Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you.  I am thankful to be "older".....odd how cancer makes you look at things in a different light.  We are not celebrating today, but I am doing what I wanted to do which means pretty much nothing other than baking things to take to my Dad's house for when we have our feast on Saturday.  I made bread pudding and pumpkin pie last night and think I am going to try this cranberry swirl cheesecake that was on the cover of CookingLIght this month, but I am not going to bother with the light version so got normal creamcheese and sour cream for the recipe.  Sounds like we are going to have a dessert buffet, but I figure I can always give the neighbors what we don't eat.  On this day of thanks, I want to also add that I am thankful for having met all you ladies. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving girls !!!!!! Hope you have a great day with those closest to you!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Isabella, I am sorry your post disappeared. I look forward to reading about life in the English countryside. Alyson, thinking of you. Rae, the empty nest will seem REALLY empty at times. Hugs for you! LC, there is nothing like hot water, I'm with you! Marybe, can't wait to see you next Friday!

    I cheated and got a honey-baked turkey breast dinner so all I have to do is heat and serve DH.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

      Barb, you lazy butt, you.  I hope you know, I am going to put you to work in the kitchen when we are at the Outer are appointed sous chef. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Marybe....that was so funny what you said to Barb....!!!  Ha!  But you better be nice, if you really want her to cook for you!  Wink  Now if I was there, we would pick up lots of fast & easy stuff, or go to the nearest restaurant & let THEM do the cooking!  Oh wait!  I would make you all Spam & eggs, with homemade bisquits & gravy!    My favorite! 

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

      Chevy, Wish you could be with us....maybe next time.  Barb knows I am just teasing with not sure what will be going on in the kitchen, but am sure we won't starve.  One thing I am really thankful for is the fact I am able to taste everything again...sort of a mixed blessing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010

    "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is
    the true measure of our thanksgiving."

    -- W. T. Purkiser

    Happy Thanksgiving from my house in the woods to yours. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    CB and Marybe, it might surprise you to know I really can cook. And I like doing it. MB, I will bring a couple pomegranates. They are in season now and are gorgeous and huge!

    Jackie, I love that saying and it is so very true!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.   Hugs and Blessings, Nancy

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving to you wonderful ladies!

    I love this quote by Charles Dickens so I posted it on my blog:

    "Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.”

    You can see it here!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh 3jays, take time to pamper yourself-you so deserve it as do all of us!! I am stuffed beyond-like to my eyeballs and now have the turkey ZZZZZZ's going on so short post. We have been celebrating since Tuesday! Sorry I have not read everyone's posts today and I know I am so far behind on 'stuff'.' My printer is out of ink and I cannot print posts to remind myself of all going on and my brain is too fried to remember anything. I do feel really bad. You ALL mean so much to me and I want to spend time reading everyones posts. I hope all had the BEST Thanksgiving possible-given all of our stages of recovery (or not) and that each and every one of you was granted some peace and serenity today. And for those not celebrating the USA holiday, that you all had a blessed day-not just today but every day!! My prayers all day have been; 1) that cancer is eradicated in our time; 2) that none of our loved one's get it and; 3) that a cure is found for all of us. Lord, we need a miracle!! I love you all very much and TRULY could not have made it thru this past year without each and every one of you.When I think about my journey this time last year, I was just recovering from surgery (wounds were infected and the pain ungodly and worst of all, I had no hope). Today, I pigged out again, and am putting up the Christmas tree for the first time in two years. And I am just so thrilled that I am healthy enuf to do it this year; that I got and gave tons of phone calls to people I love; and that, that I am now one year in remission and despite getting this horrible disease, I have met the most wonderful women ever on this thread AND, STEP BACK FROM THE COMPUTER CAUSE I AM SHOUTING IN CAPS-THAT WE ARE HAVING OUR FIRST REUNION DEC 3. There is still room I think-Love and thanks to Barb for putting this all together and I am over the moon about it. I wish I could microwave my sisters from the UK (Isabella) and from down under (Alyson, Chrissy, Rae, et al) to the Outer Banks for the extravaganza!! Someone has to have some free flying miles!! Happy Turkey Day to all in the USA (and sharing it with everyone) and here's praying that we are still having our annual reunions when we hit 90 years old and we are ALL driving "Hoverrounds" up and down the beach or wheever we might find ourselves-just so we find each other!! I am just finishing some pecan pie-yum and stuffing the last bits of warm, cranberry/nut bread into my mouth!! AND, I just found our Moravian Star for Xmas. We get them from the Moravian community outside of Winston where my cousin lives. We have not put it up and lit it since my Mom passed-it was her favorite decoration and the centerpiece of her Xmas decor every year for decades. The house is not the same without it. Maybe this year, but might be too much for Dad to endure-so we'll see. Biggest, warmest hugs and smooches to all, (((heart)))) SV

