Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Amyjo, I am doing the happy dance for you with your tumor markers going down...what a teriffic Christmas gift. Your OBX trip had to have had a positive effect on you as well.

    Grateful, I  remember having some hot flashes during my chemo and I got myself a chillow pillow that helped to cool me off during the power surges. I got my 1st chemo during a hotter than usual summer so I assumed the weather had a lot to do with it, but maybe not.  Have you taken your temp when you are experiencing it?

    I see my speech therapit tomorrow, got lots of ? to ask her. Hopefully this can be fixed fast! I am "using it before I lose it" as much as I can. I went to work for partial days Mon and today and have to "call uncle"....I over did and will not go in tomorrow and possibly not Thurs. This is such a frustrating and frighting place to be in.  I don't wish it on anyone.

    Isabella, so sorry about your beautiful canary. I know the grief that goes along with losing part of your featherd/furred family.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Oh Suzie, please take care and do not overdo it. I know you want to get out there and rock it but honey, you had a stroke-yes, sounds like it was a mild one but-you will recover IN TIME!! You know that you need rest or you are just going to get tired and frustrated and set yourself back. Ask you therapist what your recovery rate should be-like what to expect each day. Glad you are meeting with speech therapist-be sure to write down all questions and take a tape recorder to record the session!! Then learn how to eat right, sleep right and de-stress yourself-i feel like such a MUM-sorry!! Lordy, we are such overachievers!!! Sweet dreams, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Well, we made our last trip to Rockingham today---got her things.  Rough, but it's done.  Thank each of you for helping me get through this.  It would have been so much harder without your support.

    Got GS from day care today and kept him until DIL came to get him.  We've learned that we need to take all the ornaments off the bottom part of the tree before he comes back Christmas Day!  Soon after we got home with our GS, our son called with horrible news--DIL's first cousin has been killed in Afghanistan.   This young man hadn't even been over there but a few months--just 19 years old.  A boy, just out of basic training.  He'd been stationed at Camp Lejeune and just last year he was here at our house for Thanksgiving with his aunt, DIL's mother.  That was the only time we ever saw him, but it causes me to think of the futility of this war.  Of all of them, really.  I just remember what high hopes he had, and now he's dead.  Senseless, for no reason I can see.  Sometimes life is just weird, isn't it?  

    Anyhow, I am horrible for saying this, but did y'all see the "packages" on that first eye candy pic from 3jays?  True eye candy, there.  Reminds me of when I was a teenager and we used to look at "Playgirl" magazines.  Thanks, 3jays!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Awwww, Kathy, i was just closing up on the Board and saw your post-i am SO sorry about young relative's death in Afganistan and yes, this "war' is obscene. What a waste of a young life. i feel we have all lost our minds and I want out boys out of there. Big hugs for getting your Aunt's stuff done-hard job but sending you lots of prayers. Just big hugs to all and sweet dreams, SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Kathy, so sorry about your DIL's cousin. Such a young life gone forever. My sympathy to you and dil's family.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • dianemoe
    dianemoe Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2010
    Kathy..... Such a loss for all....I say it every night I Hate This War..... Praying for the Family. I am truly sorry.    Diane
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Oh Kathy, I am just really saddened by your news..what an incredible

    condolences to you and all his family...hugs

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Thanks SV, Suzie, Diane, and Lisa.  I only met him once, last Thanksgiving.  His mother lives in Idaho and he couldn't go that far, so he came here from Camp Lejeune with his aunt, DIL's mother.  DIL was just pitiful when she came by here to pick up GS, who by then had fallen asleep in my lap, sweet baby.  She'd had a late interview for a promotion at work and our son is now working at night, hopefully not for long.  (He's an electrician and they're doing work at a school, hence the night work.)  I thought Aunt Kate would be the last for this year in our family.  From one so old to one so young---just doesn't make sense.  This young man had such plans and such promise.

    Diane, I see you're from Hayesville.  I'm in Monroe and if I look up where Hayesville is right now I know I'll lose this post!   

    Thank you all.  DIL will get through this, I know, but it will be hard for her and her mother.  Her mother lives near Camp Lejeune and actually saw him off when he left.  


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Kathy, my prayers for you and your family. Isabella, I am sorry you lost your bird. Hugs!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013

    I could use some sort of warning device that wakes me up just before I fling myself out of bed and onto the floor.This time I landed on my shoulder with my feet still up in the bed. Our bed is high, tall mattress and tall box spring.  I don't think anything is broken but I about scared my little dog Harry to death. My husband is in North Dakota this week.

