Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Hi all...I am off to do my volunteer stuff at the Library this afternoon

    but I just wanted to say I had a single mastectomy nine years ago

    with the option of having recon..but I didn't ..

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011

    Gratefulone - I was younger, 52 at diagnosis, and for many reasons chose bmx (one side prophylactic) with immediate recon. I was a D cup and didn't like the idea of being lopsided and I felt prothesis wouldn't suit my active lifestyle.  Immediate recon made for a longer first surgery but because of the type of recon I had I only needed one small surgery to finish the job. Recon does involve a longer recovery and more discomfort and the possibility of infection is high and there are all sorts of other potential problems associated with the process but everything went smoothly for me and I am happy with the result.  They are nothing like the originals and there is a lot of scarring but they give me shape under clothes and that is really all I wanted.  Please feel free to Private message me if you would like any more information (click on my name at the top left of my post and then click on 'Send member a private message' on the top right of the page)

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    It is so cold out today, I was out in the wind almost 3 hours this morning, and inside again as quickly as I could to get round the fire. I just could not get warm, even sat inches from my log burner, so locked up and went back to bed at 1pm, the only place I could keep warm today, but quickly had to go back downstairs and unplug the phone, it was going bananas, and no way was I answering it ! Warm as toast back in bed, 2 little dogs tucked in with me, listening to the radio all afternoon ! Lazy or what ? Got up when I heard the central heating spring into life at 4.30. Theres a lot to be said for hibernation.

    I was at a childrens birthday party yesterday, in a very cold draughty pub, and I don't think I have got over it yet ! My G/daughter was 2, we had quite a big 'do', 51 small children running wild. I have no idea at all where DD collected them up from, but it was tantrum alley at home time. I was trying to help clear away, and match the right coat to the right child...phew...hard work. Was so glad to get back into the peace and quiet of my house again. It was sooo funny watching most all of these little tots dancing on the dance floor. DD had set up some music, and flashing disco lights, and the little ones went wild, all in their party room for any adults who might have wanted to join in. I remember when my children had parties, it was half a dozen friends and a birthday cake....but they still had fun.

    I think my garden birds are feeling the cold, they have suddenly started to eat and eat, I put them fat balls out into feeders once a week usually, now they're empty after 3 days. They're either hungry, or have spread the word about my fat balls. In our local paper last week, a woman had been stopped feeding her birds, threatened with a fine if she continued because she was 'attracting vermin' when the newspaper went to photograph her birdtable, all it could muster was 6 little birds !!

    DD has asked me to have G/Daughter for 4 days in 3 weeks. I don't know if I will cope...1 day is hard work when its so cold. I just cannot leave G/dau in the house alone for any length of time, and she will be frozen silly outside every day. If I didn't have to work I would be in heaven having her for that length of time. DD is going skiing for a w/end. I still don't know what is going on with her affair, she tells me absolutely nothing...G/sons relay me ! they are monitoring her FB , and emails....and say things seem to be cooling off, I certainly hope so....but just anything can happen with DD. I know if I were up to something on FB I certainly wouldn't want my sons watching what I was doing !!

    Right, back off to my warm bed now, my heating will click off in 6 mins. and all will start to go cold again. It is driving me mad having to be careful with the heating, its never been a big issue before the oil prices all went mad, had it on nearly all the 24 hours, now I am rationing it to 8 hours on an evening ! Luckily have 3 log burners around the house, but they are work, can't just flick a switch there. Ash to clean out, fires to light, and logs to carry inside constantly.

    Planning a sewing day tomorrow, new curtains and matching headboard to cover. I usually look forwards to a new project, but this time it feels like a chore....maybe I am just getting too long in the tooth to set about sewing projects !! Got G/son to fetch me a machine downstairs tonight,and will be sewing in the warmth of the kitchen tomorrow afternoon.


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    AJ- COngrats on the implants- that is great:) 

    QCA- Richmond is just a bit outside of Houston (Yee HAW!)

