Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Happy Easter.   Thanks for the encouragement re my Mom.   She is on soft food today and should go back to the nursing home tomorrow - her birthday.   Mom has had 2 hearing aids for years and of course when she was transported they did not take them for fear of losing them.    She is also legally blind, so they are using a clipboard with black magic marker to "talk" with her.   Then since she cannot hear,she literally yells her answers.    

    I am off for a meal with my son and grand daughter.   it is HOT here and will get to at least 80.  

    Hugs and Blessings, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Happy Easter gals....So glad about your Mom, Gram!   It's probably best they did not take the hearing aids with your Mom, unless she knew how to use them & where to keep them.   I know what that's like, about the yelling, ha!  Guess it isn't funny, but I find myself talking a lot louder when I don't have my aids in....And when I say "what?" to my Husband, he then YELLS!  yikes!

    It is not hot here!  About 50.....and supposed to rain and then snow...Frown   But we will be in, & having a nice Easter dinner! 

    So have fun gals!   Talk to you later!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    Hi ladies You now have another oldie that came backsince the stressers are gone.  I am on arimedex and aftrer reading different posts, I think all the aches and ;pains I am having is from that.  I have arthritis but that cant be all of it.  Well its time for bed and I just wanted you to know you have an old friend who came back,  Hugs across the milesw

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Hi Dar -- just took a break and found your post.  I'm so glad you are back.  I'm thinking not much more will go on tonight as it's getting late.  I took almost everything out of my bedroom's the only way I'll ever get it cleaned properly, then went to feed feral cats, clean at Maggie's and feed her animals....then to Wal-Mart to get a couple of plastic boxes to store my quilts in, then back home to make dinner and then back to the cleaning.  A real pain, but I'll be so thrilled when it's done.  Some laundry in between for good measure. 

    Arimidex  --- it does present some joint problems.....I don't get those too much, thank goodness or maybe the darn foot nueropathy is just enough that I focus on it a little more than anything else.  I am going to do my utmost to hang in with it.......I can't really imagine changing now but I think I would be more comfortable to keep on taking "something" for at least 5 yrs.  Then we can re-visit what studies may have finished and what new info might be available.  I think my osteopenia is staying put --- my one Dr. suggested Fosomax but it was my first bone density and I thought it needed to be used for baseline and wait and have a second test later.  I read where anyone can get osteopenia and could have it for years and it never gets any worse.  So I felt jumping into taking Fosomax was premature.  I am really going to have to "need" that before I want to take something with its particular side effects. glad you are here to share with us.  See you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Jackie:   I have osteopenia, for over 10 years.   Before BC, I took Evista and Actonel - one once a day, other once a week, plus calcium with D and magnesium.   It may or may not have kept BC away since I was dx at age 62.    When chemo began I quit all supplements.   

    Asked onco after chemo, surgery, and a year of herceptin about once a year Zometa and she agreed.   Have had 2 of them with no apparent side effects.    IV infusion over half an hour or so.   Will do bone scan later this Fall and compare to one 2 years ago.    BTW, by the way, my Vit D level was low and took 2 months of weekly 50 K units and it was up to normal.   Now I take 2 calcium w/D per day.   Blood work will be done mid summer.    I know some stage 4 have zometa as part of their treatments, but not sure of the details.

    Sun is out, already warm and this looks like Spring is here to stay.   Birds are chirping.   Couple of good storms last night with lightning and more lightning, but no loss of power.    

    Hi Dar. welcome back.   Jackie, what prompted the massive clean up?   I am debating hiring a run cleaning crew or buying one of those small spot type cleaners.    Or maybe ask the apartment manager when I renew my lease do I get a carpet cleaning????    Nothing to lose by asking, right???     Enjoy, relax, and hugs, Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Darolyn!!!  How fun to see you!  We've just been hoping more gals would come by again...!  

    I know Jackie could tell you about Arimidex, because I had asked for Tamoxifen, so didn't try either the Arimidex nor the Femara... I was doing good on the Tamoxifen, but after a year I lost my hearing, so I stopped it at 14 months......  I know a "few" women had this same thing happen to the "nerves" in the ears....they are "hair-like" and sometimes these chemo drugs cause different reactions in different women. 

