Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    So pleased your reunion went well SV, did your knees hold out ?? It has been great  to hear about your goings on, and to see the pics...of which I hope there are more to come !

    We are still pretty well under a 6-8" blanket of snow, topped off by ice, it is quite treacherous, I' m working in a fashion, walking around, or should I say shuffling around in little 6" steps, scared I will slip and break something. Had to admit defeat yesterday and call a plumber...the ice blew a mains water pipe, nothing I could do about it myself. DH had done one of his usual "half jobs" and instead of dropping the water pipe into the ground as he assured me he was going to do, he had left it on the surface. It had become overgrown, so I had not noticed, and with the bad freezing conditions it had another fine mess he got me into..I dread to think what the bill will be for having I don't know what done, some pipes have had to be renewed, and all pipes have had to be re lagged. As soon as this frost stops I will get the pipes dropped into the ground.

    DH rang me today, and asked if I was going out could I pick up MILs prescription. I said I was going but it would be a lot later than I had hoped due to me having to carry water to the animals as the pipe had blown due to his bad workmanship. He never offered to come and help me, so as I hadn't said I would pick up MILs prescription I just refused to do him a favour. If he'd offered to come and carry me some water then I would have gladly done his errand. I don't want to rock the  boat, as things are pretty well sewn up between us, so I have to be careful just how I interact with him for the next month or so !!  I really felt like giving him both barrels, as he had caused me so much work and expense, but had to bite my tongue !!! A report on the news tonight said today was the coldest December day since records began, in this region.

    I did manage to get to the shopping centre, it stays open until 10pm, so I went this evening. It was heaving, very bad job parking, and all the shops crowded. I didn't get much that I wanted, and have come home to get on the internet again, and finish my shopping. I would have come home if I had not been able to get a shopping cart, from the grocery store, and take it around the shops with me...I cannot walk very far now without something to lean on. Have bought my 2 yr old G/daughter a wooden dolls pram, and have been looking around the stores, unsuccessfully, for some dolls pram looks like I am being pushed into a corner to spend an evening at my sewing machine messing about making some. 

    My DD called in over the w/end, and brought me a Russian hat.( Don't know what I have done to deserve this, but I never look a gift horse in the mouth...WHAT a stupid saying !!!!!) It is too nice to work in, so I wore it to go to the shops in tonight, and was lovely and warm. Off to bed now, I am leaving my central heating ON tonight, it is  really cold upstairs, away from the logburner. With the price of oil now to run the central heating going thru' the roof, I have been switching off at bed time and braving the cold....but it was given out on the local news today all pensioners ( of which I am one) will be getting a £25 (around $40) bonus for every 7 days the temperature falls below zero. I will have clocked up £50 ($80) now, so the heating will be back on !!! Not often this government of ours gives anything away !


  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

      I am too tired to write tonight, but am going to post tomorrow and am going to try my best to get some pics on here and may just have to join Facebook since it seems like all of the ladies I was with this past weekend are on it.  I am telling you the OBX are lovely....way too cold this time of year, but actually it beat what I came back to in OH. And the homes down there are just unbelievable.Barb took off for LA and I had a later flight home so got to spend the afternoon with AmyJo  and we did a little shopping and had lunch and she showed me WakeForest.  I am so glad I went and so glad we got to visit with SV and all got to know each other a little better. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    wow, Marybe, when we were younger, it was an insult if they said we "got around" now, we're so impressed by you, who does get arouund. having met you for an afternoon, im glad the rest of the ladies enjoyed you, also. hope you get pictures posted. want you in here, too.. its easy. try sheilas' way.. much least i can start planning for next year..but much earlier in the year!! i don't know how you midwesterners, ( or isabella) do it with the cold!welcome home!!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    isabella; talk about "getting around" im constantly amazed at all you do.. did you get the head on the doll you were making for your GD? i see the prams gotten, and Nanas' making the bedding. it amazes how giving you are to them all.. happy for your new hat; now, youre' stylin' for sure.and, im glad you'll turn the heat onnow.. i do so worry you'll get sick from all that bad weather...stay warm and well, my friend... 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    thank goodnes, he's not there, anymore, but i couldn't help it, when i saw it, i just had to send it to you.. my nana used to say t"the divil made me do it" she was irish!!
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    It was so great to meet AmyJo and see MaryBe again and to finally meet SV was all time cool. I am with MB also, tired. I finally got to LA (Long Beach actually) at 7:45. PM (10:45PM EST). Now realize, I arose at 5AM EST and drove 4 hours back to Raleigh, then in the plane then in the bed at 9:30 (really 12:30 AM EST, long day for me). I try to keep on east coast time so I don't get jet lag so I go to bed early (9) and get up early (5).

