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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Minus Two and Essa....glad to meet you.  I'm 65 but don't feel it.  Essa....I felt a lot older during my chemo tx and rads.....but I'm pretty much back to normal......I could work 14 hours a day again., and did for awhile -- I just don't want to do it anymore.  I'm much more into the things I like for computer, spiritual study.....reading good quotes and sharing them.....and keeping up with friends.  I don't do alternative therapies.....just watch my wt. get a better quality food....nothing much from a box.....not much meat and definitely not much for red meat --- plenty of water which is my main drink of choice.......soda...hmmm, maybe once a month.  My downfall is a good dessert.....well, hey everyone needs some kind of vice just to round themselves out. 

    Carole....interesting about the parade at Wal-Marts.....must be a new thing.  Sounds pretty difficult to me.  I think I would have found another store as well. 

    I hope you are all going to have a great Saturday.  I'm going to toss myself into my recliner.  Long day for me and these gray days ( too many in a row ) tend to make me tired by the time I finish my chores at home, after work.  I'll be glad when the sun comes back and I can get re-energised from it.  I need some bloom-time.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    I'm on Great Aunt duty today.  Driving 6 yr. old Nova to her basketball game.  Her brother has a game at a different school at the same time, so his mother will take him.

    Tonight dh and I are going to the movies with another couple to see One for the Money, a Stephanie Plum story.  I have read several of the Stephanie Plum romantic comedies by Janet Evanovich.  They're pure fun, nothing serious.  Stephanie has some zany relatives that liven up the action.  She's a bounty hunter on the lookout for felons who skipped bail.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Brrrr and double brrrr.  Well....have to say we are getting a winter arctic blast.  Guess we are in fact going to have wind for the next three days.....something we usually don't deal with so much here but we have had a lot of wind this winter.  I think it makes it about zero with wind-chill factor....mighty glad the sun is out.  Will make it tolerable for me. 

    Carole love your niece's pretty.  The movie sounds fun.  I love comedy movies...laughing is a great health promoter too --- most of the movies I buy to replay  ( over and over ) at home are comedies.  I have actually managed to wear out a couple of my (home) movies and liked them so well I replaced them. 

    Hope you are all going to have a great week-end.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Welcome minus two and essa!  Glad you have you join us "older ladies".  I'm 71 and probably one of the oldest on here, but don't really feel that old.

     I'm like you alternative therapies and diet and lifestyle changes have made me feel younger than before I was dx with bc.  I also lost 12 lbs..most of it around my I look better too!  A lady at the store complimented me on my skin yesterday..boy did that make me feel good!

    Last night we went to a small local live theater here in town to see "Last Of The Red Hot Lovers", a Neil Simon comedy.  It was absolutely hilarious!  The woman of the couple we were with was laughing so hard I thought she was going to fall out of her chair.  I couldn't help making the comparison to a movie we saw on Netflix the other night..."Hall Pass" which was funny, but so gross and vulgar that I couldn't believe it. Honestly, absolutely nothing is sacred any longer when it comes to depicting it on film!  Both had basically the same message...the grass isn't greener.....but the presentation was so different.  The acting  in this play was so good...better than some I've seen on Broadway.  If you get a chance, go see it, you will have a joyous evening!

    Boyfriend just came home...rained out on golf today....not a happy camper:(  Now he will have no excuse not to steam clean the deck for our family dinner tomorrow:)  My DS has a new girlfriend he wants us to meet...this one has lasted about two months which is a record, so she must be something special.  There will be around 12 for dinner including kids, but I'm not cooking.  I realized I could order from the Italian restaurant around the corner and they will even deliver for free!  I can't buy and cook everything for the prices they charge, so it's a no brainer.  I'll do a salad and dessert and we're set to go....keep it simple is my new mantra.

    Have a relaxing Saturday everyone! 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    IKaara, good job with the cooking thing.  Thanksgiving did me in and decided its time for one of the other females in family to do this.  Lately I have been feeling better and thinking about going a few places (traveling a little)  They told me to expect to  give it a year after treatment was over and its been about 13 months, had a set back or two.  Seems like when BC started aged overnite but getting it back together a little now.   Chemo did get things for my skin, was very oily and lost that curly white hair that came back after chemo, a little box from Walmart.  It wasnt even cute

    Jackie you seem very content with your life, like that.

