Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Gosh Pj, good to see you here.  Like you and your Dh, I "meant" to change my ways, especially after the BC though I had done some good things beforehand.  I also meant to get into some exercises --  good wt. bearing.  Well, it has one been one thing after the other and many of these small things are all you need to convince yourself that today is not so good and surely tomorrow will be better. 

    A friend wanted to take the Nutrition and Wt. Bearing Exercise class being put on by our local hospital....St. Marys Good Samaritan.  Didn't want to do it alone and as I had expressed interest a while before, paid my way into the class.  She is a sweetie.

    You know, you can get downright nervous when you think you have been doing some really good things and find out some were not so hot after all.  Like the 95% lean ground round I used.  I was strutting practically never thinking how much  of it we ate....and letting that percentage number convince me that I was seeing to our health.  Anyway to make a long story short.....doing the class has really inspired me to make the changes I had meant to and to do those exercises that you really, really must if you want your core strength.  I don't so far find it the chore or impossibility it seemed a few months ago.  Maybe there is just something in the getting started one way or the other. 

    I do know one can be a little irresponsible about things if you don't really have the facts, and can even deny things for a while......but once you find out "how it is" you can no longer fool yourself and hide your head in the sand.  I think you can feel better, think more clearly and do a lot more if you take charge of things instead of letting them take charge of you. 

    I am still taking Arimidex but have foot issues....and maybe they are caused by it.  So far I am managing and figure I only have to go till 2013....just have to decide at some point am I punishing myself by keeping on, and would really think more on it if I had more than foot issues but I only get strange things on occasion and they go away a holding pattern for now.  The big thing may be what will happen when we get to 2013. are always so good to me and I appreciate it.  I feel  fortunate always that there are people I can share with.....somehow, I've grown used to the support I get from the Forum and BCO and wonder how well I would do if I didn't have it.  Guess I'd make it but it is so pleasant to share with people who know how life can be at diagnosis and beyond.  I have much to be thankful for......and many wonderful friends made.  I am indeed honored by all of you. 

    Pj, please look for a pm from me and know that I'm already looking forward to chatting with you next time.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Morning gals!  I put those fancy nails on last night, and I can still type!  Ha!  I've worn them so often in the past, but I like these better than the ones they put on in the shop...easier to deal with and take off when you want, and they don't hurt your own nails!  

    And it's all because I bought these pretty new rings at the Mile Hi Farmers market!  They are little glass beads all in a cluster, and so shiny!  So I had to buy 4 of them!  Wink  $2 a piece!  One other stand had the same ones for $8!  So that was my find for the day! 

    Jackie, I knew you were taking Arimidex.... I'm just glad it doesn't affect you more than it does.  I know some women who have had to quit taking it, due to all the aches and pains!   I think ANYone that can go through the meds that are supposed to prevent any return of cancer are some kind of hero to me. 

    And yes, we've been here a long time, right?  Funny how some gals just sneak into your heart and stay there forever....Guess because we have the same interests.  It's just so nice to know we have friends along the way!  

    I quit taking the Allegra for awhile, but now my one ear is all swollen and itching again this morning, so I guess I'll start those pills again.  It's funny how just that little tiny tube on my hearing aids causes all that problem!   Oh well....nothing I can't fix...Wink

    I read some of the other threads, and man, those women go through so much!   I mean you would think just having a lumpectomy is bad enough, but when you continually have major problems, and tests, and medical teams that can't find your veins, and put you through so much misery!!! I just don't know what keeps a woman going.   I admire the fight in these women.... What they go through, and still keep their sense of humor....and just keep "living!" 

    Okay, have a fun day!  xoxoxooxoxo

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Hi friends.  I have been mostly missing in action, but read almost daily.   My life is pretty boring and since I am er/pr negative --- Hi and bye as thunder is rumbling.   Will check back later.   Hugs, Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi Jo....yes, thanks!  I have been doing my nails for probably 30 years, ever since they came out, when we used to just "stick" them on...But so far I haven't had any trouble....I only put them on for something special, like buying the rings...Ha!  I'll probably leave them on for about a week, then get tired of them.

    My skin isn't bothered by the glue...just plastic, like on my hearing aids, or tape of any kind.  I just put clear polish on my HA tubes, so they don't "touch" my ears...besides take Allegra.....'s okay if you think your life is boring....Wink  I really don't think about my breast cancer either, very often!  Besides it's time to get on with gardening.....!!!

