Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    SV my younger sister was a vet nurse and she often said that the larger breed dog often have that happen to their knees, particularly the pure bred dogs.  She had always had German Shepard dogs and most of them at one time or another have had to have a knee reconstructions. One did his knee fetching a ball in her back yard!  XXOO  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Awww SV, so sorry about Angus...poor baby. But he will get fixed tomorrow. And you will take care of the baby!

    Chrissy, so gald you are coming around!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    I went to one of the Look Good Feel Better events here in Raleigh, NC and it was a real treat.  Everyone was so nice and there was a lady there that showed us about different hats and how to use scarfs and another one that showed us all about wigs and of course there was the makeup and they showed us how to use everything.  It was so nice to go home and my DH to say "WOW, you look fantastic tonight" and he took me out to dinner.  The ACS has all sorts of resources for us to use and programs to take advantage of to make our lives better or at least a little easier to deal with everything that is changing in our lives.

    BarbaraA - Where do you get the emu oil?  I too am very fair and don't want to look like a crispy critter after my rads are finished.  I start them at the end of Jan or the first part of Feb.  The  exact time to start has not been determined yet.  Have fun on your cruise, you really deserve to have a fantastic time. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    I asked her once before-like how do you squeeze an emu?? I just SO do not want to know. How are you doing AmyJo? Things going OK?? And yeah, Chrissy-Mandy My 18 year old Springer who has passed and who looked just like Max only B&W had to have her knee done too. Man, I am the one who needs the total knee replacement!! But I am just to heavy to do that right now-and I so so freakin gout of shape. The pain and swelling in both my knees are really affecting any exercising that I try to do-I think swimming is going to be about it. Even if I try ot walk to an area for a photoshoot, I am just dragging to get there and I hate it. How do ya lose 100 pounds!!! GRRR!! Love to all, SV

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies. It Is Going To Be A Good Day! All day Today!

    StillVerticle. I started on the greenbean soup diet last week and have lost 10 lbs.If you go to the web site diets4you it is there. I only wanted to jump start my eating better. I put some of the soup in quart freezer bags so that on my vegetable and fruit days i can heat up a serving. Home made is better than store bought because you can control the ingredients. It has given me a lot of motivation. I know someone that has lost 50 lbs on it.You will have to be dedicated to it,because it can get boring. It does take away your cravings for sweets. Soda tastes like medicine to me now. I did one similiar before(cabbage) and lost 25lbs. It is hard to lose when almost all the medicines we take have steroids in them.I take fish oil tablets and multi enzyme tablets with almost every meal, especially when I have meat.I will have sauteed vegetables,salads, and fruit twice a week(no meat).It will just take time. We did not put the weight on overnite.When I want to reach for cookies now I find myself  eating fruit. Keep plenty around.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    thanks ladies, for all your prayers.. someone stopped in the middle tho>> lol   I had a bad panic attack and started crying when he first slid me down the tube.. (and this is TRUE i SWEAR) then, i thought of all of your hands joining with Murs' who WAS holding my hand!! and, i refused to let Stewart (the tech and I are on 1st name basis after 15 yrs of em) to take me out.. i told him i'm surviving cancer; give me a minute; i CAN do this!! did my deep breathing, and some self hypnosis, and told him to go ahead.

      when he usually gives me a break in the middle; whike he injects the contrasr; i told him get me back in, before i chicken out..!! the next time he took e out; it was over!! Praise God!! He is sufficient for all my fears.. but, not I seriously it wouldnt have had a good outcome; but with all of you there with me, i felt like superwoman..

       We're supposed to get the results from the onco fri.. of course, they're balking at givinh me an appt..

       Stewart said there were "signifigant" changes, enough that he was including the last report with this one. if the tumor in the brain isn't cancerous; i'm sure i can get a copy of the report. If they refuse, then, Houston, we have a problem!! I'm pretty sure that the chemo made the MS worse, and we've been prepared to hear THAT peice of bad news, so, fingers crossed, say your prayers, ladies. As long as the BEAST is asleep; i'll deal. Really, i know enough ladies with worse, who are fighting; I'll deal, anyway... next, on to the PET scan. Gotta sheduale that one. the appt had to be changed, when MRI broke down. that one is a cakewalk, thoi.. giving caffeine up for 24 hrs is the worst of that one. then, i chug coffee the minute i leave there!!

