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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Ducky, you are hardly old, its a head thing.  When I was in treatment and on those horrible al's, I couldnt walk hardly at all and felt 90+.  There are quite a few women who buzz the streets and they are in their 90's.  I am sorry you lost your elephant esp to that disease.  My elephant's health is very poor.  He has congestive heart disease, dibetics, has had about 5 known strokes and totally refuses to watch his blood sugar or go to the dr.  When BC came roaring in, it was amazing because I have always taken care of  medical business and throught I would not outlive him.  Lately I have had to rethink that.

    Bye the way, dry heat is killing me.   Skin is terrible, hair stands straight up and horrible dry cough (throught I had mets).  Last nite I slept with my window open and ceiling fan on and what a difference.  no cough at all and feel good.  DH has 8 space heaters sitting by him cause he is always cold and I am always hot.  What a mess.  He does operate downstairs so that helps, I open the living room windows and doors.  We quit sharing a room years ago because of different sleeping patterns and snoring.  When it hits a 100 here in the summer he sits outdoors because he cant stand air-conditioning.  He is a true elephant I think, lol

    Chevy, your daughters friend, asking for a divorce is totally out of bounds.  He is a bad man.  At least my dh stayed here, he had to, I own the house, but he wouldnt have left anyway.

    Sorry a little chitchatty today, I feel good.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Momarch, Glad it is only a seroma. I too have one and it is uncomfortable and hard. I don't have my mammo until July. The MO said leave it alone and don't massage it so that is what I am trying to do. My DH is awesome. Married 47 years and he is so patient and loving. I share different  stories from these forums and he is supportive and caring , listening patiently while I sometimes rant.Truly believe I got the" one in a million".

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    ptdreamers:  The good thing is that you recognize he is one in a  million!  I'm sure he feels the same about you and that's why you have such a happy marriage.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    ptdreamers......I am a Virgo.  I find I must be on a cusp ( or whatever that is called ) because I am more of a peace-maker than a perfectionist most of the time.  I have some perfection quirks, but I think my two kids  ( son will be 42 in July, daughter 40 in July ) squashed some of it as they grew up.  I haven't known many people who share my birthday....but did have an interesting situation in the family.......when my sister remarried.....her birthday was the day after my husbands, and her husbands was the day before mine.   I think the odds of that are pretty high.....since we were the only siblings in my family.  Sadly.....I am the only one left of my little family. 

    mommarch.....whew !!!!  Glad it is just a seroma.  Always something, but good when the something is not too scary.  I hope the Tamoxifen will work for you.  I had a friend who couldn't take anything so it happens. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.....I'm done in for the night.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    Found this so interesting in light of some of the things we have been discussing:

    If you want to know the past, to know what has caused you, look at yourself in the PRESENT, for that is the past's effect. If you want to know your future, then look at yourself in the PRESENT, for that is the cause of the future.
    Majjhima Nikaya

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012

    Not sure if I will have to have a mammo every 6 months for awhile or not.  ONC has not said.  Will find out when I see him the end of March.  Radiologist mentioned it may be every 6 months.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Well the elephant is back.  Today went for reg scheduled blood work and I had lost more weight which really had me worried, anyway seems like I have a throid problem.  Scan has been ordered and Dr says she feels no lumps however will not rule out everything.   I was so upset I cried through the whole thing.  Does this ever end????  My understanding is that radiation can interfer with throid and if it were cancer it is usually slow.  I had a scan one year ago and nothing came up.  Some guy named Weldon at the Va deserves flowers.  When he was scheduling this I sat with him and cried for 30 minutes.  My doctor says the tamoxifen also causes depression and is helping to fuel my crying.  I took an anti-depressant before I went in, didnt help.  The good news is all the other blood work was perfect. 

    Thanks for listening

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012


    I can totally relate to the crying modes....I am on Femara, but ever since my diagnosis last fall, I have spells where I can just be sitting and all of a sudden the tear faucet turn on...

    You might check with your Dr.  It is my understanding that those of us land locked should be using Iodized Salt, for the iron in it. Not enuf iron can cause thyroid problems.

    Glad the rest of the blood work was good.  

