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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Munnybunny --- gosh, that is the way A/C works I hate to say.  You have to be careful what you could end with aversions to things you have always loved.  Usually ( of course, you have to have the tummy operating good ) anything lemony is strong enough to not get the slightly metallic flavors that tend to distort badly what you are attempting to eat. 

    Not to be scary to anyone, but usually starting the 3rd. or 4th. day after chemo I didn't even eat for a few days....never managed to control my nausea well enough.  Despite going over a week without eating though.....( I know giving myself the Neupogin shots was a HUGE bonus and help to me ) and this was during all 8 rounds of chemo.....I never had a cold or fever and did just fine.  Then the day -- probably 8th. or 9th.  after chemo I would get up and was always craving the same thing.....tuna fish on toast.....and I made it, and cut up an apple and put in some raisins and celery......and ate all day long, every time I got the urge....I toasted more bread and ate my tuna fish......and most flavors were ok after that. 

    It is one of the possible se's but it wears down and you will be ok.....but do be cautious during the worst periods.  I still buy Luigi's ices....lemon flavor.  They were very good and were strong enough in flavor to defeat the chemo.  I do believe all your dose sizes will be the same. 

    I'm way past my chemo now.....that was in 2008 and I don't have any aversions to food, but then honestly.....I didn't eat much due to the nausea.  My worst aversion was to water....but even that came back.

    Essa.....I think your farmers could be right.  I'm loving this Spring which is more summery than Springs ever are, but it does strike a cord in me which is fearful of a VERY hot summer when the HEAT actually arrives.  As it all seems a bit backwards I don't doubt the possibility that the end of Summer/Fall could be as strange and this Spring. 

    Good for you making this Forum a favorite.'s it going with you?????  You have been quiet.

    See you all later....have to go get ready for work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    illinoislady....thanks again so much for your info....every day seems like a new experience with just getting up...getting moving...drinking liquids...trying to eat something...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    munnybunni:  Sorry you are having to go through this.  Try drinking smoothies with protein powder to give you a nutrient boost.  That will keep you from getting too undernourished because you don't feel like eating.  I make mine with leafy greens and some fruit to sweeten.   You can add protein powder to that and blend it all up.  If you don't think you could tolerate the smoothie, juicing is good as well, and can be easily tolerated by those on chemo.  It's important to eat nutrient dense foods like fruits and veggies with lean protein.  Starches and sugars should be limited, as starches convert quickly to sugar and cancer likes sugar for energy.  There is something the doctors can give you to boost your friend had it when she had lung cancer and it worked very well for her.

    Sending you prayers and positive energy! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Boost and Ensure can be used for protein,energy, etc. etc.  I hated to say some of the things that happened to me as we all have different reactions to chemo but A/C is a toughie for a lot of doubt about that.  I did find that most foods just did not taste good.....and due to the extreme nausea that I could not seem to find the key to control.....I simply gave into the fact that I virtually had little if any appetite.  I did try to keep eating Luigi's......drank some Kool-aid ( the stronger flavors ) because I wanted and needed the "water" in my body to wash out the excess chemo......but eating was not the ticket for me. 

    When a bit of appetite returned......I knew that I could 'start' to tolerate some food and flavors as long as the flavors were strong ones.....then the metallic taste does not bother much.  The body/spirit is great at giving you good signals for things if you are able to tune in.  I seemed to not get it "tuned" for at least a week or so every time I had a chemo tx.    I did of course, for all 8 rds. of chemo give myself Nuepogin shots for a week after each chemo to keep my blood cell levels going good......and it was a saving grace for me as I never go a cold, or so much as a sniffle.  I did though get a case of esophageal thrush which was not too pleasant....but using Magic Mouthwash for the duration took care of that. of the things that kept me going was KNOWING that what I was doing was giving me the highest and best opportunity  to get to the NED status ( no evidence of disease )  for my grade and stage of the disease.  It was not really an easy 6 months, but I felt that it was a small price for the many, many yrs. I had before I was diagnosed......and I became VERY willing to go through whatever I had to.  Not only was it what I wanted, but what my family wanted as well.  My friends did too. 

    No one knows how we are really going to end up.....but the majority of people I came to know ....and even a couple of friends that were diagnosed felt that they were willing to do whatever it would take to get their NED status.  No one really had it easy.....but then I think about the quote that says....." God didn't say it would be easy, he said it would be worth it ", and in the end to be was very worth it to me. 

    It is a matter of doing the best you can  -- which sometimes may seem like rather woeful attempts as some of mine seemed to me......that was some of the days when I lived in 10 minute segments......just would keep repeating to myself.....all I have to do is get through the next ten minutes and things will be better.  I cried and got mad many times over, especially when the nausea had results....but like the women of the family before me....I hung on because I knew ultimately the negative parts would only last so long.  So every ten minutes I pushed myself to keep that picture in mind.....that I would be done.....and I would have my personal victory. 

