Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    MaryBe-explain to me-what is a gemzar treatment??? What can I do to support you dearest. Is it just one treatment or several??? Any idea about SE's? I just so hope and pray that it will be an easy treatment for you and all will go as planned with no SE's. Sendinglots of angels and hugs and prayers your way!! Love you very much, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    Mimidi: yes, welcome!! i love this thread, my favorite in all of BCO; because we're all so tight.. we even try to meet out there in the "real" world, when we can!

       i agree with Isabella; i think you always are aware.. the whole journey was just too traumatic for me to just "move along" but, some days are def. better than others. my bmx was as radical as they can do now, and i have bad health, so no recon for me. its' a drag.. a daily reminder.. AND i have pretty bad LE, so i drag this dead body of mine around everyday. but, i fought and still fight to keep here, so im committed.. glad your here, if ya gotta be in the club noone wants to belong to...

        SV: MARYBE< ISABELLA; i read the thing on
    FB what can we do? how to solve?? i hate ANY divisivisness to be here, our safe haven!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    wow SV, what a shot..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Just  home an hour ago from babysitting baby Zoe, 6 mo old. There are these great devices to give a teething baby a mom sicle  it is a mesh attached to a handle and frozen Mom's milk goes into it. It was a real life saver for us because the sweetest baby in the world is teething and this brought relief.  She is also expanding her vocal range and testing out her Raptor calls. Oh my goodness she has some volumn going on!   

     We tuned our computers to Sesame street songs and now I have Elmo's Song running through my head. 

    I am off for #20 of 35 rads tomorrow. 

    Lisa I agree, SV's photo of the Heron is just amazing. 

    Everybody, hi! I hope you had a good weekend. Marybe you are the hostess with the mostess. Having events with various groups is brilliant. You are all set up and it must make it easier and more fun for you too, great idea.  I never really did social entertaining, just not in my experience. I did do all the family holidays for over 30 years but not social events. Hmm. neither did my mom. 

    SV I am glad you have one of those asthma machines but I am sorry you need it. Your photos are wonderful. 

    Isabella, I have a vision of your house in my head. It is stone with a masonry skim coat over it but it is cracked off a bit on some edges giving a solid look to the structure. I picture flowering shrubs waiting to bloom in spring and hedgerows of shrubs with bluebells edging fields of yellow rapeseed.  I certainly hope there is an arbor where you can take a rest under some flowering vines. It is a lovely house with the tea kettle always at a ready.


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Welcome mimidi, Happy belated birthday Isabella.  Loved your pics Marybe.  SV what a great shot, I'm glad the frog got away but I'll bet the Heron isn't.  The lady in Colo sent me a pic of Lucy tonight being held by her 13 year old daughter.  Lucy never let anyone hold him hardly but me so I know he is content.  I would like to post it but don't know how.  Love and hugs to all.  Darla

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Great shot, SV! Glad he got away, too.

    Hope everyone has a great week! I am grumbling because I had a work meeting all weekend and I am tired. Grumble, grumble.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    Barb...grumble away !! I am slacking, having a doing nothing day,hehe...but I shall probably get myself tidied up and hit the shops in a couple of hours. I need shoes ! No I don't , I am falling over the damned things all over the house, but this little voice inside of me keeps repeating       GO BUY I shall. I usually listen to my inner self !


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    (((((((GROUP HUG)))))) TO ALL MY SISTERS ON the thread that rocks it out!!. God, as sick as we are-We do life to the fullest!! And when we cannot everyone rallies to the fallen (and they don't stay down for long cause we work GOOD!!). And that is a great testament to this group! Love you all and I am SO glad you all are in my life. To the new gals-please keep posting-we are a tight group who have been thru fire to support each other-it takes time-if you feel left out in our rush and excitement to share life amidst BC please post that too-we will leave no one behind in our march forward in living with this terrible disease! We had women at our first reunion who have Stage 4 cancer and cancer everywhere but in their brains-but they still showed up on the Outer Banks for sisterhood and life as we now know it living with cancer-we live to spread our joy, love, information, sisterhood, life, family, deaths, bumps in the road and all of it!! Welcome to all who wish to join us "old geezers" as we trudge this road of laughter and tears!! For those who become more familiar with a lot of us on this thread and who feel this is "home" for you-we do have our own face book page. And most of us all have each others telephone numbers or emails so that the support we give each other is upfront and as personal as it gets!! I wouldn't have us any other way!!! XXOOO SV

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2011

    Isabella....wish I could go shoe schopping with you! have every right to grumble as much as you need to, do you get paid overtime or are you salaried and it's "part of the job"? Hope you get some extra time off so you can recoup.

    Darla...wish you could post that picture, sounds like Lucy is feeling quite comfortable in his 2nd home. That has got to make you feel a little better.

    Ginger...sounds like Zoe can be a handful. Teething is so uncomfortable and you just don't know what to do to make the poor babies more comfortable. If only there was a way to take away their pain. The mom scicle sounds like a novel idea.

