Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Lordy, do you believe it? We all made it thru Christmas without comitting a homicide! GO TEAM!! That includes Isabella and she can shoot! (((((((GROUP HUG))))))) SV

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    ((((((((((GROUP HUG))))))))))

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone!

    Glad to hear everyone made it thru Christmas. boy, am I glad thats over. Most years, it's a challenge, this year it was that plus, plus, PLUS. But it's over and slowly but eventually the new year will ring in.

    I hope, I suppose we all hope, it's a good one. Better than the last. Prosperous. Spirit filled. Hope rings out for Wellness, Peace. Random acts of kindness. I hear it ringing.  Still not sure which way to head to find those things. But I hear it ringing. Somewhere.

    May Hope live on, in here, in our hearts, in our dreams and in our lives.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS TO  ALL )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    3jays... thinking about you. Look after yourself.

    Everyone getting in and out of black holes GET OUT!!!! and thats an order. I haven't been in there for a while... since my dx. and I really went thru' it then. I was told it was PTSD. It was the inability to accept that something like bc could actually hit me, things like this DID NOT happen to me ! My animals pulled me up, I HAD to keep going for them. I'm not saying they got 5 star care for 18 months, but they were fed, watered and warm....I just didn't spend as much time with them as I should have done. Everything was the minimum I had to do , no extras.

    I convinced myself I was a gonner ! My then bc nurse used to call to see me and offered to come round with stickers, and go round my house putting one on anything and everything so everyone would know what I wanted them to have. I think that turned my corner. I was mad at her. With one breath she was telling me 'you are cured, it will NOT come back' and with the next breath she was wanting to mark up all my belongings.

    We have lots and lots of rain tonight, but its better than frost, a week with temperatures above zero is forecast, so I shall be able to wash my car and scrub away the filthy mud that has been left all around my back door, frozen, since before Christmas, and look half decent again outside. I hate when it looks all dirty and muddy around my back door. I had the house painted last year, white would you believe !! Its been white ever since I can remember, and every 4/5 years it gets a fresh coat. Consequently every speck and splash of mud shows, and you can guarantee when a dog is filthy, it will walk right on up to the side of the house and shake itself !!! The house looked well all last summer, but now, with shaking dogs, and cats that climb all over the roof, then come sliding down my white walls it looks tatty again.

    GD good to see you here again, hope you continue ok with your rads.

    Right, thats me for tonight, I was just thinking today how pleased I am that I didn't put up any Christmas decorations, because now I won't have to start muttering to myself about taking them all down....and I really haven't missed them at all. Not even put a card up, they're all piled on my kitchen able, and tomorrow will be going next to the 'phone for note pads !!!!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

     Isabella, I've been so dumb!!! All this time when you've been talking about your temperatures being below zero, I've been thinking how in the world can she even go outside at all---It's just dawned on me that your zero is Celsius and is freezing at Fahrenheit!  It finally made sense when you said you could wash your car---that was the "AHA moment" for me! Sometimes a little slow on the draw,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    omg-Kathy-too funny and i didn't realize it either. And isabella, i am hooting over your 'nurse' story-yeah your gonna live forever-but what about that diamond and ruby ring?? love it. XXOOO, SV

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    I got the biggest and best surprise this evening.  My DD#2 and her family arrived here to spend a few days here while DD#1 and her family are here.  This is the first time in a very long time that all of us have been together in the same place at the same time.  I really do have a house full of fun, laughter and love.  Both DDs with their DHs and all 5 grandchildren are here.  I had no clue they were coming and had convinced myself that there was no way they could come, then here they are. Tomorrow I may be MIA becuse I will be spending every minute I can with the family.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    AmyJo, that is the best surprise...enjoy every minute of it

    The camillias are blooming ...

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone from a hot and humid NZ!  Christmas was very peaceful with DH and 3 DDs and the dog.  Lovely to be just 'us' in these last few years before they finish university and go off to other areas for jobs.

    We work in celcius too but I always convert temps when I post to save confusion.  It is really crazy that the whole 'English' speaking world does not use the same currency, weight, length and temp measurement scales - would be a whole heap easier.  We are use dollars and cents, kilometres and metres, kilograms and grams and use oC for temp.

    SV - swan photos are lovely.  We have black swans here and although majestic they don't have the same impact visually as the white ones.

    Amy Jo - what a lovely surprize to have all the family together.  You are granted leave of absence to enjoy them to the full.  Gosh, I felt tired just reading the full book of doctor visits you have shortly - hope all goes well for you.

    3jays - hate the black hole.  The good thing about realizing you are in the black hole is that you know it is time to start climbing out.

      Waiting for the rainbow to reappear. ((((3jays))))

    Isabella - glad the weather is going to give you a break this week - can imagine the slush you will have around the farm after all the snow melts though - yuck.  Puppies - cute!  Hope the new mum is doing a good job with them.

