Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010
    Some days the beast eats me and some days I EAT IT!!!! We all have those days. I am in a kinda fragile place now since I have been away from home since 11/30. Yes, hanging with the gal pals was a blast and I loved every minute! BUT having a work trip before and a work trip after....not so great. I plan to have some wine, watch a little HGTV and chill. Need to get my equilibrium back. I am sort of out of it. Ahhhh. Home Sweet Home.
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    I do agree.  Some days are better than others and we all know some days are a LOT worse.  You know, some days I feel hopeful, secure, and just on top of the world, and some days I think, I AM DOOMED.  It's the uncertainty of it all---sort of waiting for the next shoe to drop as it were.  Many of us have IDC, but mine was ILC, and that's frightening to me.  Don't misunderstand, please.  Most days I'm okay and do very well, but there ARE those dark days.  I think it goes with the territory.

    Today's been good, but then there's Aunt Kate's funeral tomorrow, so we'll just see.  


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    3jays...I'll raise a hand with you...nothing sugar coats this deadly disease for me.... I have these dark days too...and know, even tho' I have no outward sign of anyhing returning, what's going on inwardly could be another story.

    I cannot look myself in the eye and say 'I'm cancer free', because I don't know. I live with the awful effects of a daily Arimidex pill. It has done my joints in, given me carpal tunnel and plantar faciitis, it has done my teeth in, contributed to osteopenia, and caused 3 discs in my spine to collapse. I also live with bad neuropathy in my right arm, a relic of my BMX surgery. I try and not look at myself without clothes on because of the state of my chest. None of these things would be affecting my body without the initial diagnosis of breast, yes I most certainly get myself into a state wondering if, or when this thing will return. For me it isn't something I can forget about at all, and go around telling people 'I'm cured' I know we all need hope but there are also truths that must be faced.

    SV are you having a bad day or two. ?? Just keep on keeping on as you have done, you always come out the other side, and the sunny days are never far from you, but I agree we all need to voice our worries and be true to one another, you've had a more than bad experience this last 18 months , so I 'll give you permission to feel bad now and then !!!!! You were asking if I was depressed....hell, no.... I always get this way when I don't get my kids together for Christmas. I just come and moan here !! My son will soon be 45, and to me he is still 'my little boy', my firstborn. My DD often gets mad at me for referring to him as 'my little boy' even tho' I lay it on to annoy her !!! I miss him like mad, and always will do when he is not here. I am also Sooo mad at him as well for being so unconcerned about me. But then he's not a little boy...he's a man...and we all know how quickly men become forgetful and unconcerned about illness, apart from their own little problems of course.

    I had DH at my door today, talking about trivial things. He has a snuffly nose and wondered if I had any antibiotics for him...OMG...antibiotics for snuffles.. don't even go there. I offered him some cow antibiotics, which he declined !!! I knew he would...he won't touch any animal medicines, where as I'll stuff 'em in, if I think it would help. My vet always says just vary the dose as if for an Alsatian ! I sent DH off to the chemist shop....we can get a free walk in consult with a pharmacist.....always out to sell us some of their wares.... but it'll shut DH up, and he'll get a bit of sympathy as well. DH is acting as if his snuffly nose will turn into pneumonia overnight. If only men had to have babies, is what I always come up with when I hear a man making a fuss, soon shuts them up. 

    I am getting myself geared up to go shopping in my own car tomorrow...yeah...the snow and ice have miraculously gone. When I got up this morning there was quite a bit of snow still around, and the postman said the drive down to my house was 'terrible' at 10am. But by 1pm all was green again. It wasn't particularly warm, but something shifted the snow....don't care what it was, but I have my freedom back again. I have been just over 2 weeks with my car laid up, just watch it not start tomorrow !!  I had to spend all afternoon clearing up all the dog mess that was left after this sudden thaw, that had been frozen hard into the kennel runs for all this time. What a smelly job...hope I haven't blocked up my drains now !! I have never been unable to clean my kennels for more than 2 or 3 days, so there was quite a lot to swill away. It took me ages, my walking is quite bad at the moment, would have done it in half the time if my back wasn't playing me up. 

