Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Lisa: That is wonderful news about your mom. You are so blessed to have her.

    Alyson: Thank heavens your nephew is safe. My heart and prayers go out to all of you at this time.

    SV: I am so glad to see you posting. How are you feeling?

    As for me, my fever is going down, but the coughing still is terrible. I have decided to take the whole week off for rest since that is usually the best cure for flu.  Hubby is away for work most of this week and weekend so that is good and bad--more rest but no one to help if I need something.  Now if only I had a magic fairy god mother to come cook some nutritious food for me and to take care of the cats. :-)

    And even if I have not mentioned you specifically, you are in my heart and prayers.

    Hugs from Mandy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Oh Mandy..please take care of yourself and get the rest you need...

    do not fool around with the flu

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2011

    Prayers to e everyone in New Zealand. And a big  hooray for Alyson. LE is not good news but what a relief to know it is not something worse. I've been worrying about you! I know I don't post often but read about everyone and you are always on my mind.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Mandy, please take care. This flu is nothing to fool with. Alyson, so glad it was 'only' fibrosis but so sorry you have it at all. Prayers are still going up for all your countrymen and women. SV, glad you are feeling better. MB have fun in Chi-town!! Hi PJ!! Great weather finally!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    oh alyson, so glad your nephew is ok. you said he's working from home, so i assume his home was untouched.. God was watching over him thru this.. at least if its' le, can they stretch them for you? SV gitl, glad to see you hear. sterpoids are a major reason to not go near anyone, or a computer! when my dr. gives me them for my asthma,he aplogizes to Mur first.. i get roids rage from them, and lock myself in the bedroom for a few days.. ladies, remember steady as we go, eh?

       i just love ya all, but don't want another day like yesterday, for  a long time..

       met murs' college friends. it worked out ok, but sick all the way home from miami from MSG  erghh..

       Ginger; Connie will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.. ive never heard of a 2 yr.. thing. what about supervised visits? can she appeal?? my heart is broken FOR her. what injustice!!!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011
    Alyson-good news!  Glad to hear your nephew is ok.
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2011
    Any who prays - friend of mine, single mom of 2 teens, had 2 lumpectomies, first one in November 2010, now has brain mets  and undergoing radiation.   It is hard for her to talk about and to go over the "details" with me.  I told her I would put the word out for prayers.   Her initials are J.J.    
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011 sorry about Connie. HOW can they take children from their mother. This VERY rarely happens here, the mother has to be a complete druggie or some such for this to happen. I think I would be contacting the press and shouting long and loud. Most child custody hearings here take place without the press being present, so things do not get reported, but I think this is a case for the mother to start and shout up, and demand access to her children, surely this cannot be denied ??

    SV, you are sounding a little better. As you have had it out with mods LET IT GO now, its only harming your fragile state of health to be getting so hot under the collar about these people. Put yourself first now. Any signs of you getting to a decent hospital yet ? If you could at least get a lift there it would be prudent to stay there a day or two, and let them sort you out.  ((((Hugs))))

    I went for my specialist appointment today with neurosurgeon, and what a shower they are turning out to be. I have been on their waiting list for16 months now to have 3 slipped discs sorted out. I had an MRI 16 months ago, and it showed, as plain as the nose on my face, there was lots of damage, compression between vertabrae and leakage of spinal fluid, even my untrained eye could see what they were showing me. Today, because of all the waiting (I presume ) they noticed I was walking to one side. I tend to roll. I didn't 16 months ago, but because things have been left, my walking is going downhill. I was sent for further Xrays to determine IF I now need a left hip replacement !! Of course, no way would they give me a decision after the Xray, and I now have to see an orthopaedic specialist before they will move on my slipped discs.I was spitting feathers by the time I came out of the hospital, nearly 3 hours later, and no further forward. I expected just a half hours in and out today. I hit all the big bad T/time traffic, and was snarled up another hour and a half, on a 25 minute journey. Tonight I have had 1 large white wine and lemonade, and have just poured my about being driven to drink ! I am taking myself off out tomorrow to look at some furniture, and possible bedding for my new bedroom. I was going to buy on the internet, but, no, I will go out and have a blow out !! I am so mad at my doctors. (just got to find a shop where I can borrow a shopping cart and lean on it whilst perusing furniture.) I am aiming on getting off early, driving  (I can drive with no problems) quite a way off to a big mall, then staying out until evening and all the traffic has gone...and I am spent up !!

