Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011
    i sent the email to everyone i know.i hope everyone keeps this thing going.ME I WANNA CALL THEM AND GIVE THEM HELL.NOTHING LIKE A CRAZY LADY DOING RADS.IF I DONT GET THE NUMBER I WILL SEND THEM A PM.
  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies.We Have The Power Within Us To Win! I have been doing a lot of researching on the DIEP reconstruction process.I found another site yesterday and a lady from Nashville used the PS here in Memphis. Her experience was not real clear because she had other issues with her health before getting the surgery.I have asked her to go into more detail about it.

    dbdaze  Welcome! I felt the same way about not having reconstruction. Thought I was too old,and did not want any more surgery. My surgery was 2009 and I finished Rads in April 2010. I am 58 will be 59 very soon. I am consulting with a PS Tuesday.I wish that I had been given an option of getting it done at the time of surgery.

    I watched Betty White in Hot In Cleveland and she was saying, the young person is still on the inside, it is the face in the mirror that tells her she is old. You are as young as you feel. Age is only a number .Maybe we can't move as fast as we used to, lost elasticity in our faces, have cellulite all over, and experience some type of pain everyday, we did not go through surgery, chemo, rads,and other treaments to give up and give in.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011
    Welcome DB-sorry for the reason you are here, but glad to have you here!! And I am SO glad ladies are getting on the BOARD-YEAH!!! GingerB, you are so welcome and hope you enjoy!! And Barb posted her first pix on facebook using her mobile phone-of course it is of Marty standing inside in a room-like where is the outside of the ship????!!! Big Hugs to all, SV
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Yes....I am back on the site.

    It has felt like something was missing, not being able to read my messages, and just be here.

    I don't know what on earth happened with the survey, but I sure hope they don't use this hosting site again. This has made me realise just how little I know about my pc....I would like to go further, but all we get here is a 'Computers for the terrified' a six week course, which I took about 8 years ago, then we are bumped up to exam. level courses...just way above my head. I did 2 weeks of the exam level course, then packed it in because I could not follow what was being told to me. I was one of 22 people, and just did not like to keep asking questions, so could go no further.....I could have taken over the whole session myself if I'd carried on asking for help. the other students were mainly young 20-30 year olds, wanting to gain a qualification for their jobs....I didn't need a qualification, just a few steps a little deeper into the world of the computer ! This is why I cannot post pics at all...I have managed 2 avatars on FB, but I am at my limit here now . Think I am now going to look at some 1 to 1 type help, probably cost me, and don't actually know if there's anyone around that does this, but when there was all the talk about cookies and firefox and caches I was lost ! So the survey cutting me off has kicked my behind to move on up.

    My G/son came today and I asked him to load me up a pic to put on my advertisement to sell a couple of puppies I have left....always told they sell better with a pic, but never bothered before as I very rarely have to advertise. My G/son was 'just do this Grandma', 'just do that Grandma', its easy.... I was completely left behind, at the speed he was going, he just did it as a matter of great ease....this was the young man who's behind I have changed from being 2 days old, and he's just picked it all up so easy, and I am left waaaay behind ! He is building up quite a shop on eBay, selling motorbike spares. He was saying he never has much spare cash, so I offered to bankroll him to buy a crashed bike, and strip it down, and sell the parts ( I DO get good ideas now and then !) He poo poo'd the idea for some weeks, then suddenly said about a month ago,' is the offer still there?'  " we" have now bought 2 bikes, and are on our way to our first million !!!!!!! ( tho' I shall never see a penny!!!!)I hope his interest will stay, and then maybe he could do it fulltime. I have given him a workshop of his own, and his own little kettle and radio, and he has become quite industrious.....that is  until G/F turns up and distracts him!!! She is complaining he is neglecting her for his bikes...I am keeping out of this one !! I keep getting hints about BOTH of them moving on in with me. I don't want this. Old fashioned I may be, but 'not in my house ' Much as I get on with G/F she IS only 17, and too 'fluffy' to live life on a god, the house would be overflowing with nail polish and frilly 'smalls.' I sometimes get her coming in the house to talk to me, when G/son is busy, just when I am settling down to some computer time, and I DO NOT like it...I am set in my ways!! All I want on an evening is peace and quiet, my computer, and my dogs to snuggle up to.......not teenage angst, and hairdryers blasting away..

