giving something to our dogs.  She is a sweet dog...doesn't beg for food the way ours do and she is very docile....didn't like the bath too much, but stayed put when I told her to. She is not a pup, but I think full grown...has to have some corgi in her with the build she's got.    And get this whomever had her, painted her nails with fingernail polish....they allowed flies to chew holes in her ears (I only know that is what did it from the pet expo we went to and saw animals for adoption) and let her get infested with fleas but took time to paint her nails!  People are sick. 

    They had a big pink deal in Portsmouth this weekend....took up three pages of the paper.

    SV, I don't do facebook, but am impressed with the pic. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    MB, you are too funny-this is the ugliest thing in the world, but it is the most revered by the Buddist monks of Nepal. And I think it the only scientifically confirmed "unknown species" in the world. It has been tested genetically. It has been on Discovery channel a number of times bec it is so historic. And thanks for the kudos on the picture!! I just love you! SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    SV-look for me, Barbara Archer, Treasure Island FL, and friend me on Facebook. I just spent 15 minutes going through 500 Melissa Jenkins'.

    MB, I'm a sucker for animals, too. You'll find a place for her. Sweet dogs are easy to place.

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2010

    Hi gals,  BAck from Duluth and had a great time....lots of the leaves there are past peak but still a very pretty place to go....We still have not had a frost here so I am battling this time of year but hate what it does to my head......Lisa your pics are beautiful....I can almost smell the flower it is so perfect....Connie and grannydukes....yes, I can identify with the whole worrying mother oldest daughter who is 46 has worked at the same job for 25 yrs. and they started laying off right and left and the ones that got to stay had to pick up the slack and work for 2 people.....the ones that got to stay felt guilty for the ones that had to leave and then eventually they cut everyones hrs. to 32 a wk...hard to get by on that much less a month...we tried to help when we could but it is so stressful and you just don't know from day to day who will get laid off.    Claude...enough of my soap box but did what to let you know as I know you all do that our worrying doesn't end when they become adults....Nice to be back but I need to go get a few things to all

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited October 2010


    I, too, have always been fascinated by Everest and followed all the reports of Sir Edmund's first climb.  I really envied my Mother's opportunity to go to Nepal and accompany him to the dedication of the first Sherpa school.  World Book went into partnership with Sir Edmund to establish his Foundation to build and fund schools for the Shirpa's.  When the first school was dedicated in 1964 Mom was one of the 20 sales persons drawn to attend.  Their's was the first outsider flight allowed to fly into a Sherpa village.  She sat next to Sir Edmund so had a long conversation with him.  A year later I happened to be home when he came through town on a speaking tour.  She was invited to attend the dinner and brought me as a guest.  When we walked in he left the head table and came to greet her so I got to meet him too.  It's fitting that such an impressive man should be so closely associated with such an impressive mountain.  I noticed when he died mention was made of the Foundation so it seems to still be in operation.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,418
    edited October 2010

    Can't speak for anyone else, but I did a total delete of the Facebook acct.  I was warned that there could be many problems coming out of it.  Did I listen --- yes, after I had to pay Microsoft and have remote control computer repair from one of their technicians.  It's a wonder my computer ( not all that old ) continued to work at all.  The man pulled five hours worth  of junk out of it.  I deleted Facebook and MySpace as well and don't do them anymore.  It's not worth it to me to chit-chat on a wall --- and I was never too good at chit-chat anyway.  My computer went back almost to mach speed --- and I get around the Internet with speed and ease once again.  I learned my lesson.  All of this came while I had two virus protection programs running -- Many people use it and seem not to have a moments glitch ---  if I was a bit more of an extrovert or a little narcissistic I might still not heed warnings.....but I'm far too busy to plaster myself all over the Internet and so I'll just leave it to those who have not have computer woes .

    Claude -- hope things go ok for your daughter.  I'm a firm believer that if he leads you to it, he will bring you through it.  God did not put us on this earth to fail but there will be trying times and many desert periods when we may feel a tiny bit abandoned --- as I am fond of saying though....if everything is great all the time --- what are you learning.  It is when you are tried and tested and find answers and relief from it all that you know --- you were never alone after all.  None of us ever are --- we may miss part of the plan and we may not understand the purpose --- but their is rhyme and reason so all of it....down to the nth. detail -- of that I am certain. 

    Each day is therefore somewhat of an adventure for me --- ups and downs, wins and losses --- I'm ok with it all --- but I can't begin to tell you how long it took to be ok. 

    I wish you enough.

    Hugs, Jackie

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    Chabba That is so cool about your Mom!! What a tremendous experience for you!

    Jackie Fortunately for me, computers and software are my business since the late 70's. And what a change the whole thing has undergone since then. I am all my friends' tech support person. They have a virus, they call me. I have never had any issues with Facebook because I do not play the stupid games, send 'gifts' to people, etc. etc. I also do not share personal info. My Facebook (which I have had for years) is simply a way for me to keep up with my friends and family. When I get tired of getting Farmville requests from friends who play the stupid games, I simply block my view of them from my person feed. I can always check up on important stuff from them by checking their profile from time to time.

    All in all, if used properly, Facebook is a very nice social networking tool for those who understand security on the internet.

    I know also about the ups and downs and I, too, have no idea how long it takes. I'm not there yet.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2010

    Ladies, I decided to delete the post of the "Yeti head and hand". While it is sort of a normal thing to me bec Iknow so much of hte history and can look past the photo, it really is shocking to look at and i just did not want to freak anyone out in the wrong way. This is a holy relic and believed to bestow many blessings. Let's hope some are headed our way!! And Jackie, i do think you are right about Facebook-I am getting requests for 'friends' from people I have never met all across the world. And advertisments and all kinds of things are popping up. I love the format and the ability to share my life when so much seems out of control, but though I am firewalled to the max, I am cautious. Plus it is really addicitve!! Good Grief-so mixed feelings but right now in the 'rush' of seeing photos from friends and learning things that I cannot keep up with. We'll see. If Tim sends me photos of the Puja, (blessing ceremony for us on BC-all anonyous except for me) I will post pix on our site if they are really good. I just thankTim so much  for doing this for me and want to share. Very tired tonight-awful asthma stuff going around and everyone has lung infections and i am coming down with it too. AND, i have upper endoscopy scheduled for Tuesday with close friends taking me. It will help as I am having awful reflux at night and horrible pain under my 'cancer breast' in my stomach. I started vomiting blood so my doc is freaking out and me too i think-errrgh-trying not to think about it. Love you all very much, SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2010

    SV, thanks for the glimpse - It was meant to be what it was; I'm glad to have been touched by the relic.  What interesting stories you and Chabba have to tell.  Everest! Wow. SV thank your friend for carrying our prayers.

    Every day someone here gives a glimpse of themselves - I'm in awe of you all.

    And Barb - my tech skills peaked at the wheel, so kudos on your abilities!  

    SV, good luck Tuesday.  Don't bail out on it. 

    Take care all, but seize the day.