Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone!

    SV - so glad you have sorted out the headaches - man, so many docs don't seem to think outside the square or even listen properly when we complain do they?   Guess the 'tried and true' option is the easiest route to take but if it is not the right option it can cause all sorts of unnecessary suffering.  I laughed when you were describing how you try to sneak up on the swans through the mud - there is mud in places between hard sand in the esturay not far from my place and you will be happily walking along and then totally unexpectedly you will be up to your calves in black stinky sinking mud - yuck.  Then you get black stinky hands because you have to rescue your shoes from the mud!  Dog doesn't seem to mind - he just struggles out and thinks he has stumbled upon some nice smelling perfume I'm sure.

    Isabella - I laughed about switching between your accounts - you sounded like a kid with a new toy - lololol!  Very cool car - I see why you prefer to drive that rather than you 4 wheel drive! I see a lot of familiar names in your FB friend list!  I have sent you a friend request.

    suzie -  Mental physiotherapy should probably be a prescribed treatment for all of us after this dx!  Wrong side up jigsaw puzzles - that's a good way to get your money's worth out of a puzzle!

    Barbara - I was walking along the foreshore of our harbour yesterday and across the harbour, in the port, was a huge cruise ship and I instantly thought of you.  The ships have become quite a regular sight over the summer months now but only stay for one day and then they are off - that is the way of cruises.

    marybe - hoping your chemo went smoothly and that your leg is going to be sorted easily. mmmm fillet steak -  not something I have often but well worth the expense if it is cooked right. 

    My DHs mother did not do a very good job of widening her youngest son's food choices and as a result he likes very ordinary food - in fact the only salad he really likes is lettuce salad. Yesterday I had just had enough of lettuce salad for the thousandth time so I delved in my cookbook and made some cauliflower/nut salad.  DH didn't have any (his loss) but DD3 and I enjoyed it very much.  Easy to make - 1/2 med cauli cut into small florets - washed and drained (used raw), 1/2 cup cashews, 1 teas butter, 1 teas mild or med curry powder, 1/2 med jar of mayo. Melt butter in microwave bowl, add curry powder then cashews and heat through, add cauli and mayo last.  Mix and leave in fridge to cool completely.

    Talking about food has made me hungry - 1pm need lunch!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Ginger...snow is lovely at first....then it becomes a bl**dy nuisance. We have just had 3 weeks of it, and its been very hard work. All clear now, but have had to have the plumber in to sort out underground bursts.....I used to love to be the first one to rush outside and walk up and down the garden in the fresh snow, now I just curse !

    I got a fab pair of wellington boots off DD for Christmas. Shocking pink with a crown, 6"high, picked out in crystals on the outside of each boot............very different. Looks like the kids see me as carrying on working 'til I drop ! Also got a really lovely black and white picture of my G/daughter (2) She has white blonde curls and is a very pretty child. I have the pic up on my bedroom wall where I can see her when I wake up. I have no way of putting it up on here, unless I get DD to send me it in an email. She had had it done on a canvas for me.

    We had a little 'incident' on Christmas Day at DDs, just as I arrived. For some reason, known only to DD, she bought her 14 yr old a 500cc motorbike. He can ride bikes, but this is way, way, too big for him. He has no licence, nowhere to ride the thing, and when I got out of my car he was belting around a football pitch at millions of miles an hour, spinning earth up, making ruts, and one hell of a racket. People were out of their houses wondering what was shattering the peace, and cutting up the sports field, in the middle of Christmas Day. I jumped out of my car and was signalling the little devil off the pitch, and just giving him an earwigging ( I had no idea how long this had been going on) a neighbour came up to me and played merry hell with ME, and said she had called the police. I apologised to neighbours who had come trotting up to join in, and got G/son back into his own garden. DDs house overlooks the football pitch, its a lovely quiet little village, very picturesque, lots of people trying to enjoy a quiet Christmas.

    DD reckoned she had been so busy cooking that she hadn't heard him....which was a real excuse, I think the noise G/son was making was heard miles away! The police turned up a while later, and read the riot act to DD and G/son, but could do nothing as they had not actually caught G/son, but could only follow up complaints. At least they're aware of the problem, so will be keeping an eye...and an ear...out for G/son. It won't be long before he does it again, DD never taught him right from wrong ! I always seem to come across as the bad guy !!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2010

    Where have all the flowers gone?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2010

    Thats what I was wondering !

