Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Sheila, where are the PIX??? And the thread was fine and certainly growing with new members being welcomed and kept track of so noone was or is left out. There are three trouble makers one of which is now back on this thread and they have been at "creating chaos amongst members, insulting them in PM's: personally attacking new members in PM's: condescending to anyone who posts anything other than the 700 Club (ultra bonker religious" stuff; and doing what (she can) to embarass anyone she can. For example-she called me out publically on the board when I first started here for "writing a post in capitol letters." She said she found is personally offensive and against typewriting 101. She went on to say that, it was improper etiquette TO WRITE IN CAPS and that I must never do that again-excuse me, i am dying of cancer and now i have to follow some lunatic's idea of etiquette; and then I am to be "warm and fuzzy" according to the moderators and then, I am to LIE about my feelings so as not to offend (just in case I do offend BTW.) IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE MAJORITY OF WOMEN ON THIS THREAD THERE ARE 75,000 other threads to join-fact is that most of them have booted these trouble makers off because they have been creating chaos for years on other threads. I for one am puttin the "tea cozy" on someone's head and sitting them in the corner and hoping to God they go into time out-like the gazillion times I have been put in time out by the moderators for writing my truth-

    I did not know we have to have cancer and LIE on didn't you POD ladies tell me that!!!! GOOOOO-LLLLLLL-Y, it sure would have kept me out of trouble!! And this week, I am diagnosed with advanced COPD-rapid onset-at 57 years old and one upping you all (well maybe not all) cause I now have two terminal illnesses to deal with and no $$$$$$. But i gotta read quotes from Ghandi that have nothing to do with experience strength and hope regarding BC, cancer or anything remotely related to the topic" of this forum. Or that serve to make women fell good about themselves as in the pix posted (and oh, the same person stated that I was an egomanian bec i post MY pictures-and I just must have my ego stroked or why would I bother with posting my pix-yes i am such a prima donna!! I am not much, but i am all I think about!! Sorry got bigger fish to fry!

    Lastly, Sheila, do not feed the baby kitty food!! Big smooshy kisses, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    A beautiful affirmation for today:

    I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    ohh Aussie Gals.. over there, there's not so much fallout, gonna come over here for awhile!

       the magpies sounds wonderful.. i'm always talking to the birds here, and could have a good go with them, im sure! yes, id love to see the pic you got of the moon,Sheila. it has been extrordinaryly large, and luminous here...gonna try for a pic tonight. maybe they'll look different from different sides of the world..

       i get some comfort in it.. my nana told me when i was little, that when she was gone, everytime i saw the moon, she'd be there, lookin down on me.

       the Native Americans call her Grandmother Monn, and she's certainly made me feel loved and watched over the past few days. since, i've been so upset, its' really helped.

           be well, ladies, and keep warm!       3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Just putting it out there--having surgery tomorrow need hugs!!  It's nothing I'm sure but there's always that twinge of dread.  Found something good to focus on:  I won't have to clean or cook for at least a week!  And everyone will be really nice.  Get it where you can!!  My daughter and I always eat "Donettes" for comfort food--they're probably the worst food you can eat but they beat Ensure for sure.  Tomorrow is Donette day!  Love to all.  Dragon

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Still Verticle....I took the liberty of taking your post out.  Perhaps you can rethink some of your sentiments.  They were a bit harsh.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    dragonmary,good luck tommorrow, what kind of surgery are you having?you are in my thoughts and prayers..3jays

         sorry ladies, i just can't... WHEN did other MEMBERS get the "liberty " to remove our posts, cause THEY DON'T LIKE WHAT WE SAY!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Wishing you well Dragon and many healing hugs to you for tomorrow with everything going really well and a quick and easy recovery.  I'm with you on the comfort food. I need it two or three days afterward too.  Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow......

    Healing Hugs,


  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2011

    That's weird. I popped in to see how SV is doing and her post got deleted by Illinois Lady. What is going on?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited March 2011

    We are looking into the issues. Thank you for your patience.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    This is a quickie surgery to biopsy a new lump (bleah) and raise the level of one implant.  The lump is probably benign but it will be good to know for sure.  Love to all, Dragon

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    will be praying, for straight girls, and B9!!3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Mods....YOU NEED TO ACT.

    HOW can one member have the audacity to 'take the liberty of taking out' another members post.

    This is supposed to be a democratic board, do the rest of us not get a say, or even a look at the offending post. I understood it took 5 people to press the 'Report this post' button...COULD you let us know who the other 4 were who were SO offended by this post.

    WHO is running this board, yourselves, or Illinois lady ?????????  Her postings have been VERY offensive to 2 other long term members here, and the ridiculous diatribes which she calls "affirmations" border on the ramblings of a religious maniac.. They are NOT wanted on this board, and NEITHER IS SHE.

