Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Where I live, it is a rare thing indeed to have a flood.  It has happened a couple of times over the last two hundred years and according to the history records the last time was about a hundred years ago.  Even if it did flood here, my house would be high and dry as it is situated on a pretty steep hill.  The creek that runs on the opposite side of the road would have to rise about sixty feet before it would come any where near me so I think I'm pretty safe over all.  I think the other flood you were referring to is the one in Brazil.

    The last time that the floods were this bad in Queensland was in 1974.  They were fairly wide spread then just as they are to answer your question is it usual? no, not really, particularly in the areas that are affected this time.  There are areas at the top of Queensland around Cairns and Townsville and further north that flood each year during the wet season but that doesn't do damage like this flood has done and the water comes up and goes down in a matter of hours not days.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Aquarius here too. My DD is mad on astrology....maybe thats why she is a maverick !  She's into seances, and goes for private sittings too, tries to persuade me to go, but I think its mumbo jumbo.

    She has just bought another trike (3 wheeled motorbike) goodness knows why, she wears the full leathers and bandanas...I absolutely dread her driving here, and people in the village knowing she belongs to me !!!!!! I banned her from doing just this...but...did she listen ...NO she did not ! It was 2 years ago, but if the weather stays fine I can quite expect her anytime soon....she will have forgotten my warning .


  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Chrissy, So glad it was an infection that can be cleared up with antibiotics....I think that one med will make you pee orange, but I may be mistaken.  Isabella, you must post some pics....I want to see your daughter in her leather and the sheep and the cows, and YOU....   I am at the office, not really working today, but told a friend I would clean her teeth and she has not yet arrived.  I was trying on clothes this AM for the wedding I have to go to tomorrow....nothing fits.  I think I could write a book on gaining weight.  I took Harley to the groomer this AM,  Tim saw me leave and I told him where I was going....then when I was getting ready to come here he asks me Where's Harley?  I replied with the question, Where's Harley?  Tim don't you remember, I took  him to be groomed and he's going to be there til 2:00?  Oh, I forgot.  I tell you the man has worse than chemo brain!!!   Well, better go....she's here.  SV, I will post some MO pics again later.  It would be a great place for us all to go.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Forgot to say DD has 3    T.H.R.E.E   trikes now. Three trikes/one backside !!! Same as  her 4 horses /one backside...she is into too many of everything !!!!

    Marybe, sounds like a very bad case of 'chemo' brain !!!!!! Have a nice wedding.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Chrissy - what a relief for you and your daughter! And so glad you're high and dry!

    3jays - hope everything goes well at your doctor's appointment today! ((HUGS))

    Barbara - have a great trip! Can't wait to see the pics!

    SV - hilarious about Dave sitting in the middle of the trail! Yes, when southerners get bored, we get stupidly creative! Sounded like a good idea at the time, right?

    MB - didn't read too far back in the thread, but I hope your doctor has found a good medicine for you and it's not causing you too much trouble in the way of SEs!

    5 days after the snowstorm, we are still essentially snowed in here. Today we will try to venture out for the first time since Sunday. The back roads and neighborhoods are still packed with inches of ice because the snow plows, etc., have been trying to keep the main roads and expressways clear. They cannot stay on top of it because it refreezes every night. So I figure we have about a 3-hour window in our shady, hilly neighborhood if that. It is still only 38 degrees and I doubt if much sun has hit our mountainside-like street to melt very much of this thick ice. But, since the cats are out of food and they will drive you crazy if you haven't fed them, leaving our snowed-in home has become a necessity! Besides, my son has to figure out how to navigate these roads if he's going to make it to his classes Monday - which he is!

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

     Hi Ladies. Thanks for the welcomes! I have been searching the other topics trying to find out about the DIEP reconstruction. I made an appointment with the PS here in Memphis for the 25th. I don't this he has very much experience in this type of surgery but I will find out when I give him the third degree. If he has not done alot of these,I will have to pass and go out of town. His secretary says oh yeah and you will be able to talk to his patients also. I not just going to talk, I want to see their new girls and their scars.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Isabella-just have to have pix of the bike and the DD and the bandana-now come on, you must have a little four wheeler that you drive around the farm!! And yeah H&S, Dave does really stupid things when he is bored-get this, he doesn't even hunt. he just wanted to see RV's new gazillion dollar house in Carova called Wild Horse-Look up "Wild Horse" Carova house to see a picture of the place-it is obscene-has 23 bedrooms, I think!! Too bad RV is such a wanker-where do these guys get this kind of money?!! Close 'friend' Wes, caters weddings and such there-this is the upper crust of the AA group here on the OBX-to which neither David nor I belong-they won't let us in their club!!! We are too uncool! So Dave jumped at the chance when an offer was made. RV must own one of the old ten acre plots up there cause he said they had to hike thru swamp to get to the game area near the sound-either that or they sat Dave on a game trail and left him alone just to get rid of him. What I want to know is what the heck they were after cause i think the season is over on birds-not sure. Knowing them-shooting fish in the sound would occupy their time!! RV's property runs from the ocean to the sound!!! Oh to be that rich! And MesCal, I did some reading on that surgery too-apparently it is being touted as the new gold standard in reconstruction. I do not know anyone who has had it though. Good luck on your first visit and MAKE SURE this guy knows what he is doing!! I am truly thinking about it myself-everytime I lie down my boobs end up under my armpits!! God, they used to be so perky and never moved anywhere unless ordered!! XXOO, SV