    I need to download the pix from my camera and will post the link to those. The ones I posted were taken with my cell phone.

    We got to meet Max and Angus (SV's spaniels). So adorable.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Barb, Amy, MaryB, and SV: So glad to hear about the get-together!  Thanks so much for sharing - from beginning and throughout. What fun!!! You all are inspirational.

    Again, this forum has helped me prioritize my own life. Part of that is remembering to live in the NOW....

    Clear back in June during rads, DH and I made an agreement to take a fun 'big' vacation to celebrate after all was done, and we'd throw in the costs of this year's b'days &c to cover the expense.  I think I'd told you that pre-rads we went to Yosemite and to a traveling Cirque du Soleil show - building up endorphins.  Well I was so impressed by Cirque that I decided that's what I wanted to do.  Despite telling myself all my life I'd never go to Vegas, we decided that would be the ticket.  Over the summer we firmed up our plans, bought airline tickets; got good seats for three different shows way in advance; booked the hotel; and invited SIL and DD to join us as our guests. 

     Taking Isabella's shopping advice, this fall I found a few things I liked, and bought 3 - one to wash, one to wear, and one for the shelf! Unlike BarbA, these are warm flannel or cotton knit, not evening dresses or cruise wear! [big grin]

      So, last Tuesday, we headed for Vegas. Stayed at the MGM Grand which was great fun.  SIL had never had room service in her life - so we ordered coffee and snacks a couple of times.  We did a lot of gawking -- my goodness I've never seen such a thing as Vegas at Christmas season!  And we saw two Cirque shows, plus the amazing ventriloquist/singer/comedian/entertainer Terry Fator.  All the shows were wonderful and we had a grand time together.  DH had 3 ladies on his arm, so he was happy.  Both SIL & DD needed a break (single mom, hard workers, etc) - so we had a real blast! DH has been working on pix - he was a champ photog for us gals.

    The trip was smack between my last two scheduled 'big' tests of the year:  Last Monday I did a bigtime heart test to make sure there was no damage during Rads, (and came home to the message that all's well!!).  Flew home Friday, and by Sunday I was doing colonoscopy prep - which was yesterday, and all's well there too!  I'd been 'sort of' dreading both those tests and am relieved to have them out of the way -- but what I mostly remember about the last week isn't tests or meds, it's the fun we had, the experience of the shows and sharing it with folks we love - ones who've stuck with us through thick & thin.... 

     And so, now we're back and the Cinderella syndrome is in full effect:  all those downed trees from our storm a couple weeks ago still need cleaned up.  The property is covered in leaves and pine needles -- my new motto may be "fitness through raking."  

    For those of you going through treatment, I found that having something to look forward to, plan for, anticipate - helped me.  I think it helped me heal too.

    My best to you all, with thanks for sharing the good the bad and the ugly.  Hugs, attagirls, and good wishes all around.

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    Ladies:  How does this work with these reunions?  Can any bco member go to any one of them or do you have to wait for your Stage bc to have a reunion?  Just wondering how it is set up.  Thanks!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Medigal I think they're already planning for next year. This first year was spontaneous, and may have been SV or BarbA's idea, but morphed and actualized. Barb & SV made arrangements and all were invited and encouraged. In our gals' case "stage" might mean stage of life -- slightly older. Our dx's are all over the map. I don't know about the TaTa sisterhood's reunion in Vegas, what their criteria is.