    G/son told me yesterday morning that DD is 'going to a memorial service' for a friend who was drowned in Thailand this last summer. A memorial service that was supposed to be taking place on Saturday evening at 8pm. What a blatant lie the little madam has come up with this time. NO way do we have memorial services here on a Saturday night.....then G/son had heard her making a surreptitious 'phone call to someone making arrangements to meet at a pub somewhere....SIL has believed her, and accepted what she says....but her son is VERY near to a confrontation with her. I was thinking, from what I had been told, that DD was starting to spend more time at home now, and 'behaving' herself...I didn't think it would last.

    Right , early night is on the cards for me tonight, well, earlier than normal. Its nearly midnight here, and I have an early stsrt in the morning.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Hi Rae! 

    I like the pretty analogy of us being wind chimes standing strong to the storm around us - now I'll think of that every time the wind sounds like they're tearing them up.

    I'm a real estate agent here in Atlanta, and those pictures of the houses and the way you described them is pretty much the same here. The top house would be the older, less expensive homes in close-in neighborhoods. The 2nd house would be the older, nicer homes in close-in neighborhoods (around $500,000 when they're close-in - well, make that $350,000-400,000 since property values have plummeted). You can also find them 60+ miles from Atlanta and other cities when they were old farmhouses - much less expensive but still nice. And the 3rd house is also similar to the new ones they build in the subdivisions here. As far as lot size, usually the closer to town you go, the smaller they are. There are also small lots in some of the suburbs with big, new homes on them - like you say, people who don't want to spend too much time working in the yard. But most suburban lots are pretty big. Isn't that interesting how things developed over the span of years pretty much the same in different countries? Of course, Europe is completely different, while Canada is pretty similar. I've always loved demographics - you can pretty much predict where things are headed.

    Mandy - nice to see you whenever you pop in. We all know what those funks are like. Hope you are feeling better! 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Well finally I got on!  I got on yesterday and managed to write a long post but the survey appeared just as I was going to hit submit, so you know where that post went! 

     Marybe, I was so very sorry to learn about BoPeep.  I had no idea her condition was that bad--she was originally in our October rads group.  It is truly heartbreaking for us all when this disease takes one of our own, and I'm sorry for us all.

    Connie, hope your neck is better today and that maybe something is helping the pain. I know it's awful to have pain that nothing helps, so sending hugs to you.

    GrannyD, it's so good to see you posting again! I've missed you.  Hope your back gets better when rads and lying on that hard table ends.  That's surely not helping the back, but you're almost done!  Well-done, perhaps, but done!

    Welcome DB.  Sorry you have to join us but we're glad to have you anyhow!  And HnS, what happened to HotLanta!!  And to NC, for that matter?  We've already had more snow and ice than I remember and we usually get the bad winter weather in February and March.  I remember when I was a child it snowed (big snows) 3 Wednesdays in a row in March--just paradise for a child but now I know what a hassel it was for the adults!

    SV, how is Angus doing?  And how's his nurse?  It's so hard to see our pets in pain and I hope he's beginning to improve.  I heard on the news that the coast had a big snow yesterday, so did you get any where you are?  

    Mandy, good to see you.  Boy I wish you were in my house baking homemade bread and making soup.  Sounds like a wonderful supper to me!  I so agree about the Komen Foundation and also will write them about my concerns.  Spending money (donation money, surely) for this ridiculous lawsuit defeats their reason for existence, if indeed that is to find a cure.  Thanks to Ginger for notifying us of this, and I'm glad you found it, Ginger.  I hadn't seen anything about it yet.

