Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    I obviously need to work on the sizing, but what I was going to write is that this is my idea of a good looking guy..Yishay ...he is Israli and used to live in my upstairs....was looking for someone to marry to get a green card!! I can't see as where he would have much trouble myself, but he ended up going back home because he had a son there.  On him a pony tail looked really good. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

     Marybe, THAT IS MY KINDA GUY.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OH MB, I WANT ONE, OR TWO OR THREE of that due!! OK anyone finding any hard body looking for a green card sugar mum, please let me know!! Do not let them go to waste!! And Holy cow, MB, yah did it!!!! Ya got pix posted-you go girl! what a difference in getting able to look at your album and see pix. How are you doing-i was ready to send a search party out cause had not heard from you, like in the past 2 days or so!!! What is up, how are you feeling?? Well more TMI from me-those worried close your eyes-

    whatever Angus has wrong with his tummy is NOW WRONG WITH MINE. OMG the gas I started putting out last night is beyond. I was cuddled in bed and a silent one lobs out and poofs the covers up ever so slightly- I lifted the covers not sure if it was me or not as Angus was laying by the bed-My eyes begin to tear up and drip blood-yup it be me-so TV remote, book, reading glasses and covers get thrown back as I bolt out of bed looking for the fabreeze!! This is one of those times when I am so grateful noone else is in bed with me!! I get giardia very easily (once ya get a good case of it, I don't think it ever goes away) but I think it has reactivated. i took one of Angus' Flagyl and it stopped but it was back with a 'hid-de, hi-hey and a hoe' to wake me up at about 5 am this morning. Now I am too freaking old to try to run from myself and half my studio is in the bedroom on the floor while photos are being matted-so I just cannot run anywhere i want too, even if i could. Oh man, I think this will take another trip to the doc-WAAAAAA! Now, this is what I want my 'faux paux'' to look like:

    But this is what is really going on in my bedroom-thank heavens noone was around but the dogs and Angus thought he did it and gimped to the nearest corner of the room:

    And it continues to this very minute-I know TMI and those offended by the post-PLEASE, avert your eyes!! I just could not post this on FB and Barb-don't you dare or I am coming after you-cruise ship or not!! AmyJo and GD how are you both doing?? I just so wish I had a magic wand and could wave it all away. AJ, how far are you from Duke University? My cousin lives in Winston and when I get the referral to Duke, I think I might need to stay over somewhere. My surgeon/onc is one of those "oh you can do this in a day" AAANNND what planet are you living on?! Actually, not sure they can really do anything because I am refusing any cancer meds; chemo-nada. I just need someone to keep an eye on things and let me know if it comes back. I truly cannot wait for the new cancer blood test to be mainstreamed but all of the info tells me it will take another five years for that to happen-GRRR!! Love you all but I shall respect each of you right now and keep my body confined to cyberspace-teehee-Big smooches-and you gals not on the USA continent, get $$$$ ready to fly/boat/crew a sailing ship to get out here for the next whooo-haaaa!! Chrissy, I am sending you (PM) a few pics of multiple swans to see which one you like best. I need to review them anyway for focus and any other surprises!! Christine, you doing OK after surgery-are you home?? SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Oh Giardia, I got that in Haiti and used the bathroom at a young couples place. I only speak a little Creole and I couldn't understand what they were saying but I knew what they were saying. Especially when they were rolling on the floor laughing and crying. It was absolutely the worst smell ever on earth, ever! Believe me about this.

    I had wondered why your doggie was taking Flagyl, I thought, no it couldn't be. I see now it was! 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    SV - I am about an hour away from Duke if traffic is bad, otherwise it takes about 45 minutes.  You know my door is always open for you.  I have plenty of room (and lots of windows you can open;-) ) Your stories crack me up.  I was laughing so hard I statred crying and DH thougth something was wrong, he finally figured out it was because I was laughing so hard.  Love the Santa photo, I have one some place that is a lot like that one.

    SoCalLisa - the flowers are beautiful.

    Marybe - congratulations on getting the pictures posted - now you can tell me how to do it. ;-) I thought you were going to tell us the young guy was your onco.

    BarbaraA- so excited for your cruise.  Hope you have the time of your life.  Looking forward to lots of pictures.

    Connie - So glad things are finally working out for your the best for your DD even if she does not realize it yet.

