Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    OMG,I guess I should look out the windows more...went out with Harley and there is SNOW EVERYWHERE.....looks very pretty actually, but it is coming down fast so would imagine they are already predicting closings on the radio and tv....this is not a town that is prepared for snow, no matter how much they get, they make such a big deal out of it.  My mother was from Michigan and when she would be staying with me and they would be going on and on about the weather she would say, "They don't know what snow is here.  Don't they have better things to talk about on the news?"

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Well, if it snowed here, everything would close down for a week. In fact, that is why I moved here. I am DONE with snow.

  • Welga
    Welga Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2010
    SV, you have a lot of people that like to read you, so don't let this get to you. I can relate to how you fell, just yesterday somebody was telling me to exercise my memory (the AI femara and pain pills are not helping me) and I answered ''what's the use I cannot have chemo anymore I had to stop it or it would have killed me, so if the pains I have now are of cancer I will dye from it''. So when you where saying you didn't want knee replacement as you where going to dye from cancer anyway I am sure a lot of us think this way, I know you cannot take AI and feel you can't get help for your condition.
    I don't write much on this forum, but I read it everyday. I'm french speaking, and have not spoken in English for so many years, that it's very hard for me to compose a message, also sometimes I cannot express my fellings as I don't use the wright expressions, I also use some words that sometimes might mean something else, and confuse people. The effort for me to write with my chemo brains is too much but this topic ''can we have a forum for older people with BC'' is my favorite to read. There are such good and interesting writers, you are one of them also Isabella, Marybe, Barbara and others that I am not thinking of right know.
    It would be just terrible if we would loose some of you on account of a few that are critisizing with no reason. Hope you can overcome and just keep on letting us know you more, hughs
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    (((HUGS))) Welga and very well said!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    Welga!! How are you...have not heard from you for a long time now. 

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    Did any one but me really read SV's post correctly?  She did not say she was "dying of cancer" she made a question about it.  SV has enough sense to realize that even on her worse days, "she" doesn't know "what" she will pass from this earth on or "when".  Unless she is really some Angel sent to Earth to test the rest of us, "she" doesn't have this info about her end of life.  I thought she was being very delightful even in her stress and found her post uplifting as usual.  SV is taking her life and still living it no matter what her circumstances so I resent any one implying she, of all our posters, is giving off negative messages about cancer.  Even the newbies on here have a right to know that emotional and physical suffering is a part of trying to survive cancer.  However, as much as I respect SV,  unless she has been given the gift of prophecy about her own life, she has no idea "what" will be the cause of the end of her life.  I frankly think she is too strong a person to leave this earth for any reason for quite some time.  But she has a right to vent to us when she has a bad day as even "Angels" can at some time.

  • Welga
    Welga Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Barbara, and Marybe I'm sort of quiet, pains in back getting worst all the time, waiting for a Pet Scan that I was suposed to get last week but had to delay due to weakness, my appartement being worked on at the moment (changing windows and doors) it takes wathever energy I have.Thanks for asking.

    I am really happy about your news (not having the chemobi thing) I can understand you wanting to stikc to chemo as you are supporting it so well. Also happy you could attend the recent get to gether wish I lived closer. Hughs to all


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Welga - So sorry to hear about the pain in you back. I just finished 12 radiation treatments on my back because of severe pain.  It has helped a lot and the pain in the treated area is almost completely gone now.  Don't know if that would be an option for you or not, but it did really help me, even though it made me really sick for a little while.

    BarbaraA - your tree looks great.  Glad you are finally back home, sorry it is cold there too.:-(  Maybe you will get warmed up soon.  Maybe our next trip should be someplace really warm.  Miss you, SV and Marybe.

    I am planning for a party tomorrow night and then my next Aredia treatment is on Tuesday and Wednesday DD and her family arrive for the holidays.  Looks like I will have a little chaos for a while.  I could use some chaos and things get a little boring around here with just me and DH.

    Everyone stay well and warm.  Amy Jo 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2013

    Where do all these lost posts go to ?? I have just lost a monster post, and my pc is playing me up...pc repair man coming this week ....yes !!

    Susgul. Sorry you have pneumonia. Hope you're feeling better. Look after yourself, and let us know how it goes.

    Marybe, I was referring to your post where you were planning your funeral, we have been told to have a positive attitude by a poster here !!!!!   DH isn't worming back in ....I keep him at arms length....its just Christmas Dinner at DDs. He has been a good (ish) stepfather and G/father, and the kids like to see him, particularly the little G/daughter, he makes a lot of her.