    If DH & I hadn't already made other plans I would have been sorely tempted to join our group, especially since it would mean I could do some NC research in Raleigh & Salem, and the Yadkin River while there....

    It looked like a wonderful time! Again, my thanks for putting it together and sharing with the rest of us!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010
    Lost_creek - congrats of clear tests - yay!  Thanks for sharing your Vegas trip.  I LOVE Vegas - have visited 3 times in the past 15 years for about 5 days each time and every time I have been there it has been bigger and better!  Did all the touristy things like visited the Hoover dam, rafted down the Colorado from the dam, flew to the Grand Canyon for the day but the sheer OTT of Vegas itself is fascinating beyond words and the shows ARE really great. Funny thing happened on our last trip - I had always wanted to go to a Follies show but DH had resisted so I said I am going and you can come if you want.  He decided to go with me and we got the tickets, feeling great that there were still some spare ones at short notice, and when we arrived we had pretty good seats.  Show started and I was enjoying it very much until ..... it was the topless version of the show Surprised  I must say DH enjoyed it a lot more then but it rather took the shine off the whole show for me.  It is a good party story though.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    ((((LC)))) HAPPY DANCE-HAPPY DANCE!! I am still recovering from the reunion and still basking in the warm fuzzies!! For those who are asking questions (and I hope I get this right) if not Barb and others who orchestrated this first get-together can chime in. When I started on the thread over a year ago we were the PODS ( a group of whales that ran together in our old and wise years) on this thread. Several of us began corresponding via email and FB and sending pix back and forth and sharing adventures of our exploits. I am one of the looniest of the gang in the kind of trouble that I get into so I had great stuff to share. MaryB decided we needed to meet, but this first reunion was really a "God-thing." I am not quite sure how we did it-basically i got a house from a friend, someone put the deposit on it....then the word was put out to be at Raleigh Durham Airport on this day at this time. Someone rented a car and dragged the rest of the gang across the state of NC to the Outer Banks. We posted on the thread for anyone to come along but these were the gals that perservered until they got here. I am still so amazed and in AWE that we did it. Barb was such a trooper in driving everyone here-cause we are all at verious stages of functioning. I had a great Saturday and was able to take pooches and gals in my SUV for a beach outback adventure-Max apparently loves blondes bec all he did was stick his big head into Barb's hair and drool down her neck!! Barb learned the word 'sit' very quickly but it wore off on Max when he found out he truly did not have to listen to her and could sneak up behind her in the car anyway. The Vegas TATA gals may have things way more organized but this first reunion for the PODS was "be at the Raleigh Airport at xxxxtime and we are headed out to the Banks" for a few days. I feel so terribly bec I got the runs (diarreah on Sunday) and all I could do was lie on the grand couch in the rental home and whine!! It was too funny cause we had eaten at the Black Pelican and AmyJo had brought home a crabcake for lunch the next day. She brought it into the grand room to munch on and the mere smell of it sent Barb and I running to the twoilette!! SO amazing to be with a group of women with cancer who mirror each other in our needs and behavior and to be able to share that was so awesome for me!! Again, such a gift cause I feel stuck out here on this island and very alone at times-so this visit was just what the doctor ordered for me. I love being with MaryB and AmyJ (though we redid her avitar cause it looked like a mugshot). She really is beautiful and the "Ma Barker Picture" did not cut it!! So we had lost of hoots and howls and since everyone had more digital gadgets than a Staples store-any poor passing stranger was pressed into service to take pix on five different cameras and phones for each of us-we were truly shameless!! And, just wanted to mention that news has on tonight that Elizabeth Edwards of NC (Shameful awful man she married-Sen John Edwards) passed from BC last night (I believe) in Chapel Hill. She deserved so much more than him and what an inspiration to all!! I would have shot the bastard-I mean what are they going to do-like give her the death penalty??? I know, I am so bad!!! Sorry to offend. Next year we DO have to pick a month that is warmer (it was freaking freezing) and hope that gals from across both big ponds can make it as well as anyone else!!! And for a longer stay. This was such a healing experience for me and just ever so cool to finally meet my sisters!! Big Hugs, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth Edwards, RIP

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth Edwards: A true inspiration, now in the arms of the angels.