    Ginger - Definately go with a female poodle.  They are so smart and so protective and do not have that too smart for their own good attitude that the males sometimes have.  I grew up with all sizes of poodles and the females have always been the best.  The standard males sometimes think they do not have to be obedient because they are know they are big enought to get their own way.  We never had that problem with the females.  The females seem to have a sense as to when to be extra gentle with people and when to be very protective of their ''people''.

    I am finally getting over the drugs from my surgery on the 6th.  I had the TEs removed and the permanent implants put in.  I am so pleased with the results.  The pain is down on the scale to about a 2.  They gave me so much Fentanyl that I was really loopy for a couple of days.  I go back for a check up with the PS on Friday morning to find out what all happened.  They tried to put in a central line because the pain medication was not going in fast enought through my port. I had told them not to do a central line, but to put and IV in my foot which is what they wound up doing after 2 different people could not get the central line in.  My neck is a little tender and my throat is sore from the breathing tube they inserted during the surgery. I think all the coughing up crud is over now.  They should have know with the asthma and the mets to the lungs a central line would be too risky.  At least everything has turned out ok so far.  Other than all of that I am doing fine.  Pain from bone mets are under control, so the new year is looking up for me so far.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening and gets to bed early so you can get the healing rest you need.  Also wishing you all a joyous day tomorrow.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh AmyJo, it sounds like you are moving toward some healing which is much needed for you!! I have been sending lots of angels your way in the hope that pain would be put under control-truly worried for you cause i want you to feel well!!! And how about the new foobs? OK, what size are they-share-share?? I fear I would need an a$$ lift to go along with any new foobs. Truly, I think that is my only choice at this point but will wait to meet with Duke team. And yeah GingerBrew, man I caught giardia for the first time when I was about 19 and running around the four corners area (Utah) and drinking out of every stream-I was so sick!! My abundant use of gin seemed to keep it in check for many years but then even that did not work. I really got whacked in Nepal and on Everest-And there was no Flagyl there!! I lived on lomotil until I was able to get to kathmandu and that was a very long time!! I have had continued bouts with it and it is very common to pick it up in the sound here now so we don't swim in the sound anymore. Angus got it from somewhere and I knew what it was but tried as I might, I could not NOT get it. So here I sit-GRRR!! Again AmyJo, I am SO glad you are doing better-i felt so badly for you when you are hurting and ill and there was nothing I could do!! You are just so incredibly stong-I wish I had half the guts that you do and MB too. And OMG-MB-HE IS SO CUTE!!! ERRGH!! Love you all-it is freezing here-i mean like a north wind blowing 40 knots and ice cold off the ocean-we had more snow today but it did not stick. XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Why are these pics coming out so big....AmyJo....I only wish he were my oncologist....I didn't even mind the sweaty pits on this guy.  Sooo glad you are pleased with the results you got with the implants, but sorry the procedure was a rough one maily due to the fact they just don't listen when we tell them things and I think we know our bodies better than they do and our history.  SV...are you telling us you are full of hot air?  I am fine, have just been tired and when I am tired have found it is good to take advantage of it and far so good with the gemzar....#2 will be on Wed.  I cannot believe all my friends accomplished today when they came and helped me clean....actually they did most of the cleaning and had me sorting through piles of crap, old mail, magazines, things from dental meetings, things I saved.....the DR and LR look like I am ready for a party...or else I should just put the place on the market and have an open house....but the BRs still need a lot of work and I am going to have to start getting rid of clothes I am never going to wear....what is it they say...if you haven't worn it for a year, get rid of it.  I bet I have things I haven't worn for three or four.  Anyway, I am just so grateful they got me I feel inspired to go on and get more done and then I am going to make Tim pay to have my rugs all cleaned since it is his dog who pees on them.  Well, I am going to run to Lowes before they close....just cannot stand the thought of having to drive that sink up to my Dad's tomorrow so it can be installed on it at Home Depot and they dont have one of those there, so I am going to see if Lowes has anything I like since they do have one of those. 