    Keep us posted as to how the Thyroid test comes out. 
    Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    Jennifer1, Know you must be upset but if it is hypothyridism it is easily controlled with medication. I know one more pill but here hoping that is all it is. Good luck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    About the Iodine....It IS really important for us..... I take Kelp, from Puritan's Pride on-line.  Along with a bunch of others.  You can look it up....

    Also about the crying....sometimes we just gotta cry!  I noticed, even after Menopause, that about once a month I either feel really down, or just plain bitchy....and what is worse, is I just don't care. Wink When you really get down, just try and go do something that you like to do.....or even sit down and read a book...with a not cup of tea. 

    Jennifer...I think the elephant is Tamoxifen....Ha!  I used to get the worst leg cramps...mostly at night.  I even did the "soap thing" but it didn't help.  

    Also my one girlfriend had her Thyroid out..... During a routine body-scan, they found a little cancer and took it out about 7 years ago!   Hopefully, whatever your problem is, they will take care of it.... Those types are usually "contained".....

    Mommarch.... I'm due for another Mammo in April.... But I'll ask my PC Doc, if she thinks it is necessary.... or else just annually along with my Physical.

    Jackie, your last quote is really true!  We are what we were.... in other words. 

    The sun is shining! The wind was un-believable last night!!! Never saw it so bad....Then woke up to snow, and sleet, and ya' just gotta laugh sometimes..... I knew it would get nicer today, but I can hardly wait for Spring. DD keeps sending me pictures of her gardens.... She lives in Orlando. It's like a different world I think... 

    We are maybe going out there the last of September.... so I should probably start packing????   At least it's something else to look forward to! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Jennifer1:  So sorry about your thyroid can be upsetting and sometimes the symptoms are depression, but medication will control it and make you feel much better soon.  Mine went undiagnosed for years...fortunately they picked up on yours right away.  It is not life threatening.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Had to have a nap today was a little much however I believe you are right.  While not listed as a side effect of tamoxifen I read this obscure study that in postmenapausal women thryoid issues show up about 3 months (exactly the time I have been on it) and disappear at 6 months are so.  If this is a somewhat known side effect why do they not list it? 

    My dr says the depression is also tamoxifen related and today I guess just lost it.  I wondered why I was the only one on it that seemed to lose weight. And if it were cancer very slow moving one. 

    Chevy, use to get, what are you on now.  I have tried everything but Femera and the others were worse.  Curious

    Good Gosh, does this ever end.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Hi Jennifer.... I started taking vitamins and supplements when I quit Tamoxifen.  Another gal Barb, on another thread recommended TURMERIC, and DIM-PLUS.   I also take CALCIUM, SEA KELP, CO-Q10, GRAPEFRUIT EXTRACT, VIT.D3....GRAPESEED EXTRACT, A MULTI-VITAMIN, GLUCOSAMINE,  FISH OIL/OMEGA 3,  and CHAGA.  I order most of these from Puritans Pride online, and so far so good.

    I just wish I could have stayed on Tamoxifen, so I'm hoping these supplements will take the place of that.  I also make a smoothie with  Orange juice, bananas, and aloe vera that I get from Wal-mart..... I add a little flavored creamer instead of milk or ice-cream.

    It's sometimes hard to get them all down, but if I set them out every morning, and take them along with breakfast, or lunch, I do a lot better.

    I can't take magnesium....I break out in a rash....

    I also remember I would get those same side effects from Tamoxifen, but after a couple weeks they would go away, and I would get NEW ones....Wink

    By the way....Kelp, is for the iodine!  The "sea-plants" are so good for us...

    I know some gals prefer Natural, or organic, or the more expensive supplements, but I'm doing good with these...

     What is so odd is, when I don't take them for a couple weeks, I don't notice any difference in how I feel.  But I'm hoping they make a difference in my general health.  I don't get colds, just about every few years I get Bronchitis along with Asthma. 

