Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Marybe, one thing I want to do this year is learn how to post pictures here, so eventually I'll post a picture of Bud.  He's our 2nd bagel and has the shorter ears of a beagle, but the long body and extremely short legs of a bassett, with turned out web feet.  All in all,  a rather strange looking little creature!  Our other one, Dixie, had the long basset ears and a shorter body than Bud.


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    Barbara- what time do I meet you at the dock? I trust my cabin will be to my liking? hahaha- you will have ablast, I haven't been to Puerto Rico in years but it was lucky little duck- have a wonderful time "representing" and relaxing:)

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    Isabella- you scare me as you sound like me in the shower- god forbid I relax and enjoy the warmth-instead of cleaning my soul, I make sure the shower door is sparkly. I am sticking to the tub! (not literally- it's clean as well!)

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    we already love you mscal- although our individual stories might be different, it is like something 3jays said to me- sistahs of a different mother...I have laughed more tonight catching up on task is- reading completly through and then posting one long repsonse instead of mutliples...I WANT STROMBOLI

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    hey all; firstg MARYBE: i am so proud to see every pic you have to show us!! Chrissy B gets all the credit. the bus would never run all of "them" over, without her help!! SV how many of us will it take to tell you till you slow the blankety blank down?? get that heated blanket, and eat grapes girl!! Angus needs his mommy calm and in bed till his surgery!! hope you start feeling better.

        I'm getting nervous . gort the PET scan approved. im praying i'm right, and the pain is from surgeries and infections, not my liver. we'll know soon.. here's for a dance with NED!!!have a great trip Barbara! i'm so excited for you,, and it'll be nice sunny and WARM!!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Welcome MSCAL02. I missed your introduction. Sorry about that. This is a great group of ladies even if Isabella keeps calling us elderly. Hah!  

    I noticed when I was in England that the bathrooms had independent heaters. That may be encouraging Isabella to have three showers in a day. I wish I had one here when I first get in. When I get out I am always overheated and soort of faint unless I shower in barely warm water. Doc thinks I may need somesort ofCorisol  test after all is done.  I haven't even been researching that yet.

    I have another new concern. My husband had a ASP test and got a 3.8 on it and a referral to a urologist for prostate biopsy. He is only 53 and usually healthy. This is something I have no experience with except I think it is less lethal than breast cancer. Last week on one of the boards we were talking about being afraid our husbands would die or get sick or that something else "bad" would happen in our lives. I didn't feel so much the same way. RIght now I knw what they are afraid of and I was just oblivious too. 

    I love the Harley stories and SV doggy farts are a riot. 

    Laters all


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Well girls, first of all thanks for all the kind supportive words over the last few days.  You will all be pleased to know that the path came back all clear.....absolutely nothing abnormal.  The only thing abnormal at the moment is the continual cramp I have.......hopefully it will settle down over the next twentyfour hours and if it doesn't, I have to drive back to the city again on Friday so I can get checked out.  If it's not one thing it's another........most unusual.  Will keep you informed re Friday if neccessary.  Have a great day all!

    Oh!  where is my mind?  Welcome Mscal!  Hope you enjoy the reparté here!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    3jays, ((((HUGS)))))). The MRI will be just fine, I know it!!

    MB, Mmmmmm stroboli! Looks fabulous and now I am hungry for Italian! Pets are sweet when they aren't driving you insane.

    Mscal, we are a wacky group but are a lot of fun.

    SV - you WILL stay in the bed. Then you WILL go to the doctor.

    Ginger - prayers going up for DH. Hoping for a B9 result!

    Chrissy - YAY! Always a relief to get a B9 anything.

    Annette - the cruise is in 10 days and here is the suite.

    So Gals, the dresses are in the garment bag along with DH's tux, suit and two sport jackets. The thing weighs 41 LBS!! Then the suitcase weighs 47!!! I can't really lift them but DH took them to the door for the valet dude. So we will have small carryons for essentials but no schlepping HEAVY luggage through customs. YAY! Can't wait!!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    OMG, Barb!  I took the virtual are going to get lost in that place.  One too many drinks and you won't find your way back from the bathroom.  It is lovely and you are going to have such a great time and I can't wait to hear all about the food, that being my thing you know.  I take pics of food in restaruants which may just lead me to another picture post.  Oh, Kathy, you can learn to post took me a Looooooong time, but I am a slow learner.  lst thing I had to do was put my pics in photobucket.  Now I must go take Harley for a walk before the rest of the crew gets up.  Chrissy, so happy the path report was negative...maybe the pain is just from the surgery, think?   Cheri,    I am saying prayers for your liver, but I will tell you's been in mine for a long time and it doesn't seem to be causing me any problems, no pain and function is still good. 

