Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Though I'd share a friend with you all tonight.  Sweet dreams all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    I think the Cherokee Indian in me always responds ( resonates ) when I see something like this:

    Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
    teach me how to trust my heart,
    my mind,
    my intuition,
    my inner knowing,
    the senses of my body,
    the blessings of my spirit.
    Teach me to trust these things
    so that I may enter my sacred space
    and love beyond my fear,
    and thus walk in balance
    with the passing of each glorious sun.
    Native American Prayer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Here is something I get very day and I think it is worth sharing:

    Do you really know what you're made of?

    It's easy to stay true to our values when life is sunny. But because sometimes hope disappears, options run out, and bright days can turn dark, all you can really count on to be there is your own inner strength. These low points are chances to learn what you're capable of when you refuse to be knocked down for good. You may not be able to choose your hardships or options. But you do have the power to face what you're given with high character. Trust yourself and your instincts, and your best will come forward. Think about the last time you had the choice to fold under pressure or to rise to the occasion. How might you have handled it a little differently? If there's room for improvement, what actions would have made you more proud of yourself?

    Look at a man in the midst of doubt and danger and you will learn in his hour of adversity what he really is.

    - Lucretius, Roman philosopher

    I'm afraid the little quote above will have funny marks and I apologize for that.  But it is part of the whole.  It is really thought provoking as I think of some of my journeys the last few years.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011
    today is your day to dance lightly with life,
    invite rainbows & butterflies out to play,
    today is your day to practice whimsey,
    watch wondrous cloud animals parade your story,
    find a magical white bunny down every rabbit hole.
    - jonathan lockwood huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    My positive attitude contributes to my good health

    I am grateful for my good health

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2011

    Hope all had a good Mom's Day.    Hugs, Nancy

  • pil
    pil Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies,  I'm I old enough to be here or do you discriminate Laughing  I turned 57 last week.  :)

     I want to share this with you all.   These are Peonies in my garden.  I just took the picture a few moments ago.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Hi  pil,

    Welcome to our little corner of  BCO.  You are the perfect age to be here so hope you will come often.  The peonies are lovely.  I have pink ones in my front yard.  About the time they are opening along with come a heavy rain storm and beats them right down.  I keep hoping it won't happen. 

    I also love your friend in the shotgun seat.  I have 5 friends right now, but one is a foster dog.  A 5 mo. old black Lab Retriever.  Goes by the name of Billy.  He is sweet though quite rambunctious.  I also have a ton of cats here on my property.  I am on the board of our local no-kill shelter but had most of the cats long before.  They are the ones no one wanted.   My bane in life seems to be a soft touch for homeless animals.  I do feed at feral cat stations around town as well.

    I hope you and the rest of the ladies had a fantastic Mom's Day.  Hopefully, by tomorrow some others will be here.  I think some have experienced problems getting on don't give up if it seems slow.   

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011 an artist...I thought you might like this pictureSmile

     I love the barns. 

    Have a great eveing.


  • pil
    pil Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2011

    Absolutely gorgeous photograph. Did you take it???? What a place to be and drive down that road.  Thank you for sharing. 

  • pil
    pil Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2011

    ohhhh your a MOM in many many ways.  LOL  My sister is a cat lover and man o man she is the savior of the neighborhoo.  lol   I do get onto her ever now and then.  Well, if you use your grocery money for fixing  a cat then something is wrong. LOL  But to her its all normal.  Thank heavens our Mom lives right across the street with stuffed cubboard of food.  ;)

    Thank you for the wishes of the day.    Your little virtual Mother's day rose gave me the idea to make one out of the peony.  I just forgot to put the apostrophe in it. whoops. 

     Thank you for the warm welcome.   I may need you ladies soon.  It seems its torture right now just waiting to see the specialist.  And my boob has been hurting a lot too.  I want this thing OUT!  :(

    Have a super evening.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Hi Pil -- Have to admit, I didn't take that picture --  I just liked it.  We will be here for you, if you need us.  Our Forum here is a rather quiet one.  There was an upset a few weeks ago and most of the ladies went off to another thread one of them started.  I chose to stay here as I have been here since it was just a beginning thread so feel a lot of loyalty to the place where I felt so at home. 