    My dreams are very vivid to me and somehow my sleep does not supress my movement adequately and I fling myself out of bed. Once at my son's house I was asleep in my Granddaughters bed. I dreamed I had to jump up and run, and I did except  being asleep I didn't take into account the toddle guard on the bed and I flung myself out onto the floor with all of my might.   I also sometimes talk in my sleep. While at the same son's house I called out very loudly in the middle of the night, "Girl Scouts of America!" I think I could provide some sitcomb material with my late night antics. 

     Isabella, I once had a parakeet that was really good company. He could even mimic the sound of the cats meow.  I really felt sad when he passed. You canary sounds very special, I am sure you miss him.

    Kathy I am sorry for your loss. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • dianemoe
    dianemoe Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2010

    QCA..... Yes right in the tri state area 43 mile from Tn about 10 from Ga. Looks like about 250 west of Monroe. Your near Charlotte right? I have Aunt in Mooresville NC.

    Off to onc for blood work. Have a Great Day Ladies!!!!!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Suzie - try and get the rest you need to heal.  Work will always be there.  You need to take the time to recover before heading full steam back into things.  I know that is hard and I am a great one to be telling you this since I am so very guilty of the same thing.  Take care of yourself and get all your questions answered.

    Kathy - so very sorry to hear about your DIL's cousin.  Such a tragic loss.  I am so ready for the wars to end.  My SIL is a Major in the Army and he said if they try to send him back again for a 3rd time he will resign his commission.  My prayers are with the family during this time of loss.

    Ok Diane and Kathy - I live in Raleigh so all of us NC girls need to get together sometime.  Maybe a shopping trip in High Point that looks like it might be a good midway point for all of us. Let me know what you think - of course we would welcome anyone else that wanted to come shop with us.  I will be needing some retail therapy once the weather warms up. ;-) 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    This shopping trip includes you too SV. You can come to my house and we can drive to High Point together.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010


    I'm so sorry to hear about that fine young man losing his life in this awful war. It makes me so sad to picture him all full of vim and vigor and ready to go serve his country. My nephew is the same - he is 20 and a student at the Naval Academy and has pledged the next 5 or 6 years to the military. I am so extremely proud of these brave young men and women - love the soldier, don't love the wars. I respect our soldiers for their sacrifices for Americans and others around the world - please convey my sincere appreciation to your DIL and her mother. Our soldiers are the finest people you could ever hope to meet. Every death hurts us all.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Amy Jo - that's wonderful news about your tumor markers! Good to hear things are moving in the right direction. I'm sure you will feel extra good during the holidays, just knowing this!

    suzie - I know it's hard to hold yourself back, but you should definitely take it slower so you can actually recover faster. Therapy drives me nuts, but suddenly the difference is remarkable. It takes patience, for sure. That's probably the hardest part, but it will be so worth it! Take good care!

    You NC ladies will have a fine time shopping! I am way overdue for a NC jaunt, so one of these days I may just join you if it becomes a regular thing! I love that state! 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Kathy. I am sorry for the loss in your family... this is such an endless war..and such a senseless one as well. And just before Christmas, how will that poor young mans family cope at this time of year. We keep getting told the war is totally unable to be won, so why are we still there?????Pleased you were able to get all your Aunts things sorted, this is a terrible task, one I had to do in July, I have done it for my two Grandmothers, now my Aunt. It has made me take stock, and start and unload a lot of clutter since July. I am a real hoarder....I will come across things I've put  away sometimes 30 years ago, just junk really. I shifted all my old college certificates, and the kids' school books(I kept things from my kids being 5 years old, to leaving colleges at 18/19.) Neither of them wanted anything, so in the bin for that lot, and no regrets, I'd rather go thru' things myself than have my children and G/children have it to do.

    Ginger, I laughed my socks off at you jumping up in bed and shouting, dogs wondered what had got into me.

    Suzie, I'm sorry I have missed out in wishing you well after your stroke, I just ran out of time last night. Hope things are starting to look up for you now. Was it a bad one ? What happened ? I had a TIA 27 years ago, well, I was told it was a TIA, I never really went with it, but as my father had quite a few TIAs before 1 big stroke that took him I wasn't taking chances, and had to listen to the Drs.  

    Lisa your pictures are lovely, as clear.

    Alyson are you getting along after your op ? You will have all that lovely weather now to recouperate...enjoy some time in your garden in the sun. Your G/daughter looks so like you, and she is just about 3 weeks older than my G/daughter....I always refer to my little G/daghter as '2yr old' , but she's not that 'til Jan 6th. They are such a pleasure at this age. I love mine to bits and spend as much time as I can with her. I really wanted to help out more with childcare, but no way can I do it regularly, she tires me out. I am 1st reserve, and usually means I get her once every 10 days or so for a day, all to myself, plus every Saturday morning DD will bring her to see me. She now and then stays overnight, this is time I like with her best.....baths.... stories ..snuggling up with Grandma early morning...boiled egg for breakfast...I DO hope she remembers me when I'm gone.

