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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Just got home from work......had to start at 6 a.m. this monring so to all of you

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Thanks for listening and replies.  LE, at least I know what it is however to those who find lumps, think that would take me to the madhouse.  Scar tissue can do some business.  Wearing swell spots again so its down, guess there are days when we think we are normal again, we have a new normal.

    Am seriously looking at motorhomes (that I can afford) and want to go with the other seniors next winter, snowbirding, they sound like they have so much fun.  Since bc I have lost 3 friends not their fault, well some. (They didnt die, just disappeared)  I want to meet new people and experience new things.  My usual throught process is get the rv then I will have more health issues and its just a dream that didnt happen.  Its really bad to ruin something before its happens however bc did this for me.

     Hope I didnt bring anyone down and wish you all a great day.  Going off to work on my attitude.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Our "winter" weather didn't last long.  Today the temperature rose into the low 70's.  DH wore shorts to play golf.

    I love sauerkraut.  I always put carraway seeds in it and also diced celery.  I make a layered dish with pork (chops or country ribs), sliced potatoes and sauerkraut.  Cover the dish and cook in the oven for an hour or hour and a half.  You can't overcook it. 

    DH and I were at Cafe Du Monde about a week ago when we met some Canadian friends in New Orleans.  I love the cafe au lait, which is strong coffee with boiled milk.   The French doughnuts are called beignets.  They're deep-fried and doused with powdered sugar.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Carole:  Yumm to the beignets!  I could eat a ton of them!'

    Jennifer:  Get that motor home and enjoy your life.  Don't project into the future...enjoy the moment...and the next one....and the next one!  We still have that!

    We just got home from a super Valentine's dinner at the country club...good food, good friends and good dancing!  Loved every minute of it.  Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day! 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2012

    Good morning everyone.   Jennifer, go for it.   I am in the market for a new car.   The old one is 13 and if a new one lasts as long, I will be an even older woman by then...    Lots of things to consider as the old one is a station wagon, but for one person who now lives in an apartment, not needed.   Fuel economy is a big consideration although I do not drive long distances or a lot.   Lucky for me that I live close to most of what I do and where I go.   

    Hope all are doing well.   Hugs, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012

    Morning gals.... My friend has belonged to Elderhostel for years now, and she can choose the trips she wants to go on....

    She also has a Van-conversion, for going camping, with another group!  She loves to just go out on her own, and see the world.  The Elderhostel organization group arranges everything for you, like transportation, food, hotels, and sometimes like when she went to the Panama Canal, it is a "working" trip....She helped paint the fences along the walkways??? or something like that.

    I think it costs a little more money than maybe the average person has, but if you choose your trips, and save for it, she thinks it is well worth it.

    She is a widow, my same age, and loves to do things like this!  One of her favorite trips was to Taiwan, Viet-Nam, etc!  All chaperoned, and very safe.  She also liked taking the train around the Canadian Rockies!

    Okay Carole, I'll also add potatoes to my Kraut! I'm having the rest of it tonight, with left-over rib-meat.

    Kaara, glad you had a fun Valentines day! Jackie, did you and "Hubs" do anything special?  We went to Central City, to a Casino, and fooled around for a couple hours, then stopped for Taco Bell, Ha!   I LOVE their Burritto Supreme's!   Okay, I know they are not exactly "good" for you, but at our age, we eat what we want....Wink

    This is the link for traveling with Elderhostel...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Good morning everyone and I'm back in the land of the living this morning.  I don't mind subbing for someone....but I don't do early mornings well.  I keep waking up to see if it time to "wake" up yet.  I much prefer the other way around.....where I wake up, go get a cup of coffee and watch the channel 5 ( Today show ) news for as long as I want.  

