Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    SV:  What does "FB" mean?  It's not on the abbreviations list.  I know GD had her first rads this week but do not understand what FB stuff she is having.  Thanks!

    I am sorry you are having such horrible headaches.  Please let us know what the doc thinks is causing them.   Hope he can give you something to stop them.

  • dianemoe
    dianemoe Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2010
    Medigal.... I think she is referring to Face Book.....God Bless All!!!!
  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    dianemoe:  Crap!  I never thought of Facebook. I was looking up diseases for FB.  I'm not on Facebook so it never occured to me.  Thanks for your help.  Bless you back!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    No sweat medigal. I can't keep up with the zillion acronyms out there. But that one I do know.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    SV thanks for the heads-up on GD, will pray that things improve dramatically in a very short period of time and will keep her in my prayers. I know little about FB so won't send a message.

    SV, I also hope your headaches get better quickly and the smartess think you can do is to to get them checked out. Please keep us informed. Your in my prayers as well.

    Ginger Brew, so glad you are able to keep a since of humor with your night terrors, what else is there to do?  I've even found a sense of humor, macrbe (sp?) as it may be.  How reassuring it must be for your grand daughter. It helps to have someone to identify with.

    Had speech appt today, they are so wearing on me. One of my assignments is to start reading outloud!  So my cat Jack will be getting read to from now on...that should be interesting.

    must hush ~suzie

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Poor GD, I hope she starts to feel better soon!

    You, too SV! I'm glad you're going to the doctor, and hopefully there's something he can give you to relieve the pain. I'm an old pro at headaches - I get those cluster headaches, too, Barbara and I have to take Imitrex ASAP. I heard Imitrex comes in a nasal spray that works faster - maybe something like that will give you some relief, SV. You'll try anything at this point, right? ((HUGS))

    suzie - I'm just picturing your cat being read to! haha! He's gonna KNOW mama's crazy now!

    Hooray, only 3 rads to go! I ordered some Christmas cookies and brownies on Dec. 9th to give them to thank them all (they've been so good to me), and they haven't even shipped them yet. I was hoping they would be able to enjoy them on the days leading up to Christmas - looks like I'll have to come running in at the last minute with them. They won't let me cancel the order, either - wow, they may have suckered me into one sale, but they'll never get any more from me.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    Is giving out real names against the rules?....Marybe is my real name and I used it because I just wasn't creative enough to come up with a fake one....also I always use my husbands name becasue I just cannot bring myself to call him a DH since he is as far as they come from darling.  I just took a muscle relaxant that I got a RX for this AM from my orthopedic Dr......the xray was quite impressive...part of my spine is straigth, but the lower part really bends to the left.  Bend to the left, bend to the right, stand up sit down, fight fight....the pill must be working, the cheerleader in me is coming out and I was not even a cheerleader!!   I am getting a MRI on my neck and back a week from Monday to rule out new mets.  My eye lids are closing so sorry for not commenting on other just to sleepy to read them.  I am on face book , but forgot my password so had to send a message to create a new this chemo brain or old age?

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010
    Marybe:  I have no idea why you can't use your real name.  I just think on the internet as a whole because we don't know who the crazies really are, it is best not to use last names for our own protection.  As for your hubby, I had to laugh at that one.  I sent a note ages ago trying to tell whoever put up the abbreviations that not all of us have a "Darling" Husband and I preferred the "D" to stand for "Damn" in my case.  So whenever I use DP, it actually means "Damn Partner" unless he has been especially nice to me for the day.  I won't fake it for the sake of the forum.  So I can understand your feelings.  Your hubby is getting off a lot easier than mine.  At least you use his name.Wink
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    When I use "D"H, I interchange "dear" with "damn"....readers will have to determine which one fits best with the post.

    OH, my, Marybe, it doesn't sound like you are very comfortable. I do hope the muscle relaxant does its job and you start to get some relief.

    Jack, my cat, didn't care for my reading to disrupted his nap.

    H&S so glad you are close to being so done with rads. I do hope the cookies get there so the staff can enjoy them while you are still being seen.

    gentle hugs to all ~ suzie

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Whoever Facebooks with Granny Dukes, please give her my best regards!  Hang in there GD, the rads will be over before too long and then you can get on with the rest of your (long, healthy) life!  So sorry to hear your back is out - please take care of yourself.

