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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    This is just what the Western sky looked like last night!  So brilliant!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    We did look at the sky last night and see the brightness of the stars...we were having dinner on the patio because it was such a nice evening and BF said look up in the sky at the beautiful stars!  I remember one time when we were in Winter Park Co, we were waiting outside to meet DS for dinner and we looked towards the mountains and the most beautiful full moon was coming up...I've never seen anything so beautiful before or was absolutely amazing!  It was one of those "take your breath away moments".

    Going to have my first thermography today...will let everyone know how it goes, although it's completely non invasive with no radiation.  Just hoping for all clear.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    No, Chevy, it wasn't me with info on apple juice and seeds.

    I don't rinse my sauerkraut, but try to buy the best available, usually in jars or bags in refrigerated section.  I do use carraway seeds and diced celery, the latter in a couple of casseroles with sauerkraut. 

    Today is Thursday, my Mamma Day.  She has her hair appointment at 10 am.  Afterwards we'll go to lunch with her GD (my niece) and 2 1/2 yr. old Olivia.  If my mother feels up to it, I want to take her for a manicure, too.  She has arthritis and a manicure should make her hands feel good.

    Forecast is another 80 degree plus day and mixed sunshine and cloudiness.

    Have a happy day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    "Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in."

    Jim Rohn

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    just came back from MO...i start A/C March 22....another week of anxiety

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    munnybunni:  Sorry to hear that...I know what you mean about the anxiety...seems to be my middle name these days!  Don't you wish you could just fast forward and it would all be over!

    Had my thermography this afternoon and it was interesting.  You stand in front of a camera with your hands behind your head and turn in several directions, then put your hands in cold water for a minute, dry, and repeat the process.  It is all filmed on a computer screen.  Painless and non invasive.  I could see the finished product, but couldn't tell anything.  I could see some red areas on my breasts, but she said that only the radiologist could interpret those and they would call me next week...more anxiety!  The technician told me that thermography caught a suspicious spot on her that an MRI confirmed, and it was caught about 5 years before it would have shown up on a mammogram. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2012

    munnibunni....................what's old.....................I'm 77, now that's old......................glad to meet cha....................................check our other threads too............we have a lot of fun ...................I have one for ladies "over 70",.................but everyone is welcome, and they all come on, even the "babies" which to me is anything under these ladies............................they light up  my life.....................hugs.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    okey dokey....hope someone can help me with this .....when i read about the neulasta shots that people get.....does medicare pay for that...under part b.....or is it part of medicare part D...(prescription drug.)

    n e one know??

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Munnybunni, I don't know the answer to your question, but my guess would be that medicare pays for it.  It sounds like part of the treatment plan.

    I had a good day with my mother.  She enjoyed her manicure.  I decided to have a pedicure instead of sit and wait for her.  It has been sandal weather here for weeks. 

    Kaara, I've never heard of thermography.  One reason I opted for BMX was that I NEVER wanted to have another mammogram.  It turned out that my healthy breast was healthy but that doesn't mean it would stay that way.  I was glad to be rid of breast tissue. 

    Jackie, I saw on the weather channel that Chicago had temperatures in the 70's yesterday.  St. Louis was in the 80's. 

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Munnibunny....sorry to hear about the anxiety.  The first time is the worst.  I don't think anything can prepare you for doing chemo, but you'll get there.  I was so terribly apprehensive, but afterwards wondered why I had let it get to me like I did.  There are always challenges to anything you've never done before and with don't have all that much choice.  I'm hoping you can find a calm space inside. 

    As to the medicare question...I really don't know.  I was well into my txs before I went on Medicare.  Carole, it  has been ranging in the 80's here this week.  Fantastic.....we are about 4and 1/2 hours south of a bit cooler there but still nice Carole.  I think they are all dancing in the streets un-seasonable for them, but us too. 

    I hope you all have a beauty of a day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone,  been resting for the appt with thyroid specialist tomorrow.  I havent too much anixety about this.  The spot was the size of a tip of pen so that is a good thing.  Found that the vicodin does help but havent taken any for two days and a little strung out.  Worry about getting hooked so I am careful.

    Kaara, saw some pictures of those.  Think they are a good thing and will talk to dr about one however the cost seems to be around $195 which can be managed.  Dont you just hate having to expose yourself, drives me nuts.

    My friend got out of the hospital today, she went into low blood surgar coma and they kept her for 7 days.  Her kidneys quit but they fixed her.  She is out and on the way to the beauty shop.

