Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    SV..I hope all is straightened out with mods now.....tho' what the heck you have posted that could be construed as needing removing I do not know. It looks like its a case of the god squad rattling sabres again....rise above their childish behavior...what you have shown me is sickening and only to be expected from people of this type.....why they think they stand above us all in some judgemental way I do not know. %$%^& them all..and let them leave us all to support one another as WE see fit, NOT as they would like us to do.

    Lisa, lovely pics, as always. I look forward to seeing what you post. Your weather must be an almighty bonus tho'....we must have 6-7 months of dreary weather each year. I keep looking forward to Spring, but in reality we are months away from decent weather. I have snowdrops JUST out in my garden, and that's it, everything is brown, wet and miserable out there. 

    SV was it you saying I should keep a gun handy here ?? I can't remember, but think it was. We are not allowed to march around with guns here. I actually hate guns, tho' have a shotgun somewhere. I got a licence years ago, and have never even fired the thing, wouldn't know how....DH thought we should have one to control rabbits and foxes...tho' in reality I would never allow anything to be shot here at all, without justification. Once we had a terrific problem with foxes, they were just laughing at us, and coming at all hours of the day (hens locked up at night) to carry off hens like you wouldn't believe. Foxes kill for the hell of it, and would kill half a dozen and carry one off to eat. Much as I have a no kill policy I had to backtrack and employed a marksman to come . He was only here 2 days, and got 18 foxes. I was very upset, and had to go out while he was here, but couldn't stand by and let the hens be killed on that scale. DH was so mad at me for not allowing him to take pot shots at foxes. I wanted a quick clean job, not DH half shooting them. I have had the odd run in with foxes over the last 3-4 years, but never on a scale like that. Saying that I have a large dark coloured fox walking by the house most mornings about 10am. They will be having cubs soon, so he/she is probably scouting for food ! I am actually breaking the law here when I nip to the supemarket in my working gear. I always carry a smallish knife, lots of things need cutting on a farm, and never think to take my knife out of my pocket before I set out. Every now and again the police will have a stop and search fit, and pull all the teens....luckily they've never looked at this old granny yet !! I don't think I could get myself off saying its part of my job, I know I am not allowed to carry a knife....maybe my bad memory would get me off !!

    Right, that's my large white wine and lemonade gone, so am off to feed all my puppies and have an early night...well, not early as it's 11.30pm now, so won't be out of the shower for another hour at least....I've had a large bolt fitted to the inside of my bedroom door...suppose its stupid, as anyone wanting to be in could just kick it all down, but gives me a false sense of security !! My Alsation guard dog puppy will be here next week, but I won't want to put her in any danger on a night !!!! I shall probably keep her in the kitchen....depends how clean she is... but don't want to be getting up and standing in squishy messes before I am awake  tho'. 


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2011

    Isabella:  you be very careful.  It doesn't take long for bad guys to hone in on the fact you are there alone.  Do you have good locks on your doors leading outside?  How old is the puppy you are getting?  Have you ever had a GSD before?  We have had two, still have the one and we're looking at puppies.  If you spend a lot of time with him or her you will have a devoted friend for life.  They are marvelous dogs!  Well off to get my cookies out of the oven.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    It is coming up on Girl Scout Cookie time here. Laughing That makes me so happy!   Trefoils, Do Si Does, Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Sandwich, and more.

    Just wanted to share. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Isabella, I cannot even imagine being on a farmand NOT having a gun-gees I own probably 5 weapons only because our family hunted a lot. We had too so that we could eat. But you just crack me up with not having one-yeah a small pocket knife for running a farm. Well, it must be working!! And the foxes, man we have them here on the island in droves and they will kill anything. Foxes have an amazing ability to dislocate their shoulders and slither into the tiniest holes in barns and such. Very crafty buggars!! Honey really, are you scared to be there alone? do you need me to come out and sit with you?? XXOO, SV

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    Isabella, I had two Alsatians or as we say here, German Shepherd dogs, and they are incredible dogs. They appeared friendly but they were very protective.  Try to make yours a house dog so she will follow you everywhere and protect you.  When I was younger, I lived in Manhattan (New York City) and was walking my dog quite peacefully when I was bothered by a druggie.  The dog, who I'd always thought was a waste as a watch dog, changed immediately and sensed danger...her hair went up on the back of her neck and she snarled with a rolled lip and a look I will never forget. The word went around the neighborhood that my dog turned into a lion if someone bothered me (I did not mind that all). 

    I celebrated a birthday this week...crazy as it sounds, it was really difficult for me.  But I am getting myself together and feeling better.