       SV let us know ASAP how Angus does.. he's effectively a BCO dog, now!!!love ya all!! thanks for the love, prayers, and support!!       3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    and i MEAN it!!     3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    (((3JAYS))) You go gal!!

    AmyJo, I got my emu oil at the health food store. It is made by a company in Montana and the label name is 'Laid in Montana'. I swear it really works. I now use their restorative cream on my face, hoping SOMETHING will help with these dang wrinkles that sprang up from cancerville.

    I see a face lift or peel on my fairly soon horizon.

    Good for you mscal! I have to watch every teaspoon I eat for the next 9 days and if I don't watch it, I couldn't squeeze my fat behind into my cruise dresses!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Barb-only you would find a company called "Laid in Montana." My worry meter over the source of emu oil is pinging!! 9 days left????? Hooray! Wow, that will go fast. 3Jays, what do the changes in your tests results mean? No word from my vet yet and I think My Angus is probably still in surgery-ARRGH!! Short post-very tired and don't feel well at all. Feelslike I have a UTI at one end and sinus infection at the other-grrrr! VEry dreary Days on the obx but clouds cleared late this aft. I really wanted to go birdie shooting but just don't feel well enough and weather was so bad most of the day-grrrr again! It cleared up late today but too cold to hit the beach!!

    AmyJo, the rockfish are running but ya need a boat to get to them-they are about a mile off the beach!!!

    Love to all, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    3jays....thinking of you, You have been very brave, its NOT an easy thing to do. hoping for good results for you .

    Barb... I went for a facial peel 2 years ago, and saw abslutely no difference at all. I asked for a strong one, didn't want to be fiddling around going for a second one, but I really needed to, the results were not so good !

    If I could get some time to get away I would definitely go for a facelift....the results are so good. I can't persuade anyone to move in here and look after my animals so that I can go get it done. I know I would not be able to rest up afterwards, and would probably pull my stitches out or something going ouside nosing around to see if all was being taken care of properly ! I promised myself a facelift for my 60th, but just never got the time at all.  Hope you have a super cruise...just thought I would get that in, as I know time is getting short, and I will probably forget that you are about to go. Have a lovely time, you deserve it, and book the next one while you're on only live once you know !

    SV, sorry you're not feeling so bright. Knock the birdie shooting on the head 'til you're properly well again.. you HAVE to take care of else will.  You know, it starts like damned thing after another, ailment after ailment.....just think you have beaten one thing when up pops another.

     I am suffering badly with 2 things that have crept up on me this week. I lifted a very heavy fire brazier up to about chest level, so stupid a thing to do, with my back, and I felt like an electric shock deep in my hip, just where siatica starts. It hasn't travelled down my leg YET, and am trying to keep off it so it won't, but it feels like it could do just this at any moment. Then I have plantar fasiitis, one of the Arimidex gifts, it hasn't been so bad this winter, just know its there, but not too painful. On Monday it was back with a vengeance, and I can't bear to put my foot flat, it feels like a boil is about to burst in my heel. It goes with rest, and also gets easier as the day goes on, but my mornings are murder ! I am hobbling about with a walking stick ! G/son came dashing in this last 2 mornings, on his way to work, and did my morning work....but he is the only one that comes to help. I had to ring my Dr for a prescription today, and asked if there was a spare appointment at all, and was told, if I could get there in 20 mins they'd squeeze me in....well, I squeezed myself out when I got there !! Instead of me seeing a Dr they'd given me an appointment with a nurse, and I didn't want to see a nurse, so I came back home ! I don't think I made a very good impression today !