    Right now I'm not taking any of the preventive meds, just lots of vitamins and supplements, and hoping for the best.

    I know Arimidex is tolerable in some women, and if it isn't they can try something else, but muscle & joint aches and pains are the most common  SE's!   And if they get too bad, you can always try a different one....Ask your Oncologist, maybe?  I asked mine, about the deafness from Tamoxifen, but she just didn't want to blame it on that.....

    I reported this all to the FDA, along with the 5 web-sites that talked about this, and they are "re-viewing" my case....

    So now I'm not going back to her....just the Radiologist to order Mammograms & do the blood work.  I hope you do better on the Arimidex....

    Did you gals have a nice Easter?   I did mostly.... Okay sweet ladies, talk to you later! 

    Welcome back DAR!!!! xoxoxoxox

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi Gram!  You are up early too, ha!  You were posting while I was!  I'm so sorry about all your problems!  Can you keep them at least manageable?  How do you know about your vit.D level?  Can they tall this with those blood tests?  I have been taking it, along with many others since I started the Tamoxifen...almost 1 1/2 years ago.  I don't take the Tamoxifen any longer, and notice my hair is not coming out as fast, and my nails are stronger! 

    Yes, I love the Spring too!  It rained yesterday afternoon...the few tomato plants I set out are shivering in the "walls-o-water" I put them in, but it is supposed to protect them down to 26 degrees!   I have a lot more plants I have to wait to put out...I'm just getting anxious.

    I've been CLEANing also!  We just have too much "stuff"....and that "hoarders" show scares me every time I see it, Ha!   So I just do a little at a time.... Yes, Gram!  ask about a new carpet?  We are going to replace this carpet in a couple months....We have had it through 2 dogs, 2 Grand-sons growing up, and it is time for a change! 

    Okay, I'm done now...... maybe...........  Wink

    Is  anybody ready for breakfast?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good health comes from understanding that exercise is the fountain of youth and good nutrition is the water of life. ~ Dr. Jeffrey Morrison

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone -- we sit here awaiting more rain.  So far Spring has and is making some difficulties for people be it tornadoes or too much water.  I'm hoping for sun when I can bloom a little myself.  In between --- just a lot of work. 

    I am mainly trying to de-clutter my house and do the Spring cleaning things that have not been done since my diagnosis in 2007.  Seems every time I tried to get started something would come up and I'd be figured best thing--- just empty one room at a time into another room......then no matter what crops have to get it done.  Also that way I get the chance ( aren't I lucky ) of washing walls and windows as I go. 

    Gram, I am wondering if you increase your Vit D and calcium.....maybe the osteopenia won't go any farther for a much longer time.  Anyway.....I felt like if I had gone all thru cancer and its treatments....and was only showing osteopenia ( considered I think as a precursor of osteoporosis ) then I was safe to wait....and my first density test was less than a yr. ago.  I asked my Oncologist about this....and she agreed that I probably should wait until I had at least one more test. I'm wondering if the drugs all have about the same se's.  Anyway, I'm hoping to avoid having to take anything. 

    I think the Vit. D is a simple test and is a blood test so it is easy to "squeak" in if you are having your regular blood test check-ups every so often.  My levels were fine when done.  I don't know why but I was more nervous over that then I was anything else.  So....I'm hoping that being the case, and if it stays that way, that I might be able to avoid needing osteo drugs for some time to come.  I'm always hoping they "discover" something really good w/o all the se's --- but really everything has some sort of se.  You eat too much mac and cheese, the waistline grows.  Sigh!!!

    Easter dinner....sort of didn't happen so well here.  We were both tired so we had sliced tomatoes, garlic dill pickle spears, and a slice of ham. That good fiber breakfast kept us full for so long that we didn't get hungry till late and did not want to fill up then. 

    Yum to ther breakfast plate above.  I only eat brown eggs.  I mentioned this in the nutrition class I took and the teacher agreed with me that brown eggs just taste richer.  Also, I look for ones where the chickens are range fed.  It scares me that the eggs we buy are from chickens all lined up having to stay in one spot and then they are always putting antibiootics in them to keep them healthy in the horrid condtions they are living in, and no wonder we are sick with things.  I get those Egglands Best brown eggs.  Yum !!!