    But I haven't had a "cold" in years.  My DH gets one about twice a year...but his eating habits are more like "grazing" on snacks, sweet-rolls, cookies, those pork-rinds, and chips....and beer.   He has lost about 20 #s the last 2 years!  Maybe I should give up my fruits & veggies, and all those vitamins and try HIS diet...Ha!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012
    We are all different - and we are all one.
    Take time to understand, and to appreciate.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    Good morning though it is being quite wind and much cooler than yesterday.  If we get through the wind we will do fine.

    jennifer...oh those pesky thyroids.  I hope yours will settle down if it is a se from the Tamoxifen.  Mine blew out several yrs. ago.  It was a rather harsh event......and a long, long recovery but I take Synthroid daily and have for a long time and that keeps me even.  It was a family thing ( I think actually from both sides ) but still a surprise.....for some reason no one suspected it and the Dr. never found it either till very late.  Anytime you catch something early ( though it is still a pain to have to treat-treat-treat something all the time ) it is better.  

    I don't use much for supplements....just some extra calcium and vitamin D-3, along with a multi ( a brand called Alive which I switch with Totat One ) and a special chocolate.  That's it.  So far, so good.  I do try to eat fresh fruit and veggies ( harder here in winter ) and get out in the sun ( when we have it which seems a bit on the rare side this winter ) for at least 15 mins. a day or more. 

    Chevy --- I sort of gave up on the natural/organic thing.  I mean, I will buy some things at the store that say they are......but we have used so many chemicals through the years and moisture is pulled up from the round and redistributed, and clean fields leach over to treated etc. that I'm skeptical to a degree.  Though....I do recognize if you could get a little less all the better.  Guess I see it like cancer.....a big crap-shoot to a degree.  We can try though and I'm I am for that.  Maybe it is part in my attitude....God has designed me to be here for so many seasons.....and it is likely that I will be here for that many.....whether I eat organic or not --- but I do like the thought that I'm not eating things I wouldn't choose anyhow....and who would choose 'chemicals' given a choice. 

    I hope you all have a fabulous day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited February 2012


    A couple of years ago my mind was so foggy that I could not even read a map when we were on the road.  They took my thyroid level and it was a bit low, they started me on 50 mcg of medication and within a few months it got much better.

    If you are losing weight it may be hyper instead of hypo.  My brother in-law had to have his thyroid destroyed with a nuclear isotope, the kicker is that it did not completly work.  He takes a med but has times when he gains weight and times when he loses alot of weight.  It was not cancer. 

    I am going to start Tamox on Mon.  I have decided if I have any type of SE that I can not handle I am not taking anything else. This will make the 3rd one I have tried in 3 months.

    Jackie I agree with your approach.  When our room is ready we will go home.

    Everyone have a good day.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Thanks all, while upset over thryoid, I do believe it was just the tipping point.  After reading I decided it will be ok and I should be happy that all the other readings came in good.  No liver problems, no dibetics, blood pressure normal.  I do believe that the tamoxifen is causing problems and the depression is overwhelming so my shrink started me on another pill.  What I do think is that when you have to take pills because of pills its crazy.  I am going to really press my onco to send me to that trial in San Antonio for the prevention shot and hope he does.  Its not all bad, two years ago during chemo I was 219 lbs. then lost the chemo weight and now I am 184.  Sounds like a reason to shop.

    Everyone have a nice day and I am looking at your posts to consider my options.

  • Fortis
    Fortis Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone- I'm about to hit 60 this year, but feel like I'm 80. I finished chemo last August and thought I would feel better by now but I'm exhausted all the time. I was just wondering if anyone else experienced a longer recovery time like I seem to be. I've had tests run because I do have thyroid nodules, but nothing is showing up on blood test levels.

    Of course, you know the creeping concern is that something "bad" is going on despite my dedication to the positive outlook ..... Anyhow, would appreciate hearing if anyone else has struggled with getting energy back more than 7 months later? Thanks so much.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    Fortis.  welcome.  Glad you found us.  It has been a long time for me now and I don't recall being "sluggish" too much at all except for doing the actual txs themselves.  I'm hoping someone else will chime in here with more answers.  I do know that we all seem to been very individual in responses to the same things in dealing with cancer.  Hopefully though someone will be able to identify enough to share some information with you. 

    I think we all feel times of apprehension and what if's --- it is part of the new normal we get to call our own. 

