Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited January 2011

    Hey All, 

    Yes, I did delete a post, and informed SV. I let her know why, and showed her the post. It was back in December.

    In any case though, if it is possible, I'd really like to see this dropped, and the focus come back to the general support of your community on this thread.

    Thanks for your understanding.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Melissa, NO, I did not get the post-you did not show it to me so I have no idea what you want me to leave on the Board and what you want me to take off the Board. Gees, I so wish you, as Moderators, would have supported me when this group of women was making horrible personal attacks on me-I forwarded all of them to you all and as moderators, you did nothing. I will not be bullied by certain women on this board and why this group of women appear to have such clout is beyond me. I found the Dec 11 page you are complaining of, but you have already deleted the posts. I have no idea what I said nor do I understand your complaint against me, as moderators on these posts. When you sent the PM to me on your deleting of the DEC 11 post, there was no "copy of the offending post" from you. I can copy and paste the post you sent me to this thread if it would help you as moderators. If you are aware of other offending posts that I have written, please delete them because I cannot find them and have no idea about the specifics to which you as moderators are referring too.  SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    WTH***.. the moderators wrote SV about an offending post.. but NO WHERE is an apology for what we all went thru to try to get back here when we caught "in the BCO" loop?? i LOVE this site.. that's why i worked so hard to get here.. but to find a "moderators " avatar; with what i thought was "scolding" for talking about it; but they cant apologize for a stupid survey (which will better advertising) but did nothin for me for the 3 days i was stuck.. what's going on?? i don't think there has been MUCH controversy on this thread.. and its' WHY i love it here: because we do support each other here.. see above posts.. but what's going on now?? i also, haven't seen an offensive post.. maybe i missed it?? but, i don't think so.. so, instead of sweeping it under the rug; can we please be aware of what was done wrong..? i promise I won't draw it out any longer, as long as everyone is treated fairly, and we get treated like the ADULT women we are..

    (I hope that doesn't put me on a "bad" list with the moderators.. like i said; i love this place. i left an other site because of all the backbiting; and i don't want to see it happen here..    3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    Hey, ginger.. thank you so much for your concern. I only wrote about the MS cause it so complicates the bc, and tx.. and, another trauma of getting a bad prognosis; even IF i was B( for brain mets..

       Really, though, i don't need any special attention. being here, talking to you ladies is enough.. i face death in the same way my stage IV ladies do; but with another disease..  to let you all know; you don't need to handle me any other way. you're all kind to me, and that says it all.. I love ya for asking.. pets is always a good subject for me, too..

       And, MJ Fox has Parkinsons ; not MS. think Annette Funicello; or Richard Pryor.. i'm not at that progression yet, but am headed that way. I feel like Marybe, though. it just lights a fire under me to not waste a day of the QO i have now. thats' why im gonna try to get to the cabin this yr, marybe. only God knows where any of us will be next year!!i am so grateful to have found support and friends here, where "close" up; friends fade. it seems that ple are afraid of grave illnesses, and thats' why we hear so many friends have had bad experiences. Agin, i think ya have to be there, to be able to handle talking about it; and support one another...

       Marybe, call me anytime. i'm not on at night, only when comcast has booted me out. they're coming again tommorrow..!!! i just love all of you ladies for your strength!!!and caring!!!    3jays

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Yeh, In my year of being here, I have never seen the moderators do this. I posted in public in the original posts because I do not like sneaky and underhanded people. I wanted everyone to read on their own and judge on their own. And will likely be booted off I am on FB-let meknow if you need to find me. Truly think this a diversion from the survey screwup as I have never seen moderators do this before-likely the toes squashed are $$$$ contributors to BC.or. It is an incredible site if used correctly. And part of that for me, Is not allowing someone to continue to bully me on MY thread. There is a lot behind this and a huge story and the moderators did nothing to protect me from a group of women who bullied me incessantly in PM's to others while  being so Christlike to my face. I asked for help from the moderators then and got none. And i have numerous emails from women who left because they felt bullied by this certain group. Love to all and find me on FB-my avitar is of me in navigating a sailing boat> XXOO SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    SV..don't leave just ride it out..