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2011

    SV Thanks! I am a Taurus.  I like my assignment or whatever you call it on the Chinese astrological calendar.  There according to the reliable source of restaurant placemats I am a Horse.  I guess that is better than a rat!


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    I have decided that if they can change the astrological charts I can change all of our diagnoses to B9!

    Kat- I am right with ya, the placemats never lie...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Kat and Anne-HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! Yeah, gotta find a placemat or maybe google the Chinese charts. My Gemini twins are losing it!! OK we're happy now-we looked up the chinese zodiac and I am a dragon!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Well I've taken the dare and checked my Chinese Zodiac as well.  Mmmmmm......I am a Hare!....Well at least I'm soft and cuddly!  Question?   How can I reconcile being a Sagitarian and all that entails with also being a Hare?    I wouldn't have thought that the two could actually function together.........Aha!....Light bulb moment here.........they don't!!!!   That explains why I'm always chasing myself!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    I checked mine, too, out of curiousity and I am a dragon also. No wonder we get along SV!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    i had to have my modem unplugged all night, but it did work this morn. for how long, i do 't know.. comcast is rewiring today. this has been 4 modems, 2 routers, six visits, and days onend w/out internet! im done

    ISABELLA please take care of yourself. you work too damrened hard, thats' a large part of it. murray keeps asking me why you don't have someone full time to help you.. is the gf/gs the problem? her age REALLY is a problem. i know your Dear grandson does help. i think he'll be the one to carry on for you, if and when it gets to be too big for you.. i wish you could get that back surgery done, dear heart..SV girl, you area peice of work!! am loving the rolling horse, the story of poor Dave brightened up my morning. its' been miserable last night haven't slept a wink, internet off. my legs aren't working under me at all right now. such spasms, using the walker in the house, which i never have to resort to: but.. My MRI was suppossed to be yesterday. I got good and loaded on Lorazapam, to get into the tube w/ my claustophobia.. then, they tell me it broke! I have to try again next tues.. we are NOT amused!! i guess it was for the best. my legs would be worse, if i had lain in the tube.. looking for a siver lining here,

       sending hugs and prayers out to you, Chrissy B... hope the obgyn can get to the bottom of this. GINGER that didn't upset me, and i do get upset when i think of all the pets getting left behind.. but, they're ARE angels out there!! i used to be able to foster dogd, and kids, did both in my life. Now, i can barely take care of me, and my two babies.. MARYBE i love the place you're talking about. the pix were gorg! i don't know about me travelling, but we'll see when we all figure it out..