    Oh and brother came in good on his echo and stress test.  He has a heart attack at 60 and they replaced seven veins.  He along with all of us are just a little sick of going to drs.  Seems like its a job. 

    Carol, I did the pedicure thing too and got a haircut.  Feet look decent again.  Seems like it took so long to get nails back to normal after chemo.

    Munnybunni, cant answer that either but it works because never once was sick and gained 15 or so lbs from the steriods. 

    Ducky, feel 80, does that count toward being older than you.

    Jackie, you sound  good as usual. 

    Mommarch sorry about your neighbor.   Nice gesture

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Hey hi Jennifer....good to see you tonight.  I'm not being a bright cookie again tonight.  I went to work early, stayed late, and missed lunch and supper.  It's starting to going to find my recliner and talk Dh into making a big bowl of popcorn....I can eat that any time of night and sleep like a baby. 

    Great news about your brother........but guess the check-ups will still be very regular, huh !!! Glad your friend is ok too.  Your description ( kidneys shutting down  ) brings a bit of a chill since mine did too....glad she is going to be fine. 

    Hope all goes well with your Specialist visit tomorrow.......I'll be waiting to hear.

    I'm off and running to my recliner.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • alphaomega
    alphaomega Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2012

    Hello out there you oldies but goodies. I'm new to this forum and still get confused on how to reach someone else. I was diagnosed in Jan., had a lumpectomy. Iwas supposed to get rads and hormone pills but that all changed when I tested BRCA positive. Now my onc is recommending a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I am getting a second opinio on Tuesday; am not wanted to do more surgery. I would love to hear from other BRCA positive women and what treatment they chose and how it is coming along. I am 67.

  • snassar
    snassar Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2012


  • snassar
    snassar Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2012

    sorry - I spelled bump wrong to find out if any recent postings. I am 68 - had ultrasound Monday and nurse called today to schedule biopsy for tomorrow. Unfortunately they don't tell you after the ultrasound there is a possibility of being called back and therefore, don't take aspirin until someone gives an all clear signal. Unfortunately I took Advil last night so the cyst aspiration had to be scheduled a week from now. More waiting. Haven't told my son and am so worried for my dogs - all older with their own health issues. Trying to not panic. everytime I get calm and tell myself is likely nothing, something else comes up. The nurse said I will be meeting with the Dr. before the ultrasound guided cyst aspiration and to bring a notebook to write everything down so now I'm thinking they already know even before doing the procedure. My neighbor is a former nurse and told me Ultrasounds love fluid so they already know if it is fluid or not. I looked it up and said as long as not black or bloody. Just wondered what everyone else's experience is with this procedure. Thanks, Sherry

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Hi Snassar & alphaomega!  We're ALWAYS here!  Ha!   I've been here over 2 years, and still don't know what "bump" means anyway...Wink 

    At least one of us usually can answer any questions, or try & help you if we can't.   I had an ultra-sound guided core biopsy.... & so interesting to watch on that little monitor what they were doing.  Don't stress out over that....  I thought the worst, waiting to hear back, so wasn't much different when she called. 

    BUT, that just means you know one way or another, and can get on with your plans.  Yes, it is very nerve racking... along with a bunch of other stuff...but waiting is the worst!

    alphaomega...I can't help you with your BRCA, or bi-lateral mastectomy, but I'm sure one of us can.... if not, go up to the top of this page......Look at the top right, where it says "search"..... Then click on that, and type in "BRCA"  or even "Bi-lateral mastectomy"....You will be directed to all kinds of sites here.  Oh wait....Carole has had a she can help you for sure! 

    Munni.... I would call your insurance provider!  Whenever I have a question, I always call mine, which is "United Health Care"....Or call your Primary Care, or Oncologist, and ask THEM to tell you.  I don't know what Neulasta shots are for, but I'll check it out.

    Jennifer!  Good for you!  Sounds like things are picking up?  Take care of yourself like that more often. 

    And Jackie!  How do you ever find time for yourself?   I think you work harder now than you did when you were in your 30's...Wink  Got our taxes done yesterday....THAT is always stressful, just hoping that I BROUGHT everything....which I didn't.  I forgot to bring last years tax statement, but the gal just typed in our names, and there we were!  

    Supposed to be another beautiful day here....then rain/snow Monday and Tuesday...We can sure use SOME kind of "water"....Take good care!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Welcome to the newbies...sorry you have to be here but you will receive a lot of comfort and good advice, as you already have!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012
    As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands.
    One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
    Audrey Hepburn
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Welcome AlphaOmega and Snassar.....glad you found us and hope we can help.  It is all daunting and scary, but we handle what we must and cope with all of it......

