Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Hate to hog the board but didn't refresh my browser before I wrote the above!

    Isabella, I can just picture you and your GD out in the barn, you doing chores and GD shovelling snow in the dog kennel! Yelling hello here and there. So what if social services stopped by, at least she was in a safe spot where you could keep an eye on her! The flowers you're decorating with sound so spring-like and enjoy them! My DH is another one of those loud sneezers and coughers....sometimes I wonder if a flock of geese haven't invaded the house!

    MaryBe, whoa. what a shock to get a hug from your onc...I'm am sure you have made an impact on him and hopefully made him a little more human, if anyone could do that I am sure it would be you, Lady.  Glad you were able to get a reprieve on the Gemzar until next week.

    As far as losing your post if you switch to a different page, sometimes what works for me is to copy what I have posted then switch to the other page.....remember....I said sometimes!!


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2013

    suzie - thanks for looking at the videos! The Santa one was funny and original and the iPhone/iPad kids were talented and original! I told my son we would go check out the church when I start feeling better (just finished all treatments yesterday - I am worn out!). And that will probably happen in the spring, when it's not sooooo cold!

    MB - I'm with you on leaving the tree up all year. I admire your persistence in getting a tree up in 2 houses! It's so nice of you to do that for your dad - I wish I still had my father around, I would love to be able to do that for him.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    SV - what a wonderful Christmas present you have so graciously offered.  I would love one of the boathouse with the Currituck lighthouse in the background.  

    Marybe - so glad you had a good day. Happy Birthday my friend.

    Suzie24 - I did not get everything I need to get so I will be back out shopping later today.  Still need a present for GD#2, GS, and SIL#1 and I need to let SIL#2 know where to go pick his present up from.  GD#1, GD#2, GD#4, DD#2 will all probably all get theirs the day after Christmas since they did not send me thier wish list so I have been on my own guessing what they would like.  Told them they would possible not get anything if they did not send me their lists.

    DD#1 and her family just got back from spending the day with some friends in Sanford, NC so I guess I need to get back to bed.  I had a nap and woke up about an hour ago and could not go back to sleep.  

    Night all - hope you have a restful evening and a joyous day.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    night, ladies... Amy Jo, how do we find you on FB? i want to see the pix.   SV tell David i think he rocks!! i absolutely LOVE love love the picture! what good doggies to sit for it!  i wish you all a nice, easy few days before christmas. am still cleaning up boxes here. next is pictures, but not till next week, when grandkids come!! am feeling better emotionally; but now, i took a big spill tonite outside a club we visit.  im ok but will be bruised badly by 2morow.. sigh....     oh well, tis the season... have to think bout what pic. SV but am accepting now... so i'll get on the list.. ive been nicely naughty, thank you very much!        3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    Christmas_angel1.gif image by patco6to all my angels here... 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010
    i love fairies, night ladies.. 3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Wow!!! You gals been saving it all up??? Man, two slow days then BAM a page and a half of posts!! I am going to go back and take notes then do another post direct to my gal pals but first, here is MaryBe's Chrismas Card.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    AmyJo - I so hope you have a white Christmas! It is very unusual in Raleigh. I am so happy your daughter and family could come for Chrismas! Having your grandkids there makes Christmas more special since Christmas is for kids. Hugs for you!

    HnS - Just LOVED the videos!! Ho clever. The Christmas card is so pretty! OK, next time I am in ATL, you are getting a PM so we can get togther, got it?

    Suz - Great news about your Chrismas dinner. I am doing one from Honey Baked Ham on Christmas Eve (just heat and serve woo hoo) but then on Day, I am going all out: turkey, mashed, gravy, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, homemade cherry and apple pie (gotta do that today!), etc. Whew, looking at that makes me tired. You do need to rest. Rest is the key to healing. HUGS!

    Ginger - My step-daughter lives in Seattle and I have been threatening to drop in on her. Maybe we can work on a Pacific NW reunion.....