          night, ladies, gotta go soak these old knees in hot water again. meds are in 2 more hrs!! i love you all, not said lightly. you'll never know how much it means to this old gal for the love and support i get here.. HELL, my own kids are jsut sick of me and my sicknesses, and pretty much don't want to know me.. i'm so lucky to have you all....            3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    3jays, the problems were caused by an infection so I'm on two aunty-B's so I'm sure, given another day or two I'll begin to start feeling myself........oops......I mean feeling like myself.  I'm not doing too much, just relaxing as the weather here is Hot! Hot! Hot! and I hate, hate, hate the heat!  Talking about moden/routers, my DH has the desk top computer and his modem decided to crash a few weeks ago but I had to wait until I had time when I was in the city to buy a new one for him and that was accomplished while I was there last week.  Today, I managed to get the energy to go and install and set it up for him.  Mind you he had said that it didn't matter to him that he couldn't get I told him tonight that he was once again able to access the net, he promptly disappeared after dinner and I found him downstairs on the net catching up on his music.  I just laughed at much for not caring if he could get on line or not!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Chrissy, My not at all D husband lives in front of his computer..he is either listening to music fullblast or on the ukulele underground and sometimes FB, but he posts under the dog's name not his own.....Now is that weird or not?!?!  Anyway, I lost contact here for a few mins...was typing a response to you 3jays and the screen just went totally blank so of course lost it all and had to reboot.  Sometimes I  hate these machines, but then think of how wonderful it is I can keep in contact with my friends all over the place, even in Europe and Greece and Australia.  Oh, I sent an email to the handsome Israeli whom I posted pics of just to see how he is doing....he wrote back Dear Beloved....that was something else he had a sense of humor....anyway he just returned from working in Spain and is with his girlfriend (the same one he had before, older and a psychologist I think...she was always telling him to grow up) and son by her, Zohar and he said he has finally had a breakthrough and is happy to be where he is in life and he recommended a book for me to read which I will check out.  Anyway, what I was writing before the computer went black was to you, 3jays and I was saying it is your children who are missing it.  I had a great mother, she was always looking out for my best interest, but I avoided my parents like the plague until I went to work in Switzerland for 3 yrs and although it was a great experience and I got to travel all over, it was my parents that I was really homesick for.  I got to be really good friends with my mother after I came back and will always cherish the time we had together.  I remember one time after we had done some crazy antic and were laughing ( I think it was when the highway patrolman had stopped and told us we were not allowed to cut the flowers we were gathering at the side of the road for one of her projects which she most likely never finished) away and I told her that the only reason I would even want a child would be so I could have a good time with him(her) the way she and I did.  Mama was 73 when she died of pneumonia complications brought on by her lymphoma....a shame because she still had a lot of life left in her.  Anyway, hopefully your children will realize that they are missing out by not spending more time with you and allowing you to spend more time with the GS.  Maybe it is denial on their part or maybe they just don't know how to deal with an illness they can do nothing about.  Who knows....people just don't all think the same way which is what makes us unique and the world so interesting.  

    I am thrilled several of you have shown an interest in Uncle Bill's.   You have been there 3jays?  I think MO is an overlooked state.  The wine I have not found to be very good, but there are all sorts of wineries where you can go for tastings and outlets for walnut bowls and beautiful scenery and I just find it to be a charming vacation get away. This past summer I checked out some little restaurants I read about in a magazine and they were wonderful....places my cousins and Uncle had never even been to.  I have taken many friends out there with me and they all call him Uncle Bill.....he now lives in a retirement community, but turned the  house over to the boys and I am so happy they did decided to keep it.( only one actually lives in Springfield, the other two are hours away)   I am going to post some more pics after I get them out of the little laptop and into photobucket which seems to be the only way I can post on here. 

    The steroids are not exactly working like they usually do....I did have lots of energy, but found I was able to sleep if I tried and last night since they had worn off, I went to bed at 8 something, got up around 1 to let the dogs out and then slept until about 7:30 so that was a lot of sleep for me.  However, I have been eating like a pig even without the aid of steroids so the fact they made me really hungry is NOT a good thing.  I have just sort of been having a little party with food ever since I went to Florida the beginning of Nov and it hasn't stopped.....I mean whatever I wanted and was within reach I have been eating. Chocolate marshmallow Santas, Reeses peanut butter trees, home made Chex mix, stromboli (I am going to make more, it was so good). whatever sounded good, I would go for.  No more counting points and looking at fiber grams like I was doing on WW.   Yesterday afternoon I was so hungry at the grocery store, dreaming of all this comfort food like beans and cornbread, mac and cheese, more stromboli, that I wasn't sure I could make it home without having to go through a drivethru for something to tie me over for the 1.5 miles to the house.  This would not be such a big deal if it weren't for the fact I am growing out of my clothes....and I still have not figured out what I am going to wear to that wedding tonight....something not too tight, since I know they are going to have good food there.  Tim is not going....said he would prefer not to go so I said fine because actually I will have a better time without him.

    So far so good with this gemzar.....which worries me since it seems if I don't have SEs, the chemo isn't working.  I felt like crap on Abraxane and it worked. I do have constipation, but can take pills for that.  I saw the ophthalmologist yesterday and he is sending me to a cataract specialist, told me to get some readers or he could give me a new longer need them at all for distance and he is just amazed at how fast the change happened.  I have gotten used to myself in glasses. 

    Being off work is nice, but I no longer know what day it is.  I am off again Monday and then am taking off Wed. so I can see a vascular surgeon about my bad veins so it should be another messed up week. Slowly the house is shaping up and I have been getting some long put off errands done.  Last night I was so tired when I went to bed, I just let the dogs stay with me and most of the time, I couldn't even get enough of the comforter to cover myself up, but at least this way I knew where they were.  I think I will take my camera to bed with me if I do that was a cute picture with them in sort of a huddle. 