    Alyson, that's crappy about your sister's children wanting money again.  If you didn't provide a home for your sister, who would?  I doubt any of them would, and they should be grateful to you for doing so.  This reminds me of my sister's (who lost both legs due to oxygen deprivation, resulting from a reaction to chemo --for BC) daughter and SIL. Neither one of them would work in a pie factory tasting pies.  Her daughter claims she cannot leave their son with his dad because his dad is not competent, and besides, she's planning to home school him so she needs to be there.  They have no income and are living on what my sister and BIL can give them.  Honestly, my niece is over 40 years old and still has no maturity at all. 

    Before I get all worked up over that, I must tell you that I now consider myself part owner of the massive expansion going on at Harrah's in Cherokee, since the casino got the money I'd alloted to spend and didn't give any back!  But, DH and I had a really good time just getting away.  We hadn't been anywhere since our "family vacation" last summer, 2 days after I was diagnosed, so you can imagine about how that was.  This little trip was just super.  We drove over the mountain through the National Park ( beautiful scenery, snow and ice covered) and went to Gatlinburg, a first time for me.   Alot of places we'd have liked to go were closed for the winter, but we still had a good time. Back in Cherokee we went to one of the Indian-owned shops and bought a pair of moccasins for our GS.  Read the tag and they were made in the Dominican Republic.  Paula Deen has a new restaurant at the casino and we ate dinner there, very disappointed.  It's bad when the best thing I had was the deep fried croutons on my salad!


  • dianemoe
    dianemoe Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2011
    QCA.. So disappointed about the Paula Deen restaurant. DH and I had a trip to Savannah planned this winter. Well BC dx ruined that. So when I heard about the opening of her new one and it's only 1 hr away. Next best thing. Glad you mentioned it we won't waste our time or money. Thanks...... Diane
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    Hey there ladies,  I have been in a funk and just reading the posts here from time to time.  I have been so very tired lately.  Ususally after my Aredia I am tired for only 2 - 3 days but this time it has been almost 2 weeks now.  On top of that I have started having the night sweats again, I suppose those are from the Femara.  I thought those were almost gone as I had not had a real problem with them since I started taking the Femara at night, but this last week I have awakened every 2 hours ringing wet with sweat, honestly I am running out of PJs every night!!! I also thought since my numbers were all down so much with my last round of tests that things would just keep getting better then BLAM here come the night sweats again with a vengence.  Any one have any suggestions on what I can do to ease them?  There are a few other things going on too and I am too tired now so I am off to bed before I fall asleep in the chair and lose this post.  Night all, every one stay warm.  Amy Jo

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    a BIG welcome to you: dbdaze; you're in the club noone ever wants to belong to.But, we're all here, hangin out and tellin the truth as we know it...SV: i left you a couple of emails; and a PM. let me know whatzup girlfriend.

      Im SO GLAD to be back on here!! between my own compouter; which is still going down during the hrs. i like..2:30- 5:00 am (unlike myself!!) LOLand the survey problem I've MISSED you   aLL!! to think i've only been using a computer for a little over a year now, and i have withdrawal if i can't get on here!! its' just not right they booted us all off!!! thank God we got the word out about the cookies and cache!! thanks, ladies......3jays

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011

    Hi H&S - thanks for your description of housing.  It IS interesting that we have the same sort of housing pattern even though we live at opposite ends of the world. I too am interested in demographics - my major at university was physical geography (landforms, geomorphology, volcanology, geology, etc) but there was a human georgraphy component in the degree and demographics was covered in that. 