    Everyone have a nice day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Hi Gals!  So cold here again today, but at least the sun is shining! It has warmed up to 26 right now.  Was 15 when I got up this morning, and had snowed all night....yet again! Undecided

    Hi GramE!  Nice to see you again.... You know we have Insurance through United Health Care, and it is AARP Medicare Complete.  Right now we are not paying anything for it!  Last year, we paid $50 a month each...but we changed the plan.  The # is 1800-950-9355.  Our office visits are $15, Spec. is $30, and ER is $65.   So hope this answers any of you gals questions....

     Still haven't heard anything from my Brother about his Grand-son..... I hate to mabe no news is good news? 

    Jennifer....I know.....!  When you see someone else in bad shape, and it doesn't seem to bother them, it really is a reality check, right?   But some of these women on here, are really having a tough time....

    Carole!   I LOVE Philly-Steak Sandwiches....Ha!  They don't have the gravy, but if they are made right, with either roast-beef, or prime-rib, with peppers, onions and cheese, those are the best!  I made corned-beef gravy on bisquits for breakfast this morning....with a warm hard-boiled egg on top....I think I was RAISED on that stuff!'

    Essa...You are pretty young, Ha!  Glad I don't look as old as I feel sometimes....I mean with THIS weather, everything hurts!  And birds?  They have all flown the coop!  Only ones around here are the Crows!  I feel sorry for them, so they get some treats also!

    Jackie....hope it is warmer now....  Man, ANYthing would help around here!  It's like when I see the Sun, I go outdoors for a minute just to feel it on my face!  I think it is late March that I can start my tomato seeds...(In the house I mean)  They wouldn't do well in the frozen Tundra around here.

    I found the funnest thread on this board... Something about Middle-aged Memories!   It made me laugh just reading the posts, and remembering  those fun years!  ... I'll find the thread & post it.

    Okay, this is the one..

    I started on page one,  but so many things I had forgotten!  It's a fun read!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2012

    I hope the robins headed for Indy, the snow is 5"  deep and more coming, so beautiful though.  Spent hours driving through the country this morning, went for birdfeed aafter breakfast at ouur favorite morning place with the best food ever, chefs and all.  A home-cooking place in a little building all decorated with eclectic art and antiques.  Was hoping Hubby would call off so we could stay in from snow and watch movies but then the sun came out and there was no way.

    Made a pot roast for him for tomorrow.  First meat made in house for two months I think, except holidays.  We buy hormone free, free range, grass fed angus.  I will nibble it but attempting to stay away from meat for the most part so made for me extra veggies.  Dog wants fed......

    When I gave up dairy except for the Budwig organic yogurt and flaxseed oil combination, and gave up almost all sugar and white flour and started juicing and eating salads and macrobiotic meals.... I gained weight.  But Hubby lost 30 pounds.  Anyone?

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    I am so glad you are all here.  I listen to you and makes my life feel better.  Today put the WII fit back in place and going to get myself together.   I had bc but it dont have me today.  When you read the posts of the new ones it makes you feel sad cause you know what they have to look forward to.  On this forum I see women that have moved on and doing ok.  Perhaps age has mellowed us, dont know.  Also no one will listen to me anymore and I dont blame them.  They will never understand the trauma of this but you all do.  You talk about birds and cooking and weather and its nice.  All swelling is gone right now and I modified my swell spots for the breasts and vowed to get on that flex machine everyday.  LE is controllable however it is something that has to be addressed everyday.  I am in charge of that too.

    Right now we are having a cold draft in Kansas, not been bad this year at all, hardly any snow.  Totally unusual weather.  Soon the tornados are going to be shooting by.  If I didnt have a new car I would chase them, how much fun would that be.  Is this cabin fever?

    Have a nice day all of you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Big bummer.  I can home from a Steak dinner put on for a children's charity to hear on the news that Whitney Houston had died....age 48 and they don't know why. 

    Loved what you said about breast cancer not having you.  We do move on, but it leaves a cloud that never quite goes away.  I don't know about everyone here, but I lost much of my bravado and innocence when I got diagnosed.  Not that I thought I was special and would never get something like that....but it seemed less likely for the most part.  Being older and not really having known anyone with cancer....I generally thought of it as terminal immediately. 