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    SV - great to hear you have had an enjoyable day.  I have been SO hungry all day thinking about you ladies stuffing yourselves sillyYell  I so enjoyed your HT cart story - have been giggling about it on and off ever since I read it!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    hello my sistas/friends

    i dont know where to begin but first Happy Thanksgiving.prayin still daily for a cure

    as usual there is always a mixed bag of crap on ere,surgery,pain,sv riding like a maniac.9i told you it was fun)

    the wedding was a wonderful day ill learn how to in pa playin the great granny (GG) role.lovin every moment except im water in the house for 2 days.something with a pipe.ha.the woods of sciatica is killin me.went to chiro 2x already,dont know if or when ill ever get home...mentally im sooo grateful. 2 of my grand kids were in very bad accidents this year,my great grandson at 6 wks.ol in march had surgery,my granddaughter gave birth emergency c section 6 wks.before. her husbands grandmother died the day before the baby was born.and of course im dx.w/this monster.andim still very thankful God saved my grandkids,we had Thanksgiving,had a wonderful wedding,no fighting.ha. And i have my wonderful sistas all over the world cheering me on.every step of the way.I hope each and every one of you have a blessed Thanksgiving.yes we will win this fight.i have soooo much catchin up to do and my back is killin me...I luv ya..all of ya...hope you did good Alyson.prayin extra for you. 

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2010

    BarbaraA:  Waiting to hear the story about TSA and your "gorgeous" pomegranates....

    Hope everyone had a Thanksgiving with great food for the body and love, kindness, laughter, and peace for the soul.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    OMG, next weekend we will be posting pix of the first reunion!! I am too excited to sleep!! OK all that are coming-just so you all know, I am an old fat lady now-not the Heidi Klum I used to be!! You all just missed it-I woke up one morning and sha-zaaammmm! My body drooped over the side of the bed. Well, it had a very good run in its day!! Love and prayers to all, and there is still room-we need some last minute, jump on the wagon kind of gals to get here along with the rest. Wow, the first reunion-now how totally cool is THAT!!! weather right now is awful so plans are being made to accomodate all weather conditions on the turn of a dime and all physical conditions. I want everyone one here but know that you will be pampered to death adn you may not be used to it. And we ain't cooking in no stinking kitchen-except to have coffees and all of the wonderful fingerfood. But sampling Outer Banks cuisine (fresh fish, shrimp and crab) is the order fo the day!!! And served by young hardbodies here at the beach-teehee!! I am just over the moon and we are having the most gorgeous harvest moon here past few nights-it is huge and amber in color. love to all and cannot wait for everyone to see the beginning of the new art show I (and David) am putting together-gorgeous pieces but not enough of them framed yet. I am working with framer here and in VA. I will likely show at Morales Gallery or Glen Ure Gallery with a big catered event-I have been out of the art scene for two years wich is like dog years in art form!! I need a manager!!! The centerepiece picture is over 4 feet by 3 feet...and is a picture of Bodie Lighthouse which we will see when all get here.

