Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Ginger,   How sweet of you to take time to post about my concerns with the pets, when you have problems of your own and husband's to worry about.  That is what I love about this board and this thread.....we all take time to give each other support.  Well, Ok,maybe I don't always, but that is because I just sometimes get way too wrapped up in my old little world and don't take time to read all the posts and then forget what I read.  Right now, Harley is camped out on the kitchen floor lying there with his back legs spread straight back in front of the hot air register probably still trying to get warm from last night.  Tim will come into the kitchen looking like Ebenezer Scroog with his hair all over the place because he doesn't sleep with his hair in a pony tail, will sit down on his stool and hold him head while his coffee brews and no doubt flip that durn tv on to the weather channel or CNN and won't watch it, but will turn it up loud enough to disturb me.  The room that I call my computer room and is also the cat's domain used to be a breakfast nook so the two areas connect.  If he remembers he will ask, How's Harley?....if he doesn't I am not going to bring it up becasue I don't want to start my lst day of vacation off like that.  I honestly feel like I am having a vacation just because I have today and tomorrow off. but we never work past 1 on Fridays's just the idea of not having to shower and get into a uniform and go to work that has me excited because I have a list and do hope to get some things accomplished.  I am going to clean up this room, I am going to finish the bath room (got sink, toilet and tub done last night) I am going to make chili and vegetable soup because it is soup weather and I am going to finally get the stuff together to apply for a new passport.  Oh, and I must also try on clothes in an attempt to find something to wear to that wedding I am going to Sat night. 

    I like that name Fluffy Butts....made me smile.  I talked to someone at a Corgi rescue when my friend and I first found Hope....but in the meantime she was here for a week and we had her defleaed and she seemed to like being with our dogs and she just sort of became our dog.  Tim was the one who actually wanted to keep her and he does love animals, the problem is his idea of care and my idea of care are two different things.  He will feed them, (doesn't always do too great on the water) and he will sometimes even change George's litter box, but when it comes to giving Harley his pill or taking them for walks or watching to see that they are not getting into things they should not be in, he just doesn't do it.  And it's because he is in the Ozone each and every day starting at around 4:00....what he does while I am at work, I don't know, but it isn't cleaning....oh I know, he does laundry with all the colors mixed in with the whites so I tell him to leave my  uniforms alone.  Sorry, guess I am a capital B, but I was just way to set in my ways to get into a marriage like this.....however I do have good insurance so must keep telling myself that.  Today I am going to find out from my friend Cyndi, just exactly how difficult it is to be completely without any sort of insurance at all.....Maybe you don't have any at all, either SV, guess I am not totally clear on that since I know you do see a Dr.  All I know about Cyndi is that they weren't going to treat her at Dr.Cody's, but did make some sort of an arrangement, her husband is looking for a job, her son lives with someone else so he can finish HS where he was and the guy She and her husband live with won't turn the heat up over 58o which is why I gave her the electric blanket.  Oh, that is something else I am going to do today...apply for a new 0% interest credit card so I can put my trip to the oncologist's office on it.  I did that last year also, but was not aware of the fact they don't take discover and that's what it was....they only take Visa and MC....not even Am Ex where I could get miles.  I have enough miles to go around the world,,,,have been saving them for years and if I don't use them soon with the way the airlines are having problems and the economy is if I don't do something with them soon, I am afraid they just may end up being worth gotta get that passport. 

    George is sitting here staring at me...guess he wants to be scratched.  I did not want a cat, but he needed a home and I have found him to be a wonderful cat....he talks( well you know responds when I say things to him)  and he actually does things when I tell him to like get up here on your blanket George, get in the box George.  I am thinking maybe he is a reincarnated dog because if they aren't around he will follow me around the way a dog does.  Or maybe all cats are like that and I just wasn't around them. 

