Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Barb!  I like the black outfit, and the blue/white one!  Very pretty!  You could wear 9" black high stillettos with the black, & maybe  some cute blue/white sandal/straps with the other one! 

    I went out & bought some Jimmy Dean bulk sausage to make gravy with, & some frozen bisquits from Walmart....So we are having THAT in the morning!  If that makes you gals hungry, just holler.   Also the best "snack" in the world is.....Pickled jalapeno peppers, sliced in half, seeds removed, then stuffed with crunchy peanut butter!   Sam Arnold of the world famous "Fort" near Morrison here, served them as his specialty, to his special friends.  He helped write the Coors cook-book, and we served TONS of them at the book premier!  You will love them! 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    SV, I love the photos

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    I took this when I was in treatment

    and I felt so alone..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010
    I know Lisa....but you will never be alone again....we love you! xoxoxoxo
  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Lost my post I guess.  Was there a blue one with a jacket, I missed it.  Chevy for a sec after I read your post I thought you were making biscuits and gravy FOR US and thought Oh wow, she's going to come.  Hope you are up to snuff soon Alyson. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Lisa thanks so much and never alone again!! And Barb-Ok, what is the -ta-do for on the dresses. now if you really want to wow-I say the black dress with hair up and sparky earrings-not too much cause of the collar or shoulder decor-OR I love the blue and white one-i think it has the short jacket?? I will go back and look again to get the numbers. And we are not helping you cause we are all giving you two choices-teehee-and my suggestion comes from me-a woman who has been in denims all year and hasn't worn a dress in a decade nor heels in 3 decades!! OK, here is the link for the horsey site if we want to go riding on the beach-it is $80.000 winter rates for a four hour ride-but conditions have to be good-like weather and stuff so all are comfortable. They mount all riders from a mounting block so we don't have to drag our butts up a saddle-but do need some arm strength to reign in case of emergency-other than that, walk on the beach or more if you prefer.

    It will be equine adventures in Frisco. They do a 1pm ride and likely would only take our group on the trip cause we are special!! JUST IN CASE anyone wants to go-just an idea, we don't have to do this and can find plenty to do-but PM me or FB me so I can make reservations, I am thinking Dec 5 which is a Sunday (I think). let me know ASAP. or some can ride and others can take the car and ferry to Ocracoke or explore Frisco which is awesome-it is the Native American center of the OBX so lots of arts and crafts and museams. Nothing fancy but fun! XXOO, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Well, you sure can't stay away from this thread for long without a LOT to catch up on!  Glad everybody's Thanksgiving went well.  Our son and DIL had ours at their house--they cooked no doubt the best turkey I've ever had, also a roast and lots of sides, and DD and I also made things and took.  Brought plenty of leftovers as well as our 18 month old GS home with us, and he spent the night and most of Friday with us while his parents went shopping,, so that was good too.  Daughter and I went shopping today--I absolutely hate to shop but at least I made a dent. 

    Barbara-- My favorite of all the dresses is the long blue/white one.  It looks so good on you! And I also like the long one with orange on it.  

    Alyson-- so gladyour surgery's over and you're at home getting waited on.  Sounds like you're doing great.

    GrannyD-- glad the wedding and your Thanksgiving went well.  Now you need some running water, and they have that at the Outer Banks!  Hope you can go.  I know a lot of us are looking forward to the pictures that will be posted next weekend!

    ChevyBoy-- Love the Martha Stewart post.  That's hysterical!

    SV-- Pictures are wonderful as always.  I especially like the wild horses strolling on the beach. It's wonderful to hear how upbeat you sound lately, and how excited you're getting about this reunion. I'm excited for all of you, and I envy everybody who's going.  I'd be there myself if my presence weren't required at GS's baptism.  

    And Marybe, it sounds like this trip is just what you need---I'm glad you're getting to go, and will enjoy the heck out of it!