    RIP Elizabeth; job well done.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010 sounds as if you had the most magnificent time...I feel as if I were there with you with your fantastic description. Really pleased you had such a good time, and the main thing....your tests were all aok, when you got back. We really do have to grab at these things now. I suppose getting older we all try and get trips done before we become decrepit, but there seems to be an added push now we are all in the good ship BC. Anyway,we all owe it to ourselves at this time of life, we have all certainly come thru' some situations, so why sit knitting ! I never think twice now if I want to do something,  I just tell myself 'Just do it' and I usually do. I can't take off on holiday with all my animals, but I always apply the 'Just do it' when I am out shopping !!!

    I have had a trip to the computer store today, and was  shocked to see just how far technology has left me behind. There were pieces of equipment that I had no idea what they were for. I just looked goggle eyed, and walked on !! I got myself some new speakers....see how far behind I am here... I treated myself to a new screen about a year ago, and NEVER for one minute thought to choose one with built in speakers...soooo... I have been going all this time without G/son keeps sending me videos of cars, and I cannot hear the noise of the engine when I am watching, and to someone like me who is crazy about cars, the noises they make are all back to the old fashioned speakers for me now. One big problem here, I have no idea at all how to install the speakers !! Nor the 2 new mice I bought, one for this pc, and one for my laptop. DD has just found someone who is a whizz at sorting out pc's so I am getting him next week to come and sort out my computers.

    The interior walls on this old house are about 2' thick, and I just cannot get a signal to run my laptop in my sitting room, which really annoys me, as I do like to go sit down in my sitting room most nights at some point, and would love to be able to use my laptop in there. DDs house is old, and has thick walls and she has managed to get this young man to make it possible for her to use her laptop in rooms she couldn't before.

    When I was at the till at the computer store I overheard a salesman talking about an 'android' phone. I was going to show my ignorance and ask what he was on about, but the till area filled up, and I did not want to look too stupid...soooo...does anyone know what an 'android' phone is ?? Not that I even use a cell phone !!

    In June this year I bought myself a big 3D television, and its still sat there in its box, just waiting for someone to set it up for will be out of guarantee if I don't get a move on, so am hoping the computer man will set up this TV  for me as well, in time for Christmas !! Tho' at Christmas all we seem to get are repeat programes, but my sight isn't as good as it used to be, and the TV I have now , even tho' its a big one I just can't see the writing very well unless I am wearing glasses. G/sons are urging me to get the new TV set up for Christmas, 2 of them have offered to do it for me, but I'm not letting them loose with expensive kit.

    I have a funeral on Friday, a farming friend of mine was found dead in his bed last week. I do not like funerals, but have to show my face. He was only 56, no age at all. He had a herd of lovely cows, don't know what will happen to them now, or even who is looking after them at the moment. If I was younger, and a lot more active I would have gone up and seen what I could have done, but I just can't do this nowadays.He helped me out 2 years ago, without being asked. My tractor broke down, right in the middle of making hay, and he was down here with his tractor, and got my hay in for me...he was that sort of man.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,448
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth.....dear lady, rest in peace.  Elizabeth had class and dignity and I feel at the end that she went to her peace after giving John forgiveness.......knowing that her children  would need their remaining parent to carry on some semblance of family unity. 

    It is difficult but when we can't forgive ti destroys us -- not them, and I feel Elizabeth knew that and acted accordingly.

    She is an angel in heaven now.

    Hope her family finds their peace and comfort knowing there is no more suffering for their beautiful mother.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Elizabeth Edwards - a fine human being. May she rest in peace.

