Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    What an overnight storm.  I heard it several times....thunder, lightning, lots of pounding rain on the it was coming sideways a lot.  This a.m. --- it is so peaceful looking outside and one would think nothing had gone on thru the night.  I did not get up till almost 8 a.m.  Unheard of for me so I must have been more wakeful than I knew.

    Hope no one got tornadoes or anything negative to deal with from the storm.....lots of water was enough I think.  It will be a good day I'm sure.  Hope you are all well. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited April 2011

    Hi all!

    Have a nice day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Mandy....a big hi to you and thank you so much.  It been quite a day so far......very, very warm, but birds chirping all over and so many mud daubers looking for a good nest site.  Terrific storms through the night but such a calm, peaceful day......

    All my hosta's are reaching for the sky....along with many other wild flowers that fill the yard like a carpet this time of yr.  Tiny little clover flowers all over.  I love Spring for so many things. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Jo, I so enjoyed not only the words, but the music.  It was very uplifting.  Makes you realize that in many ways we are all teachers......we do not know who is watching how we deal with the trials and problems we are given......but I have thought for a long time that not only do they provide a way for us to be challenged to hold onto our faith, but also to become a model to so many others who may be walking the same path.  I can let myself down a bit, but where others are concerned, I can't give in at all.  I do think trials are there to show us and others the real strength we have....not the weakness. 

    Thank you.....I am blessed today.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Morning gals....Jackie,  I didn't know you also had Thyroid problems!!!!  And you know, we will never actually KNOW what causes our breast cancer...  I could look back at a lot of "things" that could have maybe started it...even from Childhood.

    I'm just glad that isn't bothering you now!  My friend always takes Thyroid meds also...

    Hi Jo!  I listened to the song!  Thanks for posting that!  I had looked and looked for this one song that a church service was opened with....but it just made your heart open up when you listened.....  I DID find it last year, & downloaded it into my itunes, so I'll try & find it again to post here! 

     I sent Spar a Pm.....hope she is doing alright....I just remember how many problems, and how long she tried to heal her leg....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    I FOUND it!  It's a beautiful slide show also! xoxoxo

    It is Creation Calls, by Brian Doerksen....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

     I find this beautiful and inspirational.....

    I will not die an unlived life.
    I will not live in fear
    of falling or catching fire.
    I choose to inhabit my days,
    to allow my living to open me,
    to make me less afraid,
    more accessible,
    to loosen my heart
    until it becomes a wing,
    a torch, a promise.
    I choose to risk my significance;
    to live so that which came to me as seed
    goes to the next as blossom
    and that which came to me as blossom,
    goes on as fruit.

    Dawna Markova

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Oh what a gorgeous morning. I tuned on your link Chevy  and it is hard not to lose yourself ( well obviously I did )  in the inspiration that comes through in that piece.  A little odd that you can feel that you are in in the middle of a lot of very powerful significance and get to be a part of that even it it is not a highly identifiable part.  It is everything together that makes a whole. 

    Yes, I did have a huge problem with my thyroid.  It went on for 7 yrs. Racing like mad and I guess it is something of a testimony that we have to go thru a lot to get to the other side of some things.  I went to several Dr.'s and all seemed incapable of "figuring" what was wrong or what to do. day the crash started.  I felt "odd" all day and had to rest several times at my job as everything I saw at times seemed as though it were in a long tunnel.  That afternoon when I got home, at some point it came to me that I was going to die......and I made peace ( quite easily in fact ) with that feeling.  I try to live my life so that when I am called....though it won't be for a really long time yet, I am ready.  When Dh came home he took one look at me and knew something had desperately changed.  I told him that I was going to die, but that it was ok, as I had done all the Dr's told me to and it had not helped and I was not going to fight it any longer. He insisted that we go back to the Dr. Feeling it was futile I agreed to make him happy.  How odd, but you know you are meant to go on when this happens......the Dr. took one look at me as he was out in the hallway approaching the exam room and knew exactly ( I had developed a huge goiter by then ) what was happening to me. 

    I was in fact, in real serious trouble.  My feeling of impending death was really true.  My kidneys had shut down and I was rapidly filling up with water.  It truly had become a matter of time. Four years later I was starting to do really well, but it is PROOF that if it is not your will stay here.  This is just a part of what put me into my spiritual studies because of this and many other ( most not quite so serious )  although the stroke was , things which I knew led me to wanting to discover some missing pieces to my existence. 

