Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011
    "The happiest people don't have the best of everything...they just make the best of everything."
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good morning ladies...hoping for a spot or two of sun....we had a little yesterday, but I think we will also have more rain.  Drat....I've miss-placed my plans for an Ark.  It is getting tiresome and I do think the farmers like to be out getting the fields ready to go which is impossible right now. 

    Have a second opinion appt. for Chico ( our little 7 yr. old Puggle ) today at 2 p.m.  Hoping to find out what is really going on with him.  He is throwing up a lot of clear sort of sticky liquid and still not eating.   Just hope to find out something. 

    Just re-read and I would imagine people in Fla. and maybe California don't have low Vit D. too much.  Mine was done and it is fine.  I was glad, but not totally surprised.  I really did so well while doing chemo and never a cold or a sniffle even --- guess that made up for the 6 mos. of throwing up --- all an experience and not so bad that I wouldn't do it again if I had too.....but of course, I've already decided I'm not going to have too.....or in other words...why look for trouble.  It it wants to find you it will.  So I'm calling any further problems off right now.

    I do think that test is rather pricey.  I did find out ( through my Nutrition class  ) that our Health Dept. here will  ( for Seniors ) will charge only a nominal price and even is $15.00 for the blood matter how many tests you want to have done.  In other could have four or five tests done.....but it would count as one $15.00 draw.  I think the paper'd be charged $8.00 for the Vit D. test.  So, the V.A. of course, does it for free, but it is nice to know that I could in fact, get things they may not feel is necessary, but things I'd like to just know for myself done at a reasonable price.

    I know things may be different for all of you, but I'm putting this here as it is a possible resource in your state, town, area.  You might want to call your local health dept. and see if they have anything similar that they do for Seniors/low income/whatever category might be there.  I'd have never thought of this on my own. 

    Have to run  but hope you all stay dry, have sunshine if possible, and otherwise have a wonderful, productive day....even if it's a loafing day...just do it well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Hi Chevy,

    I thought I remembered correctly about your daughter. My family  moved to Orlando in 1959 and I lived there until DH retired in 1990. Three of our grown children still live there so we visit often. Wow, has it changed through the years. Our beach is north of Daytona, south of St Augustine. Kind of off the beaten track. So pretty quiet. No fast food restaurants, no high rise condos (well, there is one that slipped in before the zoning was changed).  Quiet living :)  But kind of what Florida was like before Disney.

    I just got home from my exercise walk. Today is recycling day so we put out our bin of newspaper and glass. And at the last minute I put out the big box our new flat screen TV came in.  Don't like to do that as it just advertises what  you have in your house worth stealing :(  so I waited till I thought the truck was coming but it was stopped way up the street so I took off on my walk anyway.  A block away what should appear but one of those Google Maps vehicles that goes up and down taking the individual pictures of the houses that you can google up when you enter someone's address. And it turned down my street!!! So now forever more anyone who googles my address will know where to find a 37" HDTV.  

    Remember when the citizens of a small English town blockaded the streets so their village could not be googled? I totally get it now! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Pj.....don't ask me why, but I saw this and thought you'd appreciate it.  It is amusing to say the least.

    This is proof-positive that we should use the shortest
    word we know when expressing our feelings for then
    nothing can get lost in the telling! 

    An Engineer's Love Note
    The first time I laid sight on you, you have captivated my eyes with
    your hyperbolic lips and pleased my heart with your parabolic nose.

    When I made a survey of your isometric view drafted to full scale (1:1
    mm) and detailed it to proportionate statistics, I concluded that your
    physical structure was a very splendid figure, worthy of respect, care
    and adoration. Every time I see your pentagonal face, my heart freezes
    to absolute zero degrees Kelvin and melts when you glance at me with
    your elliptical eyes.

    You are the only perpendicular bisector of my heart, the transverse of
    my soul and the directrix of my mind. You are always the centroid of my
    thoughts and the vertex of my dreams.

    Summing all these, I would like you to know., "I love you!!!"
    (--copied from Wit/Wisdom)

    This is something I get sent to me everyday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2011

    Love it!!! Do you remember, many years ago, when Ann Landers asked her readers who were married to engineers to tell her how they were different. The replies were amazing and hysterical. My own DH was not an engineer but thinks like one. He might wake up and decide to tackle a project he had been planning for a long time and then spend all day measuring and designing it and getting things perfect only for me to come along and say "but sweetheart, the dog you are building the doghouse for died last year."  Well, perhaps I exaggerate a little but not much :)

    Must be nice to get a love note like that sent to you every day, Jackie :)  You must have a pretty devoted husband! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Pj....if only I were that lucky, but this is a newsletter I get......but hey, maybe you have a great idea.  Might be sorta fun if we asked the significant others in our life to write a note expressing their innermost feelings.  I think my Dh's would start and end with....sure wish my truck was ready --- I'd never let on, but I'm wishing the same thing.  Really, I don't mind, but it does fill a couple of my days per week with a bit of challenge to get to everything.....and to get to him on time.  Soon though.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Marrhea
    Marrhea Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2011

    Good morning ladies,

    Thank you for your beautiful welcome! It's a pleasure to be part of a group of understanding, spiritual and fun ladies.