    You too Suzie! You have such a bright spirit, it shines in your posts -- hang in there with the therapy & then get plenty of rest and good nutrition.  ((  ))

    Marybe, you are an inspiration.

     What a shock to hear others suffer from cluster headaches -- my DH has them too, for the past dozen years.  At first they were episodic, but now they're chronic.  Early on we tried every tx known to the docs, with little result.  Even the imitrex nasal spray didn't work with any predictable regularity.  Went to UC Davis to the headache clinic and the doc rx Verapamil as a prophylactic, and it has worked well for ten years, until recently - now the headaches are breaking through the highest recommended dose of Verapamil. (he adjusts as the strength of the episodes allow) He hasn't tried the Imitrex pills (same problem with cost and with insurance's allowable dose), but has used the nasal spray - $240 for 6; 6 allowed per month...  Last week he was getting 8-10 headaches a day. Cheapskate that he is, he won't let me fill the Imitrex scrip.

      Anyway, the verapamil is a relatively benign drug with few side effects, very reasonably priced, and it works for him.  My heart goes out to those of you who suffer these debilitating headaches!!!! SV, I hope your headaches go away, and quickly, and that they are NOT clusters!!!

    H&S, good on you; almost done with rads!!!!

    Today I saw the heart doc - he wants me on a statin to lower cholesterol. ugh - we'll see. Then went over to the cancer center and had my 6-mo followups with rad onc and med onc.  All's well; I see med onc again in 3 months.  So, goodie.

    The rice fields I watched from planting to harvest as I went to the valley for tx, are all now filled with migratory waterfowl.  Gazillions of large white birds- I'm not sure if they're swans or Snow geese; plus dozens of other varieties, and the winter migration has just begun.  It's interesting to see them so close.  Anyway, I'm done with "doc-town" for awhile. 

    Just found out there's another traveling Cirque show coming to Sacramento in May.  Might buy tickets, just for something to look forward to....

    We are due for gullywashing rainstorms, according to the weatherguessers. I just called the county and told them both storm drains at our street are clogged...

    Stay warm, and be well. (( all ))

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

     GD Missed you. sorry you're not too good. I haven't a snowflake in hells chance of getting on FB... so could someone convey my good wishes to her in case she doesn't get this. I have a FB account, which I use regularly to keep contact with my G/children....BUT .... I have no idea at all how to create a different A/c. I did TRY, on another email addy, but it kept putting my new 'name', and details, onto my existing A/c, and no way can I create another private A/c. Not all my slightly more distant family know I have bc, so don't want anything at all out in the open forum, particularly if FB is mixing up 2 A/cs for me.

    Nancy ,hope we didn't scare you too much, just come on right back and join us. As you see we are NOT all computer whizzes, far from it in my case. In fact Barbara was talking about wifi, I have heard of it, but have no idea what on earth it is. I fancy a Kindle, but I have no idea of how to get a book onto it to read, so I don't get one !!!  I have been battling with photography for 2 years, and am absolutely not one step further along the line than I was all that time ago. I have bought myself 3 books, pretty simple ones, but it won't go in !!

    SV, good luck with sorting out your headaches, try and keep us in touch if you can.

    Lost -Creek, I am on statin, no effects at all. Bad hearts and strokes are rife in my family. Have been taking them about 4-5 years I think it will be now.

    We have had big bad snow storms from 3pm. I cancelled a dr. app. at 4.30. receptionist said everyone was calling in and cancelling.The weather forecast looks horrendous. the snow is coming in a straight line from the Arctic. The isobars are packed very tightly together, so that means severe wind. looks like we are in for a howler of 3 days wind and snow, and up to 10" of snow that will drift. One of out headlines read 'Santa will not be coming to thousands of houses' the delivery vans just will not get thru' in time. Don't mind that too much..... but purleese do not cut my pc off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have bought an Alsation puppy, (or, to be politically correct ) a German Shepherd, still have to pick her up. To me it will always be Alsation.  I have wanted one for the back of my house for a while. I have 2 Rottweiler boys at the front of the house, guarding the house. garden and kennels....but the back of the house where my farmyard is, is unprotected. The Rottweiler boys just cannot be trusted with the cats, who live in the farmyard, so aiming to keep Alsation right among the cats from the start, so she will not kill them. Tho' no way will I be able to put her outside for another month or two, unless I am with her....too cold. and NOT fancying large sized 'lumps' in my kitchen while I sort out her training.... but don't want to get her too used to my fire. or have her shut away alone....there has to be a happy medium somewhere !

