Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    I have an ambulanceon the way-deconpensated with pneumonia and now an asmtha attack-cannot breathe so I will be goen all day. SV 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Aw gals! Rae and Alyson - prayers for you and your families and countrymen.

    SV - let me know what is going on!!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    SV-I know what you mean about the memory thing.  First of all, I have fibromyalgia and have the infamous "fibro fog".  Now with the chemo brain going on I'm downright pathetic!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Ginger-We have two Standard Poodles.  Maggie is 12 and Beau is 11.  This breed is wonderful.  They are sooo smart.  They also are velcro dogs.  Be prepared to always have this dog with you.  They love their people.  Our other breed of choice are German Shepherds.  We have a puppy on order and will get him when he is 8 wks. old.  Have fun!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited February 2011

    Hello All, 

    Sorry that this has become a public event with SV and a private message. We did PM StillVerticle this morning, as we are looking into a specific, unkind private message. It looked as though it was sent from SV, so I asked her. As she has made very public, it was not from her. That's all. No need to make this a bigger deal for now.

    Thank you,

    Melissa and Team. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Lisa so glad your friend is OK. Hope Rae and her family are OK, too.

    Thanks Melissa.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Barbara - Saw Rae on another thread this morning.  Her home is well away from the Earthquake, 600+ miles.  She was concerned about friends and family however.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Did no one notice that SV is on her way to the hospital with an asthma attack complicated by her pneumonia?   SV I am sending up prayers for you right now. Keep in touch as they get you going on all the stuff that will get you breathing well once again.  Don't worry about the rest of all this we know you wouldn't send a nasty message. In reading that thread it looked to me like the author of the thread was setting it up to accuse someone of using multiple names to write unkind messages. I thought it was pretty obvious the direction she was going with her allusions to multiple accounts. I don't know why you were chosen as a target but my instinct with all of that is to back away. We can't change any of that, I doubt the moderators can either so refusing to play seems to be a good solution to me. Gee we all have enough to deal with here that topics that relate to all our disease and daily life provide us with lots to talk about. I love our old lady group here and will try to post more regularly and try to help it thrive.

    I really hope you are feeling better lickety split and back to tromping around in the wweeds. Just stay away from the ones with the little bugs in them or you'll be doing your dance again! 

    We all love you

    Hugs GInger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    wow any more stress this early?  im really hoping the ple in new z are going to be ok! its' amazing, the weather is so weird, now..scary...i agree with SV just not to "touch" the other subject. we can all take the "high" road. we NEED this site to encourage, and support each other. and this thread has been an enormous lift in my life. that, and 2-3 others keep me going on dark days. so, lets' be each others sunshine.. right?

       SV i'll be holding on till we hear, pnemonia(sp?) is nothing to fuss with. stay out of the marsh, you silly goose!

       Mur and i are meeting an old friend of his from school 30 yrs ago tonight. she, and her husband are meeting us in Ssouth Beach. He's not prepared her to meet me, as i usually do. she's gonna meet an overweight, boobless, half bald old lady in a wheelchair. he's not said a word! He's such a dear.. it doesn't occur to him what a shock that might be at first meet!

       im sure it will go ok. they want to do Lincln Road, hence , the wheelchasir. i just can't do a lot of walking with the MS anymore. this BEAST has just robbed me of the energy to fight anything, or anyone elase.. once i meet ple, im fine. my personality is still there, if not a hellova lot else! i'm just letting you know how nervous i am. its silly, and once we get there, ill be fine. Food is the great treat for me. and lincon rd. is a great spot to "ple watch"

       thanks for listening, ladies. we'll all just stick together in theis poop storm, and be fine.      3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Susgal thanks for writing about your poodles. I am down in Redmond. I am really looking forward to my puppy. OI have a small rescue that is totally velcro. He is part poodle, schnauser, bischon frize, beagle and chihahua. We actually had his DNA ru because we could not figure out what on earth he was. He is white and looks a little like a 14 pound labradoodle with a small body and long legs. He was a puppy mill dog that we got as a small puppy. He came complete with kennel cough, giardia, worms of course, and another serious disease. He was a very expensive rescue and worth every penny. His name is Harry and our new puppy will be Ginger I think. 