    We had a female poodle....a mini-toy....she was a great dog except she had this bad habit of chewing the crotch out of underpants if we left them in the laundry pile. 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2011
    Hey SV we can close our eyes, but holding our noses does not good!  I caught a whiff of you all the way in Arizona! UGH!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Hi all!  Yup SV I'm home again.  Got home about 6.30pm last night and very glad to do so.  I was pretty tired and slept like a log but am feeling better today.....just needed to sleep.  The waiting game will continue till Thursday when I'll get some path results.  I'm not expecting any nasty and neither is my gyno.....but....and there is always a never know.  Did you send the PM?  I haven't got it yet so I'll just be patient.   Oooooo I love your kitty pics.....couldn't help myself...I just roared laughing!!!!   My fur babies lifted their heads and looked at me as if I'd gone stark raving mad!!!!  I giggle every time they pop into my!  Marybe, you keep them pics coming girl you are doing just fine........sometimes sizes really doesn't matter....LOL!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    I am trying to post smaller pics without much success...above is George hangin out on his shelf.. in the computer room.I call this one Scary hypnotic dog!!  Hypnotic Harley
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    KAT-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA-the wind is blowing in your direction!! And MB, the cat is just the bomb-I love it!! But the dog has 'children of the corn eyes.' Wait I have to put a tinfoil hat on my head to look at your dog so he cannot read my human thoughts! SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    Texas flower
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    ChrissyB told me how to get them smaller, but it doesn't seem to be working....I will get it though, am just a slow learner. 
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Good night, Ladies.  Thank you for putting up with my photo  experimentation.  I am going to go see what is going on with FB and then it's off to bed since I am afraid I must drive to Portsmouth tomorrow to take a sink up there for the bathroom or else no work will get done on Tues. if there is nothing there to install.  Last photo came out right size, but it was just luck. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Have it delievered. I love UPS and FED EX and USPS they are my friends.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    hey ladies..what a day this has been!! anyway, barbara and Dh didn't make it to hollywood.. i'm bummed.. but the girl seems to get here enough, so , next time, for sure..AMY JO glad you're home, and with new foobs youlove!! now, heal!!!rest!!Marybe: i'm so pleased you got it! chrissy is wrong.. size does matter, but not in pics.. you'll get it. its' kuck from here on in...hope the Gemzar continues to go your note. fb wall it is..            and my friend: Chrissy..we'll tlak later. today was a tough visit..I'm so glad you're home.. myou rest, too, and let us know no nasties allowed!!  night ladies  3jays
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    Marybe - what is that purple flower called.  It is really pretty and my DH wants to know if it will grow in NC.

    SV- DH says you can come stay as long as you need to in order to get all your tests at Duke done.  You can have the whole upstairs to yourself or if you cannot manage the stair we will see about getting a roll-a-way bed downstairs for you.  I may have to put up the Christmas tree for there to be enough room, but that will not be a problem.  I have friends ready and waiting to come help me put all the decorations away.  Actually the tree is the only thing left to be put up.  The new foobs are probably around a C for whatever that is worth since bra sixes have never been standardized.  The look so much better than the TEs and they do not hurt like the TEs did.  There is still a little swelling, but that seems to be minor and is going dowm quickly and should be all gone by the end of the week.

    3jays - post on the OBX wall not mine. I will still see it, but others will not be able to see it.

    DM - how are you doing today.  I have been thinking about you a lot today.  Hope you are doing well.  Love that precious son and your DH. Love you my friend.

    BarbaraA - Still counting down the days with you for your trip.  It is getting really close. YEAH 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    AJ, So are the new foobs OK? Do you like them or too early to tell?? Thank you so much for your wonderful offer-I need to wait to hear from my docs I guess to find out what is up. I am too cold to write-spent the day in 33 degree weather trying to get unusual birdies on digital-wow I found the most amazing bird-i think it a heron or in that family-it is so well camoflaged that it looks like it came from Cabela's!! This bird is amazing-it looks prehistoric. And got pix of some poofy racoons trying to scratch a meal out of the ice!! Big Hugs to all-back to the covers-and xmas project now 3/4's of the way done-yeah!!! SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Hey everybody.  Spent a lazy Sunday today and now waiting for the big snow that's predicted.  We've turned both cars around in the driveway but don't know why I bothered with mine--never have driven on snow when I didn't end up in a ditch and not about to start now!  But we do have plenty of bread and milk, those essentials in the south, and I made a big pot of chili tonight. 

    SV, wish I could give you some of that chili  to help you get warmed up!  Can't believe your doc thinks you can go to Duke, have everything run totally smooth, and get back in the same day!  

    Marybe, I love the pics!!  You did a great job and yes indeed, THAT GUY is a pure-T hunk!  Lord have mercy!  Did you make it okay with the sink?  Hope so.

    Chrissyb, I'm so glad you're home and doing well out of the fog.  Fingers crossed for good results soon.  

