Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    SV  WHY have you deleted your post ?????????????????????

    That is one post that needed to be out there to show the witch hunt there has been for you...I am totaly beyond disgusted with this disgraceful behavior by a so called christian. I am afraid I have no truck at all with the god squad, and their overbearing need to tell others what to think and do...they are the most disgusting lot to treat another human being in this way. I just would never have believed what had been said and written to you if I had not read it with my own eyes. Shame on the lot of them and may they burn for this little lot. Please repost.

    Change of subject, after MY little outburst ! I have been doing the last of my Christmas shopping today. I went into town for the afternoon, and there are still piles of ice on the street corners. We have a forecast for a return of Arctic conditions on Thursday. You'll laugh at this one. I bought my Christmas cards some weeks ago, and can I hellaslike find them now. Have had the place upside down, so had to go and buy a few packs today. I have to write 8 letters sometime this week to put into the cards, and I always find it a chore...lots of people I know don't have an email address to contact....or if they have they won't give me it !!

    Marybe. I don't particularly like the Beatles...John Lennon yes, but not many Beatles songs I like. I was a keen Buddy Holly fan at the time the Beatles were going.Then I was a Queen fan for 30 odd years, now I like the Scissor Sisters. Also big opera fan, all my dogs prick up their ears when they hear opera, I will sing away when I am cleaning out my puppies on an morning and evening, they all come tumbling out to see me whenever they hear me sing. Best of it is I can't sing !!!! But I enjoy the racket I make, it echos nicely in the kennels. Oh I am very clever...I sing away in Italian and don't have the slightest idea what I am on about....and never will.

    I will have to get to bed I am falling asleep sitting here, always the same now if I have a shopping trip. I will get up to bed and not be able to sleep though. It can be 3 and 4 on a morning when I get off sometimes, so I never get up until 9am, unless something is going off.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Suzie, a stroke?? how are you doing??

    Suzie and SV....the new little camera is very versatile I think. I am still

    just experimenting with is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS5

    with a Leica lens , 12.1 MP and 12 X optical Zoom and they are on sale.

    My mother sent me some money for my birthday and I wanted one for my

    pocket and purse... so I would say this is a good one for what it is..

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for the hus and concerns. My speech area of my brain was affected and I have trouble pulling together the right way to say things, plus my math abilities (which were never, ever up to snuff) are giving me fits. I am on all the meds they recommend and it's just a hope and see that it doesn't happen again, I guess. My neurologist was going to contact my onc to see if I can go off the Arimidex, I only have about 90 days to go b4 I complete the 5-years. I haven't heard from either of them, my onc doesn't seem to believe in the side effects.

    Isabella, i too get excited when  I have a good schopping spree planned out...I call it "retail therapy" like many on the board refer to it!

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Suzie, you are doing amazinly well..I am so sorry to hear about it.   Your onc

    needs lessons on the SEs of AIs...I don't think 90 days in five years would

    make any difference..good luck...make sure he isn't just covering his a*&

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh Suzie, get another opinion-I have learned that onc's become ruthless in protecting themselves if anything goes wrong-they sure did it with me!! Document everything and get another opinion!! Big hugs and I am SO sorry that potential negligence and ego did this to you as it did it to me-Big Hugs, SV

    And isabella, honestly, everythig is documented as i wrote it then deleted it. Truly I just felt like i wanted to try to take the high road and not be dragged into a fvery few women's slime-I was increadibly naieve to belive when i got on the board that is was about BC and I did not know it was then run by a few lunatic women claiming to be Christians-religion has anything to do with cancer and the issues we deal with on a lot of levels-i mean i have my faith but do not wield it against other women. I want this to be a safe place for everyone, but i have to remember that like in AA, this Board has some bizarre chicks on it-has to with some 80,000 of us. just glad i found you all and that i know who supports me and/or who can approach me with reasonable disagreements and know that I will not falsely sabatage them and that I work hard to keep this a safe place!! XXOO, SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Lisa, thank you for letting me know what camera you are using....I will never be a photographer like you seem to be...knowing the lighting and the angle (you too SV!), but I do like capturing beauty when I see it. What a nice b'day present your Mom gave you! I'll look it up on-line.