    I am without electricity tomorrow all day, well, from 8am until 6pm. I have made a fuss, but got nowhere, I suppose work has to be done sometime. I am worried about the hens not having their heat, my puppies not having heat lamps, and my dogs that live in outside kennels having no heat lamps either. I totally rely on electric to keep the animals warm. I shalln't be able to work in the house, no computer all day, no sewing machine, no microwave...I shall be lost. I called and got myself a camping stove while I was out today, I NEED my coffee fix at regular intervals.I shall be nice and warm up against my log burner all day, as I don't intend to walk about more than I need for 2/3 days. I have plugged my laptop in today to charge it up, but am so technologically challenged that I have no idea at all if it will work when the modem that is in my kitchen is down because there's no electricity....I shall see tomorrow when I try and log on !!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OML-I missed a post??? MB-who is Bopeep and ginger writes that she jsut passed-I amafraid to ask-like really. ARE you OK?? Oh Isabella-you don't have a generator???? Gees, forget the animals, how are YOU going to stay toasty tomorrow!! And YOU - oh let's see- giving me advice is sort of like the pot calling the kettle black!! Lordy, you picked up what?? Walked out on the nurse- why are we so stubborn!! XXOO, SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    SV, how is Angus doing?

    Isabella, no generator? One to run just the heat lamps and some few things in the house ought to be manageable. Keep yourself warm tomorrow too! 

    3jays, you were really brave, I am proud of you. I used to have a lot of problems with the MRI tube but somehow it isn't so fearful to me any longer.  I understand the feeling of having people supporting you helping at stressful times. It has amazed me when I have had that feeling.

    BarbA Cruising, that is so cool that you are going on this amazing trip. 

    Marybe how are you? I know we were all stunned by BoPeep's passing. It felt so sudden, I think to her alos. We were just exchanging emails about the difference Taxol made in her treatment and how she was going to show her chart to her Doc.  I have felt you may have been more shaken than most. I just want to send you hugs.

    I had Rads #3 today. The Nurse told me to use Emu oil that lots of people are having really good results  with it.I am feeling myself being very resistant to doing this because I am barely getting there each day. Getting up at the last possible second, that sort of thing. This isn't good for me and is a juvenile response but I haven't beem able to get around it yet. ??? Argh. I think I physically felt so ,miserable during chemo that I didnt have the luxury of feeling too deeply about anything else. Now I am moaning about how I look, and being defiant about getting to treatment. Next I'll be dying my hair fuschia.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    ((((Ginger))) It will be over soon-sending gentle hugs!! Angus surgery went well but the recovery will be long and he will be very restricted-still I am so glad he is OK and his leg is fixed!! Now, who passed-was this on another thread?? Wrote earlier that I am afraid to ask!! XXOO SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    It was BoPeep who passed away. I don't know why I thought everyone would know. She was an artist and a Phd candidate in Anthropology. She was 62 I think and had 5 five cats, a husband and just a warm personality. She was still posting early this week when she went to the hospital thinking she needed fluids. Her husband posted that she had passed in a thread she had started about a treatment she was trying. She would have been one of us if she had stumbled across our thread. She lived in the eastern US.

    That is about all I know. 


  • raincitygirl
    raincitygirl Member Posts: 700
    edited January 2011

    Fuchsia hair and a tattoo :)

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies.

    SV I hope Angus is doing ok. When we had my grand dog snipped and he came home drugged, he looked pitiful. I felt so sorry for him.

    3jaysmom we are going to just keep praying for each other.Once you get through chemo i quess people think that you are healed and don't need them anymore. I was really close to a cousin and she disappeared right afer my diagnosis.

    Ginger the rads treatments will go by so fast. Keep smiling and you will see.

    Isabella wear layers of clothing, if you are like me when I have a stressful thought, here comes the heat wave and I have to start shedding clothes no matter how cold it is.I hope you all have a wonderful night. Allow calgon to take you away!