    Ginger - we think of England as being the furtherest place from here but in reality it probably isn't. It is exactly 12 hours behind us without daylight saving.  Funnily enough my friend and I had a conversation when we walked this evening about the fact that we have to fly such long distances to see the rest of the world when you ladies can fly a few short hours and be in many different places.  We decided that growing up in such a small island country at the bottom of the world we just accept that we will have to fly at least 3 hours to get anywhere close (Australia) and that LA is 12 hours flight and Europe the same again.  I think most people also grow up with the idea that they would like to travel to other countries but I think the majority don't.

    Isabella, 3jays, Kathy - glad to see you all back on!

    Isabella - over here we have an organisation called Grey Power (a retired person's group) who run computer courses for older people by older people.  They run them in small groups and you can progress at your own pace and the tutor helps you individually when you need it.  Several people I know have been on the course and have been very happy with the way they were run and what they had learned. Might be worth checking out your local senior citizens club or such like to see if they have courses specific for older people just wanting to learn how to do the basics.

    Amy Jo - night sweats - yuck.  Only thing I have found that helps night sweats is to sleep without pjs.  I found I overheated a lot more often if I had clothes on.  I also sleep on a huge bath towel (can't remember the proper name for them - yep, I did - we call them a bath sheet) and that soaks up the moisture without me having to get out of bed and change.  I have also gone back to a woollen blanket that 'breathes' instead of a feather and down duvet and that keeps the heat in too well.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    hey girlfriend.. Australia is somewhere my DH and i have always wanted to go.. not gonna happen now, i'm afraid.. too far to fly with lymphodema, and the extreme fatigue. but, i get glimpses from Chrissy B.; and from you on New Zealand.. isn't it wonderful we all got to meet each other!! Chrissy and Igot to be friends, particularly BECASE of the time change!! i'm up, when most of my" peers " here, are asleep; and you guys are getting up... whike everyione else sleeps here; on a late night, my friends in France, and the UK are starting their day.. works for me. Good to see ya!      3jays
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011
    Hey 3jays! Yup, it is great the we have all become friends and the time differences do make a difference to who we can 'talk' to immediately or not.  It is 10.42 on Monday 24 Jan now - time I was in bed but it is very hot and sticky tonight and I am putting it off because  I just know the melting moments will be bad tonight because of the heat.  Our climate is mild and we don't have air conditioning so when it gets humid like this it is a bit of a mission to sleep.  Oh well, I have to get up early to take my 'cello over to a friend to use for a while so I had better sign off.  Cold shower might do the trick for a while - sounds inviting! 
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Rainz you are 7253 miles away from where I live in Washington State in the US!   The google answer said that England is 12,000 miles away from you no matter which way you go!

    My geography teachers in school were not enthusiastic which may account for how little I know about the subject. 

    It is late Sunday night/ early Monday morning here, about 2 AM now. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    where's all my ladies?? i've gone to bed, to the drs. and am hme, and noones' here yet.. hope that means you ladies are snuggled up under your blankets staying warm, for themost part of you, anyway.. i'm shocked.. no pics from barbar A yet!!lol     3jays
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    HaHa, 3jays! I actually WAS snuggled up under my blanket trying to stay warm! It seems the only way to get the chill out of my bones is to get under my electric blanket for a spell! Now I'm up, and fixing myself an organic omelette - eggs, spinach sauteed in olive oil, and grated swiss. I usually resort to eggs when everything else is frozen!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh Hooray!!! It seems like everyone has gotten back on the Board-This is me waving at everyone!! Now I have to dive back under the covers. Poor puppies are having to hold their bladders as it is too freaking cold outside. Angus is doing really well-perhaps a bit too well. I am having to keep him on a tight leash today cause he thinks he is better than he is and he really wants to use that leg-which he is not allowed to do for another four weeks-errrgh-it is going to be a long month!! Little devil 'will not eat' unless Mommy is hand feeding him-cept this morning I awoke to the 'puppy gorging sound' coming from the puppy feeding station and I thought it was Max. So got up and there was Angus, digging in. Of course the minute he saw me he went into his "pathetic puppy" mode-errgh!! Love to all and so glad everyone is back on, XXOO, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    yummy, that sounds great. a lot of my eating is breakfast foods.. eggs, or oatmeal.. keeps my diabetes in check, and it goes down easy, and STAYS down, more importantly! eat, and jump back in bed, girl!!      hang in there.. it'll be spring again, but not soon enough!!!                     3jays
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    mmmm....that was yummy! Of course, I had to improvise - didn't have swiss cheese so I crumbled up some basil/tomato feta cheese into the omelette. It was okay, but definitely took on a Greek flair! I wish spring would hurry up not only because I'm tired of freezing, but I'm even more tired of these huge heating bills!

