Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    I am just having so many mood swings-much I think due to last round of labs-once again;no Vit D; perniscious anemia; no B-12 and on it goes. Docs just put me on scripts about two weeks ago so things are not normal-AGAIN!! It just really affects me and I hate feeling like I am dragging everyone into the BLACK HOLE that I seem to keep bouncing in and out of. BLAAHHHH!! Somany of you are having such tougher times and much more serious issues than I am and I feel like such a wimp. i need to get back into therapy but can't afford it right now. God is going to have to do some major miracle work on me right now-I am just sweating bullets as I sit here and try to type-covered in candida infection that itches and burns in the worst places and slamming Nystanton powder on me along with taking diflucan. Oh man, and I am just bitching AGAIN-ok, truly I need to find some gratitude for what I DO have!! i am addicted to "Being Human" and to find out that Sally's boyfriend actually killed her-pig-the show really is a breath of fresh air in a very stale universe!! Big hugs!! SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Glad Valentine's Day is over, as DH and I didn't have a great one.  Had to go to Rockingham for yet another funeral, this one for my dad's wife. When he died in Jan., 2010, they'd been married for 24 years, and she's been in a nursing home for almost 8 years with Alzheimer's disease.  Until 2009 we took Dad to visit her every week when we went to Rockingham, and then he went to a different nursing home.  (Didn't matter anyway since she didn't know him anymore, or anybody else.)  We loved her and she was the only grandmother our children remember, and she was a lovely, kind, soul..  She started with the dementia following a heart bypass operation and the deaths of her 2 brothers almost immediately after she got out of the hospital, and this was so strange--they were all at visitation at the funeral home for one brother when her other brother just keeled over dead from a heart attack, right there in the funeral home.  I'll bet not many of you have ever heard of that happening to anybody!

    Anyhow I hope that's the end of our trips to Rockingham for caregiving and deaths, and there's really nobody left there now.  I know it's a great town and I was actually born there, but the next time I pass through there I hope it'll be on the way to the beach this summer!

    Amyjo, you're right about those rad rooms being absolutely frigid,  There were heated blankets where I went and I wrapped up in one after I'd taken my clothes off, but when I got on the table and they ripped it off it was instant chills.  Hope this goes by very fast for you!

    Welcome, Dragon.  Glad you found us, and we ALL love puppy hugs!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Kathy, so sorry about your step mother. It is sad and also a relief I know.

    AmyJo - so glad you are getting the show on the road and that maybe soon you will have some pain relief! Hugs, gal. They may let Dave go to a regular room today if he passes the swallow test, thanks for asking.

    (((SV))) More hugs coming your way!! It sucks having thrush and candida. I am very susceptible to it. Everytime I get an anti-biotic, I ask for diflucan because I know what will happen. I LOVE Being Human! We recorded it when we were on vacation because it is so good!

    MaryBe - stay warm in Ohio! Cute dog pix!

    Dragon - welcome. This is a fun group. A little wacky but fun!

  • Lawteach
    Lawteach Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2011

    SV, as a newbie, I want to ask about your fantastic photos--are you selling them?  They are luscious and I can see some in my house for rejuvination.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Kathy - so sorry to hear about your step mother.  Hope you and DH can celebrate Valentines another day.

    Barbara - Glad to hear latest FB news on Dave.  Now it is time for you to get some rest before you wind up sick.  Can't have our "cheerleader" get sick on us.

    SV - do try and take care of yourself and remember we all love you and care about you no matter what mood you are in.  Here is wishing you more good days.

    Well I finally had my first radiation treatment today and it was not too bad.  It was only about 8 minutes for the actual treatment and I did take an Aleve about 30 minutes before I went so that helped with the pain.  If they all go like today I may be able to make it through this.  Thanks to all of you ladies for your encouragement and the information you have sent me. 

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

     Barb, I am Dave doing Ok or not....I may have read an old post on FB since I have not been keeping up on it where you wrote he failed the swallow test and was starving.  What's the latest?  Glad the lst treatment went well AmyJo....hope the rest are just as easy. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    Hey Lynn, Yeah I do sell them (photos) and I do professional work in a lot of mediums-I am getting a webpage up the first week in March but I do anything from 8x10 to furniture sized pix.