    Barbara if you read this before you leave enjoy your self.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    isabella:if you can tommorrow, get a generator. i'm so surprised you don't have one already!! you need one, oe two, for your animals.. what if the storms knock out your electric? if not for this time; for the future....I'm going to try to get the results tommorrow, or friday from the mri place.. fingers crossed, prayers said.. SV im glad Angus is ok. is he home yet?? i didn't get to know bo peep but for a few months. Reminds us all to appreciate the ones' we do have near; thats' for sure. and yes, MARYBE, i'm concerned that this hit home for you. my thoughts and prayers are continuing for you're all so precious to me... 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
     for the swans.. thanks for being my friend.. 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    couldnt resist this one, too...
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Ginger and MaryBe - I, too, was saddened by BoPeep's passing. She was an artist and had a really unique view on everything. My heart breaks for her DH. Ginger - START USING THE %^&*ing emu oil TODAY!!! 3-4 a day!!!! You will be so sorry if you don' me.

    Isabella, you really do need a generator. The bad thing is...petrol. I know it is really expensice but at least you can keep you and the animals warm.

    SV - the cruise is SATURDAY!! I just have to watch the food intake even while on the cruise so I can fit into the lovely (but like a second skin) dresses.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Good Morning Friends,   I am fine, although I will admit I had a bad night Tues or maybe it was Monday when I read about BoPeep and then also yesterday I was off so that gave me a lot of time to think.  Whenever it was, I know I saw the subject line and thought Uh, oh, this can't be good.  I always hate it when you just see a name in the subject line because it's usually never anything good...but this was even worse, BoPeep's an Angel.  I thought Oh, No, This can't be.  It was not that long ago she was so excited about going to Boston to find out about that procedure for her liver, about the same time I was doing investigatitons for mine.  And she was posting after that about this woman onco she really liked and she was going to be chemo again....and she said almost exactly what I had voiced when I went on Navelbine, I was actually happy to be starting a chemo...and we both felt that way because we wanted to be doing something in hopes it would stop the growth of the liver tumors.  So, I was not only upset that she passed, but I was also selfishly thinking about myself....thinking Wow, is this how it happens....not that I don't know it IS going to happen one day, but does it just all of a sudden take over and BAM, You're gone!  I don't want to linger and suffer and most definitely do not want to be hooked up to an IVs or machines (but who knows maybe I will change my mind on that just like chemo), but at the same time I don't want to just go to bed one day and be gone the next.  I am sure there are good things about going like that, but as you know I have a lot of crap yet to another reunion, have to finish Dad's house, and get my basement cleaned out....and I guess I need to start facing up to the facts that the end may be closer than I think.  I am oh so spoiled...I am going on 13 yrs as Stage lV in May and I know that is not usual and that I have been etremely fortunate, and I just sort of take it for granted....don't think about dying all that much, just feel like breast cancer is a part of my life that I have always been able to live with.  Well, now I am thinking, maybe I better start looking at things differently.  I don't want to be negative, have always encouraged others not to be because I don't think it does any good to be that way, but I don't want to be an ostrich either and think maybe I have just been avoiding reality.  I do know that the last three chemos really did not work and have no idea if this one is doing anything either.....maybe I am at that stage where we will just go from one to another and eventually run out....BUT I don't feel bad.  That is something else BoPeep  or maybe I should call her Linda, also said....she didn't feel bad.  It seemed like it was only that last week or so when her bilyruben or whatever it is went wild and she really went downhill fast.  She and I PMed and discussed our liver and treatments.  I always loved her pic.  It disturbs me whenever someone passes away, but this was someone I knew...sort of....and someone with the same mets as me.  Now I know there are others who are beating the odds....sort KonaKat who is going on a beach vacation and has had so much to deal with....I have huge admiration for her courage and the way she always keeps her sense of humor.  But the fact is none of us know what is in store and in truth I just really don't even want to think about it. Oh and then to add to this, a former boyfriend's sister, from my hometown, died of lung cancer....she was only 57 and she just kept plugging along and did every treatment there was and seemed to be doing OK, but............. So today I am going to work and that will help a lot....I always like visiting with my patients and like the gals I work with. 