    Getting this diagnosis is torture.  I never noticed this in my later ( close to retirement age ) script and still think it may have been a last minute re-write.  I think I was in shock for the first couple of months and just sort of did everything in somewhat of a zombie state.  Woke up though with the first chemo.....thank goodness all my treatments are done and I just go for three month check-ups now.  They are done with the P.A. at the V.A. Hospital most of the time and I see the Dr. once a yr.  My next visit will be with the Dr. this time. 

    Being here and having all these ladies to talk too kept me grounded and more importantly gave me hope that there is life after diagnosis and treatment and that it is about as good as you want to make it. 

    We will be here and walk with you every step of the way.  I heard it is doable so often that I came to dislike the word.....but you do get through it all and the burdens lighten up, and you end up with genuine smiles and laughter and happiness again but the beginning is tough before you get some plan mapped out to take care of things.

    Anyway, this second picture is my little house out in the woods by a lake....called Raccoon Lake and we have lived here 8 yrs.  Our first house was about 3 & 1/2 blocks away as the crow flies and we were there for 5 yrs.  This house was a bit larger and had a big screen room on the front and we fell in love with when it came on the market....we sold our other lake cabin to my brother-in-law and got this house. 

    I hope you had a great day as well.  See you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011

    Morning gals!  And Welcome Pil!!!  How fun you "found" us!  And as you can tell, Jackie keeps us all grounded and feeling good about ourselves!   Oh Pil!  You haven't had your surgery yet?  Or did I misunderstand?  I went back to see what you wrote, & you were wanting to get it over with!

    Don't forget, we'll always be here....  When will you do this?  And do you know anymore yet? 

    Hello again Dar!  I just hate when these contraptions of ours think they have a mind of their own!   I'm learning to smack it around & show it who's boss, lately!   If AOL is having problems, then I can open with Google Chrome, or IE...even Firefox.... So my problems are either with Qwest, (my carrier), or AOL usually.  At least it keeps my brain working! Wink

    I've been so busy working in my gardens lately!  Getting them ready for planting, & moving things around, & just getting rid of "stuff" that I don't want any longer!  Today I have to plant my tomato seedlings.  I KNOW I plant way to many of them, but the tomatoes never go to waste!

    Jackie, that is a beautiful picture you posted!  I right-clicked & held it as my "background!"  And I know I already told you your home is so beautiful!  And I love the property surrounding it!  

    Where are Gram & Jo?  They must be busy enjoying Spring, Ha! 

    This is a picture of our fur baby Lacee!  And today I'm going to trim her down & shampoo her outdoors in the little plastic baby pool, Ha! 

    Love to you gals!  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Hope your day is going to be fantastic.  I think we may have some rain today and oh my -- weather report says 92 for tomorrow.  Seems a bit early for those kinds of temps, but it won't stay that hot this soon ( gulp ) I hope. 

    Isn't that Lacee the most gorgeous thing.  I could use some of that hair right now.  Mine is so think and fine.  I was hoping for something a little better after chemo, but got the same old thin, fine hair I had before-hand and came in just a slightly darker brown instead of the red I was hoping for.  SIGH !!! 

    Well, at least now they make volunmizer shampoo and conditioner, senna vegetable dyes, etc. so I could really have what I want...but it doesn't seem such a big deal after all.  Just being here and living life and caring about things --  that is the key to inner serenity for me....not the color of my hair.

    Hope you are all going to have a fabulous day.   I'll be checking in from time to time but have to get out early and get Maggie ( my friend ) a McDonalds Egg McMuffin and sneak it into her room.  She says the hospital is starving her -- the real truth is they probably have her on a no-salt diet.  The kind she should be eating at home but doesn't.  I understand.  It took me quite some time to forget where my salt shaker is and I have learned to enjoy the taste of food w/o many of the spice additions that we have used so long.  I do put some pepper on some things, but that is about it. 