    Hey SV! Dogs are such hams, aren't they? They can make the most pitiful, poor little me faces! Good that he's recovering, but I know it will be hard to slow him down a little. When it gets to be this time of day I figure I may as well walk Molly - it's only going to get colder! I guess us southerners are going to have to revamp our winter wardrobes to include lots of thick socks, long johns, several pairs of good gloves, hats, winter scarves as opposed to pretty scarves, thick sweaters, etc., etc. If I'm prepared I guess I can take it - reluctantly - but I did not expect 2 extremely cold winters in a row!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    WOW, WE GOT UP TO 24 DEGREES TODAY!  A real heat wave from the last few days....don't talk to me about global warming..grrrr!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    We have had a miserable damp day here. Started out with the sun coming up, looking good....but soon deteriorated. I got one of those 1 picture a day calendars, everyday a lovely new doggy picture to look at, and I can't change them quick enough....will be February this time next week, so a little nearer better weather.

    I am pretty well off my feet at the moment, have been toying with the idea of calling the Dr all day, but just not got around to back has about packed in...IF I could only get a week  resting I think it would help. The only place I have no pain is in bed, or sat on a chair with my feet up...NO pain at all, just normal....but, try and walk and I am yelping !!! Very hard trying to feed my puppies. I have 2 litters at the moment, and clambering over an 18" wall every time I need to be in their pens ain't fun ! I did start and poke a broom handle in the pens to shift their clean papers around, and make their beds, but they were petrified each time I approached with the broom had to give that idea up. What I can't fathom out was HOW on earth would little 4-5 week old puppies be frightened of a broom handle, they'd have no idea at all it would hurt them, but they seemed to know, and went cowering to the back of their pens. Last thing I want to do is to be selling puppies that are scary marys.

    Amy Jo...sorry you are under the weather, you don't sound too good at all, hope things alter for you quickly.

    SV... Angus will soon eat if you stop hand feeding him, he is after attention !!! Not saying he doesn't deserve to have lots of attention when he's been thru' so much, but I have been thru' this scenario time after time when I was boarding dogs here. People would come up and tell me, very apologetically 'she won't eat unless you hand feed her' and I would say 'we'll see'  2 meals was all they missed, and the owners would be amazed that their dog was eating normally....tho' not to say as soon as they got home they went straight back to being at the dogs beck and call. My dogs know when I shout 'tea up' that's just what I mean, and any who don't get up from the fireside will miss out, so there's always a stampede when they hear me shout them. I do feed all my old and decrepit dogs separately, otherwise they'd just never get anything at all.

    My dogs are all playing me up at the moment, seems as if they have rumbled I'm not too good on my legs.....they won't come in the house when I shout them, and it's so cold, so I shut them out, then they start pawing at the glass door and cover in in mud. I am a bit fed up of their little games, and certainly sick of walking back and forth to the door to see if any of them have decided to come in. I threw my slipper at one of them today, in a bit of a huff, then thought 'how the heck am I going to get down 4 steps to retrieve my slipper when I can't walk too good'..... Wait for G/son to come was what I did.