    Barbara, I love your tree, it is so 'Christmassy' Its tradition here to put up the tree and decorations on Christmas Eve, tho' a lot of the younger ones with children put them up a lot earlier. I have my 1st artificial one this year. I'm not in Christmas Day, so can't be bothered with a real tree, tho' I bought a tiny tiny one in a pot, about 9", but whether I will remember to water it or not will be another thing.

    SV ......YEAH to your last post.

    I made a real fool of myself, today. I was up and at it early, I always wear a small radio and earphones while I am working.Today was freezing, so I was wearing a Russian hat, and was just about completely deaf. I was all togged up, had on a pair of ripped jeans, a green welly and a black welly ( chewing dogs!) and an oversized lime green body warmer ( not a pretty sight) I was working away, listening to a programe called Desert Island Discs, where people choose 8 records they'd like to take to a desert island. The records were a bit quiet, when all of a sudden Bob Dylan pops up with 'Hey.Mr Tambourine Man' I love this record, so joined in at full blast, half singing , half yelling, thinking only the cows could hear me. (They're used to my little outbursts, never bat an eyelid )  Well, I thought wrong. Suddenly, there was the postman standing right infront of me. If the floor could have opened up and swallowed me I would have been so dammned grateful !! But it didn't, and I had to speak to him. He was just about peeing himself at my performance...I just hope he didn't report my behavior in the village when he got there, after leaving here.

    We don't GET postmen on a Sunday, but due to the 2 weeks bad weather, and a backing up of Christmas mail we were getting a days extra delivery. I have to face him again next week to give him his Christmas present (money) so hope he won't want hush money!! I shall never live this down !

    I was going out to pick up some sheep today, thats why I was up early, but I rang the person I was buying them off to see if all was well to proceed with the pick up, and he said to me ' You're getting these sheep a lot cheaper than you should' this was after we had agreed a price, so I said 'You know what, I'll not bother with them if thats your attitude' Wow, he quickly started to backpedal, but the moment was gone for me. I don't like to agree a price, then re negotiate, so I wouldn't go for them. I can be funny like that ! There will be more sheep I am sure.

    I spent the afternoon in my sewing room, making some frilly bedding for a dolls pram I have bought for G/daughter.. I tried to put a link on to show you all what the pram looks like, but think thats why I lost my post..anyway its a Moover pram...made by Moover toys of Denmark, and made of wood, and painted red. and I think its quite cute. I've bought twin soft babies to go in it.....couldn't just stop at a pram, could I ?

     I have lost a very little friend this canary. He sang his little heart out most of the time, and canaries only normaly sing from Feb.- May....but this little chap sang all year round. His singing was like wine to me, I loved to hear the trilling on and off most of the day, right thru' the house, he was like a little musical box. DH was always mad at him, he said the trilling got on his nerves ! But he got stuck in his water drinker, looked like he couldn't get out for some reason, and he was drowned. I noticed as soon as I came downstairs, the house was quiet. I shall miss I can't get another that will sing constantly. Even my lovebirds were quiet this morning, they must have noticed the singing had stopped. They are usually raucus, sometimes getting on my nerves, as they screech like fingernails on a blackboard.....but don't go on and on like the canary did, just now and then, and usually when I am trying to speak to someone !


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Just lost my post - I said naughty words as I had inserted some photos.

    Hope every one is doing OK. 

    Now lets try those photos again. I love Christmas even in the heat and this is my tree effort this year. My little GD is dancing - it was her birthday and she had on a new dress.

    I haven't posted much lately because I didn't feel that I should burden people with problems that weren't directly related to BC. Had hernia repair and fundoplication operation two weeks ago and it is taking forever to get over. Feeling good today but I was so tired yesterday. As well my arthritis is playing up - not sure if it is the femara or the Rheumatoid flaring so hands are really sore and the spot on my back is painful. So that's my grump for today but I know you understand.

    Any way it is warm here, starting to get humid something I don't really like. We really need rain, DH is getting worried about the lack of water at some of the glass houses. Australia is having rain and we are in drought. 


    So I am sending everyone some roses from MiL's garden, mine are virtually over but have new buds.