    Well, best get my; day checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s. hi to everyone too. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Good afternoon - already 82 degrees at 2:30.   I am allergic to egg whites,so no eggs for me.  How I miss them also.  Cheap, can be done a zillion ways with omelets and I liked them.    

    Onco never mentioned Vit D, as I found out later most do not look at it.   Blood test is easy, but when I looked at the insurance print out - it was very expensive, but thankfully covered for me.   I went to endocrinologist who repeated vit D test and it was 17.   He wanted normal to be 30-35.   Next onco visit I mentioned and she said, we don't worry about it...  

    I still am decluttering after selling my house, moving to 2 br apartment, and now in 1 bedroom with sun room.    Today I got out my summer clothes and sorted thru to match up colors and make outfits instead of assorted tops to wear with jeans since they go with nothing else.    Pile going to Salvation Army...   Next step is sort thru winter stuff - maybe tomorrow.     

    Little bit of excitement after I  posted.   Fire alarm goes off - very loud blaring with lights in hallway flashing on and off.   Grab purse and run down 3 flights of stairs - not exactly running, but hobbling fast !    Get outside and call 911 to make sure fire dept knows.   System did not automatically call fire dept, which is only one block over.   Maintenance men were cleaning apartment for move in and set it off somehow.  No fire, thank goodness.

    Chevy, I do not really have any serious problems, just some detours along the daily path.   Hugs and Blessings to all.     

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    My onc. told me to take calcium and vitamin D.  I read in the paper the other day that calcium can cause heart attacks.  I quit taking my calcium till I see my onc.  Does any one have an opinion on this?  We have had so much rain I am getting my ark ready.  Getting excited about watching the wedding on Friday.  I have been to Westminster.  Will be trying to see if I remember what everything looked like.  Its so pretty here(beside all the rain).  Eagles, swans and different wild creatures.  We live on lake erie.  Hugsto everyone

  • BTJ
    BTJ Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2011

    I will be 59 in July and was diagnosed with DCIS on Nov 6,2010. I had a lumpectomy on Dec 10 with planned new radiation techinque using radioactive isotopes in a "balloon left in my breast" in which to insert the isotopes. Pathology showed an invasive type of cancer in addition to the DCIS so I went back on Dec 30 for a unilateral right mastectomy with immediated reconstruction using an expander and spacer.  My sentinel nodes were not checked prior to the lumpectomy because all tests to that point really looked like it was DCIS, contained with ductal work. When I was told I needed a mastectomy I had my sentinel nodes checked but they noted that my breast had already undergone one surgery so the results could not be conclusive.

    I am scheduled to have my spacer removed and the permanent implant placed on May 10th (5 months after lumpectomy) with a planned lift on the natural breast on the left side so they match.

    The more I think about doing anything to the breast that has natural look, feeling, sensation; the more I question whether I should do anything to it.  I am most concerned with loss of sensation in my breast including the nipple.  I am feeling crippled by the weight of this decision.  I am a pretty strong woman but this has taken the wind out of my sails.  I feel so out of control of my life and cannot understand why this happened to me. I am the healthy one, weight normal, exercise regularly, eat very healthy.  I hate this feeling...

    I am taking anaestrozole (Arimidex) and having quite a few side flashed (which I didn't even have through menopause, brain fog, fatigue, crazy emotional swings (guess that's the last of the estrogen leaving my body.  I live in a small town of 12,000 without a cancer support group, four hours from a city of any size; few therapists to talk with and no confidence in any of them.

    Just wondering if any of you had a unilateral mastectomy with lift OR without doing anything to the healty tissue.  I need some insight from someone who has gone through this. Help!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Hi BJT and welcome.

    I did not have a MX so can't give much input there. But about the "lift" on the good side... is there a time limit on making a decision? Perhaps you could wait and see what happens after your surgery May 10th. I totally understand your concern that tinkering with the "good" side could cause more trouble than it is worth. For a year or longer after radiation to my lumpectomy breast I felt unbalanced. The radiated side was fuller and better looking, believe it or not. I was tempted to do something to make the old saggy side match. But by 2 years post op-post rads  things have kind of evened out and the assyetry is minor or at least does not bother me anymore. I have been lifting 10 lb free weights so I think that has toned up the original side and time has toned down the breast cancer side. 