    We had Golden Retrievers and had several die of cancer and my hiusband said no more Goldens and I understand but it is hard to live life without a golden. Several friends recommended poodles along with my radiation oncologist who grew up with poodles and thinks I will love them. I think so too. :)  

    I am going to finish rads on March 7th I think and may be tired for a while so the delay in our puppy will work out fine. The weather here is so mild that an early spring arrival  isn't so necessary as it was back in Illinois.  I actually noticed that the trees are greening up here, in February! That is so encouraging to someone who lived their life in Illinois where sometimes spring began in early June and summer came two days later.

    I have a friend who is having an unbelievably bad day. Her name is Connie. If you pray please pray for her. Her ex is trying to take their children away and I know she had no money for a lawyer and is trying to offer her own defense and will likely not succeed. Not having a lawyer is a terrible burden and the lawyer that was offered her two yearsa ago never did one lick of work. He should be so ashamed of himself. I know all the details and was there for much of the facts of the case. Please pray for justice and God's peace for my friend who I think will have her heart broken today. 

    Love you all Ginger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    oh, Ginger.. i do pray, light candles, do it all! and, i willbe doing all of it for your friend.I went through an awful custody fight with my ex. i can't imagine how Connie is coping. i eventually won.. but, thats' exacttly WHY i have such a hard time financially now. lawyers got it all. my ex said he's break me, and he did. financially.. i raised my boys alone for a few yrs. and remarried.. it turned out ok for me.. the boys remain a challenge..

      i will be praying for Connie, and i pray she'll be able to endure whatever happens.        3jays

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Ginger-I will pray for your friend.  This kind of thing is just heartbreaking.  Prayers are also going up for SV.  I had pneumonia and ended up in the hospital for three days.  No fun.

     3jays-you will be great with your evening out.  As far as I'm concerned, these folks have a treat in store for them.  It's not often that people meet a truly good person such as yourself. Have fun!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2011

    This thread means a lot to me too, it's been one of my favorites for a couple of years now.

    Offering prayers for the ladies and their families in NZ, Allyson, I saw that you said you and Rae aren't far from there, You are the first one I thought of when I just saw the news, it looks almost like the 9-11 event did in New York with all the injured people running from collapsing buildings. How awful. I'm sure there will be fund raising here and I will donate to the one you suggest or the one that is the most trustworthy. OH, the Church is so damaged, it's so sad. 

