Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    thanks for the tip QCA, he whole thing is confusing, he has the cpap, and a bipap mask and is "gonna" use them, any day now ( sarcasm much) anyway, i will check the site out.. SV glad you're doing MRI it will at least show if it is the shingles. they DO get inside the brain, a problem with many MS paitents.  and, they can ck the blood flow with the MRI; which is a major problem with my particular MS induced headaches?strokes. i'm glad theyr'e taking this seriously. it is serious.. love ya gal!!    3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    isabella; i was intrigued ( going back some pages ago) and, googled the scissor sisters. ive never heard of them quite enjoyed it. we seem to ride the same wave, girl. in this house, GAGA rules, tho. even my little boy z(5 lbs of chiuahua ) dances to her when i play the CDS its a riot!!hope you'll work in your spare time lol at learning to post pictures. we all dearly want to see you, the farm, and all its' inhabitants. is GS coming round to help now that snow is better? i hope so. he sounds like a dear boy.. cheer up christmas will be gone soon, girl...         3jays
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    3jays....I am not a big fan of Lady GaGa. I don't particularly like any of todays music, just the odd song gets to me.

    This morning it is absolutely beautiful outside, we have a hoar frost, everything is sprinkled white....the trees look really magical. It is a pig tho' trying to work in it ! My hands are sticking to everything, even the door handles to get back into the house are frozen white. My car says -11, at midday ! I have only done what is the absolute minimum.....I have had to turn the water off for the last two nights, don't want a burst to deal with....well, not to deal with myself, the problem would be getting a plumber ! NEVER any trouble when its a nice sunny day, but they're all on answermachine when its cold ! Can't have a shower after about 10pm, and can't flush the toilets....not very healthy. I have 3 toilets , so can just about manage 'til morning !!

    I need to get to the shops this week, lots of last minute things I must get....the shops will be chaos all this week, but, I love this last week before Christmas, rushing and bustling around, crowds all over the place, roads congested. Next week it will be just the opposite, no-one around. I am on the lookout for a new tumble dryer, before Jan. 4th. All our taxes go up, by a big jump then, so need to get a move on....I will probably order online, don't really like big electrical stores. Always nuisance salesmen bothering you in these places. They follow you around, from appliance to appliance, talking, and trying to push a sale, and you can't decide for yourself which you'd prefer. I have got to the point where I tell them to leave me alone, I will come and seek them out should I need their assistance.

    I'm just off outside for round two, brrrrrrr, got a lot of eggs to pack up this afternoon, I put on a heater over an hour ago, so I can keep my feet warm whilst working. Everyone seems to want extra eggs this week, and eggs are so damned cold to handle.  I shall have to wrap up in so many layers that I won't be able to move! Never mind I shall have my little radio plugged into my ears, there's a good play on this afternoon, so it'll soon be evening !


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Brrrrr Isabella! I guess you can't hunt eggs with gloves on. I bet they are cold. Here I am complaining about the weather here in FL. High 64 today and a gradual warm up to a high of 72 on Christmas. I mean you should see me: yesterday the high was 60 but it was cloudy and very damp...a bitter cold wind. So I had on boots with toasty socks, a cashmere turtleneck with a fuzzy fleece sweatshirt, followed by a lined leather jacket and I was STILL cold.

    I cannot WAIT to go on our cruise. At least there, I will be warm!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    suzie - lolly cake is EASY PEASY!!!.  Melt 115 gms butter and 1/2 tin condensed milk together slowly. Cut 180gms fruit puff lollies in half and add 1 packet of malt biscuits finely crushed. Add butter mixture, mix, shape into a roll and roll in shredded coconut, roll in plastic wrap and set in the fridge.  I make it with plain sweet biscuits and it is nice too.  Don't make it with chocolate coated biscuits or add chocolate - it alters the taste too much I think.

    Alyson - I got generic fruit puffs at my local New World just last week.

    SV - I have to add my appreciation - your photos ARE gorgeous - without art the world is a poorer place - keep using your talent to add beauty to our and others lives.

    Lisa - you may not think of yourself as an artist but IMHO you are.  I especially love your flower photos - you make their inner beauty shine.  And your Mum's tree is so cute - I love that she still enjoys the Christmas season - my 92 y/o Mum doesn't even want me to send her a present and she makes no effort to celebrate.  I send her a present anyway Sealed


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Rae, I need to figure out where to get the fruit puff lollies and the malt biscuits. YUM!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010 are you today?? Had any scans yet.