    SV and Lisa, I also think the onc is covering his a$$ and is certainly not up on the s/e of arimidex. Why do some docs blow you off and frequently negate what you have to say?

    One plus on having this stroke happen is that I'm getting the time on this Board, again.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Lisa, your photos are incredible!  Thank you for sharing your expertise with us--they do a lot to lift my spirit.

    Gotta go to R'ham tomorrow to get Aunt Kate's things out of her room at the nursing home.  I'm taking her clothes to Good Will and leaving all her books there to put in their library.  I just want to get it done now.

    Suzie, sending many hugs.  I agree with Lisa in that I don't see what difference 90 days would make in the AI at this point.  (My own Rx for arimidex is still in my purse, unfilled.)  SV, too.  After my sister had a disastrous reaction to chemo the onc immediately released her from his care and never had anything else to do with her.Maybe a 2nd opinion would give you some answers. 


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Well I think I have survived today.  Cleaned out and straightened the pantry and the fridge.  Got things made for the Bunco party in time for everyone to start arriving.  I am exhausted and know I overdid it today but I know that tomorrow will be the start of a week of not being able to do much.  I get my Aredia tomorrow and it makes me a little more sick with each treatment.  I have a friend going with me so that will help so that I do not have to try and drive home while I am throwing up.  DD and her family get here on Wed. and will be here until the 4th or 5th of Jan.  This is the DD that will not let me do anything and takes care of everything so I can rest and just enjoy the grandchildren.  DSIL is a gourmet cook so we will be eating well while they are here!  Too bad I probably wont be able to eat much until next week. The weather here it supposed to be really really cold tomorrow.  Maybe snow or may be too cold to snow!  I know I will be bundled up like a bear.

    BarbaraA- so sorry to hear that it is going to be so cold in FL.  Stay warm as you can my friend.

    SV - We have not gotten any more snow here yet, but that may change tonight.  What is up with this weather?????

    Everyone stay warm and well.  Amy Jo 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    A page back SV asked what our over the top, dream gift would be. Paraphrasing there.

    Me, I want a horse. I just want to hug its face close to me and feel its warmth. I want to be able to look out my window and see it, along with a friend because I wouldn't want him to be lonely, romping in the pasture.  I also need someone to come take care of him and his friend because I have no skill in that area.

    This has been my wish since I was about ten years old. I tried then to convince my parents that a horse could live in our big city garage. 

    What is your over the top gift wish? 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Ginger - SV asked a good question! I hate to copy your answer, but I've always wanted a horse, too. I haven't wanted one since I was a chid - I had a friend with a horse so I got to ride a lot then - but I have missed it since I grew up. Soooo, I'm cooking up a scheme in my head where I will buy a horse and keep him at this close-by intown stable. I could ride him everyday and definitely be there to care for him everyday - he would know who his mama is! I also bought a "Horses for Dummies" book - can you believe they have that? So you and I could actually figure out how to care for them! I think what finally got my mind stuck in this mode was that Julia Roberts/Mel Gibson movie where he's a paranoid taxi driver (actually an ex-spy). Don't remember the name of it, but at the end it showed her living a free and happy life riding along the fences on her horse - and that's what I want. The feeling of freedom on a horse is just exhilarating. I may live in the city (and I love it), but I need my getaway, too. That's my dream. Oh, and to win the lottery! :)

    Kathy - you have been through so much, so many decisions with your Aunt Kate. You made her so happy over the years, and I know she was at peace. She knew you were still taking care of her. You can and should confidently and contentedly move on. She had a long, fulfilling life with a lot of great stories, I'm sure. You done good, girl!

    The 8th anniversary of my father's death is approaching - Dec. 18th. One week before Christmas - I need to figure out something to do to honor him besides just visit his grave, something celebratory. Unfortunately, I'm not up to it this year, but I will start planning something for next year and make it an annual thing. So many people knew him - it would be an honor to do it.