    Wow, this snowstorm is really going some, its a whiteout, coming sideways now...just what I need, everything will be frozen up again in the morning !


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    How ironic that there is so much snow in the southern US, in Britain - and here in my corner of Ontario we have just a dusting. I bought a snow blower yesterday which probably means we won't get any snow  here for ages - hopefully at least not till I get it assembled.

    The thing about names is that any of us can post our own names, first and last or whatever we want. The issue with Granny is that she did not make the choice to post her own name - others did.  I would not be happy if someone did that with my name.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Lost Creek, thank you for the inspiring encouragement.

    lassie, I do hope your winter stays mild and you only have to use the snowblower once and that's just to see if you like it!!

    Isabella---oh no, not more blinding snow! I pity you, winter is not my favorite season! Your new dog sounds like he'll be wondeful! I envy your new guardian. Hopefully he won't kill the cats. Perhaps you orienting the new pup to the cats he'll just take to them as though they are his friends.

    Marybe, how are you feeling, did the relaxant take away some of the pain?  Hope so.

    SV, please let us know when you get the opportunity to let us know about what the doc says about your recent bombarding headaches.

    Barbara, my husband wants to get me a kindle but not real sure I want him to. How much do the downloads cost? Is it a complete novel, or is it abbreviated?  There is so much I don't know about technology and whenever I have to consult the experts I prefix my question that I am "a puter idiot"  that usually helps with explanations I get.

    gentle hugs~ suzie

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Just for the record GD has posted her full name in the past. It was ages ago, but she did post it first.  So enough on the name business.

    SV so sorry to hear about your headaches.  Hope the drs can figure out what is going on and get them taken care of soon.  I too have the migraine headaches and have to take Imitrix at the first sign of symptoms or I am in agony for days.

    Hope everyone is safe and warm.  Amy Jo 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Wow, so many posts! HnS, the headaches  totally suck but Imitrex really works for me (thank you HP). My gripe is the cost but, guess what? Paying $900.00/month for it is just what I have to do. I cannot live with 4-5 headaches a day at its peak. My episodes run around 2-1/2 - 3 months. Arghhh. But lucky for me, they are 2-3 years apart.

    The Kindle allows you to connect via a wireless internet connection, available freely in places like Starbucks, and download books. The novels/non fiction you download are complete books. If a best seller costs 29.95, you can get the Kindle book for maybe 9.99. Not bad.

    I will let GD know via FB (FaceBook) that all us 'older' gals are wishing her well and are holding her cyber hand.

    Whew. Just had a color and cut and feel like a million bucks but TIRED. Off to bed.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, I've been thinking of you; hope you can stay warm. I feel a real dummy because I did not know Alsations=German Shepherds, who are my love-dogs. Looking forward to hearing about your new girl.   After a couple of traditional markings' shepherds, my Gus is a sable shorthair, but still makes a big hairy mess. Gus is now almost 3; and still does not know how big (135#) he is, but he really wants to be a good boy.  He was easy to housebreak. When we went to Vegas, he minded the yard and stayed inside at night - I have an arrangement with neighbors & their dogs, and it was the first time they'd been able to reciprocate.  Much as I love him, having the ability to leave him at home has opened new worlds!  Furbabies - Isabella, you take the cake! I hope your GS steps up and takes on some of the responsibilities.

    Rae and Alyson, Isabella needs some of your summer!

    Lassie, last year DH built a snowblower and we barely got a dusting; this year it's gotten a workout already, and our winter has barely started.  You'll be glad you have it!

    All: please take care of yourselves.  Love much and laugh often.

