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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good morning everyone.  Had such a gorgeous day was 88 and will be 92 today.  It is hard to believe.  These are temps we would HAVE in AUGUST.  I'd rather be having them at that time, but it will cool again.....back to 60's which is more normal for us at this time.  For the most part all the trees are fairly full.

    I completed the weeding in my rock garden finally....whew.  I don't think I'll let it go again as it is difficult to handle when it has so much "junk" in it.  I have some items to plant....but I'll save that as yet.  There are a couple of areas that I'm encouraging  periwinkle ground cover to only flowers in the spring....but I like the foliage more than I do many others.  We have so much shade here that we have some limits to what you can put outside.

    Chevy....I love your little kitty with the "bug". 

    I made a huge Waldorf salad yesterday.  I love apples and usually don't have enough left over, as I put them in a lot of other foods, for my favorite salad, but bought a whole bad full of apples. Great sale.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.  Happy Monday to you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Jackie:  Good quote today....I remember when the book "The Secret" came out and everyone was so gaga over it.  I read it and thought it was good, but just a different take on something I had been doing for years...visualizing my goals.  If you keep postive thoughts and visualize good things happening, eventually they will be fulfilled for you.

    Easter week for me (getting ready for the Easter Bunny) and dinner on Sunday for the family.  I'll do baskets for the little ones, my two DGD's and DGS.  The others are too old for baskets.  We usually do rack of lamb on the grill with an assortment of veggies and hopefully DIL will bring a nice dessert which she is famous for.  We will have an easter egg hunt (plastic eggs) which they will enjoy.  Looking forward to it since I am getting my energy back...finally!

    Have a great day everyone...I'm off to Costco to do a big shopping. 

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    went to mo this am...having a cat scan with contrast  tomorrow due to a pain in middle of back and under right shoulder

    white bc low so she is going to give me neulasta shot after my second tx on april 12...that is also day i get port put in

    she gave me rx's for yeast infection...yikes....i have never had anything like that before

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    munny:  Good luck with your scan...hope all turns out well for you.  It's probably nothing, but it's better to be safe at this juncture and check everything out.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Oh man Munny....yeast infections are the worst!!!   If it isn't ONE thing, it's another....Wink  Usually when I take an antibiotic, it happens to me too....  I'll have to start eating yogurt again, and hope for the best.  Good luck with your scan!

    It was so nice out yesterday, and today a lot colder and trying to snow.  We DID go to the Dollar store though, and shopped around....  I just love that store....  All kinds of "treasures!" 

    I'm still battling this bronchitis, or whatever....  It makes you SOMEtimes feel like you could just fall over, but then in awhile, that feeling will go away, and you're alright, until it comes again!   And my coughing is a little better, so is the wheezing....  It SHOULD be better pretty soon here!   At least I slept for 3 hours last night!  Straight through!  

    Okay, I'll quit complaining.... Enjoy that beautiful weather Jackie, and Kaara, have fun getting Easter Dinner ready!  Talk to y'all later.....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Munny....when it rains it pours it seems.....I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and sending prayers and good wishes for a workable outcome with your rest.  Glad you are going to get the Neulasta shot.  I think some of my friends took Claritin before the shot......and they didn't get the upsets/se's that you sometimes get with it.  I'll ask someone on that side and find out for you.  It seems to make things easier.

    Great day today.....but very warm.  No humidity though so pretty tolerable.  I hope tomorrow is nice, but rain is going to catch up with us one of these days soon.  It will cool it down to what are our more normal temps for this time of yr.  More like 60's. 

    Glad you are feeling a little better Chevy......but I want you to feel great.  I'm sending you some special prayers for you too.  I'll see you all in the morning.

     Hugs, Jackie

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    thanks everyone...of thoughts and prayers...appreciate any info on the claritan thing so i will be ready for whatever the outcome of it.

    i just hope it isnt my gallbladder.  they gave me the contrast to drink tomorrow before i go i will start at 6:30 with it and drink half and then the other half a half hour before the ct.

     do not know if i have to drink more of their stuff when i get there...yucky

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012 is Claritin you take before your Nuelasta shot.......and then, you will avoid some of the se's from it. 