    I have been using a lovely handcream, bought myself a toilet bag full of Royal Jelly goodies, a while ago, only opened the bag yesterday, and used the hand cream, and my hands smell of honey now. I am pretty hard on hand creams and barrier creams, with an outside job, and had run out of my usual brand of handcream, never used Royal Jelly products before, but will certainly buy more. Only downside is, the dogs keep coming up and 'washing' my hands for me. I've been looking at my hands lately and decided I have now officially got 'old lady hands'  I have heberden's nodes on 4 of my fingers now. I always remember being fascinated by both my grandmothers hands when I was a little girl, all gnarled,. Mine aren't all that bad as yet, but going that way.

    Happy Weekend.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2010

    Just got out of the hospital this afternoon after spending three days there.  went to the doc tues morning sick as a dog.  They asked if I had a fever and I informed them "of course not".  Well they took my temp  and it was 103.  Chest xray showed pneumonia in my left lung so off to the hospital I went in an ambulance.  I don't think I ever felt so sick.  Glad to be home.

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2010

    Glad you're home too, susgal.    Hope all is well.

    Peace and rest and recovery.

    God bless us all.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    welcome, home susgul. isn't it good to be sleeping in  your own bed?

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    Take care susgul, get lots of rest.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    welcome home susgal; now, you have to really rest up/ just the waking you up every morning in the hosp. tires you out, never mind being sick..snuggle in..ISABELLA; i read your post about your son, am sorry that he's so muleheaded. sounds like the DIL exerts alot of pressure, also. I ahve my times with my sons, as well. Jay #1 is the one i see most, insist on seeing GKids. he's not so happy having me around so much, but dear GS insists, as well. its a shame, he'll probably turn into a jerk guy soon enuff.. i am so sorry you go thru being seperated from your GKids. they think they're pawns, i swear!! i'm so glad your isolation at the farm is over. just get out, to get out.. but then, there's always shopping eh? good to hear from you, as always..      3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
      welcome home, Barbara, snuggle in, and stay warm...
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, so glad you can get out! It is terrible to be housebound. It happened to me more than once when I lived in DC. That was why I moved to Florida. In 1996, I was housebound for over a week with no electricity for 4 days. Had to sleep in front of the fireplace. Cooked food in there, too. Yikes.  That was in January. I moved in March.

    So I get back home yesterday and the high today is going to be 70. WHAT??? Where is my 80 degree day? I guess it really is winter. Sigh. And Monday it is only going up to 55!

    Aw SuzQ, glad you are home and in your own bed.