    I am going to see my friend Cyndi today since we both have appts with Dr.Cody, but she goes every Wed.and now I am every other.  She gets herceptin and I don't know what else, but she is one who has been doing non stop chemo for years and years....she's got the constant tearing, has lymphedema in both arms and wears the sleeves, has neuropathy, has no insurance, husband just lost his job and they are living with someone because they lost their house, YET she NEVER complains, always says Oh well, what can you do? It will get better.   I feel so petty with my complaints when I see this woman.  Since I am off tomorrow I am going to go pick her up and we are going to go eat Indian food which we both like and if she will allow me to, I think I would like to take her shopping and get her some cuddle duds cuz the guy they live with keeps the thermostat at about 58o.  What was that show?, The Naked City would start out "There are hundreds of stories in the Naked City...this is just one of them" or something along those lines.  My memory is not what it used to be, but I am telling you I have met some people who have been to H and back and some of them are still there and it makes me feel blessed.  Well, gotta go check on my brownies....the brownies are for the patients, the stromboli for the staff. 

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    Here is a nice picture of food that I took when we were in CA, at Michael someone's restaurant from the food network which oddly enough is a channel I do not watch. 
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    boy mb, that is the first time I saw french fries at a Mexican place..

    but I will have some stromboli...Italian food is my favorite

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    Marybe, thanks for that. i changed, having brain MRI this fri. and then PET scan. Dr. got nervousw/ my falling, and switched the order.. who knows.. i just had my 1st cup of coffee today, no caffeine for 24 hrs before pet.. i miss that, when i have to have them!! i wish i could "buck up" and be much more like your friend, MB.. i hope she lets you get her "snugglies" everyone needs to be spoiled, once in awhile.. the food pictures did it. Mur came in, and we made plans for italinan, in a few..

    MSCAL102 welcome!! i meant to say hello last night.. we're crazy, but lovable, and that's what counts. we try to keep track of each other here. Speaking of which; GINGERBREW.. my DH #'s were off too. they found only a slightly enlarged prostrate, nothing to be concerned cancer wise. his T count is way down, thats' why he's tired all the time. i'll be sending prayers off that your DH is fine. 

       Chrissy; where are you in relation to the floods?? the pics are awful here in the states. the 1st thing i did when my internet got on was to make sure you guys were on. Rainzz scared me, but she cked in today, just busy busy.. hope you all continue to be fine. am prayig for your countrymen,it looks to be rough going..       3jays

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    BarbA- ok, now I know where I am staying, when is the valet coming to get MY luggage?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Thanks 3Jays,

    My husband got his appointment at the urologist and told them his psa is 3.8 and he had an unevenly enlarged prostate. The appointment person put him in for MARCH 31st He is going to call his doctor tomorrow to see if this is standard when you need a biopsy or does he need to go somewhere else?It makes me kind of crazy to think we will need to worry about this for 2 1/2 months!  Ai yi yi!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    gingerbrew..I sure would try to get an earlier appt for your Dh

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    I am so sorry-I am so bad-I hate white coats!! SO I took a little detour today-this is for the gals (and everyone else) who visited the OBX and saw the wild horses. I found a little gang today!!

    Just another roll in the hay!!! That is for Barb! I have another one but it might be too indiscret to post-the stallions are getting feisty already!! Honestly if I feel like i am staying down and resting I feel like I am dying or something-I just hate it!! Big Smooshy kisses, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Barbara, all I can say is WOW!!  Yall are gonna have a ball!

     Wonderful news Chrissyb!   Even though you said you weren't too worried, it still had to be a relief.Hope you can find out the cause of the cramping. And 3jays, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you on Friday, a few prayers too.