    Barbara - any dresses been bought yet?  How many sleeps until you are off on your cruise? You must be getting EXCITED now!  Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas - family but time to yourself as well - neat.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    ((RAE)) missed you! Glad you had a peaceful Christmas. 25 more days until cruising. No dresses yet but that is my mission this afternoon and tomorrow. Cathy - missed you, too. Isabella, so happy it is warming up for you finally. AmyJo, what a lovely surprise! Enjoy! And 3jays, we are warming up, too. That may help you come up from that dark place! More (((HUGS))) for you! Lisa, I just love camellias.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

     OMG long last I have managed to log on to Facebook with a different email address and name.  I sat for just over 3 hours this afternoon...I was almost in tears with frustration, but finally I managed it.

    I even managed to put a pic of my car as a profile pic (this I never ever thought I would do ) I just might be able to put some pics on now. 

    I have  also found a real cache of 5 year old photos on this email address, ones that I thought I had lost forever. These were all taken from when I was able to put pics onto my pc, and when one of my old pc's blew up I thought everything had gone forever, so just gave up up taking pics, and then lost the ability to do it again. This is a freaking miracle for me.!!!!!! Goes to show you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, also shows that if the young pups won't sit with the old dog and help her, she WILL eventually teach herself. (Trouble is I might have forgotten it all by tomorrow, so bear with me !!!)

    I am on FB as Isabella York, so contact me please. I haven't put my real surname, as I told very few of my relatives that I had bc, quite a few nieces and nephews have no idea at all, and I want it to stay that way !


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, YAY! I think I found you on FB, if your car is red. Pretty car!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, super. Now just in case you are at all like me, please write down your passwords etc. somewhere safe.before they slip your mind.

    I am off to look for you onm face book. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Yeah Rae-good to see a post finally and AmyJo, so glad for the surprise visitors!! And isabella, I found you on FB-is THAT YOUR CAR?? Oh girl, I am so not worthy!! I bow to farm life in the UK-keep pumping out those puppies, sheep and cows!!

    I just shot this. Before my Mom passed, this was her favorite place. Pull close up to read the inscription. Scary Xmas for me cause I told my onc that I was having drop-dead headaches and onc doc went to "brain cancer". Oh thanks so much!! So he schedules all of these tests which I cancel. Met with my med guys today and likely a new med is causing problems. I had actually stopped the med and no headaches in past week-but docs are so freaking insensitive-like my onc did not spend two minutes with me and it was get an MRI and a bone scan set up. He dumps this on me right before Xmas-like I can do anything about a brain tumor!! So, I had to stop by Mom's chapel for a "God visit." OK, now that I will live, the Xmas presents for all (matted 8x10 photos) will be sent out after Jan 3. Truth be told-I have a lot of requests for the wild swans. But they are kicking my #ss and I cannot, as yet, get a good shot of them. So may have to go to plan B which is likely wild horses on the beach-OK with everyone?? I'll keep trying on the swans cause I want the shots too-but man they are so skittish and far too fast for an old lady like me to slog thru the marsh mud trying to catch the buggars unawares!! Gees, they can probably here me coming down in Georgia! XXOOOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Aw SV, the window is lovely. I am fine with horses. Keep after the swans, though. They are awesome!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    SV, Maybe in some cases we know more than our doctors....I am glad mine are a little more sensitive in what they say even when they think something is going on. I really hope the headaches were just a SE from the meds. that your car?  I had you pictured tooling around the country side in something way different from that.  Isn't it wonderful to find pics you thought were lost forever?.  I had some pics that Tim took from the camera and put into his computer which later crashed and he had not backed anything up and Norton or someone told him he could retrieve them, but it was taking too long so he just forgot about them....BUT I HAVEN"T.  However, I am going to be nice to him this evening because we are going to this restaurant that has wonderful food and is really nice....I told him I would even go dutch because I am afraid he will be shocked when he sees the prices, if they even post the prices on the menu.  Anyway, I am having a med rare filet with bearnaise (sp)  sauce. It's our 3rd anniversary and I am amazed I lasted this long...not living, but being married!   My leg with the bad veins is feeling very warm and has been sort of throbbing all day so I came home and put a rubber stocking on....I know from past experience if it is a blood clot all they will do is add arixtra injections to the coumadin I am already on.    Ginger, I NEVER can remember my passwords and am always having to change them so finally just decided to use the same one all the time even though they advise against that. 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2010

    Isabella-your car is beautiful. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    susgul, you might not say that if you looked inside it !

    BIG disgrace... jacket, scarf, CDs, chocolate wrappers, empty Coke tins, dog leads, shopping bags, spare shoes x 2 prs, small snow shovel, magazines, newspapers, and thats just the front seat. Let's just say I can't always get all my shopping in the back  because that's choked up with junk as well. I have been known to ring DD whilst standing in the carpark freezing because I can't jam all my shopping in .