    A good friend in VA put this photo I shot of Bodie Lighthouse into a window frame. He gets a lot of unusual frames from old houses and auctions, etc. It weighs a lot but I am so thrill as this is the larget piece I have done.

    These are my favorite little beach birdies!!

    These be "Corolla Wild Horses" out for a morning walk on the beach on canvas.

    And this be Kitty Hawk Pier on canvas before it was destroyed by hurricane Isabella!! You gals from the UK!! Ok, done showing off I think. So much stuff goes into a show so it will be awhile. I am woring on ad campaign, etc. It is a breakout for me since cancer diagnosis. And oh Lordy, i am being such a board hog.-not bored hog but board hog as in taking megaspace-sorry! I am just excited! Blessings to all and start working on Santy Claus to get the presents you actually want!!! Think extravagant bling! XXOOO, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Evening all...I am going to attempt another post tonight. Have lost 2 this week, then the 'phone line went down on Wednesday night. Strange because there is no wind, but a few other isolated houses in the area were out. I HAD to use my mobile 'phone. I was panicked, as I don't know how !! It was laid completely flat in a drawer, when I eventually found it. I messed around for ages to even switch the thing on...thank the lord G/son arrived and put me right. I made 1 call to the telephone company. They told me they would fix it next day, OR it would be next Tuesday when I'd be back on line. They eventually had my line back on late this was an awful 2 days. I don't know how I would live without my pc now....I had nearly 100 emails stacked up.

    We have a very slight covering of snow... I was hoping for more. I like to get snowed in. It was so cold my tractor would not start this afternoon. I need a new battery, but am too idle to get one when the weather is OK. I always do it, year after year, as soon as it turns frosty I can't get my tractor up and running....I never learn ! G/son managed to feed all cows without tractor, he will bring me a new battery in tomorrow night, when he comes home from work. I don't want to venture out....I love the feeling of isolation when no-ones here, and its snowing....always have plenty in my pantry, and freezers, so barring medical mishaps I can last a couple of weeks, at least.

    G/son has been staying with me most of this week. He has a bit of a cold, so doesn't bother to go on home, another 7 miles on, when he gets in from work. He always has his tea with me anyway, so he just might as well stay here ...I have a big problem here, he wants his G/friend to come and stay as well. She is away this week, but he 'thought it would be OK for her to come and stay with him'. I think the world of her, but I just can't have them here sleeping together. OK OK I know I might be considered old fashioned, but they're only 18 and 17, and I don't want it here....even tho' DD allows it all the time at her house. Any views anyone?? Am I showing my age ?? I really do not want to upset G/son, I just don't want them staying together here. I feel like a very old dinosaur, and feel I am rejecting G/friend, but I'm not. G/friend has been off and had the 6 month contraceptive implant, but STILL I don't feel easy.

    DD allowed her eldest son to have his 14 year old G/friend stay overnight, and go on holiday with them 2/3 years ago. This is totally against the law here, but then WHEN did my DD ever consider the law !!

    I have bought some ex-battery hens, just over 500 0f them.... I hate hens !!! But then I have a very good sale for free range eggs, and can't turn this away. These hens would have been chicken soup by now if I hadn't heard about them. It is quite disgraceful the way poultry farmers treat battery hens, These are not yet a year old, yet they are off to the factory without a second thought. Hens will go about 3/4 years producing plenty of eggs, but just not quite as many each year, so they don't make the grade, they are killed. I think I have bitten off a lump of trouble tho' They have no idea at all how to lay eggs in nests, as is natural, they just lay anywhere. This teatime I picked up an extra 340 eggs from all over the hen house floor. What a job.... I was swearing at them by the time all eggs were gathered ! It will take them about a month before they start and slowly change their behavior. I can't let them out either because they can't walk too well, having been confined to cages...but that comes back fairly quickly, by Christmas I shall be able to let them out to run free. My back will be well and truly done in by then !! I started using a garden rake today. Just standing in one place and raking all eggs around me towards my feet, so saved a little on the bending. I shalln't moan quite so much tomorrow morning when I sell all the eggs !!! I usually open my gates 11-1pm Saturday lunchtime, otherwise I would get nothing done, breaking off at all hours every day, for people to just roll up at will.

