Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Thanks for the words about DIL's cousin, Lost Creek. I'm sure you're always on edge having 3 nieces/nephews still in the service and I hope they stay safe.

    Also, thanks for the arimidex encouragement.  One of our friends husband said his wife's personality had totally changed since she'd been on Femara and my husband asked me today if he needed to watch out for a personality change in me yet!  Honestly, I've only had 2 pills so far!  I did have a bone density test last week but don't imagine I'll hear anything until I go back to the onc. on the 23rd.  Still taking the weekly 50000 units of vit. D for a few more weeks.  

    Barbara, thanks for posting SV's picture.  Beautiful, SV!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    SV - Love the one of the Historic Whalehead Club with the Currituck Lighthouse in the background.  Looks like a wonderful money shot to me.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and hope the headache issue is not what is feared and turns out to be related to something easy to treat.  Keep me posted my friend.

    Marybe - How are you doing tonight?  Hope the mussel relaxers are helping. 

    I went to the PS today to see about finishing my reconstruction and the final surgery will be Jan. 6th then I meet with the RO on the 27th to see about the doing the radiation on my chest. (Like I am looking forward to that, NOT)  I do want to get all of this radiation over, but I do not relish the getting so sick again.  The PS said that this surgery would be a piece of cake compared to the bilateral mastectomy.  The pain level should be about a 2 and I should be back to normal in a less than a week. We will see about all of that. Anyone have a good suggestion on what cream or lotion to use to keep my skin soft and not turn into leather?

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Merry Christmas and can spend time with family and friends.  I know I will as my oldest DD and her DH and 2 of my precious grandchildren are here until Jan 5th.  Now off to try and do some more shopping.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Hi ladies - have been so busy with end of year stuff at work, end of year functions and Christmas preparations that I have just had no energy to even turn on my computer.  Have finished for the year now - start when school goes back in early Feb - and boy do I need a holiday. 

    Lost creek - my cholesterol level jumped way up after I started Femara and, because I have high BP as well, my doctor put me on a statin late last year.  No SEs and my cholesterol levels are really low now.  He said it 'lubricates and cleans the veins and arteries as well as dropping the cholesterol' so it is a 'really good drug' in terms of heart attack and stroke prevention.  Re weather for Isabella (what a beautiful name) - we have humidity and warmth here but I have had rain or heavy drizzle for three days now and it is predicted to carry on for another three.  We were very dry already coming into summer so this is being welcomed by farmers but everyone else is a bit sick of it now.

    SV - headaches are the pits - I feel for you.  I have had migraines since I was 11 and the older I got the worse they became - would last for up to 36 hours with vomiting.  Had to have anti nausea and painkilling injections to stop them.  Haven't had one since I have been on Femara - must be estrogen related.  I hope you get them sorted quickly.

    Kathy - it has just been one hard thing after another for you this year - you will be glad to see the end of 2010 I think - my best wishes for a better 2011 for you.

    H&S - has your pneumonia cleared yet? 3jays - was it you who had pneumonia too? hope you are shaking it off too.

    Alyson - I don't know why we do all the baking and hot Christmas dinners either.  Well, I do really - because we love to eat the lovely fruit cakes and puddings - it's traditional after all.  I have given up Christmas pudding now because no one here eats it but I make mini cakes in Jumbo muffins tins as presents and I still make a big one for us.  We have roast lamb, pork and chicken for Christmas dinner which my DH cooks in the BBQ along with the roast potatoes and veges, so no hot unbearable kitchen for me.  I have gone to pavlova, brandy snaps, lolly cake and fruit salad for puddings.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    AmyJo, BarbA and I had real good luck with emu oil during rads this summer.  Docs all say I've healed well.  It took me awhile to get to the emu oil - I also used Miaderm ordered off internet, and it was quite soothing. Towards the end of rads when it got pretty red and painful the doc rx some Biafine which seems to basically be prescription-strength Miaderm; I used it along with the oil, alternating during the day.  Emu oil is spendy but it was worth it; get it from the local health food store.  Best wishes with your surgery! It's good you get time to enjoy your family right now.

    SV the pictures are lovely; it's great that you are working again because you also have a real gift and eye for the camera.