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi I am new to responding to the site but not to reading the posts. I am 58 years old. I was diagnosed 2009 with IDC ,had a right breast mastectomy and now am contemplating a DIEP reconstruction.I live in Memphis, TN. I am looking for someone that has had the surgery in my age group.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011
    Welcome mscal02.  Sorry can't help with the DIEP as I had implant recon but hopefully someone will come along soon and help with your question.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh MB, I am laughing hysterically at the antics Harley perpetrated on you and you know he loved every minute of it. i can just see you launching items at him and screaming at him all the way down the road. That picture is stuck in my head and it is just too funny!! i wonder how many neighbors got a gander at that little circus!! Don't you just go berserk (well you did) when puppies think you are out to play and join in their little romp down the road about 300 feet ahead of you and there is nothing you can do but scream and throw things at them!! That is just too funny. And Barb-wow you are almost onboard ship-you are going to have a blast and look like the queen doing it!! how cool is that? AmyJo,I am SO glad you are back on pain meds and can at least function-upward from here!! How are the new Foobs?((((3jays))) love you and hang in there. How are you doing Chrissy B? I hope recovery is going OK!! I am exhausted tonight-the cold outside is really beginning to wear on me and we are supposed to get snow tonight. Just love you all and thinking of you though I am not getting everyone's name it tonight!! Waiting for GD to return to her old rambunctious self and get back on the Board!! Blessings to all, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Hi SV, yes, thank you, healing well I think.  Had a few cramps today, maybe I did a bit too much so I'll just stop again.  Thursday is the day I get results of path but as I said earlier, not expecting anything bad so I'm not particularly worried.  The recovery this time is a little longer that when I was younger perhaps it's because everything is not a supple as it once was.........Oh the joys of aging!....not!  Take care all, chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Welcome mscal, had a lumpectomy so I can't help but someone will be along.

    Isabella, I hear you about cold. I shouldn't whine but when the high is 50 in FL, we are freezing. Interesting DD seems to be unaware that her son could be tracking the affair on FB. Is she delusional?

    SV - sorry you are cold, too. The OBX is having a LOT of snow this year.

    Chrissy, glad you are on the mend. Yes, recovery time is a lot longer than it used to be.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    hey ladies. my internet has been on the fritz for a few days.. IMMMM BACKKK! the whole time i was thinking about SV and the dog having a farting contest.. my kids got quite good at that when they were young!!hope BOTH of you feel better, soon.

     Barbara a : sorry we missed you guys. hoped you might make it sunday; but i know its way easier to go straight up from Naples. the way you get around; i'm sure we'll have another shot AFTER your glorious cruise. we're expecting wonderful pics!!its' great your husband got warmed up socially..he'll have a blast with you on the cruise, I'm sure!! enjoy!! i gots lots of emails to send out, and let everyone know i'm ok. a few days offline, they think i'm back in the hospital' which i wasn't thank you God!!   see ya soon!!! 3jays

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    MsCal-ohh I missed your post-welcome to the gang!! SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    mscal, welcome to being here. You'll find someone soon who can match your stats. Jump on in and tell us about yourself.

    SV. How are you after your sudden change of condition ?? Just take it easy out this weather stalking birdies in all that water. You gotta slow down and remember your age !

    Marybe. I was laughing away to myself about your pantomime with Harley...wish I'd been there to see it. I'm glad my dogs just don't get out of my garden. I have the garden, and a paddock at the side of the garden dogproofed. They can get out and wander round, but very rarely do, prefering to stay in the house by the fire. Even in summer they just lay on the stone slabs at the side of the house baking themselves !

    Chrissy, pleased you're going along fine...take care of yourself. You have all the good weather at the moment, take advantage of it.

    I have had 2 showers today trying to warm myself up, it isn't really so cold, when you're out of the wind, but the wind is vicious at the moment, and I have been out in it all morning, wherever I have been working I have been in the full blast of the icy wind.....roll on summer.

    I did a bit of extra work today so that I can go to the sales tomorrow straight after breakfast, I feel like shopping, at least its inside. I don't really want much but I'm sure I shall find something that takes my eye.

    Right off for my 3rd shower today ....I spend half the time I'm in the shower cleaning the glass and polishing the tiles...quite often the water will start to slow down, and I have to hurry up and get washed before it runs out, as I am so engrossed in day I shall slip and fall in there .


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    it is going to freeze here in Texas-that is downright unamerican!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    the sun was shining and it was seventy today so I took a stroll

    around Old Town this morning

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Lovely Lisa and Isabella and Annette, Freezing is what I am but in 11 days I am in San Juan on a trip.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Boy is it ever cold here!! And we were royally slammed by snow Sunday night and Monday, about 5-6 inches.  Then Monday afternoon it was sleet and freezing rain well into the night, so we're enclosed in ice now.  Schools are closed again tomorrow, and I really doubt they'll open this week unless maybe Friday.  Not predicted to get above freezing until then.  I am going stark raving mad being cooped up inside!  You really can't walk on the ice when even the birds are skating around on the deck.  Don't know about the Outer Banks, SV, but I'm pretty sure we got a lot more here than Raleigh got, Amyjo. 

    I thought about you and Harley today Marybe, when I let Bud The Dog out without a leash.  He's a bagel (half bassett half beagle) and  usually goes wild when he realizes he's not attached to something, but once he took a couple of steps today and began to literally glide (not a graceful glide,either) he had second thoughts about trying anything!  Very willingly came back in, too.