    ((  ))

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    suzie -

    You can check out the kindle books without buying a kindle if you like.  Go to and click on kindle.  There you can download a free version of kindle reader for your pc or mobile device.  Then just shop their books.  They have some, mostly classics you can down load free.  Costs of those I tried were all under $10.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    I think my DH got me a kindle for Xmas..I will use it I am sure..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    LC, I forgot to say hey to you! Are you getting ready for the coming snow? (((HUGS))) to you!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2010

    Jumping in to to say... I have a Kindle and love it. Current books can run as much as $15.00 but there are lots of books, classics, in the public domain that are free or very inexpensive, like 99 cents. A Kindle can hold something like 3500 books! They are great for reading in bed, lighter than a real book and turns itself off if you fall asleep. You can change the size of the print. If you highlight a word it will give you the definition. And if you buy the more expensive version you can even access the web... although that is not what they do best. Also you can subscribe to magazines and newspapers on your Kindle!

    Some of the new competitors even have color. I don't think Kindles do yet.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Thanks so much for all the information about kindle, all that all of you have said is really piqueing my interest. I just may give hubby the go-ahead.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Finally got a chance to sit down, today.  About lunchtime I started making one of those 12/14 layer chocolate cakes to take to DH's family Christmas gathering on Saturday.  Not as complicated as it sounds or I couldn't do it,  but takes hours to do.  Then tonight we went to DD's Christmas concert at the elementary school where she teaches music and I just now got the cake finished.  Good thing I only make one about every 5 years or so.

    SV, I'm so sorry about the headaches and hope the powers that be can find the cause and a solution for you. Hope they're not the cluster kind folks are talking about, but that you can just "nip it" early.  Please keep us posted when you can.  And thanks for letting us know about GDukes.  

    Isabella, more snow AND a new puppy?? Bless you girl, bless you!  I know she's a darling, too. 

    Suzie, so glad you're continuing to improve with your therapy.  Just read aloud to your heart's content and know that every bit helps.  My sister recently woke up with Bell's Palsy and her physical therapist showed her some mouth exercises to do.  It was gone within a week, and when our mother had it her's lasted for a couple of months.   Hang in there, you're doing great.

    3jays, thank you.  We found out today that he was really a hero--stepped on a mine and didn't move until the other men were out.  He would have been 20 years old on Dec. 26.  There are just no words to say.

    Nancy, I can't help you with the singles board, but you're always welcome to come here and hang out with us!  Please come back!

    HnS, WooHoo, you're almost done!!  You'll be so glad when you're a rad grad!  (Waxing poetic, sorry.)  

    And Marybe, hoping the muscle rexalant seems to be helping you (!), and LC, great news about your dr visits and enjoy this little respite away from them!

    Took my first arimidex today, the generic, and so far, so good, not that I expected anything yet, but at least I did it.  Guess I'm committed now.  Night everybody.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    DH is not popular at present. I wrote a long post earlier and for some reason he closed the internet when he had finished with the email and so gone was my post before I had finished.

    It is a hot sticky day here, well its now raining and today I made Christmas puddings and another fruit cake as gifts. Sometimes I wonder why we do this in the heat of summer. So Isabella I would love some of your snow right now.

    Do hope everyone is doing Ok. SV let us know about the head aches - cluster ones are dreadful I know as are migraines - do hate the visuals.

    Big hugs


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Gees, I cannot sleep-too nervous about meeting with onc/surgeon tomo-well actually today. The headaches are not migraines. I have those too but they are well under control. These headaches are something truly feels like my brain is blistering and nothing knocks them down. I mean I am hitting 4 vicoden, morphine and aleve and I lie on the bed just shaking for about three hours. Then the headache subsides and I am just wiped out and very weak to boot. I remember having one this bad as a kid but I had a concussion at the time. The only thing I can think is that maybe the herpes zoster I have has moved to the brain, which it will do. But doc wants to make sure no ugly cancer bugs are lurking about in bones or brain-so I am just really scared about it all.These started about two months ago and came out of nowhere. But enuf-cannot get to all posts but did catch the using 'real names' thing. It is more a security issue to keep your name from falling into the hands of thieves and such. And what a day we had on the OBX-it is snowing like crazy!! I just kept thinking about the reunion and WOW what a blast this would have been-well maybe not so much. The roads turned into an ice sheet cause we have no snow removal-so (being the lunatic I am)I am creeping up to corolla lighthouse in my suv to get the money shot of the lighthouse in the snow AND, i am doing about 10 miles an hour but my SUV-Moby Dick-began to simply slide off the road -just due to the road slant-and yes-before i knew it, I was doing geriatric donuts on the stretch of road at Pine Island. Thank God I was the only idiot out driving....i am embarrassed because these were the SLOWEST 360's i have ever done in a car. I mean I got to see the scenery four times..the tree, the house, the bushes....the tree the house...the bushes and there was nothing I could do...Moby had a mind of her own and responded to nothing. So me and pups ended up ass end in the bushes in Pine Island and none the worse for wear but a few bruises and bumps. Thank God Moby had the giddy-up to drive right out of the foliage back onto the road and me being the persistant buggar I am, i continued on my 5 mph trek to the lighthouse. So here are some pix of a major snowstorm on the obx