    Carole just yum.  I waited very late in life to be excited over food ( probably a good thing ) but still came at a time when indiscretions usually puts a lot of unwanted poundage -- always placed inappropriately -- where you don't need or want it....sigh !!!

    jennifer --  Could you "rent" a small motor home and try it out for a bit.  I've purchased a lot of things thinking I'd be so happy only to find that it was some of the worst choices I ever made. 

    We do lose some friends over our diagnosis and tx.  I like to think that if that is all it took for them to scatter it was probably for the best anyhow.  Sometimes it is family members too.  So, it does give us a new normal......and I say go ahead and step out --- be yourself, make your own dreams come true.  I think of Erma Bombeck and what she said about the way she would have lived her life had she known -- when it was going to end.  No one but you can give 100 percent of the meaning of life to your own make it as wonderful as you can.  Use the good linen and fine china, and or have a motor home and go places.  This is your life....and we have to live every day of it.  I do wish you well in this.  I like how Chevy's friend handles travel. 

    I must run....I'll see you all later.  Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Good morning to all.  I'm having a lazy morning.  Checked e-mail, facebook, and bc forums. 

    DH bought me a dozen roses for Valentine's day and arranged them in a vase himself.  I love having cut flowers in the house.  It's such a pleasure.  I really should buy them more often since they're available in the supermarkets for a fairly reasonable price.  DH also bought a box of candy.  The box itself is beautiful and the candy pretty good.  I wish he had bought a smaller box.  My weight is up this morning.  Well, I could have eaten just one piece last night, right?

    I must force myself to go and do some exercise.  Hope you all are having a wonderful Wed. 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012


    IllinoisLad has a good idea,  rent a motorhome for a few weeks, or trip or two.  

    We have owned a motorhome since 1988,.  Fulltimed (lived in it exclusivelly and travelled) for 13 years.  Since 2001 we have owned a house in Nebraska, but still spend about 5 months a year in the coach.  Usually winter in AZ &/or California.  We have made some very good friends through the years.  

    This winter is less time in the coach, because of this BC but the Doctors all worked my treatment schedule so we were still able to 'snowbird it', even if we did have to leave 2 months later than we 'normally' do.

    I have decided, that at my age (69 this coming Sat), I am going to live life as fully as I can as long as God gives me strength to do so....  

    Good luck in your journey thru this mess!!!!!


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited February 2012

    What day is it,?" asked Pooh.
    "It's today," squeaked Piglet.
    "My favorite day," said Pooh."

    That says it all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2012
    "It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily."So it is.""And freezing.""Is it?""Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we     haven't had an earthquake lately."
  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Vickie what a cool idea, there are so many places neat to go.  Have been in my living room for 2 years since this started and time to move it out.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012

    There is a lot of beauty in the USA and Canada!!!!  There are a lot of single gals/guys that travel in anything from a towable trailer, fifth wheel, converted van, class c motorhome (on a van chassie) to Class A motorhomes to big converted busses.

    Not necessarily the cheapest way to travel, however, we have our own dirt, and can eat 'at home' if we choose to rather that having to 'eat out' all the time...


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012
    Troubles are tools by which God fashions us for better things.
    - Henry Ward Beecher
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Vickie, we're rv'ers and fulltime during the summers.  Reverse snowbirds!  Our rv is a 38 ft. 5th wheel.  DH plans our trips.  Last summer we went to Alaska.  1300 miles and 4 months.  I enjoyed the trip very much but was happy to get back home to "at home" life.  DH is busy planning this summer's trip to MN.

    In 2009 the 5th wheel was parked near the house and almost fully packed when I got my bc diagnosis.  We had to unpack and spend the summer at home while we dealt with surgery and recovery.  It could have been much worse, though, since the mammagram detected a small tumor and my treatment did not include Rads or Chemo.  I was just as fearful of the former as the latter. 

    Jennifer, there's an rv club called Escapees that you might want to investigate.  It has many groups or "chapters" and one of them is called Solos.  They seem to have a wonderful time.  They plan trips together and rallies where they meet and do sightseeing and socializing together.  Life is full of opportunities.