    Thanks 3jays! Come to think of it, I am glad I am in my own bed, too!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    I woke up this morning thinking Am I crazy or what?  I had this very detailed consultation with the rad/oncologist at the hospital yesterday.  I took my friend's husband along as my 2nd set of ears since I don't always recall everything and my husband would be useless.  Not only because it was a 7:30 appt, but because he has blown so many brain cells, he remembers nothing, not to mention he is a grim reaper when it comes to discussing health.  So we discussed RFA and chemoembolization....we were there to talk about the ablation since after reminding my onco I had a reaction to the CT dye, they ruled out the embolization since they need the dye to see where they are going.   He asked me about  my reaction and I said I got hives and he said Is that ALL?  No antiphylactic(sp) shock or chest pain? and I said no, but even with the premed I got the hives so they said No more, but he said they could give me a stonger dose of steroids days before and I could use the dye.  He then went on to explain why he felt the results are better with the chemoembolization and he drew all these pics of both procedures and was very thorough. Also with the ablation, since it is right where my liver rests on my lung, they could do some damage to the lung since he said they almost always get some surrounding areas with this particular procedure.  So then I asked him if the fact I am on anit-coagulants for life would cause any problem with the procedure and he said No, I would just go off them for a few days until the INR was where they wanted it and I could do the arixtra injections in my stomach as I have before....he wanted to know why I am on them and I told him about how I had this atrial myxoma that broke off and it is lodged in my pulmonary artery and they thought it was a PE at one time when it showed up on a scan and how they are afraid to go in and mess with it.  His eyebrows went up and he goes Hmmm, fascinating.  So then I asked him what about the other tumor in my liver and he looked sort of questioning and I said there is another place in my liver and they thought it was a hemangioma for years because it never changed at all, but then when everything started going nuts after the last time I tried the hormonals MDA recommended, it got larger also.  He looked at he reports he had and said hold on a minute and he was gone about 15 mins and came back and said he had the guys who read the PET take a look and he said they were flipping the images all over the place and this one guy who is a wonder in his field said there are not just two, but three they had not noted before is very small and almost looks like a node, but he is sure it is a given the fact there are three, he does not think the embolization is the way to go.....something about how they have found, although there is no study that prooves it that when you go after a large tumor, it can cause the smaller ones to grow.  So basically, we are back to square one.  He thinks chemo is the way to go....and I told him I would like my onco (who this guy thinks is absolutely one of the best he has even worked with) to add something to the navelbine since there is someone on the boards (KonaKat) who had a chemo added to her navelbine which was not working and had great results....I also told him about the ones who have had good results with xeloda and how I am on the breast cancer message boards all the time.   But I told him Dr.Cody doesn't like the message boards and he told me about this website called pubmed when doctors consult all the time and to just go there and check it out and tell him I got the info from there.  I mean, was this guy,nice or what?  I bet he spent almost 1 1/2 hrs with us.  He answered a lot of my does radiation mess up the flow of chemo to the tumor later, would I need this procedure more than once, the recovery time, etc.....but now I am not even going to do either one.  And I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I WAS when I left was like the weight of the world was off and even though I live with this every day and think it doesn't bother me, it must because I have been a grump the past few days and wasn't even happy at work and I always love being at work and for sure I was not in the Xmas spirit.  But yesterday I was thinking of baking cookies for the bank I go to and all these palces and just smiling away at everybody.  Then today I woke up and thought, I must be crazy.  I now have another tumor I didn't even know about and they don't feel either of the options we were discussing would be good for my case and I am happy!  Really I am back to square one, but I am no longer afraid of chemo the way I used to be so I feel we will find something that will work on me.  Fear of the unknown is my worst anxiety...I always think how am I going to feel, will I be able to work?, is it going to mess up my taste again? know how it is.  The one thing he told me, a big thing, is that my tumor seems to be very slow growing....that is is really not much larger in the PET than it was when I had my scans....oh and this guy thinks bone scans show more than CTs (found that interesting), but says PETs show it all.  So knowing that is is slow growing and the fact it has not done anything to my liver function,makes me a happy camper.

    I should go back and comment on everyone else's posts, but am determined to get something done put up the Christmas tree!!   I don't even think this is going to be my last Xmas and must admit that had been in the back of my mind.  Don't ask me why, but finding out we can't do something really made me happy.  This post is not meant to be a's an upper.  There is always hope.  Love you ladies and told the doc I consulted with yesterday just how much.  Have a wonderful day!!! Hard to believe last week I was at the OBX....also hard to believe I think it was just as cold there as it is here today!! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    (((((MARYBE))))) So happy you have a plan and that the plan is not as scary as you  thought it would be!!! I need to get off the boards, too, and get my behind decorating the tree that I need to put up. Have a great weekend all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,448
    edited December 2010

    Marybe.....I think you just hit the nail quite squarely on the head.  All you who enjoy your disease because it gives you a perfect reason to whine away.....should go now. 

    This is exactly what Jeanette said the other day.  Here is Marybe feeling so brave with the many challenges she has been given in life.....and yet, once she let her breath out realized that she was having a lot of mental trauma with her disease process. 

    Having said that --- no one is immune...all feel fear and upset at some time and that is normal, but out of a couple comes up way too often without a good counter-attack plan.  What I mean by it all is this:  If you keep putting doom and gloom and death out there, YOU will become your own self-fulfilling prophesy. 

