Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    I stand corrected....the lake effect-snow has dumped 10 inches of snow south of us and they expect another 3 inches before it stops!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    HI folks! Happy day after Christmas!  (Or Boxing Day!) I managed to pull the food off without a hitch yesterday...15lb turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, the dreaded green bean casserole, corn and a broccoli casserole. Mom brought three of her friends plus my two brothers. A houseful. I got them fed then they hit the road. Then the wind started howling (is still howling) and got some rain and the temps plummeted.

    DH helped me load up the dishwashers (yes, I have two dish bending over needed) and then we relaxed and had a glass of wine then off to early bed. Now we will unload, put away and spemd the day reading and eating leftovers.

    Suz, you will LOVE your Kindle. I can't imagine life before my Kindle. It makes it so much easier for me to travel. No more dashing into the airport news stand looking for reading material then trying to cram the books into my luggage somewhere.

    HnS and AmyJo, so glad you had White Christmases! It is so unusual and special when it happens you know it is happening for a reason.

    Isabella, I am very glad the day went off with no scenes and that DH did not open his yap and set you off. Ditto that with DD.

    MB so glad your Christmas was nice and snow-free. It does get old, shoveling the stuff. That's why I kept moving south.

    SV, I hope your day was warmer. It has been very cold on the OBX.

    Love to all.

  • rider35
    rider35 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2010

    I'm 61 and had immediate reconstruction.  I told my plastic surgeon that I only wanted not to be concave. I had to insist that he not "expand" me beyond an A-.  Was a D and like the idea of having smaller breasts.   Am finished with 8 weeks every 2 weeks, now starting weekly Taxol Herceptin.  I expected side effects from chemo, which have been manageable (hair, fatigue).  What I did not expect was the discomfort from reconstruction - alloderm stitches and the port have been annoying.  If I had it to do over, I might not have had immediate reconstruction.  It's been three months since my bilateral mastectomy & reconstruction. For me, being older, cosmetics just aren't as much of a priority.  Mobility and comfort seem more important to me.  I want to get back to athletics, running, etc. One thing is certain - everyone is different and has their own priorities.  Age is not necessarily the most common thread.  All the best to you.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Welcome,rider, I am so glad you found us even though the circumstances could have been better. Am so sorry the reconstruction has given you so many problems...I do hope all turns out for the best. Hope the Taxol and Herceptin are easy on you and the weeks fly by swiftly. Please stick around and join us.

    Yes, Barbara, i am looking forward to the kindle and of course I will have to buy (retail therapy) some of the accessories...tee-hee

  • Unknown
    edited December 2010

     ChrissyB, The green bean casserole probably came out in the 60's I think and it was all rage for awhile, although I was never really that crazy about it then.  It was easy so everyone was making it when it lst came out and it  would invariably show up at family dinners or when you would go to a potluck where people were asked to bring a covered dish.  The base is green beans, the french cut ones, and then I think all you do is dump on a can of cream of mushroom soup and these onion rings that come in a can, Durkee's I think is the brand, are the topping and then you bake it for so many mins.  I never made it so am not sure, but think those are the ingredients.  It really isn't horrid, but it's not my idea of cooking and there are some people who actually like it, but I am glad it didn't show up on our table yesterday. Was sorry however, that my friend Kris was unable to come.

    This morning I kicked something and it was this handcarved little wooden top that Tim's friends son had carved for him....I didn't even know Tim collected them, but when he got it he was very pleased and said Oh yeh, I have several of these in that case in the basement.  Well, I kicked it and picked up up and the little spindle on the top is chewed off and there are tooth marks all over it so I would guess Hope had it to begin with, then Harley took over because as I said they fight over toys and the top is history.  Tim is much more tolerant of their bad behaviour than I am and said oh well, you gotta love em.  I myself would have thrown a screaming fit.   Dad is at church, Tim has gone to McDonald's and I am still in my PJ's.  This afternoon my father and I are going to take a plate of food to his cousin who pretty much doesn't leave her apt and Tim will head back to Cincy with two of the dogs and Harley will stay with me so he is sure to get his pills.  I don't know if they help, but do think the trembling episodes are less frequent since he's been on them. The weather isn't supposed to change so I will just take off tomorrow AM about 9:00 and will get there in time to go home before heading to the hospital for my test.  It doesn't seem like Sunday today.It sounds like everyone had a good day with plenty to eat. In spite of cancer I am sure we all have much to be thankful for and even that has a good side because it introduced us all to each other. 