    Ginger, my cousin has had goldens for the past 35 years and recently lost the last one. She went dog-less for a short time and found a litter of Labra-doodles. She landed two of them and they are very happy and she is too. They are the size of standard poodles and both are jet black wavy fur. She wraps red bandana around their necks and goes out with both of 'em. So sorry for your friend. The same thing happened to my Sis-IL and I cannot believe she had a lawyer. Can she change and get a dynamic and aggressive lawyer? If she can bring herself to do it and she has no reasons not to be awarded custody of the children, an aggressive lawyer can get them, the house and child support and alimony and COURT FEES. Please ask her or maybe guide her to a decent lawyer. Some possessive men should not be allowed the things they get in court. Sending strong female vibes to her and hope she feels the power.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    HEY ALL OF MY SISTERS! I just got home from the ER am am a bit loopy from the drugs. I know it seems incredibly strange for me to be on the computer while the ambulance is roaring to my home and I cannot breathe-but the attack on my integrity and the breach of my PM system on, was just something I could not handle and felt i needed to address immediately and to get the word out that vipers on this Board are actually spending their time doing truly evil work.  Again, I awoke this morning, turned on my computer quickly to see things needed and saw this bizarre "post" from the moderators asking if I had sent a terrible post in a PM to another woman who i do not even know. I now know that she is one of the instigators on the troll board. She even bragged on the board yesterday that she has found a way to disguise her computer ID and Avitar to Spy on people-This is for real and to verify, please look for her quote as she explains to all of the trolls how to EFFF-up everyone's posts on I reported all to the moderators and I got hit with this really ugly post this morning and had no idea where it came from. This has brought up huge fear in me that someone used my PM to send an awful message to someone else-but the writing is in a font I do not use and a size I do not use. I no longer trust this Board-the nest of vipers in the troll room truly are spawns of Satan and i do not write that lightly. Again there are only a few of them but the pain, hurt and damage they are doing is unforgivable. This site is Holy Ground to me. The only gals I know and love on this thread are the only gals I trust on this thread. I simply do not know what I will do at this time-but to be accused of such a thing and NOT to have this investigated by the moderators is just beyond me. This is criminal activity in violation of federal law in the use of the Internet. The evil-Satanic garbage i am seeing written on the troll thread-In my view, every woman on there (and there a just a few vipers) engaging in that kind of behavior should be barred from I cannot write much more or be very eloquent and i am so sorry-I was taken to the ER in ambulance from my computer this AM bec I could not catch my breath due to my asthma. Despite my sats being at 88 on 2 liter of O2, the docs at our glorious ER decided that because i had no high white count, that nothing was wrong with me so they sent me home with nothing-it was more like I just walked out. I just got home and am curled up in a ball just crying.  My Doc in Elizabeth City off the Island wants me in the hospital in EC now-and I cannot get there! So another night of this and will try to get to him tomorrow-I so love you all but I am exhausted to the bone and i just have nothing more in me-for real-I will be off the board for awhile bec I do not need the stress and I cannot think my way out of a paper bag right now and I am so afraid for my health. Lying on the bed and suffocating is a terrible feeling-then I get up and the coughing doesn't stop-like i am throwing my stomach up-so sorry to be me, me, me but I just don't know anymore about anything. I DO know that the women on this thread are for real, are my best firends, and women who I would walk thru fire for-but wait til I can breathe again-Love you all, SV Sorry to be the Drama Queen Today but i am just so ill, physically emotionally and siritually-the coughing has set off the fibromyalgia and my chest just burns!! Went to get the one script the ER doc wrote only to find out that our Congress has deleted codeine (as in cough syrup) from my insurance and the one tiny bottle that used to be covered is now costing me $104.00!!!!! Couldn't afford it!! so left with nothing. I love you all very much and please forgive as I have not read anyone's posts or anything on our thread today-I am sorry for not keeping up. SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    Sv....sorry you are in such a state. WHY did they kick you out of ER, what is this world coming to ?? Then in the next breath your other doctor wants you in hospital. I am at a loss.

    What about contacting your friends at Church, the ladies who took you for some treatment some weeks ago, surely they will help out. Funny, when I get a cough or cold it sets off my fibro, what a shower of old crocks we are !

    Regarding the troll thread. LET IT are ill, and do not need this extra worry. Concentrate on getting yourself stable again, then still LET IT GO they are just not worth the trouble and upset. I cannot understand just how the moderators are not setting up a proper investigation and rooting out the baddies, and banishing them, I am a total hopeless case on pc's, but hasn't each pc got its own IP address ? that can be traced? (and I have no idea what IP means!! Just pick these things up ! ) Surely a reasonable thing to do , so I am sure they can say where the message has come from. I think they should name and shame, then banish.

    Codeine here is very expensive in liquid form, and only given to children really. This was in the paper last week !  

    Just get your friends rung up, and see if they can get you to Elizabeth City hospital a.s.a.p, the best place for you if you are feeling so rough, you just can't take chances, its not just one thing that you have you have lots going on there, and need sorting out properly.