    So people like Jeanette and myself as well as many others ( sadly so many have already left what once was such a wonderful place to come to ) try to spark hopefulness and enough love for yourselves ladies.....that YOU DON"T become your own self-fulfilling prophesies.  There are many things you can't change, but you can do wonders with your own attitude.  Also, while I absolutely believe in free speech and you want to voice your fears and upsets.....fine.  I don't think it serves your ( sista's " ) so well because inadvertently you may be exposing them to YOUR self-fulfilling prophesy.....and suddenly they may begin to  believe or wonder if their  life is just about over.  If you temper what you say with a plan or a little hope along the way......but just to say your going to die from your cancer ( the cancer you don't even know if you have now ) is a foolish thing to do.  If you keep putting garbage like that in your head, pretty soon garbage will come the form of cancer. 

    We have no idea when it will be our time to go, but I do know that I will no longer be posting here, and will leave once and for all.  I leave this to all of you who are determined to put your self-fullfilling prophesies into place.  They could for the record be really good ones.  I'm amazed at what Marybe has done and I have another Stage IV friend who has been NED for over 16 years.  I feel much of that is due to looking at life 99% of the time on a positive level.....not feeding garbage to their minds.  There are other ladies on this forum who in bad moments......just may get the wrong message from you. I pray you'll consider making your message a CAN Do one. 

    My apologies to SV and anyone else. I just didn't want anyone to put things in their heads or anyone else's.  You ladies have come through a lot.....and yet you continue to pick at those who care about you and want you to do well.  Yes we may be rah-rah girls and go all out for a postive attitude, but all the GOOD words in LIFE have FOUR letters.  HOPE,CARE,LOVE,BEST. 

    You can let HOPE for a better tomorrow and LIFE be on your banner.......instead of I AM GOING TO DIE FROM CANCER.  It is love and care for you ladies....but if you want to call it something else....mock us who try to lift you up.....please feel free.  I will not be returning here.

    Healing heartfelt hugs,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    I am usually circumspect, to a degree, about what I post but this calls for my being direct.

    Jackie, I have seen you threaten to leave this thread twice before. Both times it was because you didn't like what someone had posted.  If you do not like what someone has posted, use the IGNORE button. Both times that you did this, your posts seemed (to me) to be patronizing and judgmental. I am very sorry you feel the need to be so judgmental. Perhaps not everyone on this thread has 1. your grace 2. your serenity 3. your composure and so on. I could no more judge another person than I could jump out of an airplane with no parachute. Who am I to judge when I have not walked in their shoes?

    This entire BCO forum is about acceptance and community. If you feel you must judge people, perhaps this is not the forum for you.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

    I certainly  hope I haven't caused any uprising with what I wrote....and thank you for giving me credit for having dealt with so much, Jackie, but I honestly do not feel I have had it any worse than anyone else....I have just been at it longer.  And I will admit that when I was first diagnosed as Stage lV, I was giving a lot of thought to dying, was worried about how I would not have time to do this and that, was scared and afraid of what was in store for me.  However, with each year that passes I think about the cancer killing me less and less....which no doubt is an unrealistic point of view, but I could just as easily be in a car accident or fall down the basement steps tripping over a dog and break my neck.  Cancer is just a condition that I live someone who has diabetes or epilepsy or some other disease........don't think there is a cure for those either, they are just something you have to treat.

    I am not sure what caused such a stir on here and am going to have to go back and read some of the posts, but I always thought this message board was a place where you could come and vent, voice your opinions, and share your thoughts and feelings with others who are basically in the same boat.  Don't let this thread get like the one Not Buying Into It which I go and read with utter amazement because there is so much bickering going on back and forth on it, I almost find it funny.  My philosophy is Hope and I seldom feel sorry for myself because I just am not that kind of person and besides it does not do any good....but I do have my share of negative thoughts at times.  Like every year at this time I am always wondering Will this be my last Christmas?  It's the nature of the beast.  And I guess sometimes when people are feeling that way, they just have to let it out, but I do not think it is with the intent to make others feel bad or to make them feel they should give's just venting.  Or maybe it is a cry for help.  This is such a  nice group of women and I would hate to see people leave. 