    Whatever gets you through.......

    With Kaara I am sending you lots of positive energy from all over the universe to help you maintain. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.
    ~ Motivational saying ~
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Good Morning,  Well toe pain has ceased since yesterday.  Hope it stays that way, probably a fluke think from Chemo.  If it returns will make an appointment with FP.  We actually got some rain yesterday up in the Mountains where we live.  We got to the cattle guard on our main road and we had 1/4 inch of hail all over.  Looked like it had snowed, I would guess we had about 2 inches of rain.  Ground was still wet this morning.  We have a 50% chance of rain later today, sure hope it happens.  I hope Chevy is OK and not near the fires in CO. 

    Munny, hang in there.  what medication did they give you for nausea?  I think mine was called Emend, and it worked great. 

    I took off my turbin for the first time today and came to work.  They are not fitting very well with my hair growing back and I am real tierd of wearing them.  I feel liberated. If people do not like what they see they can look away.

    Have a good day

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012

    illnoislady and kaara

    since i am diabetic i try to watch sugars...and i have a product called i am going to try to drink that more often i think.

    i have lost 7 lbs since last thursday...and i will keep in mind all the info that you have written as i do value the info. 

    mydh is very patient with me even though i get frustrated as not being as active ...and seem like i drop off to sleep in a flash while watching tv or even talking to him sometimes.

    i am trying to work i work from home...and then go in officce at least once or twice a week to deposit a bit slower at it than usual...guess i am just a control freak and feel like a am losing control...hee hee titter titter

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Hi gals.....Yes, Mommarch, the fires are just awful!!!!!!!!  I watched a short video of a family evacuating, in a hurry!!!!!!!!!!  You could hear the little kids just panting and almost crying, and thinking they weren't running  fast enough!   Sparks and smoke all around them.....God, it just made me sick, to watch this.  They try and warn them in time, but sometimes it isn't fast enough.....Anyway, that family got out safe.....

     And now I have asthma, because of all the smoke, but considering what everyone else is going through, that's nothing......   They say this fire started from a "controlled burn" that the Forest Service started a week ago.....Evidently they didn't make sure it was completely out, because they say the very high winds started the embers burning again......  Now that is in-excuseable. 

    And hope you are feeling better soon Munny...... 

    I just started my seedlings today....  So maybe by May 1st, I can set them out.....  Hopefully  Wink

     I know Jackie knows all about the SE's of chemo......  I can't really say anything, because I didn't do it.....  I just know, because of all you gals, doing everything you can to FIGHT the chances of cancer ever coming back, I will do the same thing. ..... And I learn so much from all of you!   And don't worry kiddo, I've heard all of our hair does come back again....sometimes even thicker. 

    Mine quit thinning when I quit the Tamoxifen.  

    Hope all of you gals are staying safe, and feeling alright... Man, I was sooooooo sick last night! I must have caught a bug....It wasn't food poison, because my friend who had lunch with me didn't get sick....and we ate the same things..... Oh well.... I'm just so weak today..... but trying to go on "as usual".....Ha!  I drank lots of 7-up..... And I was FREEZING last night, even under the electric blanket.....  But it's about gone.... Darn bug!

    Talk to you later.....

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Chevy:  Glad you're not near those fires...they seem awful and I would imagine that the smoke from them is terrible.  We get that when there is a fire in the Everglades.  I hate that smell.

    Well, I got good news today...all clear on my thermography!  Nothing suspicious in either breast or the areas around it, so I'm good to go for six months.  I am having a mammogram in May per my BS though, just to confirm everything. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Kaara, great news on your thermography!  I'm so glad for you and can imagine the relief.

    Mommarch, I checked out your website.  That's really neat that your husband makes those brooms the old-fashioned way.  DH and I visited the area where you live some years back and really liked it.  We visited the observatory.  We also saw some cowboys in a restaurant that looked like the real deal!

    Munny, my stomach starts to feel queasy in sympathy when I read your posts about the se's of chemo.  I see from your info at the bottom of your posts that your tumor was very small and there was no node involvement.  Did you get a high oncotype number?  Is that why your Cancer dr. recommended chemo?

    Chevy, I'm glad you're safe from the forest fires.  A couple of times DH and I have been travelling through states with forest fires and were able to smell the smoke.  It's scary.

    Jackie, you'll have to take a picture of your rock garden later when it's at its best.  But be careful when you take the picture! 

    I went to the dermatologist on Mon.  She zapped a number of spots on my face and arms.  She also prescribed a shampoo for my itchy scalp, which nearly drives me crazy.  When I went to pick up the shampoo at the pharmacy, it cost $40!!!  At that price it had better do the job.  She also recommended Clinical Secret deodorant when I told her I perspire a lot because of the arimidex and have body odor.  The deodorant, which is over the counter, was $8.99.  That, too, had better work!