    This is the kind of large art I do-size of window frames-photo is of Bodie Lighthouse here on the Outer Banks-I is about 4 feet by 3 feet.

    This is the kind of thing I do on canvas mediums but i can do just about any medium. Just two ideas. I can design whole rooms with birds-sea shells-anything beachy! XXOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Barb - hope Dave is getting better. I forgot how hard it is to get off a respirator once you're on one. You are an angel for running around looking after your family like that!

    SV - stop bouncing in and out of that black hole! I know what you mean, and yesterday I woke up feeling so overwhelmed I just thought "what's the point of even getting out of bed", but then I started thinking about making a list of what needed to be done and when to do it. I felt a little less overwhelmed then. I also added what fun things I wanted to do and when to do them so that the good times don't just pass me by. And so I have something to look forward to amongst all the dreary work! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    My brothers are such planners - when I wanted to go down to our Destin condo, I would call my father and ask if I could have it that week and he would say one of my brothers already had it. It got so ridiculous that I had to plan 6 months ahead of time just to get the jump on them! The point being - I am a little envious of their planning abilities, because it does seem like I miss out on a lot of things. I remember asking one of them, "What made you think about planning this so long ago?" and he said, "Don't you have a 5-year plan and a 10-year plan?". I was sputtering, "What? I'm supposed to do that?"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    ((((Kathy)))) Sending lots of love and Barb-we all need to hook up into Skype-i miss you all too much not to be able to seee and talk to you anytime i want too!!

    *****AND OK FINISHING XMAS PROJECTS FOR ALL THOSE ON SANTY'S LIST...., everyone is going to hate me-but this is the last time i promise-for the 900th time-to those I have not yet sent free very late xmas presents too-please PM me and tell me what you want in an 8x10 photo that is matted AND give me your addresses AGAIN!! I have piles of paper and too lazy to sort thru-now that i have the matte board now cut and in my hot little hands as of today!! I am so sorry I am not more organized-my bad!!!! And will likely be a remaining character defect like forever IN MY LIFE!!

    H&S-I don't think I have ever falling into and out of the BLACK HOLE more in my life than this past year and i HATE IT!! I think a lot is in missing my Mom-she was my muse and motivator and I was able to bounce any art idea off of her and she reacted like I was the best thing on the planet. Her death is still just so hard on me. My Dad hates my guts and visa versa.

    Barb-PLZ take care of yourself-you are going to stress to death and we need you healthy and perky!!! Love you all, SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    SV have sent you a PM.

    Its much cooler here today thank goodness. Have just got back from taking my sister to chemo - I really don't like that place. Amy, like you her chemo only takes about 15-20 mins, it takes longer to get it all ready.

    Have managed to get quite a lot of writing done this week which has been great. Yesterday saw DS leave to go back to Guernsey, he was home for just over a fortnight but had to share him with his girlfriends parents as well. GD just loved her uncle and thought his gf was wonderful; another two slaves.

    Hope your day is going well everyone.

    Big hugs.

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    SV-sent you a pm


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    SV.  I don't need you to do a pic for me at all.....know I was being a little picky about what I wanted, but to tell you the truth I am just fine and don't need anything.  I just want you to start feeling better about life and getting back into the swing of things. 

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Hello all you beautiful ladies, I hope everybody is feeling better this evening, I went to the onc yesterday and he is sending me for an MRI of my brain, another bone scan and an upright xray of my spine to see if I have a compression fx, I also get to go to a GI doc, oh joy.  All of this will happen within the next week.  Hope my old car holds up.