    Lost_Creek - congrats on NED and you are soooo lucky to see the cirques!!! How fun!!

    We all had a blast at the OBX. I did have a hard time with the cold...not used to it...and spent a lot of time at the fireplace.

    Love to all.

  • evergreen9
    evergreen9 Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2010

    I am almost 65, and was diagnosed the end of November, 2010.  I go in for a lumpectomy day after tomorrow.  The lump is about 1.5 X 2.5 cm, in an area with fibrocystic disease  It was very hard for them to see for sure on the mammogram and even not 100% sure with ultra sound; the biopsy confirmed the diagnosis.  

    I have always eaten healthy, don't carry much extra weight, never smoked, am physically active and my mother is 90.  So I feel a little bitter yet.

    My question... assuming (to be on the cautious side) that they have to remove some nodes, what will recovery feel like, eg the next day, a few days, a week, etc.?

    Also, what is the ideal or maximum wait time for radiation, or for chemotherapy, if I need it.  I hear that if you need both, the chemo goes first...

    Thanks for your input...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Welcome EG, everyone is different-make sure you get along with, trust and understand your surgeon, onc and radation docs. My case is so very different fram all bec my surgery became severely infected and I was allergic to the first dose of chemo they gave me-It is a year later and i still have not recovered from that one dose of chemo-I should say overdose!! Prayers are with you and let us know what is up ASAP. Biggest Hugs, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Evergreen, as SV says everyone is will know

    more about what your treatment plan will be after the surgery

    and the pathology report comes back. I know it is hard to wait

    without knowing and your mind goes every which way...but please

    try to just take this one step at a time. Sending hugs, SoCal

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Hi everybody!  SV-- I am so glad you had such a great time, runs and all!  It must have been so great to finally meet those with whom you've bared your soul, knowing they understand, and have FUN together.  I have acquaintances who've travelled this same road, but we don't really "talk" about it like all of us can do here.  I just love it here, with all of you!  You are all so incredibly kind.

    LC --Thanks for telling about your trip to Vegas!  Oh my, I'd love to go there!  I think I'm a true gambler at heart and I like to go to Harrah's at Cherokee here in NC, but haven't been in over a year.  We used to have meetings up there (got a good state rate at the Ramada across the street) and we all flocked to the casino every night.  I'd just take a set amount of money and when it was gone, that was it, but it really was fun.  However, at Cherokee of course there's no Cirque du Soleil, and I would love to see that!  I watch it every time I can on TV.

    Rae-- Loved your description too.  Wouldn't you just know you'd get the topless version of Follies?!!

    Isabella-- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.  56 is way too young!  Hugs to you.  I know it's hard.

    Today I saw my breast surgeon for a 3-month follow-up appt, after the lumpectomy.  Apparently my case changed the hospital protocol!  The surgeon was to do the nipple dye injections for my SNB under anesthesia and had taken training in this very thing, but it became a SNAFU in my case.  I was wheeled down to the mammography center and immobilized in the mammo machine and a radiologist I'd never seen before did the injections and also inserted the locator wire,  My protests were ignored and I was held captive by the boob.  It surely wasn't the way I'd have chosen, and I told them but nobody listened to me.  I was the 4th patient my surgeon had that this happened to, and she was livid about it.  Now, hopefully no one will be subjected to this procedure when there is an alternative way of doing it!  The letter of apology I got from the hospital didn't quite make up for it to me, but at least we can't remember the sensation of pain--we can remember that something hurt, but don't actually feel it again.  Thank goodness!

    I'll be going to Rockingham again tomorrow to see Aunt Kate.  She has agreed to come closer to me (if and when she's discharged from the hospital) and we know there's a place for her at a nursing home in a neighboring town.  Ironically my surgeon's office is on the same road as this facility, so DH and I rode by there and looked at the outside after my appt today.  It's only about 2 years old and I've heard only good things about it, so we'll see.  I know my children could both see her more there than they can now--DD is a music teacher in a public school (for as long as she still has a job, that is, with all the cuts they're making) and also has a second job, and DS has the baby, well, now the toddler, I suppose.  His wife works some weekends and Rockingham is even farther for them than it is for us, so this would be good.  I know it would be easier on us to have her closer, as I'm going every other day to see her now.