    So welcome to a nice place and lots of great women.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Fortis, Jackie calls that the elephant in the room.   Think we all have it.  I have never recovered totally from treatment, evidently we know why now, but one dr told me it takes a year or so to start climbing back up.  She also told me I may never be as good as I was.  I was going to quit tamoxifen however I ended up on the stage iv forum and decided that wasnt a good idea.  Just give yourself time.  Also the talking with others here has helped me alot.  Outside people haven't really got a clue. 

    have a nice day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    You know, it DOES seem like people who haven't had cancer don't know what what we go through.  And for the most part, they don't  want to hear it, because they don't know how to respond....

    It's just nice to have this forum, because SOMEone knows how you feel! 

    Welcome Fortis!  I like your heart!  There are so many women who have gone through chemo, and I don't have a clue what it's like.   I know some seem to have an easier time than others.  

     And you are right, unless you are stage 1V, it's best to just read their posts, if you want to, maybe to learn, but not to join in on their postings...  Unless I could help them with maybe something I have heard that would interest them.......

    You are pretty young, so you should be feeling better!  Have you talked to your Doc about it? 

    I know having radiadiation really knocks the soup out of you... There ARE gals on this thread who have, gone through chemo, so maybe they'll be able to help you.

    We kid around about the elephants in this room...things that are driving us nuts, but we can't talk about it with anyone but the gals on this thread.....

    We all have little elephants in our lives, that seem to just hang around...can't get rid of them..Wink

    I don't even bring it up that I had cancer, or talk about it, unless someone asks... But the whole topic just scares people....  so that's why we're here for each other.

    Hi Jennifer & Jackie!  Good luck Mommarch on Monday....we'll be thinking of you....Don't forget to ask about what side-effects you might have, and what to do about them....  You might not even have any!  Everyone is different.

    Take good care all....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Welcome fortis!  This is a great thread with lots of comfort and support  I didn't have chemo or even rads, so for me the lumpectomy and recovery from surgery was about all I've experienced thus far.  I am on tamoxifen now, which is beginning to cause some SE's.  I think when we get bc, we have to begin to think of our lives in a new normal sort of way.There are the tests, the treatments, more tests, more treatments and on and on!  This is so completely different from the way I've lived my life up to now, but it is what it is and I must deal with it.  I just try and stay as healthy as I can and keep a good attitude.

    Yesterday was interesting...We picked up DGD (2) to spend the day while DS went on a job interview.  Boyfriend went off with the car to play golf and forgot to take out DGD's bag with all of her diapers and snacks, but worst of all, she didn't have her tete (her bottle) which she likes to have when she gets tired.  I had no milk or diapers in the house and no car to go get them..gurrrr!  I found some old diapers that were too small, but they worked, and I had a lot of juice boxes that she drank down, but nothing to replace tete:(  I found an old baby bottle and filled it with water, but she gave it back....saying "no good".  I solved the problem by letting her play in my big bath tub with her toys for an extended period of time until DS arrived and we were able to go and retrieve the diaper bag!  Note to self:  Always keep some kind of boxed or canned milk in the house for emergency...and extra diapers!  Oh...and never depend on the boyfriend to take care of little details when his mind is already on the first tee!  He was so apologetic when he realized what he had done that I didn't have the heart to scold him, but he owes me big time.

    I can tell the SE's are kicking in on the tamox because I was exhausted last night, and usually babysitting doesn't make me tired at all.  I was aching all over like I had the flu and my scalp on the top of my head hurt.  I'm beginning to understand what women mean when they say they feel like they've aged 20 years:(  Just going to have to make sure I get a nap every day.

    Have a great Saturday everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Kaara....Don't think the symptoms you describe are from Tamoxifen!   I took it for 14 months, the whole dose, and never got tired from it...nor the aching, or the soreness on your head....Maybe it is left over from your cold/flu?

    Actually I really felt good while on Tamoxifen....other than the leg/foot cramps, and the "warm waves" I knew the Tamoxifen was easier on the joints  etc, then the other Als.   But I never had any of that.  Are you taking the whole pill yet?    Maybe it is something else causing you those problems?

    Sounds like you had an innovative way of entertaing that little DGD!  We used to watch our Grandsons all the time when they were little....  And everyday was an "adventure"....Ha!   Man, I just wish I could do it again....  Those years were the BEST!!!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Just a note....I've been stressing over my upcoming Mammogram... And I've read a lot of talk about Thermography VS Mammogram....  Seems Mammograms are still a  better choice for detecting breast cancer.