    I would like to make some comments to BTJ as she is so concerned about her "good breast." I, too, debated about having both breasts removed, and my doctor really talked me out of it. So, I listened to him, and just had the "bad girl" removed, and had my other breast uplifted. (Excuse my non-use of shortcuts - I'll get the hang of it eventually!!!) As I mentioned in my first post, I did not have the nipple tattoo on my new breast because I didn't want anymore needles. So, my other breast was uplifted, and now they hang together!! My PS (see I learned that one) did a marvelous job.I know you were concerned with the nipple sensation. This is funny to me, as my old nipple seems to have taken on "extra sensations" (since I only have one), and now this is a very sensitive nipple!!!! Again, husband is quite happy, and me, too! (A little side, there is a Breast Cancer Support group here, and I went to a meeting once where they had a rep from a prosthetic company (bras, forms, bathing suits, etc.) speak. I mentioned that I didn't have a nipple on one breast, and they said I could order a set!!! One of the ladies there offered to give me hers, and she sent them to me. It's to fill in your bra, etc., and now has become the biggest conversation around here!!! - We all need to laugh.It's made in Ireland, and some of my neighbors are leaving for Ireland next month so I have asked them to stop in Dublin to pick up some more!!!)

    Ironically, my new primary doctor asked me why I had reconstruction, etc., as he didn't feel it was necessary. I guess he had a reason to ask as his wife died of breast cancer, but then again, he is a man, and maybe does not understand that we women like to feel feminine, even if we're covered up by our clothes.

    I don't know if I've helped or not, but if you need to know more, BTJ, please ask.

    As far as feeling "why me," don't ask that. I, too, considered myself a healthy women. I ate better than all my friends, checking labels on foods, excercised, etc. There is no answer to that question - why me! We just have to accept it, and take on a different attitude in life. I learned a big word when I was a young girl - vicissitudes - the vicissitudes of life - the ups and downs of life. And boy, when you reach my age, you know what that means! Nobody gets through life without complications, situations, etc. I've had a million of them, and I've learned how to recover from them and start anew. I've tried to teach that to my daughters (4 of them) so they can get through life! One of my daughters had a horrendous divorce, and it took her over a year to recover. She's fine now and laughs and smiles again!! And one of the best ways is to have laughter in your life! So you will probably see my silly side many times!  

    Having BC has changed my life in so many positive ways, as I mentioned before. Helping others helps me. I'm sure all of you know that the average woman does not know what BC means and what we go through. So, I explain it all to them. I describe my surgery (again with amusing anecdotes), describe my chemo, describe my "perky" reconstruction, etc., etc. They had no idea of all these procedure. I even tell the husbands about all of this, so that they wouldn't think of me as some freak. I'm sure you've come across people who look at you as if you're from outer space! We have to break that cycle and inform them!

    Well, enough for one morning. I have Ladies Night Out tonight, and we're going to dinner and then to a Garden Gala. LNO is one of my many projects in my neighborhood. This is a very active neighborhood with wonderful friends, whom I love dearly. They have been my best support group, along with my new bras!!!

    Take care, and I know I will get to know each one of you much better!

    Love and hugs,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good morning ladies,

    Marrhea -- I still love your attitude.  I doubt many people ( including me ) would ever be happy they got cancer.  It has so much about it that can be harsh and debilitating, but it really does open up the landscape for so many.  I am ashamed to say how deep a rut I had gotten into and had no idea I was actually there.  I was just putting in time  so much of the time.

    During the yr. filled with operation, chemo, rads, etc. I was working too hard at times trying to get thru all that to notice very much but the constant struggle.....but at the time all was done.....I almost immediately started to realize what I had just come through and that I had many things to do.  The first thing was to appreciate all that was good......and it was all good.  Just drink in all in as deeply as possible.....and then attempt to share it with those who maybe could not quite get there yet. 

    You can see a leaf, you can watch it rustle a bit in the wind, but with practise you can almost become the leaf.....just feel life running all through it.  And we can feel ourselves, with the cancer erased and fresh clean cells working inside.....carrying healing oxygen everywhere.  Oops, I do get carried away sometimes, but I do feel that I have this opportunity now to pay attention, to see, feel, hear, smell, and taste abd touch in a much deeper, broader sense.  To accept wellness as the gift it is and to know that I will do as much as I possibly can to stay well, to help those less fortunate and to cherish the earth and all living things.   To quit taking for granted and to share love in many kinds of ways.....even if just appreciating the fact that I can come here and talk to a friend. 