    Well, we're getting record-breaking lows tonight - 13 degrees here in Atlanta. And guess what the record is we're breaking? Yep, last year's record! One year of freezing weather is a fluke, I hope 2 years is not a pattern. If so, I'm going to have to re-do my beautiful fireplace from a looker to a doer. I love pot-belly stoves. I could aways drill into the stone and make one on the other side (it's in the middle of the room). Know that's an idea, because I can't keep paying these $300 and $400 gas bills - uh uh. Not with income taxes coming up, and right after property taxes. Taxes, taxes, taxes - now I know what my father complained about so much! 

    Isabella - so sorry about your canary. We have had a beautiful blue parakeet for almost 10 years. He sings and sings and plays games with us. He's so smart and has such a personality. It has been a chore trying to keep him warm enough in our drafty house. Can't open the blinds in his room right now because our windows are not insulated so he's not AS happy without the daylight, but he still likes to boogie all day long. We have a computer next to him that plays a revolving selection of iTunes songs just for him - silly stuff that makes him bounce and sing. But, of course, he loves it the most when my son is in there with him doing his homework. I've never seen a bird interact with people so much. If we had the time, I'm sure he was one of the rare ones that could have learned to speak. I will be so depressed when the music stops, as he is getting old. I always hope he can make it through the next winter. Birds are great company - I know you will miss your little friend very much.

    Oops, I almost changed to page to see what I've missed - know not to do that again!

    Everybody I missed, hello to you all and take care and have a good time! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    oh. ladies, have WE been busy!!isabella, i was so upset with all the hurrumpimng at SV, i forgot to tell you i was sorry about your canary. a few years ago, my oldest chiuahua died in my arms in my swing on my front porch. at just the time she drew her last breath, about 6   am, a ring necked parakeet (wild) started singing, in the middle of the night... i never forgot that; i still tear up hearing them sing at night.. a wonderful sound, for sure... H&S; that parakeet is a special guy, for sure.. SUZI.. i know we've PMed, but im so glad you're doing so well. just remember, use it, and you won't lose it.. i've had 4 strokes, and that's why i wouldn't take tamoxifen, AMA: i asked them if they were going to lie in bed with me, when i had the stroke that WOULD debilitate me.. thank you, God, you're going to be ok.. do all the cognitive training they give you to do; it works, girl!!   Lost Creek: im going to look for that DVD of Terry Fator. i did get to see the "cougar" skit on BBC he's GREAT..enjoy.. as soon as i get off, im going to you tube, to look up "Scissor Sisters" looks like our taste in music is the same, Isabella...SV, will get that doggie pix to you soon. i love what you said. i think Lisa, with your new (and too expensive for me im sure) camera, you need to start taking pics of the hunky guys at that california beach you go to...
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    take your pick, ladies!! 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited August 2013
    hey, i may be getting older, but im not dead yet   lol     3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    OMG 3 jays! That picture almost gave me a heart attack!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Okay ladies,  My over the top wish is to go on a round the world trip and visit all the places I have read about or seen on TV.  It would probably take me a couple of years to complete.  Hey I might even find someplace warm!  I wish I had the energy and strength to do all of that since some of the place take a lot of effort to get to and would involve sleeping in a tent. My biggest problem is my idea of roughing it is a Holiday Inn. ;-)

    I have had horses and I love them, but they are a lot of work and take a lot of time and money to care for.  They joy they give is priceless and the freedom you feel when riding across the country or along the beach is unbelievable.  Good luck to you ladies that want to go that route.

    I would also like to get in the car and just go exploring the USA down all the little back roads and see all the little towns around the country.  When I want to stop I can stop and just spend as long as I want at any given spot.  Guess I have a traveling bug.

    3jays - I am with BarbaraA on the picture.  I like my men a little more meaty and less mussel,  I like my teddy bear hubby the best. He give such nice comfy hugs and keeps me warm by just sitting next to me with his arms around me.