    My Daughter just called from her Doctor's office....couldn't remember when I was diagnosed...So I told her Nov. 2009.... She doesn't want to worry about getting cancer.....I didn't either, even though my Mom had cancer..... In THOSE days they just did the radical mastectomy and all the lymph nodes..... Man, that was so hard on those women...  I don't have that BRCA gene, so I didn't pass that on to my girls..... I'm not exactly sure that that is how we get our cancer anyway. There are sooooooo many ideas on that.

    Good Morning little Jackie!  What-cha doin' today?  It is so nice out here!  Okay, talk to you gals later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Did you gals ever fix this?   It's a "treat" once in awhile! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Saying a special hi to Pj, Jo, Gram and Chevy.  Today.....well we are awaiting a major storm so they say.  I hear suspicious noise quite often.  Heard they had golf ball sized hail in Missouri....some baseball size, and Missouri is right across the river from us.  I think it has warmed enough that we won't see hail, or if so it will be small.  Hope that is the case.  Ah would be so dull were it not for the green pollen haze, the sneezing, the full nasal passages and those storms that start with a T.  But, enough of that.  It is going to be another great day and an opportunity to help someone,  to smile and to be full of gratitude for all the blessings I have.

    Jo, I am envious.  I don't multi-task so well anymore. Not just real sure when that slipped away, but I could, I think, with practise get some of it back.  In fact, I think if I will continue to exercise it could become a great reality again.  Our instructor was speaking about keeping all your cells awake and aware......and that is done with movement.  I'm thinking....could you be a little more subtle while I get used to the idea of stepping away cold turkey from my computer -- but I'm sure anything that makes you feel better, more healthy, etc. would tend to have a positive effect in all areas for a person. 

    I will really keep on the Arimidex as I do feel fortunate that we have something.  I also think tests and trials that were started a while ago may have produced useful information that will be available by the time my five yr. stint is coming to a close.  So far, I feel fairly well for the most part and only get strange twinges that don't stay ( cross my fingers ) for long.  If just my feet....I think I could go on.  In fact, have been thinking I definitely need to find my shoe inserts.  My leg has been hurting and I know it is from having one leg longer than the other, and the total left side weakness from the stroke.  That is my signal to get busy and find those inserts.....and didn't I do what we all do......I put them up in a really logical place.  One that I could go right too if I ever needed them again -- so much for my mental acuity.  I have been looking for over a month.  When I finally find them.....I bet I still think it is a perfect place and probably more logical than I thought back then...whenever then was.  Can't we be a mess sometimes???? 

    I'll have a ig laugh to look forward too anyhow.

    Hope you all have a good day.  I'll be thinking about you and probably checking back later on .

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Back again to catch up with everyone while the washer is going.   Short storm roared thru and more are expected.   April showers....    With all my allergies, including eggs, I tend to not eat much of a balanced or particularly nutritious diet.   Veggies are much preferred to fruit and when I do cook, I do it well.    But for one person, often the take out routine gets me showered and out of the apartment for a change of scenery.    

    Although my veins are good, for one MRI the nurse must have been using a railroad spike.   She ended up blowing the vein and blood was all over me, the floor and her.   Then she went and got someone else and it was quick and painless.    You can also ask for a pediatric needle for some stabs - much smaller and takes longer to inject the dye but used often on "older folks"...

    Off to get my eye measured for cataract surgery on May 2.   Yes, Marybe, an iv is needed for sedation.  Peace, love and blessings, Nancy 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011


    Pericles' quote is so true. I heartily endorse it and try to live up to those values in life. But I do just love a heart-breaking tombstone! I've told my family that I want to be cremated when I go but I still want  a gravestone even if I am not buried anywhere.  I don't know what I would want it to say. But I did suggest to DH that I wanted perfect strangers to drop to their knees and weep when they read it. :)

    When DH was doing his family genealogy we visited several cemeteries in Georgia. I loved reading the stones, they told such touching or sad or tragic stories. And it was so personalizing. 

    Loved the little individual gravesites in New England. I particularly remember one near Durham, New Hampshire. There was a Kentucky Fried Chicken and one corner of the parking lot was a small graveyard. We made a few tasteless jokes about how people who ate at KFC too often ended up there :(  But really, the area has simply grown up around an old farmstead with a cemetery and I guess tradition or laws or whatever demand that the graves are not disturbed.

    We found the small family cemetery where DH's grandmother is buried. It is a tiny slice of land between a railroad track and an Air Force base in Georgia. Must be about 15 graves in it. It's poorly marked and I can't see how it can survive another hundred years of progress, road widening and railroad maintenance. Don't know what will happen to the graves as there is no one to oversee it like a formal, modern cemetery.