    I can't believe its so close to Christmas. I am on the internet tomorrow night, and will buy everyone pj's and dressing gowns. Predictable, but I have the excuse I can't walk round the shops nowadays....I used to love the Christmas shopping crowds, the Salvation Army singing carols, and pushing and shoving in the stores....but no more of that for me.

    Right its a nice warm shower, and bed for me. I am exhausted today. I shall get to bed and not be able to sleep !!


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Isabella,   I love reading your posts and for sure want to come and visit you one of these days.  I have enough frequent flyer miles to do it and am always thinking I better use them before they come out with a statement that due to rising costs of fuel the airlines will no longer accept miles or some crap like that.  What are "battery" hens?   You are such a kindhearted person buying up animals no one else would is that ram doing?  Behaving himself?  I think warm PJs sound like a wonderful gift....especially if it is damp and cold, or is that just a bad portrayal of jolly old England?  I don't think I would go along with the grandson having the girlfriend stay with him either....I would just tell him how you feel, tell him you like her, but are just old fashioned about things like that.  Do you have enough rooms that she could sleep in another room?  A few years ago my niece came to visit with her boyfriend and they stayed at my house....they were already living together and she was 23, but I still was not too wild about the idea and was thinking things like God, I hope they aren't "doing it" in my guest room.  But they both were pretty worn out by the trip so I think were actually sleeping.  When I was that age, we weren't so open about things and never in a hundred million years would my parents allow a boyfriend to sleep over or take one on a trip with us.  Now my good friend, who wants to be a pal as well as a mother to her son, allows his girlfriend to stay over all the time...her philosophy is that the girl is on the pill, she knows they are having sex, she thinks they really love each other and at least she knows where they are.  And these kids are just 18.  It's your house so it's your call.

    SV,  No cooking!!! I was actually looking forward to it, but at least if finger foods and appetizers are acceptable, I will make this great salsa recipe I have because Barb said she is bring the pomegranates and that is a key ingredient.  I hate to tell you this, but I am allergic to shellfish (thus the reason for my being allergic to CT scan dye), however I love fish....just can't have shell fish,softshelled......can do hard shell, like oysters, but no crab, lobster,shrimp.  Your pictures are wonderful and i can't wait to see them up close.  Are we going to get to meet David and some of your friends?  It will be such a good time.

        I called my onco's office today to get the results of my CA27/29....up to 1,098 now.  They were 850 the end of Oct.  The nurse says to me so the chemo you are doing is not working and I said well I was already pretty sure about that and almost asked Why do it today? when I was in there Wed., but my onco had not changed the order and does seem to think it is keeping the bone mets under control even though when I run info by the onco at MDA, he said it wasn't working or the liver tumor would not have increased in size.  So she then said I am sure Dr.Cody will discuss all this with you and she looked at my chart and said he was writing, but then seemed to stop in midscript and i said Oh that was probably when we were talking about chemoembolization and I asked him how I could do it if I am allergic to contrast and he looks at me and blinks and says, But we used contrast with your scans and I said Not the last three times because the prednisone and benadryl did not keep me from getting hives and the tech said well, you won't be getting any more of this.  So then he says he will have to confer with the radiologist again and maybe we would do ablation if they can't do the embolization without dye and I said, BUT you said they didn't recommend ablation because of the tumor location and it would mean going through my lung.  Another pause.  So to make a long story short, I don't know what we are going to do and obviously he doesn't either.  I told the nurse I am not so sure I even want to do any of these procedures and think I would prefer trying another chemo like Gemzar.  She said well, there are a lot of patients on it who are doing well on it with minimal SEs and then I said or maybe xeloda.  And she asked me how do you know about all these treatments? and I asked You want to know how I know about them for real?  Because I am on the BC message boards all the time and even though Dr.Cody doesn't like them, I get most of my information from there.  And I added I am meeting up with a group of these women next week at the Outer Banks and I have already met two when I was in Florida and another when I was in MO this summer. She said I think that is wonderful and it is so good to be proactive and learn all I can.  So ladies, thank you one and all for supporting me and sharing info about treatments with me.  My onco doesn't like it, but that's ok, he isn't wild about the fact I went to MDA either and for sure would not like me still emailing back and forth all the time with the onco I saw there.  That onco does not feel embolization is worth it since I have mets in other areas.  So we shall see.  Oddly enough, I am not really too worried about this.  She did tell me the blood test I requested to check liver function shows that my liver is still working just fine so that is a good thing.  This whole thing always seems so unreal to me since I always look and feel good. 

