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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    "Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste
    a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed.
    The fact is, most putts don't drop. Most beef is tough. Most
    children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages
    require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more
    often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old-time rail
    journey-delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts,
    interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and
    thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for
    letting you have the ride." -Jenkins Lloyd Jones
  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    ok...i am a simpleton....and maybe it is a matter of choice by the patient..or a recommendation by the BS....but why do some people have a MX versus a lumpectomy...when they are like stage 1  0 nodes  ER+pr+her2-....does it depend on the oncotype or mammoprint score???

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Hi Munny.....I know with me, all any of us knew, is that it was cancer.... The biopsy confirmed that, and right away, by looking at the size with the ultra-sound, and where it was, I was told a Lumpectomy would suit me....also I would have the MammoSite device implanted during surgery. 

    I found out AFTER that I was ER & PR positive, and also that the surgeon took out 3 nodes... all were okay....  And after the final pathology report, they determined by the tissue that I was a "19" which was low on the intermediate scale for chemo. 

    My surgeon told me everything that was going on, what treatment I would have....and the radiologist  said the same.

    So you have to ask....and I took the questions, that this site asks you to put in.... So they told me the answers....

    The surgeon DID know that I would not need a Mastectomy, before surgery.  I think they can tell what type of cancer you have, according to your initial biopsy......  But it's AFTER the "final path report" that they know everything..... And whether you would need chemo.

    Some women, when learning the extent of their cancer, will opt for the Mastectomy, or sometimes even a bi-lateral, depending on their family history, the size of their tumor, and recommendations of their surgeon.

    How are you doing?  Take good care.....

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    chevyboy...thanks ..i think i orig got on this site back in 2009 when mammograms were being done..then in dec 2011 when i was hit me like a brick ...

    i then after the biopsy and surg...go on and started BS recommended the lumpectomy...and said no to the I went with her recommendations.  Then I get on and read and thought YIKES have we gone the right route.  Always second guessing ..I am. 

    I do have faith in my BS and I think you are they know alot from the biopsy, plus when the do the surg...they send it off for the Mammoprint (in my case)....I think ...I overthink too much..then I read or hear so many different things from well meaning people then I sprial from there...just a nervous nellie I am

    So then after you were on the intermediate you or did you have chemo?? i cant remember from previous posts.  I just will do the best I can do and be positive that others have done it and so can I

    And i love your quote...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    I think a lot of younger women elect to have a BMX and immediate reconstruction, because bc in younger women tends to be more aggressive and they don't want the worry when they are looking ahead to many years of child rearing, etc.  Plastic surgery is so good now that the reconstruction process works very well and the outcome is favorable.  Insurance pays for it thanks to Dr. Christine Horner, who fought and won that battle in Washington for all women.

    I'm satisfied that the lumpectomy was right for me, but I wouldn't hesitate to have an MX if I had a more aggressive type of bc. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    I wouldn't hesitate either, if I ever have to make the choice again.  It kind of hurt, when my Daughter, (51) said "You should have them both off."......  She later clarified saying, "I would rather have my Mom, if it meant you might not live with your breasts." 

    And that's right...she IS younger, and those women Do think of a longer survival and opt for the bi-lateral mastectomy's....  She also saw her friends Mom die of breast cancer....and that Mom, had one Daughter that had a mastectomy when she was told she also had breast cancer.  

    At my age, it's kind of silly to want to hang on to my breasts, if I get cancer again.. I would just want to be "done."  But then that is no sure thing either.......  We just never know. 

    I didn't have chemo....I was kind of border-line....and I think my age had something to do with my radiologist saying I didn't need it....also clear nodes, low grade & stage, etc.  

    It was Juliana Ransick  TV personality, and talk show host) that first had a lumpectomy.... But because she & her Husband are trying to have children, she went back for a mastectomy, with immediate reconstruction, so she wouldn't have to have either radiation or chemo!   And she looks great! 

    We ALL second guess!  That is just normal.....  I still do....but you have to trust your team.   And like my Mom always said, "Let go, and let God."

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    I understand you MUST have radiation with a lumpectomy.  I had a fairly large tumor in one breast & medium in the other.  If I understood my docs, they didn't feel lumpectomy was a good option for me because they couldn't target the radiation close enough to not end up with "over spray" and bad burns in between the two breasts, which might also effect any central organs. 

    Also, like Chevy stated, at age 68, I wanted it done & over & never have to think about it again.  Well, we know unfortunately that's not an option, but BMX seemed to offer me the best chance to continue as close to the life I was living before BC.  I'm glad I had the BMX, but it's a sad fact that life won't be the same. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    I'm sorry Minus....But so happy you went through it, and sound alright now!   No, life won't be the same, but when you think about it, as we age, nothing seems the same.....  Man, my back hurt so bad this morning, I didn't think I could get out of bed.... I know it's arthritis, plus I had back surgery about 20 years ago, so it likes to hurt once in awhile....

