Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    I did to see "West Side Story" when it was on Broadway

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011
  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    If you notice a lot of kids today do listen to "Our" music and I think we were very fotunate to have grown up when we did.  You saw the Beatles in NY, Mandy?  BarbA and I also saw them on their lst tour to the, in Cincinnati and I think she saw them in Philadelphia, but I cant swear to it, just know it was not where she lives now.  Speaking of whom,  we should be seeing a post from her with pics from her cruise real soon now. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    Lisa - we're all nervous for my nephew, but I think he is in search of adventure and I'm sure he's going to find it in the Navy!

    Well, now I know how to find some Girl Scout cookies! Probably not exactly what I should be focused on eating - haha - but I can freeze them, right? Have a Thin Mint every once in a while....mmmmmm...... 

    Mandy - I would love to see your picture, but I don't have Facebook. I'll send you my addy in a PM!

    My son has "trained" me to listen to his music, and I actually like a lot of it! Fortunately, he doesn't listen to hip-hop or dance music like many of his peers - he likes alternative rock and the music is pretty good, sometimes very good. For example, I like Ray LaMontagne, Green Day, Mumford & Sons, Shinedown, James Blunt, Coldplay - check them out. A lot of them sound like the 70's! 

    Marybe - you are right. The kids today know all of our songs, and love to play them on their guitars. They know good music when they hear it - LOL. My son and I play games on the radio - whose station will be playing a good song or not? Of course, my station wins 90% of the time. Then he counters with, "Of course you won, because they're not going to play BAD songs from the 70's!" What kind of a smart-alek did I raise?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2011

    I had a surprise about Broadway shows. ... Saw Phantom of the Opera in Orlando. Fabulous and elaborate  production considering it was a traveling show. A few years later DD, DIL and I went to London and they wanted to see a show at Her Majesty's Theatre. Happened to be Phantom of the Opera.  In the big scene where everyone was coming down the stairs in costumes and masks they supplemented the cast with life size paper dolls!!! A person on either side carried the cut out. I was shocked! Orlando theatrical productions started looking a lot better  to me :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    I remember seeing Elvis Presly on the Ed Sullivan show for the very first time anyone would air him due to the swiveling hips and all. We had one of the first TV's in the neighborhood and everyone packed into the house around this little circular TV face. Too funny as they would not show Elvis below the waist on TV. Too many hip gyrations for decent folk-teehee!! And look at where we are now-Lordy I just saw a commercial for condems (spell?) that was unbelievable-it was jaw dropping-nothing left to the imagination!!! I remember being young and just cringing when they atarted to put 'femine products" on commercials-ugggggg! Especially if you were sitting with your boyfriend to be. And girl scout cookies-I am giggling-sorry but I eat a whole box of thin mints with no problems-i cannot eat just one-not good alcoholic does that, recovery or not!! And Barb A. is sitting in Miami-man that felt like a short cruise-I want more pix!!!! Lordy, I have to get a 'high' off someone else's fun-how pathetic is that?? In NY, I did see the Rockettes cause my Mom was enamored with them. We used to live outside NYC in Nyack when I was a kid and I would hit the trains and head in for shopping-especially at Christmas-the window dressings were so amazing! Loved the movie of the Phantom of the Opera!! AS to live concerts-I wish i could remember them-saw everyone from Grace Slick to Chicago to Bob Dylan-Bette Midler-Charlie Daniels, Clapton, you name it-but i was too loaded to remember much-and I would do it all again!!!! I just wish I had not inherited the alcoholic gene!! Man that SO blows cause the party DOES end and when the fun tickets are gone it just S#cks!!! Looking very hard for a place to live other than here. I am watching a lot of Oprah and the "Live your Dream" stuff is rubbing off on me. If nothing changes, nothing changes and i SO need a change!!! Big hugs to all - sleep tight! SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    SV, I was wondering who would trust a condom you could buy in a 99 cent store

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    SV, BTW I know about when the fun ticket ended for me when the

    breast cancer treatments fried my liver..that was the end for drinks

    for about eight years now...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Hi everybody, 

    I am looking for Barb A to be posting pretty soon. Aw, maybe we should let her keep the glow for awhile yet.