    I am out of audio books, so nothing to take with me to listen to in the car, I like to listen to books while on a long drive.....have just been on Amazon and ordered some new ones, but that won't help me tomorrow.

    Alyson ..'sort of'' good news. Did we ever think we would be pleased to hear we had yet another problem to deal with...ANYTHING but bc !

    SV why are you doing a 'test' think you mighta been banned ?????


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Oh, GramE, prayers going up for JJ. I will add her to my church prayer chain.

    Isabella, you paint the most vivid pictures! I really hope you don't have to do a hip. You will need someone to live in to help you. Ach! I know how that will bother you. Fingers and toes crossed that no hip is necessary.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    Isabella-yeah, I actually was banned last night-that was the big news. I came home from the ER  (after having terrible asthma attack) and mad as a wet hen and was tanked on steroids to get my lungs open and wrote some 'nasties' on the troll thread so I got banned. So moderators let me back on again today but i only have a five time in 24 hour post  thing. Good God, we are getting so freaking old-this is just so wrong-but this has to be the revenge of my Scotish/Irish heritage-we all should have stayed in the UK and not kicked your ass in the Revolution!! Then you all could pay for our health care-;0}}}} SV And I was trying to delete the 'test' so that it would not count a one of the five posts-wrong!! And tonight I feel absoultely awful-like flu is setting in. I swear they are using the OBX as a test site for chemical warfare-I wake to jets flying over -never BEFORE-like ever-and we have diseases cropping up on the OBX that I have never seen and the docs have never seen. I think the ER trip uesterday with asthma was the lead up to this-gees, did i wirte thsi before-i am experience either deja vu or Tylenol Cold and Flu!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Let's make a rule of our own on this thread - that being anything from another thread is not discussed or brought up on this thread.  We have enough drama on our own without adding drama and contention either real or preceived from another thread.  I for one am sick of hearing about things on other threads that I am not the least interested in or esle I would join those threads.  Since I have not joined them I do not want to know what goes on with them.  Please ladies, if you are on different threads, keep them straight and don't post contentions from one thread on a different thread.  We are not part of their thread so we cannot be part of any solutions they may or may not need.  We are supposed to be old enougth to know better and have left childhood and high school experiences behind us long ago.  

    I learned today that I have 2 more rads added to my treatment plan so now I have finished #7 of 30 and should be done by March 26th, my DD#1's birthday.  I think we will have to have a big party as she is turning 39 and I will be done with rads.  I am so very tired and the aching bones are acting up tonight.  I am at the point I am just showing up for my treatments.

    GranE - praying for J.J.

    Isabella - praying that they will take care of the disc and that no hip replacement will be necessary.  Take care of yourself and enjoy your furniture shopping if you go.

    Alyson- so glad you nephew is okay.  Still praying for everyone and their families over there. 

    SV - be very careful taking Over the counter medications with your asthma and with the medications the ER doctors gave you.  You may make things much worse for yourself.  Take care of yourself friend. 

    I am off to bed as I have rad #8 tomorrow morning and I need to get some rest and it is late. Hope everyone has a restful evening.  Amy Jo 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    {{{{{{{{{{{SV}}}}}}}}}}}GramE am praying for JJ. Isabella, when will you find out about ortho appt. please try to slowdown at the farm. maybe  you'll get the whole thing sorted w/out a new hip???please....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    oh! and AMY JO i so agree with you. i have 2-3 other threads i go to, but this is "HOME" and i don't want any others to "bleed over," either..