    Thanks Isabella and Rae for the encouraging words about statins. I'll feel easier giving them a try.

    Be well, all.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Lost_Creek - thanks for the info.  I will check on getting the Emu oil and the Miaderm.  I just hope I do not get a sick as I did the last time, but that is doubtful since the last time was only 12 treatments and they were lower dosage and the next round is at least 30 tx maybe more!   Oh well I am not going to think about that anymore until after the holidays.  Plan to enjoy the family that is here for as long as I can.

    Hope everyone is staying warm.  We are expecting 2" of snow this afternoon.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    AmyJo, enjoy your family and the holidays! I hope these rads tx do not make you sick! Advice given me for rads included to drink water like your life depended on it; and to eat plenty of good quality protein. It may have helped, if only because I believed it would.  I also was able to rest a LOT.

    Gonna break down this afternoon and make candied walnuts; and the dough for old German recipe for chocolate lebkuchen. Dough has to set overnight. Lebkuchen = "Life Cakes" and are given for good luck and health in the new year -- so symbolically I will be sharing them with all of you and your loved ones...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Sounds great Lost Creek...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    LC - I LOVE lebkuchen!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    my 90 year old mother made this

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited August 2013

    I am going to get my sweet son-in-law to get me some when he goes to the commissary next week.  I think I will see if my little granddaughter wants to make some gingerbread.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010
    i want truly thank all or my gals for the incredible support on the photos and all. I am really shy about my work with is so stupid-i mean I did it for the AP in WASH for over a decade and most of my life as a photojournalist-but to do my own art and who is is scary to me. WELL, big news is that i saw my on/surg on Friday but felt terrorized during the whole visit-myPTDS kicks in really bad and I am SO afraid of cancer that I cannot even make myself go there to try to discuss what is going on with me. It leaves us both very frustrated. he is so upset I am not choosing a double mastectomy and I am tired of hearing of it all. I am crippled bec of knees collapsing due to chemo and he says knees cannot be replaced until bone scan is done-so he set up bone scan and head MRI to try to find out 'headache issue-but if I am not having the headache-how can they see anything happening?? They hit two or three times a week now but are subsiding and I showed him the herpes zoster outbreak and huge lesions, I have in my hair and on my face and left side-so it may be that herpes has hit the brain. Then stress of seeing him caused me the worst asthma attack i have had in months and usually am hospitalized for these-but no more white coats or needles anymore-very very tired-one step forward ten back-truly no way to live, I just don't know. My artwork is at a standstill again! I just don't know anymore. I have not been able to read to catch up on posts to I am really sorry-buy I wanted to thank everyone for the amazing support for the photos-just wish I could get this going and health would improve to do that. last nite I dreamed i was abducted by aliens-that seems like a great option. Then dreamed I was hanging with Brad Pitt (not really a fan of his -but in a pinch!).  But i was skinny and gorgeous and young again-that ain't ever gonna happen. Where did 40 years go? Love you all-and so sorry just way off today. Sorry-working on trying to perk up but on prednizone again!!! Good Lord! XXOO, SV
  • dianemoe
    dianemoe Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2010
    SV....So sorry you are having the bad day I had yesterday. Your photos are amazing. Sorry your health is stopping you from doing the art you love so much. I love the Brad dream. My mood is better today I hope yours is tomorrow.....This big C sh-t stinks we all try and do what the Dr's tell us,we research on our own. We talk among ourselves. Then bottom line they ask us what do you want to do. I have never even even known anyone with cancer. Only problem in the family has been heart. My youngest Grandson was born with a congenital heart defect. At age 5 he had a heart transplant. Now ask me about that, he spent 92 days in the hospital I was there by his side 5 out of 7 days. He is my hero. One month after leaving hospital he went back to school. I thought that was the very worst time in my life. Roll forward one year now the sick one is me. Ladies you are all in my prayers and they work my Grandson made it because of Prayers and Love........
  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    SV, Wish I could help, but don't know what to say.....just keep thinking this too shall pass and it will.  Lebkuchen! about pfeffernuss and springerlies?  I have to make sprigerlies because my father always asks for them and also I need to send some to my sister.  I don't make them for everyone with my normal Xmas assortment because a lot of people dont even know what they are but anyone with a drop of German in them does. Listen to me, like I am going to have time to bake anything....just finally got my Dad's tree finished.  Dianemoe, I hope you and your grandson have a wonderful Christmas.  And Lisa your 90 yr old mother must be amazing.  Amyjo,  Hope you arent wearing yourself are the hiccups doing?  I bet eggnog would feel good going down.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    SV bigs hugs. Did you take someone with you to see the onc - I think my onc is great and enjoy appointments - but often can't remember exactly what he said and I think you need someone to speak for you and say how you are feeling. You don't need to be having a headache when you have the MRI - it sees what is going on anyway. Do try to get back to work as you are so talented - try to focus on that.

