Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Do you have any idea what a pompass ass you really are? OPPS personal attack-guess i should delete this-NOT! SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Egyptian proverb:

    Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world.

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2011

    Good evening Illinois Lady.  I'm not sure what happened here either and it is sad when something good comes to an end.  But life is made of beginnings and endings even for internet forums I suppose.  I appreciate your daily quotes and though I don't post often I do read them.  In the short time I've been here you have been very uplifting and positive.  I hope you keep posting because I will read them as long as you post them. 

    Not everyone is going to like everyone else.  Wouldn't it be a boring place if we were all the same and little stepford cancer patients?!  Some people deal with their illness in a positive way while for others that doesn't work.  We each eventually find the people we belong with who are compatible. Not fitting in with one particular group is neither the fault of the group nor that of the misfit.  It is just that...not a good fit.  People like to be with those they have things in common and sometimes just saying we all have cancer in common isn't enough.  People need more unless they want to only talk or think cancer 24/7.

    So I guess this is a long rambling post to say...keep posting and those who like what you have to say will find you and post with you.  I'll see you tomorrow.  :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Morning IHOP!  I thought this forum was just going to be Illinois Lady & I...and I lost hope that anyone new would stop by....But so glad you did!

    You have that right...we won't talk about cancer 24/7.....I'm 73 & figure I've already been there, done that, & I would like to get on with the rest of my life....

    We can talk about all kinds of stuff..... so just pull up a chair, & have a cup of coffee with us....(or maybe even tea..Wink)   Have a fun day!

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2011

    Good morning Chevyboy.  Just got everyone off to work and school so now I have the house to myself.  Not much for me to do really.  I try to help with keeping the house picked up and the laundry done.  Start dinner in the afternoon but my DS and his family have maid service that comes once a week and does the heavy cleaning.  So funny that all my life I did all the housework, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids while working and have now become almost a 'lady of leisure.'  Can I say that its not as glamourous as I dreamed it would be.  It would be better if I had a car to go places but that is a ways off until I get my mobility back.  I took up watercolor a few years back.  Just an amateur and do it for my own pleasure.  Due to the move and lack of space, watercolor takes a lot of room, I've started working with colored pencil and ordered some Derwent Coloursoft and they are lovely but an entirely different medium to work with.  The art and the internet help to fill the time.  I used to quilt but my fingers just won't do that anymore either.  I haven't really posted much here, just read, but I'll try to stop by more often.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    This is from my Today's Inspiration:

    "When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
    - Peter Marshall

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Good morning here too.  Thinking of the fact that so often we "dream" about what we don't have at times, but so often it turns out a little less desirable than it seemed when it was so far off in the distance.I am still pretty busy most days.....trying to take care of my household and animals, our two acres in the woods here outside of town, take care of my sweet friend Maggie and her animals, and then volunteer at our local no-kill animal shelter.

    Then lately, I have been doing classes out at our local Recreation Complex ( sure sounds like I come from a happening place, but this is a very small town ) on Nutrition and Wt. Bearing exercises for mainly Seniors though anyone could take the classes.  Could not believe.....a Nurse/PT therapist teaches the class -- a friend of mine, and it comes with a thick notebook all set up for you......and handouts along the way.  $30.00.  Couldn't be more reasonable.  We get as walking passes while we are taking classes and then when done.....we can elect to go on into an advanced class of the same or get a free class of many other Pilates, or Yoga etc.   Just to see if we might be interested in doing one of those.  I have a feeling I'll be doing more, but don't know for sure what.....but it is great information and training and is motivating me to figure out how to make some of the changes I've felt were needed since I recovered from my initial treatments. 

    Life for me has stayed far busier that I thought....and taking care of some of the ME things went on the back burner as they so often do.  The class ( things always happen for a reason, don't they. ) has been a huge inspiration to work the ME things in somewhere.....even if slow.  They might even TAKE better if they are slow. 

    I'm looking forward to  a great yr. of good changes.....and anything positive that comes along.  Hope you have a wonderful day. 

    Hugs, IllinoisLady

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Oh Good Morning Jo!  I have really missed you posting!   I remember you were the first one that ever sent me a PM....I was so scared about my upcoming surgery, & you said that "General" Surgeons, could/would be as good or even better as a breast surgeon!  And you were so right..... In fact, she just operated on my SIL's BIL, with "Canceroid" of his small intestine, which has mets to the liver....They loved their GS!  Now he really has an uphill climb, but will find out more this Friday! 

    If you are "seasoned" then I must be X-seasoned...Ha!  Do you know what ever happened to Spar or Carol Halston?  I always wondered about them, from the beginnings of this forum....