    And I can't hear!  Ha!  So no, I'm not the same....either, but I can find so many fun things in every day......

    The wind here, is TERRIBLE today!  I wondered if I should tie Lacee to the Aspen tree, ha! But she is out there, laying in "her garden" with the wind whipping all over her.....Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    I was a candidate for lumpectomy because my tumor was small and located so that clear margins would probably have been possible.  But I elected BMX because I didn't want to have rads  Nor did I want to be subjected to mammograms in the future.  With all the reconstruction options, I opted to get rid of all the breast tissue.

    After my diagnosis, I began learning as much as I could about bc.  I learned from reading discussion forums here on that many woman who have lumptectomies develop other bc tumors, sometimes a different type of bc.  I wanted to do whatever I could to rule out that happening to me.  Keeping my natural breasts wasn't important enough to overshadow what I saw as risks.

    I did what was right for me and each woman has to figure out what's right for her.  One size does not fil all.  At my age, 69, boobs aren't terribly important.  Health is what is important.

    Chevy, we watched a little of the Nationwide before we went to dinner at the home of some friends.  As I sit here and write, we're watching NASCAR, recorded on the DVR.  DH keeps commenting on the empty seats in the stands.  There was a time when you could hardly get a ticket to Bristol. 

    Hard to believe we're already well into March in 2012.  The days just zip by.

    Let's all have a great week!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone.  Munny.....don't worry that you have made a mistake or didn't do the the right thing in some way.  That is why so much work with different tests takes place.  As Chevy said....a whole lot is already known before it even comes down to what you will do ---  lumpectomy, or Mx, etc  Once that part is get your final path report which tells exact size, kind of cancer......aggressive or non-aggressive etc.  In my case I had two tumors in the same aggressive and one not. 

    So, all those things will point to whether you will need chemo, what kind, how much, and etc.  Most people will need some radiation as well.  After all these things are is fairly standard to get a 5 yr. pill to take. 

    This is why Jennifer mentioned trusting your Dr. and medical team.  It is after all a whole new lingo you are trying to learn while you are scared, nervous, angry, and lots of emotions turning off and on it seems.   

    People often take a friend to "help" them listen to the information that is presented, sometimes a tape recorder and your Dr. will explain (interpret ) your path report to you and give you what he feels are the best/strongest recomendations  for how you and he or she should proceed for your overall protocol. 

    Just do remember that even if our diagnosis is nearly the same a lot of things could be done differently.  For instance, if their is a lot of family history of cancer etc.  So your Dr. will make sure that you are told all options that you might have and work with you to help you decide. 

    If you just stick to some basic rules ( like someone to help you listen etc ) you should do fine.  If it helps......I tend to "think" till I am blue in the face and totally confused -- and not just over this, but nearly everything.  It will work out all right. 

    Had a fantastic day today......lunch with a friend and afterwards we went to the plant department at Wal-Mart for a few Spring things.  When we went to check out....G grabbed a few of my things while I was checking out a magazine and paid for them.  She is like that but I would not have been able to stop her even had I been paying attention.  She is like that and I've learned not to be upset with her about it.  She was ( still is for that matter ) very frugal with funds and made many wise investments.....and she could live three lives in a row and be just fine.  So I learned to quit protesting and trying to grab back things of mine when she picks them up.  She knows that I've had to live on the edge a lot......and she chooses to share her good karma by passing it on now and then.....and I appreciate it.

    I hope you all had a great Sunday.  I will be getting up from here to work on getting my clothes for the week's work in the wash machine and finish up some of the work that went begging while I played this afternoon.  See you all in the morning. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    carole:  That was a lot to go through at your age, but then you are most likely very fit from playing a lot of golf.  That would be my one concern about doing the immediate recon, is that my body would not be strong enough to handle being under that long, although I am very healthy.

    I went with my boyfriend today and hit golf balls at the range...first time for me in two years, as I have had these shoulder injuries that had to heal...either that or do surgery..NOT!  I was proud of myself that I was able to make good contact with the ball and hit some pretty good shots.  I guess you keep that muscle memory in your subsconcious.  Shoulders handled it pretty well too, so maybe I can play nine holes soon.  I have really missed playing. 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone.

    Chevy I agree with you and when the decision was put in front of me decided to keep them.  My dr said the reoccurance rate basically the same.  Bc was encased in a cyst and had good margins.  Would I do the same thing today, dont know. 

    MinusTwo you are very right about radiation.  Got cellutitus and LE and my dr mentioned the thyroid and radiation in  the same sentence when I went to see her.  They hit my neck, 2 percent of a lung and 2 ribs.  Trust me had no idea how bad it would be. 

