Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2010

    Wow...great pix.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010
  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    Ok!  The photos are outstanding but who can afford to rent a place like this?  I am always looking for places to vacation at but do you have to have a fortune to rent one of these great homes?  What are they?  Private rental homes on the Outer Banks?  Even if you all share in the cost, it has to cost a chunk of money to rent these places?  What's your secret?  There has to be more to this than all these beautiful photos.  Vacation homes like these are usually wayyyyyy out of my budget!  Now you have us all panting, could you at least let us know what it costs to join you at one of these reunions.  After all, we are the folks who have "big" medical bills so what is "your" secret?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Thanks!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Secret is generosity of friends getting/give us good deals.  The more we have come next year the less it will costs everyone.  This year we are taking turns treating each other at different times.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh gals, this is not out of anyone's budget. I have friends here on the Outer Banks who own these kind of rental homes and they rent them to me this year for a really excellent price-I mean like just enough to cover their cost of cleaning after everyone leaves. IT IS AFFORDABLE!! Barb is the $$$$ magician and tour guide-just give her a clipboard and a whistle and a freaking gadget and we are off!! This is us at Currituck Lighthouse at the begining of our exploration today. We did end up finding wild ponies which I am SO excited about-but everyone got a true outback adventure with me driving Moby Dick and NOT sinking it in a lake this time!!

    We need to pack anyone we can in for next year if the Outer Banks is chosen again. Maybe we can set up some kind of fund for folks who are low on money-like we are all broke and we still afforded this and i am tickled pink!! I just could not be more excitied about today-and tomorrow is "shopping day" and time to hit all of the artsy fartsy places. The ladies are wearing me out and I am trying to take a cold shower to wake up so we can go to dinner!! Truly medigal, this is not out of your budget or anyone else's. Barb has the totals for house rental but honestly, Chuck (close friend) rented for his costs, the whole house and as many people as we can pack in which is up to 20 or so-for a week I think. The rest is gasoline, my SUVS (I have 3) and the free vista's of the sandbar that I live on. I just SO take my life for granted and I forget that not everyone is as lucky as I am to live in such a gorgeous place!! Big hugs to all and start planning for next year!! And we only did a small piece of the adventure due to time and how all of use were feeling physically-so there is waaaayyyy most stuff to do! XXOO, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Ok, I am trying to organize a montage and not having luck at it-too tired but-here be one of the princesses of the OBX-Barb and wild horses.

    Gotta Love it!! Here be us on the beach. We drive on the beaches in the winter!

    I think AmyJ would have gotten a suntan-except every part of her was covered in hats and gloves and scarves!! MaryB and Barb were soakingin the rays-teehee! Big hugs, SV

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for sharing some details SV.  Sounds like you have some GREAT and generous friends to make such a beautiful home available to you and your ladies. Have a fantastic time!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2013
    Enjoying the pictures, wanting more of them and wishing I were there.  Enjoy yourselves. 
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited August 2013

    OK SV, I have a Snow White image to maintain Smile

    Seriously, I burn really easy and besides it is cold - supposed to SNOW this evening!

    We are having a blast and still getting the rest we need.

    Joy and blessings to all.  Amy Jo 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    So glad everyone is having such a good time! I can't believe there's a chance of snow there tonight! I know I'm freezing here, and it's overcast.....hmmmm...maybe I should check the weather.

    Sounds like y'all need to warm up with a little wine and spirits. I'm really living it up here under my electric blanket swigging cough medicine. I guess if I swigged enough of it....