    .   Glad you are on the mend, Chrissy and also so happy you got good reports AmyJo and that you are going to hook up with SV when she is at Duke....and Barb, I know you are chomping at the bit to board that ship.  SV, Ginger, everyone else who posts and even those of you who just read, have a wonderful weekend.  I have not had time to check out my signs and all that stuff, but I used to be Capricorn and on the Chinese calendar I was an OX....they couldn't change that one because it is based on yr you are born, right? 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    Ready for some good news ladies?  (I posted this last night on another thread, but was too tired to get it to all the regular threads I use.) I went to the onco yesterday get the results of last weeks labs and to get my Aredia treatment.  The Tumor Marker Count was down from 99 to 63 and the Circulating Tumor Marker Count - I think it is the Ca27/29 - was down from 215 to 13!!! even the onco was literally doing the "Happy Dance" for me.  They gave me some steriods before my Aredia so that I would not get sick and so I have had a good day today.  

    Oh I also saw the PS for a post-op visit from last weeks surgery and he is pleased with the way things are healing and gave me some things to do to help it along.  I will go back to see him next week, then the appointments will be spaces out longer apart.  

     Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited January 2011


    That is such wonderful news!  I'm so happy for you.  Time to CELEBRATE!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    And MaryBe, what an epistle. You sure the steroids aren't working? LOVE YOU!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for all the hugs and congratulations.  I wish you could all have seen my onco dancing in the treatment room.  He had everyone cracking up.  He is from India and has gray hair and wears a turban and definatle cannot dance.   I wanted to share my good news with all of you.  I hope everyone has such good news this year.  It is almost too good to be true, but I am going with it at least until the next round of test.  Evidently the Femara and all the prayers are working.  The onco says the prayers have a lot to do with it.  Anyway I am a happy camper.

    Joy and blessings,  Amy Jo 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo...I am doing the HAPPY DANCE with you, you ROCK!!!

    gentle hugs, suzie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    love it amyjo

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    Doing the Happy Dance Amyjo!!!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011

    hello my sistas.missing all of you.feeling much better but cannot catch up.been answereing the PMs.i must put my 2 cents worth in astrology.I HAVE BEEN STUDYING ASTROLOGY FOR OVER 30 YES. I think its all bull.I just ordered the calendar for the yr.2011 and spoke to a very famous astrologer whom i know personally and he said NO SUCH THING. its not a sign its a star.just a buch of nonsense.we are what we were.I was a scorpio before and i still am.

    I did 19 tx.of the rads.fatigue hit hard yesterday and today,and my back is still talking loud and clear.I HURT.

    praying for all my sistas.wishing for the new year everyone is NED forever.God bless.hugggggggggggggggggs K

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    this is a grand time in Southern California

    Sunny skies and green landscapes...rain does wonders

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    BarbaraA - I think I have this working on my iPad!!! Finally, I can post no matter where I am. Yeah!! Thanks for the info onthe Opera mini browser. I had to uninstall it and then reinstall it and now it seems to be working.

    Time for bed. Night all, Amy Jo

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    amyjo-so happy for you.  I go in on the 26th for blood tests including ca27/29.  Needless to say, I'm hoping all comes back ok.  Once again, so happy for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OH AMYJO-i could not be happier over your results-estatic is more like it-HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE!!!!! Hooray! And you should have grabbed a phone pix of your Indian Doc doing-or trying to do the happy dance-omg!!

    MB, your roids are working!

    Chrissy, you just crack me up!! Is your head still above water??

    Want to get to everyone but I am one whipped little gal-walked all over Pea Island today and my body has gone into rigor mortis-oh Lordy, I am so freaking old!! Angus is set for surgery this week-took him to Chris today and the staph infection appears to be responding to meds and fungal wash that I have to use on him. Poor little guy-he never complains-and puppies were with me on photoshoot today and he just does not understand why he cannot run-he kept looking at me like "Mommy what is wrong?" So I am laying in the giant doggie bed with both pups cause Angus cannot get to me like usual-so my turn to go to him-he was getting really depressed but we are making the time special now for him. Yeah Uncle Bill!!! Man, I would need a ride-like road trip to MO I think. I need a hot shower-sat down on the ground to shoot and plopped my big ass right on a ground cactus-OOOWWEEE! Worse yet, me arse is so big I cannot get to it!! ARRGH! XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    AmyJo,  Soooooo happy for you. Hope you get a good report also susgul.   SV, that is what everyone calls him,  all my friends call him Uncle Bill, just as they call my father Daddy.  They will call and say What's Daddy doing this weekend or when's Uncle Bill coming....not what's your father doing or when is your uncle coming?  I think they are making fun of me, but in a nice way.  Barb,  I want you to know I am off my roid high....this is just my bubbly side coming out. I saw on FB where you are under the get better ASAP for that cruise.   S.Cal looks beautiful and warm.  Wedding went well and I am pooped so am off to bed....tonight I am taking the camera to bed with me so I can get a pic if the dogs all sleep with me can be sure I am going to be pulling an extra blanket out of he closet if they do.