    Last night I was talking to my friend Emily in NO and I am going to try to take a trip to visit her in Jan.   

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    OMG-I CANNOT EVEN GET THRU everyone's posts!! But the dreaded bean casserole must be sent down under!!! And Hey Rider-good to have ya here with us old biddies-yeah like any of us are old biddies. And ok, yup, it be snowin' again on the Outer Banks-unheard of....arrghbegarrgh!

    I cannot wait to get out and play in it!!!! Like i mean four wheel-no snow removal on the Outer Banks-like none at all-nada-the roads are like freaking snot...really slippery snot! I was just out on them. And yeah, i have had really pissed of swan chase me and doggies and ya' run like a b#stard!! I found an injured one once (broken leg) caught the bird after a dozen knife like slashes to my hands-wrapped in in a blanket for a swanny rescue-took it to the sheriff's dept. in Corolla to get the swan fixed at like a swan rescue or sanctuary or something (ever had a swan shit all over the inside of your car) and the deputy saunters out-pulls out his pistol and shoots the bird...for real....shoots the freaking bird to death right in front of me. There are few times in this world when I am left speechless-this was one of them!! I shoved my bloody hands in my pockets fearing the worst for me and skidaddled!! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!! XXOOOO SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    No really, Happy New Year to all of my Sisters!!!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    I am missing my snow. It has snowed here in WA once this winter and that was a major event. I lived in Illinois all my life and changing weather was a part of life. Here the weather is moderate. This week between 42 and 47 all week long. In illinois we had so many kinds of snow and snow storms, rain was the same, many variations of storms.

     Thank you for the smow pictures and the flowers against the snow are beautiful.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited December 2010

    We are in for a doozy here in MA.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Snow must be beautiful Amy Jo and SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    Me too, got a Kindle from my DH, just loaded my first book..learning curve here..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    SoCalLisa do you need reading glasses with your Kindle or is the font adjustable?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    you can make the font bigger, I did Ginger but I still need my does make it easier on the eyes..

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    I do believe I will be getting myself a Kindle soon.  I don't have room for any more books.  They have taken over the house since I filled the second story of our two car garage.  I've already bought a couple of kindle books for my PC that I have in hard cover but can't find and wanted to reread.  Which Kindle did he get you Lisa?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2010

    chabba, I got the kindle with the Wifi and 3g, I can't see a model number on it

    I just bought Patricia Cornwell's " Port Mortuary"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    Lisa, have you used the kindle much-or has anyone-if so, does it give migraines. I have migraines and lighted sources (a lot of them) are really hard for me-like instant migraine! Any thoughts appreciated-brands-font biggers-Lisa what are you using??? I cannot read books anymore-cannot afford the glasses! I would love a kindle. SV

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    SV  You can download Kindle for PC at no charge and buy books to read right on your computer--they even have some, mostly classics, for free. 

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited December 2010

    I received a Kindle DX from one of my employee's mother after my surgery! What a gift and I haven't had to buy one book (cheap little bugger that I am). Plenty of free stuff- go on Amazon kindle books and then sort by lowest price first-it brings up all the free ones and then some for .99. It is great to enlarge the text and no headaches on this end. Although I do still use my glasses...not sure why, but I do:) addicted to my crazy reading glasses I guess- once i realized I needed them, i embraced them:) Hope the new year finds us all healthy and happy:)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    SV, the reading surface is not backlit. I think you would be fine. You shoulda looked at mine when I was there!!! I LOVE mine. Just bought 4 more books.