    Well, gals, I must go so as not to waste my day.  I agree with everyone about getting a sooner appt.  I know when I see my opthalmologist tomorrow he is not going to be happy that they made me wait so long for an appt when I called up and told them I thought I was going blind....weird thing is my vision has improved so I just can't use the glasses I have to drive or walk around, but I am thinking it is from chemo.   I know a lot of you have not done chemo and fear it, but other than that one really bad one I was doing (or at least it was bad for me, others seem to have done OK on it), I have done three other ones now that really have not messed me up much at all...and face it, I am Stage lV so I sort of figure this is going to be my life from here on in and if we can keep the cancer at bay and keep me able to do things and still enjoy life, I say, Bring it on.  But I do feel bad about my neck (Norah Ephron....if you haven't read that book yet, is a scream).  Later, to you all.    Marybe

    PS....just read your post praying for all you ladies and your families Down Under. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Hi girls, thanks for asking, but I'm safe.  I live in South Australia and the flooding is in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.  I am, unfortunately, back in the city.  The cramps have not passed so I have to see the gyno tomorrow at 9am.  Hopefully he will be able to give me some answers.....maybe?  I'm a bit tired tonight after the 300 mile drive in pouring rain all the way......way too much concentration needed and it's left me ready for early bed.  Hope you are all doing okay!  Love Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Sheila and Chrissy, I am praying for you and your countrymen. What a terrible tragedy.

    Ginger, my ex-DH was right there with yours re: assembling things. He just would start putting it together then end up having to read the directions and disassemble it. Meanwhile my DH now didn't even own a screwdriver when I met him. He had ordered a new TV and stand and one evening, I arrived at his house. He had the 'deer in the headlights' look. I asked what was wrong and he pointed at a big box containing the TV stand. So the next night, I brought my toolbox and put it together. Men.

    SV - LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic. So glad you didn't post one of his ...ahem.... TMI.

    3jays - so glad you are back online, sort of. I am praying for you that your tests a B9. You will be fine we just need to find out what's up and hopefully it's something simple like a sinus infection.

    MaryBe - 'inebriated, pothead, asshole husband' you crack me up! Yes, you are the food queen! Stromboli...yum...lasagna...YUM!

    Kathy, the thought of ice cream when the highs are 50 here makes me put on another pair of socks. I am such a wuss. 3jays and I are totally on the same page. Once you get used to the FL heat, when you don't have it, you really suffer.

    So my company is having a 'retreat'. Said retreat requires me to give up a weekend for the privilege of attending. Hmmm. No opting out either. The only way I could have was to have scheduled my crusie the same weekend. So we have about 300 people working for the company and 14 offices from LA to Boston. The entire company is descending on the Sheraton Sand Key report. It's a pretty nice hotel about 10 miles up the beach from where I live. I tried to get out of staying at the hotel and just drive home but no...gotta stay there. Yell I am NOT a person who enjoys being forced to do something and it makes me very crotchety. Hope I can keep my mouth shut and avoid getting fired.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    Barbara, When DH and I married I had to teach him how to hold a hammer and what a phillips screwdriver is.  Now--44 years later--he still isn't a handyman but he can do some simple repairs and assemble almost any purchase as long as I read the directions.  Just don't let him look at them. He is a brilliant man with excellent reading comprehension except for directions for assemble.  One look at them and he gets confused.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Barb my husband has had to do things likke that far too often. Drives me nuts but I try not to say too much because he cant do any more about it than you can. One company he was at wanted to start a sales meeting on Mothers Day. The actually called it off after I am sure every single guy got it from all the women in his family. Not really more than a couple women at that company then that would have gone.  There used to be some respect for families  from companies but not that I can see now.

    One time they were all surprised by going out on a huge sailing yacht in San Francisco Bay. There was near rebellion, what nimrods to surprise people with something that required proper foot wear and can also make a good number of people sick.  My husband liked it, he loves to sail but others were really p'oed.

    For me, my most annoying "activity"  was a "voluntary" Meyers Briggs test with "voluntary" public disclosure of the scores. Not a team player if you don't play with the team, right? I still feel that sort of activity is an intrusion on personal privacy and individuals feel compelled to "go along."  Old hippie here. 