    That's it for now, folks--Love to all, Kathy

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2010

    Ladies, hope you all have a great time at the Outer Banks. I have been there on vacation with DP and it is a great choice!  However, is this a females only gathering?  What are you doing with your DHs?  Are they ok with your taking off without them?  Just curious.  I have been with my DP for almost 50 years and we do not do seperate things.  I never hear the men mentioned in the posts so I guess it is just going to be a "girl" thing.  Just wondering.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Barbara ...I vote for # 1 and # 5. ....and send # 7 over to me to shorten !!!!!! Smile

    Alyson, good to see you up, and over your op...take care.

    Marybe. Battery hens are hens that live their very short lives shut in cages (battery cages) They stuff 5 or 6 in each cage, and ply them with food water, and heat. Their sole purpose is to lay eggs, then to be made into chicken soup or some such thing, usually before they are even 1 year old. This system is totaly cruel, they never see the light of day, and often come out of the cages with feet permanently curled up, because they are shuffling around on wire mesh. This system is changing next year. I was whooping it up, thinking it would all be finished with, but, no, they're just making larger cages, and stuffing 20 of the unfortunate creatures in now. This is our legalised factory farming, and it stinks, really stinks. I do not particularly like hens, but they are living creatures, and should be treated properly. When I was at college I failed my poultry exams. I was just not interested enough. The college had 3 monster sheds full of battery hens, and I could never level with it. On the day of the exam I had to kill a chicken, and I refused point blank. WHY kill to pass an exam? so I failed !!!! I have never ever killed a chicken to this day. My hens were DHs baby, he liked hens, so I sort of took them over....could do without the extra work really, and the smell from hens en masse isn't nice, so my shower does overtime. All my hens run free outside, apart from right now where we have 3 " of snow, and I am not letting the damned things out in this lot !  The water was frozen solid this morning...I was not happy.

    We have snow and ice. It is forecast to last another week, at least. My car will not travel at all on the roads, it just locks and skids. Traction control is useless, the tyres are so wide. I will have to take the 4WD out to do the rest of my shopping, and I hate 4WDs. I don't like being high up when driving, and I have trouble getting in and out of the thing. Every time I take it out I say I will get myself a step fitted, for easy getting in and out, but I never do ! If my back is particularly bad I take a wooden wine box, on a short rope...step up onto it as I get into the vehicle, then pull the box up with the rope. I try and do it where no-one can laugh at me !! I am getting dafter with age !

    MIL has come out of hospital 3 days ago, and they have whipped her into an old folks home. Not one of the family is prepared to help her properly, they say she just couldn't manage. She was not in her own home 24 hours before she was off,. Her crime ?? she "didn't go to bed, and was in her sitting room all night" If they knew her properly they'd know she very often slept on her sitting room couch, especially when it was snowy outside. She'd just go get a blanket, and sleep in the warm sitting crime in that. I went to see her this afternoon, she was shell shocked. OK she IS 92, but she's back on her feet (with a Zimmer) and just could not understand why she'd ended up in an old folks home so suddenly. I have said I will go and fetch her for her tea one day this week, but then on reflection, had better ask DH if they want her to come out . I don't want to make the situation worse by shifting her yet again before she is settled in. Actually I don't think she will ever settle in, she likes her own company. and she's sat in the typical circle of old folks. There were 21 sat in the room she was in, TV going full blast in the corner, hard to hear yourself speak, she looked like a hunted animal. I came away almost in tears, and I can do nothing for her as its no longer my business....but I will go get her out for tea when I can....just another job I could do without !! I just wish this end on her 2 daughters. I probably won't see it, but if I did I would laugh at them both.

    Right ....nice warm bed is calling me. It is snowing heavens high again, and it froze all evening , so walking will be treacherous in the morning. Everywhere looks lovely, but its too icy for my liking.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Isabella: Thanks for the education about battery hens.  I am a city gal and my eggs come in a carton.  Well actually almost 10 years ago, I rode through Virginia and saw those factory farms for mass produced eggs. Since that trip to Virigina, I get my eggs from a local organic farm where the chickens scratch in the barn yard and have alot of freedom (as yours do). I figure the way to end factory farming is by not supporting it. And I much prefer things from smaller local farms anyway.  

