Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Anyone wonder what happened to that cruise ship that caught fire??

    It is here in San Diego getting repaired

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    (((EG)))) Lots of prayers and hugs are being sent your way for your lumpectomy tomorrow. Just imagine that each of us is sitting on your gurney, holding your hand as you go thru this. let everyone know how things went ASAP. XXOO, SV

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Whew! I had to do a lot of reading to catch up.  I have been under the weather the last couple of days.  I barely made it to my physical therapy sessions.  I have been running a low grade fever and it hurst so bad to swallow that eating is a real challenge.  At least I was healthy for the OBX trip.  I am trying to figure out how and where to post all the pictures that I took on the trip.  Now that the fever is gone I am freezing.  I am sitting by the fireside trying to get warm.  My DH said that I need to call the RO tomorrow since it is still hurting so bad to eat anything.  It absolutely wears me out just to eat a piece of toast!  It was so nice to meet Marybe, BarbaraA and SV.  I am so glad I went and I am already planning on going next year too.

    Evergreen - welcome to the site that no one wants to come to.  I am so sorry that you have had to join us.  This is the hardest part of Breast Cancer.  The waiting to find out test results and what changes to the treatment plans will be.  Try and stay calm and take one step at a time. This is a good place to come to get information, encouragement and support.  Like everyone else has stressed - be sure you trust and can talk to your doctors.  Take someone with you to all appointments and take notes or a recorder and ask lots of questions.  No question is too small or unimportant.  Write the answers down so that you can go back and review the information later.  Do not worry if you cannot remember everything.  There will be a lot of information thrown at you all at once and it is kind of like trying to take a drink from a fire hose.  Hoping you have the best success with your surgery and the following pathology reports.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    Lisa, that's the cruise ship my sister and BIL were supposed to be on but because of the fire, the travel co. left them high and dry so they had to reorganise their holiday at short nortice.  Bit of a pain but they made it in the end, they are actually due home next week Tuesday.

  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2010

    Lost_Creek:  What a great story!  Congratulations on finishing (the colonoscopy prep, too) and glad all is well.

    Good luck with the clean up.  I was actually happy I could do it this fall....

    My husband and I chose a Christmas tree last Friday night and on the way to the kiosk, I burst out crying. The young cashier offered me a kleenex as I reassured her that these were happy tears.  What I didn't say was that they were about being happy to be feeling well, and planning Christmas, and, my wish for us all, being done with "it."  Hopefully, forever.

    BararaA, MaryBe, SV, AmyJo:  You know that the cold feels colder when you're so near the water.  Ireland, Cape Cod, the Outer Banks...the damp cold will cut right through you.  And it was just like that today in Boston too.

    Thanks, 3jaysmom, for sharing your feelings about the Beast and the uncertainty....

    God bless us all.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    MAUREEN!!!! We will be swooping in on you shortly (well, maybe when it isn't 12 degrees). We (the OBX chicks) discussed this and MaryBe is the traveling fool!!! And I am her loyal servant.

    Miss you and can't wait to see you again!! You would have loved the OBX.

    Soon - ladies we will be announcing the next 'insane POD swoop'. Could be NYC, could be Cape Cod...who knows? We are pretty nutty. I am pretty good at negotiating deals and with all my stupid points for every hotel/car rental/airline we can help those who need it. So keep that in mind.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Just wanted to let you know that my aunt Kate died this evening.  The hospital discharged her and she was moved by EMS to a nursing center in our county, and died almost immediately after going to her room there.  I agreed to the move thinking it would be to her benefit since we could all visit her more often, had gone to the nursing center today and completed the paperwork, was informed she was on the way, and then got a call that she'd died.  We don't think she should have been released from the hospital yet, but we know she was 98 and just worn out.  I think the trip just speeded it up for her.  When I learned this morning that they planned to move her today, I'd been almost out the door to go to see her in the hospital in Rockingham.  Now, the funeral home in Rockingham is on the way to pick her up.  We'll be making the arrangements tomorrow.  I can't believe this---I thought I was doing the right thing by having her up here.  I just didn't expect her to die immediately after the trip. 