    I have no appointments or commitments today.  Yeah!  I plan to clean house and do some cooking in preparation for company for dinner tomorrow night. 

    Thank goodness, the Val. candy is gone.  I was up another lb. this morning.  It didn't help that I took my mother for a car ride yesterday to get a shake and I got one, too!  A Large no less. 

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2012


    I can understand you 'heat/humidity birding' during the summers!!!.

    We too were in Alaska last summer.  It is beautiful up there.  Easy to get sensory overload from all the natural beauty.....We were even fortunate enough to get a good view of  Mt Denali.

    It appears that your diag. was similar to mine....real bummer, I did have the contura Balloon radiation treatments however.  

    If your trip north, takes you thru KS, NE, give me a PM.  We could give you a nice stop over.  

    We have a 1995 Safari motorhome, have had it 17 years.  Full timed for 13 years, 6-1/2 in this coach.  Our little town has a very nice city rv park, with W/E and dump station.

    Well guess this is really off subject, but I wish you continued good health, wealth and happiness.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Morning ladies!  The road trips sound like fun!  We've done a few of them, but not in an RV.  I did those when my kids were young and it was a great way to travel with them.  It might be something to consider...renting a small one and driving on a short trip to see how we like it.

     I love to explore different areas of the country.  We are probably going out to Sedona this year for about a week.  I enjoy the spirituality of the area, and they have beautiful golf courses.  My boyfriend also wants to do a trip up the west coast from CA to Wash.  I've done it before, but would do it again to see things from a different perspective.

    Yesterday was recovery day from Valentine's dinner where I cheated and had wine and chocolate cake for dessert!  Boy, did I feel it the next day...dragging!  After, you wonder if it was worth it, but at the time, I enjoyed it, so guess it was.

    Did the gym today, now getting ready to go across town for my weekly IV vitamin infusion.  No way to really tell if it's working, but I feel good after, so will keep doing it.

     So far so good on the tamoxifen...I've had no SE's and even the hot flashes seem to have lessened.  If this continues I'll step that 1/2 dose up to a full one by next week. 

    Wishing everyone a great afternoon and evening! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    Good morning....sun is shining here.....thank goodness.  We had too many darkish days and I was starting to wear thin. 

    Vicks....I think few things are really off-topic here.  Often here with our seasoned perspective, I feel we celebrate life by sharing many aspects of it.....not just the part that was the cancer experience.  I love hearing about trips and other things --- partly I'm not where I can do many and those are very hearing what others have done or are planning is a great way for me to join in a little --- I'll be working for some time while I have limits.....I don't have to miss out entirely. 

    Kaara....good for you on not much for se's.  Hope you can step it up and get full and a more complete coverage going for yourself.  Knock on wood.....I never worried about se's and for the most part didn't get them -- the short period I did came when I was switched to the generic for Arimidex.  It settled down after about 3 mos.  so I'm doing great most of the time.  What few little things that happen seem to be transitory ( come and go with weather changes ) so is not enough for me to even consider giving it up. 

    Hope you are all having a sunshiny day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2012

    I am not an adventurer, but travelled a lot in my younger days with DH and DS.  Going it alone is not my idea of a good time and not a lot of places I would put on my bucket list.  However, I got a new car on Wednesday and have no excuse for shorter drives, maybe get a friend and pack a lunch or find a good restaurant.  It is a total change from my previous silver gray or white, cream color.   This one is Red and sporty, but not a sports car.   The old one needed a lot of work to make it safe and reliable.    My valentines treat... since it is red and no sweetheart or DH to get anything for me.    

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    GramE:  Well get in that new red car and ride around and you just might find yourself a sweetheart!  Enjoy your new present to yourself!