     I will say something that is probably pretty negative, very negative actually  and that is I myself do not think they are ever going to find a cure for cancer....there are too many variables and too many types....oh maybe, they will, but not in my lifetime.  However, I do know they come out with new drugs and treatments every year and until I have exhausted all of them, I am going to keep on living.  Again, I can't tell others to think this way, it's just the way I deal with it and I have been extremely fortunate that I have not had a ton of horrible side effects.  I am Stage lV, but there are women who are Stage l who have already had to deal with SEs far worse than I ever had.  PEACE....yeh, I am from the make love, not war generation.  It was a good time, wasn't it?

    Edited after reading your post, Barb.  Very well said.  how is your tree coming...mine is slow going. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    Marybe, I for one find your postings inspiring.  I'm a stage 1 who has just started on this long journey.  I find it reassuring to know that others are going through the same problems and pain, to learn from how they cope and share pain and triumph.  One of the things I have have liked about these forums the the way almost every one not only share support and suggestions for coping with our physical conditions but also help and support for our mental and emotional trials. 

    I have not seen any whining on BCO.  I have seen people needing, and yes sometimes pleding, for support and love.  I don't say much because most of what I would say is just an echo of what has already been said.  I do believe that compassion and helping others is one of the most important parts of living a good, happy and worthwhile life. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010




  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    Marybe....dear is or was not was me!  I've just been listening for a year now, & trying to at least help someone get over the fear of cancer, or have it returning....To maybe get someone to listen as to how we can help you have done! 

    I only had a lumpectomy with radiation, but compared to most of you gals who have gone through one heck of a lot more, makes me feel so fortunate!  I feel like I have come through the worst part of my life, & I can thank God that I have so many years more left!    I only had stage 2...and NOTHING compared to gals like you are an inspiration to us all....Thank you for giving us all hope...I mean even IF I get it again, I'll remember you, & your attitude and how you always pick yourself up, & keep on truckin'! 

    And Jackie...dear one....Whenever I read what you have to say, makes me feel like I am sitting down with a mentor...someone who knows what they are talking about...,You look at life with always the hope of a better day.....I myself, find your words comforting & re-assuring! 

    So thanks gals...I've learned a lot from you, & you've helped me through the hard days when I had cancer.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    hmmso happy for your dr. visit, Marybe.. get that tree done.. enjoy now you know you have time to figure it all out...      3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    MaryBe inspired my lazy self. Here is a pic of my tree.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Goodness, girls, here I am back from Aunt Kate's graveside service, where it was cold and rainy with a blustery wind, and came on here for some warm, friendly talk, and look at what I've found!  I would truly hope no one leaves this thread.  We need all of us here, and Jackie, I love to read your posts!  We have I think the best group there is on this forum.   Even though our walks have differed and continue to do so, we all derive comfort from each other, and can in turn give it to each other when needed.  All of us have days of great despair and also days of great euphoria.  I've thought that this was a place where we could share it all. 

    For me, I don't want a forum where I pretend to be up and happy all the time.  I have to do a lot of that in regular day to day living, and I get weary of it!   One of the people here who has comforted me more than I can say is SV, who took the time to PM me and allowed me to vent about my sister's horrible reaction to chemo (which resulted eventually in the loss of both her legs).  Now, SV is down, faced with the probable necessity of knee replacement, and just had a painful removal of fluid from her knees.  We'd all be brought down by that, indeed, to the point of despair! 

    I cannot say how much everyone's messages about Aunt Kate meant to me, and how much they helped---I was so down and depressed, on top of the bc always lurking in the background in my mind.  You all supported me and strengthened me, and I'm so grateful nobody said, come back when you're feeling better but not before.  What I'm trying to say is that we're here both to rejoice in trumphs and to share sorrows, with all that we have to give, and need to take.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Kathy, pleased you got back ok from the funeral...always a sad occasion, but what can we do ? we have to go thru' them.