    I was a fan of lots of different kinds of music, first showtunes (I'll explain that later), then pop, rock, folk music, some classical and then back to show tunes. 

    When I was a little girl my ballet teacher had been a Ziegfeld Girl and because of this our recitals were a wee bit different than most. Our teacher at the Ideal Dance Studio, May Blossom MacDonald,  rented the Civic Opera House in Chicago along with a full orchestra. Our costumes were sequined and feathered, we sang show tunes as we danced. For one recital she had the risers in the stage rise up and big girls at the top held rolls of a gigantic American flag as smaller girls tap danced down the stairshold on edge of the roll to unfurl the American Flag as the orchesrtra played Stars and Stripes Forever and of course the audience came to their feetcheering and applauding to all this. I was one of the little kids but I will obviously never ever forget this moment in my life, in June of 1950, five years after the end of the Second World War.

    I am trying to remember the titles of the show tunes that we sang but they escape me at the moment except for Eddie Canters, Ma He's Makin Eyes At Me. Aha, I love You A Bushel And A Peck was another. Music forms the sound track of much of my life.

    We would have all had a lot of fun together, just like we do now. 

    Mandy glad to hear you are feeling better. 

    SV Follow your dream, can you visit it first? Hah! 

    Lisa the roses you posted were so very pretty. The pink one is now my screen wall paper.I am a Jiune birthday and find myself unawares, purchasing or admiring things with roses in the design.

    PJ1245, I love seeing a show loading in or out. In NewYork they build from the basement up, not like on tour. The Phantom with the cut outs would have annoyed me, you expect it in a touring show but in London?

    Marybe, I would have so loved to have seen the Beatles. I did love seeing them  on Ed Sullivan. I nearly screamed at the TV, in a good way.  Talk about singing along to music. I have a soundtrack that runs in my head depending on the event. :)

    Night all 


  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Wow, Ginger, sounds like your dance class was a far cry from the little recitals they did in Portsmouth, OH.  Yours was something like out of a Shirley Temple movie and I can understand why you remember it to this day as it must have been very impressive....sort of like seeing the Rocketts in mimature.  I never took dance lessons, other than ballroom dancing when I was in the 6th grade from which I did not learn anything other than the fox trot, or  maybe it was the cha-cha, but I never did learn  to dance and that was the reason I usually refused to go to school dances.  No sense of rythm whatsoever. 

    My temp is now 97 so I am almost to "my normal"which  is 96' sure the achy feeling I was having and elevated temp with burning eyes was a SE from either the xgeva or maybe even the gemzar, whichever it was bad and I was afraid I was getting the flu.  The reason I am up now is because the girl upstairs boyfriend was puking his guts out and it woke me up....he makes these horrible sounds like when the cat gets sick....not just a gagging noise, but a low gutteral whine. She says this happens because of sinus drainage but if I was her I would make him get a good physical exam before marrying him because I myself would not want to be putting up with that on a routine basis,  The good thing about me sort of camping out in bed the past two days is that I got a lot of reading in....Sarah,'s Key was the best....Katie, which was the story of a dog was Ok, and like all pet stories made me cry.  I always said if I was at the point where I was feeling crappy and staying in bed all day, I would be ready to hang it up, but I must say I have rather enjoyed just being able to roll over and go back to sleep when I feel like it and getting up to fix myself a grillled cheese or cup of tea and taking it back to bed with me and not having any sort of a time schedule.  It is amazing how age changes our perspective on things....going to a concert today does not appeal to me in the least, but you sure did go to some good ones, SV.  I used to get all decked out in my parrot-head attire until just a few years ago, and go down to Riverbend to hear Jimmy Buffet and his coral reefer band,  but cant imagine doing that I heard poor ol Jimmy  fell off the stage at his last concert. Maybe he is getting too old for it also.  Yawn....think I will do a little more reading until I fall asleep long as I am not having pain, I really think I could get into this wearing my PJs and doing nothing routine.  Plus the dogs love it.   

