Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2011


    How do I spell relief?  HE WENT TO JAIL!! He went to jail. jail, jail, jail. I'm so glad that he went to jail. And I hope they keep him a looooooooooooooong long time. The soon to be ex son in law that is. Take your shoes off, set a spell. Cause I'm planning a He Went To Jail party!!  Of course, DD isn't happy about it. But I'M DOING THE HAPPY DANCE! ! ! !  Yay, YAY,  Ok, normally, I wouldn't be so excited about someone I know being arrested, but this guy had it coming for a while. Remember? In the winter he deserted my DD and her new born, then he stole items that they should have sold and split up. He had already maxed her credit cards and patience. He hocked alllll her decent jewelry and his own wedding ring. He took advantage of my 81 yr old mother for $1,500 for a car that only had 2 seats and then he quit paying child support and left the state. Ignoring his child for months. He came back after Christmas, lucky lucky us. Harrassed DD to insanity, got his car repossessed cause he pawned it too. Gave DD a BUNCH of high hopes and sweet talk and then the SWAT team surrounded his folks house and took him away!!!    ... and I'm so glad.

    The charges posted say things like theft by conversion, deposit account fraud and a state hold, but there will be more. Apparently he did steal guns in NC and they were IN THE CAR!!! what an idiot. He's gonna be a pretty boy in prison too.  Awwwwww  sucks for him.

    The divorce will be final in two weeks. this is the best news ALL YEAR!!!  HAHAHA


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

     Just a couple of pictures taken on a morning walk down the beach last week. Only problem was the birds just refused to stand still.


    The other is looking back towards the port. I just love walking on the beach - it is not a surf beach just long flat sand where the tide goes out a very long way and leaves vast expanse of beach.

    SV loved the Santa picture - many of us have ones similar I am sure. Isabella your GD is as spoilt as mine is, she will be round later which will be fun.

    Big hugs to every one 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Connie, you crack me up-HAPPY DANCE!! let me know when the festivities begin-gees I wish my brother would 'go in again!!!' I am a bad sister but he is beyond description and my Dad is great denial over him being a sociopath!! Chip off the old block!! And yeah alyson, birdies don't stand still!! OK Angus has the same injury I do-a torn ACL and a $1200 surgery schedule for next week for him-ME-I have to wait!! But he is OK-thank God-just not a happy puppy!

    It was hysterical at Dr. Shea's office-Chris Shea is the only vet i will let near my dogs and he is not only a vet but close friend. Angus is having 'tummy trouble' and the farts are beyond anything that should come out of a mammel. So Chris rolls him over to scratch his belly and Angus farts in his face-OMG-it was nuclear. I said "Happy New Year', Chris-welcome to my world. I swear, Chris's glasses fogged up and he groped his way to the door to open it and escape the gas in the exam room. Both of us started laughing so hard we could not talk and Angus kept farting. Chris says he has smelled "a lot of things' but nothing like what my little gas machine is putting out. I was laughing at Chris and screaming that he was not to leave me to die alone in the exam room. And Chris was like, 'MJ, you have to bottle this and send it to Iraq!" Now, I have never seen Chris 'dropped' by anything-we are laughing til the tears are rolling down our cheeks and poor Angus began to realize we were laughing at him-so i was trying to comfort him without getting gassed. The moment Chris opened the door, Max ran for the back rooms to escape the lethal doses being dealt by his 'brother' and that made Chris slide to the floor in a puddle of laughter. Truly, these farts are just beyond-so Angus is now on drugs for his tummy too. Think chemo farts are bad??? Good Lord, for once, at least it wasn't me!! XXOO SV

  • kadeeb
    kadeeb Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2011


    I am normally just a reader but your post made me LOL. Your daughter may not be happy now but it sounds like she would have been much worse off the longer it went on.  GOOD RIDDANCE! TO BAD RUBBISH.  See, things are already looking up in the new year.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    too cute!! ya gotta it..3jays
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011 had me crying with laughing....that dog of yours needs keeping in a big glass jar !!!!! I have this trouble with my girls on a night, when all is quiet and they're laid out by the fire...OMG.... I am sitting at my computer, and the smell some nights is awful, but then I do have 14 laid out, so suppose it will be. 2 of them like curry, and if I have some to spare they will eat it, but I really suffer after that.

    Connie. I am really pleased for you. I know you have been waiting for this, and the best place for this rat is inside....will it do him any good ? My brothers best friend has just got 7 years for farming cannabis. A more upright citizen you couldn't imagine, all been a total suprise to us, tho' my brother knew what was going on. The idiot had rented a flat above a hairdressers, and the smell permeated downstairs 'til the hairdresser called the police on him. I shalln't be going to visit him, tho' I know him quite well...just goes to show, you never really know people.