    First...I didn't get to do anything with the BRCA testing due to being treated at a V.A. facility.  I did by the way have most excellent care.  Getting second opinions are always good though. I'm sure there are some here that did have that test.    

    Snassar......I had two on each breast.  The rt. side ended up ncf ( no cancer found ) though I did actually have two different kinds of cancer in the rt.  I say this just so you know that it is POSSIBLE to have something LOOK enough like cancer that it is felt a biopsy is needed.  These tests DO rule things out as well as in...................still, I'm not trying to produce false hope here.  It is though possible to do well, no matter what may show in this test.  

    As Chevy pointed's the waiting that tends to be so nerve-wracking.  Hard for the mind to grasp anything positive while your floating around in fear and dread. 

    We all stay here in large part for the same help others along this path.  Our door is always open....  

    Munni.....I forgot last regard to the shots.....I had Neupogin which I gave to myself, but the gals getting the Nuelasta on another thread used I think Claritin pills before the shots and had little if any se's from the shot.  I'll get this info for you if you like....just let me know if you are going to have the Nuelasta for sure.

    Hope you all have a marvelous THIF day.  Looks like it could rain here.  I'm looking forward to the week-end.  Chevy....I have to work hard I guess, but you know.....when I'm being lazy I do a bang-up job of that too. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Today is tax organization day for me.  I have to get the stuff together and get it down to my accountant so he can get it prepared before we leave on vacation on April 11.  I'm sure I will owe money this year for the first time since I retired because I've had to draw from my 401K...ugh!  The good news is I made money in the market this year for a change so naturally I have to pay for that privilege:)

    Have a nice day everyone! 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi and welcome to all the newbies.  Saw specialist today and gained 4 lbs so they rechecked bloodwork and going to take meds.  I have the other options available but not yet.  She kept poking and checking things and since she mentioned nothing else, its problaby ok.  I have to rescan in 6 months for those two small spots but they dont seem overly concerned so I wont be.

    Jackie nice to hear from you, you are too busy.  My care at the VA has been great, in fact I gripe because they check too much.

    Munni, hope things are good for you.

    Alpha, I had bilateral bc and my mother died from bc (she refused all treatment)  Her lump was noticed in 1993 and she died in 1998.  I read that one of the biggest factors in getting bc is age and since we were postmenapausal, BRCA dont concern me.  I live under a rock sometimes too. 

    Trusting your doctor is the most important thing to me and I did trust him.  He was an excellent breast surgeon and updated on all the new treatment.  He also practiced breast conservation and gave a little push in that direction.  Said return rates were the same or very close.  When I asked him about he bilateral thing, he said it didnt matter (spot very small on other side and close to skin on scar tissue)  Maybe doing cancer math would help.  The others here are more informed, refused to read anything until I had surgery and even now selective reading.  

    Chevy, thanks and planning on doing more things like that.

    Kaara, you are too organized and congrads on stock market gain, hope your eyes are doing well.

    Rain coming into Kansas, heading your way.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    Illinois Lady & Carole...thanks for your info....been reading all these forums and posts and many seem to handle all this so many different ways.  Some more calmer than others and I just have to get to that point of being nervous nellie or worrywart. 

    With the type of protocol that drs use for B/C the SE seem to be one or another. I posted asking other BC women having the A/C treatments their experiences and hope to find info mine is strictly A/C for 4 treatments...then tamoxifen for 5 years at this point...unless something else crops up.

    my middle initial is "S" and hopefully that can be for strength instead of Sue

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Alpha, I was tested for the BRCA mutated gene because my father's half sister and her two daughters were both BRCA positive.  I tested negative and then was dx'ed with bc a couple of years later.  The recommendation now for BRCA positive women is proactive surgery.  The chances are about 80 percent of developing bc. 

    My cousin's daughter, who was in her 30's and inherited the mutated gene, had a BMX and reconstruction and a hysterectomy.  The type of bc that BRCA positive women get is very aggressive.  My aunt died after her battle and so did her younger daughter, who was in her 40's.  Her older daughter is a survivor, but she was Stage 0 when she was diagnosed so the the detection was early.

    You should find a lot information here on  Good luck with your decisions.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Oh middle name is Sue as well.  It's a great name.  I guess I missed the part where you wanted to know what to expect while taking A/C.  I'll be glad to tell you my story.....please don't everyone groan now.