    Sorry about the shingles hitting you...can anything else attack you ?? I've had 3 bouts of shingles since dx....the first bout was the worst, the 2nd and 3rd weren't as severe as the 1st....but all got me on my LHS...face, hair, neck and chest. Seems like its something that a lot of us get as our immune systems are weakened by endless treatments. I managed to realise quickly what was going on, get the cream (that isn't effective after 72 hrs) and seemed to shorten the run of the disease....only seemed to last 3-4 weeks each time. What I read on internet was the nerve pain CAN go on for years....particularly in older people.

    I hope they can get to the bottom of your headaches, and you can get some peace. My DIL is plagued with very bad headaches, she used to carry a hypodermic syringe with a dose of something to jab herself when it got bad..... I don't know if she is still troubled because I haven't seen her in two years !

    I've had a very bad afternoon, I had to bring in 38 cattle and jab them, I'm starting with a pneumonia outbreak again...I lost 1 yesterday, and can't afford to loose more, as the jabs I am using are a terrific price, some needed 2 different jabs, depending on the severity of their symptoms. My vet has recommended I give all these cattle a jab, as a preventative measure, not as a treatment for an actual illness, to me a very expensive way to treat things, and I am not entirely happy doing it this way, but we shall see. He tells me there has been quite a success rate using this method. Normally I would only treat those that showed visible symptoms. It is costing me approx $40 per animal at the moment, for 1 of the jabs. It made me stop and think of how you girls have to pay out for your drugs...frightening ! A normal quick jab of penicillin costs me about $2   These are only a quarter of my cattle, hoping I won't have to do the rest. They are in sheds away from the ill lot so maybe I will be lucky....or not !

    Trying to get thru' to G/son tonight WHY he has to change his boots, and overalls when he is going from ill animals to well animals took some doing !! I have told him to leave the ill ones to me to do, tho' how I will do them myself remains to be seen. It has killed me this afternoon pushing them thru a pen to treat them all individually, I went outside to pack eggs, ended up doing a dash to the vets for drugs, and then the rest of the afternoon working among the cattle. I think now after these lot are gone its time for me to pack it in, and just keep a few favorites. I am just about crawling around on all fours tonight !!! Well, a slight exaggeration here, but I am well doubled over, and clinging onto tables and chairs as I try and get about ! I think I will have trouble walking in the morning. G/son is talking very exitedly about Christmas, so I can't ask for extra help from him, and spoil his holiday. I know he'd come, but I don't want to take up all his spare time. He ate 2 dinners tonight....I just could not face my dinner, after I had got it ready, and G/son said 'Ooo Grandma,don't give it to the dogs, I'll have it, I'm hungry'

    I am going to bed now....hoping to get to sleep...I am tired out, but whether my pains will subside, and let me sleep remain to be seen.... my back is on fire with pain....I am so sick of waiting for my op.Its like living in a third world country here, queues for everything. I was going to look into paying to have the operation, but never did, I might get looking at that pretty soon. I know you can get into the private hospitals within a week or so, so maybe its the way to go. I am not pleased about thinking about taking this route, as we pay plenty of money each week towards healthcare.... yet are almost bottom in a league table of all the European countries, in waiting lists, success rates and treatment plans. No-one wants to spend money on you when you're getting that bit older.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, I am so sorry you are having such a time with your cattle. It is terrible when they get sick and you can only do what you can do. It is also terrible when you can't get surgery for a terrible back problem. My heart hurts for you and all I can offer is hugs.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, I am so sorry for your cows and their pneumonia, ( I hope you don't lose anymore). then on top of it your back and the pain you are in, would a heating pad or hot water bottle make it easier to get up in the morning?  It seems so unfair with everything you are having to deal with. Do take any pain pills you may have.

    With our healthcare looking as though it will be publicized, I worry that the older generation will be put on the back burner as well. It's scary thinking about what lies ahead for us. i hope you are able to afford a private hospital to get your back taken care of.

    Rae, the lolly cakes seem as though they would be absolutely wonderful. I would have no idea on where to get the ingriedients, thoug I would love to try them!

    Regarding SHINGLES....I keep forgetting that there is a vaccine for them. It is not cheap but having had an outbreak for the 1st time in 2009, if I had remembered about the vaccine I certainly would have paid for it out of pocket. SO I Suggest: if you have not had shingles I say get the vaccine.  I keep forgetting to ask my doc if the vaccine would help even though I've had an outbreak....I don't want to go through that again!!!

    I went to work again today and once again stayed too long,  when will I ever learn??? Things went a little better as far as my speech and math abilities. The med I was given for my sinus infection did not take care of it so am on another antibiotic...I do hope this one works as this is the one I suggested to my doc!!

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, I'm so sorry you're going through all this, in freezing weather too.  You are one H*** of a woman, that's for sure!  Much more fortitude than I would have.  Hope something helps your back tonight too.  Many {{{hugs}}}.