    Isabella - we really need to compile your writings into a book about a day in the life of a British farmer. (Or farmwoman?) I am so happy you have been able to have your grand daughter with you and that you can spend time together. I also love plants, especially pointsettias and Christmas Cactus. I have a Christmas Cactus on my porch and it is in bloom now. (Also have two pointsettias). I will try to get a pic and post.

    GD - Been missing you gal! I have been praying for you and also praying that rads speed by!

    SV - How generous of you! HUGS!

    MB - You do NOT look dumpy! Yay on no chemo this week!! Happy Birthday to one of my favoritiest peeps!

    Cherie - Great talking to you last week! Big gentle hugs for you!

    Whew! Merry Christmas to all (including the AWOL Chrissy and Allyson...I know I know, just busy w/the holiday).

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    That could be fun in the late spring. I think there are a few more of us that live up here.I am new to the area and haven't really gotten out since the move but I know there are fun places to stay, especially out on Whidbey Island


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    We stayed there was  fun and windy...

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2010

    Isabella-time flies as we get older and I've discovered having little ones around makes it go faster.  They just grow up so quickly!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2010

    Happy Holidays to all of my sisters! 



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    WOW, what great stuff-we are a busy is the first pix of swans...really poor light but expect improvements...they are just so wondrous!

    Blessed Holidays to all of my sisters!!! SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Lovely, SV. Where do they come from and why would they want to be there when it is so cold? I would be heading to Key Largo if I were a swan.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

     Hi everyone

    Thought you might like the words of one of our Christmas songs and an image of our ideal Christmas. Its hot and humid and I have so much to do. As soon as I finish this will go and do the Church flowers as it is Christmas Eve here.

     Carol our Christmas, an upside down Christmas;
    The snow is not falling and trees are not bare.
    Carol the summer, and welcome the Christ Child,
    Warm in our sunshine and sweetness of air.

    Sing of the gold and the green and the sparkle,
    Water and river and lure of the beach.
    Sing in the happiness of open spaces,
    Sing a nativity summer can reach!

     Shepherds and musterers move over hillsides.
    Finding not angels but sheep to be shorn;
    Wise ones make journeys whatever the season.
    Searching for signs of the truth to be born.

    Right side up Christmas belongs to the universe,
    Made in the moment a woman gives birth;
    Hope is the Jesus gift, love is the offering,
    Everywhere, anywhere, here on the earth.

     Carol our Christmas, an upside down Christmas;
    Snow is not falling and trees are not bare.
    Carol the summer, and welcome the Christ Child,
    Warm in our sunshine and sweetness of air.

    The Pohutukawas are beautifil this year. Do hope it is fine tomorrow.
    Big hugs and blessings to all.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas Alyson! Love your upside down Christmas carol!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Alyson...what a unique Christmas carol, thank you for sharing. I'll take some of your hot and humid weather off your hands!

    SV....the swans are beautiful! How long will they stay?

    Just got up from a 2 hour nap and may be feeling more human...we'll see. Have to get out schopping now and try to get things wrapped up......suzie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Oh man Alyson, that is an incredible verse-thank you so much and the photo-the flowers are stunning-YUM-looks warm and toasty!! The swans are tundra swans and when they fly in they used to cover the sound-all you can hear is this chorus of swan noises for the weeks that they are here. I am ashamed to say, I am not a bird person-but that is to change soon I think-now that I can see the freaking things in the water. They are really skittish and ya just don't get close without a 400mm zoom or binocs. They came in close to shore and I crawled thru the duckweed and bang, they are gone in two seconds. xxoooo, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    I got a couple of shots of swans, but not many

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    We have swans here on the north side of Lake Ontario too - I have no idea why they stay here for the winter. They have to work hard to find a spot where the lake is not frozen.  There are a number of ducks who stay too.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

     Alyson, what a lovely carol....and lucky you for the hot and humid weather. Do a swap for snow and ice ??? No ? thought not ! Happy Christmas to our down under get to get Christmas before we do !!