    I'm okay.  It'll be a rough night, but I know Kate's more than okay now, and that's good.  What a year--Daddy in January and now Kate in December.  I hope 2011 will be kinder than this year has been, for us all!

    Love to you all--Kathy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    {{Kathy}}.  So sorry to hear about your Aunt Kate.  There's something so special about a beloved aunt.  98 is a good long life, but the suddenness must have taken your breath away. It seems so often the elderly just slip away while we aren't looking.   My condolences on your loss.  As you say, she's ok now.  Best wishes for a gentle and good 2011~

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Evergreen, lots of us will be with you tomorrow....sending hugs your way

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    ummsorry about your aunt Kate, QCA will be thinking of you as you walk thru it...     3jays
  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited December 2010

    Kathy, so sorry to hear about your Aunt.  She is now in the arms of the Angels.

    Evergreen, will be thinking of you and sending up a prayer tomorrow.  (((hugs))) to both of you.


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Kathy - I am sorry to hear your Aunt Kate died and that you have lost two very special people this year.  Even if it is expected, the loss of someone close is wrenching and if it is unexpected it must be even worse.  I wish you calm as you face the next few days of funeral preparations and then her funeral.  Your decision to move her closer was made with love for her and you mustn't second guess yourself.  As you say, she was just worn out and it was her time to go.

    Evergreen - best wishes for your surgery.  I understand you feeling 'bitter' - I was 52 (I know I am a bit 'young' for this group but they are such a lovely bunch I can't tear myself away), always fit, never smoked, hadn't drunk much alcohol and none for the 25 years prior to dx, breastfed 2 babies for 16 months, my Mum was 90 at the time and is still alive and my Dad lived to 88 and there was little family history - I felt I had drawn the short straw for a long time but finally realised I didn't have the energy to waste on that sort of useless thinking.  Have resigned myself to the fact that it has happened now but there will always be sadness that it did.  Terrible time for you just now - one day at a time - educate yourself so you understand what the doctors tell you so YOU can make informed decisions about what is best for YOU.  You may find it helpful to join other threads as your treatment progresses so you can 'talk' with other ladies going through the same thing at the same time.  There is a mine of information on these boards and most ladies are ready to help and support as they can.  Visit us here often though to rant, ask questions or just chill and enjoy the laughs and love that this group of ladies share. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    rainzz i know how you feel; having turned 60 this march, i shouldv'e jumped ship on the "middies " group, but just can't seem to tear myself away.. co dependant, i guess!! lol 3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Evergreen, thinking about you today. Hopefulyy you'll have lots of warm blankets and supportive nursing staff seeing you through the day.

    Kathy, I am sorry for your loss. 

    Love Ginger

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    Kathy,  So sorry about your Aunt, but maybe she did not want to die in the hospital and just decided to go to sleep.  As you said she is in a far better place now, but I know you will miss her.  Do not think if I had done this or I had done that.  We always tend to beat ourselves up over things we have absolutely no control over, but she knew you loved her and that is what counts.

    Evergreen, Pray your surgery went well. 

    I have been totally pooped since I got back home and am still catching up on sleep....went to bed early last night and do not have to be at work until 9 AM today, but woke up at 5:30 so here I am on the computer, but must go now and walk these dogs who are sitting here staring at me.

    It is hard to believe just a week ago, I was getting ready to pack my suitcase....if I were doing it over, I would not forget my hat because I needed it....Brrrrrr!  But what a beautiful area. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    (((KATHY))) My prayers are with you and your family.

    Evergreen, I am thinking of you and holding your cyber hand.