     So....though I think a lot of people just think of me as someone who often has far too much to say ( oh my, that could be true )  I think our experiences in life are there to create some balance and we are led to it and because for many years it was so hard for me to find, I share many times from the spiritual side of me --- the side that found a life that was meant to be. 

    I hope  today --- this Sunday, is all that you need  and is beautiful and satisfying as mine. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi little Jackie....Now I understand who you are.....When one goes through so much, they seem to come out of it better, and more aware of their life!   I have heard a lot of stories about how our medical teams can't figure out what is wrong with us....It happens to ALL of us, but sometimes, like you and I, we can come out of it, with a lot of help from like your DH, and our own persistence, and the RIGHT medical help, at the right time.  Wow!  You really were aware of your own mortality....  I've always thought you could "see" or "feel" a little more of what is going on out there, then me.....and I can see why.

    My Mom's kidney's shut down once, & they wanted to put her on dialysis...but ALL of her was shutting down...We had to make a choice....God, that was hard.  But you came out of it!   So that must mean that it WASn't your time....  Whether we believe in God, or a higher power, or even if we are Agnostic, or don't believe in anything......I think we believe in ourselves!  We hold on to our strengths and our very being, and fight to stay alive.   I think when we honestly feel that close to leaving this life, we find a peace and perserverance, for what ever comes to us.

    Well anyway, thanks for sharing that with us..... And I'm glad you felt the "peace" that I do also, everytime I listen to that song....

    Man, I sound like an "Old Sage"....Ha!  Love you gals! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."
    Thomas Edison
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning all on this rainy morning after a very, very stormy night.  Don't know when the wet will stop.  It may be a long day.  I put the quote in today --- I generally pick affirmations for here because when I saw it.......I thought of all the things I had done when I was younger --- and it does sort of amaze me.  Some of the same things would make me nervous now and I sort of wonder how I managed.  I guess I did it not even thinking of possibly failing.  Just the way I saw my cancer txs.  After the first few weeks of denial and total upset.....I couldn't imagine going through all I was going to and have it fail.  Still feel that way now.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011
    Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time
    and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in
    the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in
    having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share.
    Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on
    others without getting a few drops on yourself.
    --Og Mandino
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Be back later:

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    It is such a gorgeous day here with the sun shinning brightly.  The foliage of the bushes growing their leaves is about to cover the sight of the very few houses ( none all that close ) that are around us here in the semi-woods where we live.  I am so thrilled that we live here.  This area has offered so much comfort to me since we moved here 8 yrs. ago.  I often think of it as being like it must have felt in olden days when there were first Indians and then pioneers.  Sometimes it seems like you can almost hear the grass whispering --- there are just sights and sounds that present themselves here in the quiet of the woods with the lake nearby.  The last two evenings upon our arrival home from town there has been one small deer meandering through our lane.  We stop the car and watch her as she slowly walks from one side of road to the other.  She ducks into the thicket to check something.....and then pops back out just when you think it's time to start the car again.

    So.....I sat here pondering what I might say to cheer anyone who may come here and realized there is not much to say.......only that I hope the little things still mean as much to you.  I'm grateful for the life I have and hope that I can always appreciate it.  It has been and still remains such a wonderful gift.

    Many blessings to all and healing hugs to all too.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    I Receive ALL of Life with Thanksgiving.
    I have gratitude for EVERYTHING that has ever occurred to bring me to this moment.
    I give thanks for the joys and the sufferings, the moments of peace and the flashes of anger,
    the compassion and the indifference, the roar of my courage and the cold sweat of my fear.
    I accept gratefully the entirety of my past and my present life.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    I find many things from JLH that I so agree with for the most part.  If you don't accept parts of your own beingness, I don't think you move on.  I certainly feel you continue, but I think there is a little stoppage in areas....a little spot that maybe holds you back.  In my humble opinion......things I don't deal with well tend to stick around in some way or other giving me trouble until I can finally say.....ok, this is what it is, get used to it, get comfortable with it, and then fix it once and for all.  It works for me.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Hi Jo.....glad to see you here.  It does get a bit lonesome but I am committed to keeping the Older Seasoned Ladies Forum here.  I guess I am on a mission to spread light and love, some laughter or hope ---- anything that has a positive side to it -- a little serenity,some calm and any certainly that I can that we do our best and our Creator will see to the rest. 