    SV - good for you not getting stuck or sunk...yet! So funny you got lost last night - gotta love the gadgets sometimes, you know!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Meanwhile back on the West Coast...I so wish I were on the OBX with you all, but

    here is good too

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    It looks so warm, sighhhhhhhhhh!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Chabba, it is

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Oh man, we had dinner and walked out of the restaurant into a snow storm!! It has not snowed on the Outer Banks in years!! And yes, I am doing a lot of reflecting-I have some ofthe most generous friends on earth and I didn't know how much they are supporting me until this week-end when eveybody seemed to pull out all of the stops with offers of free sailing trips and just the greatest support. I tired to take a nap at home but the phone rang off the hook from friends wanting to know how the week-end is going and if the gals are having a good time. This has been such an incredible gift for me. Outer Bankers are very quiet folk and don't show feelings much-but wow my friends have showed up in spades to helpmake this a great first reunion for all-and best of all, to show how much support truly is out there for me. I feel very blessed. SV

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    I'm so glad you all had a goodd time.  I do hope you can get some rest and that you did not over tire yourself.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited December 2010

    I am so jealous, but I'll be there next year for sure.  Darla

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    Talking to my DD's today at lunch and told them about the get together and expressed my desire to attend next year.  They both chimed in that they would make sure I had the where with all to do so, so set the date and my ticket will be booked.....yahoooo!  I'm coming to see you girls next year!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Great to see you enjoying yourselves - thanks for the pictures Barbara.  SV is that the lighthouse they moved inland because the ground was unstable?  It does look a little odd in the middle of the woods but it is still magnificient.   My DD is so jealous of you seeing the wild horses - she is horse mad and would so love to see them.  Your friends are truly generous SV but we receive what we give so you must be a very good friend to them too. 

    Been out Xmas shopping today and my VISA took a thrashing!  All done bar something for DH (always the worst to buy for) and Mum and MIL (I usually do food parcels for them with things they like so that is easy).  

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010
    chrissyb - yahoo! yahoo! Funny you should say that because I was telling my DH about the trip today at breakfast and he said 'you should go next year and I could come later and we could hit Las Vegas again'.  I am going to keep my fingers crossed that he has a good year in the business and I can make it too.
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    How cool will that be Rae?  can't wait.  I'm getting excited and it's a year

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    Wow. if we get a whole lot of us next year, we are going to have to get a bigger house!!  This one has lots of room and I was saying just last night it is a shame we are using so little of the space....Amy and I are on I guess what you would call the 2nd floor since the lst floor is ground level where we enter and then Barb has the masterbedroom on the 3rd floor with the bathroom that has the bidet!  I am still impressed with that feature since the only place I have even seen those are in Europe or at the home of this one pretentious (sp) friend. The nicest thing is that we each have our own bathroom so there is no waiting in line to shower!! As SV said we had flurries last night.....hope we didnt bring this weather, but she said it has not snowed her for maybe 6 yrs!!  I had my very first Rock was delicious...Amy had crabcakes and Barb and Melissa went for the beef.  The Black Pellican.....a very nice place.  I had an oyster po'boy  for lunch yesterday and am going to eat seafood whenever I get the chance while I am here.    You all stick to your plans for next year and make it happen.  The only thing we dont have which we need for Melissa is an elevator....but she really is  getting around just fine.....and once she gets those new knees she will be running around on the beach with her dogs.  I have pics of them yesterday, but of course still can't post on my own.  I guess there are places with elevators as so many of these houses are just huge....and most of them empty this time of year.  The sun is shining here....oh, happy day!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    How cool is that? We will have an international reunion! Next year we need to do it in October or November so we don't freeze. It is pretty chilly here for this Florida gal. (See above) So yesterday SV had us our bouncing around the northern island where there are sand roads (of a sort) and teh driving is done on the beach. We left the beach on one sand road and I went flying to the roof and bonked my head. I held on to the seat on front of me after that. The ponies were so cool. We got pretty close to them. Melissa was even scratching one's nose.

    So twe went to dinner at an oceanfront restaurant (yum) then I drove us home in the SNOW!! I haven't driven in snow in 16 years. WooHoo! Here was the deck outside my room last night.

    LISA!! I head to LA tomorrow! I wish I had time to drive to San Diego but they have me working like a dog all week.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    raeinnz - No that is not the lighthouse they moved.  The one they moved was Hatteras which is a warning lighthouse that warns ships of offshore danger. This is Currytuck lighthouse that is a navigational light house that lets ship know where they are along the coast.