    I'm just glad your tests all come back alright....I'll be so happy just to get past 2 years!  I mean with no more SE's or problems....

    Good to hear from you!  xoxoxoxox

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Jo, you are usual....I always thought of you as someone that really knew what was going on....These threads are very easy to become involved in....I remember waking up & so anxious to "talk to my friends".....Because even family was kind of hard to talk to about Breast Cancer....I mean I could show my fear here, but not at home....And everyone was always so helpful.

    I'm glad Spar is "alright?"  And that Carol H is still around....

    You love to embroider?  I love to crochet!  I have so many different scarfs & little blanket throws, but I can't seem to quit...Ha!

    Well good to hear from you!  xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    I am in control of my world and my body. I am responsible for myself. I release this unnecessary stress and allow my body and mind to relax into a comfortable state of being. I am calm and relaxed. I have a positive and optimistic mental attitude.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited March 2011

    Good morning today.  So nice to see you here Jo.  It is always great to here like almost 7 full yrs. and counting.  It is so easy to have a little nagging doubt.  Fortunately, at least I think for most of us it stays hidden  a fair amt. of time but sometimes when you least expect notice it there. 

    I stay fairly busy with several projects and classes.  It helps to keep me feeling younger and useful and almost goes without saying one of my most favorite things is coming here. 

    I hope you will all have a fantastic day today.  I think ( I hope anyway ) that today is the day for the guest speaker ( Nutritionist ) at class.  Should be interesting.  We are all supposed to bring three questions for her. I hope we all learn a lot.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Illinois Lady

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Hi Jo!  Isn't it fun?!!!!  I mean making jewelry!  Can you send pictures of some of your crafts? 

     I used to do it more, but not on a large scale, like you do....I even used to make 'Patch-work Quilts.....I saw one at an "Art" show, and a picture of the persons wedding had been scanned, then transferred onto the center of this quilt.  So I figured I could do that too....And I made each Grandson a quilt, with lots of pictures, mirror transferred onto patches, & sewed all together, with a fleece backing....

    I made one for "us" also, with pictures like of our wedding, anniversaries, family, friends, our dogs, & everything that meant anything to us......But man, those were hard....I mean they took a lot of time....

    I used to make "cards" also, out of kleenex, wax-paper, & pansies out of my garden.....THOSE are really pretty!......  But I just never sold anything...I gave everything away....And then there were the "cigar-box" hand bags I made!  Ha, ha!    And Oh, the little shoulder bags I made out of cute material, or tiny baby skirts, or shorts....(sewed together at the bottom)....

    But now I just crochet! 

    And Illinois Lady sends me good recipes, ha! 

    Okay little "Snowflake".....have fun!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited March 2011


    Looks like I'm among a handful of oldtimers who would rather not see this thread die.  I can't promise I'll post here often, or even hang out here as a lurker.  But the recent drive-by insult, which was deleted by its author half an hour later, convinced me that the story of this thread is a lot more complicated than some people are claiming. (BTW, if someone posts something and then deletes it, you can still read the first line of the deleted post several days later if you do a "Search" on that member's name.)

    Anyway, I hate to see a long-running thread disappear; so I thought I'd add a few lines.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2011

    Hi Otter!  Good to see you back!  We were so hoping that this thread would somehow go back to the way it used to be....We had a lot of really good caring women here!  But gradually they started to leave....and go somewhere else....

    And yeah, sometimes we all just get side-tracked, and fall into other peoples problems, and can't ever get out... 

    I've read you on another thread....So I'm glad to see you here!  Thanks for the tip, about deleted posts....I didn't know that....

    Okay Otter....Illinois Lady will be around soon to welcome you also! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011


    It is a pleasure to see you.  Chevy is so right.  We would like to get back to where we started from and make this the fine place that it was when so many of we old-timers asked that it be made a Forum. Hope you will favor us on occasion and stop in and visit for a bit.  The welcome mat is out.

    Hi to JO and IHOP as well.

    Hugs, IllinoisLady

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2011

    Good evening ladies.  Whew!  We've had some kind of storms here lately so I haven't been online. Hi Jo, so nice to meet you and Otter as well.  Interesting tip Otter as I wondered what the post said.  All I can say is wow!!!  Not much going on here today.  Can anyone tell me how you post pictures?  Lovely quote/affirmation ILady.  Chevy, I crochet occasionally too.  Mostly the larger things like afghans. Sorry I don't have much to say tonight.  Just really tired this week.  Take care everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Morning Girls!   That was a great tip Otter....I didn't know about that one...Ha!  These message boards can really be a help to us all, or if we can just stay on track...Wink 

    And yes IHOP....I'm making a crochet afgan as well...until I run out of all the different colors of brown I have... I don't know really how to read a pattern..... I just start something, like a hat, or a scarf, even little toaster covers, etc.  Pretty soon I'll probably have one wall done...Ha, ha! 