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    SV - sometimes those doctors can scare me if they just HESITATE at the wrong time. I hate it when they act all concerned and start ordering tests - I mean, I know we need them sometimes but I don't want to get zapped if it's the doctor trying to "CYA", well, his own A. Definitely start at the bottom and rule things out. I'm so glad the headaches are easing up!

    Barbara - how fun to go shopping for cruise clothes, but yeah, even more fun to go on a cruise in JANUARY! Good plan, and I'm sticking to that one.

    Isabella - I don't have FB! I know, there's something wrong with me...I'm such a non-conformist, but I can also see how I would spend sooooo much time there. Maybe I can see your car via my son's FB - I'm such a car nut, too!

    MB - I hope you have a wonderful dinner! The conversation may leave a little to be desired, but if you're like me you can handle both ends of the conversation. And glad you got a quick handle on your leg pain - nip it in the bud!

    Connie - thank you for that beautiful, hopeful post. We'll find that bell, all of us will!

    3jays - I hope the weather has warmed up for you and your spirits have lifted some. You deserve better than that black hole, so turn you back on it and tell it to kiss your butt goodbye! I know that is easier said than done, but that's what I tell myself when I find myself there and sometimes, it works!  (((3jays)))

    GD - hope you have made it home! You'll be through the rads before you know it, even if you do go your own pace. Nothing wrong with that!

    Must go play video games now with my son and his friend! I was hot stuff on video games in the 70's and 80's - once a gamer, always a gamer! 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Isabella, thru FB I asked to be your "friend" I wanted to see your fast have you had it up to? My 1st name is Paula. Your BC nurse sure put it out there for that shock therapy or shock therapy!! good to see your post....I do love the idea of random acts of kindness!

    AmyJo...I was thrilled for you when I read that DD# 2 and family showed up as a surprise for you!! A more deserving person I can't think of!  ENJOY!!

    Lisa...I guess I've never seen a camilla before...such a delicate flower! Do they come in different colors?

    Rae....I am really envious of your hot weather....sit in the sun to replenish your soul!

    SV...the stained glass window is so touching, I can see why it was your Mom's favorite place!

    MB...happy anniversary!! Did you have to do Dutch?  Hope not.  How is you leg feeling tonight? Hope it isn't a clot. I do the same thing with passwords, only use 2 to 3, otherwise my pea-brain gets too over-loaded...I have too many other things to remember! did you do in the video games, hope you beat the sox off those guys!

    My older sister and her DH visited us this afternoon, it was a bit tiring for me but good to be with them.  Our younger sister found an old album that my Mom cut years ago with a jazz group and she had it burned to a CD and gave each of us (my sister, brother and myself) a copy of the CD, how sureal and bittersweet it was to hear my Mom's singing voice again!  Feelings of sadness for missing my Mom.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    thanks suz.. christmas was a badouble l buster, and it wasn't the kind you hang on the tree. i'm surely glad its' over.  im all for moving right along. a bit afraid of having much hope for the new year. think i'll just hang out and see what happens..

       how're you doin with the after effects of the stroke? did ya get excesizes to do n stuff, like i did?        3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    OK, OK I knew it wouldn't last. Anyone with any advice ?????

    I cannot get back on to my new FB a/c. I have had FB on my main email for a few years, mainly to keep up with G/kids doings.  As I haven't told most of my friends and a fair few of the rellies that I have bc I want to keep it that way, yet still communicate with you bc gals.

    I set up a second a/c yesterday, on another email addy. ....fine...all going along swimmingly when I went to bed last night. This morning, on to my second email addy...and was bounced back to my original a/c on my different email....repeatedly ! Just can't get back into the a/c at all. I can get the a/c up and its telling me 'Isabella only shares info with friends !!!!!!!!' and not letting me in . aaarrrggghhh.  Anyone any ideas at all. ? I am so mad at it I could throw my cup of coffee thru the screen !

    Must fly I haven't done much work at all, its 11 am and I am still messing about with my pc.instead of working.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    Isabella - I spend entirely too much time at the computer and enjoy Facebook for my family too. If you go to your original account, on the top right hand corner there should be a tab called "account". If you click on that, you have the option to "logout". When you do that, you should then be able to log back in with your new account. When you have two accounts, instead of just going to your account without signing in, you likely are going to have to sign in each time. Your computer is defaulting to your old account (as someone likely instructed it) so you have to  tell it no, (with the logout feature) and tell it to go to the new account (by signing in anew). Hope that works.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    3jays...thanx for asking, yes I have got a lot of exercises from the speech pathologist. One of the latest things she wants me to do is jigsaw puzzles! All my life I have never liked jigsaw puzzles!!! But DH and I bought a puny one with 550 pieces and still haven't cracked it open!! DH thinks I should put it together wrong-side up.....sometimes he can propose some pretty difficult solutions. I'm still real hesitant in my speech and can't always think of the right word, the math ability stuff can certainly send me into a tailspin....oh well, I'll keep plugging away, what else can I do?