    Hi Jackie, glad to see about.  You always sound busy and happy.  Your friend sounds great.

    Kaara glad you are also about.

    Carol, I think I would have had rads under my arms but would not have been as bad.  Its a done deal so have to live with it and the side effects.

    Well the evil thyroid is trying to fix itself, gained 4 lbs and the dr ordered new bloodwork.  I really am getting sick of drs touching me everywhere to look for whatever.  Does it bother anyone else?  She checked my neck, jaw and shoulders.  She kept saying to relax and I couldnt.  It was awful, just a little whining.

    Last week mentioned my friend was in hospital.  She got out a couple of days ago and seemed so happy.  Got the call this evening that she had died at home, she had a serious low bloodsugar problem and went into a coma.  Have known her since we were 15 years old and cannot imagine life without her.  It has been unreal.   I owed her so much, she listened as I stuggled with bc and talked to her daily about it.   She didnt have any pain just went to sleep.

    Everyone have a good day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    I'm so sorry Jennifer.   You were sooo lucky to have a friend like you could "just talk to" and just "listen."   Nothing prepares us for losing a loved one.  She just went to sleep?  Wouldn't that be wonderful, if, when our time came, we could just fall asleep?

    Guess all of us here will just have to try and take her place.....  We'll always listen to you...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    jennifer1:   That is so sad about your friend.  It is such a shock when we are not expecting it.  My prayers to you and to your friend's family.  She died peacefully, and you know she is in a better place and at peace.  

    I didn't do the rads because of the fear of what it would do to my heart and lungs.  Now I have to live with the risk that it will present itself again in the same breast, but I am prepared.

    Back to the eye doc today for a quick check, then I'm ok for a month till my next injection.  Eye seems improvement in sight, but no worse either. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    It is not how old you are, but how you are old.
    -- Marie Dressler
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer....I am so sorry to hear your news this morning about your friend.  Though we all have a "season" and a time it is never easy to face the rugged life we have knowing we will no longer have the nearness of those who mean to much to us.  Especially those who have loved and consoled us through major events in our lives. 

    JMHO but I have felt for ever so long that death is not an ending but only a transition.....a release of the soul from worn out and used up bodies and this beautiful soul who cared about you so much still will.  She will intercede on your behalf from where she will now reside. 

    It just takes time Jennifer and time cannot be rushed.  Prayers for her family and for you.  Right now there is just pain, but strong loving and joyful memories will return.....they will be your treasures. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Just had to put that quote in here today......because we have talked about "age" recently.  Well, I read that and really thought......the figures say one thing, but the feeling is so different and rather nice.  I'm not so far 'gone' that I don't recall my 20's when I could barely perceive that I woudn't ALWAYS be an energetic, constantly on the go type.  Age sort of had a real drag to it actually and seemed to take an awfully long time to reach a birthday.

    Well, somewhere around 40 I think, downhill so to speak became a way of life....and the birthdays have come fairly fast since then.  This yr. for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have slowed a little.  Hope that continues because I still have so much to do.

    I feel so for anyone with LE or other problems related to their cancer protocols, but at the same time......having done what you did enables you to be here --- to be alive, and I'm assuming NED.  So often we have to choose answers that carry some risks to try and defeat a bigger risk.  I'm not totally qualified to speak much about this since I don't have any of the negative se's from my treatment......but I felt I had to go with HEAVY-DUTY help due to the second aggressive cancer that was I didn't hesitate.  I wanted to be in this life for the long haul and whatever I have to do to fulfill that I will do --- I guess even if I'm kicking and screaming most of the way. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day and hoping your karma is always good.

    :Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2012

    Thank you everyone.  I am still reeling a little today over her death, this will take some time.  Our families were entwined  and my brothers are both upset.  This shall pass and be filed in a nice place to remember her by.

    Lots of rain in Kansas today with a little thunder, a good day for it.  Always feel like mother nature is giving Kansas a good cleaning when it rains.  Mother nature does good work.

    I wish everyone a great day and again, thanks

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Good news from my eye app't.  Apparently my vision has improved slightly in the bad eye already.  I was able to read a couple of lines that I couldn't before, and the fluid behind the eye is about half of what it was before, so the doc was impressed.  He said I am  tolerating the drug well.  I don't need another injection until I get back from vacation in April.  That was a relief to hear.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    A careful inventory of all your past experiences may disclose the startling fact that everything has happened for the best.

    -- Source Unknown 
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jennifer, I'm so sorry about your loss of your dear friend.  She sounds like a wonderful person.

    Kaara, that's great news about your eyesight. 

    The way I understand it, survival rate is close to the same with MX and lumpectomy, but there's a higher chance of another bc in the remaining breast tissue.  However, there are instances of recurrance with MX because it's difficult to ensure the removal of every single breast cell.  I always detested mammograms and love knowing I never have to have one again.