    The amazon with the bad lang. was adopted by my wife-in-law.  That is my ex's widow.  Since that buzzard kicked the bucket we have become best friends. She is a truly wonderful person and wanted Conan so bad, she said she didn't mind his language at all so I let her have him and I get to see him from time to time.  When I come to the door and he hears my voice he starts hollering Darla over and over until I go in and talk to him or get him out of the cage.  I will quit taking him out very soon as he is very aggresive when the light changes and his hormones kick in and it won't be safe to handle him again until late fall.  My other guys were named Lucy (he's a boy) but when I got him from the breeder she said she thought he was a hen so he got named before we did a dna test and it was just too late to change his name, (he's a blue and gold macaw), the other bird that went to Colo. is a hen that I rescued she is a lilac crowned amazon and much smaller than Conan.  She is afraid of hands and I think she might have been and import. Her name is Sonny. I didn't name her and the people who brought her to me didn't know much about birds so they assumed she was a he.  She loves babies of any species.  When my youngest gs was born I held him up to her cage and introduced him and she said "oh what a pretty baby", I had never heard her say that before.  If I was out of the livingroom where the birds were Conan would make a knocking sound like someone was at the door and then he would say,"Hi, come in how are you" and then he would laugh like crazy as though they had said something funny and then he would holler Darlaaaa.  If that didn't get me back in the room he would knock and then say my dil's name knowing that would bring me out.  You wouldn't believe how many strange people I have found in my livingroom looking bewildered because if someone really was at the door he would tell them to come in, sometimes it was comical sometimes it was scary. LOL  Darla

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    I love your bird stories Darla. I think parrots must be intelligent as well as good mimics.

    THanks for the smile. 


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Keep those bird stories coming....they are so funny, I am thinking hmmmm, wonder if we would like to add a bird to our long as it never got lose and was flying around I would be ok....if a bird was ever flying around in the house I would be under the bed. 

    Barb,  How is Dave?.....I even looked on FB and did not see any update from the one saying he failed the swallow test. 

    Nice weather has returned....feels like Spring out which makes me hate having to go to work.   

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    I have just been watching my 2 yr old G/Daughter put me to shame ! She has been showing me how to get apps on DDs iPhone...I just couldn't believe it, she was shifting pics around at a real old speed, finding ones she wants me to see, doing closeups, and then moving on to games she likes. What really amazed me was the app she has been using teaching herself to sign. The signing programe says the word, then a child signs, and blow me if she wasn't doing the basic signs, complete with the word out loud. I have NO IDEA why DD had decided to show her the signing programe, but I never have any idea what DD is up to anyway !! All this and G/Daughter is 25 months old. I do remember many years ago buying a book called 'Teach your baby to read', by an American author Glen Doman. I had word cards up all over the house for my son, but I can't remember how old he was, should think about 3....HOW times change ! I had him all but reading when he started school at 5.

    I have been having a few quiet days, my Fibro has been playing up, and I have got myself a part-time worker. I am finding it increasingly hard to lift and carry, so have set on a 20 yr old young lady, mornings only, to do the hard work. I HATE having to give in and let someone else do my work, but this way I get to choose the easy jobs ( well, I am telling myself this !) I get to sit down more now. Taken advantage today and been sewing most of the afternoon, knowing the work was done, and I didn't have to turn out in the rain.  G/son still coming on an evening for his tea, and he will do any little things now that the big things are getting done.

    Ginger , just go ahead and get the horses, especially if someone else will be doing the work, you'll get the pleasure of talking to them, yet none of the lifting and carrying, as well as someone bobbing on and off your property, keeping an eye on things. Horses are not my thing,  had enough when DD and I had 5 between us, some years ago, DD got all the riding, I got the feed bills. DD now has horses again at her own house, and moans to me regularly about feed costs ! I just like to look at horses now.

    Am getting on nicely with my building, it will soon be done, and I shall have a bedroom all on the same level as my downstairs sitting room, and bathroom. Will be off to buy a carpet and a bed soon, we are getting so near to finishing. I can see me shutting myself off in this part of the house when its wet and cold. It'll certainly save on heating oil. The weather is miserable...wet and cold, and very windy again. I have a lot of snowdrops and crocus up in the garden....they look lovely. While I have had builders here I have got them to alter my steps down into my front garden. I HAD 5 very steep steps, now I have got the builders to put me another two steps in, and they are much easier for the older dogs to clamber up and down, AND me, much less steep.

    I am just finishing off my glass of white wine and lemonade, then its bed for me, an early night with my audio book to put me to sleep.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Thanks everyone for asking about my brother.  Bro failed the swallow test today again so they will do another tomorrow Xraying while he swallows to see what's up. ENT thinks his vocal chord may be damaged from the infection so that will get tested Mon. BUT he will most likely go into a regular room tomorrow. He will need physical therapy due to atrophy from laying in bed for a month before all this plus the past 11 days.