    When I was in Italy as a child we saw a house perched on a high mound, kind of straight up 20 or 30 feet with niches cut in to the sides and a curving staircase rising to the house itself.  The "mound" was a centuries old burial site, the niches were individual graves and the house was simply built on top of it as land was at quite a premium. We also visited the "catacombs" in Rome where early Christians were buried in tunnels below ground. In several places there were skeletal remains in cut outs in the walls, the cut outs stacked one above the other above another. Made quite an impression on me as a child! :0

    Wow, what a cherry subject. Not! It's a beautiful day in NE Florida. Sunny, mid to high 70s, light breeze, blue ocean, wide beach, nice waves... just perfection. Wish I could bottle this weather and pour it out in early August when it is 99F in the shade!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Gram E, 

    When is your cataract surgery? Wishing you a great result! Modern cataract surgery is so successful and the recovery so fast. And most people have greatly improved vision afterwards! How people used to dread it. Does anyone remember when post op patients had to lie flat on their back for DAYS with sand bags on either side of their heads to keep them from moving? And those horrible thick cataract glasses... before lens implants? This is one field of medicine where great progress has been made. Good luck! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011


    Pericles does open up the imagination doesn't he???? Dh and I will be cremated.  We already have our markers set in the ground.....way early, but we did it when we could afford it. Love the end of your first paragraph. 

    I think my marker says Dearly loved people and animals One side has a Caduceus (medical symbol ) and the other  a cat in a circle.  I was a Specialist 4th. Class in the army   (medical corpsman ) and so had as much put in a small space as I could.  Built in urn and the circle around it has the names of all the children -- Scott, Kelly-Jo, Eric, Jeff & Kate.  First three are step-children, and last two are mine. 

    We did this almost 13 years ago now.  Even more so it seems a good thing to me.  There is so little space it seems and bodies don't offer much when the soul has transitioned into Eternity.  I know mine will be quite worn out and it  does seem so much more tidy to take up only a small portion of room.

    Could I say used to bother me when I was a young age....walking about the cemetery....I thought it rude to walk on someone's grave even if only by accident.  I think it far more civil to have a small area if anything.  I don't expect anyone to come to pay respects too much when I am transitioned......and though I am in no great hurry.....I do not fear my ending much.  I fully expect to be rather happy then for the most part.  I will shed a frail body and a bit of a feeble mind and go again where there is total recall, perfect health, and where every day is glorious.  Just sort of hard to feel upset about that. 

    So far, no storms.  Could we get lucky....maybe.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Here is something that I copied and pasted from what the Sparks people odd, I never thought much about salt in condiments because I don't use very much.  Sigh !!!!  It's always something;

    Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in foods that you eat every day. Salt and sodium are not the same things--but salt is made from sodium (and chloride). What you might not realize, however, is that"hidden" sodium found in processed foods (in the form of salt) makes up the largest proportion of the sodium that adults consume.

    Cutting back on sodium is one action you can take to lower your blood pressure. Here are some sodium-cutting tips you can try today:

    • Choose low-, no- or reduced-sodium versions of your favorite soups, frozen meals, canned foods, and snacks. Even butter is available without added salt!
    • Use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat, rather that canned, smoked, or processed types.
    • Limit cured and pickled foods such as bacon, ham, pickles, olives, and sauerkraut.
    • Limit high-salt condimentssuch as mustard, horseradish, catsup, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, and barbecue sauce.
    • Season foods with spices, herbs, lemon, lime, vinegar, and salt-free seasoning blends.
    • Cook rice, pasta, and hot cereals without salt.
    • If a recipe calls for salt, cut the amount called for in half and taste it before adding more.
    • If you can't find sodium-free varieties of canned vegetables, rinse the can's contents in a colander under water before cooking to remove excess salt.

    Keep in mind that your taste buds are probably use to the salt so it may take some time to learn to use much less or go without.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hey gals! 

    You know, we drove the canyon up to Central City today, & it was real sunny....didn't even wear a sweater...I met my SIL's Sister for lunch at the casino..... She got there about 15 minutes later...and said "Yes I got here early too, did you see that blizzard?" I said WHAT????? I looked out the window, and sure enough, within 15 minutes, a blizzard was RAGING out there! I thought OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!