    I have written instructions that there is to be no funeral for me....I've always hated them, just rakes up the fact that you're gone. I always am just getting over the shock from losing a relative, and then a week later its all brought back with a ceremony.

    I just want to go in the back door of the crematorium with no ceremony whatsoever. I had been thinking of being buried on my own land. We can do this, as long as we use a stainless steel coffin, but don't know how rest of family would react. Not that I ever see any of the rest of my family ! There is the grave of a man in the next village who was buried in his own garden, the grave can be seen from the road, but I would stop there. I would want a quiet corner which was private, preferably where my sheep graze, and no-one else could see...but still mulling this one over.....don't know if the G/kids would like Grandma in the corner of a field !! Getting morbid now!

    SV how are you..... how are your knees ? Must be painful to have 2 drained. I saw on computer last week that some singer in USA had just had a double hip that will take some getting going again from, are you aiming on having a double knee replacement? Crikey, you'll be all summer sorting yourself out from that !

    I got out in my car today, first time for over 2 weeks, it was magic to drive a decent car again. I have been out 2 or 3 times, but in my 4wd, which I hate, but have to have to pull things around that farmers pull around !!  So nice to be able to put my shopping in a nice clean car, and not get everything covered in oil and straw ! Look like a hillbilly when I hit town in this. We have no more snow, no more ice, it all just vanished so quickly. It is forecast to come back again next weekend tho'

     I found a little hedgehog in my garden this morning, it should have been hibernating, but was stumbling around looking silly. I put it in a garden shed, and threw it some straw, and a bit of cat food, so it can either go back to sleep, or eat a meal and go back to sleep ! It should have been hard and fast asleep until March. Probably the snow and ice had affected it in some way. It would be nice to be able to hibernate, no cold winter to bother about, just wake up in April when its warming up again. 

    Right I must get to bed, am wacked today,I have a big day tomorrow, some new sheep to fetch. Will be off most of the day....that is if I get up and off !!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Ladies, WOAH, I slept all day and awoke to read the usual cr#p sparked by Jackie. This is what Jackie lives to do. This has NOTHING to do with ANY OF YOU AT ALL. This has to do with the fact that Jackie cannot stand me and she will do whatever she needs to do take me to the outhouse for a public whuppin.' I have gotten used to it, though I wish for other's sake Jackie, you'd move on. You have been attacking me for everything from WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS to you name it. I did send a PM to (you) Jackie and frankly, I find nothing inspiring in your posts-very little of what you write has to do with breast cancer, and very little of it feels real. Honestly, I wonder why you are here. You don't post about BC and your forte lies in preaching, criticizing and taking other people's inventory all under the guise of some wise guru. Great act ya got goin but i am over it. AS I wrote to you in a PM a bitch under a halo is still a bitch. If you don't like what i write, ignore it-I don't want your input, not asking for it and honestly would find it refreshing that either you get REAL WITH YOUR OWN STUFF or go somewhere else. But you need to stop taking your crap out on the other ladies here. Over it, tired of it AND Jackie, WHEN IT COMES TO ME, if you don't like what i post, keep you friggin mouth shut! "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK about me." Got it? But stop hurting other people for your own entertainment. SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    SV, what you said.

    Isabella, so glad you got out today in a real car. And I hope the poor little hedgehog finds his way to a den soon. The shed isn't really suited for a winter hibernation. Or maybe it is even better than the norm. He may just be a very smart hedgehog.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

    Isabella,  I think hubby is trying to worm his way back into your life, making little excuses to see you.