    Just thinking about multiple illness, a lot of us are suffering from 2 or 3 quite scary things. I know I have bc, fibro, diseased aortic valve awaiting op. and 3 slipped discs awaiting op. It is just ridiculous, I had a bit of a 'go' at my Dr 2/3 weeks ago, and told her I would be 'waking up dead one day soon' if they didn't get my ops sorted out. I cannot believe I am having to wait for treatment for so long. 16 months now for slipped discs, and 5 months for aortic valve. Trouble is I don't look ill. Always put on decent clothes to Dr and hospital and would NEVER go without my makeup....yet some a lot younger than me just slop around in old jeans, greasy hair, dirty shoes...just unbelievable to see people let themselves go so, and so bad mannered going into a hospital like that. DD said to me the other day when I was having a moan 'why don't you go in your jeans and not do your hair, then maybe you'd look ill and get some treatment' and she's right. Over the last few weeks I have started to grab a walking stick when I am going shopping, 'til I can get myself into the shopping centre and clutching on a cart ! When I go to the Dr , or hospital I wouldn't be seen dead with one !!! How stupid is that ? I have a hospital appointment tomorrow for my slipped discs, and this time I have decided to take my walking stick, and tell the Drs how I need one, maybe this'll move my op along....maybe not.

    Right I am turning in, I have to root out a pair of navy trousers I want for tomorrow. I have had a 'black' craze all winter, all other colours shoved to the back of my wardrobe, but having a change...maybe because I got myself a pair of navy shoes yesterday, (plus a pair of shoe boots in brown) I have a very big thing about shoes....probably because I live in wellies or slippers all day at home.



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    I have the flu and have been out of commission, and yes, I did have a flu shot in the fall.   The coughing has been terrible and my asthma kicked in.  So now with multiple doses of dexamethasone  plus albuterol, plus about 3 other things, I am finally able to breathe again.  But I am laying low for the rest of the week and plan to get rid of this thing.

    For our sisters in New Zealand: I am thinking of you and your families and friends and praying that you will be ok.

    SV: Get one of your church ladies to take to you the hospital.  It sounds as if you are really sick and need to be cared for.  Or at least, see if one of them can stay with you tonight to help you a bit. Forget about the troll. On a board with so many people, there are bound to be a few trolls. Ignore her and take care of yourself.  

    Sending my best to everyone.


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    This whole troll deal and people sending messages in someone else's name is just one BIG FAT MESS.  The whole idea of this board is for women to support each other and then all of a sudden it turns into a war zone....although it's been going on for a long time and each and every time a battle erupts, I read it with amazement.  Aren't there bigger things for us to be concerned with like mets, and scan results and such. aren't we on here to support each other and share our problems along with our daily life and good news.....I just don't get it. I think we all get along just fine on here so am not talking about us, but I think there are some people who are jealous of the fact that we do all get along so well so they are stirring the pot and trying to cause problems.  We should be like the ducks you are so good at photographing, SV...water rolls off of them....this should just roll off our backs and then end up in a pile, as crap does.

        Why would anyone object to us having our own little facebook group?  Lots of people use face book.  Does the fact we post on facebook mean we should not post on here?  I am the culprit for starting the locked thread on there.....why?....because just look at what happens when some of these lurkers read what we write, take it out of context and make a mountain out of it.  Another pile. Pretty soon we are going to need a shovel.

    I am not trying to make trouble and am not singling people out here, I am just stating facts and wondering What the heck?!?!?  This is a support board!!  

     I spoke to Melissa on the phone by the way and she sounds she should be in an iron lung...wheezing, deep rattling cough not good.  And she is just very very upset about this whole deal and I do not blame her one bit, but told her she needs to concentrate on getting better. 

    I tend to write way too much when I post, but I don't have time for that tonight....still have to find some pants to squeeze myself into for my trip tomorrow.  I am telling my onco I am skipping the Gemzar tomorrow....if the cancer hasn't gotten me after all this time, I do not think waiting til next week is going to kill me.