    Anyway....I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2011

    Hello everyone - I got a bit side tracked with some volunteer work.  Having no set schedule,except for bingo on Friday and Saturday nights left me with waaaayyy too much time on my hands.   So, I play table shuffleboard on Thursday nights at the American Legion, bridge on Wednesdays (day time), new bridge group beginning tomorrow (Tuesday), and Monday night maybe the Legion again for some fund raising projects.   And I am now the chaplain of the AL Auxiliary.  

    In the past I had done lots of volunteer work and am fortunate to have the time to do it.   School, church, community, veterans nursing home, and once upon a time I belonged to a women's investment club.    BC kind of knocked the wind out of my sails and I needed some pushing to get back to doing and volunteering.   

    Most Thursday afternoons I get to play with my grand daughter and visit with my DIL and sometimes even see my son coming or going to meetings.   Not terribly exciting, but I keep busy.    Welcome to Pil, Hugs and Blessings.  Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Good morning today.  How fantastic Nancy that you do volunteer work.  There seems always a big need for "help" at so many places and I think volunteers can truly make a big difference.  I also tend to think it is good karma when we help where we can and 'come' outside ourselves to make someone's hr. day, life a little better in some way.  I'm probably a bit naive' but I do believe the world continues to survive and thrive on those who lend a hand when it is possible.

    I volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter and truly love it.  It is a good feeling to take an animal that has become ( generally through no fault of it's own ) homeless and match him up to a new home that will work and make everyone happy. 

    Big hi to everyone and hope you all have a fantastic day.   Hope things are going ok for you too Pil.  I'll be stopping by again later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011

    Hi Gals!  I just got home with Lacee....She got soooooo sick, because the Vet gave her an antibiotic for her "hot spots" a rabies shot, and her dis-temper shot!   I also have pills to give her for about 2 weeks....I brought her home, & was trying to trim her a little more....The Vet said I have to trip her heavy winter coat, even more than I have....and Lacee just laid there, & the poor thing, peed on the little rug, on the picnic table, then her stomach started contracting, & I just held her......

    So I put her down, but those stomach contractions just kept up....I called the Vet back, he said to bring her right in..... So George was trying to help me get her to the car, & put a rug in the back seat, but she started throwing up.... 3 times!  So I called back, & we all agreed that the shots made her sick, & that the problem should take care of itself......Man, I was so scared!!!

    She is lying on the cool wet grass now, and is resting.   Maybe she was too afraid, or something, or too many shots all at once?  I also have her heart-worm meds now Jackie.....  But I don't think I'll even try fixing her dinner tonight.....Sheesh!  I just felt so helpless!

    Jackie & Gram..... You guys are so energetic!  And it's wonderful that you give your time like that!  

    Okay girls.....  Just wanted to stop by, & relax a little!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Jeannette....I'm hating that Lacee was not feeling so well.  I do think maybe she did react from the amt. of shots etc.  Sure hope she feels better really soon.  I hate when any of the animals are sick since they can't really tell you anything.  Anyway, I have a friend who would like to help watch over her with you. 

    How's that....he'll stay right by her side. 

    Hope you too are relaxing now that you and Lancee got thru all that.

    Big healing hugs to you both.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011

    Thank you sweet Jackie!  Yes, she seems to be better tonight!  She is sleeping on the cool kitchen floor tiles right now.  She didn't want any dinner, so that is probably good.  Poor little thing.  I'm going to trim her fur & hair more tomorrow...And start her anti-biotic pills.  I'm supposed to give them to her morning & night, with her food.   But not tonight.... 

    She would LOVE your little dog!  But she loves EVERYthing....babies, birds, cats, people, and especially the mail-man & his treats! Wink   Except squirrels drive her nuts!  They just sit on the fence & taunt her....& even thumb their noses at her...probably.

    Okay....all is well tonight!  Talk to you later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Something I would like to share:

    The Second Chance

    We may not have the means at hand
    To change a circumstance.
    But we may gain, to our relief,
    A welcome second chance-
    A chance to prove that we will try,
    With all our might and main,
    To change our ways, to right some wrong,
    And pull our weight again.