    {{{{Isabella, Alyson, Rae, SV, MB, AJ, HnS, Susg, Darla, Ginger, dragon, Kathy, lawteach and anyone else who my peabrain forgot}}}}} LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    I remember when AA meetings used to be held in people's homes and there was this old couple in Salt Lake who knew Bill and Lois, the founders of AA, and these old geezers were the Zions of AA in Utah, Until I went to the first meeting at their house and we were all standing there praying before the start of the meeting and from a back room we hear,"YOU effing (bleep-bleep) SO n SO" then "Shut your EFFING Mouth old woman" and on and on this terrible vocal tirade went. It sounded just like them only we had never heard them use profanity. Turned out this couple had a grey parrot that talks and mimics all of the conversations of their owners-so this is how this couple apprently behaves toward each other when they are alone. In public, they are were the bastion of AA sobriety!! They were so embarrassed that the parrot had ratted them out to us. And me being very new and not knowing the etiquette of such things-I just went hysterical-and to top it off, no matter where they put the bird they could not quiet it-it just screamed profanities in a louder voice!!! TEE-HEE! And MB you are getting something anyway so surrender-I will send it to Barb and she will get it to you if you don't give me your address. The mattes are already cut (along with my fingers) and I spent yesterday crawling on the ground after a freaking Blue Heron-Then I had forgotten about the "duck lice" that inhabit the marshes and my clothing wasn't tacked down to keep them out so I got into my car and my clothes were infested with duck lice (They tend to live in Duck hunting blinds). And they bite the cr$p out of you-like everywhere and there is no escape-so very long drive home being bitten to death by bugs in clothes. The only thing to do when you hit the garage door is fling your clothes off as you are running for the shower. Except with two dogs in tow thinking that this is a new game "OMG, Mummy is running!", it becomes a 'fat naked lady doing a chinese fire drill' around the coffee table and after I hit the front door. Clothes instantly have to go in the wash and they cannot come in your house or you have to bug bomb the place. I haven't been infested like that in several years-SO MB YOU ARE GETTING A FREAKING BIRDIE PICTURE!! And I am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU FOR getting pix of geese and POSTING THEM ON FB!!! This is a first!! And you'd better not give up on PT!! Big smooshy kisses to all-and today I am covered in  chiggar bites-like everywhere!! I have had about 4 showers and it is only 7PM!!! So,MB. sending you a present and I don't care!!! I know about your pix heritage wall and all-so if anything, send it on as a xmas present for someone else!! Ginger-DO NOT get the horses-get a healthy horse that is bomb proof! I write from experience!! And Isabella-I have terrible fibromyalgia and I don't know how you do 1/10th of what you do!! you have a freaking farm and you need help!!!! I am so glad that you are taking care of yourself and at least got someone in parttime! ((((Alyson))) and Barb, it is going to take a lot of time with your bro-this is time for you to rest cause he will be a handfull at home-yeah right-telling you to rest!! (((((BIG HUGS TO ALL THE NEWBIES AND OLDBEES)))))) and my offer of very late xmas or early Easter presents are for you all too-just PM me your address and give me an idea of what you might like-wild horses on the beach; birdies (tundra swans); lighthouses; or just ocean scenes-let me know!! I am setting up in Mitch Morales Art gallery AND met with my new web designer. We are going to start creating my first webpage in about two weeks. The cost of Angus' surgery (like 300 a month out of a fixed income) is really incredibly difficult on me right now-I owe the vet 1400.00 but he did a beautiful job and is one of the only vets who does this kind of surgery so I feel very blessed. And my Angus is starting to feel his oats and that is worth it!! XXOOOOOO - SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011
    sorry, ladies. internet was down again grrr.. on the 22nd im getting ATT..fingerscrossed. there's too much to comment on, just HAVE to say what a cutie, Gingerbrew!! i like to eat em up.. a wekness of mine!! SV feel better..chin up, chest out. and Barbara, so glad Daves' breathing on his own. he had us all scared.. i'll be cking back, as long as comcast lets me.. 3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    ohh, SV saw on OBX gals the duck lice!! im still laughing at the naked dance party with the boys around the coffee table!! WHAT are you doing.. crawling thru a duck blind***r u crazt? answer...YES   slow down. thats' what youre doin..over doing, getting overtired, getting depressed. its a wicked cycle. i know. CAUSE I DO the same thing..

     the story bout bill and lois had me roaring! oh, and Murray sends big smosshy kisses back to you, too!!      3jays

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2011

    YAY, SV is back out in the woods and swamps getting bug bites all over. THAT's exactly what I was thinking, 3Jays,, that she overdoes it then pays dearly.