    Been trying to relax this afternoon and listen to a audio book which came from Amazon today, then my flippin'  cd  machine started to go wonky, and finally packed up ! Every time I try to do something relaxing I get bucket loads of stress, and steam starts to come out of my ears !!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    All you cold southerners need to learn about layering. You may be having 2 scarf weather. One for around your neck and one for over your mouth. This is of course in addition to your hat or hood, or better yet in addition to your hat and hood!

    Your parka should both zip and have a wind cover that snaps down over the zipper. 

    Your pants will never be warm enough on their own unless you have flannel lined jeans.  They will seem like an extravagance until you wear them when their worth will become obvious. In the absence of flannel lined pants you will want to wear long underwear. Pajama bottoms or leggings will do as long underwear. Again, it is layering that does the trick. So layer as you will because it is unlikely that anyone else will ever see you unlayering. 

    Your gloves will also work better if they are layered. My favorite are knit gloves with leather gloves worn over.The leather will discolor if wet so you may also wish to purchase a window scraper for your car rather than using your hands as tools. If that isn't possible a credit card is a good tool for ice removal but is rather slow at sweeping snow away. Your road atlas is better for that. 

    Silk socks inside of woolen socks works really well to keep your toes warm. Never wear tight toed  shoes or boots, your toes will freeze.  Boots intended for bad weather are much better than thin soled dress boots.

    Now you  are prepared for northern weather such as in Chicago or Minneapolis.

    One last hint, always shovel your driveway out wider than you need to because new snow and melting snow can leave you with a driveway too narrow for your cars. My kids all know how difficult it is to dig out a frozen drive with 6 foot high sidewalls. 

    ANd isn't it just like life that when one becomes exceedingly well qualified in one area that area is no longer a needed life skill. Anyone have advice on winterlong rain, sort of a spitting, cold, unending rain. I now  live in Seattle.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011

    hello ladies....glad to be back.feeling better with the back issue.giess my back is gettin used to laying on that slab of glass.9 more to go.yay.

    Amyjo----im sooo sorry you are havin problems.those nite sweats suk.can you take anything for that?oh how i remember those days from menapause and takin prempro for it.ha.well that did me a lot of prayin for you.feel better

    I pray for all of us every day.NED forever.God bless.hugggggggggs K

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Hey Ginger!

    Yes, things we need to know! We are all ill-prepared and freezing to death. I've been reluctant to spend money on things I don't think I'll need very much, but NOW I'm changing my mind! My gloves are purely decorative and the wind blows right through my jeans! In fact, all my "winter" clothes are decorative - I need some down and dirty, hard-core winter stuff to end the suffering! That reminds me of that movie with Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick, Jr. called "New In Town". That was so funny, and it was soooooo cold there - she had the same wimpy winter wardrobe, even worse than mine!

    When you said isn't in funny in life how when one becomes so adept at one thing, life throws you another it reminded me of something funny my fellow mid-50's friend said. I told her they predict the earth is now going back to a cooling cycle, and she said, "Well, doesn't that just beat all? When we were in our 20's, 30's and 40's we were sweating all the time in all this heat and humidity. Now we're in our 50's and have less hormones raging around keeping us hot all the time, and the weather has decided to cool off!" So now we're freezing! Just typical bad timing for our generation, I guess! 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    Ginger, I moved from eastern Washington to the west side at 22 because I did not like the heat or the cold.  Now when I get tired of winter rains I just think at least I'm not shoveling it!  Amazing how that cheers me up, even as I detour the flooded streets.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Chabba, I picked San Diego for the same reason, but we get mostly


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    This has been an unusually wet and cold winter.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Isn't it nice we all like different place could hold all of us..!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Hi all, had a great weekend away despite very heavy rain. It was great being with friends we have had sine University days.