    I think our cold weather has gone on too long now, I am really sick of it. It is causing big disruption all around the place. I had a quick trip to the supermarket today, and there wasn't a spare parking space...I just could not be bothered riding round and round waiting for a space, and I wasn't parking miles away, I needed heavy things, so I came home ! Everything shuts up shop about 4pm tomorrow, so I shall nip out at 3.30, and just let them dare to shoo me out if I overrun.

     I shall just be so pleased when all is over this year....I am upset that I will not see my 14 yr old G/daughter again this year, I didn't see her last year either. Last time I saw her she was almost 12, now she is a young lady, and I have missed out on all those months. We keep contact on Facebook, but its not the same as giving her a great big hug !  I shall have to do 'boy' things all Christmas Day, with my 3 G/sons, but as its usually all about cars it won't be so bad !! My little G/daughter won't last the day, she'll be so excited and tired out by the time I arrive, that I shalln't have a lot of time with her. I still have to put her pram together. I bought her a wooden one, and only noticed last night, just as I was about to wrap the thing up, on the box it says  'needs some assembly'. I haven't had time to look at it yet to see just how much assembly it needs !

    Nothing much else going on today, so I will be off for an early shower, the house is a tip, and I really don't care tonight...busy outside, and a 2 yr old to look after does nothing for my housekeeping skills ! I usually have the place all bright and shiney, decorations and tree up, and ...was going to say...all cooking done, but that would be a lie. I hate to cook, so I will say all freezers full ! I have carpets that need a vacuum, kitchen counters covered in just about anything you can think of, and piles of presents waiting to be wrapped. Next week all will be forgotten ! and I might be able to clean the place up again, without the pressures of Christmas. My 1st job in the New Year is to get a regular cleaning service. It is a year since I have had any help in the house,  I have to leave soooo much to be outside, I have to admit defeat and get help ! always when someone says what they'd do if the won the lottery they say house, new car,holiday, but for me it would be a cleaner and a cook ! Well, maybe not so much the cook nowadays, when I have no family living at home, because I can get really good 'meals for one' that only require me to flick a microwave switch ! I cook for G/son, but only because he loves casseroles, and they're easy to fix.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Time's getting short now, isn't it?  Amy Jo, first they were talking about snow starting Christmas night, now it's up to the afternoon, so the rush to get the bread and milk will start anytime! (Here in NC those are our snow essentials and the shelves become totally bare of them.)

    Oh, 3jays, just when you get a Christmas where you're feeling good you fell down.  I hope the bruising isn't too bad!

     Alyson, thanks for the different perspective carol--I like it, and the beautiful photo.

     Marybe, it's super that you got a reprieve from Christmas week new chemo!  If my onc (who appears to be about 14) hugged me I think I'd just pass right out. HnS,Hooray for you, done with rads.  Now that's a good present!

    Barbara, won't you and your DH have tons of wonderful leftovers with that honey baked ham and a turkey too!  The honey baked ham store closest to me in Charlotte closed and the only one left would mean driving all through Charlotte to get to, so we won't have one this year.  Doing a turkey tomorrow for Christmas, and I love leftover turkey sandwiches more than the big dinner itself.

    Suzie-- you're making great progress!!! What a wonderful gift of the Christmas dinner, too.  Wish I could get somebody to do mine, but that would be me this year, I'm afraid.  DH is to fix for the Homeless Shelter here for Christmas Eve and I plan to start cooking what I can and finish wrapping.

    Lisa and SV, lovely pictures of the swans.  Thank you for sharing them--I don't think I've ever seen a swan in real life!

    Isabella-- it's unanimous--you must write a book of your experiences.  Goodness, your daily life is an adventure in itself!  And good luck with tolerating DH at Christmas.  Don't kill him if you can help it.