    So sorry for not posting...I did PM with a few and also have been trying to set up a meeting with some in Chicago when I go there in Feb.  See, I like making plans like that....not making plans for the end.  But maybe I need to face things more.  Anyway, sorry I was MIA....hope Angus is doing well SV, and Barb, I am going to call you and wish you Bon Voyage and Isabella, I hope you get a generator.  My friend Emily in NO managed to get one when Katrina hit and that saved the farm, literally.  Love you ladies, Ginger, MsCal, all of repeat 3Jays post, Thank you for being my friend ....praying for good MRI results Cherie.   Love, Marybe 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    SV - so glad Angus is recovering from his surgery,  Now you need to take care of YOU!  We all want you to take care of yourself so that you can have many more good days in a row.  Let me know when you come to Duke as to when and where you will be so that I can come be with you as much as I can.  I find out on the 27th when my rads actually start so I will plan them early in the day so that I can spend the rest of the day with you.

    BarbaraA -  WOOHOO it is getting so close now to cruise time.  Today, tomorrow and you are sailing away!  Have a fantactic time and we will all be looking for lots of pictures.  Found the emu oil so I am ready for the rads to start, I think!?!?!?

    Marybe - so sorry you are having a rough time.  I know you and going back to work will help you feel better about a lot of things.  I think there are a lot of us that are looking forward to the next reunion.

    3jays - so glad you made it through the MRI okay this time.  Glad to know you knew we were holding your hand.  Here is hoping for good reports from the test results.  

    I tried to post last night but lost it before I was done and it was late so I decided to try again this morning before I head out to run a bunch of errands.  For anyone interested you can not post to BCO from you iPad or iPhone with out using any special browser.  I have been using my iPad more than my laptop lately.  I love it, it is so versitile and easy to use, even though it does make my purse a little on the heavy side. ;-)  Hope everyone has a joyful day and only good reports for all the test we have coming up.  I know I am dreaming of being on the cruise with BarbaraA - send us lots of pictures during you "internet time" aboard ship.

    Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh man, I just feel so badly for BoPeep's passing and for those who knew and loved her. I just hate this disease! Not much to say except to give everyone a group hug!! There are simply no words. XXOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    SV - HUGS for Angus.

    Prayers for BoPeep's family.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies. This Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives! Take a look in the mirror today and smile. It is contagious! I hope everyone is doing okay today .Each time we hear of one of our fellow warriors passing it hits home for us. There are so many long term survivors until I have to think of them and regroup and think of living and not dieing. With each day I realize that I have been given more time with my family.We will continue to pray for each other. Did I tell you all that I had a thought of getting a stripper pole for excercize, then I imagined myself getting stuck on it and DH having to call the EMTs to pry me off ,mean time my grand dog pees on it.That thought of getting it soon left after imagining being stuck on it.I'm stuck to my stripper pole and can't get off! te! he! he!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    mscal....don't know about the grand dog peeing on your stripper pole, you certainly got me dashing to the loo with stress incontinence !!!! What on earth would you do if you got an attack of arthritis, and couldn't move , you'd be the laugh of your neighbourhood as soon as word got out.

    MB so sorry you're upset...thinking of you... I know how we all value these friendships...makes life livable, because sure as eggs is eggs, no-one else, relative or friend, remembers much how we are affected with this blasted disease. I owe you a PM, sorry, will do tomorrow, have been crawling around at 5 mph this week, and nothing much has got done, apart from the absolute minimum. I actually went back to bed this morning at 9.30.

    My G/son came to work, and was done early. I had no electric, so I went up to bed 'til 4 pm.....when G/son was back again....bless him. Silly me thought I would just go crawl back into my nice electric blanket warmed bed, 'til I realised I had no electric!! I went crawling back down the stairs, and picked up 2 sausage dogs to come to bed with me and keep me warm. Then, silly me again I reached out and switched my 'dead' radio on, had to jump out yet again and go find a battery radio to listen to !!  Alzheimers alert here !! We are just so used to throwing switches and something, well, everything, happening. I never really thought of a generator before, well I had done, years ago, and dismissed it. Something I'd better get myself, as I am not getting any younger !