    I have been getting some pictures of both my Grandmas enlarged at the photographers as a present to myself this Christmas. IF I could figure out things on my pc I could do it G/kids all tell me 'its EASY, Grandma' ....yet not one of them will sit with me and help me. Well, I haven't actually asked them, just hinted, but no-one takes the bait. I had all on to get DD to look at my printer last week. I know she's pretty good with these things, and I asked her outright 3 weeks running. This last week I pinned her down, and she grudgingly got up, had a quick look, and said she'd 'press a few buttons, to see if she could figure out what was causing it not to print' That was all she did, and was about to walk away on the thing , so I got up and started pressing buttons at random, very pointedly saying 'well, SOMETHING must make it work' She knows what a non wizzard I am with anything more than a washing machine, so spent 10 mins with it, and got it going....telling me I'm 'not fit to have a printer at all, the way I treat them' !!!!!

    We are forecast to have another bout of very cold Arctic weather, from tomorrow night for 5-6 days, which COULD run us into a white Christmas. If it snows me in again it better do a good job, then I will be all alone at Christmas, and I'm sure I will enjoy the peace and quiet, tho' I will miss the little children awfully....the big ones I can take or leave! I have lots of food in, so will not starve. Going to get the last of my parcels packaged up in the morning, and get them mailed, cards off the next day, then let it snow !!!! I have been asked to a Christmas party at MILs new nursing home, on Sunday, and am just hoping for some bad weather to get me out of going !!

    I have 2 invites for New Years Eve, both declined, I hate New Year, and all the drinking and kissin' that goes on. I am expecting to be asked to look after G/daughter for the night, while my DD parties. DD is a real party animal, and I fear her balloon could go up New Years Eve, when all are drinking too much. My eldest G/son was telling me he won't let things go much longer after Christmas before he spills the beans, I just want G/daughter out of there if theres any signs of any trouble going off. I can see screaming, shouting, police, fire engines, ambulances, maybe even the army called out, all the lot, when trouble starts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DD does NOT do things by halves. I shall be watching out of my window for the police helicopter going sailing past towards DDs.!!!

    Right, off onto Amazon for a few last minute CDs and box sets. It used to be books, but absolutely no-one reads books anymore, so its no use wasting money. I am ordering myself a book I have wanted for a few weeks, about dogs. Amazon sent me a £10 voucher, as a 'thankyou' for the books and CDs I 've bought from them this year.....I also want the latest Patricia Cornwell to get thru' at Christmas....I just love her writings....Amazon are still saying they will get things delivered before Christmas, so am hoping they will !


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Gingerbrew, those aren't dreams you're having...more like night-terrors. I'd tell you to be careful but it's out of your control when you are in a sleep-state.

    Lisa, beautiful hot air ballons...did you take the pix with your new camera?

    My speech pathologist (Beth) is after my own heart----she told me to take more naps because sleep is healing, so I only did 2 of my 'things I have to do" list and came home to sleep, despite 4 phone calls, I did get some much needed rest. Beth sees hope in regaining what I've lost and she is even giving me home-work.

    This morning I did come to the reality that most of our Christmas schopping won't be done in the stores so I ordered some things for the grandbabies and DD and SIL online. The other I'll do in fits and starts.

    Oh I do hope all you NC ladies can get together for a shopping trip together! Sounds like fun!

     ~ suzie~

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    We've been an active bunch so far today--love it when it's like this.  Thanks Barbara, Amyjo, HnS. amd Isabella.  Haven't heard from DIL yet today but she's busy with GS about now.,  Hopefully, GS will provide her and her mother with some pre-2-year old excitement at Christmas. I do know that here we'll be moving breakable ornaments out of his reach and putting unbreakables there before he comes over Christmas day!

    Isabella, you said what I intend to do also about clearing things out rather than having others go through our stuff after we're gone!  About 4 years ago I had to sell Aunt Kate's house and go through her and Aunt Ollie's things.  They'd saved every greeting card, letter, many gifts (opened and put back into the boxes), you just wouldn't believe all the stuff!  Boxes of love letters sent to Kate from a young man named Vernon, in candy boxes, mind you.  He must have given her the candy too!  I still have those but haven't read any of them. Don't know if I ever will, either.  But I just thought my aunts were bad until I had to do Daddy's house after he died this past January.  He was 93, and had saved every pay stub, bank statement, utility bill, etc he'd ever received.  DH just built a big fire in the yard and we burned it all!