    Yes, the WIND!!!!  Man, it has really been tearing things up around here for the past 5 days!   I still planted some spinach, scallions, and dill yesterday, in little planters...Also we made a "Strawberry Board"....or something....I just had this idea, then DH screwed little clear plastic "orchid" pots on it, & I planted different varieties of lettuce, & transplanted my strawberries that were coming up... 

    I have always use Picassa to post pictures, that way you can post your personal pictures you have on your computer...Or else you can type in Google Images...and THERE you can type any thing you want, and it will show you options...Then just click to enlarge, then right click to copy, and then take it to where you want to insert it, like here, then right click to paste....

    So now you have "Tea in bed"....Ha, ha!  That's funny...

    Okay gals....Illinois Lady, did you get blown off the face of the map?  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011


    How great to be able to skip the biopsy -- no more of that "waiting" to be sure.  Nice to get some time in so you don't watch the rug so closely as you once did. 

    Chevy walked me thru using Picasa which seems like it is very easy.  I don't save much to an album though ( I'm lame enough about it not to have totally gotten that part ) so all my pictures just go in under "save picture as" and I just go to pictures and scroll though to find anything I want to use.  I nearly considered myself the 8th. wonder of the world to be able to actually do pictures at I'm not pushing the learning any further. 

    Need to go find something nice to post....usually do that first.  Just wanted to prove I had not been blown off the face of the map.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hello again!  Jo, if you want to try Picassa, it is a Google program, and easy to download, & to maneuver around in...It "copies' all of your pictures you have on your computer, then you can pick & select which ones you want to "upload" to your "personal" album...then from there,you can share any album or pictures you want to either email or post. 

    I know I made it sound like a no-brainer, but once you have it on your computer, I can walk you through it.... Here is a pic I just uploaded, with my Strawberry board, or what-ever it is..Wink I'll just open my web Picassa, find that one picture, then right click to copy, then come to here, & right click again to paste....  That little area is still a work in progress....Ha!  I have to spray paint those little chairs, & plant flowers!  xoxoxoxox 

    Also Jo....Man, I hate to think about biopsys....It's like you think THEY think there is something there....Frown....  I wish I were 7 years NED!  Congratulations!  I'm not yet 2 years out...but doing good...except I can't hear...ha!  I mean I can with my new little razzle dazzle hearing aids.... Other than that, I'm doing great for 73! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011

    A Swedish proverb:

    Those who wish to sing always find a song.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited January 2014
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi Jo....Yes, Picassa is just like your other installed picture programs, only you can "share" and edit with the program also.  If you only want selected pictures to only select which  ones, & click "hold" and after you have  the ones you want checked.....

    Then you upload....ONLY the ones you have checked, & wish to put in the web album.  I know I also have some on my computer that I don't even need, but haven't gotten around to deleting them all....

    Also, when you download a picture fromthe internet, it goes into your Picassa....even like the short video's my Daughter sends...You can delete any picture you don't want.....

    I have also scanned my important papers, and they also go in Picassa... And I also can "share" some of my crafts & shell hangings...and my garden pictures.

    Yes, I've uploaded our Anniversary pictures & shared them with friends and family....I don't up-load ones that I don't like, or that I haven't edited...I also delete some web albums that I don't use anymore.

    I really like the program..... 

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2011

    Good morning ladies.  I'm going to have my grandson help me do that Picasso thingy sometime today so maybe I can share some pictures soon.  I think I might have met another senior lady with a car.  Yahoo!  I might be mobile again soon.  She likes to go to the artsy things too and is retired.   She also helps at the local animal shelter.  I might start volunteering too.  Did anyone see that story in the news about that dog that was thrown down a trash chute?  Wasn't that the most horrible thing?!  I just don't understand people sometimes.  Well, I need to get moving and do my PT exercises. 

  • IHOP
    IHOP Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2011

    If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011

    The world is now too small for anything but brotherhood.- Arthur Powell Davies

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011

    IHOP, you really have it there.  Isn't it the truth too ---  we do tend to make many of our own problems.  Unfortunately many times I don't see anything coming and the speeding train runs overs me.  At least when that happens I know I NEED more work and can act accordingly. 

    IHOP, you will probably like the Picasa set-up.  I don't do it exactly like Chevy ( she walked me thru it ) but let all the pictures go in one place ( rather large folder now ) delete what I don't want from there, and just click on what I want to use, download to Picks, copy and paste from there. 