    Rae I have everything to make a lolly cake except the fruit puffs, have you been able to get them? I want to make it to give to some neighbours who have small children. Lolly cake is, for you folks in the US, a fudge type slice made with malt biscuits, condensed milk and sweets/candies called fruit puffs and is of course not very good for you but yummy.

    I must try to get some things sorted out for Christmas

    Big hugs to all

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    SV - call me if you need me to go with you to you onco.  I will find a way to get there if you need me.  Do try to focus on your art, you are so very talented and I love your work.

    Marybe - the hiccups are coming less often and are not as hard as they were.  I have been able to go 3 whole days now without having to use the magic mouthwash.  Maybe by the time I start the next big round of rads they will be all gone.  I am not looking forward to the rads, but I am so ready for them to be over with so I guess the sooner I get started the sooner I will be finished.  I just pray that I do not get as sick this next time.  I am trying to watch how much I do and not get too tired, but it is hard when all I want to do is play with the grandchildren and go shopping with my daughter.

    Alyson - god luck getting everything sorted out for Christmas.

    Joy and blessings to all, Amy Jo 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    {{{{{SV}}}}} hugs for you!!

    Dianemoe, so glad you are feeling better.

    Alyson - yum! Would love to try some lolly cake!

    MaryBe - you need to slow down. Well, right. That is gonna happen!

    AmyJo, you too! So happy your grandkids are there keeping you young!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010

    wow.what a mixed bag of crap goin on laid up for a while and it seems everyone else is too.damn.I dont know who do address first so with this dumb brain of mine im gonna say to all my sistas im prayin for each and every one of you...real hard.this damn monster...its not gonna get us.dont ever let up or give up. God bless....hugggggggggggggggs K

  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

    Hello GD,...Life IS a mixed bag of crap this time of year.  I have now finished hanging garlands in the doorways of the LR at my Dad's and am working on the banister, but have to figure out where to plug in since we are sorely lacking in functional electrical outlets in this place in spite of the fact we had a real electrician install a new box and outlets.  I say "real" because I take cheap labor when I can find it.  Anyway, this house was made to be decorated for Xmas and it is a shame we don't have more people to ask to come in for Xmas dinner to show it off.  Plus the battery on my camera went dead so I only have one pic of the tree and mantel that I can post, but I can't post so I will do it on facebook and maybe some kind soul on here will transfer it for me....Barb, hint, hint.  I still need to tackle the family room.  Every year I say Well maybe next year I will actually be ready for Christmas when it comes.....actually think that is part of what keeps me going, knowing that there is always something I yet need to do.   Have a good day everyone.  Obviously my back is feeling better or I would not be doing this stuff.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Granny dukes, so glad you are up an posting agian...great to see you!!

    Marybe, so glad your back is better and you are up to being able to do things again. Hopefully Barb will be able to post the tree here.

    SV hope you are feeling better today and things are feeling more positive for you.

    Amyjo, those grandbabies are what keeps us young!

    Alyson, those lolly cakes sound scrumpous...are they hard to make?

    Last night went to DH company party, luckily I didn't have to engage in too many conversations! Can't believe how much sleep I've been needing.