    Had to take Chico to my favorite Vet. yesterday.  First Vet didn't diagnose so we took Chico farther ( knowing by then his problem was not a broken bone or something ) and he has an inflamed bile duct.  He remained at the clinic on iv's for medications and is probably being a bit of a troublemaker already....he is a Puggle and they can have quite energetic temperaments.  Sweet and loving, but just full of spice and life and energy.  Dr. wants him to stay until tomorrow anyway so she can be sure he will eat and keep it all down etc.  Whatever it takes....I just want to see the sparkly back in his eyes.  He is 7 yrs. old. 

    Dar, Ihop, BTJ, Pj, Gram, Chevy,Jo....a big hello to everyone.  Hope where ever you are, you are having a beautiful, sunshiny day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2011

    Hi everyone.   No sun here today.   Threat of rain, storms, but the worst part with tornado did not hit my neighborhood.  My geography of the area is lousy since I am retired and do not travel the highways much.   My bucket list of places to see is long and there are many places "just down the highway" once I find someone to go with me.   I am happy to do the driving, but enjoy having company to share events, sites, and history and of course, share a meal...

    It looks like Illinois takes the prize for recent posts.  I have to stop and realize I lived in Chicago over 50 years ago - can I really be that old?   My priorities changed after my DH died and then I sold our house and moved to a place where the only person I knew was my DS.   BC invaded my life and more changes - most for the good as I look back at what and where I was before BC.  

    Each of us has a unique story and how amazing we all ended up on this forum.   Hugs, Nancy  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    There is soooo much terrible weather going on everywhere!!!!  It's just so tragic to see the tornado destruction!  It's just awful!  I'm never complaining again, about the weather here in Denver! 

    Jackie, I know your area has really gone through a lot also!  I'm just glad you are safe!  It's awful about your cousin losing everything!  How are they doing?

    And Yes, Gram.....I notice also, that I'm really not any different after cancer, than I was before.....  I just thank God a little more often, for my life...  Compared to losing a partner, I just can't imagine what women go through....  We've been married for 54 years.....  And NOW it is better than it used to be....  Sometimes you have to go through a lot of "stuff" to get to the "other side"......but when you do, life is just waiting for you to enjoy it!  

    Like my Mom used to say, "Taint always easy"...... 

    Jackie how is little boy Chico?  Cook him up something good, like Liver!  And tell him it is from me...Ha!

    Talk to you later! xoxooxxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Just a note here on Chico.  He remains at the Vet's but we are hoping he will come home tomorrow.  Dh has a day off and can go pick him up and pay the bill as well. 

    Had a couple of more rain squalls this afternoon, but then the sun came back out.  I think tomorrow is to be ok.....but the weather does what it wants and we hang on for the ride.  I'm hoping it's nice though as I'd sure appreciate a little more time to dry out before the next predicted storm. 

    Going to hate not getting to see the big wedding tomorrow ( well, I'll see a lot of the re-runs ) as I watched Diane and Price Charles get married.  I still wish Princess Di was still with us.  There are some people who make the world a better place and to me she was one of them.  Anyway, I will be out at the No-Kill Shelter for my volunteer day tomorrow. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful, restful night.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011
    If you would live your life with ease; do what you ought, not what you please.
           - Anonymous
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Beautiful wedding this morning.  Hope you all were watching.  I have had a rather long day so I'm going to go relax and will check back in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone, although I do think rain is on the way.  That's ok, I'll just enjoy the day anyway.  Found something I'd like to share with all of you:

    10 Positive Assumptions

    1) I will make and keep my commitments.

    2) I will find the right people who can help me.

    3) I will look for an answer in every problem.

    4) I will give up "trying" and simply do.

    5) I will make it okay to be wrong and make mistakes.

    6) I will create my own "good luck".

    7) I will not be afraid to lose before I win.

    8 ) I will do it now!

    9) I will be who I am and become what I was meant to be.

    10) I will accept that all things are possible

    Have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2011

    Jackie!  How is Chico?  Yes, I loved the wedding also!  I didn't stay too attached to the TV, but Kate is so beautiful!   The whole thing reminded me of the pomp & corcumstance of old Hollywood movie productions!  It was all so elaborate!  And her dress...I mean gown!  They really are a beautiful couple.