     I am also planning my own funeral....have a list of songs I like I need a Lover that Won't drive me Crazy,  You can't Always Get What you Want, It's a Wonderful World, If You want to Sing Out, ......just songs I like that my friends know I like and when they hear them, they will remember things we did and smile....and I have one friend who is going to be in charge of food because she does a great job and knows I like things just so's going to be my best party ever. And I am giving my body to some medical school....they will take one look at all my scars and think This poor woman has been through hell or else that I had one heck of a wild life!  It is always good to plan ahead, but that's a long time off for both of us.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    hey Marybe.. i've missed you. its' on me, tho.. i should get in touch more often..SV.. i was shocked and dismayed , but i had no idea there was a history.. i won't be so concerned anymore. its' so unfair, though..we all need encouragement, not hatred!!anyway, i hope your'e doing better.. you know who loves ya baby!! barbara, the tree looks my boxes out to do ours. we rearranged our very small liv/din rm to accomodate the puter & get it off the DR table. yep! wasn't thinnking, put it where tree goes.. will have to figure something else out now. {{{sigh}}}} whatever! glad youre home and settled in..

         isabella, it was sweet of you to make a home for mr. hedgehog. hope he does well..wish i could hibernate sigh... MORE new sheep? how exciting, and more fun for the ram, also...    3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013

    I have just been here since June of this year. Finding the "Older Women" topic was a revelation to me. We all seemed to have so much in common, similar interests and certainly life stage issues in common. I love it here in this topic.

    Jackie:  Regarding information being put in my head, nah, not going to happen. I take in what I need and leave the rest. I do believe that is what most of us do quite naturally.  A belief that you or anyone could put something "in my head" is, well, delusional. Why would you want to believe you could do that? 

    My Christmas tree is still up and lighted but no ornaments yet. Just the lights make me happy. I also have a little set of three pink tinsel trees with pink lights on them over by the fireplace where they reflect in the glass. Really over the top and I love them! 

    I continue to feel better each day, albeit measured with a smaller measure than in years past.

    SV I hope you feel well,hope you have some nice clear and mild weather there. Still wish I could have come along. Those horses look so amazing.

    Marybe thanks for the clear report of your doctors visit. All of our SE and etc are so complex that it can be hard to follow sometimes. Especially when we want to be understood.  I don't really try much to explain outside of here anymore, I recognize the symptoms of eye glazing.wiith others so I try to keep is short.  Let us know when you have a new plan please. I would have been really confused with all you needed to detail to you Doctor. I think you do a very good job of remembering to be able to keep all of that straight. I also like to have someone with me, my DD preferably because my husband gets scared I think and isn't helpful later with the details.

    Barb A your tree looks pretty and your view very Florida. Your sunshine is so much brighter than ours up here in Seattle. I am still taking my 6 weeks of 50,000 IU of vitamin D to try to reverse this severe deficiency I have. No sun = no vitamin D, me an 8 on the scale where 30 to 50 is normal. 

    Isabella, I moved out here from Illinois and we would sometimes have a couple months of frozen snow cover and dealt with two dogs accumulated poop. Dog runs full, you must be the most tenacious person I have ever known.My good friend was a sheep farmer and I don't know where she got the strength to do the work required of her. I imagine that applies to you too. When I was a little girl I never understood that what my Grandma was doing was so difficult. It was like a childs dream to me to be along side her and "helpout." 

     Peace out,


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

     Marybe...this is not a very positive attitude to have on this forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010
         Which Isabella? cure or DH trying to get back in?  Ginger...I have been in your neck of the ex boyfriend whom I am still friends with (because he is an ex....we could not get along when together) lived in FederalWay....has an electric co out there.  He calls me when he is stuck in traffic. The only reason I know my treatment history so well is that I have been doing it a long time.   3Jays,.I see you do post pics every so often so I guess you are ahead of me....the only place I can do them is with regular email and I am now also on FB (never thought I would be on there again because I felt like I was being stalked and hounded to be friends with these people who did not even talk to me in HS) because I found out so many other BCO gals used it. Barb, I liked the of the songs I really like.  When I get this tree done, I will post a pic of it somewhere since it is going to be taking about three days of my life to get it up and decorated.  Cat is fed and I am going to take the dog out who sleep with me before it gets really nasty out. The two with behavioral problems stay down in the cave with Tim. This afternoon I am going to an openhouse with my friend Kathy....this guy we went to HS with who does international law and  is working in Majorca (sp?) is going to be of course that is on my list of places to visit. 
  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    What;s that address thing on my post?