    SV- Love the doggy nativity.  At first I just glanced at it and then did a double take and couldn't believe it!  Thanks for your efforts in getting the eclipse pix too--I gave up here since it was already cloudy.  Thanks also for your most generous offer!  I'd dearly love to have one, but I want you to take mine and sell it for MONEY!! 

    I love each of you dear gals, sisters, and for this Christmas, in case I don't get to post again before, may God bless us every one!


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Nice pics - swans are so beautiful! I don't understand why the swans would want to stay where it's cold, either, SV! You say they stay for a few weeks - then do they head south? So cool that you have a whole "eyrar" of swans! (according to the Oxford English Dictionary - haha) Or you could call them a herd of swans, but not a gaggle (geese) or badling (ducks). So if you're ever on a game show, now you know....Laughing

    Barbara - you are a traveling gal! I would love to meet you somewhere in the ATL, I just hope it's warmish! I'm thinking I might need to move to warmer climes one day - you would think Georgia would be warm enough, but I am shivering me timbers! So happy you saw the Christmas videos - those kids are very talented.

    Isabella - hope your cattle are doing okay, and your GS is there to help you. I am tired of this cold weather, too!

    MB - love your Christmas Card! They are all so adorable! And thanks for posting this, Barbara!

    I've been wrapping, wrapping, wrapping! Every year I say this, but NEXT year I'm going to wrap 'em as they come in! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Seeing we are doing swans, this is a picture I took in the UK in

    June. The cygnets were so lovely. As soon as I started to take photos the cob appeared and was quite aggressive.This was the mother with her babies.

    Now I have to wrap parcels.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited August 2013

    3jaysmom - I don't know if you have to be a friend to see the photos or not.  FB changes things so often I have trouble keeping up with all the changes.  You can find me under Amy Jo Tucker in Raleigh, NC.  Here is the link to the photo album of the OBX reunion.

    I really need to learn how to post pics here.

    SV, SoCalLisa, Alyson - all of the pictures are beautiful and I loved the words to the carol.

    Barbars - It has not snowed on Christmas day in Raleigh since 1947!  I am so looking forward to the snow.

    Finished up the last of the shopping including the grocery store.  Pantry is ready to be snowed in for a few days.  I was surprised that the grocery store was not packed.  I guess most of the Raleigh residents will wait until tomorrow to make it to the grocery store. I think everyone was either at the mall or Walmart.  They were so crowed, I was glad Kristen was with me.  This morning my DH drove me all over the place looking for a blouse with horses on it for GC#2.  We finally found one that she will love.  We came home and I took a 3 hr nap then my DD#1 and I ent to finish up the last of the present shopping and to let SIL#2 know where and how to get his present.  Tomorrow we will finish wrapping everything and put them under the tree. Then when the children are asleep we will fill their stockings.  I just found out my DD#1 is expecting her 3rd baby, due August 2, 2011.  My DH does not know yet and I promised my DD that I would let her share the good news with DH on Christmas day.  We are not too sure how GD#3 will take to haveing another brother or sister.  She will no longer be the baby in her family.  Well I am off to bed.  I seem to be getting so tired so easily the last few days.

    Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Joy and blessing, Amy Jo 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Alyson, I love those swans..thanks

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    Well I have got there with help of DD, ham is glazed, veges prepared, presents wrapped. It is Christmas Eve here and we are going to take GD to the Children's Carol Service at the cathedral then come back and have presents and dinner. DH will go to church later and I will get things done for tomorrow. Midnight is too late for me at present.

    Christmas Blessings to those who celebrate this feast and holiday fun to all.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    Must just add before I get to bed. GD stole the show during the nativity play by stealing 'baby Jesus' and as her mother removed her protested loudly 'I want baby Jesus' then to add to the fun Mary carried 'baby Jesus' out by one leg. It was such a delightful service and we came back and had a lovely dinner afterwards.

    Time for bed.

    Merry Christmas

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas to All.   Darla