    MsCal, welcome to this little group!  Good to have you.  Barbara, YAY--not much longer either!

    Hey 3jays!  Glad you got back on and hope all is getting better for you.  Hug.

    Lisa, just beautiful.  Right now, I'm SO envious of your 70 degrees, too.  Amyjo and Chrissyb, glad all is continuing to go well for you.  And Isabella, you must be the cleanest person (and have the cleanest shower) I've known!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Kathy just wanted to give you a big (((HUG))).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Now Lisa, that post is just plain mean!! here I sit in double thermals and even that is not working-going to crawl into bed. Annette, you cracked me up-this weather is downright unAmerican!! Isabella, I'd live in the shower but it is too freaking cold to take my clothes off!! I thin only QCA knows my pain-we just don't get this weather in NC, apparently noone told the weather gods. Cousin in Winston says all of the roads have turned to ice and they had to cancel a party tonight-they live in the historic district a to die for home they remodeled themselves!! The place is so tremendous tho I do not know how they heat it-they have close to seven or eight fireplaces. BRRRRRR! XXOO SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    SV, I hear you!! I have to go take a nice shower before bed and I need to get the room heated up to at least 80 so when I get out I don't die.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi All

    After breast surgery I thought no more surgery for me I am too old,but as of latey I have decided that I don't want to be laying on a cold slab when the time comes with the undertaker plucking at my one breast.(you know I here they have some freaks in these funeral homes) This is one of the things on my bucket list now, and it is to have reconstruction. My husband only laughs. He doesn't care about me only having one breast. He is just glad that I am alive and doing good.This is my second marriage of 18 years.I have 9 children altogether. Five of my own and four that came with the package.Just had my fourth great grand on Sunday.I am very blessed to still be alive and feel as well as I do.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Good evening ladies,  I have stromboli in the oven....have never made it, but know I like it and thought it might be nice to take something other than sweets into the office staff when I go for my appointment tomorrow. I cheated and didn't make my own dough....bought that pizza dough in a plastic bag that they sell at Trader Joe's. I really don't think I am having an SEs at all with the gemzar...I do have a cough and was blowing out some blood today, but it's a small wonder since the receptionist at the one office has been hacking for two weeks....don't feel bad or have a sore throat so am sure it's not a cold (my colds always start out with a sore throat).  I am still constipated and was hoping that would go away once I went off the navelbine, but maybe this is just going to be a chronic deal and all I have to do is take SennaS.  I am going to be off work on Thurs and Friday....had planned on going to Portsmouth on Thurs to go to a play with my father, Fiddler on the Roof, but since I have to be back here on Sat for a wedding decided not to try to do too many things and get worn out.  Plus I am on a cleaning jag now that my friends got me started on Sat. so I want to try to get more done.....I cannot tell you how much better I feel.  I could see things piling up, but I just could not make myself do anything about it....wasn't even opening mail and that can be dangerous.....we threw aways bags and bags of paper and junk and I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.  Now I need to get started on my closets which have clothes in them that I have not worn for years, but I am just terrible about hanging on to things....think Oh, I might wear that, or oh, I really liked that outfit or If I would just take off a few lbs I could wear that again....problem is even if I did take off a few pounds, what looked good then does not look good now and if there is one thing I do not want to be is an old lady who dresses like her daughter's generation. 

       Harley is laughable when you aren't chasing him down the street.  When we first got him , got him off of Craig's list, the people who had him said they were getting rid of him because he ran away all the time and they were afraid he was going to get killed.  I thught yeh, right, there has to be more to the story and I really thought they got him to breed and that he had turned out not to be such a good Silky.  He's got scrawny legs and sort of has a little hump in his back and he really isn't the quality silky my Sydney was....but he does have papers and Sydney did not.  Anyway, I think they were telling the truth....he just loves to run away.  When he goes to the dog park, he doesn't play with other dogs, he spends the entire time walking the perimeter of the fence looking for a hole.  We had the entire back yard fenced in, but durned if he didn't figure out he could go under the fence in this one spot so we had to put boards and plactic down there.  One Thanksgiving we thought he had escaped and were looking all over for him and he had his head stuck in the fence and couldn't get it out.  He's a crazy little dog.  I took him to school, but it didn't help much....he only comes if he wants to come...he knows how to sit and stay has always been one command that he would respond to, but not when he's on the run....that is why I am always screaming Stay..Harley Stay!  when he takes off.  My Dad has this brick wall that goes around the porch and we put a big piece of lattice across the porch where the steps come up which he has not figured out he could easily jump over, but I had him out on the porch while I was hanging up a wreath on the door and looked around and there was Harley up on the wall looking down like he was getting ready to jump.  He can't be trusted.  Sydney used to wander off, sometimes would take  himself for a walk on the route we would go, but I always knew he would come back....with this little guy, I don't even know if he knows where he lives for sure.  He's a loving little guy and I am sure he is happy here, but he sure does love to run away and the would probably go with any one.  On the drive back from my Dad's he decided he wanted to be on my lap and he ended up sleeping sort of sitting up with his paw and head on my how can I stay mad at a sweet little guy like that? 