     I am worried about my husband, I hope he can get an earlier appointment. Still up, I will sleep tonight.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    ERRGH,I just got my labs back this morning and AGAIN I have no Vitamin D-so back on prescription Vitamin D-what the heck causes that-I mean I have certainly been out in the sun-just bundled to the max!! I knew it was something like that but everyone kept telling me (docs) that it doesn't happen twice like this-and apparently it has!! I haven't had coffe yet or read everyone's posts and OK I just might sneak in the "Hung horsey pic" just so us old gals can have a trip down memory lane-but might get booted off the site by the Oral Roberts faction!! Love you all, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OMG, a whole different page posted when my post came up!! SO maybe not the full monty!! And MB, is you DH still a pothead-like for real?? Or has he reclined to the simple alcoholic version of himself? XXOO SV

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    SV-you are sooo bad!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    I know and I am trying to be so good-nah-ain't gonna happen. OK, I am truly exhausted and SO CLOSE to sending everyone their pix. I am one of those OCD who cannot do one thing at a time. The project has to be done then all sent-but the Vit D thing has knocked me down again physically-so project has slowed toward the end of getting them in the mailing packages (already bought) and putting addresses on them. My poor Angus is giving me the Vulcan death stare right now!! Mommy decdied that maybe we could make his hind leg with the torn ACL better for now by wrapping it first in paper tape then in a mini-ace-bandage-he is like-what the heck have you done to me!! Oh no!!! He is not chewing on anything but he is not a happy camper. SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Awww. SV, poor baby. Hey Suz! Haven't seen ya around!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    So Dave decides to go along with some hunting buddies today and they are somewhere in the backwoods in Carova (notice they did not take ME) up the beach from Corolla on the soundside. And they dress him in camoflauge and sit him on a freaking game trail (unbeknownst to him) and he is sitting there being really quiet and something hits him on the back of the head-he thought it a bear so he peed in his camo suit (scared him to death) and turn to find a wild horse-it knocked him over into the bushes cause it was headed to get water. When he fell into the bushes four little baby wild boars ran out in all directions and he says he is laying there laughing outloud until he realized that if there are baby boars, there HAS to be a big MaMMa boar around. So he hightails it back to the truck!!! That was his big day-we get really stupid in the south when it gets this cold!! XXOOO, SV I haven't looked at anybody's posts-I am so sorry-I keep falling asleep and can barely get this typed-yes I do have DR. appt tomorrow cause i am still peeing completely clear water and not drinking water cause i thought maybe I was just water logged-I drink gallons a day!! But back to Gatorade! And I still have diarreah!! oh JOY oh JOY! SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

     I am falling asleep as I write tonight,just dead reason, I just cannot get myself together at all. My Dr changed my painkillers last week, after years of telling me she "was giving me the strongest she could". She lied. I had a real 'go' at her about my pain levels, and she switched tablets, but warned me I would  probably feel exhausted. I have gone a whole week, with no effects at all, and no effect on the pain either ! Suddenly this deadly tiredness has hit me, and all I want to do is sleep.... I presume it is the pain meds.

    I got myself up early this morning, was sat in my pj's swigging coffee 'til 9.30......would have stayed sat there all day if I didn't have to work.  On Tuesday I found one of my pet geese dead, mauled by a fox, so was feeling fed up with myself, and not wanting to go out to work. Freddie, my goose, was one of 2 DH brought home one Christmas for Christmas Dinner....that was 15 or so years ago, I would not let him kill them, and they have been toddling around the farm for years now. George, the remaining one is very upset, he is making very funny chirping noises, and wandering around looking silly. He is very bad on his feet, arthritis I think, I would have thought he would have gone first, in this latest bad weather, but , no, Freddie got it. When they were young I used to have to go out armed with a broom, because they both would fly at me and peck me if they could...some thanks for saving their lives ! I have locked up George in a cattle yard, where he can walk freely, but can't get out into the farmyard and get eaten.