    Our final classes were today though we can go back and exercise two more wks.  I lost three more lbs. during the class and BMI went down along with waistline figures.  So, along with almost all the others it worked just as Linda said it would.  If you eat and get the exercise in -- you see results.  Linda is always trying to improve on her classes and in the next group she changed the lesson plan to include some spiritual materials.  You know it is said that we do the best when body, mind and spirit are operating closely together --- I do believe this -- very much and I asked if I could sit in on her last two chapters in the next class group  and she instantly ok'ed it for me. 

    I have delved into spiritual study for the last 14 yrs. or so and it is a dear subject to me.  In fact, in looking over my life.......I could pin-point so many items that edged me towards this study.  Or I guess put another way ---- all the answers I could find did not fit the questions I had until I applied the same questions from the standpoint of spirituality. 

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day today.  Mine was busy but special in so many ways. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi Gals!  Just had to tell you I had the most fun yesterday!  I picked my our Daughter, & we went to lunch at the Cracker Barrel!  Have you been to any of them?  You walk into their little "country store"....and it was like walking around in an old wooden-floored movie set....Filled to the brim with the CUTEST things I had ever seen!

    Then we walked to the dining room, and had the BEST country breakfast!  Bisquits and Gravy, Grits, 2 eggs over easy, chicken fried steak, these delicious potatoes with onions, AND peach-flavored iced tea!  It was soooooooo good!  I brought 1/2 of it home, & ate the rest last night... Except for the grits, & part of the steak that I'll eat this morning! 

    Then we went to a fun little store, "Charmin' Charlies!"  We looked around in there...all this "girlie" kind of stuff, & of course I had to buy us more "treasures!"  Ha!  

    So that was a fun day.....! 

    And you gals have fun THIS day! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

                                                  Wealth Poem

    Wealth is not the things we own-
    A stately house upon a hill,
    Paintings, rugs and tapestries,
    Or servants taught to do one's will.
    In luxury, a man may dwell,
    As lonely as in a prison cell.

    Wealth is not a plenteous purse,
    The bonds that one has stored away,
    A boastful balance in a bank,
    Or jewelled baubles that fools display.
    The things that really gratify
    Are things that money cannot buy.

    Wealth is health, and a cheerful heart,
    An ear that hears the robin's song,
    A mind content, some treasured friends,
    And fragrant memories lingering on.
    Living is an inward art-
    All lasting wealth is in the heart!

    -Alfred Grant Walton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Chevy --- we have Cracker Barrels here too and they are just the neatest places.  I try not to go too often.....because I tend to want a lot of things when I do.  I haven't tried it lately, but use to love their chicken and noodles.  That was a favorite Sunday meal at our house.  If anyone has ( I had never been till I moved back home here ) never been to one of these restaurants......during the good months....they have many rocking chairs sitting out on the long front veranda area and you can sit there and rock while waiting for a "table" to come open.  Of course, they sell the wooden rockers too, but it is a little trip to nostalgia and the homeyness of life lived in the old country atmosphere. 

    Where I grew up not far from where I am right now, there were all dirt roads -- only one road thru town was black-top, and all the mailboxes were on that road somewhere......and you had to walk to pick up your mail daily.  We came close to having a one room school, and went till the 8th. grade.....then took a bus to the next town for high school.  Their were wild mushrooms and berries and life was good.  Just really something that a restaurant can carry you right back into childhood and the corner mom and pop grocery store. 

    Raining here, but as I keep lamenting......a part of the entrance to Spring.  Probably will go on till tomorrow.  A bit much for me, but just have to deal with it. 

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic day .

    Hugs Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011
    If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend,
    experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
    - Joseph Addison
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone.  It's a great morning even if a bit overcast still and chilly from the recent storms.  I'm thrilled that I can look out of my computer room windows and see a wonderful green Spring in progress.  I have a little dog named Teeny who is quite agile and she jumps up on a chest that sits under the window.  She loves watching the wildlife play outside, especially the squirrels and if they move much she will announce it to me by whining up a storm and hopping around as though she'd like to take off in hot pursuit......which she does if she is outside.   I think she managed to catch one once, but I definitely discourage that. 