    I played golf today.  It was mostly sunny, low 80's, but a brisk breeze helped to keep us from getting too hot.  I put bandaids on the zapped spots on my face and wore a wide-brimmed hat, as I usually do during the summer.

    Hugs to all.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited March 2012

    Carole:  Would you be willing to share the name of the shampoo?  I too have REALLY itchy scalp and my derm doc hasn't recommended anything even tho I'm set up for full body scans twice a year and she always freezes or biopsies at least 15 spots.  Thanks in advance.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2012


     they did a mammoprint rather than a oncotype...yes mine is high risk of 22% recurrence in 5 years to female organs and brain

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited March 2012

    For many years now, I have used a OTC shampoo called Pentrax.  It is a bit expensive, very concentrated and smells kind of like tar, but it does work good..


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    Nioxin which is sold in most hair salons has a shampoo for itchy scalp.  I have used it before and it works.  It happens to me when I prespire and my head gets sweaty.  Happened a lot when I was playing a lot of golf in the Florida sun!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
    - Richard Bach
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Hello all,

    I broke down this morning and called my Family Physcian.  I have been really depressed and ONC suggested that I see someone.  I have never been a depressed person, but I guess I just have been strong for to long and it is time for some help. Go to FP tomorrow, have to see his NP but hopefully she will be understanding.

    Chevy, glad you are OK, sorry about your bug.  No fun.  Last April 9th we were on fire here, it started 40 miles away and came into Fort Davis and burned 23 homes, it was headed out to our area and the wind changed.  I was out of breast surgery 2 days at that time, we packed up and came to Alpine and stayed overnight with a friend.  We had no electric, I could not trip around in the dark with all the tubes etc. 

    Carole, thanks for the compliment on the brooms.  He really enjoys what he does, it keeps him busy and that is important at almost 74.  If you get back this way please stop in.

    Huggs to all

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2012

    mommarach: So sorry to hear you are depressed.  Good that you are getting some help so you can get back on track quickly.  Sending you prayers and positive energy!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Hi Gals..... I'm just happy to read what you all have to say....and Mommarch, I'm just sorry you have lost your mo-jo....  It's hard to try and pick ourselves up, when we get so far down.....  And by the way, those brooms would be perfect standing by folks fire-places!!!    We don't have one, or I would order one!  But that's a great talent you guys have! 

    Our Governor is really trying to explain why this huge fire was able to get out of control.  I mean MAN, he can't act like the winds have not been  so unusual this Spring!  And to let the Forest Service start a controlled burn?  And not make sure it was completely out?  Someone's head should roll.  Or maybe a FEW!!! 

      So many people lost everything they have....  And some had to run for their lives, because the warning system, and all their calls to 911 were always re-assuring them, that there was nothing to worry about..... 

    My asthma is so bad now..... Damnit!  So at least I have the Nebulizer.....  I shouldn't complain, because  I'm thinking of all the people displaced because of that fire....

    Guess I better go do something....then I'll get in a better mood....  Undecided

    Take good care girls!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012
    Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.
    Robert G. Ingersoll
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited March 2012

    Chevy, I hope your asthma gets better. 

    I played golf this morning at 8:40.  It was a really pretty day, though hot.  A breeze helped.  And I had quite a few good holes today.

    Tonight we're invited to another couple's house for dinner so that will be a treat, not to have to cook and clean up afterwards.

    Hope every body is having a good Friday.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2012

    Saw the Dr. today, they put me on cymbalta and gave me ambien.  I have not had a full nights sleep in almost a year.  We shall see.  She said I should be able to tell after taking the cymbalta for a week if it is working.  Got some good news yesterday, they will start my SS in April, that will help.

    Carole, those cowboys are the real deal.  While I was in treatment it was great because all those cowboys would bend over backwards to help me out, pump gas, carry things etc when I was out and running errands. 

    Chevy, take care of that asthma, maybe you should get out of Dodge for a few days until the smoke clears is you are able.  Come to Texas and visit us.  When we had all the fires last year we had to send our grandaughter to her step dads in Las Cruces, NM because of her asthma.

    Everyone take care.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    Thanks you guys.....fires still going, I think I heard about 50% contained..... You can't SEE the smoke now, or hardly smell it, so we are lucky the wind isn't coming this way, I guess. 

    I started taking an anti-biotic last it feels like bronchitis also....but I just have to get over this....  could be worse, right?  I'm also running a vaporizer at night....

    By the way..... Cowboys sound like fun, to have around, Ha!  Did I miss something back there somewhere? 

    Talk to you guys later.....Take good care....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Too funny --  about missing the cowboys....I think I must have been dozing myself.  I sure hope you get all that handled Chevy.....but I think the anti-biotic is probably a good idea.....if anything gets worse.....I'd be calling the Dr..