    Alyson: glad the surgery is over and hope you will have a speedy recovery

    Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend. 


    PS Barbara: I am not one to judge clothing. You are a lovely lady and look good in whatever you wear. 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    Barbara - you're are going on a Caribbean cruise - lots of young people, very go, go, go and fun, fun, fun.  Choose something that is upbeat and makes you feel happy.  I reckon the dresses in Photos 7 (the long orangy coloured flowing one) and 8 ( the blue and white leaf design) are both stunners on you.  The black, gold and the other greeny one dull you down IMHO.  The length of 7 may be a bit annoying on a cruise though, narrow passages, stairs, cramped space between tables in the dining room etc.  1 is nice as a sun dress and you could wear a bolero or a longer length lacy type top over it and then it would be fine for a dinner dress. The blue one is just lovely by itself - fits you like a glove and the colours are just so flattering for you.  Just another thought - I don't wear dresses so I wore black pants and a colourful top to the elegant dinners and wore a black pencil skirt and another more flowy, lacy top to the formal dinner and that was fine. You could wear white pants too with a lovely top and then you have more mix and match options for the rest of the week.  How exciting to be buying lovely things and looking forward to a crusie!!!  I have been on three - 2 Caribbean and one Mediterranean - and had the most incredible time on every one.

    Hi Alyson - glad to hear you are home and feeling well enough to post.  Oh bother, I was going to go to that performance and then I had people come unexpectedly for the weekend so I didn't get to go.  Did your DD study voice at uni?  Does she sing for her career? I bet you are a very proud Mum when ever you hear her perform.  My youngest is off to NZ School of Music Wellington next year to start her classical voice performance studies so maybe one day soon I will see her performing in something like that if she doesn't head off overseas chasing fame and fortune?

    I am getting tired now - 11pm and I am yet to shower.  Have walked 5 miles each day for the last 3 days and I have tennis competition tomorrow so I had better get off this computer Frown

    Take care

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2010

    Don't know if this will copy or not... poor Isabella!

    LONDON — Heavy snow was spreading across much of the United Kingdom on Sunday, with northeast England and eastern Scotland bearing the brunt of a wintry blast.Temperatures were expected to remain below freezing through Sunday morning, with Siberian winds making Monday's cold feel even colder, the BBC reported.Up to 6 inches of snow was expected in parts of Scotland and 4 inches in Northern Ireland.On Saturday, up to 16 inches of snow buried northeast England and Scotland, which the BBC said was the most widespread snow for the date since 1993. Snow also fell across parts of Wales, The Telegraph newspaper reported.

    Snow also blanketed several parts of Europe, including the Netherlands, which experienced its first major snowfall of the season over the weekend 

  • Sade0521
    Sade0521 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2010

    I just found out I have BC.   I am still dazed and not really comprehending what this means.  I have only just been told after a biopsy.   I still need the MRI and a Tx plan.

    I am glad I found this site.  Reading about some of your histories has been helpful.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Hi Rachel....sorry we meet in these circumstaces, but you will get so much information from this site...stick around. There is another thread for 'Just diagnosed' where you will meet others who are new to this, and bewildered, as you are. There is so much to take in.

    Try and take either another pair of ears , or a tape recorder with you, as you are sure to forget what is being said to you, with so much going on in your head. You will have so many questions, and be so scared, but once you get a clear plan you do ease off on the anxiety a little. The ladies on this board really are a mine of information, as there is always someone with almost the same set of stats as you, either just a little infront of you, or much further out than you, who are more than willing to help and advise....and say how they are being treated, so you have something to mull over with your dr. in relation to your own treatment.  Good Luck.