    But we ate a quick lunch, then within another 10 minutes the sun came out! I have never seen that happen before! I stayed, for about 1/2 hour more, and ANOTHER blizzard blew in! Ha, ha! But it didn't last long either! I finally drove down to the casino where I had dropped DH off, grabbed a sandwich to split when we got home, and we made it home with no more problems.... My heart just dropped when I looked outdoors! I am not one to drive in the snow...  

    Jackie....I'm going to have to come out there to help you find those inserts, Ha! I have some, but don't think that would work!

    Hi Gram....(Nancy)..... I know! Did you read what Marybe posted? She has such an awful time with her tests and treatments....I would be a bag of broken pieces if I had to go through what she does. It just makes you feel so bad, reading what these strong women are still going through!  

    And YOU! Having to get cataract surgery! Wow! Okay, I won't complain of luck to you gal.

    Jo...I don't eat it very often either, Ha! In fact I have a few slices of frozen corned beef! I think I'll find it, and make my own hash! I know it's in the freezer, but WHERE???? It's probably with your inserts Jackie....

    Pj....When I was in Mexico, I remember the little cemetery's along side the dirt roads.... So beautifully decorated! I had never seen anything like that. I don't think they were formal cemetery's either....Maybe families all buried together close to the little ram-shackle "houses"..... Okay....I'm not talking about those things any longer..... I know what you mean...... And yes, I remember not supposed to step on the graves....I still don't. But I'm not planning NOTHIN' yet...... I'm still planning my garden....Ha! Have fun gals! xoxoxo

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Anyone here with medicare and supplemental insurance?   Today's visit to measure my eye for the new lens - not as painful as Marybe with poking for a good vein.   Got there, signed in and half an hour later receptionist calls me to the desk.   Tells me I need a referral from my primary doctor.   WTF???   Already had one appt with this doctor and no one said a word about a referral and I had the pre op exam last week at the primary doctor and reminder phone call yesterday.   

    Since I have Blue cross supplement, "they" require a referral from the primary.   Go outside, use cell phone to call primary and they say they never heard of such a thing.   Go back inside and have receptionist explain to primary.   10 minutes later fax is sent and all goes forward.

    Will have to put drops in for 3 day before then more drops every 15 minutes for an hour before I leave the apartment the day of surgery.   Do not do in the car or can poke out your eye...  Cannot eat for 8 hours before surgery, so will have to get up at least an hour before my ride arrives and no coffee or breakfast.    Not the end of the world,  and I will survive.   Thanks for listening to this minor glitch in my day.

    As far as where and how to be buried - my DH ashes are in Arlington National Cemetery and my ashes can go in with his.   No cost for either the inurnment or engraving.   Not sure I want a viewing.  We had one and only one for DH, then cremation after.    The cost for viewing and cremation - will let son decide when the time comes.   When DH was alive he said if I go first he will have " she never lacked for conversation material - it fell in her lap" on my marker.    

    Tomorrow I will play bridge, get Rx eye drops and maybe chinese take out.   I walked to eye doctor's office and the humidity was high, but I got a nice walk in.   Been trying to walk each morn and evening as the weather has gotten warmer.   When it was dark so early and cold, I went down to the parking garage and did 3 laps inside in the evening.   Garage is under the building, few open exhaust vents, not heated, but mostly underground and no wind.    

    Hugs, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Morning gals!  Gram.....I also have Medicare Complete with Secure Horizons, and so far it has been great....About those referrals...I always have to have one also!  Those people are all nuts! 

    Our primary Docs just seem to not want to do anything themselves anymore, so they have their "loop" of friends they refer us to....and that costs us more, AND the insurance companies.  

    My Daughter just went to the same PC....She told her she no longer takes tissue, or a biopsy on her face, that she had to go to a Dermatologist!  So after another referral, the new gal tells her the exam is just for her face...any other problem area down from her face to look at, would cost her more....AND if it is on her back or legs, even that would be more!  So she would have to pay extra for her to "look" at the rest of her....  I was ready to go strangle them all.

    When I couldn't hear, my PC sent me to an ENT guy, which his office gave me all the hearing tests, then he only looked in my ears, & said, "Yup, you have hearing loss."...... And they tried to sell me the hearing aids through them, which would have been twice as much as at Costco.  AND I could have had the hearing tests free at Costco, even IF I didn't need hearing aids...Who knew?? Evidently not my PC! 