    Granny,  So glad you survived the wedding and do so  hope I am going to get to meet you. I think you need a little R&R.

    I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.  I forget that it's just an American tradition until I see posts like Raeinez.....the stuffing is the best part of it....I always make the traditional like my grandmother made, just the sage, celery and oysters or chestnuts for me.  But this Thanksgiving I did nothing except bake....did bread pudding, pumpkin pie and a cranberry swirl cheese cake and was on the computer almost all day doing a stupid basic life support review and exam.....on Monday I have to do the skills part at a firestation that is offering it.  Why a hygienist has to learn all this is beyond me....I suppose it could come in handy, but  I have never ever had a patient so much as faint.  However, I will be prepared to save anyone who falls off a wild horse and lands in the ocean on our trip!!  I hauled my desserts to Portsmouth with me today and tomorrow my husband is coming with two of the dogs (I brought one with me) and I will fix a turkey and the trimmings.  I just didn't want to make the trip on Thurs and my father had friends he could spend it with.  So tomorrow after the big OSU Michigan game, we will be eating. Maybe we will be able to find some people to come eat with us....but they would have to be close friends becasue I don't feel like cleaning up the house for anyone.  I hope to stick the bird in the oven and go to a movie with a friend since I am not into sports.  I am also not into joining the crowds for shopping on Black Friday so avoided that today.  Some of the stores were opening at 4AM!! 

    Good night, ladies.  Am going to close for now or I will be rambling as I usually do and taking up the entire page.  Thank you, thank you all for being here.      Marybe

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    wow! i was busy shopping for black friday, and doinf ANOTHER thanksgiving today, and you ladies have been burning up the inrenet with your posts.. 1st things 1st ..and its food, now that i can taste some of it again>>MARYBE.. i adore bread pudding! it was my one treat in chemo, i could eat that, and malted waffles, but only the 1st day of a set..weird, huh? i didn't gain a lb. and they blamed my sugar being high on the tx and benadryl, and i dint correct them, either..

         i can't believe it ( well, yes, i can ) we've had just the slightest spot of cool weather here, not cold, just cool.. and i've come up with another infection. will have it cultured mon., so just have to live with it till then

       im soooo jealous of you ladies going to the outer banks, but this is not the year for me, for sure! nextyear, look out!please, take lots of pictures.. look who im talking to, SV and Barbaraa. of course, they'll be pictures! SV if you come to Hollywood, i have a hoverround here to use. my truck died, so i can't take it outside the community. it really gets around!! there was a time i had to use it full time, thank God, i don't now. am praying for a van, but it will come, im sure, if and when i need to use it again..

         marybe, i can't do shellfish either, and scans are always a problem. they use gattalitiam in me, not IVP had seizures, yrs ago, never touch the stuff!