    Marybe, your pica are great but you have to quit making us hungry!! Now, I want some stromboli and brownies and DH and I are just about starved from our post Christmas diet.  (Not really starved, I guess, just trying to eat more sensibly.  I just hate that word, sensibly, especially when a new Dairy Queen has opened up in Monroe.  It's good I finished the radiation tx, since it's right across the street from where I went every day.

    SV, hope you will feel better and at least got warmed up.  We actually saw some sun today, although temps stayed around freezing, and I finally got OUT.  Gonna be in the teens again tonight (alert to the weather gods from us here in NC--enough already!) so anything wet on the roads will re-freeze.  School is closed tomorrow again but surely will reopen Friday.  They're off Monday anyhow for my birthday.  (They say for the MLK Holiday but I can say it's for my birthday too!)

    SV, what a beautiful horse photo--thanks for posting it.  I can only speak for me, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing a pic of a randy stallion!  

    Marybe, you're so kind to want to help Cyndi and I hope she lets you.  What a series of troubles she's had to cope with in addition to the BC. I don't understand why some of the best people in the world have to endure so much.

    Annette, Vidor is about 80 miles from Houston as I remember. I was down there one August and it was the hottest, muggiest place I've ever been to!  


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    stillvertical THAT PICTURE ROCKS!

    Kathy- Vidor unfortunately had a horrible incident several years back involved with a horrific murder which causes many to still speed through the town on the interstate as fast as possible...

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Oh, I think Cyndi will allow me to help her so long as I don't overdo it.  I talked to her today at teatment for not for long since it was taking everyone forever to get back into the treatment room because of all that up front payment crap and preauthorization with ins even if you got the exact same treatment last week and it was approved then....then when I got back there the payment had not been posted and until they saw a green line in the treatment room they would not even mix the meds.  I was chafing at the bit since it was 12:55 and I still wasn't hooked up and told them I HAD to be at work at 1:30 which was the truth.  So I passed out brownies to patients and just felt so good doing that....I think I am going to start doing that more....usually my stuff just gets eaten up by the staff, but I gave them the stromboli whiTim's birthday cakech got rave reviews...I asked what I could make that would last longer cuz they just gobble everything up and suggested lasagne and they jumped on that one so I have a huge pan and will make that in two weeks.  The volunteer for the day always goes around with a basket and hands out chex mix and candy or some sort of a snack, but I think they really appreciated the home made brownies. This one lady said No thanks, I can't taste sweets and I said Oh, don't worry it will come back, mine did.  So she smiled and asked if she could just smell them and she did and went ahhh.  I really felt I was making some people feel a little better.  I am like my grandmother in that respect. think of food as sort of a cureall. 

     I have been eating like a pig....didn't have time for lunch by the time I got out of there so ate one of my own brownies, then had some stromboli when I got home and some cheese and potato chips and I am just starving.  This can't keep up....think I will go back to WW next week because unless I am accountable to that scale I just wont do it....then I will start posting some healthy food pics....I am a good healthy cook, but there is a lot to be said for real butter.

    Oh, wasn't a Mexican was Botegga or Bogetta, I forget which, the day we went to Yountville when we were in CA.....the French Laundry is there (which was closed for renovations, but we would not have eaten there anyway at their prices) and there were all kinds of good restaurants there and a really nice bakery. 

    SV, I am glad the horse was rolling in the hay....I was afraid he was dead. 

    Kathy,    I will make a birthday cake in your honor.   This was Tim's ukulele birthday cake....the strings were pretty crooked, but he liked it. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    QCA Dairyqueen!!!!!!!!!!

    SV Love the photo of the wild horse rolling on his back.  I wonder why theuir hooves aren 't all messed up like a domesticated horses would be if no one saw to them?  shhhh I saw a randy zebra once, oh my goodness......

     Barbara I am so excited for you!. I love that the ship is rather intimate in size. I took the virtual tour and it all looks so nice. Even the smaller cabins look spacious to me.  I have never gone on a cruise, I am afraid I would get sea sick. I have done scopolamine when daysailing on sailboats but still hang out on deck most of the time. My poor husband would have to charter a boat for a few days plus a cabin for the same days. It worked out but was sort of sad. I did find that the bigger the boat we chartered the less I was nauseous. 