    ((RAE)) I know how you feel about having drawn the short straw. Same for me but it is useless to dwell on that. We just pull up the big girl panties and get on with it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    QCA so very sorry about your Aunt Kate-sending prayers and love. SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Kathy, so sorry about your Aunt Kate, she must have been a beautiful woman to have in your life and I know you will miss her greatly, she is sleeping in the arms of the angels, soaring with the eagles and is in the celestial prisms in the rainbow.

    Evergreen, my prayers and hugs are with you and hope that you you'll get the answers you need to carry on with what lies ahead..

    gentle hugs to all ~suzie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    Hi all!  This is so pretty......


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Kathy - So sorry to hear about your Aunt Kate.  My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through the days ahead.

    Evergreen - Pray your surgery went well and you get all the information you need to make the right decisions for you.

    3jays - you are just the right age to be with us.  Age is a matter of the mind.  I still look in the mirror and wonder who that old lady is that is looking back at me. 

    I have managed to sleep the day away.  I did go to my dentist appointment this morning and got 1 load of laundry done, other than that I have slept all day with my sweet Daisy dog at my feet. She took off to the bedroom when my DH started a fire in the fireplace.  I still fall asleep as soon and I stop for longer than a few seconds.  I think I have narcolepsy!  I started taking my Femara at night on Monday and last night was the first night I had 0 night sweats and I slept all night with out waking up once.  Now I am sleeping all day too.  Maybe I am just catching up on all the sleep I have missed these past few months.  I need to go to my other threads while I am still awake!

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited December 2010

    Amyjo, and you other Retreaters,

    Glad to hear the Outer Banks Retreat was great.  I was thinking about you all and next year I would love to attend.  Hope we are all well and healthy enough to do that.  We have to believe we will be.  Something to look forward to.

    Hope you are feeling better.  I think maybe I'll switch and start taking my Femara at night.  Sounds like several of you think it's the answer to less fatigue during the day. 

    Chili and cornbread sounds good!  Will have to make some this weekend.  My DH is in the hospital, just had hip replacement surgery today.  So, it's the dog and I for a couple of days.  Surgery went well.  Something he has needed for a LONG time, but you know how some men can be!! 

    Sleep well on your Femara!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

     Kathy, thinking of you in your loss. You'll be having the whys, the hows and the what if's for ages...but don't beat yourself up nothing will alter whats happened, and Aunt Kate sounds as if she was more than lucky to have you. Things do get better, slowly.

    I've  been sitting here tonight feeling a bit sorry for myself...its nearly Christmas and I hear from my G/daughter that my son isn't coming to see me this holiday...for the second year running. It killed me last year, it was the 1st time in 44 years I had not had him with me for Christmas, and will be just as bad this year. I like my whole family with me, its just not the same when he and the 2 G/children aren't here. I haven't seen the G/children in 26 months...if it weren't for Facebook I would have no idea what they were doing, nor how they looked now.

    Son no longer 'phones, emails nor contacts me via FB, and I have no idea what I have done. DIL cornered me 2 years ago and asked for a VERY large loan. I refused. They had no way of paying it back, already being overstretched with a big mortgage. DIL was mad, contacted her parents with the same request. Her father told her he would stump up half of what they wanted if I would put in the rest. I still refused, it put my back up being pushed into something I had already refused. As it happened I was right, they went to a loan shark, and now with the downturn are having great difficulty making payments. DS complained to DD that I shouldn't have spent money on home alterations and a new car, HE should have had the money....NO he shouldn't.  I have spent my life working hard, working towards  these things, and mean as it may sound I am not going to forgo  these things whilst DIL swans around 'working'  2 hours a day,5 days a week....and I am, at my age working or on call 24/7. If they'd been faced with being homeless things would have been different, but they weren't, DIL just fancied an my expense !! So I am thinking this situation is behind DS not contacting me. DD has contacted him and told him I am waiting for heart surgery, and back surgery, I would have hoped his conscience would have pricked him and he'd have picked up the phone, particularly when DD told him I was waiting for a heart valve replacement, but no, nothing, he hasn't even rung me to ask what is going on with my heart.  I have tried to ring him to speak to him and let him know about my health, 3 times this year, but each time DIL picks up the 'phone and tells me he is not around. I have emailed him twice, no response....WHY do we have these DILs...mine is sugar sweet to my face , never puts a foot wrong, but is working away behind the scenes making my life a misery at times. I am just so glad I stuck to my guns and refused her money. I KNOW I would have been kissing it goodbye, its always the same with families.