    But its sooooooooo hard not to get up and go do when the weather is beautiful and you know the selling season is coming and you've been stuck in the house for weeks. And you, SV, are so talented, getting terrific photos like nobody else. But you AREN'T taking good care of you when you go out and over do it like that. It is a vicious cycle. If you could get the shot without the bugs? Might be a little bit farther to shoot, but BUGS that bite?? ewwww. i know your'e addicted to it and that's certainly not a bad thing but bugs that bite? I have to draw the line there. NO more swampy areas with biting bugs, OK? Especially the ones that cling til you get home.

    Birds are nice to look at, from the patio, in a cage in someone else's care. Dad had a Mynah bird(sp?) when we were kids and it would call my brother in from playing, screaming his name just like mom did. We thought that was hilarious cause he had to go see if it was her calling him EVERY time.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    All you girls with birds!!! The only birds I can get near are hens (live ones) - would love to be able to keep hens but we don't have a big enough yard. We did have budgies when I was small and I could pick them up but any other cage bird no way. One of the budgies could whistle just like the postman and call the cat who was scared of him. Haven't thought about Mac in ages. He was blue coloured and evidently when they first got him and the cat he pecked the kitten's nose and so Tiger, the boss cat of the area, would not go near him. He loved having a bath in the sink and had to be watched if he was out when the dishes were being done as it would result in one very soggy little bird.

    Spent a pleasant morning at the annual sale at a large (and exclusive) department store. They do have wonderful bargains which makes the prices reasonable. And tonight is gthe first night of the orchestra season, goodness knows what I am going to wear as I had better dress up a bit. Just wish my collarbone/shoulder wasn't so sore.

    A lovely sunny day here  but not quite so humid. must go and start to think about dinner

    Big hugs to all

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    wonder what these little guys are thinking...they didn't want to land

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    Oh LISA-NOW  THOSE ARE FREAKY BIRDS-they look like they belong in "Resident Evil-the series." And Alyson-too funny-yeah we are off on a bird tangent but am giggling over the hen thing and you getting close to them. When i was a kid, our hens would run cause they knew they were dinner!! ;0}}} SV

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    I know! I am going to have the realtor add,

    Exceptional bird watching right from your 4 season sun porch.  

    It is true and something I hoped for with that house. It far exceeded my expectations so maybe someone would want an almost new, totally upgraded house, overlooking a forest preserve and creek for half of what it cost to build in 08. For inland we even had eagles and regular great blue herons, owls, tons of migrating birds.

    Thanks for inspiring a marketing idea.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2011

    I had my last taxoterrible on dec 23 and I still have no hair in spots on my head.  Kind of like male pattern baldness.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I am so upset and overwhelmed with thinking I'll never have a full head of hair again.  Also wondering what do I do now?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2011

    Dear Zenith,

    I did not have chemo so don't have personal experience. But my husband's cousin experienced the same problem. She thought taking Arimidex kept her hair from regrowing normally. Thinking on a more positive note...Do you think it just has not been long enough for the hair to grow back in fully? So many women say it seems to take forever. It just seems that breast cancer should be enough... that we should not have all these other problems too!  Maybe some of our sisters here have had a similar situation and can offer a better response. I just wanted to say I am sorry you are having this trouble. 


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

      When my hair first came back, I had more in the back than on top and also my hairline went way back, the way a man's would, then all of a sudden it started growing everywhere.....I think you probably just need to give it more time.  Wash your head just as you would if you have will stimulate your scalp.  I used this stuff called Nioxin.  I think patience is the key and that is tough because getting hair back really is a big deal. 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Zenith-just hang in there. I, too, had bald spots for a bit.  Then all of a sudden I realized they were filling in.  Have you considered taking Biotin?  I take 5000mcg. a day and feel that it helps with hair growth as well as helping with the fingernails.  I had tc x4. 

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2011

    Thanks everyone.  I will try to have more patience and not freak out.  Your posts have given me hope.