    I am calling myself snowed-in today, we had about 10 inches of snow yesterday and are expecting 3-6 lake effect. Plus I over slept this morning!!! All good reasons to stay home, right? Had trouble falling asleep again last night, I guess I should take the melatonin no matter what.

    I have lots of puter work to do, so will be essentially working without having to get dressed!! I think it's a jammie day. 

    gentle hugs ~ suzie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2011
    ditto all that SV said....she says it so well.....
  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Isabella-Happy Birthday!  Sorry this is belated.  

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Happy Monday everybody.  It's been a gorgeous day here, in the 70's but windy as all get-out.  I've been hanging around the house all weekend as DH has been "ailing" since Friday--he's better today and I'm trying not to get what he had!  Thanks to all who responded about my niece and I agree that she's up to no good.  I don't plan to get any more involved than I have to be, that's for sure, but I do want to see for myself what's going on.  I just hope she leaves me alone for a while and am very thankful she's their daughter and not mine!

    Welcome to Zenith and Mimidi, and any other newbies that I've missed!  Can't go back and look or y'all know what'll happen.

    Happy belated birthday Isabella!  Glad the work on your house is coming along well, and it's great that you've finally got more help around there!  You've earned a bit more time off and will enjoy it!

    Suzie,  although I was employed by the state of NC forever (actually 33 years, from the time I graduated from college until I retired) I always worked out of my home and I loved it.  Part of the month I travelled to different county DSS agencies and interviewed clients, but the write-ups of cases were all done at home.  It really helped with clothing costs, etc, since like you said you could work in your robe or whatever at home. 

    Ginger, a teething baby can be so pitiful when not much helps, can't they?  Hope you get Elmo's songs out of your head soon, but it's a losing battle.  I still can't get rid of "Skinnermarinky dinky dink" from keeping my GS last week!

    SV that was one amazing photo!  And you just keep waking up college memories for me--I hadn't thought about HOOKAs in many years, and now (as then) it wouldn't take much to persuade me to.....and I'm supposed to be a church lady, too!   Hope you get some relief from your asthma.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Happy belated birthday Isabella!  Hope your dinner was enjoyable!  SV, Love the Heron and what a shot!!!  Now that's what I call timing!!!  I'd love to see the whole sequence some time. 

    Well I think I'm organised, been cleaning like a whirling dirvish to get everything spick and span as my arm will be out of action fully for about six weeks and then partially for another six.....ugh!  Surgery is set for about 2.00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday.  Not looking forward to the whole thing but I am looking forward to the more pain......Yay!!!!!!

    Barb, how's your brother doing?  I do hope that things have improved and he is growing stronger each and every day.

    Welcome to the new girls Zenith and Mimidi!  Feel free to jump in and join the conversation any time and before you know it, you will be as comfortable with us as if you have always been here!

    Oh my gosh!  I have been off and on for awhile and now I seem to have lost track of whats been going on, so many pages to catch up.  If I miss someone please don't take offence, it is not intentional.  I will be off the boards from Wednesday to Friday so until I return, take care all and be well.

    Love n hugs, Chrissy

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Chrissy,  I am so glad to see you....was wondering what you had been up to.  You have my prayers along with everyone else's on here that your surgery goes well.  Today was a red letter day....talked to both Barb and SV and  3jays, I am going to catch up with you soon.  I just finished dinner and am now going to go try to on clothes for my Chicago not sure what I can squeeze into these days and decided yesterday when I was trying on clothes during my brief trip to Macy's, that I have an incredibly large ASk me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.  I thought those dressing room mirrors were supposed to make you look better so you would buy things!!!  I do not want to take too many clothes since I am not sure where this megabus drops us off....I remember once gettin off a bus in Flagstaff and it was like in the middle of the dessert....or maybe that was an AMtrack I was getting off of and getting onto a bus....Long time ago.  I met some real lulus on my road travels. 

    Just banished Brattie to the basement to spend the rest of the evening with Tim....found a big wet spot on the rug in the BR and the other two have been in the kitchen with me so know he was the guilty one.

    It is always an adventure digging into my closet because I find clothes I don't even remember hiding in there.   Never know what I may find.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2011

    Chrissy...hope all goes well with your surgery...((((((((hugs))))))

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    ((((Chrissy)))) What surgery are you having! i cannot go back in pages cause I lose this post and i hate it!!! I cannot keep up with everyone. Chemo friend my brain permanently and I cannot hold a thought for two seconds. Ok I just heard about the earthquake in Christ Church NZ-are our gals OK?? Alyson said it happened midday with a lot of deaths. You got any news of our sisters there?? Isn't Rae in NZ-REA WHERE ARE YOU???

    Ok Zenith and Mimi-we expect you to jump in and get your feet wet-how are each of you doing today??? is all ok?? Fill us in on events!!! And dragonfly???