    Was interested in Rae's pictures of houses. Things do vary throughout the country. Heartnsoul this is our house in a inner city suburb and the value of most in the street is 3 times what you said. They are very over valued despite falling house values and added to that our street has a heritage order on it. It is so difficult for young ones to even think about living in such areas. Houses in the area are either 'villas' like this or what we call Californian bungalows. The original

    villas and bungalows were imported from the US in kitset form, then later timber was sent to California and the kitsets sent back. Our one was locally built and would have used patternbooks(plans) from the US. This was built 1887 - we found the actual date when we recently reroofed.

    I loved Marybe's pictures of the houses in the snow and also was fascinated by the houses in PA when there in May. Have done geography but I am an historian who did mainly social history so love looking at this sort of thing and finding out about how the different styles came about.

    Must get some things done tonight as DS and his girlfriend will be home on Friday which is exciting. They are hoping for some fine sunny weather.

    Do hope you are all doing well and for those who are having treatment that all is going well.

    Big hugs

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for the welcome!  Today was a good day.  I'm had to have some blood work done today in preparation for my upcoming Stage 2 reconstruction surgery in NOLA.  My doc was curious about my first operation and I ended up showing her the abdominal incision and my new breasts.  She was so impressed (and rightly so!)  Strange, but I used to me more of a modest person,  Now, after all I've been through, I think I could easily show my breasts to a stranger on the street! LOL

    My Quest: Discovering the dreams that lie within 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Hi Alyson!

    I'm so interested in the history of houses! I remember reading in school how houses were made from kits for isolated places - even Sears sold houses in their catalogs for the settlers of the Wild West. Yours is a very unique house (a Victorian?). Your Heritage Order sounds like our "National Register of Historic Places", and I imagine they have the same perks and problems as your neighborhood with it's associated restrictions. I have had buyers that will not buy a house unless it is eligible for that designation, and I've had buyers that won't buy a house if it falls in that area because of the strict limitations as to what they can do as far as restoring/remodeling.

    I know the property values in New Zealand are off in outer space now! Yes, it's hard for the young families to ever get in, unless they inherit one. There is an area called Midtown Atlanta - I remember in the 1980's when those houses were worthless rentals, some subdivided into boarding houses. High crime and all that. You could buy one for less than $50,000. Then young men starting buying them up AND fixing them up and now the houses are around $850,000 to $1.5 to $2,000,000 or more. (I had to check my Multiple Listing Service, I was wrong with the first price). But they are HUGE! Like your area they aren't building them anymore, they're close-in to town, and you just can't find that quality and attention to detail nowadays, but hard to afford. They also rarely hit the market. I met an older gentleman who used to live in one of those houses in the 1920's with his young wife (they were both in their late 90's when I met them). He said they rented this huge house for $18/month. I asked him if he knew what they were worth now, he said, "Yep, I told her we should have bought it!". I'll try to attach a variety of pictures of the houses here in Atlanta. Probably the most commonly sought after homes in Atlanta right now are the contemporaries that were built in the 1950's in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright homes. One of his apprentices designed a lot of homes in my area and they are a hot ticket, but hard to find. My dumb brother has a house that this big developer behind us told him it "may be of historical value", but my brother (who is trying to sell his house) won't mention that. Afraid of scaring off someone who may just want to tear it down and build something brand new from scratch and doesn't want it to get caught up with some historic designation. It makes me sad because this house has so many features unique to Frank Lloyd Wright and 50's modern houses, and it's huge - 4 BR and 4 BA all on one level. It's down a private drive from mine - I tell you, selling that house to a family member was a BIG mistake! He has not been a good neighbor and it's his loss to let something so unique go. Hopefully, someone will buy it who is interested in restoring the house to it's former glory, not just for the privacy it has.

    This one is in Midtown Atlanta and called the Painted Lady. It used to be run-down and neglected and now it is on the market for $1,650,000 and was built in 1890. The current owner just decided he wanted to paint it all those colors and well, some neighbors were not so happy and some kind of liked it. He was in the antique furniture business - I had no idea that was such a lucrative field to be in!

    I'll post some pictures of what's popular now in Atlanta tomorrow.