    Let's get ready for a GREAT 2011!!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Ooo, Lisa Patricia Cornwell is one of my favourite authors...enjoy. I itch to buy the hardback, but the paperback will be out in about 2 months, so I wait, and save two thirds. Can't ever see me understanding a Kindle.....tho' I'd love one....but, another reason for me to not buy I just loose everything that looks like a TV remote....I can find the remote in the dog bed, in a drawer, and even in the dirty linen basket, and NEVER remember how it got there. I still have books in packing cases that have been there nearly 40 years. I started, just before Christmas, to drop about half a dozen into the bins each week, but have only got rid of a very few, because our bin men couldn't get down, for the snow. Its going to take me years to unload at this rate. I will never read them again, eBay doesn't look like books sell very well, and nobody at all wants them. Hospitals won't touch them because 'of infection', charities just don't want to know. No wonder really, WHEN did you ever see the young ones with their heads in a book ? I was an avid reader from 4 years old, always at the library, always sat alone reading, but since dx I just can't concentrate anymore, and now it takes me a couple of weeks to read a book. 

    Just reading big bad reports of lots of deep snow hitting eastern USA, but do keep it over there, we have had 3 weeks of it and it has been awful. We are just about 'green' again, just bits hanging about in hedge backs. Still freezing very hard every night, but we are forecast for 0 degrees day and night all this coming week, so hoping my pipes will unfreeze. I know I have 2 bursts to mend, I have water switched off all over the place....thank goodness for stop taps. It has just about killed me carrying water twice a day...well, once most days as G/son will do the evening run, but on the evenings he hasn't been its been awful. 

    Rider, hello, pleased you are getting thru' your treatments. I also found the port was quite uncomfortable...I hated it with a vengeance. I had it in about 4/5 months, and just wanted it gone. Worse than the port were the drains, had it in about 5 months, and the last one 'grew' into my back, it wouldn't stop running, had to have it surgically removed, NOT a pleasant experience !

    SV love your photies, bet you are enjoying the snow. How did the headache investigations go ?Have you decided what to do about knee replacements yet ? Is it possible to get them done together, or is it too long a recovery, doing it double? Am still here waiting for a back op for 3 slipped discs, have been on the list just over a year now, I bet the surgeons don't wait this long, with my job I just have no option but to keep working, its going to be hard enough when I actually have the op. trying to get any help. DH actually offerd his help when I get out of hospital, and if relations are reasonably cordial I might take him up on it ! I shalln't have a lot of options when I need help with my animals.

    Right I am going to have an early night tonight, I am still trying to catch up on my late night 2 nights ago when I only got two and a half hours sleep.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010

    I hate the stuck in PA and i have tx#8 tomorrow.not happening

    where did this storm come from.they said a light dusting.

    as usual my back really hurts with this weather and sleepin on a air bed doesnt help.

    im readin all the posts but cant sit too long.

    SV should be in bed.ha.shingles remember.!!!!!

    please think of me tomorrow scared sh##tless in a car

    hugggggggggggs God bless my sistas

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    Wow, everyone has been busy!  It has taken me a long time to read through all the post and I cannot remmeber everything I have read.  My brain is not what it used to be.  I join in with the group that has trouble reading because I have to reread things so many times just to understand what I just read!  (And I used to devour technical journals with no problems.) 

    I am so glad so many have had a Merry Christmas and a pleasant day after.  I have eaten way too many leftovers.  DH did get the Wii connected while I took a nap and I got the Wii Fit Plus working after I got up.  It says my fitness age is 59 and that I am overweight, Big Surpise!  At least the age is younger that what I really am.  The grandchildren took over and played some of the other games on it this afternoon. We would up with over 7" of snow and I have taken some pictures but not downloaded them from the camera yet.  We did not even try to go anywhere today even though DH and SIL#1 got the sidewalk and the driveway all cleared of snow and ice.  I think tomorrow DD and I will try to get out and do some shopping at the after Christmas sales.  After all Marybe is right, now only 364 days til Christmas and no since in waiting until the last minute to get started on the present buying.  Besides we have a lot of birthdays between now and then, plus a new grandchild is expected on August 2, 2011.  This will be #6 and I am so excited.  Already making plans to go to CA when the baby is born.  I am glad DD and her crew got to come for the holidays and will be here until after the 1st of the new year.  SIL and the dog will head home to be back at school on the 2nd and DD and the children will head back on the 4th. I have surgery on the 6th. Lab work on the 7th for my next Aredia treatment, Aredia IV on the 11th. Daisy dog has a sonogram on the 17th to check for Cushings disease. See RO on the 27th to see when the next round of radiation will start.  Looks like January will be busy as there will be other test thrown in the mix at some point.  I was hoping to get to go to NY in Jan, but looks like that will have to wait until sometime after radiation is done.  I think the radiation will not be finished until possibly mid April and that is when we had already planned to go to OK to see DD#2 and her crew. 