     3Jays What is a T count?  My husbands regular doc is closed today so DH will call him tomorrow. I am trying not to get right in te middle of this but I have to think that 2 1/2 months is a really long time to wait to see the urologists. SCCA where I go has 15 docs related to prostate cancer on staff and do the group consultation like they did with me for breast cancer. If he doesnt get a good response I think I will encourage him to go to SCCA. I would feel more comfortable.  I love the Radiologist I am working with up at Evergreen Hospital but he works with Breast Cancer. Maybe I could look for a referral from him for DH too.  I am just worried about him. He is a super smart guy, quiet, thoughtful, focused on things intellectual. He is not a party guy but has many interests when he can be dragged away from work. He is one of those guys who studies anything whatsoever he is about to undertake. Well. except for instructions to assemble household items. Then he is some sort of Neanderthal. Same with driving instructions. He just seems so innocent about illness and I hate for him to need to becomeschooled in the way we all have been. I think yo all will understand exactly what I mean here.

    Love you all, each and every one of  you so much. 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    I just heard from my college classmate who lives in Toowoomba Australia near Brisbane...

    ".  Roads are still closed and the range crossing from Brisbane is still closed to all but emergency vehicles.  Therefore no supply trucks are getting through.  Woolies has run out of flour and can't bake their own bread, so raced down to IGA and they had baked some but it wouldn't have lasted.  No eggs or chicken or milk anywhere.   Murphy's Creek down the range was devastated and they have yet to discover the total effect - a tow truck driver I talked to this morning said (after he had some sleep) he was heading down to Murphy's Creek and they were expecting to find a number of bodies.   I can do without eggs and chicken, and I always stock up with milk when the long life Devondale is on special, so I have no problems there.  I managed to find Kitty Litter and toilet paper. I am very very fortunate."

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Ginger,  you mentiioned DQ and I forgot Kathy had mentioned one opening near her earlier.  There was this kid at WW and I mean he was a kid, his mom had to drive him to meetings....anyway after the meeting each week he would go blow his total extra points on a blizzard at DQ....he said it was worth every point.  One week he did something different and ate a bowl of cookie dough or maybe it was cake batter....I used to get a real laugh at the stories he told and thought he should be commended for making an effort to change so early in life.  They always say you are supposed to be changing your eating habits for life, but it doesn't work that way for me....I have the same 10 lbs I have taken off and put back on at least a dozen times....right now I have been putting it back on since Thanksgiving and it is so much more fun that the taking it off part.  My favorite ice cream is peppermint stick which United Dairy Farmers puts out at Xmas time.....I had to look at three, but found some and bought a carton this past week. 

    2 1/2 months does seem a long time to wait....although I think most prostate cancers are slow growing, however it is a long time for the person waiting for the appointment, gives you too much time to worry and think about it. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh yeah, GingerB, Man he (the horse) stood up and it was nearly dragging on the ground-like I am showing off all of the bells and whistles to the ladies. When I was a tour guide for the wild horse tours there was a donkey in the gang-he loved peanut-butter crackers-so the thing for the tourists was to feed him the crackers. I was with this lady and her young daughters and the donkey dropped his 'schlong' out-OMG it was the biggest thing I have ever seen.The woman literally screamed and grabbed her daughters and ran for the SUV. With me following saying "Don't worry, he's just happy to see you!" Needless to say I got no tip money-teehee!!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Ah ha.....we now know there is truth to the statement Hung like a horse. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Oh, what a vision, Marybe!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    My inebriated, pot head, asshole husband had left poor little Harley outside with the dog door closed and it is probably about 20o out there......I just went downstairs and asked Where is Harley? and he said I don't know, isn't he in here and I said No,he's not and he said well, he must be outside and I said Great! and he says well, I didn't know he was out there  so I stomped off, opened up the garage door and he came running in and jumped all over me.  It's no wonder the poor little dog has trembling issues and has to take xanax. Tonight I am not sure if it is one of his little fits or if he is half going to take him to bed now and cuddle with him and put him under the covers.  I have said it before and I will say it again, one of my biggest fears is what is going to happen to the pets when I am gone?  I really worry about that. 