    Our road from reunion house!!

    Da beach off of my house!!

    Historic Whalehead Club and lighthouse in background.

    And ladies, I am SO sorry-I still have not figured out how to do a montage tho Lisa has 'splained it to me-it ain't sunk in. i feel like such a board hog-oh well.

    h&s almost done-WOO-WOOO! and 3jays, wow, such a courageous young man and blessings for his dying bravery!! Though cold comfort for family I know. MB, i know from reading posts on FB that the 'drugs' seem to be working-teehee. QCA-anyone who can bake like you do simply rocks and I know that GD is getting feistier cause she is having folks post things for her on her FB-so that is a big yipee!! OK MISS gadget meister-what the heck is a kindle-dat be you Barb A!! And what happened to good old fashioned books! (((((Suzie)))))) and pj good to see you post along with Chabba and LostC-man I cannot keep track of everyone-we are a busy bunch of biddies!!! OK, now that I have burned up the BC page. I need to find something else to do and someone else to bug!! Love you all and sweet dreams SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    good to "see" y'all tonite. im still struggling taking off lites on a "prelit" tree, and replacing them. see, im planning for next christmas, although things are getting darker and darker fighting this darned depression.. can't take any of the antidepressants, phych gave up, finally.. excersize is suppossed to do it. but, since im having trouble walking.. i do have one of those thingy bikes you sit on your chair, and pedal, cant do that much with the knee.. im just basicalley SC***ed and, just acting as if.. 2 morrow will be better,,, hah!! love y'all...3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Aw 3jays. Big warm gentle (((HUGS)))) for you,

    And big HUGS to all the 'biddies' as SV called us.

    I worked my behind off the week before the retreat then every day since then. Today is the LAST day of work-off-behind. No more getting up @5 AM and working until 7 until after the new year. YAY! A pox on the sales guy who scheduled a conference call @4:30. I could've played hooky. Sigh.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Oh, yes. Wanted to share this with you. SV is starting to get back into selling her photography. (She is to modest to say much) but here is a pic she took.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    'Mornin ladies.  I'm not very good with keeping up with all -- especially in print; so my apologies when I leave folks out.  Nancy, welcome! Single, married, whatever, we welcome you.

    QCA, I apologize for not mentioning your DIL's cousin.  It hits so close to home.  Many condolences to the family and friends of this young hero - what courage and selflessness he showed - that is the true measure of a Hero, a word tossed too casually around these days.  That young man WAS A HERO.  Too sad.  We still have 3 of our 7 nieces/nephews still in service, and it's a worry, even though we are proud of them.  This war stinks is my euphemism for the day.

    Also, good luck with the Arimidex!  I'm taking the generic since mid-August, and so far my se's have been very mild and easy to cope with - if I'm losing my mind, at least I don't know it.  Did your docs do a DEXA scan to check your bone density?  Mine was pretty decent to start with, and I'm trying to follow the advice to supplement with Vit D, calcium (and magnesium); have added prunes to regular menu (has some bone-strengthening properties, but I haven't yet been able to incorporate the recommended nine small prunes/day), and I am trying to walk every day - onc said walking is about the best weight-bearing exercise we can do. Our driveway is .1 mile, so I do laps.  I hope your experience is easy too!

    I think about you NC ladies, in part because I spend a lot of mental time in NC in the 1750s to 1780s; have recently discovered several online reference books via the NC Archives... Smile a bit of a different reality, eh?

    Barb, I hope you can get some rest! Marybe, some relaxation; SV, some relief... and

    To all, my best wishes.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Love SV photography..thanks