    Amyjo, glad you're getting along so well after your surgery and that you like the results, too.  I guess Raleigh's preparing to be dumped on too.  The thing I worry about is ice on top of the snow. About 10 years ago that was the case and our power was out for 6 days.  Rough under any circumstances, but especially so when you live in an all-electric house with no fireplace!  It came back on  the day we stood in line at the hardware store and bought a kerosene heater--which of course never got lit!

    Annette, where in Texas is Richmond?  My dearest friend lives in Vidor, which is near Beaumont.

    3jays, love the kitty.  Hang in there, thinking of you rising from the funk.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo, the flower is a passion vine and it will grow in NC but must come inside for winter.

    3jays, I posted the gnarl-up on FB: Marty dilly dallied then we were running late, then my phone died, your number in phone and the comedy progressed. Got to Miami Beach and the dude in my friends condo was a DH (and it means what you think) and told me 'no overnight parking'. So I had a pass until 8. Well, we did a switcheroo and got the hang pass from Ben (the BF of the GF) and put it on my car. You cannot imagine my relief seeing my car this morning. I really did not want to have to deal with a tow truck company on Sunday morning.

    Then we left and drove to Naples. It was so cool seeing Marty interact with dudes he hadn't seen in 40 years. Wow, they went on and on adn I had to drag him out of there so I could get us home (a 2-1/2 hour dirve). We made it and I need to go crash. Beat after all the driving - 8-9 hours in 36 hours.

    Hugs, cathy, sorry too tired to say hey to all.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo,  I dont know the name of the flower and maybe Barb has it right.....I took the pic in TX when I went to MDA and we saw this growing outside of some winery and I thought it was so pretty......I asked the owner of the place about it and he said it grew was huge, vining up over a post like clematis do. 

    I made it to Dad's and back.....hate driving to and from in one day, but it had to be done.  I dont work tomorrow, but am having my teeth cleaned at 9,  I of all people know No dental treatment while on chemo, but I am going to risk it since I have had no problems with the mouth with any of my treatments and its just for cleaning and I need to have them cleaned as I cant stand how they feel now......I am just going to tell her to go gentle.  I would not have an ext done, but dont think having them cleaned will cause any repercussion'  Harley went with me.....I was not sure how that would go sink the bowl of the sink was in the passenger seat and that is where he rides, but I put a blanket on top of the box and he rode there just fine.  I think he liked being up high so he could see everything and then he even went to sleep.....I took a pic with the phone which I will have Tim download if it came out ok.  That little rat (the dog, not Tim) got away when I was going out to the car to help my father with something and went zooming up the street.  I am going after him as fast as I can screaming Harley, Stop.  Stay Harley! Harley, you little shit, you stop!  Harley!   He just goes charging along and doesn't move his back legs one at a time, its like he's leaping along sort of prancing the way you see lambs do in a field (like I have even seen they Isabella?)  Anyway, I could have just killed one point when he was pausing to poop, I almost got to him, but he took off before he was even finished when I got that close.  I threw the retractable leash at him and that landed with a bang, but didn-t startle him enough to make him stop.  This guy came out of nowhere and says I almost got the little guy, but he just kept going, sorry.   I saw some girl up the street and called out, Grab that dog if you can! so then she and I were both after him and finally when he was almost to the end of the street he went back toward a yard that had a fence and I got him, smacked his butt, put his leash on and he just enjoys the walk back home with me sniffing and peeing on things and walking along like this is all just part of his routine....which sadly it is.  He takes off whenever he can and one of these days he is going to get hit by a car.  When we got to the lower block where my dad lives he was coming up the street with his cane and he said he could see him til he crossed the street.....I was almost to the corner which took in two blocks.  I was winded by the whole deal plus it was freezing cold. 