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    They have come down to the Southern Hemisphere and are blooming their little hearts out!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2010

    Wishing you all a new year filled with love, laughter and good things!

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2010

    Sometimes all this pink stuff for breast cancer has gone too far.  I am Jewish.  Today in my email I got an ad for an after Chanukah sale from a website I often buy from.  One of the items was a pink dreidle which the ad advised you to buy to show your support for those with breast cancer.  What in the Hell does a dreidle have to do with breast cancer!!!! I guess anything to make a buck!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited December 2010

    hey ladies: 1st, i need to say{{{sorry}} my computers' acting up, and i missed 1/2 of all your encouragements round Christmas. i got a real case of the warm fuzzies when i went back to read.. SV; i started looking back, cuase i missed bout your headaches.. im sooo glad it was a med! what a sorry a***!!(oh my) that DR.was to even mention brain cancer, and when.. my onco hinted at what we might ck for, today, and ordered an brain MRI.. but, we're both 99% sure its' the MS. the mri will give me a clue as to how much damage chemo did. she was shocked to see my stomach today. she was so sure my "chemo bloat" would be gone by now. i have about 8 extra lbs. on, but that doesn't account for the 4-5 " that keeps reappearring, off and on. wants me to see GI; and try Reglan after new yr. i intended to, anyway. i don't think my gi tract will ever totally recover. i just wear bigger foobs, according to belly size!! lol but true..

       Isabella; i want you to know, specifically, you are my new hero. i'm clawing my way out of that hole, cause of all you do at that farm of yours. i can't muddle around here, and think of you being so hard working with your animals. wish we were neighbors.. i love to work with the animals.. but, im chicken of your weather, for sure.. thank you again for all the love and well wishes ladies. i needed it!         3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2010

    Happy New Year for 2011, which is now 20 minutes old. We get there first. Wonderful fireworks display from the Sky Tower in Auckland.

    Big hugs


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Rae and Alyson, for the New Year wishes. We still have 17 hours to go here in FL.

    3jays, glad you are feeling better.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011


    Less than 4 hours to go EST!

    I hope and pray 2011 will be a year of happiness and health for all of us!  Aw, heck, might as well throw a little wealth in there for us, too! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OK, if anyoe is concerned we have not deserted the BC Board-the OBX reunion gals just did not want to hog it up so we made out own FB-well MB did it (YEAH MB!!) And it is like a new toy so we are partying over there-don't want to leave anyone out so let me know if you want to join us!! This is a place for pix and a major gabfest!!

    This pic is for MB and me!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OK, I will likely be flat on my face by midnight-I am slammed on flexeril to try to unhinge my back-they think stress is causing the headaches now!! God my back hurts-I never said that any other New Year!!! Getting old just bites the big one!


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Three hours and fifteen minutes to 2011 in Wisconsin. May we all have a healthy, blessed and happy one ~ suzie

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    Five hours, 10 minutes here in Washington until 2011.  Hope we all find better health and happiness in the coming year.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Here's to all of us having a better year this time around!!!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Well it is now 2011 in the East at least, saw Time Square on the news a couple of hours ago.

    Like this little New Years wish.  May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. Or this one - May you live all the days of your life.

    We had a lovely day going on an expedition up to an early hydro dam up through a National Parkand the most beautiful bush.


    These are not my photos - I forgot the cord to download from my camera, the dam actually had more water in it.

    Must drink my tea, think it will be an early night tonight.

    Big hugs


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Alyson, beautiful shots! How lovely!

    Happy New Year gals!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Wow, are those pics from NZ?  I may just have to put that on my must see list.  I missed the New Year coming in altogether and to think when I was younger I thought I absolutely HAD to have plans for New Year's eve.  Last night I was too lazy to even look for the remote.  I am hoping this will be a great year for all of us.  SV, when you were saying they think the headaches might be coming from stress, I was thinking of Alfred E Newman from Mad magazine....remember, that little guy?  What Me Worry?  Too bad telling someone not to worry is so much easier said than done.  It is warm here still today....was in the 60s yesterday and except for a few piles, snow is all gone.  HAPPY 2011!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Alyson, More pic-the pix are awesome of NZ!! NZ is the most amazing place i have seen and i have never been there. I just thought it was a jungle or something. I keep watching the Lord of the Rings cause it was filmed in NZ-truly breathtaking. AND WOW, it is Jan 1, 2011-by the time i remember to write it correctly on my yearly date-checks and such, it will be 2012!! blessed year to all!! Biggest Hugs Ever SV

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited January 2011

    Best Wishes to all  - here's hoping that 2011 is a good year, in every way.