    Mommarch....hope you do well with your regimen.....I can't imagine not really does heal the body.  Knock on wood for is still a rare phenomenon if I miss sleep.

    Great about the SS.  I applied at 62 so have gotten it now for three yrs.  You have to wait for the second month past your birthday.  It's not a lot, but it sure made my life a whole lot better. 

    Hope tons of rain and some hail late this afternoon, but it has been quiet for some time now.  I think I get my car back after three weeks.  Dh needed his truck worked on and it became a never-ending job.  I was about to the point of some drastic behavior....but hopefully won't be necessary now.

    I hope you all have a fantatic day tomorrow.....we are due for dry weather and summer temps.  Yay.....I'm ready.  See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    Honor, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Choice,
    Vision, Action, Celebration, Unity -
    The Values of an Inspired Life.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

    I do not need anyone's permission to be my true self.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2012

    So I finally gave up and went to the Doctor's this morning, and I am now on 4 different prescriptions.....  Hope this all helps soon....

    But I asked her, "If I could wait until I come in to her in September, for my Physical, if I could just get my Mammogram then?" 

    She said, what did the Radiologist say that read your last Mammogram?  I said, THEY told me to come back in 6 months for a diagnostic Mammogram.....  She explained, "Okay that means that you are just "okay".... that if they didn't see "something" they would say "come back in a year."  And she said she does not over-rule what a radiologist says.  I just assumed that I could take over my own health care. 

    So I'll bet they are watching that big empty seroma that shows up everytime.... But maybe after it doesn't "change" they will know it is nothing....  At least that's what my little pea-brain is thinking. 

    This just shows, that I CANNOT know more, than the actual Doctors, and I DON'T  need to steer my own health plan....Ha!  

    Take good care....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited March 2012

    What a great Saturday is going on.  I've not done what I wanted or intended, but I am still enjoying it so much.  A little cooking is in my future....something I don't get to do as much of as I'd like sometimes. 

    Plenty of time tomorrow for weeding.  Dh's truck seems to be working now and it is so nice to have my Rt. ARM back.  I know my car is much happier sitting out there in my drive-way then it has been for some time.  Now, I could stay home for the next 6 weeks and be perfectly fine.  Un-fortunately I did not win the Mega Millions so I'm going to have to keep going to work.  Drat and double drat.  But then.....I 'd have to go out anyway to feed my sweet little feral life goes on. 

    Hope you are all having an ok day.  Get well Sunshine Chevy.....

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Chevy:  Hope those prescriptions are making you feel better.  If it were me, I would want to know exactly what they are "watching" on the mammogram..this way you don't have to guess and be concerned.  Usually if the radiologist sees something he discusses it with the patient and gives the patient the option of having further tests or waiting and getting another mammo in 3 or 6 months.  I'm going to be getting mammos every 6 months, but alternating with thermographys in between, so actually I will be checked every three months.  Nothing at all showed up on the thermography, but it is mainly for my peace of mind that I'm doing it so often for a while at least.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    I had a busy Saturday.  This morning I cleaned the fountain on the patio and got it going again.  Love the gentle sound of the water.  Next I pulled up the pansies and other flowering plants  that were growing in the assortment of planters.  Planted some herbs and some lettuce seeds in some of the planters.  Will get some flowering annuals to add some color in the remaining planters.  Then I cleaned the little porch and patio with a power cleaner that is really easy to use.

    During the afternoon I made Tuscan brown bread and then spent a couple of hours working on my bridge game.  DH came home from golf and we had our before dinner martini and then a very tasty dinner of Oysters Mosca and green salad with the freshly made bread.

    Tomorrow DH will cook a small turkey for noon dinner at my mother's house.  I will take her to church.

    Chevy, it's good that you went to the dr.  Jackie, I'm glad your car is back in service.  Mommarch, if we ever head in your direction again, I would love to meet you.

    A good night to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth
    - not going all the way and not starting.
    - The Buddha

    All things at first appear difficult.
    - Chinese proverb

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    What a gorgeous day outside.  Glad I will be getting out later after Dh goes to work about noon.  Carole.....yum is all I can say about that bread.  What a downfall for me.  I just plain love bread.  To goes with anything.

    I also love the description of your fountain.  Water is a very spiritual thing and seems extremely soothing to a lot of people.  When we lived at the ocean ( well actually about a mile away from the beach ) I would often go there and if you watch the waves long begin to feel free......I think all your problems, cares etc. get on top of those waves and just go out of sight on the horizon.  I always felt so less burdened afer spending a while wave-watching.  Any water will do.......that and a little imagination. 

    Hope you are all going to have a wonderful Sunday.  Lots of sun and warmth.

    Hugs, Jackie

    editing this to add.....jennifer where are you ???? and Chevy....hope you are going to start a great climb back to your old self today.