    And I hope you wrote all your instructions down, because I would forget 1/2 of it, by May.  I'm so sorry about the drops!  AND the surgery....I hear it isn't serious, but it is your EYES!!!  I went with this same Daughter to have Lasix, and watched while they did it....  And inside I was just cringing, and ready to grab her & take her out of there!   It went fine...but eyes....that's another delicate part of us, that we don't want to have anything wrong with....  Are they going to give you that "relaxer" pill before the surgery?  Got to admit, she was really funny after the surgery...  She was even laughing at herself! to you all later!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    They gave a lovely folder with all instructions for my eye surgery in large print !!!   This will be my left eye, the worst one.   If all goes as planned, which I know it will, the other eye can be done in about 6 weeks.    

    Last year I had 2 front teeth crowned and this year it is the eyes.   You might call me vain for having the teeth done, but they had worn very thin on the bottom and began to decay.   Either pull them or do the crowns.  I opted to have them crowned instead of taking a vacation.   Not as much fun, but no one can call me snaggle tooth...!!!  

    Interesting about free hearing test at Costco.   EEEK - not that next year...    Time to get ready to go play table shuffleboard at the American Legion.   I have won 3 times this year - most likely because I am the only one who doesn't drink.    I do not drink and drive - MY rules.    

    Have a good evening.   Hugs, Nancy 

    edited to correct major error... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi Gram!  I think it's "just you and me babe!"  Ha!  So you are getting all your "parts" fixed.  Man, I know how that is.  Nothing is easy, but I know you will do alright......  And I don't think you are vain at all!  Heck, I still color my hair!  So did my Mom, Ha!  If you feel good, and it makes you feel better, do it!   

    I guess I could have gone without hearing aids also, but it's so nice to be able to hear everything.. (sometimes).....It's really noisy in restaurants, and around a lot of people.   But we have to take care of ourselves.    It's like wearing a bridge, or even false teeth!    My teeth were always just plain bad....So when I got down to 8 on the top, and my other ones were  falling apart, the Dentist just pulled all of the top, & slapped my "play" teeth in, right after!  It wasn't easy, but then nothing is.   And I LOVE my teeth now!   Best thing I ever did....... And that isn't being vain, that is just wanting to look good for ourselves, and everyone else. 

    Eye surgery is a necessity....So do you have someone to help you and take you there?  Or can you stay with someone?  I don't know how long it takes before you are feeling you? 

    Okay to you later!  Have a fun night! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Hi everyone....sorry I have been MIA.  We had a wild, wild storm on Tues. night, lost power very quickly and just a couple of hours ago finally got it restored.  Had to empty my freezer and fridge though.  I did not want to trust the food...some felt soft and I had no way  of knowing just when we would get out power back.  Some said maybe not till sometime after Saturday.

    I missed my computer and I really missed all of you.  We were fortunate here that all we lost was food. My cousins's lost their home. This was indeed a very bad storm.....the winds were only 40 miles an hour....., but I guess it was the fact that they swirled.  I never heard of this before.  I must admit though I am generally brave......I was quite nervous and a bit scared to say the least. 

    I am also exhausted though, but did want to tell you where I had been and what happened and I will see you in the a.m. when I am a bit more rested.  Take care all.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Wow Jackie!  Yes, I believe anything!  This weather is just nuts this year!  So sorry about your cousins....that's so terrible.  Man, I would have been scared to death! 

    I just KNEW something was wrong, because you hadn't posted!  Or emailed!  Glad things have settled down now.....xoxoxoxxooxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Just now going into several days of rain.....some lighting and thunderstorms mention of any wind though so hoping we will be fine.  Now all we will consider is the ground getting to wet and trees toppling over...hmmm, don't think I even want to have that thought. 

    We were so fortunate here to only have lost the contents of our freezers.  This really has been the worst I've seen here in the 14 yrs. we have been home again.  I don't know, but seems to be some truth to it, but did hear a couple yrs. ago that the global warming would being a lot of changes to our weather far that seems to have happened and be happening. 

    Hope you are all fine and looking forward to many of the spring rituals, planting etc. and now too much for strange weather.  Also that the week-end is good for all those who have family to share Easter and all the nice things that come at this time.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    chevy, my chemo buddie, gal I met while doing chemo, almost 3 years ago, is picking me up and taking me back home.   I am not allowed to drive that day, but Doctor says I can drive the next day.   I go to his office for post op check up the day after the surgery and it is about 4 blocks from my apartment.   The other visits I walked, so unless there is a hurricane - I will walk and a McD along the way for a burger and fries to "celebrate"...    

    Jackie, it is very dark and dreary and raining and cold today.   Down to the 40's tonight then 80 on Sunday.   Back and forth, heat on, heat off.   But I do have power and sorry you lost the food and your cousin losing their home.  But glad all are safe for now.    