    Pam, thanks for the warning !!!!!! We are frozen here, 5" of snow, lots of ice , and -17 last hasn't got above -5 all day here, its 3.30pm right now. I am just in the house to warm up, my hands are frozen off. I have no water outside, and its just started blizzarding about 15 mins ago..... there goes my Christmas shopping tomorrow ! Gale force winds are expected, from Scandinavia tonight, so goodness knows what I shall wake up to in the morning.  A nice silent white world hehe. Oh, this snow is going really bananas, I'm off back out to finish my jobs, just stacked the logburner right up so won't be -17 in here tonight !! All the animals are shouting at me ( they're saying, why's it so damned cold, and where's my hay and water, get a move on, we're cold  )

    Why can't I just be a little old lady dozing by the fire !!!!!!!!


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Medigal, Yes, it's just a girl some of us on the BC boards have a chance to meet.  I would not take my husband along even if we had discussed bringing spouses.  I do as little with him as possible and the only reason I married was for insurance and believe me sometimes I wonder if it was worth it. Yes, friends BC did change my life!!

    Rachel, Welcome.  You will find a lot of support and good advice on this board.  I get a lot of information from them and often surprise my oncologist with some of my questions...he will ask where did you hear about this?  Where in OH. ? I am in Cincinnati.

    Isabella, why can't you just be a little old lady dozing by the fire?....because it's just not in your nature. 

    SV,  I am not sure about the horseback riding I said once before somewhere, last time I was on a horse was girl scout camp.  If I don't go, is there anyone else I could hang out with? 

    Have you picked out your dresses yet, Barb? 

    Well, better go.  I am decorating the tree at my Dad's today.  Tim has gone back home with the dogs so he won't be asked to help do anything. I would just stay here since I am off on Mondays, but I have to do the hands on part of the basic life support and my appt for that is in the morning.    Marybe

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Alyson ((HUGS)) for you. Glad you are back at home now! Gals, thanks for the votes. I think it's going to be #1 (the orange long one), #2 the blue large pattern long one and the short one with the purple circles on it. Who knows, though? I may go there tomorrow and see another one. I will definitely post pix of me and DH all duded up.

    SV, I'm in for horseback riding. My butt may not be, since it has been 35 years since I got on a horse.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Hi Sade!  Just don't be afraid!  It was just one year ago this month also, that I found out I had...I mean "HAD" breast cancer!  I had the best team, with Surgeon, anesthetist, then Radiologist & now Oncologist!  I was operated on Dec. 4th...I remember how it was all so surreal!  I couldn't believe anyone MY age got breast cancer!  But I know now, that I was one of the very fortunate & lucky ones!

    Yes....Like Isabella says....take notes, ask lots of questions both with your Doctors, & here on this forum!  I have a note-book of all my test results etc. And  just believe in your "team".....If you don't like something, tell them!   

    So don't be afraid....just take one day at a time....get those tests, because that tells them what they are going after.    ((((((hugs)))))

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2010

    raeinnz       DD1 has studyed voice at Auckland and at the RAM. She is the vocal teacher at Auckland university and vocal coach for NZ Youth and Voices NZ. She sings solo with the Opera company and was in Macbeth this year. So yes she is a professional singer. She will be singing in Toronto at the end of January as well as doing some concerts in the UK in December.

    Have just heard they are stopping treatment for our little friend who has Stage 4 neuroblastoma so feel really sad.

    Must get Christmas tree organised and nee to get some more lights, I love lights and even though it is Summer here I still have lots outside. DD1  gave me a new windchime which I must find a home for.