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Like Isabella we can't carry guns here, even our police don't routinely have guns. You can get a gun licence  for hunting and target shooting. When I was in PA last year my cousin stopped a young officer, explained that I would have never seen an ordinary policeman with so many weapons. Actually I had seen police with automatic weapons - our armed offenders - and in the UK as well during a terrorist alert but we are certainly not used to seeing guns.

    We don't have foxes here thank goodness as we have enough introduced pests. 

    It is a holiday weekend here and we are having a quite afternoon watching cricket and will watch the tennis later. DS will be over later to get his sister's car.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    when I was in the Navy, I had to qualify with a 45 ...and a 38...

    now I can't even remotely remember anything about them..but that

    was 47 years ago..

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    ((((((Mandy)))))) I am sorry your B-day was not what you expected. You can celebrate anytime ya' know-if that is helpful. I do not celebrate my real birthday-but I do celebrate my AA b-day-big time!! Hope things look up for you. Sending Blessings and happy B-day, SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Yes, Isabella, please be sure you have good locks and deadbolts on your doors and windows.  I think I'd get a pistol to carry around outside with me even if it was against the law, and I've never shot a gun in my life.

    DD's purse got stolen out of her car yesterday in broad daylight.  She'd parked in the back yard of her voice teacher's house, and, yes, she took her keys and her phone with her but left the purse in her unlocked car.  Went home after her lesson and only then discovered her purse was gone.  She found it in the voice teacher's neighbors yard, wallet missing of course.  Today she got a call at work from her insurance company and one of the other neighbors had found her wallet in their yard.  Fortunately, the only thing missing was the money, rest was intact.   Hope all the anxiety she had over this taught her to never leave her purse in her unlocked car again!  I've been hit twice like that, not leaving my car unlocked, but once my identity was stolen (don't know how) and money began disappearing from my checking account--about $900.  I think that was one of those debit card things you hear about.  And a few years ago my purse was stolen out of the shopping cart at the grocery store while I stood there looking at greeting cards!  I buckle that purse in now and usually keep my hand on it too. The woman who stole my purse had hit every grocery store in the area that day and as far as I know she's still in prison today.  

    Had a nice, rather lazy day today for a change.  DH and I went out for fish for supper tonight, well we actually went about 5:00 like old people around here do, blew our diet all to h*ll with that (fried flounder for me, and hushpuppies!) and then blew it more by going to Dairy Queen!  


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Ginger - oh my goodness! Girl Scout cookie time? They can never find my house, so we NEVER get to order any! I'm going to have to put a sign up in the street:  GIRL SCOUTS - THIS WAY ---> WE NEED COOKIES!

    German Shepherds are my favorite dog! I've had several over the years, and I'm thinking about getting another one. Just like you said, Mandy - they'll surprise you if they sense danger and whoever caused it will stay away forever. And Happy Birthday! You're getting better every day! (((HUGS)))

    Lisa - how exciting that must have been to be in the Navy! My nephew is at the Naval Academy now, just made his final commitment to the Navy for 5 years, I think it is.

    SV - love you and glad you're sticking around! I don't have Facebook, just can't make myself do it.

    Well, I guess Barbara isn't too busy thinking about us freezing back here in the real world wanting to see some photos of her island vacation and balmy weather! ....sigh.... 

    HAHA, Kathy - sounds like a good dinner to me! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Good for your nephew Heart and Soul..I did four years and my DH 21..

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Happy Birthday, Mandy, even if it is one you didn't want to own up to.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011
    H&S, they sell GS cookies outside of wallyworld and grocery stores here, so I rarely miss a chance to get some.
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Suzie, that's where I get mine, too. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    There is a Girl Scout Cookie locator on line now. Google it. I have a list of all the stores they are doing booth sales at in my county. 

    When my DD was a girl scout she sold the second most in the county. 504 boxes, she telemarketed a lot of them and saved her customer lists year to year. She earned her way to the Cabana in Mexico. The booth sales girls earn more because they are going on big trips together. The ypunger girls the money goes to their troops for outs and supplies.   

    I recall when I was 11 cookies were .45 $ a box. 

    Good memories.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    Thank you for your kind thoughts and birthday wishes my dear friends.  I am doing much better---I just had this period of thinking too much about the cancer and about the future.  I am starting to re-tool and feeling much better.  