    I just have no energy to go back and read, I am falling asleep sat here, so must get upstairs before I fall onto my pc.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Awww, Isabella, I am so sorry about your goose. Geese aren't great eating anyway.  You just need to get some rest. Sleep tight!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh Lordy Isabella, you cannot leave the one goose alone-he will die of a broke heart!! Hey, was there enough left of Freddie to get a good meal out of-just kidding. And hon, pain is overwhelmingly exhausting plus you do more than I do and I can barely keep up with me. What the heck did she give you for pain killers??? I know when I started to get my pain under control, I slept for weeks-I was so exhausted from the fibromyalgia and arthritis. ARe you getting no pain relief at all??? I worry about you gal! Big Hugs, SV

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    Isabella, I'm sorry about the loss of Fred.  And you need to try and get enough rest.  You do so much.  Is your GS still helping?  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    SV is right, Isabella, geese bond and you need to get another one.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    So sorry to hear abuot Freddie, Isabella. After 15 years, it is hard to lose a pet goose.. And you poor dear need to get a bit of rest. 



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    i don't know what is going on, but all the posts from my phone are not posting anymore.  So I will try to remember what all I have sent.

    SV - My doc says that lack of Vit D for me was due largely to not getting enought rest and not eating on any kind of routine schedule.  He gave me the prescription for Vit D and added D3 and told me to get rest and try to eat at least somewhat healthy on a regular schedule.  I try but a lifetime of habits are hard to change.  I read you are coming to Duke Feb 1.  Let me know where you will be and I can meet you someplace.  Hope you can at least stop by the house for a visit.  You are welcome to spend the night or as much time as you need to take care of all the medical appointments. 

    Marybe - I love the pictures of the cabin in the woods and think that would be a great place for our next reunion.  Lets set a date that we can all plan for.  

    BarbaraA - so wish I could sneak on the cruise with you.  I have been asking my DH to take me on a cruise for years and as of yet we have not done it.  Have enough fun for me too.  Will be looking for lots of pictures when you get back.

    I am having a rough day and tomorrow I go for my lab results, and to the PS to check on the healing from my surgery last Thursday, and then to the onco to get my Aredia treatment.  I am off to bed where it is warm and let my DH take care of me. 

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Isabella,  So sorry about Freddie....we had pet ducks we got for Easter one year and gave them to someone who had a farm when they got big.  They thought my mother was their mother...they would follow her around in the back yard and when she was hanging up laundry if I plane or something would make a noise to scare them they would come quacking up to her and try to stand under her. Yes do get another goose to keep the lone one company...maybe two since if he is in bad shape, then the new one would be all along.

     Maybe sleeping will help your pain....sometimes it helps my back just to rest. Hope you feel better soon and posting of your adventures.

    SV,  You wild woman you.  Hope you get some answers soon and the Vit D helps.....get yourself to Duke and take AmyJo up on your offer.....Oh Amy, am so glad you think Uncle Bill's looks nice.  The whole time I was there last time I was thinking, this would be a great place for a bunch of women to come to.....we would not have our own bathrooms like we did in Duck however, tsk tsk.  Hope tomorrow is not too rough on you and you get a good report.  Maybe you should ask about that new bone med....just a simple injection, called Xgeva....I had no SEs with it whatsoever.   

    How many days, hours and mins til take off, Barb?  Not that you are counting.   

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2011

    Marybe Re the credit card your doctor's office won't take,  If the credit card company sends you checks, you can write out a check on the bill goes on your credit card.  DH and I have done that in a pinch.

    Sheila and Chrissy I have you in my thoughts and hope you and your families get out from under water soon.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo, I will let you know-I really want to see my cousin in Winston so might stay there-even though it is an hour from Duke. Thank you so much for the offer and if you are feeling OK, i would love to hookup regardless!! OK, now who is Uncle Bill and repost a pix of the place-where is it-I missed all of this news-too busy writing about my own problems!! So that is the story on Vitamin D-crap!! Not getting enuf rest and not eating right-crap! I am speechless. And OK PODS, THE PHOTOS ARE DONE and most are in packages to be mailed out. Too tired tonight to post the list I have to make sure i did not leave anyone out-but will do before I send stuff-like tomorrow. And I have posted this everywhere-the scientists have changed the zodiac signs-EGADS-EGADS!! like for real-it is on the news-there are now 13 signs due to the tilt of the earth. So I was born a Gemini and now I am supposedly a Taurus-OHHHHHH, I THINK NOT!! Craig Fergusen is doing a stchick on it now. The world really is coming to an end!! ARRGH! Grab your foobs gals!! Big Hugs, SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    When I was born we had 48 states, and 9 planets. Now we have 8 planets and 50 states. My brain doesn't have enough room for the Zodiac unless it tries to tell me I am actually a Cancer instead of a Gemini. :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    GB-you are a Cancer-how wierd!! Is Cancer the sign before Gemini?? SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Nope, Gemini is the sign before Cancer.  I am June 20th. Back in the day I knew people who were all over this Zodiac and Astrology business. I am not into it but I was certainly surrounded by it. I  prefer axioms such as, "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."  Fits really nicely with all the twelve steps, one day at a time. 