    Ginger, I just love standard poodles, I love to watch them walk. What colour did you get ? I used to have a little chocolate toy poodle about 30 years ago, very sweet natured little girl. the puppies were so cute, but the clipping drove me nuts, had to take her to the doggy beauty parlour to keep her looking good.....let me loose with clippers and I'd probably have clippered her ears should see me clipping sheep, I make a real mess !!! Come to think of it if I see a bit of hair thats annoying me I snip it off, then I see another, and another, and before you know it I'm off, hell for leather, to the hairdressers to be sorted out. I cut DSs ear quite badly, when he was about 6, then I cut DHs ear a few years ago, and neither of them let me loose on their hair again....just trying to save money was my excuse !

    Right off to get myself some breakfast. G/son has been and gone today, so I haven't had to go outside and work as yet, having a lazy day, breakfast, shower, hairdo and Drs at teatime. The 'phone is ringing off the hook, but I ignore it, I hate the phone in the house almost as much as a cell 'phone. When I can be bothered I will haul myself up, and take it off the hook...... I am incommunicado today !!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Oh Connie, when what goes around comes around, them that needs it really gets it. I agree with kadeeb, good riddance to bad rubbish. Alyson, love the beach pix. Ahhh. summer. Well, it will be summer close enough when I head to the southern Caribbean in 12 days! SV - ROTFLMAO! I can just picture poor Angus looking around in bewilderment while mom and Chris are laughing hysterically. Poor guy. Big hugs to him. Ginger, I love standard poodles, too. What color? 3jays, I am trying to make the dash across alligator alley work. You free Sunday noonish? Isabella, as usual, a lot of stuff going on in rural, bucolic England. A pot farmer? That's really risky I would think. They bust people here for growing pot but what usually gives them away is they steal power from neighbors (so as to not call attention by the exorbitant power bills). The power companies tell the police.

    Have a great Thursday Gals!  12 more days!!

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2011

    Connie, I'll do the happy dance with you.  I know how you feel.

    SV, I can't quit laughing, that is hysterical.

    Isabella,  enjoy your day of of ease, you deserve it.

    If I have forgotten anyone, I'm sorry, I can't remember to far back.  I will be 64 on the 25th but since I started Femara I'm sure it's closer to 84.  Darla

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    Isabella, DH and I have three dogs.  A German Shepherd and two Standard Poodles.  One black and one grey.  They are marvelous dogs.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    am here in the day, which is very unusual. I'm just not a very happy cmaper today; but all will be well. im picking up my beloved GS in just a little while. Son and i (the da) aren't seeing eye to eye YET, luckily, his mom needs the help while they're working. hoping we see more of the kids, not less, like at holiday time.

       My ms is really painful today. i sat wrong position, in wrong chair for 2 hrs or so last night. Im gonna have to bring my wheelchair in, and sit it it for awhile.. the good nes, is, heat, and time, it'll pass. Cancelled my therapy session for today. I just couldn't face all it entails to drive there, rustle the walker in /out of car; and spill my guts. next session is in 2 wks.. it'll be better than.

       i've been having some real probklems with Murray, my DH of late. he's acting differently than i've ever seen. probably this christmas was so mad, with all 3 of my sons acting out, and one goimng to jail. he has a lot to deal with.. his parents are def. failing, as they are getting older. he spends one day a week with them, and i think that's whats wearing on him..2 yrs of my bc. now, his parents. its enough to make anyo ne go mad.!! on the other hand, after my first; i won't let ANY man talk nasty to me: so, Houston, we have a problem!

       My answer short term, is yes, once again..hard on me. I'm going out in the evenings, and lugging the walker round, coming home after he's gone to bed.. avoiding the problem. he insisted on going with me last night to a group of freinds place, then , he embarrassed us all by yelling at me for something minor,..and in front of all of them. my phones' ringing off the hook, because its so out of charecter for him. all i know, is, he'd better be good to my beloved today..OR ELSE!! its' so good to hear you all. this is where my peace of mind comes from these days.     3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    I saw these today and they just cheered me up..hope they do for everyone..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    I love the flowers.

    My poodle will be red. I have pick of the litter and I want a smallish girl I think. I am really tall and ordinarily I would have taken a large male but I don't think I am strong enough anymore.

    We had five Golden Retrievers that we loved so much. Cancer took two directly and my last precious boy was killed by some neighbor children. I tried so hard to revive him doing CPR but to no avail. It broke our hearts and my husband has said flatly no more Golden Retrievers.

    We had several dog lovers tell us that standard Poodles have good temperments and are  intelligent, easy to train and healthy. Our goldens were all of red hues andso a red poodle seems a natural to me. 

    I am still a little unsure about the sex. I found male goldens to be very pleasing as well as easy to train. I even won a blue ribbon with my last, it was all him, he was so good. He seemed to know what was needed, look around and see what was needed and just do it. 