    Also, most people fear chemo more than radiation but I feared both of them about equally.  The biggest blessing in the whole horrible experience of bc was learning I had a low oncotype number.  If it had been high, I would have had to undergo chemo.  Here's hoping the technology is reliable. 

    Our forecast is for possible violent weather today.  Golf was cancelled and I'm enjoying being at home until this afternoon when I have an apptment with the eye dr. for an annual examination.

    Hope everyone has a good Wed.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    My MO app't went much better than the one I had tried to make at the Cleveland Clinic where my PCP is located.  I waited an hour and a half there and left without ever being seen.  They are very organized at this center, even if the MO doesn't have the best bedside manner.  Right now I'm into efficient and that is what it was.  They took my blood, he checked me, renewed my prescription for tamox for another three months, and I was out of there in less than an hour.  My kind of place!

    As long as I was over on the east side of town, I went to my favorite Mall for shopping and lunch.  It was relaxing and fun. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness.
    - Ray Lyman Wilbur
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Good morning....rather cloudy here and may have rain sometime through the day.  Dh was home all day yesterday ( maybe today too ) taking TheraFlu.  I just don't seem to get things so it will sail right past me. Although.....I do think this time of yr. with all the allergens out you are ripe  for "things" to an extent.  He is feeling better. 

    Carole, you gave a great description there.  I dreaded having to do the chemo and rads.....just because, but was so fearful of those errant cells I'd have attempted to do nearly anything.  I've done many things that were easier but I have said so's absolutely amazing what you can do when you have no choice. 

    Hope you did not get that possible bad weather.  This time of yr. can be nerve-wracking. 

    Kaara....glad it went well for you at your appt.  It is nice when you can get things done without delays and upsets..seems to be the frustration of this disease.  So much time needs to be put into it......but if it results in good NED health....then its worth it. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s. --- thinking of you Jennifer and continued prayers for you and your friends family.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Jackie, we heard on the news last night that there was some damage from tornadic winds in a subdivision that is about a mile from our house.  That was the first we knew of it.  Yesterday and last night we had inches of rain.  Our yard drains well but when the rain falls in torrents, there are huge ponds of water out on the lawn.  We're supposed to have more rain today and possibly some rain tomorrow.  The big weather system that dumped so much rain on Texas is now over us.  So far I haven't seen any warning for tornados this morning. 

    If it lightens up, I want to do some shopping this morning.  I need to buy some new blouses or "tops" as we call them!  I also need to discard some blouses that I don't wear for one reason or another.

    I had to cancel my mother's hair appointment because of the weather.  Can't take any chances of her slipping and falling on wet surfaces.

    Hugs to all.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Bless the rains because Texas needs them badly.  My cousin who lives in Dallas said it looked like the aftermath of a war zone with all the lakes dried up.  I just pray there are no more damaging tornadoes...such horror when I see the news!

    We had a terrible drought in S. Florida a few years back...self imposed because the water management people decided in their infinite wisdom to lower Lake Okchochobee...duh!  It was terrible for a few years and then all of a sudden we had four hurricanes in a row, starting with Charlie that destroyed Punta Gorda.  That brought the levels back to normal, and no hurricanes since.  Mother nature takes care of things if we let her. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other.
    George Eliot
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Jackie:   I'd rather have laugh lines than frown lines any day of the week:)  Going to visit DGD today so it's going to be a smiling day!  She is so much fun.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    I went to chemo yestery 3/22 appt was at 12:30 suppose to be three hours.  NOT.....

    Between the little bit of paperwork and the nurses not being able to find my muga scan I had back in february it was a hoot.

    Nurse Karen put my IV in while Nurse Tracey was at lunch...they recommended to MO that I get a my veins are for crap.

    Sooooo...when I go in 10 days to see MO she will give me a date to get the port put in. 

    After they put IV in they suck 2 vials of vial takes about 15 minutes to get results...the other vial takes over an you sit and wait and lay and wait (i had a private room to begin with)

    After the results come back they mix your potion and the red stuff (adriamyacin) and is in like two needle looking things and they put it in the IV...SLOWLY....takes 10 minutes for a total 61 CC's  to go in.  Then they give me Cytoxin as a drip for a half hour.  Unfortunately, I was there from 12:30 to 5:30 for the whole ordeal.

    Should be shorter next time.

    Everyone was nice and my friend Debbie told me about taking i did and left them there after I ate a couple during the infusion.

    Frankly, right now...I am kinda sorta tired...feel like I can hardly keep my eyes open...I am pretty sure it is from the I takes chldrens benadryl..or used to.   I guess I will have to ask about that as I have glaucoma and benadryl is a no-no for my eyeballs...forgot to mention that when we all were talking.

    got the sweats and pulled a nudie in eyewinkers were so heavy i hit the hay early

    thanks for listening to me.