    I would say we need a vote from the other ladies to see if anyone at all is happy with her presence in this board. I will be the first one to stand up and say I would like her to be removed from this particular thread, let her go along and upset another group of women, who are stupid enough to listen to her. We have got along in great harmony here for two years, and would like to continue this way. Her vicious attacks on other members have gone on long enough.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Hey ladies.......just got back from the BS, 1 week after surgery, and he was very pleased with what he saw.  I did get rid of my siamese twin (the drain), and it feels great not to have that thing attached to me.............he apologized for having to put it in, but said it was necessary since he took out 10 nodes (sentinel node didn't show as clearly as he wanted), so he proceeded to take the 10 which required a drain.  None were involved they were all clean, but he said he wasn't taking any chances............. He did talk again about the margins, and said he did not think it was necessary to go back in since I got 2mm all around, except for a small area where it was 1.5, and 1.25 which he feels is fine, since 1mm is considered a negative margin.   asked him if he went back in what did he think he would get, and he said "clean tissue", so I said "fine"......................Next move radiation..........I will see him next week for another follow-up visit, and not sure when we will begin radiation....I'm sure that will be his call after seeing how I heal........Feeling pretty good right now, more positive then ever, and hoping for more good things down the road........hugsI                                                                                             . 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Hugs back to you Ducky...sounds like good news for you, keep on keeping on and you'll get on the right road soon enough. The road gets rocky at times, but it IS doable.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    hey Isabella, we're all in an uproar today. although we've been poked, and poked, we've not responded.. the moderators (mellissa) put SV's post back up, for us to decide for ourselves. now, i hope!! she will try to untangle how Jackie managed to delete it , in the first place, which is the BIG question..

       we need to not "POLICE" others, as much as to look into our own hearts...

       a qoute I like is 

                    Judge not, lest you be judged to the same acoording to the same measure...

       that's from the BIG big book, FYI..

       thanks, ladies, lets' keep our cools.. (AND our 3rd amendment right.!! ) remember there are many others who we can share our experience with, who are facing the BEAST as well as the buzzing that about right now..

       Isabella, she said changing the BIG question.. has the gypsy wedding happened yet? i spoke with my lawyer friend, and tho he hasn't been to one, he said they "Hi jinked " the signature Grand here, (very popular, very posh) for one last year. same as you said, someone else had to make the reservation, and they announced where the day before to locals, and privately to ple coming in.. what a shame!

       Fred Hunters' here (the funeral home) could tell stories of Irish wakes that pale in comparison!!

       i've even thought to play " prop me up by the jukebox' acountry song, at my funeral.yes, the hieght of self control! when i was dx bad with the MS, they told me to get my affairs in order. After all the paperwork was done, i started a list of music to play! the best one i've ever been to; a friend of our arranged it all from the grave.. music, flowers, poetry readings.. i get goose bumps thinking about it.. it was like NICK was still there, looking down...

       well, pretty morbid, for the middle of the day, eh? thats' me! i csan go from weddings to funerals in a heartbeaT!

       love ya all.glad to be a free woman, soon to be 61 and here with you!   3jays

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited March 2011

    Hello All, 

    Obviously, there is alot of tension on this thread, with a few groups attacking one another. If this continues, we will need to close this thread.

    As for the tech glitch, that is precisely what it was. We do not know how it happened. Neither IllLady nor anyone else on this forum or in the discussion boards works for us or moderates. Our tech team hopes that this has been repaired.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    ducky, so glad its working so well for you, and the drains ARE the worst of it, so you're a free woman now!

       Hope we get to keep our thread, but im ever the optimist. look around, we'll be here.. some of us are on other threads.. I'm all over, so you'll not lose us, or our support, (which is why we're here in the first placefor goodness sake! be well, and hang in there...     3jaysmom

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2011

    Ducky!  So glad all your nodes were clear. I had 17 taken out with my mastectomy 28 years ago and never had any swelling - I feel the secret is to do arm exercises (which the doctor never mentioned, but my friend who is nurse did) But check with the doc first - probably every case is different.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Come on ladies............I enjoy having a discussion with the younger ladies as well as the "not so young ladies".............lets not ruin a good thing with a bunch of petty bickering and back-biting....If the mods take this thread down, we will lose our contact with each other through what I thought was a great thread................You can bring "prayers" into this forum without bringing "religion" into it.............You know what they say about religion and lets cool the tempers, bring it down a notch or 2, and get on with the important we can help each other through the ugliness of this disease...........hugs to everyone..........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    ((((Ducky))))-HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE ((((((DragonflyM))))) sending lots of prayers your way and know that your cybersisters will be there holding your hand. Plz let all know ASAP how things went.

    Sending an Osprey out as a guiding spirit. XXOOO, SV

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited March 2011

    We figured out the tech glitch. Shouldn't be an issue. Sorry for everyone's alarm, including illLady. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    I don't have much time --- I'm between classes and work, but wanted to say Ducky.....Sure like the sound of your good news.  Now you can let out any breath you might have been holding.  Sounds like the journey just got some bumps removed.