    Hugs to all

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Welcome Sade! We do have funon this thread but we are here for you and will be serious as a heart attack when you need us.I am so sorry that you have the diagnosis. Things move very quickly from that point on and i know that it seems like a whirlwind for me now. Get second opinions and make sure you are comfortable with both your onc and your surgeon-take a tape recorder tomeeting and find out what treatment plan is-make sure you get the pathology report of your tumor-there is so much to learn and so many decisions to make and we are not out of the shock of getting the news!!! Your helath (eat right sleep right) is priority one-vitamins, high protein,stuff that gets you healing-and drink gallons of water a day to get anesthesia out and other things. Do you have good support at home?? Or a group of women friends. Find someone who has been thru this and meet with them to ask questions and get feedback. My prayers are with you. As to our get together MB, we are going to take it a minute at a time and adjust to everyone's health and energy levels. Those take priority as far as I am concerned. Walks on the beach maybe all that many of us can do-or a trip to four wheel country on the beaches. We will assess how everyone feels when all get here is that is ok with everyone. I'd love to horseback ride but that may be out of my health zone-I am down with a stomach virus going round and all I can do right now is sleep and stumble about. So whatever we need to do to care for everyone, make sure this is quality time together and have some fun, we will do it. The most important thing tome is that I get to sit with all of you and just chat, laugh or cry-whatever! Love you all, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Welcome to you, Sade, although I know you'd rather not be here!  This is the place where you can really be yourself, where we will cry with you and also rejoice with you--there's always support here and plenty of sturdy shoulders for you to lean on, if you need them.  Like others have said, it's a whirlwind right now and you're smack in the middle of it.  It's only been 4 months since I got my diagnosis, after years and years of uneventful mammograms, and nothing has ever stopped me in my tracks like this before.  Looking back I cannot believe how much has happened in these 4 months--2 surgeries (lumpectomy with re-excision), countless dr visits, radiation begun and finished, and countless tears and sleepless nights, along with self-pity and anger.  And now, a profound sense of gratefulness that it wasn't worse than it was. 

    Many forums exist here for whatever you're going through at the time, and I urge you to explore them.  I know a lot more than I did before I got on this site, and it was the radiologist who did my biopsy that recommended it to me.   Just remember one thing I had to learn, and that is that much of what  some people post about are complications that may not occur with you.  So, just learn all you can and remember that everything mentioned might not happen in your case.  

    {{{Hugs to you}}}  


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    mandy CAMBRIDGE!!! im from NATICK.. hung out in cambrige square for, oh i dunno over 1/2 my life! cant take the cold anymore..all of our family moved to Marthas' Vineyard, and then Daytona. still miss home tho..but not the cold..     3jays
  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Hi 3jaysmom:

    I'm afraid we were just visiters to Cambridge for Thanksgiving. My younger daughter goes to college there and couldn't get home because she has an exam Monday and two papers this week. So hubby and I drove there for Thanksgiving;  hubby's sister lives in Boston so she was able to join us too. But you are so right about it being cold.  It was in the 20s on Wednesday night.....

    Anyway, I am preparing my house for a demolition right now....I have needed a new bath tub for about a year and finally the job is being done. Only it ended up a new bathtub plus new tiles plus a new floor. So they have to move all of the plumbing out of the bathroom to get the floor down.....supposedly the job will take a week --- until next Monday.  Yikes. My cats will be traumatized so I am arranging one of my daughter's rooms for the cats and hope they do not get spiteful and destroy everything.  I have another bathroom with a stall shower but the house is small and I have no idea how/where they will fit the sink and commode while they do the tile work....I bought painters thick plastic drop cloths for my floors (and to cover the furniture where the cats will be tho I will put some old blankets over the the plastic so it will be cosy).....will report back in a week! 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2010

    Hey there ladies,

    This is my first post on this thread.  I usually go to the 2010 Sisters thread.  I finally found all my beach buddies in one place.  I will turn 61 on Dec 10.  So I should fit right in.  I am so ready for this week to get to Friday!!!!!  

    Have any of you has radiation treatments for bone mets? I have not been tolerating the radiation treatments very well and was wondering if the radiation to the breast/chest wall would be different other than the number of treatments from the radiation to the spine.

    Barbara - love the dress choices you made.   Can't wait to see you Friday.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening.