    3jays: I am glad you are feeling a bit better - thinking of you and how you manage to lift others' spirits with your many bus comix, even in your own depths.  You may not realize what a lovely spirit you have.But others do.

    GD, hang in there, rads will be done; you can get on with your life.  It's rough that the blizzard hit in the middle, but you are one tough cookie, and you'll get thru it.  I hope your GS is doing better.

    SV, best wishes to you!!!

    Isabella, you really take the cake.

    Rae & Alyson, your warmth looks & sounds good.  We woke to 2" new snow, and it's cold. Au & NZ are on my bucket list already.

    Others are more eloquent, so I'll sign off with a simple wish for health and happiness in 2011,

    To all.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Happy New Year to everyone here.....things sure are going to change in UK now. Everything is being cut back, the press are likening it to the 1950s again. Our petrol went up 1% Jan 1 and is going up a further 3% on Wednesday....I am really mad at this because I am heavy on petrol and I sure don't want to cut back. It will make me think twice tho' before I go off on a shopping trip, but I will still go !...whining all the way ! I can get most of the extra tax back thru' my business, that is 'till the accountant says 'you sure its all business trips you do ? I just look at her and lie.....I have a 4WD for farm work, also a delivery van, so the tax man can come and look, and can see I have 2 other farm vehicles, so I can't see him being able to see  which petrol receipt is for which vehicle...tho' our tax men are sneaky !!!!!!!!!!! My accountant was recommended to me as being good at tax avoidance, but sometimes I get a slap on my wrist ! ( 2 reasons I set her on. No.1 because of her knowledge of the tax system, and No 2 because she is a w.o.m.a.n.)

    DH used to get mad at me because I have a bias to employing women, I find any dealings I have with most men I get the feeling they're talking down to me....maybe just me, but women always seem to be able to bend in any argue. I have a super egg delivery lady now DH isn't around, she's efficient, chats politely to my customers, dresses tidily, smells nice, and is willing to come in any extra days without a  moan.....whereas DH was always forgetting boxes of eggs, and forgetting to call at shops he should be calling at. He wasn't a chatter (I always think if you say good morning, ask after the customer, say something stupid about the weather the customer will always come back.) DH was always trying to vanish quickly, before I had had time to get him to change out of his work jeans before he set out...and clean his shoes ? don't go there ! His jeans were the same jeans he had just jumped in and out of yards of cows with and smelt that way, and he was delivering eggs into health food shops to people who are a bit 'odd' to start with. You just do not deliver into food outlets in dirty clothes. Try and tell him ??  This had gone on with DH 27 years, week in week out...I was the world biggest nag !!! my new lady is clean as clean can be , and I am sure I will never have to pull her on this......and she is 56. 

    Just been reading DDs FB, she got legless last night by all accounts (again) and was wondering why she'd found the trifle up on her roof this morning...sooo pleased I didn't go to her party. She will be posting pics later, I can't wait !!

    Suzie, glad to know another car nut ! I have got 142 from my car...nowhere to let it rip really. Our top speed on the fastest of our roads is 70, so finding somewhere to have a good run is a problem. I did go to a speed day 2 years ago on an old airfield, but they wouldn't let me run my own car for some reason. I chose to go in an Aston Martin....I was just putting on my helmet, and the chappie who was coming with me said, as we walked over to the car ' which of us is driving?' He seriously thought as I was female I was going to sit along side him and let him have the fun....NO WAY. He pulled me up at around 165, and told me to slow down, I was mad at him, but as I wanted a go in another car thought I'd better do as I was told. He gave me 94/100 on my driving.  Hope the speech training is coming along OK.

    Alyson. NZ sure looks lovely... glad you are having some time away after your op.