    After doing a little research I discovered that it probably wasn't quite as dire as the black feelings I had the first couple of weeks, but a little bit of that first mark hangs on.  I'm so much better ( partly due to having check-ups so often still )  but still get a little twinge out of the blue now and then. It is just that I know we are meant to live, to find joy, to help others over the rough spots and make life for ourselves and everyone around us as good as we can. 

    I hope you all had a  great Saturday.  See you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Wow!  I know..... It is soooooo sad about Whitney..... She was my favorite singer ...ever.  My favorite was "I Will Always Love you".... meant so much to me.  I thought she had the most beautiful voice on earch, and when I listened to her, my heart just melted.

    Jennifer..... yes, we all go on.  Maybe we DO mellow with age, but we can also have so much empathy for those women who have gone through a lot more...and who still are! 

    I didn't have a tough time at all..... being scared was my worst thing.  And no, talking to family about cancer isn't what they want to hear, so it was a lot easier just coming here to post.

    Jackie, that's right!  We do all think of it being terminal when we first hear!  So like you, gotta find humor, and beauty in every day we have....  Oh yeah, and a chocolate coke and a good book!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Good bye Whitney....Sweet Dreams, sleep tight.....Don't let the bed-bugs bite... We love you. .xoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Yes, very sad about Whitney Houston.  A very talented person with probably more money than she could ever spend, but in the end, happiness eluded her.  You don't find happiness in fame or fortune, and you certainly don't find it in substance abuse.  Just too many high profile celebrities recently who have passed way too soon, for troubling reasons.  May she rest in peace.

    I couldn't help making the comparison between hearing the news this morning about Whitney and listening to the interview with Warren Buffet the other night.  What a difference in character of the two individuals.  Both have/had fame and fortune, but one took a path of achieving happiness by giving back, and the other took a path of achieving happiness by consuming drugs and alcohol.  I think there might be a few life messages there. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012
    Pray as if everything depended upon God and work as if everything depended upon man.
    -- Francis Cardinal Spellman
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Good morning on this bracingly cold but sunshiny morning in so. Illinois.  I'm still having lots of feelings about this latest celebrity tragedy.  Not for arguement's sake so please don't think it that way......but I was thinking late last night ( sleepless for  a while in bed ) that we ( to a degree all of us who feel deeply about talented people ) do things that help a person achieve super stardom and when they get to the pinnacle......then we think they should just behave like every (normal) person does.  Sometimes I think that is one of the most difficult things to do........everyone is applying pressure of some kind -- managers, directors, family members, husbands --- and then you are expected to perform flawlessly for months on a spotlight.  No wonder some of these people cave in.  My hats off to those who are able to hold it together.  My prayers for those who find fame has possibly robbed them of their comfort, serenity and joy in life and they have such trouble living up to the demands that are made on them 24/7. 

     For most of us our pressures are short-lived, and I find it hard to imagine how life would be if I "belonged" to the world thru "fame".  We helped make them what and who they are and then chastise them for not being able to remain a squeaky clean hero.

    I hope you all have a good day.....and that you have sunshine where you are.  I'm going to try and stay busy today and enjoy being alive and well. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    The only life message there is there, is don't screw your life up with drugs and drinking!    But sometimes the most famous celebrities we know, just go off the deep end.....  It is still a tragedy, not comparable to a self made billionaire. 

     I mean from Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse, Anna Niccole, Michael Jackson to name a few.  

    I also blame their "caretakers"...their "handlers"....  the people closest to them, that are their "yes, anything you want" team.    One of her friends said "If the drugs didn't kill her this time, it still took away her voice and her beauty!"    Her voice was the most beautiful gift anyone could have.... It's just such a loss...

    Warren Buffet was a completely different type of person.... I couldn't compare Whitney to Buffet.  If his life somehow spun out of control, for whatever reason, the same thing could happen to him, or anyone else.  

    Just thought I would mention, my Brother's Grand-son is now in a "Hospital"....  Hopefully he will get the much needed help he needs, not only for his sake, but for everyone elses.... My Brother said "He just lost it."  