  • rebelluna1
    rebelluna1 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    Well I'm 63 and just had a bi lateral masectomy on 1/11/11.  Was diagnosed right after Thanksgiving.  I went through my first week of chemo a week ago.  I've never been so sick.  I'm single and live alone but my son comes to help and also friends.  I met today with a social worker and the chemo lady because I was so depressed.  I guess they thought I was going to do something crazy because I don't want to do this anymore.  But, I also need to talk to someone going through the junky part because you all know what I'm going through. Before this  was active happy fun to be with.  Now I'm just trying to get through each day.  Today was the best no nausea and I drove my car for the first time to my appointment. Took a little walk even. Everyone tells me I'm so lucky becasue they caught it early.  I thought I'd be stronger, and no so wha wha wha.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2011

    Rebecca - glad you have found us - you have come to a good place - we understand, we care, we are ready to be your friends and support you as best we can - cry, vent, ask us - someone will have been there before you and will be able to help. 

    However early BC is found it is nasty and needs to be treated aggressively and do you feel lucky even though it has been caught early? not likely! - people say that sort of thing to reassure themselves not you.  And you don't need to be strong - you just need to turn up for treatment and do what you are doing - taking one day at a time.  You are trying to go forward I can see - driving again, walking - that's the way to go - keep looking outward not inward - the view is much better! The days, and sometimes the nights are worse, will be a struggle for a long time and you will grieve the person that you were but there will come a day when you start to feel that person (even though you may be a bit altered) coming back so hold onto that thought and come to us here when you are down.

    Hi everyone - have had an intense few weeks and just have not had the stamina to stay up late to keep up with BCO.  Have dropped into FB a few times but sorry to have been AWOL mostly.  Hopefully now that I am an empty nester Cry things will settle down and I will have more energy to keep up with you ladies. Geez, I have just finished reading the heaps of pages I have missed and there is always something interesting happening here.  Am glad to be able to come here and share life with you all. 

    Thanks for your concern for us in NZ following the earthquake in Chch.  We have all been affected in some way as we have such as small population and so the last few days have been quite emotional and stressful in many, unexpected ways, especially since there has been significant loss of life.  The offers of help from other countries have really touched my heart - it was so uplifting to hear that other countries were willing to help us in a time of dire need.  As a New Zealander I am grateful for the help that has been so willingly offered - I am sure the extra help has resulted in many people being rescued who may not have made it otherwise - and would like to say 'thank you' to those of you whose countries have sent specialist teams here.

    Thinking of you all ((((HUGS)))) to you all.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Well girls, I have survived to fight another day.....Yay!!!!!!  Op went well and I'm now back at DD1 being wated on hand and foot by her a 2 x GS's.  I'll be here for about a week and then off home to my little place once more.  The pain is not as bad as I thought it would be so that is a good thing and other than upchucking from the morphine I'm feeling pretty good.  Hope the morph reaction abates soon as I had the last dose at 8.00am this morning and it's now 7.20 pm.  I'm thinking that morph will be added to the list of no-no drugs for me as I really don't like feeling this way.   I'm guessing I'll be having an early night as I'm still tired but hopefully I'll be springing back tomorrow.  Thanks for all the good wishes girls, they kept me company.  Hope everyone else is dong good.  Love to all.  Chrissy

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2011
    Yay Chrissy - soooo glad to hear things went well.  I hate the morphine too - makes me up chuck big time and I feel lousy for days after.  I said no more when I had my second small op, and it was done under IV sedation rather than a full GA, and was drinking coffee and eating a sandwich 30 mins after I woke up.  I don't know if it was no morphine or no GA that resulted in no nausea but I was glad I didn't have to go through drug recovery as well as bodily recovery.  Sleep tight and I hope you feel heaps better in the morning.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    {{{{CHRISSY}}}}} enjoy the waiting on you hand and foot! Happens so rarely.

    (((RAE)))) so glad you and your family are safe but prayers still going up for your countrymen and women.