    I talked to Ron this evening and he said there was a problem with the black sink, but to trust him, its going to look good.....this sort of has me worried, but I guess it is too large for that small bathroom on the 3rd floor so I am not sure what he is doing to make it work.  I do trust him though....he just about rebuilt my entire house when we were together.  I thought it was fate when I met him since I had never had a boyfriend who would so much as change a lightbulb before him...and the weird thing is I didn't even know he knew how to do anything, I thought he was a zookeeper when he told me he worked at the zoo..didn't know he built their exhibits.  But we didn't get along.....truth be told, I think I was just meant to live alone....with a few pets to keep me company.  Even my father told me he thought it would be very difficult to be married to me just this past weekend when we were looking at light fixtures....that had me in a fit of laughter at Lowes.  Only deal ol Dad can say things like that to me and get away with it.

     So Barb, they are coming for your luggage tomorrow.  I just hope you have the most wonderful time ever.  And for heaven sakes don't take your phone and computer with you....use the computer on the ship, but don't take yours....that way they can't be bugging you all the time about work or have you making conference calls the way they did when we went to the OBX. 

    Glad you are on the mend Chrissy and Amyjo.  SV, Calm do too much and are up an down like a YoYo....get a nice electric blanket and rest with the boys....when is his knee surgery?  Kathy, Can you post a pic of Bud....I would like to see a bagel.  Isabella, Happy shopping.  3jays...I will be forever indebted for you talking me through the posting process....although probably people will wish you hadn't before too long.....I don't get beautiful shots like your Lisa.   Sleep tight everyone.   I have a cat sleeping right here in a grocery box, a dog on my foot and another one in front of the heat vent snoring away.....think they are trying to give me a hint and guess I better sleep while I can because tomorrow I get the steroids.....whoo whooo, should get a lot of stuff done on Thursday. 

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    Here is the finished product. 
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    I may just have to sample it before going to bed.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Cheri, You have created a monster!   This is the view from my Uncle Bill's lake house in Shell Knob Mo which is on Table Rock Lake....I think we should have a reunion here....Miss Kitty might even join us since she is not far from there.  

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    There is a place called the loading dock that we can go to for lunch via boat....ducks for you photo buffs to take pics of
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    This is my last post tonight....I am going to be to bed and dream about future reunions.  This is the Pizza Hut dock.  The house will sleep at least 10, but is not plush like the house in the OBX, BUT the price is right (free) and there is a lot of stuff to do close by and it is beautiful in the summer and fall. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    MB, how awesome and I think that Harley is part rat-the stromboli looks incredible-though I have no idea what it is and I am SO THRILLED that you are feeling better. MSCal you just so belong here!! OMG-what a hoot-I did a lot of hospice work on the hospital floor and part of the job was bagging the bodies and taking them to the morgue-you have NO idea!! I know TMI-going to doc tomorrow-I feel awful and my urine is completely clear. I am drinking about 10 gallons of water a day and cannot stop I am so thirsty and I can't quit peeing-so worried that means 1) water poisening or 2) diabetes!! Good God-going nighty nite now. And Barb, your toes will be toasty soon very soon. And you better take all of your gizmos on the trip or we won't be able to bug you!! XXOO, SV

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    You know we have to keep belly laughing in order to survive. Laughter makes the heart merry. We are all going through something.But in order to get to we will have to go through.Breast cancer is not fun but we all could be in so much worse shape. I am thankful to still have a sense of humor. I intend to just keep moving and keep laughing until I can't anymore.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    mscal,  I am sorry I did not respond to your post or say are right, laughter is the best medicine.  I am always seeing people who are in far worse shape than I am when I go for my fact I have had it easy compared to most....and I do thank my lucky stars that I still feel good and am able to do things.  Re you surgery...I think there is a thread on the boards that is all about reconstruction.  I myself had immediate reconstruction with tissue the time I did not have enough belly fat....Wow, that was a long time ago.  Now I have enough to make at least three boobs. 

    I have no idea why I am not sleepy tonight...wish I was. 

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    If I had known you could have gotten some of mine I have plenty