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Winter visited us here in south Louisiana this weekend.  Last night was supposed to be in the 20's.  This morning the water in the fountain on the patio was frozen.  Last night it was windy and felt really cold as we raced from the car to the movie theater, back to the car, and into a restaurant after the movie, which was cute and entertaining.  I recommend One for the Money if you're looking for some laughs and no foul language or explicit sex or blood and gore.  If you don't want to pay movie theater prices, it will be available on DVD sooner or later to rent.

    For the 3rd Sunday in a row, my middle brother cooked a great meal and brought it to my mother's house.  We had a huge pot of seafood gumbo (shrimp, crabs, crabmeat, and oysters) with rice and a big bowl of potato salad.  The food was delicious and I overate.  If that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon when I stopped at the grocery store to pick up milk, I bought a King Cake.  Dh and I had King Cake and hot tea. 

    For those of you not familiar with New Orleans food traditions, King Cakes are available all through the Mardi Gras season.  They're cinnamon flavored coffee cakes in a ring form with white icing and sprinkles of purple, green and gold.  They're available plain or filled.  I bought a Bavarian filled, which is a kind of vanilla pudding.  My favorite is cream cheese filled.  It's hard to avoid King Cake because it's served everywhere you go and is baked daily in all the supermarkets and bakeries.

    It's so nice to have our little gas fireplace lit tonight.  Cozy and comfy.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Morning everyone!  Carole, I love gumbo!  My DGF's SIL could make the best..she would pick those crabs for hours to get enough meat.  I love that place in NO's that sells the coffee and little sugar donut like things...sooooo good!  Can't think of the name but think it's in the French Quarter.  It's famous.

    Chevy:  Glad your nephew is where he can get some help.  That is the best possible outcome for him at this juncture.  When he is clean and sober he may be ready to turn his life around.  Give him the benefit of the doubt and pray that he will.  He will need love and support going through this.

    As for comparing Warren Buffet to Whitney Houston, that was IMO only.  I guess my point was that if you chase after the wrong things in life, the good things will elude you, including happiness and peace of mind.  Buffet never chased the money...he just made smart choices in the moment, and the rest happened as a result. He said in his interview that many of his friends had more "possessions" than he did, but in his mind he" wasn't so sure that the possessions didn't have them".  I loved that statement.  He still lives in the same house he purchased 57 years ago, and said, "why would I need a bigger house...I like this one".  I see so many of my friends killing themselves trying to keep up appearances...what for??  I love my simple life, but that's just me!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    The only moral lesson which is suited for a child, the most important lesson for every time of life, is this: Never hurt anybody.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Good morning....well Carole....I don't know about the gumbo so much as I'm not a huge soup fan though I think the variety in gumbo may make a difference.....but with my love of desserts....that King cake sounds like a little piece of heaven sitting on your dessert plate.  I'm especially fond of almost all "cheese cakes", so sure I could go for it in a big way. 

    I've never tasted anything like the cheese cakes that my Dad always brought home from St. Louis Mo. when he had reason to go across the river.  Sadly, that was back in the days of the corner grocery stores and bakeries, and cheesecakes then were nothing like what passes for them now.  That does not however, stop me from intense enjoyment most of the time.  But I miss what they were. 

    Kaara....imho I think what Chevy meant was that Whitney was charged with trying to satisfy entire continents of people --- that is a heck of a burden and she is among quite a few who found that task daunting and way too often impossible.  We make them a star and then demand perfection....and then have such a great time cataloging their sins --- fame often carries such a desperately high price.  I think of that quote/saying, more to be pitied then censured. 

    Mr. Buffet is a wonderful man and I think many who do well, and then do good deeds have a humbleness that allows them to enjoy the simpler less complicated parts of their life.  Sam Walton drove a ratty old pick-up I think I have read.  I think if we are fortunate --- at some point we become able to have what we like and like what we have enough that it really is matter what our financial circumstances are.....good for me as my "circumstances" are not too enviable.  As long as I can feed my feral cats....I'm fine.

    I hope you are all going to have a delightful day.  We are due to get 4 ins. of snow sometime during the long last, about when winter is drifting away from seems to have discovered exactly where we are. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012


    I love the quote you posted from  Frances Cardinal Spellman!!! 

    A good model to live by..


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Hi Gals!  Well at least the sun is shining here today, and warming up to 43 right now! 