    Ginger, Mandy, you gals in NZ, Chrissy with your surgery, 3jays, Barb,  SV with all the things you have going on, AmyJo, Isabella and all of you I did not mention always have my prayers, Always.  Who cares about trolls....let's hear some more bird stories.    Love, Marybe

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    I agree wholeheartedly with you, Marybe.  This is a forum to give support and receive support from others who are all facing the same issues.  It is not the place for attacks on others, childish behavior, inuendo, and deceit.  Personally, I have found more support, more caring, more comfort on this thread than on any other site I've visited, simply because we're a group of very compassionate women who continue to give and reach out to others despite our own particular situation at any monent.  This is certainly not an exclusive thread but I would think no one who's not in our particular age group would want to join, and this thread is not run by any kind of chosen few.  So what if there's a Facebook site too?  That's fine with me.  I'm personally not on facebook yet, although I may be one day, but I'm not in any way offended by it.

    Anyhow, SV, please do what Isabella said, call your church friends and see if somebody can take you to the hospital, especially since your doc recommended it.  If I lived closer I'd put you in my Honda Civic and take you myself!  Marybe's right.  You need to forget about this crap and concentrate on getting well.

    Good luck at your dr visit tomorrow, Isabella. You've got the right idea---take that cane and hopefully they may listen to you.

    I too pray for our NZ friends, for their safety and recovery from this disaster.  Good thoughts for you, Chrissyb, with your surgery, and have a good trip, Marybe.  Hello to all others that I haven't mentioned, too.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    My friend is still in court after 12 hours! Please pray again if you would be willing. If the court gives her kids back to their father I am worried about the kids, this man held them at gun point with a loaded cocked shot gun once among other things. 12 hours!! With no lawyer of her own!  God protect her please.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Ginger - praying for your friend Connie.

    SV - you have my number so CALL ME, I WILL COME get you and take you to the hospital in Elizabeth City.  You know I would do anything to help you all you need to do is call.  I can postpone one of my rad treatments if needed to help you. Still wish you had not cancelled the appointments with the doctors at Duke. You need a fresh prespective and new doctors that will look at everything and get you on a good treatment plan that takes all your issues into consideration.  But I understand your choice and it was your decision, not mine.  Love you girl even when you are a Drama Queen. Wink

    Marybe - hope you have a good time at your convention tomorrow.  Post some pics when you get can.   And I have a big shovel at the ready and I am no stranger to "mucking stalls".   Thing about manure is that mixed with straw and left for a little while it makes good fertilizer, so it will make our friendships and sisterhood grow closer and stronger.  We just need to throw on the hay by moving onward and let the whole mess decompose.

    Hope everyone has a restful night and enjoys tomorrow and can just take a breath. 

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Well, SV isn't going to be on here for awhile.  She got notified after that one post she made, but she said it was something she needed to say.  We can contact her on her regular email or FB.  AmyJo....good to see you....fertilizer is good and I like the mixing theory. 

    How can they keep someone in court 12 hrs?!  Good Grief. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    WTH...what to say!! 1st off, i repeat.. don't react! just go on loving each other, and supporting everyone.. Newbies, you're always welcome here. we do not shoot our wounded, we lift them up.. on our weak shoulders, if we have to.. there are many of us, and together, we can shoulder on (soldieron?) . i for one, could spit, reading and hearing some things. some of them COULD mean me, but i dont care!! remember what they say about opinions( and thats all any of this is, on any threads) we all have them, we know where they come from, and they can stink, sometimes!! im just sayin.. lets all calm down, and remember why were here in the first place. take the high road. im trying to right now. join me. if ou do, i will, and we'llbring along everyone else.

       GINGER: i haven't stopped praying for connie. 12 hrs is insane!!let us know how it all comes out. that it lasted this long, im praying the judge is really LISTENING to the case.. please God!!

        thats' it for now. but, know i love this site, this thread, and am here for all my sisters..        3jays whew!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Connie lost custody of her children in a travsty of a kangaroo court. She had all of her evidence ready and organized. She had sent toe releases to the guardian ad litem and done the proper paperwork. When she tired t present her evidence she was told it was heresay becuase the other side did not have their copies. It was a big lie. The case went almost 14 hours. She will not be allowed to see her kids for two years and then it can be revisited in court to see if she has improved.  This woman has only done one thing wrong, she married into a family of vipers.   She does not drink, smoke, do anything whatsoever illegal. Is a good mom, made the kids study, be polite, kind go to church to youth group to dance classes. to gymnastyics all that sortof thing. Ladies she didnt even yell at her kids. This is all the product of a anasty divore about 7 years ago and vindicitive grandparents who felt she should have never reported the croimes their "boy" committed.   I am just sickened by this. I know her so well and for 22 years.  