    I am having the best time every.  I started not to come when I first heard about it because this is so out of character for me, but my DH encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and I am so glad I did.  I am really enjoying getting to know these ladies outside of BCO.  Next year we need to have a whole lot more of you come.  If you can move at all you need to be with us.  I know I will not miss any future ones unless I cannot move at all.

    We are all getting ready for a day of shopping as soon as everyone gets a shower, has breakfast and gets dressed. We will probably all meet here on the second floor until we hear from SV then it is shop til one of us drops, which may only be a couple of hours. Then we will decide what we are going to do for lunch, if anything,  I have 1 crab cake left over from last night that I saved to eat today sometime.  The meal last night was wonderful.  I think we kind of talked Marybe into trying the Rock fish, but I thing she really enjoyed it.  

    Well looks like we are all gathering on the second floor to wait for SV to call and Marybe to get her shower and dressed.  Marybe is so sweet. She has gone downstairs every morning to bring me breakfast on the second floor so I could reserve as much energy as possible.  Actually all of them have been so kind and caring toward me.  Thank you ladies, you are all so sweet.

    Next year we need to have a whole lot more of you join us.  The more the merrier.   Like Barbara said we need to meet next time in Oct or Nov, before it get sooooooo cold.  It is a good thing Barbara's rental car has heated seats.  They help us get warm a little faster. ;-)

    Joy and blessings to all, Amy Jo 

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2010

    So glad you gals are having a great time. And yes, next year, I will do everything in my power to join you!!!



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    I'm so happy that you Outer Banks gals had such a good time!!!  Thanks for the commentary and the pictures--goodness, snow no less! 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    ok, so, besides me being so jealous, i can't stand it:im really glad you guys are having such a good time. and thanx for the pix.. i have an outer banks file in my pc; and they fit mright in!

         isabella, because of my pain levels, and scheduale of meds., bedtime is anywhere from 6-7AM here. so, you might find me here any time of the night.. when you see 9-10 AM, you know ive trouble..speaking of trouble: i really was a rebel, but my G**, your "D"D must take after your not so "D" soon to be ex H..a door from the trailer, and the phone bill!!however DOES her HUSBAND cope???  oh, how i wish you could learn to post pictures! we all long to see the farm, and you. and you could post your doggies for sale.. is there noone who could teach you? the price of a pup would be more than worth it..   3jays


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    sorry, ladies, i tried "adjusting my computer to read larger.. didn't know it'd PRINT larger too.. will fix it in a minute...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Man I wish I had the words to discribe how incredible it was to have a group of the gals here on the OBX and I feel so blessed to have such generous friends to make it affordable for us and to give us such great support. The gals left early this morning-It really is freezing weather-I am used to it and take so much for granted, but it might have been a bit too much-especially for Barb-Good Lord, she has no meat on her bones and when she sat next to me on the couch last night, she was an entire block of ice!!! The off-road adventure was hilarious and everyone such good sports over my driving thru dunes and water and in and around the petrified forest up in Corolla four wheel country. But have to admit, it did get quiet in the back of the car so not sure if everyone was just amazed at the raw beauty of the OBX and driving on the beach of scared to death!! Could have been that Barb closed her mouth after smacking her head on the roof of my car during a ride over sand ruts to get to the back country!! We just have to make this an international thing and get more gals here or whereever anyone wants next year!! I cannot tell everyone how special this was for me and to actually sit with my sisters drinking coffee in the morning-while they had their heads buried in digital gadgets and I was sucking down a box of Dunkin D-'s-hey, I know where my priorities lie!! I have never even held or seen 1/10th of the cr#p they had. And us trying to get the "movie theatre" working to watch DVD's was like the Marx Brother's in action. The freaking theater was too cold so we headed to one of the 20 some TV's in the house to get warm and spread out on the big couches!! Barb spent her time glued to the fireplace-the poor thing!! Gotta love it and more later-hope everyone is OK-I lost track in the middle of all of the reunion posting and fun we had-so hope everyone is OK and we didn't distract from major issues with anyone while having such fun. This was truly such a gift for me and I really wanted to share it so much with all of you. AND to get everyone psyched for the next grand get together!! XXOO, SV