    Hope everyone is staying warm and well.

    Amy Jo 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    3 jays, I didn't see anything like that on my beaches, guess I need to check out some others...

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    Over the top wish?  I have always loved traveling and wanted to make a round the world trip like my mother did--she won hers in a contest.  Unfortunately I've developed a fear of flying.  However, I do love cruise ships. I've read about a cruise ship that is on a perpetual around the world cruise.  People just live on it for a few months or a few years as it sails from port to port.  I'd love to put everything in storage for a year or so and just sail.  My husband, however, is the kind that takes showers because he gets seasick in the bath tub.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    OMG-3Jays, I am ROTFLMAO at the photo of your Xmas joy that you posted!! -that is the greatest picture-hysterical!!! Wow, in all of the stalking of wild thangs' on the beach that I stalk for photo ops, I have not come across a gaggle quite like that one!!! Get the lassoes out, gals!! And ((((QCA))) for getting your aunt's stuff; (((AmyJo))) for more treatment; and (((suzie)))) find out what the heck is going on-I mean a freaking stroke???? honey!! And yeah, over the top wish would be another horse-I also had them and know how much work they are but wow-to hear that 'nicker' in the barn in the morning is the most wonderful thing. I had an appalossa (loud blanket) named Bandit and a Tenn Walking Horse-named Skitter. I want my riding days back. GEES, I keep trying to go back up to everyones' posts to catch up but keep getting stopped on 3jays months of the year and getting hysterical again!! What eye-candy!! I want me one of those to play with!! And next on the wish list would truly be a safari-my heroine is my second grade teacher who I talk to almost everyday who is 90 years old now-she had made a goal and did it-of standing on every continent in the world including Antarctica. Her pics are fabulous and what a zinger she is!! She and I are trying to make plans for safari as she has not been on one either. man when life is good-it is SO good!! TEEHEE-SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    thats the best i could do with "teddy bear santas'" sigh...
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    i have to confess: elimar has a whole stable of young nubile men, for every occasion. she got me "shopping" for them. Glad you liked them, ladies.. lets keep a wach out for them..the malls, the beach.. maybe home depot???    3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
       ok this is what they'll look like on the beach..ready set go find them!!!! 3jays
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Sounds like a good plan to me, 3jays!

    My mother took a round-the-world cruise; she was gone about 3 months. She went alone, because that's the kind of gal she is. She especially enjoyed the islands in the Pacific and Africa.

    But for my 2nd over the top wish (more than one is okay, right?), I want to pack up for about 3 months and drive around the country. You reminded me of that plan, Amy Jo. Basically from Atlanta to Los Angeles, to San Francisco then head east again across the country to NYC, then Washington, D.C. and back home. Another fun trip we took when we were kids was just driving down the east coastline of Florida to the Keys, and back up the west coastline. Fun and educational. Sheesh, my kid is in college now - time's running out! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    OK, there is a thread that some of us more naughty women started called "you know your a cancer patient when....." and then everyone has some real but the most bizarre and hysterical things people have said to them or that have happened to them since cancer diagnosis-I know i am twisted, but it is too funny-not off color and no foul stuff so don't be worried about accidentally tripping over 'hustler content' in the posts. It is just truly hysterical stuff that only 'we' can understand. And some ladies are missing and wha'd up-CB (i know you hate it when there is 'fighting' but i love you very much and i hope you  know that-you are my forever MUM); Connie-where be you?? ChasingHope?? I am trying to go thru my list of women but am not doing well at jumping back and forth to see who I have not heard from in awhile-please do know that I miss a bunch of you-Suzie are you doing better-I am just so worried about the stroke and impact on you and Isabella, i feel like you are stuck in the UK with so much in your life changing (family stuff) that I think is for the better, but CHANGE in any form is incredibly tough on me and tough for me to deal with!! I SO wish that we could pop over there just to support you!! And I want to let women know, I always go back to talking about myself not out of ego-but that is what I have been taught to do in AA-to share MY OWN experience, strength and hope and to try to identify with others experiences with my own. So this is not about me 'always trying to bring the 'spotlight' back to me, as one of the women on my BAD Santa list PM'd to everyone a year ago-like how sick and egotisitical I am (well that part might be true-teehee) but my thinking is always about humility and trying to identify with other women (I hope) so they don't feel so alone. A big part for me right now is that i am still coming off the steroid shots to the knees-lord that was last Thursday and my brain is stil whacked but i got my first good night's sleep last night and it was like a coma!!! Awful nightmares and woke not knowing where I was-I SO hate that-but part of PTSD. i haven't slept in days and was eating everything in sight and my freaking knees really hurt like heck-plus I have diarreah AGAIN!! I had a bout of diarreah and i was so embarrassed- when the gals were out. BUT HONESTLY, it just felt SO incredibly good to be understood and taken care of!! And I cannot thank the gals who came out here for the reunion enough for understanding-cause it dropped me for a day and I did not get to go shopping with everyone-my favorite thing ever!!  