    Wishing you comfort in dealing with this situation. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Welcome BTJ!!!! What the heck?? I DID have that Lumpectomy, and fitted with the MammoSite device during surgery, and then the radiation seeds going through the "tubes" into the "balloon" for the 5 day treatment.

    So sorry you didn't get that, & that they found more going on! When you THINK it is going to get better, then something else comes up! Believe me, we have all been there....

    I know it's a little late now, but did they even look into your lymph nodes, during your mx? I think you are wondering if you should do more, with the other "good" breast? I think if it were me, it would depend on how my lymph nodes tested? Is there a way for you to find out?

    Never mind..... I was thinking you were thinking about a mx on the good side too.....You just want them to look the same, right? A "lift".....?? Did the Surgeon tell you what they will do during the lift? Will your insurance cover that also? Does a lift make any difference in the feeling in your good breast? Make sure you ask all this..... And little BTJ....none of us trust anybody, yet.... And that's okay....just take your time making up your to lots of people if you can, who have had the same thing...the same procedure!

     Also, check into "active topics" at the top of BC.ORG, to see if any one else has gone through this.....I'll try & find something for you also.... But please come back here....We can be your support group, and help you any way you ask!

    We're here all the time, and it doesn't even cost anything, ha! Just don't be afraid....the more you find out about everything that is troubling you, the more confident you will be in whatever you decide.

    So talk to you later?  xoxoxoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    Welcome BTJ this is Dar,  I have had the course as far as cancer.  I first had renal cell and hada nephrectomy, then about 6 months I got my BC dx.  I had 2 lumpectomies and had been refusing a mastectomy..  Ended up with  R. mastectomy with out reconstruction.  I now wish I would have hd a bilateral .  I just did not want more surgery.  Was on Femara now arimedex and just do not like the SE.  You will do the right thing and we are all with you.  Hugs across the miles

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Welcome BTJ.even though we are all sorry you need to be here.  I did not have a mast. but I did have cancer and I think it is a very equal opportunity disease. It seems that many of those who do everything right so to speak, wake up one day in an otherwise fairly normal life to find out that life happened ( one that was not so kind )  while they were busy getting along with whatever was going on.  Like most everyone here......this was not written into my script apparently until the last minute.......and maybe we resent it just a bit.   I too don't feel I deserve this, but you will get through it. 

    I had some doubts about that at one started to be rough and tough going for a bit.  Had 8 rounds of chemo and 7 full weeks of radiation after a lumpectomy where a second "hidden" tumor was found.  Turned out to be the aggressive one too.......but I did make it.  I am not so sure though if I had not found all the friends I have made here since 2007.  We are good at hand holding and chatting because if nothing else......we really get what its like to try and maneuver around when your world has been turned upside down.  Some people ( friends ) just can't hang on and sometimes even family is at a loss. 

    I really don't know, too much about your question, but had a friend that had breast reduction surgery and she did not have any of the problems you are concerned about.  The surgeon took as much as he could without disturbing things to the point that the nipple would not be where it should be. friend was very happy.  I'm thinking then......a lift I would hope would not interfere too much with the nerve system. 

    Anyway, just know that we are here for you and it should get much better.  It is a very un-planned foray into a life that no one would ever choose and yet together we can make the best of things and find respite and strength in each other.  That is why I stayed here.  It can be a lonely, confusing time so pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea relax for a while. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,510
    edited April 2011

    Hi BTJ. You've found a great, supportive group here among the "older" members on BCO. A couple of other resources on the site:

    Breast Reconstruction forum (these ladies know first-hand what you're going through)

    Reconstruction info on the main site (you can also add symmetry to the search)

    Judith and the BCO team

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Anyone else have a small problem logging onto this forum?    It does not come up to the latest posts, but rather to page 14?   No a biggie, but annoying to start reading and realize is an old page.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Gram!   Are you still having trouble?  Sometimes I think my computer just has fits, and has a mind of it's own... The only trouble I have, is when I post, it doesn't show up, unless I go back to Older Women, and then it's there.....

    Thanks Moderators!  BTJ....maybe follow their links for more information!  How are you?