    I had a barn attatched to my house. and 3 years ago DS and DIL drove me mad repeatedly asking if they could HAVE it, to convert to a house for themselves. They were never away from my house, always asking and 'why notting'  At the time I was just getting my own plans approved to convert it myself...I just hadn't gotten around to telling them, incase it fell thru'.  It didn't, and I was made to feel really guilty for daring to use my own barn for myself. ( I doubled the size of my house knocking thru' into my barn, I just love all the extra space ) I had been planning and saving for a few years to do this, and I think this is behind DS not contacting me now. Whatever it is, its killing me not seeing my 2 G/children. They have been in this area 3 times this year, calling on DILs parents, but not even calling on me for 10 minutes. ( they moved away 2 years ago, only 150 miles away, but I just cannot get away and leave all my animals now, no DH here now to look after things while I go off on a trip ) 

    I've made a start on my Christmas cards, I just hate all this bother now, always used to love Christmas, but as I have gotten older it becomes a chore. I am going to DDs for my Christmas dinner,( I am taking DH along with me, as he will be alone, he enjoys watching the youngsteres open their presents, not having any children of his own) and I put my life in jeopardy when I say this as her cooking is much worse than mine. Last year was the first time she did Christmas, and it wasn't too bad at all, apart from the constant smoking...  this drives me mad, and I can't say a thing in someone else's home. I have a ban on in my house, if they want to smoke they go stand outside the back door, and talk to the cats. I shalln't stay too long at DDs just a couple of hours at the most, my animals always give me a good excuse to get out of staying too long at someone else's house !

     Our frosty weather continues, we still have a lot of snow, and lots of ice. I am still swanning around in my 4X4, I hate the thing, but I need to get out now and then for supplies ! I am still running around with my little wooden wine box, which I use as a step to haul myself up into the cab with, then pull it up with a rope. he he he. I just pray no-one sees my antics trying to get into the darned thing. I can't see my car getting out for a couple of weeks at least looking at the forecast. Looks like we could be in for a white Christmas.

    Off to bed now, had a busy day. Everything takes twice as long walking on the ice, and I was held up with a funeral to attend early this morning....didn't get finished tonight until 8 pm. Bet DIL was nice and warm watching TV at that time, after her little 2 hour job today !!!  Sometimes , as I get older I could do with a couple of 2 hour days in a week. I had had a delivery of 5 parcels when I go back into the house, STILL haven't gotten around to opening them, will have half an hour at them in the morning. I did a monster internet shop last week for Christmas, much as I love to shop I just wouldn't have done it this year, so took the easy way out !!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    That does it Isabella, we are all moving to the UK to live with and take care of you-after all, we have decided (at least i have) that we need a retreat house. (((Kathy))) (((Evergreen)))) and we may need to do semi annual getaways to ensure that we are healthy enough at all times-unfortunately cancer is SO freaking expensive.I could have bought a house in Monaco by now!!! And 3jays, I am still gigglingover your pix of 'the pod squad'. OMG too funny. No No, when I came onboard this thread everyone was identifying themselves with whales (in my case-literal) and we formed a pod which is a groups whale that travel together because they are related in some way. I have NO idea how it all got to the PODS and the POD sistas. But it lasted for quite awhile for us in the cancer world! And i cannot stay awake either for some reason. Healing takes SO much energy!! XXOO, SV And Isabella, I am truly worried about you!! LIKE For real. You sound so depressed. Anything we can do to help?? And you are getting surgey and have no support?? I don't know if you are where i am -like yesterday I had both knees drained am am dying today. New knees a must but why if I am going to freaking die of cancer?? Not to be a drama queen, but it takes close to a year to recover from total knee replacement for me-with my wieght issues and all-hell i could be out of remission by then, I am having burning headaches and my doc/onc wants to see me ASAP. CR#p!! But I want you to get some support and feel OK. We love you and so wish you were closer!! SV

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Well I finally got my pictures and some of Marybe's posted so here is the link.  Tomorrow I will try the video's.  We did have a good time and next time we need a lot more of you to join us. 

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    AmyJo, I thought you replaced your prison mugshot with one we took in the OBX!!!!!

    Anyway, gals, I have been away from home since last Wednesday and I miss DH and he misses me. Frown But this week in Long Beach CA, I worked in this building about 3 blocks away from the Queen Mary and the whole amusement park thisg down on the water. Here's the view from my office. Nice. Tomorrow is back to my baby BUT the car comes at 4:30 AM!! YIKES!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    I have been at the beach today. 6-10 foot waves really nice, but then the fog moved in really fast..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    I love those ads chopping up pictures...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Thank you all for the comforting posts about my Aunt Kate--oh, they help me more than I can say.  You are all the kindest, most caring people and I'm so grateful to have you in my corner!!   Although I wish Kate hadn't been discharged from the hospital and I believe the trip itself hastened her death, I think she'd have died anyway.  Today when I was making the arrangements, her minister told me that she'd visited Kate Monday after I'd left, and Kate told her she was tired and wanted to go "home" and be with Ollie, her sister, who died in 2005.  It's now been a little over 12 years since I began "looking after" Kate and Ollie, and later Daddy, and now that's done.  All of them lived well past 90, but Kate, at 98, got the longevity prize!

    Two more trips to Rockingham, one for the funeral and one next week to move Kate's things out of the nursing home there, and that's it.  The next time I'll drive down Hwy 74 East I'll be on myway to the beach! 

    Loving all you special people!   Kathy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Morning gals!  It's fun reading about some of the exploits on this thread!  And I feel really bad for the few women who are  still fighting cancer, especially with mets.   But I'm grateful for those of us who have come through the surgery, & treatments and are always looking forward to another day!  

    SV....You sounded so good when you gals got together!  But now you say you are "dying of cancer" again!  Your knees CAN be replaced, but I would never say I was dying of cancer, even if I was!  No-one wants to hear that.  And most of all, NONE of us know we "are dying of cancer!"  Not unless all of your tests show you are, with mets to the bone & lungs, and STILL these women with this prognosis are fighting this to their last breath!   Your attitude would scare even the toughest of us old gals to bits!   We are all about "hope!"   We never quit, & we don't say we have something, when we don't!    IF we find out tests show we need more surgery, then we DO it, but we don't post that we are dying of cancer, like it is something we look forward to.

    Sometimes reading these posts become such a downer!  I just want to read & post when I can actually help someone who is so afraid of surgery, or "what comes next?"  But if someone who is really "lost" and mired down in their own misery, reads what some of us say.....They might find no hope! 

    I have a friend, who had surgery right before I did....Her surgery went fine, but after radiation, she was in the fight of her life, with cancer that showed up somewhere else!   She needs encouragement...and hope!   And that's what I'm here for.  

    Sorry gals.....  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    sometimes the BEAST just gets to you, and on that days, you get to talk about it, even if it might be a"downer " to the positive always gals!! i don't want any of us to feel we can't say how we REALLY feel on this site.. its for how we COPE with cancer.. and SV was really low yesterday.. how 'bout we ENCOURAGE her , and not SHAME her for saying the odd negative feeling?   raise your hands ladies.. who on here, doesn't have one or even two (God forbid!) days where we feel the BEAST is winning, or at least catching up ???

        don't want to get onn you, either, Chevy Boy, ya know i love ya.. we just need a safe place to be honest.. who doesn't have their "dark" days? i know i sure do...PEACE N LOVE...     3jays