    You are so right about prayers and religion as well.  I am way less religious than I am spiritual and have been studying spirituality for several years now. Saying that, many people welcome a few prayers from time to time.  They never hurt and my goodness --- they just might help.  I still love your winning attitude.  Back to work for me.  Tomorrow is a slower day for me....whew, I'm ready

     Big healing hugs,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Ducky such great news and what a relief it is to have that behind you. Dragon, we are holding your cyber hand and prayers are going up for you!!  Isabella keep us posted on the gypsy wedding. That will be very cool. SV great shot of the osprey. They are so majestic but they have the teeniest tiniest peep noise they make. A little teeny noise from such a BIG bird makes me smile.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    SV - love the Osprey. What have you found out about getting to Duke?  Love you girl.  AJ

    duckyb - most of the ladies on this thread are older than 40 and should know how to act by now.  Things will calm down and so keep coming and posting and let us know what is going on with you. We really are here to support each other.  

    Dragon - sending prayers and hugs for your surgery tomorrow.  Know that your cyber-sisters are holding your cyber-hand.  Let us know how you are doing. 

    Amy Jo 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    ok, so im 60; i'll be 61 this week, but, if you will look back on page 346 i asked NOT to be attacked for saying i was depressed.. bless your hearts, 'caus e on page 347  i am ?QUOTED named! and then, referred to with not very much respect, and treated badly with what amounts to cyberbullying. i did follow the links, and they were with another gal here, not me, so WHAT WOULD YOU QUOTE THAT TO ME FOR?

      i have spent most of the day comm. with the mods.. the tech gliches are taken care of. the bullying that i recieved was never adressed, now, im to shut my mouth , take the high road, or the thread may be taken down.

       it seems to me the "ignore " button has been discussed, so if ya need to use it with me, feel free. i haven't decided how i will continue on, in this light. the end of the mods says, including Ill Lady.. did i miss something? was she cyberbullied, also? if she was, im very sorry for her. it has hurt me beyond belief. ive never spoken rudely, or unkindly to anyone on this thread, but haven't gotten the same tx.  also didn't hear including 3jays, which was the beg. of all this... 

       i will be moving on, and go to the other threads i go to. isn't that the whole point?     3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Thanks to all for good wishes and cyber hugs.  Ducky, glad you're doing so well.  SV, the osprey is phenomenal.  Should be a calming spirit for all of us.  Gonna go take some Xanax and try to relax--hope it doesn't make me nuts!  Putting together an embroidery project to do on the couch after the "thing."  All is well, Dragon

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    3jays I hear you.

    This whole debacle has been a disgrace. I am never one to join in with this sort of rubbish, but today I could NOT believe what I was seeing. What I wrote, and what was then deleted,  was 100%truthful, I cannot believe AGAIN it has all been smoothed over . How can we be told a "glitch'' was responsible for for SVs post to be deleted by ILLady....HOW can a computer name names that way, and I understood 5 people had to report a post to have it removed, then it is written as removed by the community...NOT by one person.

    How is it the mods are apologising for the "glitch"...saying "sorry for everyones alarm INCLUDING IILADY"  Why should one person be specially named, and the rest of us are lumped together as 'everyone' , also WHO are these 'few groups that are attacking one another'???? I see one person, and one alone, being responsible for the VERY offensive posts towards other peaceful seems its OK for one person to repeatedly do this, AND get her name in lights, but the rest of us get deleted if we point it out. Bad karma is at work here.   


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Great news from you, Duckyb!!  Getting the drain out too, wonderful.  My radiation didn't start until I'd totally healed from the surgery;  had the re-excision (that you don't have to have) on 9/1 and rads started 10/8 or so.  Finished on 11/17.  Hugs on getting the worst part of this journey behind you.

    Hugs to you, too, Dragon, for tomorrow, and prayers too.  

    Went to Raleigh today for a co-worker's retirement luncheon, 7 hours in the car total and I'm wiped out now.  It's not a bad drive at all, just long when you're by yourself.  I called DH when I was on the way back and learned he'd had a sick GS since about an hour after I left, so he'd really had a day of it too.  Ear infection on top of pink eye now.  I'm glad I'll be here tomorrow, because we'll have GS then too. 

    Hugs to everyone.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited March 2011

    This is too much for me. I'm under a lot of stress with many tests going on now - I finally had to take a Xanax between this in-fighting, on-going testing, waiting for results on tests I've had, and then taxes to boot.

    Hope things get better for you all. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    I don't like to get into confrontations, but this has gone on long enough and I am upset enought to put in my 2 cents worth on the subject. 

    Seem like time and time again the same couple people cause a lot of tension and hurt feelings on this thread until things get ugly.  I have gone back and read everything from page1 and it is always the same people that cause trouble for everyone else.  I did not join this thread until Aug 2011 and this is the 2nd time since I have been here.  It is a shame that a one or two can ruin it for everyone else.  I have for the most part enjoyed the encouragement, support, information and friendships that I have found here.  I just want those few to get over their own egos and get back to getting along.  I do not want to use the Ignore button for anyone, because I think everyone has a right to be heard. But everyone needs to respect the feelings of everyone else and their right to be heard too.  There should be no room for rudeness or personal attacks on another member just because you do not agree with or particularly like what another person has to say or is feeling.

    Bottom line, if you can not be supportive and encouraging then keep your comments to yourself.