    Well it is getting late and everyone is telling me thatt I need to go to bed so I guess I will head that direction.  Night all.  Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow.  I will try to get the pictures downloaded and posted tomorrrow sometime.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2010

    SV, have you tried over the counter reading glasses from the dollar store.  I bought about 4 at once.(I am always leaving them all over the house and losing them).  They are very attractive, really work and obviously in anyones budget.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    WOW!! i spent a day and a half outa here, one in bed, 1/2 cleaning to keep thoughts under control.. and you ladies took off like a 747 plane!! i read here, about Isabellas puppies, and another page jumped up to read, before i got here!!

       i'm a more than a bit  " down at the mouth" tonite. feel like a black cloud really IS following me; but, better days are ahead??!!??

     any hoo; 1.  SV i cannot believe bad knees, migraine suffering you is crawling ANYWHERE with a wetsuit on getting pctures!! they're truly glorious pictures.. but thinkabout your health, for gloryss' sake!! we want you here, and well, SOON, and for A

    LONG TIME.. that said, i peed the drawers reading about you, angus, and Max.. WHAT an adventure! ISABELLA congrats on the puppies, and a good visit for Christmas at your DD. glad your ex was behaving well. hope YOUR surgery will come soon for you.  im missin alot, i know.. can't catch up.. will just tell you how much i appreciate all youladies.. here, esp in this pod, we seem to put the horrors of BC behind for some of the time, and TRY to LIVE our lives, as well. i so need that right now.. its' a pretty dark place i live in; but this is truly one of the brighter spots...          3jays.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2010

    Oh, 3jays, I hope you are feeling better as you read this, this morning...I'm sending you cyber hugs hoping to make things a little better...God bless......

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2010

    3jaysmom - Sorry to hear that you have been a dark place.  I know how lonely and horrible that can be since I too go there sometime.  I am so glad you can see brighter days ahead.  I know the ladies here always help me back to a better place just reading about their adventures.  Keep reading and posting and know we all are loving you and sending you tons of hugs.  Right girls ?!!?!?  

    {{{{{{{{{{[[[[[[[[[{HUGS for 3jaysmom}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2010

    (((((((3Jays))))) I have been there and still go in and out of the 'dark night of the soul.' I SO wish there was a quick fix but i know that for me there has never been a quick fix. One of the things I REALLY have to watch out for is my tendency to isolate. Being ill puts me right on the isolation list cause I am just SO friggin tired of it. I hope you have a good support system, like people you can do a face to face with. Love you so very much but there is nothing like a warm hug from a real person who loves you unconditionally!! Is there anything we can do??? XXOOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    {{{{3jays}}}}} Love ya gal!!!

    GrannyDukes, we haven't had a group hug in a while. Here's one for you (stuck in PA) and all of us:

    ((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited December 2010

    group hugggggggggggggg from snowy wasnt bad here but now its snowin.oh well.ill finish my rads much later then i thought/

    luv my sistas.God bless all of you

    SV you should be in bed restin those shingles

    3 jays.i hate that black hole.get out of it quick....


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2010

    3jays, all of us fear that black hole and we all find ourselves in it sometimes.  It will pass, it really will!  For now, here's a {{{{HUG}}} from me.  We're all with you and love you!!!

    And like Barb said, a {{{{GROUP HUG}}}} for all of us!