    I can say this would have never happened in the state of Illinois. It happened in a small town in VA and I plan to never spend one dime of mine in that state. Obviously it is more complicated but the telling is too arduous for now. Still, she did nothing wrong and I know it!

    She could use ongoing prayer for her own healing and protection for the kids as they go through this again!  Thank you for listening, I am so sad.

    Love Ginger 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Oh Ginger, I am so sorry. I will keep praying for her. She needs as many prayers as she can get.

    {{{SV}}} please take care of yourself!

    MaryBe, have fun in Chicago!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    ((((((MAJOR GROUP HUG)))))) aND iSABELLA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HUMOR! God we are a mess aren't we. I feel like a bag of bones rattling around just waiting to fall over!! Yep old crocks and how did we get so friggin sick and so friggin old?? Well, the ban was lifted this morning after much talk with the moderators. But I now truly know need to focus on the positive. The stuff that is going on hits me hard because i was always the new kid in school and always bullied-so I go to instant red when i see it-but i need to let it go and need all of you all in helping me do that. I glanced thru posts this morning but still feel very ill so I did not absorb much-our health care on the island is third world but it takes two hours to drive to the hospital where all of my docs are and i just could not do it yesterday. ((((GINGER-wha'd up-are you OK)))) and CONNIE  I am SO SAD and outraged to read the news from Ginger. My biggest prayers are with you for peace and some serentiy in all of this. ((((QCA, Mandy, 3jays and all, I just love you all so very much))))). i feel like a truck hit me and need to lie down-still reeling from the ER meds slammed into me-breathing better bec they hit me with a large dose of IV steroid but it will wear off-errgh!! In my reality today-i don't want to see anothe white coat, my right arm is black and blue from all of the blown veins as they tried to get an IN in me-chemo-the gift that keeps on giving!! I need to regroup! XXOOO SV

    ((((Chrissy-surgery?????)))) MB have a blast and rock it out gal!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    Morning all. Sending prayers and hugs your way. From me a little good news. Its fibrsis from LE in my chest, funny to be pleased about that. I am seeing the PT(LE) this afternoon to see what she can do.

    Found out last night that my nephew was right in the centre of Christchurh when the earthquake hit. He got out of the building he was in and wandered around a bit dazed for a while. Said he saw terrible sights.He now working from home which is great. The news this morning is very grim, about 200 are missing.

    Big hugs to everyone today

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Alyson, my friend who lives there said the shelters were full and they didn't want to

    stay in their home with the aftershocks coming..not a good situation

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    OHH Alyson-such good news on the procedure-yeah-yeah!!! And God was certainly with your nephew in Christ Church. I have been looking at the building and man-he too is SO incredibly blessed!!! I just cannot tell you how happy I am for you and your family, especially on the fibrisis from the LE-now what do they need to treat or what do they do? I gues PT will hopefully have the answers but awesome girlfriend!!!! xxooo, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    I was so amazed with my Mother...she is 91 and still active..we just dropped her off for wheel chair

    assist for her trip home in Florida..she doesn't actually need the wheelchair too much but

    confusion gets to her so she needs the assistance

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2011

    SV - It's not me, it's Ginger's friend Connie. So sad. I just have the hardest time believing the crap that goes on in our court systems. Taking a good mother's children away is insanity and a terrible injustice for all of them.

    Alyson - OMG that's so scary that your nephew was in that building. I saw the steeple fall and it looked horrible. The news just gets worse. And your pain is from fibrosis, that sucks but I understand the massage is very soothing, good luck with that.

    Glad to hear that we are all stubborn enough to stay here and keep supporting.