    Thanks Kaara.... I agree the only place for my Brothers' Grand-son is a hospital, where he can't go home....I think in re-hab, you can leave if you want to?  If that happens, I think they would be right back on the streets using.  My Brother and his wife will always give him love, and support, because they are the only ones..... I hope that's enough.

    And did you guys hear that it was possible Xanax and alcohol that killed Whitney?   I just can't for the life of me figure out why normal sane people take Xanax!  And it's almost ALWAYS involved in those "accidental overdoses."  It's like people just don't want to live without being "high"....

    I'm sorry, I've just never tried any of those drugs...not even pain killers other than Ibuprofen, or Aleve... Oh wait....for the back surgery I had some sort of drip morphine, but that was in the Hospital. 

    I think with enough money, you can get anything you want!   These celebrities have more money than brains....And why should the drug companies care?  They are making billions making these pills!   Some Doctors are no better...  You know, I think we "lost" Whitney long before this, from what I have been reading......  At least we have that beautiful voice to remember.

    My Neighbor was taking "pills".....I don't know what....but her Son was found dead...."Accidental overdose".....and then one year later SHE did the same thing....  She took her Grand-daughter, who she was raising, (7 years old) over to HER Mother's house, with their puppy, then went to a motel and took her pills!   It was soooooo hard to lose her....and her Granddaughter.

    So the little girl and her little Brother, had a Mother in jail, a Father in Prison, and a Grandmother who killed herself....  Her Aunt, is helping take care of them I guess.  I haven't see those kids since this happened.... It just makes my heart ache. Little Tracie used to come over here just to visit...and talk, and play on my computer.  We would give her cookies and a Soda, and toys... She would help me in my garden, picking cherry tomatoes & eating them faster than she could fill a bowl!    I just wish I could see her....Cry   

    I love our old house too!  Just don't want a bigger one....or to move into a "Senior Apartment!"  I need a garden....and ...... "space"....Ha!

    Jackie, my oldest Daughter in Orlando has a "rag-doll" feral cat....But he is sooooooo tame now!  When she picks him up, he just goes limp...and lays on his back on your lap, and just soaks up all the lovin' he can get.  He has a long "mane" all around his neck...must be mixed with something else.... like a lion or something...Wink

    I'm having Sauerkraut & a polish wiener tonight!  I cut the meat into little pieces, then heat it in the microwave!   Have you guys tried those Polish Dogs from Costco?  We bought two extra, so I use 1/2 of a one to cook with the kraut.... The buns are alright, but I like it just plain with the kraut.... DH wouldn't get near the kraut....Ha!  

    Talk to y'all later!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Kaara, I think you were thinking of Cafe DuMonde which serves coffee that has chickory in it and Beignets(heavenly powdered) doughnuts that aren't shaped like doughnets.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    So sad about Whitney.  Almost threw my vicodin away but I dont drink and seldom take those anyway, they give me a headache.  Those things (pain pills) and drinking are bad, bad.

    Finally got snow in Kansas, this is pretty much 1st one, a whole 2 inches.  Pretty to look at once in awhile. 

    All of you have a nice day.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    So sad about Whitney.  Almost threw my vicodin away but I dont drink and seldom take those anyway, they give me a headache.  Those things (pain pills) and drinking are bad, bad.

    Finally got snow in Kansas, this is pretty much 1st one, a whole 2 inches.  Pretty to look at once in awhile. 

    All of you have a nice day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    dreamers:  That's it!  Cafe it!  Can't have that stuff anymore:(  Good thing I got my fill of it when in NO the last time...gained five pounds that morning I'm sure!

    The problem with prescription drugs is when they are combined with alcohol they become deadly.  You never know where the tipping point is.  I know people who take ambien to sleep, anti anxiety meds to function each day, and anti depressants to calm them down.  Then they go out and drink a bottle or two of wine or a couple of martinis....I honestly don't know how they function, I would be a complete zombie, or go into cardiac arrest.  I know there have been times when an anti anxiety pill or an ambien was suggested, but I absolutely refuse to take them under any circumstances.  It just isn't worth the risk to me that I might become addicted.  When someone is in severe pain, that is an entirely different story, but then certainly it should not be combined with alcohol.....ever.