    This is from Dr. Susan Love....

     I found several articles that seem to think Thermography can be used "in addition" to, but not take the place of a mammogram.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    You are an extremely valuable, worthwhile, significant person even though your present circumstances may have you feeling otherwise. -James Newman

    We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within. -Earl Nightingale

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited February 2012

    Good morning everyone....had a little sun peeking out but it has gone away.  I'm starting to really tire of these gray days....I really need my sun to rid me of my weather depression....but it is still a fantastic Saturday.

    Kaara and are both living proof that one size never fits all.  Some people are fortunate to have this disease "show" up early enough to avail themselves of a lg. variety of choices.    There are so many ways to treat this disease and we are so fortunate there are.  I can already hear the oh no's I think but I started out with only going to have a lumpectomy....and maybe a few rads........then the second really aggressive cancer was found in the same breast and wow !!!  did everything change. 

    I still count myself very fortunate.  Only because I know it can I tell from looking that I've had a lumpectomy.  One of my pcp's didn't even realize ( my surgeon, a lady, did such a fantastic job ) that I'd had a lumpectomy till I told her --- and we were having such a great conversation that I had forgotten it too......only saying that we make our choices and life goes on.  We get thru it....even if the first simple and easy changes to much harder and drastic.   

    I really do have the perception....something else I have said before....that many people, sometimes even long-time friends have trouble after we are diagnosed.  My thought is that it becomes a real dichotomy of  emotional upheaval for them.  They are so fearful of the disease and are secretly so glad it was us and not them that dealing with us becomes too difficult.  They are not glad we are ill.....yet glad it is not them....and that just isn't something you can say to someone glad it was you and not me.  They become awkward with us and sometimes slip totally away.  That is just my opinion based on some of my OWN reality in dealing with people.

    We carry on -- a little battering, a little bruised, but we are strong, able, and worthwhile, even if we have to take a nap to get by.  Even if we are walking around with some lumpectomy or mastectomy scars.  We are women.....we get up and keep those home fires burning....and make sure life goes on for all around us.  No matter what animals are hanging around. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    joycek:  In the final analysis that was exactly the reason I decided to forego rads.  I was trying to get a shorter term version external beam 5 days 2x a day, but the RO could no longer find my surgical site to plan it, so I took that as a good sign.  If, heaven forbid, it does return, I can have another lumpectomy and rads...or....a mx and be done with it.  I have choices.  Hopefully there will be some new innovations in treatment and perhaps even a bc vaccine.  One can only hope, and in the meantime I rely on my diet, supplements and exercise to keep healthy.

    Chevy:  It occurred to me that I still have a touch of this flu bug and that is what is causing my achy feeling and physical exhaustion.  I usually bounce back pretty strong from colds and flu, but a lot of people in this area have this stuff and they say it's really bad.  If I'm not feeling a whole lot better by Monday, it's off to the doctor...ugh! 

    The thermography should never replace the mammogram, but just be used as an early detector of small blood vessel growth that signifies that a tumor could be growing.  You would then need an MRI because even a mammo couldn't detect it at that early stage.  It's non invasive and no radiation. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Hi everyone, 

    I am scheduled for a scan of my thyroid soon.  Upset for awhile because its just one more thing.  If it is the c word will have to deal with it.   After bc you tend to worry about every little thing (elephant) and sick of that too.  If I never had bc I would have thing go wrong everyone does.  I think the worry is worse than the disease.

    So on with the show, everyone have a great day.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2012 new to this forum

    want to ask...where on this website do you fill in the info you have at the bottom ..diagnosis:  etc

    i am going for a muga scan on mon then genetic dr on thursday...then chemo dr on friday..nervous nellie at this point

    had biopsy 12/5...surg 1/13 and 1/20..(had to do more margins on 20th)..mammosite 1/23 through 1/27...dr said i have 22% recurrence rate within 5 years without chemo

    Stage 1A...Grade 2 (i think)..0/2 nodes  ER+/PR+, HER2-..

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012


    Welcome to the site.  I think you will probably get a lot of information and feel support from the gals on here, I know I have...

    When you open the site, click on the tab (towards the top of the window) that says "my home" then you will see where you can put your profile and another spot to put your diagnosis...