    Well, must fly now, dogs to put to bed, puppies to sort out and my 2 Rottweiler boys to lock up. They killed a fox last night in the garden. I am defeating the object of these 2 boys when I have to lock them away, they're supposed to be guarding me ! One of them turned a bit 'odd' with me 2 days ago, and growled right up in my face. I had to look him in the eye, and try and stay calm, and shout at him to 'shut up, AND SIT DOWN'...not easy, I was REALLY scared, but didn't want him to know. He must be 13 or more stones, and stands head and shoulders above me when he goes up on his hind legs, and the size of his jaws.....well... I was scared ! First time a dog has ever scared me. I have had him from a 6 week old pup as well. I shalln't ever go near him again without carrying a shovel or something! I have had 5 Rottweilers now over the years, all girls, but the latest 2 are boys. I was warned, but being me, said don't be so  ***** silly, a dog won't go for me...I WAS WRO- HONG.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    Isabella-you be careful of that Rottie.  They really need a strong-minded mistress.  Have you gotten the German Shepherd puppy, yet?  We have one along with two Standard Poodles.  Did have a second one, but she died of cancer a while ago.  They live in the house with us and woe to anyone who is up to no good.  otherwise gentle as can be.  You be careful, Rotties are exceedingly strong.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Oh, Isabella, please, please don't turn your back on that can no longer trust him.  Hope the others don't start taking after what he tried to do.  It took a lot of guts to stare him down and keep him from sensing your fear...YOU ROCK, my dear.

     I've always been a speed demon and have had to talk my way out of some tickets. I love to drive fast if the roads are clear.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    omg, isabella-I'd give anything to SEE you open up to over 140 in your car-SEE, I write cause not sure i want to be with you and get my hair blown back!! And living in the UK-sounds like you are still a serf!! All hail to the Queen and all that but navigating UK rules and regs-too much for me. I am SO glad we won the war!! When are you coming over here for a visit????

    And to all-wishing you all a very blessed 2011 to eternity!! I actually stayed up and watched the ball drop in Times Square-they just have to take Dick Clark off the air-the poor guy had a major meltdown on live TV and that little turd Ryan Seacrest had to do some fancy footwork to segway to something else. I mean I give DC credit but the poor guy is barely functioning after his stroke several years ago-and it si just SO not right-let the guy have some dignity-just my opinion!

    OK, Santy brought me a new tripod with all of the bells and whistles and i had a ball today-it hit 60 degrees outside after the bone chilling 28 degree weather we have been having-so i had a fantastic day of shooting birdie pix-and YES, i finally got some wild tundra swans!!

    The sound outside my house was just filled with wild Tundra swans so got some great shots to mount for very late Xmas presents!! Thanks B for pushing me to work harder for these pix. And then went to the other side of the island and the Atlantic so that puppies could play!!

    Yeh, Maxie and Angus had a great first day-2011!!!! Big hugs to all, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    Lost Creek: with the week i've had with my son telling me how horrid i am, i'm still in tears from your post. i think i do ok, and i guess some of you ladies do, too,. that has to be enough...SV; thanks for letting me keep Daves' pix of the Nativity... i do think he needs to pay attention to his work.. you, too, girl!! the swans are gorg. but; im just a fool for Angus and Maxie.. we still are laughing about the mud bath you all took.. not that it was very good for Mommies legs, nor careful

     Issabella; i honestly don't know how you keep track.. i'd be very careful with the Rottie.. i raised dobies for sometime. and evenif you raise them from pups, boys get aggressive as they get older. don't you go getting hurt. For sure, have something with you; but, he can see that as YOU being aggressive.. be careful..    I watched the "wig" drop llast night, but it was a rerun. we went to our club for one slow dancewto welcome in the new year.. Happy New Year to all my special Ladies!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Lost_Creek - do you have snow yet? Just wondering!. 3jays, big (((HUGS))) for you!. Isabella, be careful aroung that dog. They do get aggressive as they grow older. Cathy, nice to see you! and HnS, get ready for the next reunion, wherever that may be. Great pix of the swans, SV!! Wow! Suz, I hope eyou are feeling better and better each say. And Alyson, those pix were stunning. Rae, only 21 days!!  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Happy New Year...I have been sick with a bug, no voice (now for me this is hard)

    the camellias are in bloom....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Awhhh Lisa, here's a rose for you.  Hope you feel better soon.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Two lovely pics in the last posts. All I have to look at is a winter garden, all straggly and overgrown. I did see a couple of tulip bulbs had managed to push up 2" so Spring will eventually arrive...that is after the return of more Arctic conditions that are forecast this week.