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Gram, I am not having trouble with this thread but a week ago the "game" threads were in chaos. Took several days for the techs to get them back to normal. They did advise emptying your cookies and cache which I did a couple times. Not sure if that helped but you might try it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good morning.......and I'm here and did not float away in the horrific storm and deluge of last night.  Got a Nixie alert ( I have my computer set up to receive them ) from the city to not drive anywhere unless an emergency as the streets were all flooded.  This so far is not the Spring I was dreaming of and I'm sure hoping it gets better for everyone. 

    Dh is having his truck towed in for repair this a.m. and we woke up to a sick dogie who will go to the Vet in a few minutes.  I need to be out to the shelter later for my boss who can't go in.

    Finally....last, but not least.....I too open up on page 14 which is a major annoyance so will have to all write a note to the moderators I guess......I did note that they have had some issues....nothing too bad I don't think.....more annoying but I think they will get it fixed.

    I'll be checking in with you all later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    I cleared cookies, emptied cache, rebooted, etc, etc.but it still comes up page 14.   at least I can get to the current posts without a problem ... yet !!    jackie, one thing after another for you.   Gentle hugs for all, Nancy

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    Hi everyone its a beautful morning on lake erie.  I wish I could post pictures.  There is a nest  that this swan has been faithfully sitting on for a while and I am anxiously waiting to see her babies.  one day we had 12 deer at our back door.  Has anyoone stopped taking their calcium?  I think I will just call my onc.  Hugs Dar

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Dar...I am also taking Calcium, and a bunch of others...why are you stopping the calcium?   When I go see my Radiologist, (no longer seeing my Oncologist) I'm going to ask her about all the vitamins I am taking, and what shows up in the blood test.  Dar, I wish you could post a picture of the Swan!!!  How fun to be able to watch that.

    I have heard that DimPlus is very good, also Chaga, Turmeric, besides the Calcium, CoQ 10,  VitE/Omega3, Vit. D3, Glucosamine, and a Multi-vit.  Oh, and Grape-seed extract, and Kelp...... A lot of these are supposed to balance out your estrogen.....and are anti-oxidents!  I'm doing all of these because I don't take Tamoxifen or anything else....

    I've always wondered, when do you all take your Vitamins?  In the morning with breakfast?  I find if I take them near dinner-time, I sometimes have heart-burn, so I try & take them before noon, or soon after.

    Jackie...I'm so sorry about your dog!  I always feel so bad when they are hurting, or in trouble!  Did I tell you DH finally got his car running?  Ha!  Almost 3 months!  But I do all of the driving anyway, and we are always together, so he really didn't even need it.....   Hope your weather settles down!!!! 

    Jo, stay safe!  Man, this weather is un-believable this year!  So much is going on...and affecting so many people!   We have been so lucky here in Denver so I won't whine about ANYthing! 


  • Marrhea
    Marrhea Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2011

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I have been reading your forum for the past few weeks and decided it was time to join you. I've been on other forums here; however, dealing with the younger women was difficult as they could not "handle" my optimism. I can see that this forum has a lot of optimistic, spiritual women, and that's me, too. So here I am.

    In 2009, I had a mastectomy on my right breast and an "uplifted" left breast. Reconstruction followed after the expander was filled up! Wow, our vocabulary sure has changed. I decided not to have a tatooed nipple on my reconstructed breast as I had an infection (nothing to do with my surgery) and landed in the hospital for quite a while. So, who needs anymore cutting!!! I am now a one nipple woman and it's really not so bad. Hubby doesn't mind either!

    Had 4 rounds of chemo - taxotere and cytoxan, and as some people have mentioned on other forums, my hair came in very fine and unmanageable and gray! So, I now have a wardrobe of beautiful wigs and I love them.

    I live in Illinois - a suburb of Chicago in a Del Webb Community (for "older" people), and I just love it. We have a wonderful neighborhood who took amazing care of me. I started a Helping Neighbors Heal Group, and we care for all by having a Prayer Chain, sending out meals to those who need them, providing transportation if needed, etc., etc. This has been so rewarding for me. My experience has changed my whole life --- but for the better! I never cried when I heard my diagnosis--I just felt it was something that had to happen to make me a useful person. I tried this positive attitude on other forums, and as I said, they really couldn't accept it and said that because I was older I wouldn't understand how they felt. Well, life is tough, and it's so important to take each situation and be as positive as you can be. That's my philosophy, and that's what gets me through life and all the ups and downs we face. I'm 73 and proud of my age and what I can do to help others.