    Retail therapy sounds like a great idea for us NC gals and anybody else who wants to join us!  I'm in for that, but I agree that we need to wait until it's warmer weather!  I don't ever remember it being this cold for so long here.  DD, a teacher, is praying for icy roads tomorrow so school would be canceled!

    I like Patricia Cornwell, too, Isabella, and have suggested her latest as a gift for me.  So far, DH says he's spent $1.49 on me, and that's my big gift, so I don't know!  


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    kathy, I need a burning party here too...way too much stuff

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    I have a great Christmas gift for someone who reads. I bought the  Amazon Kindle for myself. The new one is bigger and easier for me to read ($130) and I got a leather case with a reading light ($59) . It uses WiFi so I can connect to a WiFi and then go to Amazon. It takes me direct to the Kindle store and I can buy books and it automatically downloads them for me. I love it. As much as I travel, this way I never run out of books.

    ((HUGS)) for Suzie. AmyJo, so glad you had a great time with your bunco ladies and that you are done with rads and feeling better!!!  (((HUGS))) for you, too Kathy. HnS, haven't said hey in ages! Hope you have a happy holiday!

    Happ Holidays to all my 'older' friends!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Hey Barbara! Hope you have a happy holiday, too!

    This cold is killing me - I know you didn't move to FL to freeze your butt off! Crikey! 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010

    hi everyone

    back is still out.not posting much.did #1 far so good.only 32 more to go.

    hope everyone is doin ok.sharing computer with 2 other people so i really dont get on to much. tx. every day for 6 wks. so im stayin with family and friends.

    im prayin for all of you STILL.God bless

    anyone want to talk PM me.

    i luv and miss my sistas

    sending huggggggggggggggs to all


  • nancyinaustin
    nancyinaustin Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2010

    You guys frightened me away with all your beautiful pix & talk of vacation!!!  But here am I back again to make a quick post.

    I am 65, single, go to the "singles" board to get my state, how do you make them permanent, anyway, do you put them in your profile??  I know, I know, I'm a computer dunce, but I'm learnin'!

    How I'd LOVE to take a vacation on the beach in Port Aransas, haven't been there since '80, gosh, I can't believe it's been 30 years!  Nothing like sitting on the beach with a good book, listening to the waves!!!!  God's own music!!!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013


    You are correct, I do have night terrors and I in fact have no control at all over them. I have had them all my life and they are worse when I am under terrible stress. My precious 7 year old granddaughter has them too and she was very relieved to discover that I too have the night terrors. I usually am unaware of what has happened unless I somehow wake myself up hearing someone screaming, and of course it is me. My dog is usually looking at me looking wary.

    My most extreme night terrors story is when I had just returned from Haiti that day, directly from 5 days in a Haitian hospital where they believed I had a heart attack.The US hospital put me into a cardiac observation unit. It looked like a space ship to me, especially compared to a Haitian hospital. I was hooked up to every gizmo one could think of. I feel asleep and woke up screaming thinking there were rats crawling on me. The poor RN was beside herself, apparently they are pretty sure there are no rats in their hospital.

    The episodes at my sons house remain the most fun of those I actually know about.

    Night terrors seem to have no cure, and compared to cancer they can be sort of funny if your family has a good sense of humor about them.  But yes Suzy, you hit it right on the head.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    Kathy, sorry this young man was lost in your family...    3jays
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    i just wanted to drop in a quick note-i have gotten an post from Carole F and she is not doing well at all. Honestly, I could not understand the post but best way to contact her is thru her facebook-Carole Fahey-and send her only private messages as she does not want her stuff on the open board. She indicated to me that she is too tired to get to by the time she gets thru her FB stuff. So, I am very worries about her and not truly sure what is going on. i know that her back is really giving her problems and she cannot sit at the computer for any length of time. and I may be off the board for a bit-i see the doc tomorrow because i have started to have blistering headaches-like i have never had before-they are not migraines and nothing compared to migraines-these are beyond brutal and nothig is touching them painwise. i am getting about three a week now so doc want to check on things cause i have never had this before. don't want to alarm anyone cause it could just be something very simple.  big hugs, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    {{{SV}}} praying you get to the bottom of the headaches. I get cluster headaches every 3 years or so and NOTHING can touch them except Imitrex but if I don't get the pill down within 2-3 minutes of  the first symptom, I am doomed and throw up for 4 hours and can't move for 5 hours. (the Imitrex costs $30 a pill and I get 2-3 headaches a day. Insurance covers 3 pills/week.Nice)

    Carol Fahey is GrannyDukes.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    should we be posting her real name on this public forum?