Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my BC pals.  Am off to dear old dad's in a few mins and will be busy doing my final wrap jobs and baking one more pie before we go to a friend's annual Christmas eve party there.  Then  Daddy and I will go to the 11 PM church service at the church I was raised in which is candle light and christmas carols worked inbetween the the reading of the Christmas story and it very nice. Tim will probably go home and go to bed since he is not a church goer.  I will say he has been being a help this past week, mailing packages for me and running errands.  His main gift is a hard shell tweed baritone ukulele case which is hidden in the back of my car.....he gave me the website and info to order it, but I had it sent to the office so hope it is a surprise....I want it to be like Christmas Story when Ralphie has opened all his presents and is really disappointed because he didn't get the RedRider BB gun and Dad says Wait, what's that over in the corner.  You must have missed a present.  On Christmas Day we are having honeybaked ham and I got a small beef terderloin to cook.  It's just going to be us, but two of my friends from hygiene class are coming and the one is bringing her husband and daughter so there will be 7 of us and I am really looking forward to having at least a little larger crowd at the DR table for a change.  Hope Santa is good to all of you.  God Bless us every one.   Love, Marybe

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    God bless all my BCO sisters! Have a busy day ahead with cooking! More later!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    Have a good Christmas week end all.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Just wanted to drop in on this Christmas Eve and wish all the pod a Meryy Christmas and a Happy, Joyful New Year!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Marybe...I have had a baritone uke for 60 years it for Christmas

    from Santa...just wish I could play it, well...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Barbara, what neat them

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    remember these?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Green stamps! My husband just, after 32 years married, got me to donate my gold vinyl covered, quilted look, clothes hamper that I got with S&H Green Stamps at Wieboldts, in Oak Park, IL. I actually redeemed my mom's stamps for it in 1966. I loved to look through their catalogue and dream about what I might be able to get.  We kept the stamps in a cigar box. Oh how I loved to dream of what I could do with the green stamps. Thank you Lisa for the trip down memory lane!!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    We had green sheild stamps over here, but I don't think they lasted many'd had them many moons before we did.

    Very cold, very icy, very Christmasy weather here....the thermometer says -3, but the wind chill is off the scale.

    Had DD on the phone 4 times today....have I got any carrots/ flaked almonds/ a Christmas pud and some Christmas crackers.... might have been simpler to do Christmas here ! Her cooking is on a par with mine, and my mothers before us....pretty dismal ! DD put on a good meal last year, with a lot of help from her DH, and I am sure we shall survive this years meal ! I know she is running around trying to get as much done as she can in advance, because tonight will be a 'night club' night, and nothing stands in the way of DDs nights out !!

    I just could be at the vets for some part of tomorrow, so may miss it all! I have a little dog started to have her puppies, (well VERY early started), about 7pm tonight. She ripped up the pen she was in then went to sleep, and remains that way now, almost 11pm. She could get started properly at any time, or just sleep all night. I am not rushing her off to the vets for caesarean at this stage. She is definitely having contractions, but they are very well apart. As soon as she produces one puppy I will give her a jab...same as women are given to shift them along... and she'll have the rest of her litter within the hour, and I can get off to bed. Don't want an Oscar performance being played out on Christmas Day !  When I told DD I had a litter of puppies very imminent she gave me a real 'oh no,not another 'happening' mother' sigh !!! I don't want to rain on her parade !!!

    Alyson, are pohutukawas what we call 'bottle brush' plants....the pic you posted looks suspiciously like them. I managed to keep one for 2 years, in a sheltered spot, but forgot to bring it in when we had an early frost last year, and I lost it.

    Marybe, pleased you manage to delay your new chemo regime for a week, enjoy your Christmas.

    Happy Christmas to one and all.



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, pohutukawas are not like bottlebrushes at all. Flowers are quite different and colour ranges from dark orange to purple ( there is a cream one as well). They are Metrosideros excelsa and are part of the myrtle family.

    image alt="" />image alt="" />image alt="" />They grow well by the beach and seashore.