    Isabella...with lassies suggestion were you able to get back onto your FB account....sure hope so. Lassie, I would have never thought of that solution, great idea. I'll have to remember it in case I need it in the future.

    If I can muster up the NRG I hope to go into work today for a few hours, I must pay some bills before the end of the year and we are expected to get another storm this evening and I don't want to have to drive in that muck tomorrow.


  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

    I don't have much time as I am off to my new treatment at 10:20 this morning....Gemzar and the drug that is replacing zometa, begins with a D.  I wore the rubber stocking and my leg feels much better, but it is still hot and hurts so I am going to have one of the nurses take a look at it since I don't see the onco today.  Dinner was good...I had my bernaise sauce and did not go spite of all his flaws, being stingy is not one of them, he is in fact generous to a fault....he gives $5 McDonald cards to the bums with signs on the corners.  So dinner went fine, but I think the place is not what it used to be....very attentive waiters, but my filet was not the most tender.  Anyway, I wanted to tell you Isabella, you can close the old account if you want to....a long time ago I was on FB and got off of it because I felt people were stalking me, people I didn't even speak to in HS were popping up wanting to be my friend,.....the last straw was when some name came up that I did not recognize first or last name on and I went stomping downstairs and said to Tim, That does it, get me off this thing.  So now I am back on with a different email and password and it seems to be working, although sometimes I don't see what I post and have no idea where it went.  Ask Barb....she's good at this. hang in there....unless something has happened since we saw you in Florida, I think your speech is just fine....2011 is going to be a better year for all of us....if for no other reason than the support of good friends on here.  Have a good day ladies.  I hope this treatment goes well because I have to go to work afterward....have given up my 7AM job before treatments on Wed. and am slowly easing toward the disability my onco keeps recommending. Freezing cold here, but warm air is moving this way and then it's going to be rain for several days.....I hate rain in the winter.  

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2010

    Marybe - when you get notification of possible friends on Facebook, often it is because of entering your high school and year (for example). That triggers Facebook to offer the names of those who are on Facebook and who went to the same school at the same time. The person themselves may not have done anything but enter the same information you did. I also get suggestions of people who know one or more people I know. All you have to do is ignore those names and nothing changes - unless you want to add the person.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Lassie...VERY MANY THANX ....I am back and forth between my 2 a/cs now like lightening...just doing it for the hell of it, and because I can now !!!! Very grateful. It is just so simple when you know these things, and totally impossible to do when you don't. I would never, in a month of Sundays, gone about it this way !! Saying this, I have written down your instructions, as a back up for my memory ! 

    Marybe, Good Luck with todays treatment, hope it doesn't have an adverse effect on you.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    It is snowing here!  All of the tree branches are covered in snow, bending toward the earth. So beautiful. We have coniferous trees of all sorts that are very large all around the perimiter of the property so it is quite a sight. We are a couple of hundred feet higher than the main part of Redmond and out East of the town. The Cascade mountains must be getting a ton of snow.  Our temps are supposed to go up to 40 today so it will all be gone soon, but so beautiful while it lasts.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    thank you, MARYBE.. i didn't have to think with you ladies; i was so EXCITED to meet you.. and we all are chatters; that helped alot!! SUZIE: here's the deal; i couldn't do the jigsaw puzzles because of my hands with the ms.. so, they told me to do "word searches" books.. t retrains the eye-brain thing for cognitive, and ou have to think about the word.. what does it start or end with, really does help the brain relearn the "sorting " task.. and that's the part effected, if your searching.. as Marybe so nicely pointed out; im much better at it now, because i still do it like 3xs a wk.

       here's an ex. from last nite.. i was telling someone what they did was.. what's the word.. sounds like tuttle.. mm s  sub.. suttle.. sub is right, but whats nexts... sub tul.. no SUBTLE.. it works that way; and its a lot faster thinking it; then writing it out... glad to hear you're doing better. the math stuff is hard. i just don't do it without paper anymore. cant do it in the brain,, who needs to anyway??!!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    3jays, thank you for the examples and suggestions. Didn't do too badly at work today, got a little frustrated with some of the math stuff, with the words I did so-so. The best part was that we are closed the holiday seaason and I was there alone with no distractions, (other than my own mind !!) and I didn't answer the phone. did it go with the Gemzar, any troubling side-effects? Sure hope not. What did they say about your leg? Hope it is okay. Were you able to go to work afterward? Just DO TAKE care of yourself. Wonderful that you didn't have to go dutch last night!!

    gentle hugs ~ suzie