    I love your sayings as usual!    We keep learning, even though we are getting older!  That should make us perfect, by the time we are finished, Ha!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited April 2011

    Ah, my little guy.  He is still recovering and as soon as his appetite perks up....we will get him back.  This guy is going to really cost us if he doesn't hurry up.  I'm thinking by Monday as he had some perky going on Friday afternoon when we visited with him.  Took him outside for a nice walk --- it is a good clinic there though as they walk their patients ( if they can walk ) three or four times a day. 

    Denny took my car to work and I got Maggie's done so I have the rest of the day and evening to myself.  Of course, you always feel a little funny when you look out and there is no car for you to could sit outside for days......but oh, let it be gone and I nearly have an anxiety attack.  I'll be fine though.  I do think the rain is coming....drat.  But, we will just have to get along.

    Anyway, hi to all and hope you are all having a great Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Dropping by to say hi and to hope that you all have a great Sunday.  Ours will be good as we get to go pick up our best friend Chico at the Vets today after Church.  Sure will be nice to see him at home once more. 

    Just as an aside, I did get hold of the moderators and tell them that we were having a problem with this Forum opening on page 14 all of a sudden and that it happens to everyone.  I don't know about any of the rest of you,  but as well, I don't have a spell checker available when I do pm's either and am is all one and the same.  I am able to use the spell-checker while writing here. 

    Anyway, they told me the tech people are working with the problems and hopefully will come up with a solution. 

    Otherwise all is fine and I continue with downsizing my load here and organizing what is left.  I'm such a good putter-off-er at times and this has been a long time coming.  Some of my happiest times in life were when I had what I needed and used what I had......and did not have much left over so no storage was just simple to get by and not have to be constantly caring for things that didn't get used.  I'm not sure I could ever quite get there.....but I can get it much better than it is. 

    Have a wonderful, beautiful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Good morning everyone.  What a great dichotomy of feelings.  This is something that needed to happen, yet -- there is no closure.  Loss is still loss, it is not diminished.  I do hope though that we can move forward and find try and find a little more peace.  These things happen when hearts are without love and caring for all our fellow men.  Continued prayers for all of those family and friends alike and all the hardships of 9/11


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    My goodness what a beautiful sun is outside my office window.  This is what I need to bloom and I will get to for at least two days.  Great that we will have a little dry out time.  I hope you are all going to get some sun and just take on the spring sparkle. 

    Have a great day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011

    It's shining here, & going to work in my garden tomorrow!  The news about our Navy Seals and Bin Laden is so great!  So much precision, and Obama had a lot to do with it also....I get so tired of all the email from my friends calling him down..... I don't even answer them!  It's like they hate him so much, & I'm sure it has a lot to do with him not being the "right" color!    It's my opinion that most older people liked ANYone but him, but the younger ones saw hope, and change! 

    Okay, I'm off my soap box!  Wink And don't even get me started on Trump and his ego, and all his crappy questions to Obama!   All his money and popularity is going to his big head!  Ha!

    Okay....I'm done....xoxooxxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Chevy.....I'm always for hope.  I also feel that some of the previous incidents that happened while others were in the White House left some very long range and also quite serious problems that needed handling and repair.  I'm not so certain anyone could have done that much better.  I get a lot of "negative" materials from others, but I have tried to adopt the policy......if I can't say anything good, I won't say anything at all. 

    He is our President.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Lets just all have a wonderful, uplifting day:

    If Nobody Smiled

    If nobody smiled, and nobody cared,
    And nobody helped us along;
    If every fellow looked out for himself,
    And the good things all went to the strong;
    If nobody cared just a little for you,
    And nobody thought about me,
    And we stood all alone in the battle of life,
    What a dreary old world this would be!

    Life is sweet because of the friends we love,
    And the things that in common we share;
    And we want to live on, not because of ourselves,
    But because of the people who care.
    It's giving and doing for somebody else-
    On that all of life's splendor depends;
    And the joy in this world, when you've summed it all up,
    Is found in the love of our friends.

    -Arthur James Hayden

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2011

    Ladies I miss all of you.  My computer has been down it seems like a month.  I have been trying to read all of the old posts.  I read in the paper about calcium.   New thinking: It can cause heart attacks.  I havent called my onc. yet to see if this is true.  I did stop it though.  My swans are so beautiful and my mama is still sitting on her next.  I have 2 eagles that come by every couple of days.  I just read when I have extra time.  Tomorrow I am going to southern ohio to amish country with 2 women from the hospital.  When I get caught up I will write more and want to get to know everyonepersonally.  Love to all Dar

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    May the world be kind to you,
    and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
    - Jonathan

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    It is such a pretty day here but cooler than I would like.  Spring will be over soon and I may be wishing for a little of the coolness then......hard to say with the changes that have come in our temps. 

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day today.  I will be thinking of mother swans on nests and other miraculous things and hope that all of you find a miracle somewhere close to your doorstep.

    Hugs, Jackie