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    Thank you carole, I am not single but hubby in very bad health so he dont go anywhere.  I have kids and grandkids watch him when I am not here and he doesnt care that I go.  I would be glad to return home after awhile too, before bc spent a month in vegas with sil and brother and had such a great time but was glad to come home.  I am investigating all aspects of this now.  In order to park one I have to have a  concrete slab or something put in, going to check when I register my car soon.  Our weather has been so nice this winter its like the places I would go anyway.  At least wanting to do something makes me feel like I am ok again.

    Kaara, you are doing so well with the exercise.  How great is that.

    Jackie I have heard you talk about your home and weather, feel like I have been there, thanks

    Everyone have a great day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012 is a picture of my house.....not outstanding --- it is a cabin in the woods on the lake where we live.  Only three houses on out little lane and ours is the middle house.  I don't think I could ever live in town.....I love the peace and quiet where we are.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Jackie, what a beautiful spot!   It looks so peaceful and serene. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited February 2012

    Jackie:  That is just beautiful, and on a lake too!  What could be more peaceful than that!

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2012

    OMG that is so nice and peaceful.  I live in a military community and we have large yards and my neighbors are great but we havent got that kind of peace. Cu du Sac very busy sometimes.  Its home.  Everyone have a great day

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2012

    I used to live in a house, set high up off the road, private, no sidewalks or street lights, with lots of woods with deer, racoons, squirrels, chipmunks, ground hogs, birds and very little traffic.   But now I live in the city with concrete sidewalks, street lights, busses, fire engines, and all the hustle and bustle of city life.   For me, it is good being in an apartment with security and reserved underground parking.   No yard work or maintenance.  If something is broken, I call up the maintenance team and they come fix it - even to changing the furnace/air cond filters.    Almost everything I do or places I go are nearby.  

    This could be a sign of getting older... LOL !!   My new car is part of my security blanket so I can go when and where I want without having to ask anyone else.    Perhaps if my DH was still alive I would want a more secluded place, but being alone, this works for me.   He will be gone 9 years in April, and that was the beginning of a new me.   Obviously BC added to helping prioritize and downsizing more.    I have my friends, activities, and grand babe 25 miles up the highway.    Life is good !! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited February 2012

    Gram, your situation has its appeal, too. 

     I've always thought it would nice to live in a small town where I could walk or ride a bicycle to the grocery store, post office, local restaurant, etc.  I live out of town on 2 acres (originally 6 acres).  We have to get into the car and drive everywhere. 

    It would delightful to live beside a lake.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012

    I do have a nice setting....but the down-side.......a 2 acre yard full of nuts ( many of the surrounding trees are nut trees ) and leaves and it is full of deer, raccoon, squirrels etc. but there will come a time -- hubby is going to be 73 this yr. when we can't manage ( just barely doing it now, it seems ) the yard and some of the up-keep of a great life-style.  Not sure what we will do.  May look for a house closer to town with a much smaller yard but that ( there is an area where all the houses butt up against a park ) still give the sensation that you are "in the wild" so to speak. 

    So, we probably all reach a point where we have to move from the ideal we have to the 'ideal' that now works so much better due to factors beyond our control. 

    Like you Carole.....we are two long miles outside of town........and have to keep four-wheel drive vehicles to make sure we get out in winter.  We don't get snow plows out here.....being well off the highway.....they put some rock-salt on the corners so you can  get around them.....but otherwise, it can be a dicey trip into town. 

    Gram, if I were alone....well, I just couldn't be here.  I would then adjust -- you always do what you have to -- to something that was suitable for me......and I love the idea of someone else having to do all the maintenance.  Probably why older people often make pretty successful apt. tenants.  The young aren't so good.....they still need loud and they aren't blue in the face from all those yrs. of maintenance.  We Sr.s can so appreciate what you DON'T have to do anymore -- and peace and quiet is always appreciated. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful Friday......and hopefully plenty of sun and fresh air to go along with it. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,500
    edited February 2012
    A keen sense of humor helps us overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected and outlast the unbearable.
    - Billy Graham