    Hubby came home with a photo yesterday that was taken at a dinner and we are standing in between (former prime minister) Tony Blair and (former president) Bill Clinton.  My daughter asked if it was at Madame Tussaud's wax museum but all of the people in the photo are real.  And for an old bird, I even came out quite nicely.  So, if any of you have facebooks, and you have any interest in seeing how I look, message me your facebook contact and I will "friend" you and you can see my photos.  If you don't have facebook, I'd be happy to email it.  I am not one to post photos here since my goal is to keep my onc from discovering who I am (she occasionally reads these pages).

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Thanks again for everything.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Mandy, I am truly so glad you are feeling better. My first B-day after cancer was horrible-like what is the point of celbrating let alone trying to create ANY future. I am only a year out of my dignosis and I still get whacked with a lot of negative thinking. But it is what it is. Personally I don't care about your celebrity-I DO care that you are here and hopefully can get the strength and support you need to cope with the devastating disease by joining with an incredible group of women. Even if we only meet in cyberspace it is still a comfort for me to know that I am not alone. BC is one of the great equalizers and noone in the world (I don't think) can ever begin to understand the toll it takes on women and their families. At least no one other than a BC survivor. It is a rotten blow and a hard journey and sometimes all we have is each other.  Your BC was caught so early and you are so blessed in that reality. Still it is BC and no guarantees on anything. I am so glad I have 22 years sober bec it has truly helped me deal with the one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time issues-and I have found that my values have changed so very much.Trying to create a new norm in life with BC is very difficult. I, too, lived a life of celebrity-personally met five presidents and interviewed top world leaders and high on the world stage-it just doesn't mean much to me anymore. I would give it all up to have never gotten BC in the first place. I was welcomed here just as I am and that is one of the greatest gifts I can ask for. Big Hugs, SV

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    SV, I applaud you on your sobriety.  What a tremendouse victory.  I think it says alot that even through your new BC journey that you have maintained.  It must have been tempting to revert back.  It speaks to your strength of soul. 

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    SV: Thanks and congrats on your sobriety. That is a real achievement. I am not usually among such celebrities which is why the photo is a novelty for me.  Usually I lead a very quiet life, and I am very family oriented.  You are so right that cancer is the great equalizer...once you have it, you are changed in your relationships. 

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    Mandy, I loved your picture!  Tony Blair still looks great.  Bill's sure getting 'long in the tooth' though.  LOL!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011


    I'd love to see your photo.  Quite a special thing, I'd say. I've sent you a private message. Love Tony Blair and he is quite the guy right now. Not as big a fan of Bill Clinton's BUT he is such a great politician (I mean that in a good way) and a magnetic personality. I would be honored to meet him, my goodness, he was President of the United States! Wish some of the negative stuff had not happened along the way... but that's real life.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    SV..what a great thing to have that many years of sobriety, I salute you

    and Mandy, we all go through some down times...birthdays and cancerversarys

    are a couple of them..I found out I had breast cancer while I was leaving

    for a family dinner on my birthday over ten years ago..anyhow, I hope you

    are feeling better. The photo was lovely and you should be proud of that.

    I have a feeling many of us relate to the song "Those were the days my friend"

    but heck here we all are on the older women forum that is a feather in our caps

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011


    You and your husband are such a cute couple! Do you think we begin to look like our spouses? It's really true, there are only 7 degrees of separation. Just think of the people that people you had your photo taken with know! (That sentence makes sense to me, convoluted as it is :)

    My mom had a photo of herself with President Kennedy at a fund raising event when he was running for office. She loved that picture and treasured the memory. 


  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Those were the days,my friend, We thought they'd never end...Mary Hopkins.....I remember it well because it was when I was at OSU having a good time, partying on the banks of the Olentangy.  I would love to see your pics, Mandy....where are you on FB? I remember being 40 when I was lst diagnosed....up until then I thought 40 was old and was not sure how much longer I wanted to live....then I was diagnosed Stage lV when I was 47 and believe you me I was praying I would make it to I am 61 and all things considered, it's not too bad, just a number and even though I don't look like her, I still have my memories of being the girl who sang along with the songs of the 60s. 

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    Yeah, the 60's and 70's had the BEST music to sing along to.  The music these days just doesn't make sense.  ....did I just channel my mother????

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011

    Will today's music even be elevator music?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011
  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    ...if it does...i'm crawling up the stairs with my last breath if need be..

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011

    LOL , great image!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    Great you tube Lisa.  When I was a young teenager, my next door neighbor's mother told us stories of how she and her sisters would cut school to see Frank Sinatra at the Paramount Theater.  And while I did not cut school to do it. my sister and I saw the Beatles at the Paramount Theater.  I guess that's the advantage of growing up in New York.