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2011

    Hi All, Like Mandy I had a birthday this week and tried real hard to be grateful that I was having it but was very ill with some sort of lung thing going on.  My brother and his wife drove over two hours from Mora (up in the north mountains) just to take me to lunch and I was so sick I was almost laying on the table.  I went to the doc afterwards and got some meds and then came home and collapsed, clothes and all for about 18 hours.  When I woke up I had crushed my eye glasses into several sections and never even felt a thing.  I went to the optom. and got them fixed and checked my mail and found beautiful birds from SV waiting there for me and a card and earrings from my sister.  What a great day that was. I think I will now move my birthday one day forward. LOL 

    I grew up in a small town in central NM and even though they had concerts in Albuq. we seldom went to anything.  I was married early and raising kids long before most folks my age so I missed a lot of teenage things.  I was such a dummy.  Now that I know better it is too late!! 

    I'm glad everyone is feeling better, SV give Angus a kiss for me and don't let him eat any birds. 

    I love the pics of the roses and lurking here reading about everyone's lives.  Darla

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2011

    Darla and Marybe, so sorry you two have been feeling so crummy! My hugs are with you.

    And happy Birthday, Darla.

    There is something to be said for taking it easy and sleeping when you need to and not getting dressed all day. I ahd one of those days on Friday, and b4 I started to go back to work on a routine basis after the stroke I had MANY of those days.

    I only remember going to a Bob Dylan concert after he had changed his original was a disappointment, believe me. then I went to a Joan Baez concert which was to die for. Afterwards we had a candlelight vigil/protest thru the streets of Milwaukee. I have no idea what we were protesting!!

    DH had a traffic accident yesterday, unfortunately he was at fault. The kyd he hit (rear ended) was so scared what his dad was going to do to him, even tho it wasn't his fault. DH somehow hurt the knuckles and wrist on his left hand. His car is undriveable and had to be towed. The other car was crunched in the back. Don't let this be the routine of 2011, God.

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    i want to thank the moderators for their   apologies.. and DARE anyone to talk about it anymore!! i want our peaceful compainionship to go on uninterruptted!!SV YOU hear me? get back on here!! teeheehee . missed you guys, internet acting up AGAIN. think we'll soon be changing providers.. tommorrows alices' funeral.. but, shes' not been here , for awhile . thank you all for youre' loving condolences...  
  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2011

    3jaysmom, I'm sorry I forgot to offer my condolences on your friends passing.  (((HUGS))) Darla

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    OK, here are some pix gals. THis was the most wonderful vacation I ever had. Sigh.

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2011

    Wonderful pictures.  I love that dress!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2011

    Me too!  Aren't cruises wonderful?

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    More, I want to see more of you in your finery that we voted on!! 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2011

    Marybe I'm with you ....waiting for more, much more, from Barb.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    My husband spent 21 years in the Navy so getting him to go on the first "fun" cruise

    was a challenge. He told me he just has had too many darned days looking at water.

    So finally I figured he might like an Alaska cruise where there was something to see

    other than water, most of the time. He liked it so much we went again. We have done

    the Mexican West Coast cruise and that was just so-so for us. Perhaps the next one

    might be the Baltic or Mediterranean...hmmm but oh, I forgot we are going on a ten

    day river "cruise" through the low countries to tiptoe through the, I am

    really looking forward to this one..

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    (((((Darla, MB and Suzie)))) I hope I got all of the hugs in on those feeling poorly or having friends pass. Lordy after I get to the bottom of our posts, I cannot remember the top!! And what a bunch of lunatics we are-MB I would give my eye-teeth to see you wearing a parrot head ala Jimmy Buffet-That cracked me up-and yeah-he did walk off the stage last week and fell about 15 feet onto the floor and conked his head. Gess, all of our rock star generations need helmets to play on stage!! Called Park City today to talk to an old friend and he had rented his condo to a bunch of Aussies for the Sundance Film Festival. I told the one dude who answered the phone that I lived in PC before Sundance. I told him I was at the VERY FIRST SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL in Park City at the old Egyptian Theatre and they went nuts-they weren't even freaking born then. So they put me on conference call to tell them all about it. I had to tell the truth and say it was the worst thing I ever went too-but there were only about 300 of us die hard ski bums living in Park City in 1970's and we heard about this Robert Redford thing-so we all dropped acid and brought bottles of tequila and saw the worst independant films ever made-truly I thought we were being punked-but then.....might have been the mindbenders I was on. The Aussie guys were hysterical thinking of some old 'granny hippy' in PC at that time and that it was wilder then, than it is now-ain't got nuttin on us old farts!!!! I do remember that we got a bit out of control and began running around in the dark theatre and a chair seat was flipped down on the isle i was running down-i think we had water guns and were playing water tag in between the famous premiere-Anyway I didn't see the seat that was down-no lights in the theatre and went a$$ over teakettle onto the cement floor-tee hee!! Lucky I was loaded cause it really hurt! I do remember that!! Edited and decided to save the "99 cent C story" for another day!! :O))))))) XXOOO, SV