    I did not start my anti-nausea meds soon enough and so the whole 4 rounds I threw up.  In fact, it seemed like once it happened the first time.....nothing I tried would turn it off till the chemo settled down and new cells started coming back in. 

    I was in such a state.....that I continued to have nausea for the 4 rounds of Taxotere that I had after the A/C and nausea is not a side effect of Taxotere.  But I would do this all again in a heart-beat.  Also, the majority of people I talked to did not have this problem.  They all started their ani-meds nothing is for sure.  Your body will be somewhat individual in how it reacts to chemo. 

    I knew many people who barely slowed down.....they worked, took long walks and did things I didn't even want to think about.  So.....keep looking at your STRENGTH.  You have a good helps so much. 

    Just home from work now.....I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  Jennifer....good for you gaining the wt.  Hopefully you are on the way to getting a strong foothold into things getting into a good pattern for you. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Hello late again,  we drove 250 miles today and gathered yucca cactus stalks for broom handles and walking sicks.  Hubby did all the gathering, I drove and made sure I was where I needed to be so he could just load as he cut.  Then he tripped and fell into a large yucca cactus, he cut his face and arms.  The cactus leaves have a poison in them that cause swelling and pain.  He is OK I told him I was going to start calling him Tumbleina.  Will watch him for any serious side effects. 

    I was pretty wore out when I got home, took a rest of about an hour after I cleaned up kitchen.  Seems when I get tierd I hurt more. 

    Hope you all have a good weekend

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Happy St. Patrick's Day:

    May you always have work for your hands to do.
    May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
    May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
    May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
    May the hand of a friend always be near you.
    And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  It's my boyfriend Patrick's birthday today, so we'll celebrate tonight going out to dinner with his kids (their treat).  Today he's playing golf, of course:)  I'm just enjoying the quiet of the house and my cup of coffee!  

    Saw a cute T shirt in the mall yesterday about SP's day.  It said "An Irishman left a really, it happens".....!  I thought that was funny.

    Have a great day everyone....celebrate responsibly! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,512
    edited March 2012

    Good morning.  Gosh mommarch....glad your Dh seems to be ok and hope it stays that way.  Still warm and beautiful here.  We have gotten a little rain, but the temps stay up.  Spring definitely here early so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

    I also think tthat as you wear down ( get tired ) you FEEL more.  Sort of nature's way of making you rest I guess.  That is a long drive, but I know some things can't be helped. 

    Just reading back a little here and reading what was said about trusting your Dr.  I had absolute trust as well.  Most everyone starts this journey in general with scant information --- so feeling trust in who is guiding you through the maize is really important.  Glad you brought that up Jennifer. 

    I'll be checking in later.  Hope to see you then. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.   If I repeated anything lately....please excuse me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Yes, me too!  I just blindly trusted my "team" because I didn't know any better.... but it all worked out very well....  Just didn't go along with that first Oncologist, because he would have thrown chemo at anyone that had breast cancer!  My surgeon and the radiologist didn't think I would need chemo.... so hopefully,  we are on the right track.

     Mommarch!  So sorry about that tangle with a cactus!  THAT has to be the worst!  I just can't imagine..... I have a hard enough time fooling around with my Aloe Vera plants!  They have sharp little points on the leaves, but nothing like the "Old Man Cactus" I used to have!   Those type belong out on the prairie somewhere....somewhere where people aren't around....Wink 

    I even tried some sort of cactus potion for weight loss one time, and broke out in hives....So that was one of the "lessons learned."

    Oh happy ST Patricks Day too!!!! Ha! I am crocking and baking 2 corned beef dinners.... The crocked one will have those "new" potatoes, onions, and cabbage, and the baked one is sealed in foil, to just bake slow all day.   

    I gave little dog-face a bath outdoors today, in the little kids plastic pool we bought for that.   I'm trying to get a lot of her Winter fur and hair trimmed and thinned.    But I know it kind of hurts, even as careful as I am, so I just do a little every other day....She looks great though.... Her coat has that heavy fur under-coat plus that long hair on top....   That undercoat is like cotton!   And in the Spring, they "blow" that coat, but it doesn't "blow" anywhere, unless you brush it out.  Yes, a very high maintenance girl, she is.  Wink  But she's soooo worth it.  I had her "groomed" once, but I stood and watched the whole thing, so I'm really good with the "scissor" cut now.... And don't have to take her in.

    I like that Kaara!  About the Irishman in the bar....  but my Dad wouldn't leave....Ha!    I love those Irish jokes, probably because I'm Irish.  

    Watching the Nationwide....sort of..... Carole, do you guys?  Talk to you later!