    So let us thank the generous folk
    Who overlook our lapse,
    And put their trust in our success,
    Where once we failed, perhaps.
    The second chance can bright results
    The first one to outweigh,
    For in the meantime we have learned
    A little more each day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    Just because I love it:

    "I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again."
    - William Penn

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2011

    This is Dar and I had a whole letter swritten with everyones name and it was so nice.  Now ithas to be short   My baby swans are out of next following mom and dad (they mate for life.  Now I have baby robins in the car port and bunnies in the yard.  We took up fishing and have been catching crappie ,they are so good and very mild fish,  They are starting to find morel mushrooms in the woods.  I would love toget some of them.  My xomouter was down and I dont know if I told you DH was in the hospital.  My luck I got a flat on the turnpike.  Call assistance and they replied we dont go on toll roads.  So I am sitting on the side of the road with my husband seeing Abe Lincoln asnd I am crying.  Along comes a trooper and changed my tire.  He wouldnt even let DH get out of the car.  He was admitted to ICU for 5 days.  Now he wont quit smoking.  Oh well.  This isw past my bedtime and I am sleepy.

    y other letter I mewntioned everyones name and a precious note about them .  I dont drink milk andhavent called my onc about it,  Is arimidex or any of these other pills femara a form of chemo?  Love and hugs across the milesfinallyDAR

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited May 2011

    HI Dar -- your talking about mushrooms made me hungry for some.  We have some rally good mushroom hunters around here.  My mom was the one who loved to cook and eat them.  If memory serves she dipped them in egg and then flour and then a very hot skillet of oil.  They were just  the most delicious thing to me. 

    Sorry about hubby.  Quitting smoking is really difficult.  I've heard some people say it is easier to kick heroin --- well, I wouldn't know about that but I did quit smoking myself about 14 yrs. ago and I remember it as being extraordinarily hard and even after I quit.....the desire to smoke took a yr. and a half to disappear. 

    I don't think of those pills as chemo as chemo kills cells, these pills don't kill anything....I think the way most of them work is they get into the cells and fill them up and if a cancer cell comes along, it can't get in and so dies right there.   

    I too am about done in....long day as usual and in addition to all else I am babysitting my friends dog....she had to go up near Chicago to visit her brother and the person who was to care for Mickey backed it is me and Mickey for tonight. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2011
    The obscure we see eventually.  The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.  
    Edward R. Murrow

    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
    have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common 
    sense.    Buddha
     Authentic journalism is telling people something that the government doesn't 
    want them to know.    Gary Webb
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2011

    I craved Mushroom Parmesan when pg, 35 yrs ago.    One family run Italian restaurant had them and to this day I have never found any to equal the taste.   Eggplant parmesan is around a lot, but not mushroom.  

    Sorry about your DH Dar.   Longer post got lost in cyberspace.    Hugs, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011

    Morning gals!  Dar....It sounds like you live in such a beautiful area!  With all the wild-life and all!  that really sounds fun!  I hope your Husband is better now ......  What a terrible ordeal you had on that highway!  

    I used to smoke also....I only quit because it hurt my chest every time I inhaled....That was in 1964..... And I STILL have problems with asthma sometimes, probably brought on by those 10 years I smoked.   It CAN be done....without any of the pills, patches, accupuncture, or hypnosis either......  You just have to WANT to quit....same as drinking. 

    Jackie, I know we talked about this before....How can Alcoholism be a disease if smoking isn't?  Once both habits have been quit, the problem clears up!   Is that making it sound too simple?  I mean sure, there is a with-drawal period, with both, but neither "problem" is a disease like cancer, or any other horrid ailment, that we just "get".......and we haven't "done anything" to bring it on ourselves.   In my opinion, smoking, and drinking is our choice, & when we become addicted to either one, it takes over.   But if we "quit".....then the problem is gone.   I think Alcoholism is worse, because it not only hurts the person, but the family as well.  Smoking  just is usually a one-person illness. 

    Okay, I'm off my soap-box! Wink

    Jackie, how is your new little temporary boarder?  Ha!  And Good Morning Gram!  It's fun to see you all here!  Till next time! xoxoxoxo

    I love Wild Mushrooms also!  We used to have them growing on dead stumps, & they were the best.  We'de fry them up with a little bacon grease & garlic!  But can't find them much anymore around here!  Maybe after all this wet weather we've been having, they will pop up again.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2011