    And ok, I am trying not to be excited-i met with a webpage designer for the first time today and i am taking samples ofmy work to Morales Gallery to hopefully pay Mitch for a wall of my own to hang my stuff on. i would love to have a great 'art opening", like a catered affair to kick off my entry back into the art world!! i am so scared to go for it and possibly really be successful!! But who nows!  XXOO, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    SV darling, ya nees to stop worrying bout what was said...  those of us who KNOW you, know EXACTLY who, and what you are!!and love you for it!! you're "taking the high road" is very humbling..take pictures, and lots of pics of the art opening. HELL, get one of your friends to take pictures, and post pics of you with your art.. im so excited for you!! get famous, and buy all those wonderful things on your "wish list"       3jays
  • Gratefulone
    Gratefulone Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2010

    HOT FLASHES?     I get intense hot flashes/cold sweats during my second week after chemo (AC).  I get almost a week of chemo crash with worst days being 3 - 5, then I begin to feel normal but get frequent hot/cold flashes.  Anyone else get this?  (Diagnosed at 62 yrs in Sept. 2010, will be 63 on 12/16, date of 4th chemo.)  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Hi Grateful ...welcome

    I thought my internal thermometer was broken on chemo...I was

    hot and cold like you..I wish you well in your treatment and send hugs

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    Yes Grateful - me too on the temperature changes - and that first week crash is par for the course too. One of the things I liked about this site while on chemo was knowing that yukky as parts of it were, it was not a worry.  There may be a thread for people starting chemo when you started which could be helpful.
    Today I found out from my clever GP that a peculiar symptom is likely one of the Femara side effects - great relief!

    (edited to try to make sense)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited August 2013

    Gratefulone - I get those hot flashes and cold sweats and I also get spells of being really cold, like teeth chattering cold.  I have started taking my Femara at night and the night sweats that used to wake me up wringing wet have stopped and the hot flashes during the day are not as bad as those cold night sweats were.  I do not know what you are on or what your dx is so this may not even apply to you.  Tell you onco about the problems you are having and they may a solution for you.  I am 61 as of 12/10 and was dx this past July.  Hope you can find some relief for your hot flashes.

    I did get some good news today at my treatment.  My Tumor Marker Count was down from 115 to 99 so I am going in the right direction.  The onco said I was responding well and that I needed to double up on my iron pills and drink more OJ.  He is having me do my lab work a week before my next treatment so that he can give me the iron boost if I need it before my treatment.  All in all I am doing better than expected, so that was a nice early Christmas present for me.

    Hope everyone is staying warm and well.  Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    (((((AMYJO)))))) Happy Dance!! But you doing OJ with your tummy troubles???? Like how do you do that and double iron pills???? I'd be blocked up for a year or two. isn't life grand-but i cannot be happier that your tumor markers are way down-that is so incredible awesome-now let's keep them that way!!!!! Love ya gal, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010