    Joy and blessing, Amy Jo 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Morning gals!  Kathy, I just wanted to tell you how profound the words were that you wrote!   I mean about being diagnosed, all of your feelings, your re-excision, & most importantly, when you wrote, about your "gratefulness" that yours wasn't any worse.   We are so THANKful & lucky that you & I are where we are today! 

    It's also true Sade, that MOST of us have a few bumps along the way, but when we get to "the other side" of our journey here,  we are somehow more appreciative of little things in our life!   You won't go through all the things you read about...maybe you will come up with new little ones, ha!  But you WILL go through all this...& we will be here to hold you up!  

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Amy,  You got a new hairdo!!  I have had rads for bones mets.....nothing extensive however.  One time for my left sacrum to get rid of pain and it did work and then once again when I was having lower back pain and it worked again....both times I only had the radiation for three weeks and really I have no SEs at all, not even burning, only an allergic reaction to the tape. I have bone mets all over the place, but they only do rads to an area if I am having pain.  Are they giving you anything along with the rads that could be making you sick?  My friend Lee just finished 5 wks and she did very well....only got tired at the very last week, but she didn't even get sick.  Yep, this is where the beach buddies hang out....but you will see soon, most of us are not ready for a trip to the beach, except Barb and she is going to be doing it up right soon with her cruise. 

    Well, gotta go do the cllinical test part of my life saving skills now.....I will be ready to save anyone who has a mishap on this trip....HA, wouldn't bet on it.  Last time I had just taken this class and was on vacation with a boyfriend and he was choking at the table and all I did was pat him on the back....he was able to do the Heimlich on himself fortunately.

    I got most of my Dad's tree put together yesterday so it's beginning to look a little like Xmas there at least.  I don't know about the rest of you, but time goes way too fast for me and I am not going to be ready for the holidays this year.

     Have a good day everyone.  I will check in later.    Marybe 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    Welcome Rachel - you have found a friendly, funny, caring, supportive group of women here.  A terrible time for you right now - shock, fear, panic, worry - all inevitable and acceptable reactions to your diagnosis.  Shock will ease soon, a lot of the fear comes from not knowing - learn as much as you can from doctors and these boards and you will feel more confident when you get information and have to make decisions about your treatment - ask lots of questions until you really understand, panic - accept that it is there and try not to let it consume you and worry, well, I am coming up two years from dx and I still have 'worry' moments but nothing like the first few months of constant stress.  One day at a time is the way to go - the big picture is too much to handle at the moment.  You will feel it is one step forward and  two backward for a while but eventually you will move forward most days. A problem shared is a problem halved so come visit us here - there will always be someone ready to help, answer your questions or just listen - we understand, we care. 

    Hi Amy Jo - we haven't come across eachother in any other threads - glad to 'meet' you.

    BarbaraA - you are going to look a million dollars - can't wait for the pictures of you both dolled up!

    SV and Isabella - you two seem so much alike - 'up and at 'em - Atom Ant', despite bad backs, knees, etc - you ladies ROCK!

    Alyson - your DD1 - wow - now I am really bummed I didn't get to go to the concert!  My DD3 has struggled (and succeeded) academically with dyslexia and uni is going to be a challenge but hopefully her determination to perform and her diligence will get her through.  If she goes into the NZYouth they may even meet sometime.

    Hi everyone else ...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Thanks, Rae!! And you gals will get plenty of OBX gal pal pix from our little getaway this weekend. I leave Wed and have work Thur then I pickup AmyJo around 10 Fri, get Marybe at the airport then GrannyDukes at the train station then off to the beach! I promise: NO PIX OF US in the hottub unless they are headshots!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Aw, rats, Barbara.  We wanted to see those hot tub shots!!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2010

    Marybe - don't worry about the decorations. Christmas seems to happen on its own. I did almost no decorating last year and it turned out to be a very special Christmas without all the decorations.  Christmas is in the heart and sharing it with family and friends.  

    I am so ready for the beach.  Bring warm clothes and rubber shoes if you have them.  Crocs make great beach shoes. 