    I am not sure about what is going on with the fonts here.  I changed the fish tank and my Dad and I went to Lowes and I showed him the toilet he is going to be getting.  What we are having done is the black toilet and sink are being moved to the 3rd floor bathroom and we are going to have linenwhite on the lst floor where they were.  I loved the black with the olive walls, BUT my Dad doesnt clean toilets or wipe out the sink so everytime I would go home, they would be a mess...just like having a black I  decided to solve that problem by moving the black to the 3rd floor where they wont get as much use and I also got one of those chair height toilets for the lst floor cuz my father likes those.  Then one of these days we are going to totally redo the 2nd floor bathroom which is a big mess, but of course my father thinks it is just fine.  Ron is going to be doing all this stuff on Tues and Wed and also he is going to prep the walls in that little room on the way to the attic that is going to be my computer room....I want crown molding and hes going to patch the walls so I can paint....I finally found the sage green color I want after taking a million of those little color cards home.  I have not decided what color I am going to do the main room on the 3rd floor, but the bathroom is going to be beige and I will have black and cream and beige towels.  Accesories and detail are the part I love so I will have fun with this.   When we were at Lowes looking at lights and ceiling fans, after I had explained to my father why I think we need a fan in that room I am going to paint and he was asking what was wrong with the ones I had taken down in some other rooms, I said it's the lights.....I dont like it when you can see the light bulbs so he is mulling this over, saying you dont like to see the lightbulbs.  THen he adds, Boy I remember how you mother used to be  and I can only imagine what it must be like to be married to you, must be Very difficult.  I just burst out laughing.  I can take things like that coming from my father and he is just dead serious when he says them and I get the biggest kick out of him.  Maybe I should ask Tim is he agrees.  I would try to post a pic of dear old dad, but I am on the little laptop and dont have any good pics of him in here.  For being almost 89 he is pretty with it.

    Well, good night ladies.  Hope you all had a good day.  Glad you have a fun weekend, Barb. Did you get your  snow , Ginger?

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo,  I dont know the name of the flower and maybe Barb has it right.....I took the pic in TX when I went to MDA and we saw this growing outside of some winery and I thought it was so pretty......I asked the owner of the place about it and he said it grew was huge, vining up over a post like clematis do. 

    I made it to Dad's and back.....hate driving to and from in one day, but it had to be done.  I dont work tomorrow, but am having my teeth cleaned at 9,  I of all people know No dental treatment while on chemo, but I am going to risk it since I have had no problems with the mouth with any of my treatments and its just for cleaning and I need to have them cleaned as I cant stand how they feel now......I am just going to tell her to go gentle.  I would not have an ext done, but dont think having them cleaned will cause any repercussion'  Harley went with me.....I was not sure how that would go sink the bowl of the sink was in the passenger seat and that is where he rides, but I put a blanket on top of the box and he rode there just fine.  I think he liked being up high so he could see everything and then he even went to sleep.....I took a pic with the phone which I will have Tim download if it came out ok.  That little rat (the dog, not Tim) got away when I was going out to the car to help my father with something and went zooming up the street.  I am going after him as fast as I can screaming Harley, Stop.  Stay Harley! Harley, you little shit, you stop!  Harley!   He just goes charging along and doesn't move his back legs one at a time, its like he's leaping along sort of prancing the way you see lambs do in a field (like I have even seen they Isabella?)  Anyway, I could have just killed one point when he was pausing to poop, I almost got to him, but he took off before he was even finished when I got that close.  I threw the retractable leash at him and that landed with a bang, but didn-t startle him enough to make him stop.  This guy came out of nowhere and says I almost got the little guy, but he just kept going, sorry.   I saw some girl up the street and called out, Grab that dog if you can! so then she and I were both after him and finally when he was almost to the end of the street he went back toward a yard that had a fence and I got him, smacked his butt, put his leash on and he just enjoys the walk back home with me sniffing and peeing on things and walking along like this is all just part of his routine....which sadly it is.  He takes off whenever he can and one of these days he is going to get hit by a car.  When we got to the lower block where my dad lives he was coming up the street with his cane and he said he could see him til he crossed the street.....I was almost to the corner which took in two blocks.  I was winded by the whole deal plus it was freezing cold. 

    I am not sure about what is going on with the fonts here.  I changed the fish tank and my Dad and I went to Lowes and I showed him the toilet he is going to be getting.  What we are having done is the black toilet and sink are being moved to the 3rd floor bathroom and we are going to have linenwhite on the lst floor where they were.  I loved the black with the olive walls, BUT my Dad doesnt clean toilets or wipe out the sink so everytime I would go home, they would be a mess...just like having a black I  decided to solve that problem by moving the black to the 3rd floor where they wont get as much use and I also got one of those chair height toilets for the lst floor cuz my father likes those.  Then one of these days we are going to totally redo the 2nd floor bathroom which is a big mess, but of course my father thinks it is just fine.  Ron is going to be doing all this stuff on Tues and Wed and also he is going to prep the walls in that little room on the way to the attic that is going to be my computer room....I want crown molding and hes going to patch the walls so I can paint....I finally found the sage green color I want after taking a million of those little color cards home.  I have not decided what color I am going to do the main room on the 3rd floor, but the bathroom is going to be beige and I will have black and cream and beige towels.  Accesories and detail are the part I love so I will have fun with this.   When we were at Lowes looking at lights and ceiling fans, after I had explained to my father why I think we need a fan in that room I am going to paint and he was asking what was wrong with the ones I had taken down in some other rooms, I said it's the lights.....I dont like it when you can see the light bulbs so he is mulling this over, saying you dont like to see the lightbulbs.  THen he adds, Boy I remember how you mother used to be  and I can only imagine what it must be like to be married to you, must be Very difficult.  I just burst out laughing.  I can take things like that coming from my father and he is just dead serious when he says them and I get the biggest kick out of him.  Maybe I should ask Tim is he agrees.  I would try to post a pic of dear old dad, but I am on the little laptop and dont have any good pics of him in here.  For being almost 89 he is pretty with it.