    Any opinions from poodle people are most welcome, I think a female just because they are smaller but what I am actually trying to do is find a managable dog.  I will neuter either sex.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    3jays, are you sure a meet-up will work? Just let me know.

    Ginger, the red ones are gorgeous! Love them so much and they are so smart!!

    Lisa, lovely bouquet!

    Darla, I'll help you happy dance, girlfriend. Tell me when and where! I am a dancing fool.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011

    Amyjo...and 3 Jays.special prayers...all my other sistas hello.back acting up again.gonna have more snow in NJ.that suks. gentle huggggggs K

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2011

    Lisa -those flowers smell wonderful!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Yay for you, Connie---Have a blast at the "he went to jail" party and throw away the key!  SV, the vet visit was hysterical!!  Lord, I'd have loved to see that,  and only see, NOT smell!  Loved the picture of you with Santa!  You look beautiful, and also absolutely terrified! 

    Barb, I thought of you today when I went to have my hair colored and cut.  The hairdresser was all excited about a cruise she's going on to the Bahamas, leaving from Charleston on Wednesday, and staying 6 days.  I know you just cannot wait!  Did you get any dresses yet?

    Oh, 3jays, I'm so sorry DH is acting the fool right now, after the stressful Christmas you had.  Hugs to you, and hope the GS visit helped.  Mine always seems to help me, like a little ray of sunshine coming into the house.  Hugs to you, but not nearly as good a hug as your GS can give you!

    Thanks for the pictures Alyson and Lisa!  And hey to granny, amyjo, Isabella, Lassie, and Marybe, too.  Amyjo and maybe you too, SV, we need to get ready for more snow!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Ginger, I have a mini poodle mix and my sister has a thorobred mini poodle, both are female and they are just so smart and very easy to train and handle.  Abby (my sisters') weighs about 12 lbs and Tinkerbell (mine) weighs in at about 9lbs.  They both know every word you say to them even as little puppies.  (Both are old girls now). The only down side is, if you let them, they can be a little yappy but I've never let tinker do that so there is no porblem.  I would highly reccommend a poodle, whateer size you prefer.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Kathy, here are the dresses. You have to click on them to see them full size.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    3Jays- here is a big hug to are a warrior of the first degree.

    Lisa- the flowers were perfect, thank you:) Even though there is still so much going on it felt good yesterday to get resume my pre-BX habit of getting myself flowers. They heal the spirit and they always make me feel so good. It is funny, when the clerk asks what the occasion is, I say me;) I forgot how that one little act did so much...small amount of money for the return in joy...if someone doesn't have the money I say go pick em! Plenty out there alongside the roads...errr, at least in Texas:)

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    you're so right, annette.dh always brings flowers. got a big bunch for the other nites folishness from him!! thanks for that bunch, lisa:as usual, you pic is beautifyl thanks for the hugs n luv, ladies..this too shall pass..the question is??when???     3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    happy friday girls...3jays
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OMG-3jays-too funny!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    3jays, we are coming!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    And she means it!! Ok, PODS, I am halfway thru the printing of photos. I am so bummed-i bought a large format printer for big photos and spent 24 hours trying to get it connected to my PC. They don't tell you that you have to buy a crapload of software from them on the internet to get the large format printer going!!! Ya get to find that out after you have spent 16 hours hooking everything up and downloading software and setting printer to default printer, yada, yada. THEN the prompts send you to the HP store concealed in the software downloads to buy the programs needed to run the freaking thing. GRRRR! Saw My surgeon Onc today and I am being referred to Duke University-TMI-so I freaked out spent the eve over the throne, throwing my guts up. I SO hate this. Tried to get some toast down-may have been a bad idea!! So, presents got sidetracked but they are on track again!! XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    OMG, I did it!! How I do not know, but it worked.  However even though I did it there are only three of my pics in my photobucket gallery so I am going to have to figure out how to get pics in there and then beware, I am going to be posting all kinds of pics.  I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!   Oh, by the way, this is George, who hangs out on my computer desk. 
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Good on you MaryBe.

    SV - you have to bite the bullet and just do it. You can, you know. Holding your cyber hand girlfriend!

    DH and I are headed to Miami Beach to visit a gal pal. We are stopping in Hollywood to visit 3jays for a bit. Then tomorrow, we are going to a barbeque in Naples where two guys Marty (DH) used to be in a band with in the early 70's will be. SHould be a cool weekend.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Sv, hope you are feeling better..once you have made up your mind

    for sure ...the doctors should listen to you..

    marybe...good for you...on your way

    barbaraA..sounds like a good weekend

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    congratulations Marybe!!!!!3jays
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    My idea of a goodlooking man!!