    I was saddened to hear about Elizabeth Edwards' death today.  When the news broke yesterday that her treatment would be stopped I didn't think her death would occur almost immediately and it was a shock to hear she was gone.  What a courageous person she was, to carry on as she did despite her SOB husband's betrayal, showing his "true colors" as my father used to say.  John is actually from the county I grew up in, and we used to be proud of him.  No more, though.  May she be at peace now.

    Sorry to be so long-winded tonight.  Sometimes I just run on and on.  Love to you all,


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Welcome, Evergreen.  I had a lumpectomy too, in August, with a re-excision in September for a cleaner margin.  I'm 60, so not that far behind you.  I can honestly say the surgery was no where near as bad as I feared. There was hardly any pain, and I only had to take one pain pill that night.  Got home the same day.  As SV and Lisa said, everyone's different, and once the path report is in you'll know more about what's in store for you. I started radiation a little over a month after surgery and I didn't have to have chemotherapy.  If you can get the oncotype/dx test done (the oncologist ordered mine) it will show if you'd benefit from chemo, but all of this comes after the pathology report comes back.

    Again, welcome to the place you didn't want to come to, and more hugs!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    (((QCA))) I mean these people are supposed to be specialists in their field. i have never run into a more inept group of docs in my life!! And MS. AMYJO, where are you-are you ok? and I am missing Connie too-wha'd up?? Hope all is well. XXOO, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    @ is for the birds! yes, i think Lost creek covered it for me, with Elizabeth Edwards. Larry King re-aired her interview with him, tonite. she was dying, knew it , ad wanted to have it easier for her kids, so forgiveness was the way she chose. i try to be a good mother to my sons; i had them alone when their father divorced me ( good riddance ) but, he divorced his sons, too.. not fair.. so, even if John was an SOB; i hope he'll take care with his sons, like he Didn't Do with his WIFE!! she was an angel before she even got to heaven, in my estimation.

        i started thinking.. will that be me? we just can't say..well, i'll make the 5 yr mark, and all will be safe. it never will be again, at least I'LL never feel that way; i can only speak for myself.

       that's when i have to remember every case is different, what happens with me doesn't necc. happen to you; etc.. its very random in its' choosing.. it ya know " the BEAST " she's a real, living being in my house. i hope it won't always be that way; but i have to live with the consequences of tx. everyday.. up front, and personal. i think that's why it's still close for me, too. i don't GET to have the life i had before. ive had to reinvent a whole other one. because of one disease, or another i have; this will be my 3rd reinvention... you'd think i'd get better at this!! its' actually harder, each time. BC was the worst. so, i can't get on board with some of the suzy sunshine stuff i hear.. i think its' great; if you can do it.. i can't there are too many long term complications for me to pretend.. im done pretending, for anyone. i don't think right now id win any personality contest.. good chance there isn't such a thing!! tommorrow is my therapist appt.. think i need to go?? cuckle, and a sigh...

        Lost Creek, i saw Terry Fator on BBC the other night, and was blown away! i want to go to Vegas... one of these days. with $$ being so tight, and i don't travel at all now, it won't be soon. but, i think you DO need goals..and thasts' a long term one for me... fun in sin city..yum

         MediGal- the OBX was started very spontaneously with Barb A. saying SV wasn't doing good then, and some of us should do a fly bye... thast's how we roll on this thread.. everyone got on board, some of us it worked out, some it didn't .. so,wanna come to Ft. Lauderdale in the winter, gals? i can't travel; but, it's great here.. well, its cold for so. fla; but compared to most of you....

        i know there are a few of us already near here, some who come down as snowbirds, so anyone else???

        i also wanted to welcome you, evergreen9 , to this thread.. we're a crazy group of "pod people" but your'e in good hands here...    love ya all!!       3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    hmn  does that look like a pod person? SV?  3jays
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    Morning Evergreen!  Welcome to this site!  I also had a lumpectomy last Dec. 4th.  Your surgeon will take out 1 or more lymph nodes to make sure they are clear....I am 74 now, & this surgery was one of the "easiest" ones I have had!  I had radiation with the "MammoSite" device.  Be sure you ask your Doc about that!  And yes,  afterwards, you will want to have the Onco test, to determine if you need chemo!  Listen to your Docs...and ask lots of questions!