    Barb--boy would I like to be in your part of Florida right now!  It's supposed to be warmer here tomorrow (50's) but I almost froze today.  Went back to the grocery store today to get one more ingredient for the cake I made for DS's birthday tomorrow and there was no heat in the store, really no heat.  Had to put my gloves on and I rarely do that.

    Speaking of that birthday cake, I made Aunt Kate's layer cake recipe, 3 layers.  She and Aunt Ollie made the best cakes on the planet, I assure you.  DS wanted caramel icing so I had an old church cookbook that my mother had and decided to make my grandmother's caramel icing recipe from it.    I even told my husband last night that if my grandmother had made it, I could surely make it.  Shoot, I went to college and everything!   It was supposed to cook until the "soft ball" stage and then you beat it until creamy.  I thought I did everything right but suddenly as I was icing the first layer the icing in the pot just hardened.  It was like trying to spread a caramel candy! So, tomorrow, I'll buy a can of frosting and try to repair the damage!  Oh, the cake layers tore during my spreading efforts too, so there's a lot to repair. That's what I get for being so cocky!

     And Suzie, hope the new antibiotic does the trick.  Thanks for the reminder about the shingles shot, too.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2010

    Isabella-I feel so badly for you doing all this stuff with your animals out in the cold with your back the way it is.  Hugs....

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Isabella - you poor thing with such a bad back. I understand your frustration with the state health care system as it is the same here - loooooong waiting lists for everything and every now and then the hospitals go through and wipe people off the lists and people don't even know they have been removed.  You get urgent attention quickly but until you are 'urgent' you wait.  I have private health insurance so I was able, with a little bit of arm emotional arm twisting to get my bmx and recon paid for but if I had gone through the public system my best option would have been to have the affected side mx with immediate recon as there is a long wait for delayed recon. Private insurance is pretty pricey once you reach 60 though so most people are forced to take a punt with the public system which overloads everything. 

    suzie - vaccine for shingles?  I am going to see my GP on Friday so have put that on my list to ask him about.  I understand anyone who has had chicken pox can get shingles so it would be nice to think that was one disease off the possible 'can get' list.

    Hi Barbara - we visit a lot of the same sites don't we? and I get mixed up where I read posts from you so thought I would just talk here. Glad to know you are home even if it is cold there too - would be worse elsewhere by the sound of it. Less than a month til cruise isn't it? You will really appreciate it in the middle of a cold winter like this. Did you buy your dresses? 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    No Rae, I had gone to see the dresses but then Had no time to go buy them and get fitted. Geez! Now I have to go back and hope they didn't sell them.  Love to all and night night.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010
    Night Barbara - if you are meant to have the dresses they will still be there.  Bound to be something just as beautiful if they have gone though.
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Kathy - love the cake story! Shoot, with college and everything and you let that old caramel outsmart you! It's amazing what our grandmother's did, isn't it? I couldn't imagine picking a chicken out of the yard, swinging him around to break his neck, and then proceeding to clean it and all that good stuff before you can even begin to fry it! Wow, you work all day just to get dinner on the table.

    Barbara - good job picking January to go on a cruise! I'm freezing right now in Georgia, dreading how cold it will be in January. 

    Isabella - you have your hands too full! I hope your GS can help you with the cattle - that sounds like a huge ordeal!

    Okay, ladies - it sounds like we are all working too hard and freezing to boot! I know it's hard for women, probably bc patients particularly, but we really need to slow down and smell the....gingerbread cookies! Everybody take care and enjoy the remaining days till Christmas!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    AWWWW-HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! But truly seems like it all seems to be needed to be celebrated next week for me. i think i deserve a do-over with much bigger presents!! Got to the doc today and am running a freaking fever of 101.4-5 very high for me and very unusual. i just don't run fevers. And to add to the asthma attack, woke with my face and scalp covered in shingles and cr#p it hurts!! So today on a new round of antivirals and steroids-AGAIN-this is truly a norm for me in my health and I try not to get down but i really wanted the perfect xmas this year- well-it can wait a week for me. They did run a head CT cause herpes this bad in me causes neuro deficits and that was clean so very good news there. MRI set for tomorrow and bone scan next week. AND FOR YOU SPACE GALS, the 500 year lunar eclipse is tonight-it started here and I went out to photograph it and it is so freaking cold-i truly want a shot of it over the sound and thinking of sneaking out right now. happiest of holidays and 3jays I am so proud of you that you finally found a POD!!! I have not read all posts so not up on everyone-just hoping you all have a blessed holiday despite all. Love ya all very much, SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    About three weeks after I had a lumpectomy we were loading, rather the movers were loading, the van to move us cross country.  I realized I needed to run to a clinic to get a Shingles vaccine.  My aunt and my friend both had it while in treatment for BC and I sure didn't want it myself. It was expensive but I was told I could send the receipt to my insurance. I think everyone thought I was inconsiderate for running off just then but I knew it was important.