    I heard Whitney say in an interview that she made too much money to smoke crack...that crack was wacked.  What did she think snorting coke was...ok?  I feel sorry for her daughter who had to lose her mother when she was only 18.  What kind of life must she have had.  Now you'll have the money grubbing father, Bobby Brown, in there trying to get his hands on the estate.  I hope it's protected. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Had to take vicondin when they put in my port cause evidently they manipulate your shoulder.  They did the trick but that was that.

    Today I have LE on my other side, well almost sure that is what it is.  I had a very small spot of cancer on that side.  The machine is for the other side.  Seems like the small side has caused me more problems than the larger one.  This is the side I had cellutitus x2 in not the left.  The cancer was the same type on both sides.  Geeez have an appt at VA with my personal dr on the 23rd and hate to even bring it up because they have been so great about doing things for me.  I wish they had more info about the lympnode surgery it just doesnt seem to be something many drs know much about.  This side was staged at 1 so when I hear the others talk about what they have gone through with a early early dx I completely understand.

    Sorry just venting a little, everyone have a great day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Jennifer.....That's what we are here you all listened to me rant about drugs etc.!  Wink

    Sorry you are having such a rough time....but you just have to think, it's gotta get better...!   It takes forever for everything to get back working right again... and if you are too un-comfortable with it all, tell your team!  

    Make sure they know exactly what you are going through....and holler until they do!   And do you still have snow around there?  Ours will melt about July, I think......  It's supposed to get up into the 40's today...that will help it melt a little.  But more snow tonight and tomorrow.

    Jennifer, even though we are stage 1 or 2 or whatever, it is still cancer.... I know some of us go through a lot, without it being a higher stage or grade.... but we all handle it in our own way.... Just take care of yourself.... feel bad when you have to, but appreciate when you feel better too!  And try & do something fun!

    You guys, all I know about Gumbo is this....didn't Campbells used to have a soup called Chicken Gumbo?  Ha, ha!  And I loved it!  That one and Cream of Asparagus, and Cream of Mushroom.

    Is it similar to what the Italians make for the Holidays?  What is that?  And it's put in a big pot, and set in the middle of the table, and you soak bread pieces in it & eat it?   I am just not into a lot of fish...I like canned Tuna...Wink  And Crab-legs...and Shrimp. 

    Okay, take care! xoxo

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012

    Morning all,

    I saw my ONC yesterday.  The first thing he asked me is are you feeling OK you look tired.  I told him I was taking the Med at night and waking up with pain.  He said he did not want me taking anymore of it.  I am to wait 2 weeks see if I feel better and then start Tamox.  On Thursday evening I was laying down on the bed and put my hand on my chest and found a knot above the scar where my surgery was.  He checked it out and said he thinks it is scar tissue but I have to have a diagnostic mammo on it next Tuesday.  He wants to be sure there is nothing else. 

    He thinks the pain in my back is probably related to the med.  If I do not feel alot better in two weeks he wants me to call and come in because he says we need to look for the cause and get to the bottom of it. 

    Chevy, have you ever made German Kraut?  You add apple juice and brown sugar and caraway seeds to it and let it cook for an hour or more with your sasuage.  This is the way they make it at the Ammana Colonies in Iowa.  It is delish.  Be sure and drain and rinse your kraut before you cook it.

    We have had nothing but car problems this month, my car is back in the shop for wheel bearing replacement.  Our roads where we live in the Mountains are so bad they tear up everything.  I think I could drive a sherman tank and it would be a mess.

    Hope you all have a good day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Okay I found it!  It is Cioppino...or something like that....  

    Marcha!  We were posting about the same time....I SHOULD have rinsed that darned Kraut last night....Man, was it sour...It was good, but I put a lot of juice in my bowl...Ha!  My little German Grandmother used to make her own Kraut in a huge crock with their fresh cabbage!  And she would cook it with Caraway seeds.

    When she got older, she WOULD rinse the Kraut that she bought...but I loved it.  I have about 2/3 of a jar left, so I WILL cook it the way you said, with brown-sugar, apple juice & the caraway seeds.  Thanks for those tips!

    Sorry about your problems!  I found a lump once too!  Scared me to death!  It was just a Seroma. So it is finally getting less noticeable...  All kinds of things go on in there, after surgery!  But get it checked.

    Our alley is just beginning to lose the ice-ruts that were about 8 inches high! If you don't stay in the ruts, you could slide into all sorts of trouble! I'm going to get busy...Wink