    Hope you are all having fun


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Alyson, can see by the leaves they are not what I thought they were.

    Never heard of these before, especially the latin name. I used to be able to reel off  all the perennial plants' latin names....years and years ago.. but have trouble remembering anything like that now. Had to laugh at your GDs antics...they are precous at this age !


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas, ALL!  Best wishes for a happy holiday!  We had our family gathering at nephew1's yesterday.  He and his wife pulled out all the stops (turkey, ham, and tri-tip!), and she is a great cook; we barely did justice to all the work they put in to the meal and goodies.  This gal makes truffles!!  DH and I are still full. 

    "A good time was had by all" which is no mean feat considering this is the first Christmas since nephew3 died.  It was difficult for my bro & wife, but they really worked hard to make it a good day for all their family too.  We managed to find reason to enjoy each other and the day. Nephew1 has a new puppy, and we all loved playing with him - puppies = the great ice-breaker.  

    Tomorrow is just DH and I, but I'll fix a (small) traditional dinner, and use the good dishes.

    (( ALL )) Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing yourselves here.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Wow, I had the best day ever-the wild swans are kicking my butt-man I need a 600-800 zoom lens. I thought I was crafty but these freaking swans. I mean what self respecting swan turns its feather on wonder bread crumbs-well I was launching slices at them like frizbies-might have been the problem cause they were too far away. and what they heck do they have to be afraid of-they bigger than a great dane and can kick the cr#p out of just about any animal in the kingdom-let alone a fat old woman photographer in a Hodgeman wetsuit tripping over underwater boulders in the sound-ohh Barb, et al, the things I will try do for you!! Then I drove up to where we found the wild horses during our BC reunion and there they were so I sat in the grass-it was so incredibly serene with them munching away beside me.  Went to the 'whalehead boathouse' to get the shot of boathouse and lighthouse together for AmyJo and Angus fell off the freaking bridge into about four feet of mud-Max tried to make a dramatic rescue-then Mommy had to crawl in cause there ain't no way for them to get out due to the bulkheads and I cannot lift them. The most wonderful thing about dogs is that everything is fun!!! So we all came home to a nice warm 'tick and flea' bath! Mommy wants a butler or a man friday for Xmas!! Gees Barb, you must have enough single guy relatives to fill a -well barn!! Fix me up!!! (LC so sorry for the loss of a nephew-prayers for his family).

    My dearest sisters, I wish of all things, I could bottle up my heart and send it to each and every one of you-a heart bottle filled with eternal love and joy!!  Happy Holidays!!! SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    A Merry, blessed Christmast to all my sistahs!!

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas to all!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas back at you Suz and I hope everyone has a blessedly peaceful day!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    Hope al you girls have a most wonderful day with your families!!!   Merry Christmas!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Ginger how precious!! SV, love your birdie!

    Have a peaceful and happy day to all of my 'older' friends!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Happy Christmas to you all.....I am just back from DDs, and have had a lovely time. Food was good, company good and I am now what we call 'pogged'...which means full to bursting, and unable to move far .

    DD had her in-laws there, a nice change to see them , and have a quiet discussion with them about DD and their son. They are making light of it, and saying it is just a bad patch they're going thru'....obviously they don't know what is going on....and I was not going to be the one to say anything to them. I have another invite now to their Christmas 'do' which I just might keep. I left my bag at DDs so have to go back tomorrow to fetch it.

    I was up until 5.15 am, sat with my little dog having 7 puppies...was up again at 8 am, wacked now. just going to get my feet up and watch mindless TV for a while, if I can keep my eyes open.

    DH behaved himself, and entertained the little ones very well. He has no children of his own, and gets on very well with my grandchildren....they all call him Grandad, and he likes that....

    i was in such a rush to get away this morning that I forgot to manicure my nails. Usually do it the night before I go out anywhere, but as I was sat up most of last night I forgot. I was most embarrassed when sat at the dinner table to see these grotty, broken nailed hands that seemed to be attached to my arms !! am just off to sort them out while watching TV.