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    Hi All, I'm sorry to intrude on your thread but I have a request.  Please feel free to decline if you wish.  I'm recently disabled with mobility issues and now live with my son and his family.  I also dabble in watercolor and am also now working with colored pencil and pastels.  Some of you have posted such wonderful pictures that I wondered if you would mind if I used them for my art.  I do not sale my art or make profit and would happily be sure to give you credit.  Please let me know and if you would prefer not then that is just fine too.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited January 2011

    Lisa's right, SV, don't leave.  This too shall pass.  I know that nothing I've ever read in your posts has ever offended me, and if indeed the purpose of this thread is for the "general support of my community", I can honestly say that you personally have been an outstanding source of my support! XXOO to you too!  Kathy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Darlene, if I were you I would ask the specific poster for permission to use their piece. I agree there are many beautiful pieces here.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Thanks for the support but think I will likely be booted off the Board. The moderators have the power to do that. And Darlene, you are free to use any of my stuff. Love you all, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    SV.. don't YOU DARE leave on an "ON CASE" .. if yo're booted off, we'll now know how to find you. i hope it doesn't happen; you're a source of comfort and support to so many of us. so, keep posting: and if you suddenly disappear; we'll know where to find you!!! if this IS acommunity for support; thay WO'NT boot you off.. and, i think they're better than that. they may not get involved in the right things, all the time.. call me a pollyanna; but i think, and HOPE they're smarter than that. like Lisa said.. ride the storm out. you're certainly a good enough sailor to do that, girlfriend..

       None of us need the controversy that some members bring to others, but they're a small part of a larger picture.. try and remember the ple who DO care about you; and forget about the ones' that don't. we, here, outnumber the few that stir it up.. love ya girl.. hang in there.. i think the moderators realize we're all experiencing a lot of stress. and, will take that into consideration.    

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    3jays - so sorry to hear about your friend, Alice.  Sending hugs your way.  Let us know how your PET scan goes.  I am scheduled to have one on the 1st of Feb.  Remember to just try and be as relaxed as possible.  They told me absolutely no exercise of any kind the day before the scan, and to dring plenty of water that morning.  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    they also told me, to watch the sugar intake for 24 hrs.. the radiation is sugar based, and no caffeine for 24 hrs either. both things are a must! i know when i go, they make me go potty before the inject, cause they want no movement until scan is done... it'll be mon. or tus. they'll call. oh, DH says mon. 10:30.. i like em earlier, but thats; the best they could do when he could get off. not having my morning coffee, and my night iced tea kills me. even tho they're decaf, they still have a little APPARENTLY.. {{sigh}}}}} i hope we do ok..thanks for the hugs.. what r they looking for with yours?
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2011

    NO LEAVING...OK, SV? So a post was deleted, now its over. its gone and can't offend anyone anymore. So, lets just get back to chat and support. I Absolutely love your pics, and your stories and you. I know others have left here, even though some of them were fun, but you must not give the bullies what they want by volunteering to leave.  I've wondered which post it was too, like maybe the one about the donkeys getting frisky? I laughed out loud at that one.Or the one about Dave slippin and sliding and mud bogging unintentionally.HOOT.   I need you to stay here, so no leaving, OK? You have done so incredibally since the death-dose chemo, and you inspire others to laugh, and lets face it, laughter really is the best medicine. AND IT'S FREE!!!

    Speaking of making one laugh.. I love Robin Williams, have watched him since he appeared as Mork on HappyDays. And Billy Crystal. When it was 'happenin', I didn't much care for Steve Martin but the older he gets the better. and Lily Tomlin!!! She and Steve did a move called "All of Me" and I've seen it so many times, kinda stupid story but both actors are fun, funny, and it always cracks me up.

    Sorry about your loss, 3Jays, that sux.It's hard enough to find friends that we can relate to and enjoy talking to, then to lose one to BC is almost more than one can take. But you remain humorous, which is the secret of your success. The MS sounds horrible. So sorry for all the trials and tribulations.  Wish there were a cure for that.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    SV you cain't go nowhere. Isa needin you here!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2011