    Waiting to hear how Mom is.   Monday she will be 98 and has been in nursing home 9 years or so.   Brother called and said they took her to hospital because she apparently spit up some blood.   Nurses station has not called me back - 2 hours ago I left message.  I was going to go up to see her - 5 hour drive each way - but eye doctor says no no no no no no.    Wait and see, the story of my life sometimes...

    Happy Easter - I will visit my son and the grand daughter - next town over from me.   DIL has gone to visit her sister - don't know what to make of that family some times.    Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Morning gals!  NancyGram....  Glad you have someone to take you!  And yes, a Micky D's sounds great!  Can you get the "wrap"....?  It's made with 1/2 sirloin burger, plus lettuce, tomatoes & pickles I think in a flour tortilla!  I love them!   Oh, & yes, fries!  My Husband and I always split SOMEthing when we stop for lunch! 

    Those darned nursing homes.....I was just lucky I was close to my grandma's when she was in them!  I COULD just show up anytime I wanted....but it is always such a worry!   Wait, you said she was in the hospital!  Sorry......  Keep calling them.......  Yes, always wait and see!

    Happy Easter to you too....Our Daughter & our "Daughter from another Mother" is coming over, with Janie's fiance' Matt....But it is always a PARTY!   


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Nurse finally called to say Gastro will check Mom sometime later today and let me/us know but she will not go back to nursing home today.   Nurse acted like Mom not having hearing aids and could not hear what they asked was a crime.  I almost lost it and said Have you not read she is 97 years old????   Thanks for letting me rant.

    I will go to bingo tonight to get out of the apartment and have someone to talk with for a while - of course no or very little talking during the games....     Enjoy your company. Hugs, Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Nancy.....When my Grandma went to the hospital, afte they said, that she fell down, I went to see her and she was fine....Then the next morning I went, and she must have had a stroke!  She hardly even KNEW me...& we had been talking the day before about me bringing lunch for a "picnic in her room!"  I stomped out to find a nurse.... "Oh?"  "I thought she was like that when they brought her in!"  I was LIVID!!!!  

    She got a little better, & they took her back to the nursing home, & scheduled her for more "tests."  I said "No more!'  She is 82...she has dementia, & it is too hard on her for any more "tests!"  

    Your Mom can't hear?  I'm like you, I think that goes along with her age...and she probably could not, or would not wear them!  She just might be confused sometimes!  Like my Grandma was, from being in a hospital MAINLY, and being around all those "know-it-all's"  Hearing Aids are not popular with the older folks...OR men!   I hope you can get her out of there soon....she probably just wants to go back to familiar surroundings and people!   It just makes me mad too, because I went through this......

    I'll be thinking of you.....What games? Wink  We'll be outdoors talking, hopefully, unless it is snowing!   xoxooxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Nancy, was so sorry to hear about your Mom.  I think it is difficult for the older folks when they lose some of their senses.  Like closes off part of the world, and then, if they are taken out of their famaliar areas, more inner stress and turmoil.  They don't always react well to "strangers" around them.....even if it is medical people. 

    Personally, I think when you are 90 or above no one should be complaining and acting put out that maybe you don't hear real well etc.  I mean, do what it takes to give this person/human being whatever quality you can........I spent many, many years adoring older people --- felt their outlook and stories were so unique.  I'm not hearing well and I'm 65.

    Well, it's pouring, thunder and lightning so I'm going to go give it up for now.  I hope you all will have a good night.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone and I am hoping it is good.  Lots of tornados' around us but we are fine here.....lots of water came down though.  We are due for wet weather until Wednesday as far as that goes.  Just hope no more winds and tornadoes for anyone.  Got up this morning to hear the airport we use ( the few times we have to use one ) over at St. Louis -- Lambert International is closed from storm damage and they don't think they will be doing much until after the week-end and then still limited service to some extent after that. 

    Thinking of all of you and wishing for you all to have a decent Spring. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,465
    edited April 2011

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
    Walk softly and carry a big carrot.
    Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
    There's no such thing as too much candy.
    All work and no play can make you a basket case.
    Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
    Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
    Keep your paws off other people's jellybeans.
    Good things come in small sugar-coated packages.
    The grass is greener in someone else's basket.
    An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare.
    To show your true colors you have to come out of the shell.
    The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.

    Happy Easter to everyone today.  I hope it's the best,

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Thanks Jackie,

    I love that! I am copying it and sending it on today. HAPPY EASTER TO ALL.