    Well, good night ladies.  Hope you all had a good day.  Glad you have a fun weekend, Barb. Did you get your  snow , Ginger?

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011

    SV - you and Angus farting - the funniest thing - my DH came up from downstairs wondering what all the laughing was about and I could only point at the screen and squeak out that he should read it.  Thanks for the stories.  I totally relate as my boy lets off doozies sometimes and clears the room.  He gives us this absolutely innocent look when we lambast him for being so indiscreet.

    And Marybe - your description of the escaped dog chase had me roaring with laughter again.

    ChrissyB - you will be pleased to have your long trip and surgery over.  Best wishes for good result tomorrow.

    AmyJo - so glad to hear you are back on pain meds and are feeling human again and recovering so quickly.  I agree with Barbara, the flower is a passionfruit flower.  They grow outside year round here.

    Barbara -  arrrggghhh - it is getting close now - I am so excited for you!   Love all the dresses you picked but still like the blue, black and white one the best. 

    3jays - sorry to hear life is throwing more challenges your way but great you share here so we can walk along with you when the bad times come.

    Hi Isabella, Kathy, Ginger, Lisa, Kat and anyone else who is keeping up with the pod.

    RE the price of petrol - SV said it was $3.30 per gallon I presume.  When I did the conversion from litres to gallons and NZ$ to US$ we are paying $5.90 per gallon!  Would love to be paying $3.30!!! 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2011

    Regarding all the talk of toilets.  When we had to get a new one for our old house we went to Home Depot.  They have names for their toilets.  My real name is Kathryn and they had a toilet named Kathryn (even spelled my way).  My husband pretended he was going to buy it while I protested I don't want anyone to crap in anything named "Kathryn".  We were both laughing.  Fortunately that Kathryn was over $600 way above our budget.  This was 5 years ago and in California, the Home Depot in Arizona where we live now still carries the Kathryn and my husband keeps teasing me he needs to buy one to pee in!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Kat, that totally cracked me up! Rae, I am getting pretty excited. I go get the dresses today then the valet comes Wednesday to ship the luggage to the ship. So cool that we don't have to deal with customs.

    MaryBe, your story about Harley was a riot. I can just see you running all around after him.

    Everyone have a good week this week.

  • Gratefulone
    Gratefulone Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2011
    Thank you to those who responded about hot/cold flashes.  They are definitely interrupting my sleep and I'll ask my doc for possible help when I see her this week.  
       Today I go to the plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction.  I wonder what others have chosen, and how you feel about it.  I'm 63 yrs old and will need one breast removed.  Do I want one perky false breast along side the rather droopy original?  I don't know.  I'm not that well endowed - just a B cup- maybe a prosthetic breast will work.  I'd appreciate any feedback.  Thank you all and blessings all.  
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2011

    Gratefulone - We are the same age and I had to make that decision about reconstruction after a single mastectomy too. I decided not to decide, which means no reconstruction for now. I'm really not all that fond of having surgery.  Instead, I wear one of a few knitted prosthesies that are light, quite comfortable and cost nothing (since my daughter does the knitting). That storebought rubbery one is heavy, sweaty and does not conform to my particular shape. I can send you a link to the knitting pattern if you like.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Grateful...easiest way I found was a double mast. I go round the house flat, and feel fine. Wear foobs when I go put. All is even, no one side perky, one side droopy.

    I have to admit I avoid looking at myself in the mirror, as no boobs isn't a pretty sight, but the alternative ??.....I would feel much worse if I were lopsided. You just adjust to anything really.