    I managed to use my camping stove to make G/son and myself some bacon and eggs for our tea, what a performance...will probably not bother with it again, it took forever...took me back to being in the girl guides though!  wonder if I shall get a badge for making breakfast ( at teatime) on a camping stove !!!

    SV pleased Angus came thru' his op. OK. When do you get him home, an HOW will you keep him still. My brother used to have Springers, had quite a few litters, they were always too busy for me, always knocking things off coffee tables whenever he brought them to see me. I haven't seen this brother in 26 years, and he only lives about 10 miles away...he suddenly decided he wanted nothing more to do with the family, and vanished...well, went 10 miles away !! He had a heart attack 5 years ago, I had his number, gave him a ring and he slammed the 'phone down on me. It upsets me a lot as we all get older, and he won't talk to me, but I can't make him if he doesn't want. He doesn't speak to any other members of the family, so if that's what he wants ....


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Wow, Isabella. Your brother sounds like he has serious issues for whatever reason. I really think a generator is is in order for you. This 'global warming' is making our usually lovely winters FREEZING and it seems doing the same in England.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I had a rough day. Saw  a back doc yesterday for unusual pain in my neck. he wants me to do another round of prednisone, but to stop my anti-inflammatory for at least a day first. Apparently, that was a lot bigger deal than I thought, I woke up at 3am sick with a horrible headache, was sick until about 10 this morning when I finally ate something that stayed down. Pain pills didn't touch this neck/headache, I've never felt anything like it. Thought I was all swollen, but I'm not. I know money should not be a determining factor when one thinks one needs medical attention, but it IS. I was afraid to start the prednisone but more afraid not to.

    Nobody should have to choose not to go to a doctor out of fear of the possibly immense debt.

    Isabella, we installed a Generator that runs on natural gas. It's been a HUGE relief, knowing that we can keep our heat running, the fridges, lights even TVs. We live in the city but we experience power outages more than anywhere else we've lived. it's crazy, but after working all day and have no hot water to bathe in just SUX. In the summer it will keep our A/C running and that has helped pay for the machine They make ones that run on propane too, and you can have that tank buried so its not an eyesore. I'd love to refer you to the same company, we get something for doing so. I'll PM with the brand name. Its SO worth it. Just the peace of mind that when *BLANK* the power goes out, I can count to less than 15 seconds and the Generator kicks on. It can be a little bit loud, but that is a small issue. Just locate it away from your bedroom window.  I'd much rather know my food is frozen and the climate is maintained. Maybe there is an agriculture college nearby that would work with your farm. There should be a bunch of students that need hands on training and you get the work done for free. Might be worth looking into.

    Sorry for the loss of a friend. Kinda makes you want to check your will. Just in case.



  • Unknown
    edited January 2011
    We have snow, even more than when I took the pic this off work early and made it home with no problem but there were a lot of people out there going sideways and chruning up snow so I kept my distance from the cars in front of me.  Went out to pull the windshield wipers out as they said to do so they would not freeze to the window and found out the doors are already frozen shut so I don't know if I will be driving to work tomorrow or if they will even open the office tomorrow. It's supposed to get to some unbelievable temp like 5o tonight.  Yeh, I know are going on a cruise, you lucky duck you.   How is Angus doing, Melissa.   
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    (((((Connie)))))) sending warm hugs!! And I so wish I could fix it all for you. MB, wow the snow is gorgeous (from here on the OBX) let it stay up there please. And you are living uptown gal!!!! Isabella, i cannot believe that you do not have a genny-I mean for real. lordy, I would have slept i the car with the heater going!! Angus is not a happy puppy-poor thing. I have to use a sling to haul his butt up off the ground and going "potty" is quite the event right now. He has his most pitiful "look" on his face and insists on being spoon fed so I am indulging him today-but this will wear off quickly-on my end!! Barb-OMG-ONE more day and you are off!!!! How cool is that?! Mscal-NONONO-stripper pole-Good Lord i can see the paramedics trying to pry you off of it!! Love to all, SV