        isabella, i so love hearing your life stories. i've had the same delemia(sp?) with my boys for yrs... i let the GF sleep on the couch, boys in their rooms, but didn't worry about the "back and forth" of it, or lack, thereof... they usually were on the couch, curled up, fully clothed in the morn, and that was good enough for me. my mom was WAY stricter than i was, but i just snuck around, anyway. they'll figure it out, and anyway, i think Nanas' or Grandmas' are SUPPOSSED to be more strict than moms, the kids expect it... your G son seems like he's a sweetheart, helping with you, staying for tea.. he's a keeper, for sure. don't know, but if she's with him, i hope she's as nice. you deserve the loving attention, as oppossed to what your last little bit was...

        good to hear we all survived thanksgiving. its' thanksgiving here on BCO every day, for all of us, as far as I'm concerned. thank you all dear ladies for taking me into your lives, and hearts.....  ok, im done... 3jays 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Dear Family & Friends,

    I know that you were eager to accept our family's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner when you found out that the famous Martha Stewart would be joining us. However, due to scheduling conflicts beyond her control, Ms. Stewart finds that she is unable to grace our table this year. With that in mind, there will be a few minor changes regarding the meal and decor, as outlined below. Please be aware of them, and adjust your appetite and dress appropriately. Thank you

    1) Our driveway will not be lined with homemade, paper bag luminaries. After several trial runs and two visits from the fire department, it was decided that, no matter how cleverly done, rows of flaming lunch sacks do not have the desired welcoming effect.

    2) Once inside, please note that the entry space will not be decorated with swags of Indian corn and fall foliage. Instead, we included our dog in decorating by having him track in colorful autumn leaves from the back yard. The mud was his idea.

    3) The dining table will not be covered with expensive linens, fancy china, or crystal goblets. If possible, we will use dishes that match and everyone will get a fork. Since this is Thanksgiving, we will refrain from using the paper SpongeBob dinner plates, the leftover Halloween napkins, and our plastic cup collection.

    4) Our centerpiece will not be a tower of fresh fruit and flowers. Instead we will be proudly displaying a hedgehog-like decoration hand-crafted from the finest construction paper and pine cones. The artist assures me it is a turkey, albeit one without wings, legs, or a beak.

    5) We will be dining somewhat later than planned. However, our daughter will entertain you while you wait. I'm sure she will be happy to share every choice comment her mother made regarding Thanksgiving, pilgrims, stuffing choices, the turkey hotline, and, especially, her husband. Please remember that most of these comments were made at 7:00AM upon discovering that said husband had only remembered to pull the turkey from the freezer at 6:00 AM, and that the thing was still hard enough to cut diamonds.

    6) As an accompaniment to our daughter's recital of these events, I will play a recording of Native American tribal drumming. Curiously, the tribal drumming sounds a great deal like a frozen turkey in a clothes dryer, but that only enhances the holiday appropriateness. If our daughter should mention that we don't own a recording of Native American tribal drumming, ignore her. She's only nine; what does she know?

    7) A dainty silver bell will not be rung to announce the start of our feast. We have chosen to keep our traditional method of assembling when the smoke alarm goes off.

    8) There will be no formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like. In the spirit of harmony, we will ask all the children to sit at a separate table. In a separate room. Next door. And I would like to take this opportunity to remind our younger diners that "passing the rolls" is neither a football play nor an excuse to bean your cousin in the head with bread.

    9) The turkey will not be carved at the table. I know you have seen the Norman Rockwell image of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. Such a scene may occur somewhere in America , but it won't be happening at our dinner table. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in the kitchen at a private ceremony. I stres s "private", meaning Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children, or older, helpful grandparents into the kitchen to check on my progress. I have a very large, very sharp knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win the battle. When I do, we will eat.

    10) For the duration of the meal, we will refer to the gravy by its lesser-known name: Kraft Cheese Sauce. If a young diner questions you regarding the origins or makeup of the Kraft Cheese Sauce, smile kindly and say that you know the answer, but it's a secret that can't be revealed to them until they are 18.