    I am hoping for a good dry out and some sunny weather so we can begin the task of picking up all the dropped small twigs and branches from our two acres here.  It does not seem that much till you start the clean-up......then I am always thinking -- who ok'ed having a 2 acre yard.  Well, actually we and the city did as we were on lake lease property and they chose to sell it to us. We could have had more but we only asked what fit in somewhat of a squarish pattern and was very usable.  A lot is just ravine and timberland so it worked out ok for all concerned. 

    Hope today is a wonderful and as stress free day as is possible. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Okay, I got it, ha!  Next time I'll try the Chicken and dumplings!  I LOVED the breakfast I had, especially the bisquits and gravy!   And Jackie! Yes, this place had all those wooden rockers out on the front "porch"....Ha!  I bought the cutest little red cloth hand-bag, with little red roses stiched on the top!  And some Pancake mix!     We HAVE to go back again soon!  Even if it's about 20 miles from here....  It's worth it!

     Jo, I have also been making home-made Pinto beans, mashed, then put in a hot fresh corn tortilla, with chopped tomatoes, fresh cilantro and grated cheese!   I start the tortilla in a skillet, heat both sides, then layer the stuff on top, & fold over when kind of crispy and hot.

    And it's kind of good for you too!  Ha! 

    Just windy here....still gets down to the low 30's at night, so I can't leave my tomato plants out yet!  Okay little to you later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    This is my simple religion.
    There is no need for temples;
    no need for complicated philosophy.
    Our own brain, our own heart is our temple;
    the philosophy is kindness.
    - Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Yes Jo!  Ha!  It's just us girls on this thread... I could say a lot more about that, but better if I didn't! Wink  

    And yes, I just had a crispy tortilla covered with mashed pinto beans, then lots of chopped, tomatoes, and shredded cheese on top.  It's like a salad, Ha!

    Have fun gals!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Some thoughts to ponder:

    "Let us compete on who is more loving, not on who is more feared."

    "Weed do not easily grow on a field planted with vegetables. Evil does not easily harbor in a heart filled with goodness."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning sweet friends and yes we are the only ones on here now.  It may stay that way or may not, but is the reason why I chose the thoughts that appear above.  There are many things that we could say, but I think for me I would choose quality over quantity whether it is three or three hundred.  It would have been nice if some of the ladies would have hung in here but the two ladies who started other threads from this Forum are nice and I'm sure they had much the same thought as we --- quality over quanity.  I feel certain any problem that did exist no longer does.

     It is a beauty of a day but bad weather ( more tornadic activity is possible ) is coming as early as tonight.  I am going to try and post a web-page.....if it will post, don't know as I don't do that too much, but it is a newsletter I joined that give you all sorts of marvelous recipes utilizing healthy foods and prep, and lists calories, carbs, etc.  I have been using it a lot.  I truly enjoy glancing through all the dishes as I get in a rut with cooking and like to find easy things to try. 

    Online Version of Email Newsletter

    - Coach Nicole's Vegetarian "Meat" Loaf


    Use the button at the bottom of this email to earn SparkPoints!

    Coach Nicole's Vegetarian "Meat" Loaf

    A hearty, homecooked meal that everyone will love! Serve with steamed broccoli and sweet corn for a complete vegetarian meal.

    1.5 cups dried lentils, rinsed
    2 yellow onions
    1/4 cup olive or canola oil
    3 cups brown rice (cooked)
    1 (6-ounce) can of tomato paste
    1/2 cup ketchup
    1 tsp marjoram
    1 tsp sage
    1 tsp garlic powder
    1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
    3/4 cup tomato sauce (or pasta sauce)
    Additional ketchup or salt to taste

    Rinse the lentil and cook them in 3-4 cups water until soft (about 30 minutes). Drain excess liquid. Mash lentils slightly.

    Meanwhile, peel and chop both onions, cooking them on a skillet with the oil until translucent or golden.

    In a large pot or bowl, combine mashed lentils with onions, rice, tomato paste, spices, quartered tomatoes, and pasta sauce until mixed well.