    Are you serious though? Someone changed the Zodiac? Who would be in charge of it? I am teasing here but it is sort of funnty to think of a U.S. Bureau of Astrological Measures.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    How odd. SV I googled the astrological chart change and couldn't find anything. I was born on Jan 31 so since I am right in the middle, I suspect I stay an Aquarius.

    AJ - prayers going up a warm, gentle hugs for you!

    Ging - I'm with you one this:

    "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    GingerB-yeah-it is for real-it is all over the news here and not a joke-the scientists changed the astrological chart cause apparently the earth has tilted so much-so they invented a new sign to go with it. We now have a 13th sign-now what does that do to Leap Year? Oh the world is coming to an end and I am so not ready. ARRGH-I need coffee-I just opened my peepers and I cannot wrap my pitiful brain around this one. My whole world order is supposed to change now- Aren't Taurus's supposed to be responsible, dependable, decision makers......OH no this is just to much. My Dad is  Taurus and he is a narcissistic sociopath-devoid of any empathy for others. Oh what a world....what a world!!! XXOO, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Hey SV!  Don't panic too much about being a Taurus, my DD1 is a Taurus and is the most empathetic, loving, caring giving person you could ever meet.  I'm not being biased here, that's the description I get of her from other people.  There are a lot of factors that influence your zodiac signs.  By the way, what did they call the thirteenth sign?

    Well all, I have seen the gyno and have found out I have an infection so I'm now on two anti-biotics Doxycycline and Metronidazole.  Had a pelvic US to make sure there was nothing else causing me pain and that has come back all!  My DD2 has also had a scare and has had a mamo, US and fine needle biopsy.  She only told me yesterday that this had been done earlier in the week but thank goodness I was with her when her doc rang to give her results straight away and they were all B9!  As you can imagine, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  I also chastised her for not telling me earlier!  Little minx!  (she's 38)

    The water in Queensland has started to recede and the clean up has begun for some.  It truly is a mess up there and I really don't envy the chore that lays ahead for all those affected.  Unfortunately, as the water leaves one place it begins to cause havoc in another so towns that are situated south of the present affected parts are now bracing for their turn.  It seems to be never ending.  The weather here is so changeable and unpredictable at the moment it truly is not following our normal summer pattern.  Even here where I live the patterns are crazy!  Yesterday, I drove to the city in pouring rain the whole way, today driving home there was not a cloud to be seen.  I am hearing that the weather patterns are also crazy in the States.....snow where it never snows etc.

    Take care all and try and stay warm!


  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2011


    I've been wondering about you with all the flooding.  It's horrific over there.  We've had our share of terrible weather, but it's so hard to believe what we're seeing on TV.  Glad you are not in the middle of it.  I wasn't sure where you live.

    As for Colorado, we've had a very mild winter so far, but we usually get most of our snow March to April, so it's still coming.

    Glad you are safe and dry!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Thanks Lane.  I live in the southern end of the middle if that makes  The floods are on the eastern side of the country and on the western side, there are fires.  Totally one extreme to another and I'm in the middle.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Chrissy, I am so thrilled about everybody's tests-including yours and the infection. Now that is treatable. Hooray!! And test on DD2 are B9 how great is that!! I had no idea Queensland flooded-is that usual for it to be that bad?? Here on the OBX, we just got to see some of the first pix last night on CNN. Another flood somewhere with dramatic rescues took the lead so not much info on you Aussies. We just figure you all can make a boat out of a Swiss Army Knife-I mean Steve Irwin and all!!! You won't get flooded will you?? SV