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011
    Chrissy-glad to hear you're doing well.  Take it easy and let yourself be waited on.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Hi does help to "talk" with people who have gone through

    breast cancer treatments.,,a long time ago a wonderful nurse told me to

     "just take one step at a time" and gave me a card with two little mice, one

    helping the other up to the next step...with that and the mantra "you gotta do

    what you gotta do" got me through some very tough times. I am sending my hugs

    to you and giving you a warm warm welcome. Know we care...

    Crissy hugs to you ...hope you get off the meds soon and feel better..

    Rae, hope the people affected by the earthquake are getting the help they

    need. The aftershocks are very scary for everyone, My friend there is afraid

    to sleep..

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    Dear Rebecca (rebelluna),

    I too had the bil. mast.--it was last Aug. 27 and for a very early stage cancer that was also very agressive.  Couldn't take Tamoxifen as I had a stroke at 63 so I opted for the BMX.  I, like you, started out being very strong, making jokes and blowing the whole thing off, but midway those defenses evaporated and I turned into a blubbering, complaining whiner.  You don't have to be strong, just be.  If there's a day you feel bad let yourself curl up and cry, take whatever medication helps you and just rest.  There will be good days and bad, believe me, but you are entitled to every tear or angry outburst that you might feel.  Things aren't over for me yet but I've learned the day-at-a-time lesson first hand and it does help.  Feel free to moan and complain here--we've all been through it, most worse than me.  Love and hugs, Lynda (dragonflymary)

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    Well, now I'm scared.  Yesterday I felt a pea-sized lump right above my left implant and scheduled an appt. with the surgeon for next Tues.  I'm 6 mos. out from BMX and all the stats say that recurrence usually doesn't occur that fast.  I thought I had a great chance as I did a pretty radical surgery for an early cancer; now not so sure.  If anyone prays I could use it.  I'm Catholic but not the best one in the world.  God has been extremely good to me all my life--is my lack of religious practice catching up with me?  Here's hoping it's just a little hard tissue.  Does anyone know how to tell?  Dragonflymary (Lynda)

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Rebecca - you have received a lot of amazing advice and help here! Nothing I can add except hope to see you here again!

    dragonfly - I just came back from my BS a few weeks ago. I also had a hard, pea-sized lump near my lumpectomy scar. Crap! I already forgot what he said it was, but he said it was nothing to worry about. You and I are about the same amount of time out of surgery, so it's probably the same thing. I'm sorry I can't remember what he called it!

    chrissy - excellent! It's all over AND you're being treated like a queen. So glad! You certainly deserve it - just relax for a change!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Rebecca - this is the best place to be. These ladies have gotten me through a lot of tough times and they continue to do so.  No matter how early or late breast cancer is diagnosed it is devistating news to get and to try and process.  Let alone deal with the treatment issues.  I still do not have my head wrapped around all of it.  I was diagnosed 7.23.10 with Stage IV, ILC and have mets to the bones, liver, and lungs.  They best thing that was told me was that there was no expiration date stamped on my foot so just try to live the best you can each day.  It is time to be selfish and think of yourself first for a change.  Family and friends will have to understand that your health if the most important thing.  You will have good days and bad days.  Days you think this was all just a very bad dream and days that you cannot do or think about anything.  Enjoy the good days and do as much as you can with out getting overly tired and on the bad days just rest as much as you can.  I am at a stage where I am just showing up for treatments and not really thinking about anything else.  Soon I will be back to making travel plans to see my family and friends.  Feel free to talk about anything that is bothering you with your treatments or ask any questions you have.  Someone here will have the answers you need.  Take care of youself and know that this gourp cares for you.

    Rae - glad you are all safe and that others are coming to the aid of your country during this time. I am sending lots of prayers your way for all of you.