    I finished rad # 8 today and did not get too sick.  So maybe I will make it through the week without too much trouble this time.  Here's hoping.  I will be going to the beach regardless of how sick I may be. :-)

    Need to order Pizza for supper.  Take care everyone.

    Amy Jo 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Today I found out that DD IS having an affair...I could murder her.

    Her and SIL have had a wild ride all summer, lots of arguments, fights..DD leaving him, and dumping on me twice. Things had been pointing to this for months, but somehow we could never pinpoint it. I had it out with her only 3 weeks ago, she absolutely assured me that no-one else was involved, she had just grown 'out of love ' with SIL, was as far as she would go when I pushed her.  Silly me actually believed her story.

    Last night G/son pitched up here at midnight, he had been on his mothers laptop, gone onto her FB, and found messages galore from another man...lots of explicits and XXXs...what G/son found left no doubt what was going on. He'd then gone onto her email a/c and found a whole lot more. Poor kid, he was shaking like a jelly and so damned upset. Now this puts me in the most difficult position, G/son is looking to me for advice, he rang his older brother from here, he pitched up here as well, and we sat  here talking it over. Older G/son was not as upset as younger one, he was just so MAD., really angry. His G/F arrived a bit later on, and joined in, She was putting 2 and 2 together, from bits she'd seen and heard, and actually knows the man in question . What a mess.

    My SIL is the most lovely man, so damned hardworking, he will go mad when he finds the extent of what is going on. Older G/son said  'My Dad will kill somebody over this'  SIL has been convinced something was going on for about 6 months, and we have all, stupidly as it turns out now, told him not to be so silly. He loves DD to bits, and says all he wants is her back as they were last year (this is not knowing what we all know now) I am afraid when he does find out he will either murder someone or throw himself off a motorway bridge.....he is that sort of guy, he will want revenge in a big way, I think he will throw DD out, he will be so shocked and upset that he will want her gone.... this will mean the breakup of their business, as DD will want a payout, Older G/son lives in one of his mother and fathers houses, and is frightened that he and G/F will become homeless, 

    Turns out DD is always missing thru' the day, I had to lie for her 3 weeks ago, she'd told SIL she was coming to see me most days as I was ill...he was asking questions about where she was getting to. If I had known then I would not have lied for her. This was when I had a big argument with her, and she assured me nothing was going on....she said she just 'wanted time on her own,' so said she was coming here so she could get away...SIL was getting 'obsessive' with her.

    OMG what to do now, so far no-one has an answer. I don't want it to break before Christmas, thus spoiling childrens holiday. Having said that I went and did a shopping 'raid' at Costco, with just about everything I will need to do Christmas should the need arise, filling my freezers to the brim. I was going to DDs for my Christmas lunch....maybe now I will be having to cook for my G/children. I don't suppose the kids will notice my awful cooking !!!!  ( I hardly noticed I was driving my 4WD today I was so mad....its been snowing all day, and I hate this vehicle ) We always make such a big thing of a family Christmas, so I have to keep the kids together at all costs.

    I don't know how long my G/sons will go before one of them blows and gives their mother Hell. I think one wrong word from her, and one of the 3 will just get it off his chest, then SIL will become involved, and..... then ???? I do not think I am in for a peaceful Christmas !! I just want to get hold of DD and give her a hiding, as I feel at the moment....but G/sons and I have decided to try and keep a lid on things if we can, but sometimes DD gets ratty with her boys, and if she pushes 2 of them... well, I don't want to be in that house right then. Emotions are all over the place. I am beyond mad at DD, upset for SIL, Most of all its the children I am bothered about. 3 boys 22, 18 and 14, and a 2 yr old G/daughter. I can't move them out of their home, tho' I don't want them there when all the s**t hits the fan. They have instructions to scoop up little girl, and come over to me should things kick off....I just hope its NOT Christmas Eve or something like that.

    Ya know, if I was the religious type I would be putting a call thru' to the good lord to ask what I had done wrong this year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