    So, I hope to be able to contribute to this fine group of women with like minds. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011


    Your attitude is terrific. I would think your positive and optimistic outlook would be an asset to any group. We all need to be reminded that good things happen in life.  Too much emphasis on the bad stuff all around us.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Marrhea !!!  How fun you sound!!!  I am 73 also!   And yes, we DO try and always find something to be positive about, ha!

    And YOU have really been through the mill, haven't you!  There is another gal that is new here also....BTJ, and she was asking about the same thing you talked about!   I know you can help her!  You gals have been through so much more than I....And to hear your positive attitudes just helps all of us!

    Hi Pj123!  What's going on?  The sun was shining here this morning, then rain, and snow, sleet, and who knows what's next? Wink

    DAR.....Did you ask your Doc yet about the Calcium?  Do you drink milk?  Let me know....

    Jackie....I hope you are home by now, and that your dog is okay!   That is always such a worry!  Isn't it fun we have new gals joining us?   Man, at my age, I should be able to help someone with SOMEthing, Ha!   Lots of you slso,  Gram & Jo! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011


    Doesn't your daughter live in Orlando? Or do I have you mixed up with someone else? Florida is ahead of the weather calendar... already hitting 90s inland. I live near the coast so it is a little cooler. Beautiful sunny days!

    It's my understanding that high levels of calcium are associated with cancer but it is hard to know which came first, did the calcium cause the cancer or did the cancer manifest as high calcium numbers? I was doing all the vitamin stuff.... D, calcium, multi, glucosamine etc. Finally said this is driving me crazy so now just take my prescription drugs. So far all my labs are good. My onc said she has not had a single patient come back with too low Vitamin D. I think it is hard to avoid the sunshine effect  in Florida..  I try to get all my outside exposure in the mornings and I do not wear sunscreen but do wear a hat. I think I would feel differently if I were blond and blue eyed... but I am olive skinned and never sun burn so hope I get away with it.

    Night all. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Hi pj!  Yes, Our oldest Daughter lives in Orlando...She is a Realtor, & is doing pretty good, even with the ups & downs of home sales!  She always tells me how hot it is, Ha!  AND those little ants that always bite her when she is out watering her gardens!   She loves the beach, down by Melbourne....Where is "the real Florida?"  Cool  I LOVE the beach down by Singer Island!  Or ANY beach, for that matter!   We DID watch the turtles lay their eggs one night!  So cool!  Have you seen that yet? 

    And here in Denver, it is supposed to snow tonight!  I put 6 tomato plants in water-walls, & they are still alright....But I have about 40 more to plant....Wink

    You know, I didn't start any vitamins until I started taking Tamoxifen, and that was 16 months ago.  I thought I better take care of myself now...  But I quit the Tamoxifen, but stayed on the supplements and added a lot more!   I feel great, but not like I did 10 years ago...Ha! I don't take any prescription drugs....

    Yes, just watch the sun.... and wear visors or hats....I've had little skin cancer on my face and the tip of my ear....I'm really fair, but maybe I was in the sun too much when I was growing up?   Our youngest Daughter has the same problems... The girls are 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Irish, but their coloring is different..... At one point they looked exactly alike, like when they were 13 & 15...and they STILL look the same, & they are 48 & 50.....but still my "little girls!"....Ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Marrhea....welcome and may I add I too love your winner's attitude.  I'm with Pj......we all need to remember that this is just one of the hands we got dealt along with so many others and we can make it go right....just like we make so many other things go right. 

    Gearing up for more thunderstorms and it almost 10:30 p.m.  Once in awhile I get caught up in a long day so I'll try and get it tomorrow morning to talk some more.  Sorry I am so late tonight.

    aside:  Chico is doing a little better.  We still don't know what is wrong....but hope the antibiotics help him.  Hate to see this bouncy, happy sweetheart feeling mopey.

    See you tomorrow.....hi to everyone else.....I thought about all of you today.....Dar, Chevy, Jo, IHOP.......

    Hugs, Jackie