    ((((((((gentle hugs)))))))) to each and everyone of you ~suzie

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    good day ladies, its 12:30; which means i go 6 hrs sleep last nite, which is wonderful for me... mim quite worried.. haven't heard yet, from
    SV.. she's not been around.. if anyone hears, let us know. me, andd someone else here has called her, but she's never home, so its not too effective.. she doesn't even carry a cell phone!! you ladies at the OBX reuniuon know that one hahaha.. anyway, with the heaDACHES, im effectively worried. my brain is a seive lately, so forgive me if i've missed new ones on the board, am so glad to see you on the boards, GD.. hope you get better, and better. im overwhelmed with the holidays, and trying to find my living room...
    DH took all the boxes of christmas stuff out, and left it sitting there last year. nothings' gone up; and, i can't have ANYONE over noww, and christmas is upoun us!! it looks like a page out of "hoarders" at my house. i guess this is the year we sort and cull stuff. i haven
    't been up to any of it for two years.. i wanted a small tree, and some, well, alot of the christmas stockings. i got 22 boxes and 3 trees to sort out instead!!! since my oldest Jay, has decided there's no time for the grandparents, and the visiting in laws, we won't be having GS over at christmas time. so, well clean thru DH vacation time. I HOPE.. pray for me and him, ladies. neither of us right now are doing well physically. will begin the tests for mets after christmas on me, and they just diagnosed him weith a form of narcolepsy.. geuss we need to simplify our lives big time.. this wk will be the beginning of a big change.. one thats' been coming. i hate letting go of the past memories, but none of my 3 sons want anything to do with thier childhood memories, and i have no room for any of it...sigh... gotta get rid of it all, i guess..       just what i needed to deal with now.. oh well." life waits for no man."   who said that ? thinking about all of you..          3jays.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    love ya all, my sistahs..      3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    for you "old timers" on this thread.. our pod..right, SV?    3jays
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    time for a little down time to relax

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited August 2013

    Happy Sunday evening, everybody.  Looks like Christmas panic has set in around here.  I passed the mall on my way to the grocery store and the parking lot was packed.  DH and I had a brainstorm today and are thinking about just having steaks, potatoes and salad for Christmas day.  That would be a lot less work for us this year and that appeals to me!

    Amyjo, glad you've got your final date for reconstruction for Jan. 6.  With your DD and her family visiting until Jan. 5, you won't have too much time to worry about it and that'll be a plus.  I finished rads on 11/17 and I just used the aquaphor at night and non-greasy Eucerin during the day.  Skin held up great, even the boost area.  

    Rae, you're so right that I'll be happy to see this year end.  I need, and we all need, 2011 to be better for sure.

    3jaysmom, there's a narcolepsy section on one of the sleep disorder sites I go on, Talk About Sleep.  (I have sleep apnea and use a bipap machine.) You might want to check it out sometime.

    Marybe and Suzie, glad you're both feeling better!  And GrannyD, hope your rads are going well.  Good to see you back on here!

    SV--{{{HUGS}}} You've made a step in going to the onc/surgeon and that's great!  Is there anybody who could go with you to your appts, for moral support and another set of ears?   I know Amyjo offered but she's pretty far away. Glad the MRI's are going to be done, too.

    And Alyson, isn't condensed milk a wonderful thing?  Gotta go use some to make my ice-box cakes. Lisa, beautiful tree.  How wonderful your mother is still able to do this!


  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited December 2010

    I don't post very often but as one artist to other artists here, namely SV and SoCal:

    Wow SV, the picture of the birds and those amazing reflections is absolutely gorgeous. Sorry that you are having such a tough time, you are in my thoughts often and I hope that you can get back to your artistic work soon.

    And the other artist SoCal: your water lillies would have made Claude Monet very envious!!! Great job!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Hey Glenis, long time! (((HUGS))) and Kathy, I hope your heart is hurting less. It is never easy. My dad died 10/2 after I had walked the Komen. He knew I was doing it and he chose to slip away when I finished. Funny how our loved ones love us.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Glenis...I am no artist, but I have fun..

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Our cat, Mac, under the Christmas tree. What is it about cats and trees?

    Hope everyone had a great weekend! We just came from a Live Nativity - so many nice things to do this time of year! And I love the general happy feeling in the air! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Our cat Rudy lays in the same place. In previous years he has been known to climb the tree too. To keep the tree from falling over we usually tie the tree to a plant hook in the ceiling with fishing line.

    Jingle bells, jingle bells,


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    I saw this the other day and wanted to post it to wish us all peace in our lives:

    Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind;

    Teach us to be patient and always to be kind.

    --Helen Steiner Rice