    MB so glad we talked but that my freaking phone keeps crapping out-it is old and the battery won't hold a charge!! Missed Barb about 20 times! Now, when are you leaving, MB-gees that is a long busride. I'd never make it. ((((Ginger-horsies-wha'd up))))) Kathy-good on ya for not being co-dependant!! And QCA-man did you get the winds we got today-it was 70 degrees out but ya couldn't stand up outside!! Isabella, are you loaded with new shoes?? I know I have left out many I love but it truly is my brain-I simply have NO memory and I hate it!! Love and hugs to all, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in...Mom leaving on Wednesday

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    chrissy, its' still tuesday 10pm here. will light the candle (don't worry, its' electric) i don't trust ME with fire!! i will turn it off when we hear you're well and home. be well , sweetie. i hope you get relif from that darn screw!    love ya gal!!    3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    i cannot find "toll physchology, and i wanna see.. help!!     3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    Christchurch is about 650 miles from where either Rae or I live. However this is a small country with just over 4 million people everyone knows some- one down there. Friend's sister is missing but its probably just no communication. It is really bad down there. My cousin and nephew are fine but haven't heard from others.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Thanks 3jays, heading off at about 9.00 in the morning as I have a few errands to run on the way to hospital.  Looking forward to it being over.I'll let you know as soon as I'm up to posting.  I'll be staying with my DD1 for the week but I'll also have my puter with me so I can let you know when to turn the candles off.

    SV, I'm having two screws removed from my left shoulder as they are sitting proud of the bone and causing me no end of pain and restriction with arm movement.  They were put there to hold the pin that was put in my arm after mets were Dx'd but the arm is now stable and so they can take the screws out without any backlash.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    Cynthia took 3 and a half hours to get home, was in one of the damaged buildings.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    Alyson..glad she's ok, and home. will be lighting lots of candles!     3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Cynthia, saying prayers for your relatives and friends in Christchurch.  Hope they faired well.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    I'm sure everyone in this group has been as concerned about the earthquake and it's effect on our New Zeeland sisters as I since most of us don't know just where you live.  Glad you are safe away from the area and hope that any loved ones in the area are safe.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Chrissyb, will be sending good vibes (and prayers too) for your surgery.  Hope this will give you relief!!

    Also prayers for the sisters in NZ. Thanks Alyson for letting us know where you and Rae are, and glad Cynthia is okay.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    I am so sad for the people of NewZeeland and especially our sisters there.

    Chrissy I hope all goes well with your surgery and you get relief from the pain. 

    SV Nothing on horsies yet. It all depended on someone who would take responsibility for them. Many poeple have told the horse rescue that they would take a horse if they had a place to keep them. So the horse rescue person put out the word that she had a place and wasn't that exciting. No one has stepped up and having gotten counsel from you, SV and another BCO friend I am rethinking this. The woman who runs the rescue also was very concerned that I get two horses that were very stable and would be good pasture pals. She primarily works with thorougbreds. (I don't know how to spell that) but takes in other rescues too. It is surprising how easily horses wind up in a kill pen that just a couple years before were "valuable" for their sperm or racing. If I could help like this I would like too, two people on here are now shaking their heads at me. I am not looking for horses to ride or do anything but hang out together and let me give them the occasional pat on the head or carrot. It seems a shame to let the barn and pasture just sit there. My friend keeps telling me to get a llama and I just see myself with Llama spit dripping off my mostly bald head.  My daughter tells us to rent some goats because it costs a fortune to get this place mowed and I just see a big yard filled with goat poop. :)

    I am waiting on my puppy, (I have previously done lots of rescues & my SIL requested we not take a rescue with their baby being 6 mo old.) it seems the bitch wasn't pregnant and then was bred again so we'll see. I just need to have something more to love and have in my life. When my husband starts to travel again he can be gone 5 or 6 days a week for weeks on end. I have trained a couple of our dogs and look forward to working with a standard poodle. I will definitely keep you updated. In fact I don't think you could shut me up when talking about animals. 

    20 out of 35 rads done.

    Hugs to everybody


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    3Jays....Troll Psychology is right at the bottom of the Forum Index in Comments and Suggestions.

    (((((((((((Chrissy))))))))))) Hope all goes well.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    Ladies, I do not mean to alarm but i consider this urgent-I was PM'd this AM from people claiming to be the moderators wanting to know if I had written something horrible to a woman named Beesie??? I don't know a Beesie!! I think it extremely dangerous to post on BC,org at this time-someone is hijacking (at least my) PM's though don't know how they did it. I have forwarded all to the moderators this morning but doubt much will be done. I would encourage everyone to get off this Board and use our personal FB page to communicate. This is for real and not a game of trolls anymore. SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Just so you'll know

    I received this from my NZ friend

    we are ok, we were downtown in a mall, it was just terrible. It takes us about 30 mins to get home, after the quake it took us 4 hours, we had to cross the avon river and a lot of bridges were down ,and there was liquefaction and water everywhere, some roads we had to go up on the footpath to get thru after we found a bridge which is damaged  but it was open the traffic flowed really good. So much damage and now it is raining hard. We have had a lot of aftershocks so not going to bed tonight, all the shelters that they made up are full, lot of visitors from overseas in town Just awful