    Please don't be might hear all kinds of wild tales on this forum, but that doen't mean anything like that will happen to you!   If you "listen" to the gals closely, you can see that most are well over the surgery & treatment & are doing pretty well!  

    And my prayers are also with Elizabeth...and her family.   Just thank God that John has help raising their children!   I don't hold judgement on anyone.....xoxoxoxoxo

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Hello Evergreen, and welcome to the unwilling but able club.  Sorry you had to join us. The other ladies have given you some good advice - patience is about the most difficult.  Since you're already in good condition, if you have few complications, you may tend to overdo it after the surgery -- I did.  Be easy on yourself and understand that simple walking is about the best exercise; but ask your docs how to proceed with exercise and recovery in your individual case. The next few days will give you more information and you can make your choices.  Bring a friend and or a tape recorder to the appointment when your surgeon explains the pathology report. You won't be able to remember everything.

    And remember that there are some wonderful women on BCO; nearly every forum has one or more people who have really done their research. 

    I've had several lumpectomies over the years, and had zero problems. I had next to no problems with rads (mostly fatigue), and Arimidex is not difficult for me either, at least so far, knock wood.

    As SV said, it's important to trust your medical team.  I wish you well and will be thinking of you this week. Take heart.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Hi All, thanks for the hugs & good wishes on good tests!  I am happy. 

    3Jays, isn't Terry Fator the best!?  He is even more amazing in person than I had imagined.  His puppets are outstanding, his impersonations & singing are impeccable.  He has a new puppet, a "Cougar", and she is hilarious.  We laughed until tears came.

     Of Cirque, I had not realized they are now worldwide, with over 20 shows including several permanent shows and a couple of traveling shows in the US, and many in other countries.  Then, of course, Vegas has seven!  The costuming and theatrics were beyond belief, and the acrobatics and athleticism were awe-inspiring and astounding. Music was exceptional, etc... Just yummy!!!!!

    For those of you who have some sort of high speed connection (not dial-up), these websites have info and some music and film clips - there are places as you explore you can click & see & hear short videos of the various shows.  If there's one near you, or traveling to someplace near you, it's worth the effort to go see anything Cirque produces, IMHO. A friend said some of their DVDs are on Netflix now.



  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been here since Thanksgiving and am overwhelmed at the number of posts!  What a busy and active group!  The get-together on OBX sounds like such a wonderful time.

    Elizabeth Edwards' passing was such a shock yesterday.  Of course, we knew it was coming, but it just happened so quickly.  She was a class act -- may she rest in peace. 

    I was hoping to finally be done with surgeries when my implant was removed in late October.  It was my second implant removal -- both developed capsular contracture, probably because that side was radiated.  Anyway, the implant was removed and then 2 weeks later I had another surgery to remove a huge hematoma that had opened up the incision.  That surgery actually took longer than the implant removal, but recovery was pretty smooth for the first 3 weeks.  During the last week I developed a painful, infected seroma and am on a big dose of antibiotics.  Hopefully the antibiotics will do their job quickly.  I am SO looking forward to being healed and moving forward with just my one little Femara pill each day and, of course, those periodic visits to the onc. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    This is a December Rose here...

  • evergreen9
    evergreen9 Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2010

    I am so grateful for the responses I have received already, to my questions about my lumpectomy tomorrow... I now feel as if I am not so alone and different, and that life goes on.

    I'll be back to report on how it went, and may have more questions...