    Press mixtured into a well-oiled loaf or baking dish. Spread 1/2 cup ketchup across the top. Bake at 350-degrees for 1 hour.

    Add additional ketchup to taste. Will keep (covered) in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

    Number of Servings: 10

    Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user COACH_NICOLE.
    Nutritional Info
    Amount Per Serving:
    Calories: 249.4
    Total Fat: 3.9g
    Total Carbs: 44.9g
          Dietary Fiber: 9.5mg
    Protein: 10.9g
    See Full Information



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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Ok....sorry, it did not do well, but next time, right.  Anyway, if you can stand wading through all the funny symbols.....I find it to be excellent. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful day and sure hoping you don't get the rugged weather that is coming to Ill, Jo. 

    Take care.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Hi Jackie,

    Well, I did not wade through the symbols yet but might come back to it. Right now I am making one of our favorite comfort foods, chicken and dumplings stew. It is DH's birthday but we have had a very busy several days leading up to today and he opted for doing NOTHING special today.  We ate "out" two or three times this past week and that always results in a weight gan so I am sticking to homemade meals for now. 

    Even before breast cancer we were watching our diet pretty closely. That really means I was watching our diet closely :). Dh is borderline diabetic and we are, so far, able to control his blood sugar with diet and exercise. He really does not want to have to go on meds for diabetes so we took the nutrition class our hospital offers which is paid for by medicare. Very worthwhile.  He does not cook at all so I had to get involved. Where do women find men who cook? 

    Anyway, "his" diet helped me lose about 40 pounds in the year or two prior to my BC DX. Of course people think my weight loss has to do with being sick but it really has to do with being heathy! It was very hard to make the necessary changes in our life style, I even think it made me kind of depressed for several months.  But with the breast cancer DX I am SO happy to be on the thinner side. It is one small thing I can do to take control. 

    I used to post on the Arimidex threads but I am embarrassed to admit I HAD to stop it after about one year. I really made an effort but my side effects combined with some newly dx'd neurological problems made staying on the Arimidex impossible. I ran my stats through Adjuvant Online (DH is a retired MD so I could sign up but so could anyone as they do not ask for proof) and the benefit of Arimidex over Tamoxifen was about 2%. That made my decision a lot easier to stick with and my med onc only resisted a little. I have had no problems with Tamoxifen and the terrible weakness (asthenia) is gone now. I do still have hot flashes, some leg cramping, less in the hands, and dry skin. My hair has stopped coming out and is thickening back up. But it was the lack of strength and general weakness that made Arimidex impossible for me. And yes, I did exercise, do exercise... a lot. Walk 3 miles a day, lift hand weights, and swim. 

    Do I sound a little defensive? :)  I really did make an effort but wow,, things are better now.

    Enough of all that. Your efforts to keep this thread alive are herculean! But it is nice to see you all or as we say in the south, all y'all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Oh Man, I just lost my post!!!!!!!!  I hate when that happens!  Hey pj!  Nice to see you again!

    I see you are not taking Arimidex now!  And don't be embarrassed...I know how it goes!  I quit Tamoxifen, because I went deaf.  Actually I lost 100% hearing in my left ear, and 50% in my right, but I wear fancy hearing aids now.    In fact, I just sent the 3 drug companies that make Tamoxifen the facts on Deafness from Tamoxifen, thinking that they SHOULD include this warning on their labels....And I'm not the only one on this forum that lost her hearing.

    And yes, this thread almost went to the big forum in the sky, because people didn't like me sticking up for Jackie....She was getting blamed for things that were all made up!   I had quit posting, but when the "others" left, we stayed here.

    Actually I posted  that their behavior was they got mad and left.   Oh well!  I don't mind controversy and debates, but going after one of my friends was just too much.  I'm just too old to listen to stuff that isn't true! 

    So glad to see you....again! 

    Good luck on your weight loss....You guys really sound committed!  And it's only GOOD for you! 

    I made some cream of Asparagus soup....It was actually a can of Asparagus, so I smashed it all up, like I blended it with butter, then I simmered it for awhile, then thickened it with milk & flour..  And I added a little onion salt & ate it!  Wink  I mean part of it!   A little of it.  You want to come over for dinner & have some, Ha! 

    Okay to you later! xoxooxox