    Lost-Creek...I am glad all went of reasonably well with your gathering. I don't know what I would have done sat there at the 1st Christmas without your nephew, but as you say a puppy is an ice breaker, and will dispel many an awkward moment.

    Ginger.what a happy little baby


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    Christmas night greetings, everyone!  Had a lovely one here, but so far no snow!  It's still being forecasted, after a whole week of hype, and I'll believe it when I see it. But it's snowing in Charlotte now, only about 25 miles west of here, and getting colder.

    Had both children, DIL, her mother (aunt of the young man killed in Afghanistan--she got back yesterday from the funeral), GS, and DD's friend who teaches with her and is from Texas.  Lots of gifts and fun--especially with GS "driving" his new battery operated car around in the house.  I had no idea they made them for one-year-olds, but they do and he drove it almost the whole time.  DH dressed up in a Santa Claus suit and had planned to give out the presents to GS, but GS was horrified!  Just could not be convinced that it was Grandpa in that suit until the beard and hat disappeared!  Then was perfectly happy again!

    Ginger, gorgeous picture, and SV, that's a hardy bird today indeed!  Isabella, glad your doggy midwife duties were successful X 7 and glad DH behaved.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful day!


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2010

    Marybe, tell your husband to have his doctor check him for celiac disease.  He is eating alot of wheat bread and ice cream.  When you have celiac disease (it is an autoimmune disease) your body tries to attack wheat, rye, barley and oats.  Instead it attacks your small intestine and does not allow you to absorb nutrients.  Some celiacs are lactose sensative.  His diet and symptoms sound like he is a celiac.  Celiac disease aside from having people lose weight because they can't absorb nutrients can also make people lethargic.  I have celiac disease and he sounds like he does too.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    It is snowing in Raleigh and has been for about an hour.  We are supposed to get anywhere from 6 - 10 inches befroe it is over.  We will see, it is coming down very slowly.

    Hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with famiy and friends.

    Joy and blessings,  Amy Jo 

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    I hope you all had a Merry Xmas.  Isabella, Be sure to take pics of the might not be able to post them, but one of these days you will learn how and then you can show them to us....I have the same hope that one day I will be able to.   Kat, He was tested for celiac along with everything else the lst year we were married because I made him go try to find out what the problem is....everything came back negative except for the fact his pancreas is not secreting some enzyme you need to digest fat....the gastroentonologist(sp?) gave him some pills to take which were supposed to help this, but after awhile he just quit taking them and said he didn't think they worked.....also he did not ever take the fosamax the GP prescribed for him because he has osteoporosis (didn't like what the SE info paper listed).....sooooo, it's as they say, you can lead a horse to water.  I truly think a lot of it is his own doing....he just doesn't eat and probably his stomach has shrunk so that he can't eat.  Me on the other hand....Wow, mine must be about stretched to the max after the past few days.  Tonight I had one of my favorites, peppermint stick icecream, with hot fudge sauce no less.  We are on our way to being Jack Sprat and his wife.  It is true he is lactose intolerant which you mentioned so your theory does make sense, but the tests were negative for celiac. 

    We had a very nice Christmas one friend is always so helpful and she pitched right in after she arrived and we had a nice dinner and  then she rinsed and loaded the dishwasher as I brought the plates in from the table and the kitchen looked better after they left than it had when they arrived.  Now that is what I call a friend.  I thought my apple pie was too sour,(also a bit overcooked since I fell asleep after chuch last night waiting for it to be done)  but didn't have any complaints and my Dad liked the cherry which I couldn't do wrong with since they were canned.  The dogs have already destroyed two of their new's the new one, Hope, who rips things up, and it never fails that she wants whatever toy the other one picks up.  Tim was very happy with his new uke case and also the sheet music I had framed which was perfect find from a junk store..."I Can Hear the Ukuleles Calling Me"....and I got some crocks and lots of LaSource which is my favorite scent from Crabtree & Evelyn and some cooking items and money and my Dad got slippers and underwear and gloves and the usual stuff an 88 yr old gets.  My one friend didn't make it so we didn't have the dreaded green bean casserole she was to bring so my other friends husband kept saying how his day had been ruined because he was having dreams about that when I said she was bringing it. Did that ever make the rounds in Australia or the UK? 