    Big hugs 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    alyson, holy cow-you got pix up there-how cool is that. i love your tree and pix of gd!!!! xxoo, sv

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2010

    Granddaughter looks just like Grandmother!!! How cute :)


  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    I am starting to think I will never get my tree done..Now I am going to work tomorrow since Kelly the other hygienist called and she doesn't think she will be able to make it in because of the snow (I live close to the office) and I keep wandering to the other room to watch the's some special on PBS with all these old groups, hosted by John Sebastian....Jonie Mitchell, Chad Mitchell Trio, Kingston Trio, Bobby Darin, The singing Nun, Mamas & Papa's and of course The Lovin' Spoonful since he was with them. I love oldies and OMG Isabella, love Bob Dylan....the old Bob....saw him a few years ago and it isn't the same now that you can actually understand him.  I bet you made the mailman's's got to be a boring job and you probably kept him smiling for the rest of the day.  Being in England, were you mad for the Beatles?....did you ever go see them.  That was something Barb and I discovered we had in common...we both saw the Beatles when they were doing their tour here in 64 or maybe it was 65....but she saw them in PA and I saw them in OH.....know I wasn't driving yet so it was before I was 16 and my parents drove me and my girlfriend here to Cincinnati to see them.  Oh the screaming and the could barely hear them even though they did have mics because they were in the middle of a baseball field.  Beautiful pics Xmas will be fun with that little one.  What is fundoplacation?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    ALYSON: feel free to come here, and tell us what's going on with you, BC related, or not. we all talk about our lives; good, bad, or indifferent.. thats' how we become such good friends. ISABELLA.. good thing girl you A. weren't listening to the "stripper" theme, and B hd too many clothes on anyway.. talk about making his day!!i'm layghing thinking about you singing, even as i type now.. i totally understand your reaction about the sheep.. im cut from the same cloth... PLEASE..when your computer guy comes to hook up wireless, ask him o write down, and then show you how to post pics... we're ALL dying to see the farm.. pretty p;ease??   allyson; i agree GD looks like grandma... 3jays
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Evening, girls, or night, whatever.  I too lost a whole post, but guess that's what I get for paging back to reread something. 

    Amyjo-- I like the new avatar!  And glad you're going to get some chaos, the good kind! 

    Isabella-- You and the postman and Mr. Tambourine Man!  Don't we all wish we could've all seen that!  You paint such word picturesfor us.  I'm sorry you found your little canary as you did.  Truly I believe that our pets always know when another is gone, and it does affect them in a similar way as it does us.  That's always been my experience with mine, anyway.

    Alyson-- gorgeous pictures and gorgeous GD!  Hope you'll be feeling better soon, too.  GD looks like she's just the age to make it a wonderful Christmas for you all.

    Marybe-- Neat that you actually saw the Beatles! They never came near enough to me to go see, and I like their music now better than I did then.  When they came on the scene I was in my folk music, protest song phase and have never gotten out of it!  Hope the John Sebastian special will air on our PBS.  I read about it the same time I saw the Peter Yarrow sing-along special, which was good but not enough of Peter and Paul.  They had Mary Chapin Carpenter sing with them on a couple of songs, but to me it intensified the loss of Mary, and I didn't like that. I too liked Dylan better when you couldn't understand him, but he has written some timeless songs.

    SV-- Read the long post before you deleted it, and I applaud you!  I may try to maintain a positive attitude but that's mainly for the benefit of other people in my life.  Being told you must have a positve outlook is all well and good, but to my thinking unrealistic. At my mammogram in July I was confident, positive that it would be as uneventful as those in the past.  So I was totally blindsided by this bc diagnosis and I've gone through the surgery and rads robotically.  I do not know what will happen in the future, but I find it hard to believe that a positive attitude will make any difference in whether the cancer recurs or not. If it does come back, did it do so because our attitudes were  not positive enough? I hope that it does not recur, with all my heart and mind, but attitude does not make that decision.  Other factors, beyond our conscious control, determine it.

    Just another long, rambling post, girls.  One day, I shall be organized!! Maybe.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    I also wanted to say i was really dissapointed with what happened the other day; i was in another site for a long time.. left, from just such nonsense.. and, that's what it is.. but. i refuse to leave this site.. there's too many wonderful people here. the others...well....good for some, not for others, i geuss.. the inference you could get a reoccurence from negative thinking is malarcky. to each their own. we came real close to someone wishing cancer (back) on one of our sisters.. i got upset, but then EVERYTHING upsets' me these days...   love ya ALL SISTAHAS       3jays
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Monday will be a fresh start to the week...

    Let's savor it

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Socallisa - Monday is nearly over for me and I have savoured it.  My house is full with twin DDs home for the summer and one has a lovely boyfriend now and all four have been here playing board games and laughing til they bust today - very hard to be sad or unhappy when there is so much 'living' going on around you.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    SV, All that typing and you deleted it?  I am off to work even though I am supposed to be off because the other hygienist was afraid she could not make it in.  So I must get the sweater on Harley so he can go out with me while I scrape off the car....there is a lot more now and I think they are saying more to come.  Now if I had a normal husband he would clear my car off for me....I know I know, a lot of you are saying your DHs would not, but I know there are some who do.  I can only work til 1 since I have my appt with the eye specialist, but maybe everyone will cancel this afternoon, who knows. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Well, I miss a coupla days, and what did I miss? This I know: SV and Isabella were the first to congratulate me on good tests - even though I kind of slid that part in between all my happy Vegas news. They both "got it" ... and I will always appreciate that.

    Marybe, be cautious today in that nasty weather. Sorry you have to work! Good luck with your tree.

    I pulled a tiny fake tree out of a box and called it good. This being the first Christmas without our nephew, none of the family feel particularly festive, but yesterday DH helped me clean house, then we put out a few decorations and it looks nice. Not much, but at least we are participating in the holiday. Most of my packages have to be mailed - kids live 2000 miles away; so wrapping packages is on my todays list.

    Today's list starts after I get back from doc -- no big deal but the mongo-heart test was supposed to be three tests done on one day, except the schedulers got crossed wires, and what should have been done in one day ended up being three trips to town, today being the third. We're far enough from town, that it's pretty much a half-day trip. I was annoyed, but no big deal. On Thurs I have the tests review with heart doc; plus appts with rads onc and med onc. It may be the last time with RO? So I'll get three doc appts in one day. It all evens out and I'm glad I didn't get too annoyed... funny how that works. They even gave me a Target gift card for my trouble.

    Not much here - I'm trying to get in the mood to bake cookies.

    3jays: I found a Terry Fator DVD online -- we didn't pick it up when we saw the show, so ordered it. It's pretty darn funny, and we intend to make the whole family watch it at one point or another, just for the laughs...

    Take care all, hang in there everyone, and have a good week. We are in for more rain.

    ps: Susgul, I hope you're feeling better; Isabella, so sorry about your bird. We have a small cockatiel who is getting ancient and we dread the day she leaves us - they are such cheery companions. All I missed: best wishes!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Just returned from shopping, this was growing by the grocery store

    Starts the week of for me...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh Lisa, that is breathtaking-would you stop taking pix of flowers and start taking pix of young, hunky men!! I think you need a new subject matter for that matter. And you get Target gift cards from your docs?? And MB, You should have seen me snipping off the prelit lights on the tree I have and relighting it-good grief-I think it is on its last legs!! And you-you old hippie-next thing you'll be humming is INNA GODDAdavida, BABY! And yeah, I did write the long 'historical document' going back into the history of the need by some women to launch their personal attacks against me-I deleted it to try to be a better person-alas, i am SO not a better person-but then decided to try to take the high road anyway-now i am sneaking back onto the low road again. ((((isabella))))) your poor birdie-I am so sorry. Rae, you and the downunder gals just have to get over here ASAP-Alyson et al!! And AmyJo, man it is snowing on the OBX today-RU getting snow??? To all my sisters this week-3jays-big smooshy kisses!!! Packages are arriving from Santy claws-everyone out west knows I love presents-teehee!!! Ok what is the one Christmas present that each and everyone really wants that is totally outrageous (besides a cure for cancer). OK, i want a new and bigger SUV; and a boat and a house!! That is three things. Big hugs, SV oh, and i want to go on safari-never been on safari and want to go-any takers??

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    SV, I was testing out my new camera...I wanted one I could

    just put in my far it takes pretty good photos for such a

    small camera

     This one is at the beach..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Lisa that rose is breathtaking. Yeah, all you down under chicks, come on over! We can arrange a get together at some point west perhaps. Saves you a bit to travel time. Though the OBX were stunning. Just let us know and we can whip one together.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    what kind of camera is it, Lisa....have been wanting a new one.

    I do want to join the next reunion and will do my best to get there, gals!  Was so sad I couldn't go to OBX bec that was our family schopping trip get together that w/e, then I had a stroke and didn't go anywhere that w/e.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,448
    edited December 2010

    SV -- I am sorry to get back on here, but I had notice that I had a pm from you.....when I went into the file.....I could not find it.  Could you please do me a favor and re-send it.  Thanks.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Aw Suzie! Big warm gentle (((HUGS))) for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    ((((Suzie)))), Good Grief, are you OK? i mean for real-you had a stroke?? How are you doing now?? Recovering ok or any SE? Anything we can do to help-I am just stunned and prayers are with you. And Lisa, my Lord that shot is just gorgeous-how do you do it with just about any camera?? now what are you using? You just have an incredible eye for light-very rare talent!! I love looking at your work! SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Hey SV, you ain't too shabby at photography yourself.