    Lynda - gald you made the appointment with the BS. Praying that the lump is nothing to worry about. You are on my prayer list too.  {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

    Well I have finished #8 of the 30 rads.  My Miaderm cream got here today YEAH!!!! It feels so good on the skin.  I got 2 tubes, one for the bathroom and one for the bag I take to treatments so I can put it on right after my treatments.  DH gave me a hug this morning and said my chest felt warm and we both laughed because he usually is hugging me to warm me up since I am normally freezing, except for the night sweats. Undecided  I have a couple of friends that want to take me to one of my appointments in March and then out to eat after my treatment and  I have not figured out a nice way to tell them No Way Hose'.  The driving of the one scares the silly out of me and the other one gets so loud and usually manages to embarass me when we are out in public.  They are really sweat ladies and I really do not want to offend them.  Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? 

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Lynda, I had one after my mx and the bs told me it was a little cluster of nerves.  It finally went away.  Darla

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2011
    Amyjo - I would say 'I appreciate your offer very much but I am finding that the treatments tire me out so much now that I have to go home and sleep after them'. You could say that you would love to see them both though and suggest that they come to your place one day when you are feeling stronger and that it would be great if they could bring lunch with them'. Gets you out of driving with one and having to be in public with the other.
  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2011

    Thanks to heartnsoul, amyjo, mcbird, and anyone else who responded to my post--it helps to know that most of the time "little lumps" aren't recurrences.  For now, gonna keep quilting--that's what I do when I need to get my mind off stuff.  Can only work for a while before my back gets tired but I'm learning how to do it in fits and starts.  Prayers/love for all who are going through such hard times.  I'm trying to keep my overactive brain off the issue of lumps and recurrence--it's like "Don't think giraff!!"  Boy this current quilt is gonna have a lotta memories--I was making it back when I was diagnosed.  Then my friend's daughter almost died, and then recovered.  Now I'm making it while worrying about a recurrence.  Just realized I've lost 25 pounds since my surgery!  At least now I can get into my long underwear and jeans.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Hi Dragonflymary, nice to meet you and welcome.  There is a thread on this Forum called ' Stiching it all together'  and there are a few of us girls who like to quilt and do craft who get together to compare notes so to speak.  Please join us, we'd love to chat.  It will also help to keep your mind busy.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissyb

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    What a lot of posts we have!  I made a few notes, but in case I miss anybody, hugs to all.

    Alyson, so sorry about the fibrosis but so glad it wasn't anything else!  At least now you know where you stand with it and can try to get some improvement.  And I'm so thankful your nephew is safe and sound, when so many there are not.  Rae, it's so good to see you posting again too.  I know that everybody there has been touched in some way by the disaster, whether directly or indirectly, and  you're all in my prayers.

    Oh, Ginger, what a travesty!  So very sorry about your friend Connie.  I cannot imagine the pain and anguish she's going through and I am so angry about this.  I know you'll be there for her, but how on earth do you even begin to help.  This is devastating.

    Prayers too for your friend GramE.  It's hard to even know what to say.

    Yay Chrissyb!  It's over, so you just let them wait on you hand and foot and enjoy it!!  Hope your recovery is quick.

    3jays, I'm glad the meeting with Murrays college friends went well, but so sorry you got sick from the MSG.  And now on steroids, too.  HUGS to you.  

    Rebecca, welcome and glad you found this group.   Amyjo and Rae, etc, both sent very insightful replies to you and I couldn't add anything more, except to say we all come here to get support, and in turn, we willingly give it back too!  I can truthfully say that all of the ladies on this thread have become very dear to me in just a few months, and they provide a calming, listening ear when I most need it, and can't talk to anybody else.  We'll all be here for you, too.

    SV, I see that the ban has been lifted!  Water under the bridge now and not worth you worrying and being upset about it anymore,so you just concentrate on getting better, girl.  {{HUGS}}

    Hey, Amyjo, one more day and one more tx behind you!  And you're showing up, which is all you have to do now.  Glad the Miaderm got there and that it's helping.  Looking like spring more and more around here, so I hope that'll help your spirits too.  I also hope we don't get any more snow here in NC! We've had enough already, haven't we?

    Lynda, praying that the lump is nothing, hopefully something like Darla said she had and nothing more.  Quilt away and keep your mind occupied as best you can.  HUGS.