    I watched Christmas Story about 4 times and  am always amazed when I hear a line that I missed.  That show is a true classic and I love it.  Then tonight I was watching some of my dad's Sherlock Holmes tapes with my father......when we took him to see the new Sherlock that Robery Downey Jr played, his comment was That was NOT the Sherlock Holmes I knew. 

    I was going to bed a long time ago, but am so full, I think I need to walk around the house for awhile.  Everyone else, including the dogs turned it about an hour ago. Tim will go home tomorrow morning, but I am going to stay til Mon AM since my MRI isn't scheduled until 1 PM on Mon.  We did not get snow, think it is all must have gone your direction AmyJo. 

    Beautiful pics as usual ladies. 

    Just think only 365 days til it's Xmas.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2010

    The 'dreaded green bean casserole' has definately not made it down under, well at least to my  It sounds like you had a really great day Marybe and I laughed when I read the last line of your post!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    WOW! We had a White Christmas in Atlanta! First one since 1882! I have wished my whole life for a White Christmas - I remember when I was a little girl I would ask my father every year if we were going to have a White Christmas. I am just in awe of it!

    haha, MB! 365 days till Christmas - I better start shopping!

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    wow!! have you ladies been busy!!MARYBE ohhh, kiss those babies for me.. thy're in my BCO Ladies pic file in my "Puter.. ive gotten a new laptop from my son, and his wife for Christmas.. so, IF i go out, i can keep in touch here. since im not up to travel, that won't happen anytime soon, but, we have capability now!!

    Isabella: its all concerred, we all would love a book.. i think Baarbar a can "ghost " write it for you in her SPARE Time  LOL whenever that is:!!!

    arbara : enjoy all that leftover ham, this week. it makes Wonderful sammys

     SV; swans are beautiful, but be careful if you get too close to their babies (whats a babyswans' name?) they attack.. a friend of my moms' got her arm broke by one years don't need anymore broken body parts, YOUNG LADY !!  lLOL

     ALYSON: enjoyed the upside down carole

       and all you wonderful ladies out there.. eat all your leftovers today, and rest.. YOU DESERVE IT!!         3jays mom

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Good morning and happy post-Christmas! are such a great mid-wife...7 new puppies!!! How are the cows doing with their pneumonia, hope the crisis is over!! So glad there weren't any fireworks at the Christmas gathering and DH didn't make you NUTZ!

    Atlanta...finally a white Christmas, we have a friend who lives there and I wanted to call her and ask her if she still had her snow-driving skills she learned when we lived in Minnesota together! My Aunt who is well into her 80's emailed me Christmas greetings and she said they ALSO had snow in Gadsden, Alabama!!  SNOW....the great equalizer!  Heart N soul....don't go driving in it. We were lucky and missed the lake-effect snow last went south of us and they got about 3 inches....they can keep it!

    Oh, Marybe, what a great Christmas and to have some one help you....makes a difference, which I never realized til yesterday when my bro, his gfriend and DD & SIL brought dinner to us. DH cleared the table with help and it was such a different day. What's with the dreaded green bean casserole.... I didn't know it had a reputation!! 

    SV...I love the swans and of course the little birdie.

    3jays.....whoa a new laptop...what a wonderful'll love it.

    Barbara...DH ordered me a kindle for should be here by the end of the week, I will probably need to get some lessons from you!! Even though I resisted his idea, I'm now a little excited about it.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie