Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011


    Did I ever tell you that good ol' Randy Travis (from down the road a spell from you) is my 3rd cousin? We're both Traywicks and all!  Cool

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Well, I do declare, HnS, I didn't know that.  My husband's sister and her family live in Marshville, whose "welcome to Marshville" signs at each end of town proclaim it as "home of Randy Travis and country living".  I do know Randy is Marshville's claim to fame along with the filming of "The Color Purple" there.  Don't know if Randy ever comes back to these parts, but think his family still lives there.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    marybe, i hope your dinner goes well; and you call/ post me so i know you made it ok.. im gonna call the cell.. don't know if you have it, or not, but its' worth a try! lol    3jays ill be back and ck in later, lasies.. love ya   

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    What's up 3jays?  How come you are ill......what's going on?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    AmyJo, I liked Rae's suggestion. Do that and no one will be offended. Kathy, good to 'see' you! dragonflymary {{{{HUGS}}}}}}. HnS, I do declare! You have a famous relative! Cool! SV, relax this weekend. MB, have fun this weekend. 3jays, hope your tummy is back to normal now! Chrissy, good to 'see' you, too!

    Hope everyone has a pain-free, se-free weekend.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    I had a really nice dinner with the ladies in Chicago....we ate Thai....seems to be the norm for my travels when I meet BCO women as that was what we had to eat at the OBX that one night.  Everyone was really nice and I am happy to say no snow came while we were in the restaurant...they were prediciting maybe 10 in but it didn't happen.  I have a few pics but cant post any til I get home......boy do I look old compared to the rest and fat and well, the list goes on......but after all I am on the "older" thread so what can I expect.  The megabus is actually quite sorry it only goes to here and Indianappolis from Cincy,, but if they have it in your town you should check it out....CHEAP!  My ticket to here was only $10 each way and Kathy's was $1 and I think somehow her sister got hers for free.  Yesterday, she decided to go ice skating and fell and sprained her wrist, at least urgent care said they did not think it was she is wearing a little removable splint like they give you for carpal tunnel.  Kathy and I were at cont ed courses yesterday and I am going to another this afternoon and one Sat AM.....and sometime or other I have to go look for this popcorn that the women at my one office LOVE....they don't have a store in Cincy, but guess a lot of  big cities do.  Although I have started thinking maybe Cincy is not really a big gal rode the train in last night, and we sure dont have that in Cincinnati...just a train station that is now a museum.  This is the last I am posting on my little laptop as service is $14.99 per day.....terrible..and last night I found out you can use a computer in the lobby and also Lago gave me a list of places around here with free maybe you will hear from me again before I get home.....if not, I wil be writing when I get back and posting some pics.   It's really not all that cold here and I have my big fat fake fur so it wouldnt matter.....hope we eat steak or maybe Chicago pizza tonight....when in Rome, you know.   Have a good day everyone. 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Marybe-sounds like you're having a great time.  I can catch a bus from here in Bellingham to Seattle and it's something like $12.  Really nice and comfy, too. Continue to have a great time!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Marybe, glad you are having a good time in Chicago..we have a train station in San is the terminus of the tracks..

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    A few years ago I went on a Community Club trip to San Francisco.  We went by train and returned by cruise ship.  I wasn't surprised that the ship had the better beds.  What surprised me was that the train had the better food.  It was wonderful.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2011

    About 8 years ago DH and I took a train (Amtrak) from Winter Park,Florida to Boston, Massachusetts. We stopped off and spent a couple days in Richmond VA on the way north and in Washington DC on the way back. We had a sleeper coming home but not going north. It was horrible. The seats were so uncomfortable - no cushioning at all. The bathrooms were filthy... just unusable! The food was expensive and not good. The stops along the way were so brief that you dared not get off to use the restroom in the train station. But we spent 2 or 3 hours stopped in a tunnel just outside the NYC station... just setting there ?

    Everyone says the Amtrak trains that go west from the east coast are nicer, more modern. But the east coast tracks and tunnels will not accommodate the bigger, newer trains. I don't know. But DH was ready to get off and rent a car to get home.  

    It's just a shame that our public transportation in the US is so poor, by and large. Trains in Europe are wonderful, clean and fast. If trains were nicer we might use them more - or - if we used them more maybe they could be nicer.

    Of course flying used to be nice. Remember how everyone dressed up? And the staff and crew treated you so well. And real food. Now I just feel like a cow being herded along. I suppose the best way to travel is with your own motor home... clean, convenient, comfortable... but wow, gasoline these days would be a killer. Nothing  environmentally correct about that. We just need better public transportation but how do we pay for it? Florida's new governor has just tried to cancel the high speed rail project planned for Tampa to north of Orlando. He says Florida cannot afford the matching funds we are required to come up with if we accept the federal grant. I am sure it is true but...  Problem in Florida is that we are too spread out and  don't have the dense population centers, work and residential, to make it feasible to commute by train. 

    Even our city bus service is cutting back. When gasoline prices soared a year or so ago and people might have been tempted to ride a city bus... the city cut routes and services to save money.  To me that is when they should have expanded to try to ween people off of their cars. But I guess it all comes down to how to pay for it. 

    Maybe we will just have to walk or ride bicycles. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    We have a coaster train from San Diego north along the coast to Santa Barbara and maybe

    San Luis Obispo..we took it and it was fun. Of course we didn't need a bed

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    you are right, flying used to be so much fun, now it is like a dreary job

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    hey ladies, hope youall are having a great Friday.. marybe; i'll look forward to hearing from you on you visit..and of course, pictures, you P>P>F!!!3jays

  • jacgrehanjul
    jacgrehanjul Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2011

    What do you think about this article:

    titled "Too Old for Breast Cancer Screening?"

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    I think it is terribly sad. What a hard decision for an older lady to have to make.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2011

    Very thought provoking. Did anyone see the news last night about organ transplant waiting lists? There is a plan (not yet in place) to move younger, healthier patients to the top of the line and shift the older or more ill patients down the list, probably ensuring they will never get an  organ since there is such a limited supply. The idea is that the younger patient stands a better chance of doing well and getting the most good from the resource. That sounds reasonable until you see the 45 year old woman with two  children who would get bumped to the end of the line. 

    But how do we, as a society, pay for all of this medical care? Do I want to have first class ongoing medical care for the last 20 years of my life at the expense of my grandchildren's future well-being? I am so glad there are smarter people than me making these decisions Wink 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    Jacgrehanjul, I read the article and it is a very difficult situation.  I'm a nurse and have cared for many people at the end of their lives.  It is always sad when someone is getting treatment that is causing them terrible pain and discomfort--we all know first hand how horrible chemo and rads can be.  My husband went through both for colon cancer and most people on these forums have experience with chemo or both.  For me, I went for the BMX in hope that I would never have to pursue either one for breast cancer.  I'm a real sissy.  But I'm fully aware that I could still face this in the future, and have decided that, if there's a real chance I might retain my quality of life anything would be worth it no matter what the age.  Even in cases of advanced cancer many people no matter what age can often have great years ahead of them.  My husband had to have a colostomy and was ready to throw in the towel.  That was 14 years ago.  During that time we've had 4 grandkids and a good, if limited, life.  All that said, I think the patient, not the insurance company should make this decision.  Everyone has a different tolerance for medical treatment--I'm a terrible patient with a low pain threshhold and will probably opt out of treatment sooner than most, but not before I give it a good chance to work.  Right now I just wish I could get the strength back in my upper back.  It's like they took out a few muscles or something.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    (((((CHRISSY))) ((((RAE)))) ((((BARB)))) ((((LYNDA))) Gees, I am a year out of surgery and I feels lumps all of the time-mostly scar tissue-i have no way of telling on my own what is what bec me boobs have changed-anything from the docs yet!!!!! And BIG WELCOME TO REBECCA!! We are so glad that you found us. We have incredibly busy lives whether we are standing verticle or flat on our backs with the Ailment du'jur!! I tend to overlook my sisters sometimes, especially new gals to our thread only bec my brain is burned from chemo and I cannot remember if my shirt is inside out or not-Most of the time!! Our thread is kind of like the bunkhouse eating table-ya gotta elbow your way in and be really loud so you don't get overlooked or lost in the mehem of the gang of us. AmyJo, just love you so much and gal-errgh 8 of thirty rads-OK-WE can do this!!! Glad to see you posting-like a lot!! I so hope you are feeling a bit brighter or better-left a message on the phone but man, still knocked out by the crude-now on prednizone again and Auntie'B's with nebulizer at home-this just so blows as the weather is gorgeous and I can climbed from bed to couch to back-AGAIN!! They prescribed cough syrup with codeine in it (a tiney bottle) which I have used maybe five times in my life if that-my insurance did not cover it and the cost of the single bottle was $104.00. Good Lord-we need to go into the geriatric business-the part where WE are making money not handing it out. Anyway, chest hurts so bad from coughin and hacking and I haven't been this fatigued since chemo a year ago. And Rebecca, you have gone thru massive trauma-I was operating a about 3% last year after surgery and chemo and it has taken a year just to feel like I am about 60% two or three days a week. PLEASE be patient with yourself; drink tons of gaterade-like I drank gallons to get the chemicals out of my system and REST!!! Find a home hobby for awhile that will keep you occupied!! Or just throw acrylic on a wall and get those frustrations, art or watever out!! GRRR-I am able to sit up for about this long, now i have to lie down again. Watched "Legends of the Fall" which I swore i would not due and cried thru the whole thing and now i am beyond being a giant snot bag-TMI-TMI!! Thank God, Dawn of the Dead is on and it is zombie night on TV.  I still have done no printouts to catch up on all my sisters and i am so sorry. I can only remember what is on the page I am on-Good Lord-just shoot me!! Big hugs to all and Rebecca, write everyday-this is a safe place to vent or what ever you need-we are here. We also have a closed facebook page and delight in each other's lives thru posting pictures and sharing more intimate conversation. Big Smooshy Hugs!! SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    Oh crap, for some reason my open post hit on the page before so I am now finding a new page. MB-so glad about the trip and wow the cost is like nothing!! I so wish I could take the dogs but amtrak or busses won't carry them-as in I want to move. My best friend in the world is going thru her second round of chemo-most of you all know that she did not even get 3 months remission and now it is just really bad. i want and feel like I need to be in Utah with her now. Please send prayers for Jane and her family. And the medical world for women-so incredibly sad for us in our group-well it always has been in the USA-women are just hystrionic by male doctor standards and we have to push SO hard to keep going back to Docs to get an accurate diagnosis-we just get blown off and always have been in the USA-my experience anyway. SO now my nose is banging the keys and need to lie down AGAIN!! XXOOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Kathy & Barb - I haven't seen old Randy since we were kids. Actually, he was about 15 and I was about 20. Of course, I snubbed him seeing as how I was visiting from the big city (20 year-old girls are a PITA) and he was just a country boy. His grandmother made him come over to my grandmother's house and work in her garden because he had been bad. Our grandmothers were 1st cousins and best friends. I'm ashamed to say, since my grandmother died I haven't been back to visit and I really, really miss NC - east and west! My father is from Goldsboro and my mother is from Peachland so we would traverse the state on the Andrew Jackson Highway. I need to take my son and go try to hunt down some relatives! 

    pj - talking about trying to use alternative forms of son takes the MARTA train to Georgia Tech everyday. He loves it, but naturally they have to screw it up. MARTA decided it needed to cut back the frequency of the trains and reduce the number of bus routes to save money. HELLO?? Catch-22, I guess. They reduce the service, they get fewer riders and less money. Where the trains used to come every 5 minutes, now sometimes he has to wait up to 15 minutes and I could see where that would discourage a lot of people from using it. Nobody wants to add an extra 30 minutes to their daily commute. I hope that was just a temporary change; I haven't asked my son about it lately, but it's typical bureaucracy-type thinking. They should probably just lay off a couple of those multi-100,000+ income people. 

    As far as on-going healthcare needs, I agree with dragon. It should be up to the individual and their doctor. The individual knows what they can take as far as treatment goes, and they know their will to live. We can't foresee the future of medical care, what it will be like for our grandchildren in 50 years. There may be some kind of "miracle of organization" and everything will be streamlined and efficient. Again, another bureaucracy that needs to be "fixed".  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    WOW-big major prayers to ChristChurch in NZ. Man i just got some stunning photos from Rea and Picasa has changed its upload format so I cannot get them onto the post-they are stunning in the level of destruction and much I had not seen on BBC or CNN-but then charlie sheen is more important-someone please put him out of our misery!! Rae, sent your pix to some folks with big prayer powers-i am SOOOO glad you are OK. XXOOOO, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    gee, my picasa is the same..

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Rae - thanks for the suggestion. I am going to try it and see what happens.  At the very least I will keep us out of the public eye.  Not so sure it will deter the one that wants to take me to my treatments.  She may just say she will take me then bring me back home when I am done. 

    I am now finished with 9 of 30 and I am so glad that the weekend is here and I will have 2 days off to rest and heal some. The miaderm cream is keeping the pink at bay so far.  As long as I keep the cream on there is no pink but if I go too long without putting some on then the skin starts to feel really tender. 

    Well it is getting late and I am off to bed. Hope everyone has a restful night.  Amy Jo 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    AJ - the Miaderm is what worked for me, too. I made sure to slather it on the spots that were wanting to turn pink, the ones that hurt a little. I did it several times a day on those delicate spots. It definitely healed them and my RO was very pleased with how well my skin looked when I was through. It will be over before you know it!

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Next time I am going with people who stay up later....we had a nice walk through downtown Chicago tonight and then went to a place where Kathy's sister said was the best pizza, but I was not in the mood for pizza so had a wonder chicken dish with pasta.  Then we got back to the hotel and there was someone playing the piano in the Empire room , not becasue anyone was there, just for his own pleasure and he was really good.  So then my friends decide it is time to go to bed and it was not even 10:00, so I said I was going to wander around the hotel which I's a grand old place, but another change next time is that I am staying somewhere cheaper.  So then after doing my tour of the ballrooms and such I bought a glass of wine in the lobby bar and here I am. Am using the hotel computer which is free....of course they dont tell you that when you call up and ask about internet.  I am not a party person like I used to be, but geeze I can't sleep if it is only 9 or 10.  Plus the light disturbs them so I had to read in the closet last night. Tomorrow AM I have one more class, then I am going to buy the Garret's popcorn some people at home requested, am going to ck out Nordstrom's Rack and at 3:30 we have to get back on the bus to go home.  Sun night the Oscars are on so I will be home for those.

  • IslandGirl001
    IslandGirl001 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    Hi, I just joined tonight.  I am 69 y/o, was diagnosed a year ago.  Would love to communicate with other women that are around my age.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    I know it's late and I need to get to bed, but am still a bit keyed up. My niece played her trump card, telling them she won't bring her son to visit them because her father might fly "into a rage" and hurt the child.  Honestly, this is too much!  They adore that child, and if her father sometimes gets angry, it's angry at her and justified as well.  She's called his doctor thinking she could find out anything about his "dementia" (which exists only in her mind) and the nurse wouldn't give her air in a jug.  Hooray for that nurse!  She also called her dad's sister (her only other aunt) and was basically told to shove it.  Dad's sister lives out of state and is coming for a visit soon, and niece has already told her mother she will not be seeing that aunt again.

    I do think, like all of you said, that she's up to no good and just wants control of their money, and her dad has already told her that she will never get POA.  Sister and BIL also have a forthcoming lawsuit against the hospital that left my sister off a ventilator for enough hours to cause her legs to be without oxygen, resulting in their eventual loss.  Niece is no doubt expecting a very nice settlement from that, but that's certainly premature at this stage.  Then she wants all of them, her family and her parents, to buy a big house where they'll all live together!   I told by BIL and my sister that they'd lose their minds if that ever happened!

    Niece hasn't called me in several days, but when she does, I'm ready for her. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Marybe, You are at the Palmer House!  I have been there many times over the years. The lobby was restored some time ago and the paintings on the ceilings were restored. I t was so beautiful. The Empire Room has a wonderful Jazz Brunch on Sundays, well worth the price and complete with a Jazz Combo playing. . The original main entrance is the one with the stairs on either side of the empire room. It has the nicest metalwork. 

    Twenty years ago our DD danced in the Nutcracker at the Auditoriun Theatre and we spent a few nights at the hotel for convenience. Forty years ago Princess Grace of Monaco was at the Palmer House as a speaker at a LaLeche League convention. My son, who was a baby, was in Life magazine laying in her arms. It was pretty cool I thought.

    Ah, I wish I was there with you to show you the sights. 


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Islandgirl - Welcome to the best place to find caring women who share your concerns, your pain and your joys.  Here you will find true empathy, information, suggested solutions for problems and even some fun.  We support each other in our fears, our anger, our sorrow and out triumphs.  We understand each other in ways no one who has not experienced this beast that tries to kill us can.  We share our happy times and the beauties we encounter as well.  Again, welcome.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Welcome Islandgirl! We are as fun group who don't take ourselves too seriously.

    Jeez, Kathy, that girl is a PITA!! Hopefully everyone knows it, too.

    AJ, glad you have the weekend off. Just rest and heal.

    MB, glad you are having fun. 10 is kinda early but I usually am in bed around then, although I would make an exception if I were in Chi-town.