    SV, please don't leave the boards because some narrow minded busy body can't laugh!!!  Believe me when I say, WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM!!!!  WE CARE ABOUT YOU!!!  Yes, I yelled cause that's how I feel!!!  In all the posts that I have read from you, I have never ever in anyway been offended and I'm sure others on this board will say the same.  I appreciate your wit, your artistry, your compassion, your support and just the fact that you are you and the differences between us all make, for me, the world go around in balance.  I don't want you to leave.......I would be heart broken if you left or were driven from here.  Tell me please how to contact the Moderators so I can register my disbelief at what they are doing to you and to us by continuing to harass you.  I loved this thread and this forum and for the first time since I was diagnosed in 2003 I have felt a part of something that was good and I have found so much love here that words just will not express.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    3jays - I am not exactly sure what they are looking for.  The RO is the one that wanted the PET done so I assume it is to check the bone mets.  When they did the radiation on my spine it helped and at my visit yesterday he asked about the other places that were hurting.  Mostly my ribs, hips and lower spine.  I was glad he said that I may only need 28 or so treatments as the last time we talked he had said the I would probably need 35-40 treatments.  He said that my latest test results were so good that I may not need so many treatments now.  Right after telling me that was when he ordered the PET scan.  I will be there holding your hand at 10:30 on Monday.  Mine is at 10:45 on Tuesday. 

    SV - you know I love you my freind and I know we will see you again.

    Everyone - How many of you are planning to go to Marybe's Uncle Billy's place in the Spring or Summer?  If you are interested, you need to let Marybe know what dates will work for you so that she can find a date that will work for the most people.  I can hardly wait.  We had so much fun at the OBX reunion, mostly thanks to BarbaraA and SV.  I hope we can have a lot more people at the next one in Arkansas at Uncle Billy's. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    Darlene..feel free to use my photos, just don't sell them please..they are for everyone to enjoy

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited January 2011

    New Start All. I Never asked SV to leave the boards. I'm not sure where that it coming from. 

    Secondly, I had missed one post in December that badly broke our Community Rules. I deleted it, and sent her the post in a follow up private message. SV, I will re-send to you after I finish this posting. I never tried to make this a public issue, rather chose to respectfully deal with it behind the scenes. 

    As for the survey, we are extremely sorry that this occurred. I have more that 10 apologies throughout the boards, and responded individually to many as well. This was 100% our mistake  --- we should not have launched it either on a Friday, before a weekend that our tech team was not available. Our sincerest apologies. We are terribly upset how many problems that caused!!

    What I think we would all like to see is that the thread return to a fun, loving, supportive environment, and ask that all work together on this. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    OK Melissa and all..lets start anew

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    Yes and good way to start lisa.

    And lisa, do you have a white rose for peace or some blue flowers for calm am serinity?  Wish there were some flowers with polka dots just for the fun of it.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    OK Chabba, white rose coming up

    Blue for serenity

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011

    I fully expected a polka dot flower picture as I scrolled down! Lovely, as usual.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Looking at the sun shine and can't believe what a stormy night we had. Tropical cyclone WIlma hit over night. We just got wind and heavy rain while places further north have had quite a bit of damage.Its heading towards the area where Rae lives. Hope you are out of the areas that flood Rae.

    DS and his girlfriend arrived home for two weeks yesterday. Had a lovely dinner with them and her parents. It was also DSiL's birthday so had cake for him as well. GD was so excited to have all these people and soon found she had two more slaves to do her bidding.

    Must get moving as have cat feeding duties for sister in law and have to go and pay for new bedroom furniture we ordered before Christmas. Not sure when it will arrive.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2011

    SoCalLisa  - I think you are singlehandedly the best at enticing people to consider visiting your part of the country. It seems permanently beautiful. The tourism bureau should be paying you! Thanks for today's flowers. There aren't too many blooming outside here in southern Ontario just now. Well, none, really.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    But Lassie, you get to see and smell Lilacs, and alas

    they don't grow here...I guess we don't have cold enough weather

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Lisa you are so right about the lilacs. We grow them here but last May while in PA and CO they were stunning and the smell is divine.

    Thought the sun was too good to be true, its raining again.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Lisa, thank you so much for the lovely pix. Thanks to the moderators for going public with the survey issues and for addressing other issues involving a post I made. Would I change it-nope! Noone should be bullied or under constant criticism by one members own personal beliefs. Cancer is difficult enough even with the enormous love and support shown on this thread. For me, most of the women and the wonderful relationships I have developed here are NOT something to be taken lightly. They are prescious and when posts are written with love and truth, miraculous.  I love you all very much, SV

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2011

    Yes Lisa - we do have lilacs. They bloom about the same time as my peonies and I used to wish I could call in to work and say I couldn't be there because my lilacs were blooming. (never did though) They only last a little while, but they are wonderful. I don't know if they are a fair trade for all year roses and other flowers or not.