    11) Instead of offering a choice among 12 different scrumptious desserts, we will be serving the traditional pumpkin pie, garnished with whipped cream and dog tongue marks. You still have a choice: take it or leave it.

    That concludes our list of alterations. Again, I apologize that Martha will not be joining us this year.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Chevyboy: thanks for that post which has me chuckling out loud. 

    It sounds as if we all enjoyed Thanksgiving in different ways. I had a sumptuous feast cooked by the chefs at a restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But we were together with our younger daughter and my hubby's sister so that made it special.

    Hoping that all of you enjoy this weekend, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving now, or not.  I always find Thanksgiving the best of holidays because it is about family and being together and being thankful for all that we have.  So I am grateful that I was with (most of) my family and that I have my friends on this board. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,443
    edited November 2010


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    SV, I have a magnet on my frig that says

    "Martha Stewart Doesn't Live Here

    and that is a good thing"

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010
    Lisa, if you posted that on facebook, I'd click on "like."
    I am afraid that Martha Stewart never lived here, but I do the best I can.  :-)
  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2010

    All you ladies going to the Outer Banks, have a terrific time!  How could you not?  Will be thinking of you all leaping into the hot tub and gorging yourselves on Marybe's cuisine!

    Let us know all the gory details when you return!

    Hope everyone out there had a wonderful Thanksgiving,


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    SV says no cooking so maybe Barb and I will just be making appetizers, drinks and coffee.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    I'm for the appetizers and drinks part.

    OK, serious business here gals: I uploaded some pix my friend took of some formal/elegant dresses. I have to do one formal and 1-2 elegant ones. I named the dresses d1, d2, etc. So if you have time, go look at them and PM me the ones you think I should get. I CANNOT make up my stupid mind!.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Oh crap, I did not notice the D1, D2, etc, but will give my opinion in the order I looked at them...1 is Ok, but not what I would consider formal.  2 which I think is also shown again is too matonly looking and it is probably really a nice dress, but I just think the jacket is over the top...however, it is very flattering in the waist...can you get just the dress without that jacket?  I think it is shown again later on   #3...I myself don't like the circles and in the back it isn't real flattering.  You have a good shape, but the way it fits make you look like you have some rolls.  #5, no because of the way the staps cut in, but I did like the back of it. is elegant, yet the colors are fun and great for a cruise.  #8...also a is very flattering and since you have blue eyes you can play them up.'s that one with the jacket again, right?  I just don't like the looks like it is too big for you...beautiful, but I just don't like it on  you.  11&12....again that one I didn't like too much and I think it is because of the way the straps cut in.  I am not a fashion consultant and probably tend to be a bit conservative in my own choice of clothes, but this is my opinion.  I really liked those two long ones best.  Wish I could wear dresses like that, but I need to cover up my arms. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

     Barbara...I vote for the light blue one with the jacket..

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Of course there can be tons of cooking-but WHY?? I want to spoil everyone!! Got ahold of the horsback riding people today down in Frisco-well left a message anyway-seems noone over 220 pounds is allowed to ride a horse-huh? That is what they are for isn't it? I haven't gotten a return call so don't know prices yet.(((MB)))). And I ain't waiting around for no cooking-I want to go out and be served food by young hardbodies!! And allergic to shellfish-good grief-well there's plenty of other fishes!! YUM! CB, you crack me up! XXOO, SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2010

    Hi all

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

    I spent two days in hospital and am slowly feeling a little better. Eating is a real issue, only can have 'runny puree' but actually don't feel much like food. DH and sister are at Church (its Sunday here) so have been watching some TV. Once DH gets home will have a shower and get dressed.

    Do any of you that are meeting up have skype? Would love to chat.

    Raeinz  DD1 sang in the Messiah in Tauranga last night.

    Must go back and rest