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2011

    Gingerbrew, that urologist can't be the only one around.  I would go to another one if you can't get in sooner.  Nothing may be wrong but if there is you want treatment as soon as possible.  If everything is OK you don't need to spend 2 1/2 months worrying.  Sometimes if your primary care doctor calls the specialist's office will push up the appointment.  Sometimes receptionists are not too bright.  When I broke my hand (diagnosed and splinted in ER) the receptionist offered me an appointment 6 weeks ahead.  By then it would have healed in the wrong position.  I made an appointment "all the way at the other office" and the receptionist kept saying "are you sure you want to drive all the way there just because they can see you this week?"  All the way there was just 8 miles away!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    don't know where everyone is tonite.. even Barbara is missing, and she's packed and its' gone already.. she's huddled up in bed somewhere, its' so cold for US here.. i don't know HOW you guys can deal with the cold!! it kills me, the MS and LE start warning me a day before.. stiff, and swollen.. speaking of that SV; you got me rolling here, laughing in the dead quiet while DH sleeps lie a baby.. my internet is still wonky. they just can't to get it striaght.. think they're going to have to re wire the condo sat when the come. it's the 5th time they've been here. YESTERDAY was the 4th, and its wonky again tonite grrrr.. GINGERBREW: the t count is the testerone count. i forget what its' suppossed to be, we'll say 150, and Murs was 50... he was dx with narcolepsy, he was sooo tired. the urlogist says that alone could cause all the problems, including the psa count. its' difficult to treat; but it beats any kind of cancer!! if i were you, i'd try to get another dr. if you can. we found the premeire Dr. here thru Gildas' club; he SPECIALIZES in prostrate cancer, and we only had to wait 2 wks. i don't know if you have ins. but if you do, fid another one. its' a reg. appt., and that lag times' awfully long... LISA SOCAL.. i had no idea yu guys were snowed in so badly.. glad you can get some stock for your pantrys.. i feelreally blessed not to have to deal with all the snow all of you have.. MARYBE,, i don't know if i can get my email going tonite.. but i wanted to tell you i loved the pics of Sydney..and the stories had me wetting my pants laughing so hard.. the cabin is gorgeous. if i can travel; it looks like a perfect place!!and your cooking will be very appreciated, from me, for sure... gonna look at some other threads, till the computer conks out again, and im pretty sure it will!        stay warm, ladies... 3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011


    The woman who is living in our IL house had a Golden Retriever that was old and needed medical care. We had provided it until we moved, it was really expensive, she had cancer. Then my friend realized she could not care for her dog so she contacted a Golden Retirever Rescue and they found a foster home for her dog and promised to pay for her medical care.  This is one solution and if you find a rescue then they can work with you over time for the best out come. My little dog is a rescue and I tell you these ladies are dedicated to their mission. Me, I am not a pet rescue person but I respect their work very much. I think we each have a call of some sort and the call to help animals is important and says alot about who we are as a people.The one I work with in Iowa is Fluffy Butts Rescue Resort. The work with all sizes of dogs but started out as a Yorkie Rescue. They might know some people to connect you with.

    I hope this idea eases your mind. Our bond to our pets is so strong that I think it makes very good sense  to plan for them. Pet rescues that know a pets history can do an excellent job of placing them. 

    When I worked with homeless families placement of pets was a huge concern for families coming into program where no pets were allowed. There are angels all around us though. I was frrustrated and beside myself, a family had a Rottweiler and could not find a place for him. I had actually called all over the country to find a place, literally. No luck. Then when I got home after dark I walked across the street to talk with a neighbor, I told her my delemma and she immediately replied, "I can do it!" She took the Rottweiller for two years and even brought him for family visits to a local park. Wasn't she and angel? I sure thought so. 

    I feel a little nervous posting this because it is such a sensitive subject for all of us. I hope I have not caused any pain. 

    Love Ginger

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2011

    SoCalLisa, my youngest son is in Toowoomba, he is a psychologist working for a charity network called Lifeline. He spent last week in a small town called St George which was flooded and arrived in T'woomba on Monday just in time for the 'Tsunami' to hit his town. So instead of coming home to rest, he has had to work twice as hard.

    So much of the state of Queensland is under water it is easier to row a boat than drive anywhere. I needed some fresh Yeast to bake some bread today and couldn't find any in the major chain stores.  Finally found some in a little store on the south-side which we had to drive about ten miles around  the long way to as our own river is flooded here and we are cut off from all major transport.  When the waters subside, there will be great big holes in the bitumen w/ huge holes gouged out by the water trying to find its way to the sea. Whole cars could disappear into the ravines left behind.