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited January 2011

    BarbA, vavavoom, you look sooo sexy.  SV, you crack me up so much.  I just love reading your posts.  Darla

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    wheew! you ladies DO fly!! i had to catch up, AND take notes, so sorry, if i miss some of you.. MANDY.. i'm glad your head got dtright around yuour Birthday.. another year the BEAST got beat.. every will be that for me.. and thank all of you for the kind thoughts about ALICE: her funeral really WAS a celebration of her life. she beat the BEAST for a lot of yrs, and lots of mets.. she fought way harder , and longer, than i ever want to fight. perhaps i'll not have to make so much of  a choice. im grateful for every day, as SV said. with MS for over 22 yrs now; i've learned to "ROLL" with the punches.. the fallin down part has to stop, tho!!lol havent been here, cause my internet has been wonky most nights. goodnight for now. Gonna catch up on my emails.. the pics are great BARBARA!! i love the green and.. floral dress what a handsome couple you are!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    wow, i lay down for a few hrs.. still haven't slept, and no one came by! thats' unusual for this thread!! just cked obx and nothing.. you're all bundled up in your beds, hiding from the cold, eh? have a great day, guys.. 3jays

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    All the boards seem to be pretty dead....ooops, not a good word to use, but could not come up with anything better.  I did chat a little last night on my laptop in bed while I was watching the home movies of the Kennedys....a very interesting family, but a lot of tragedy went on with them.  We were discussing in the chat where we were when JFK got shot....I think anyone old enough to remember the event knows exactly where they were....I was in homeroom.....Mrs. McKelvy's class and if I am not mistaken everyone got to go home early that day.....the whole nation went into mourning. 

    Well, tonight is my fondue party so be looking for pics of liquid cheese tomorrow.  I have to dust and cut up bread and Tim has to pick up the dog shit in the LR since I am sure it was not Harley who did it and would be willing to bet it was Brattie.  Both he and his dog need to stay in the basement.  I made chocolate mousse last night for dessert and someone else is bringing salad and an appetizer.  I use my little Swiss white wine glasses and fondue set from over there when I do this.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Yum, MaryBe! You are so about food! I love food!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    Hi !

    I thought I posted something last night but it seems to be in cyber space.  I wanted to thank all of your for your kindness and support.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2011

    I love fondue..we received two fondue dishes for our wedding presents in 1967

    and I didn't know the difference between the cheese fondue pot and the beef etc pot

    but I certainly learned to use them and have them at our many cocktail parties. Yummy

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Yep, I am all about food....not necessarily a good thing unless I want to grow out of alll my clothes.  Are you downloading pics, Barb? 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    My mother used to have fondue for dinner when we were growing up in the late 60's/early 70's. It was so fun, so a couple of years ago I bought a nice fondue pot and now I can't find it! I drive myself crazy with stuff like that! I REFUSE to buy another one! It's just how much time has to go by before I can fix fondue for my son?? AARRGH!!

    SV - I never dropped acid. Had a friend whose older brother had a bad trip, really good-looking guy, ended up spending the rest of his life in assisted living. I was most definitely "scared straight". But, still had fun! I saw Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Jethro Tull, The Who, Jimmy Buffet, Traffic, many, many concerts. I think that was my main past time in the 70's - oh, and college, haha.