    I vote for everyone going to get the shingles shot asap. I had a sore arm but no other side effect. 



  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Ginger - is it one shot for a lifetime cover?  I had Hep A shot when I was going to travel in Egypt and I had to have a booster a year later - that was quite expensive too but worth every cent if it was going to keep me Hep A free.  Is the cervical cancer vaccine being suggested over there? The government here is pushing it very strongly at the moment.  For young women aged 13-20 it has been free for the last two years and will be until the end of this year.  Two of my DDs have gladly gone along and had their 3 shots but the last one is not so sure about it.  Oh well, she is 20 so can make up her own mind.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    I think it is a lifetime coverage but am not totally certain.

    Yes the cervical cancer shot is being promoted here and in my opinion is very important for young women. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    OK ladies-changing topic for a min-here is the first shot of the 500 year event-the eclipse of the full moon is just beginning on the obx.

    Pretty cool but man is it cold out and i need a tripod and a better lens!!! SO great omen for us all and what a way to bring in the holidays!! xxoo, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Figure 500 years is worth a few more shots....

    Eclipse in mid motion this morning. Half moon - nighttime skies! Long live Janis J. xxooo, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    SV!! I'm a SPACE GAL and I stayed up tonight to see it but in Atlanta we have stupid clouds! I am so bummed out about that! But thanks for the pics - that is soooo cool!

    I remember around 1970 there was a total solar eclipse in eastern NC, where my grandparents lived. We drove up to see it - and my wonderful grandparents - and it was truly to this day the coolest thing I've ever seen! Did you see it? We pulled off a road in the middle of nowhere (so did everybody else), it was about 3:00 in the afternoon and the wind started blowing, the stars started coming out and a rooster started crowing. So we just stood there in total darkness for a few minutes, then the sun started peeking out again, and the poor rooster started crowing again! After it was over, everyone just stood there in awe. There has never been another total solar eclipse in this part of N. America as far as I know. The path around a solar eclipse goes for thousands of miles and it just looks overcast - there is only a narrow path that gets the full effect. I'm so glad my father was on top of this and drove us up to NC to see it!

    You are so lucky to be seeing that - I would be doing just like you - sick, miserable, cold, but it's oh so worth it! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Hey H&S YUP while these photos are hot out of my camera and taken just outside my driveway-I missed the one in 1970-Actually I am not sure-if I saw it, it was chemically enhanced by lsd or some other mind expander!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS GAL! And i am so bummed bec it is a total eclipse now and too many clouds to get a shot!! Winds are clocking at about 50 knots. XXOO SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Do you think maybe the clouds will blow away off the coast there soon? Ours are just sitting here smothering us, no breaks in them or anything.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures - my son thinks this stuff is as cool as I do. Ever since he was a young lad I would take him anywhere within an hour or two of Atlanta in my convertible to see meteor showers - just put the top down and lay back in the seats and go "ooooh" and "aaahhhh". He just said we need to do that again, but my top won't go down, so I guess I better prioritize and get it fixed ASAP.

    I'm going to take one more look outside in case there's a break in the clouds, but I guess I'll go to bed cuz I have another stinking doctor's appt tomorrow at 11:00.

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU, SV! That's terrible that you got shingles on your face - you have to carefully protect your eyes, but I'm glad you head is okay...well, according to their criteria, LOL!

    Thanks for sharing this moment - I was looking forward to it all day, and then they tell us it will be too cloudy to see anything. Well, at least I saw those beautiful shots off the coast. Almost like being there! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Cloudy in Seattle too

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited August 2013
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    SV, great pics thanks for posting them.  Down under it's still daylight so no joy here seeing the event.  You should be an art photographer..........oh you are!  lol

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    SV great shots! My lousy sleep pattern worked for me last night. Woke up at 2:15 or so and it had started, then woke  again around 4 and it was ending...had about a quarter to go.

    I am off to the dress store, Rae. Will update. Last night I dropped my iPhone and it died. Now, techie me with no phone is like me having one arm. So before the dresses, on to the AT&T store to wait in line for however long it takes. NO PHONE!!!! Horrors!!

    HnS, every year I keep swearing I am moving further south! But I will run out of land soon so maybe moving to an island will work. It is nicer today...high 70.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Love the moon pun intended!

    Gingerbrew, would you mind posting your shot again so it doesn't have the advertizing over it.

    Didn't get a chance to see the eclipse....we were having a snow and freezing rain event.

    SV, thanks for the shots. So glad you don't have the shingles on the scan, to have them outwardly is more than bad enough.

    gentle hugs ~ Suzie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Ginger! Love your son's photo.