    Feel great fortune that I learned ANY computing at all.  I came to it late and most of what I do is from the stumbled around and remembered a few pathways so I can continue doing what I did.  It is a slow way to learn....but I think I remember more that way. 

    I had never before posted on a blog, chat, or anything else ( other than regular email ) before I got my cancer diagnosis.  I hate to say it, but it expanded into my learning how to sign up to BCO and learn to post there.  I don't even want to admit how many weeks it took for me to realize that if I logged in totally.....I then got to see avatars and other info.  So, you learn and grow.  Have been here since late 2007. 

    Hope you are all going to have a really beautiful day.  We are warming up and I am grateful for that.  I'm tired of Ole' Man Winter and looking for the rest of the Spring that has been teasing us for awhile.  I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,464
    edited April 2011

    I put this on my home thread and I think it is appropriate for here as well:

    If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower, then you still have hope...

    If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly, then you still have hope...

    If the smile of a child can still warm your heart, then you still have hope...

    If you can see the good in other people, then you still have hope...

    If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep, then you still have hope...

    If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder, then you still have hope...

    If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips, then you still have hope...

    If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life, then you still have hope...

    If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings
    a pleasant surprise, then you still have hope...

    If you still buy the ornaments, put up the Christmas tree
    or cook the turkey, then you still have hope...

    If you still watch love stories or want the endings to be happy, then you still have hope...

    If you can look to the past and smile, then you still have hope....

    If, when faced with the bad, when told everything is futile, you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase...
    "yeah....BUT.." Then you still have hope...

    Hope is such a marvelous thing. It bends, it twists, it sometimes hides, but rarely does it break... It sustains us when nothing else can...
    It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead, when we tell ourselves we'd rather give in...

    Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage... Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it...
    Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction....

    Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return...
    And it can be found in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places...
    Never Lose Hope

    Submitted by: June

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    That was so pretty Jackie!  And Okay, I'll try it the way you say also, with the Picassa program! 

    I still fool around with that program, editing,  in the Basic Fixes, Tuning, and Effects!   There is probably a lot more I haven't explored yet....!

    We just got back from Super Walmart....bought a GE toaster/convection/oven....for only $49.88!  It really is nice....  I didn't know you could get "convection" for such a reasonable price....Now I just have to figure out how to use it...Wink

    Good luck Ihop with your Grandson!  How fun!  How old is he?  Mine are 25 and 23....and still "my boys..."  They helped me so much, installing itunes, and putting together a music library, and learning how to burn cd's.

     Okay...going to go play with my new whatever it is....Ha, ha!  xoxoxoxo

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited April 2011

    Chevy - I love that you know so much about computers! My MIL is about your age and my son has given her an old Apple computer that she just refuses to use. She pretends she's interested, but she doesn't even know how to turn it on and he has spent hours with her trying to teach her how easy it all is. I know old habits die hard and all that - she loves her typewriter and that's fine. But he wants to get the computer back and give it to someone who would love it and use it - she likes to pretend she's going to learn it but she never will. It's been about 5 years now.

    That sounds like a good deal on a convection oven - I don't have the vaguest idea how to use them, either! LOL! Well, have fun playing with your new toy! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hello little Heart!   I got my first computer at the Flea market for $100!  Ha, ha!  It was an HP, & even came with a printer!  I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing, because my oldest Daughter, who insisted I get a computer, to stay in touch with her & my 2 Grand-sons, were in Orlando!  So I bought a book...."Computers for Dummies"!  I read, & re-read, & tried to soak it all up.  This was about 15 years ago. 

    So after I downloaded every program/game/virus programs known to man, I finally had to buy a better one....because I filled it up with too much junk!  Ha, ha!   But that's how I learned....  And now I help my Daughter with stuff, when she gets how to transfer tunes off of my ipod, to my itunes on my computer.  She had given me an ipod for Christmas, & I wanted them on my itunes!  So I found out how, & told her what to do.    I learned what NOT to do, as well as what I needed on here....

    But I know you can't show someone how to do anything, unless they are interested, and want to learn....They have to muddle through themselves....  I had to install the modem for the "broad-band" when I got the new Dell with Vista....I don't LIKE to do these things, but after I'm done, or figure it out....THEN I'm happy.

    We just toasted our first piece of bread in the new fan-dangled toaster/convection/oven!    I'm surprized it didn't call my name when it was done!   It's REALLY neat!  Gotta try a rotisserie chicken in there next!  Man, there is no end, as to what I will do next!

    Okay gals!  talk to you later~ xoxoxoxoxo