    Cooler today....thank goodness for that.  No humidity yesterday so the 92 degrees was tolerable, but not exactly to my liking. 

    Hope you are all going to have a good day.  Dh's truck back in the shop.  Seems like they have it more than we do.  So disgusted with all of this....but tomorrow is a better day.

    I'll be checking in with you all after work today. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Jackie:  Seems like it's warmer in Illinois than Florida, but we DO have the humidity!  Time to head for the hills (mountains in NC) but we are here until June due to DGC's graduations which I won't miss.

     Looking forward to Easter weekend and a nice visit with the kids, then off on vacation for a couple of weeks...Nevada and Arizona...some spa days for me and golf for my boyfriend.  The best of both worlds:)  We'll skip Vegas except to fly in,  and head straight for Mesquite where my BF's cousin lives, stay there a few days for a golf tournament and then rent a car and drive to Scottsdale where we have a timeshare for a week.  From there we'll visit lots of places like Sedona, Prescott and Payson.

    I'm starting to feel so much better..eyes are doing fine, but will have my next tx when I return from vacation.  Also waiting to increase my dose of tamoxifen.  Don't want any surprises on my trip unless they are good ones!  Slowly but surely I'm getting back to normal and moving on with my life after bc.

    Chevy..glad you are feeling better.  That stuff is not good and takes a toll on your energy!

    Munny:  All the best to you on your scan and tx.

    Off to get my taxes in the mail...ugh!  At least they're done for the year, but now I have to pay estimated taxes which I hate!  They get to use my's just wrong.

    Have a nice day everyone. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Kaara, I had to pay estimated taxes quarterly when I was writing fulltime.  I also had to pay both parts of social security tax, employer and employee. 

    Munny, sending out positive vibes to you.  Hoping for good results on your scan.

    I got a summer haircut today.  My hair is still not as short as I wore it for years.  As the summer goes on, the style may get shorter!  I have very thick hair and I don't like taking a lot of time styling it after a shampoo.

    DH took our big tow truck in to have the A/C repaired and the cost was shocking.  $2000, which includes a new compressor.  This is the truck we use during the summer to tow our 5th wheel.  It's also DH's around town transportation when he isn't using my Camry.  You cannot survive without A/C in this climate.

    Our daytime temperature has been in the 80's.  Our house A/C was turned on weeks ago.

    Kaara, it's good that life is getting back to normal for you.  It takes a little time.

    Jackie, that's a cute kitty picture.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Carole:  I know, I've had to pay est. taxes before too, but this is the first time since I retired seven years ago, so I'm grumbling a little:(  It's because I'm having to take income from my IRA now.  I could convert to a Roth, but it wouldn't be worth it...would still have to pay.  It is what it is, and I shouldn't complain.

    It's hot as blazes here today and the humidity is awful.  Went shopping for my easter basket stuff and had to bring the little chocolate bunnies home quickly so they wouldn't melt in the hot car.  That happened to me once when my kids were little and I didn't have money to buy more.  I cried all the way home. The kids thought the deformed bunnies were cool and said "Mom we're going to eat them what".  Not taking any chances with the DGC's. 

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    kaara and carolehaist...thanks for you thoughts....i nurse poked me three diff places to put iv in for the iodine stuff they put drinking that other stuff before i went....i have the poo's

    feel real lousy today with mouth sores, and just plum tired...i hate this cancer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

    ~ Lao Tzu

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Hi munny,

    What chemo regime are you getting?  I had A/C.  I drank ice tea and chewed on ice chips the whole time of the chemo injection.  I had very few mouth sores and what I did have were small.  I also used arm and hammer tooth paste and biotene mouth wash.

    Hang in there

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    We had thunder storms all during the night.  My Wed. golf was cancelled so I did some exercise this morning and also did some much-needed housecleaning.  It's amazing what you can accomplish when you stay home for a change!

    This afternoon I did some food preparation and also organized the contents of the refrigerator so that you can actually open the door and see what's inside!

    All in all, I've enjoyed the day.  It feels good to accomplish something.

    I haven't planted seeds for years.  I may have mentioned that on Sat. I planted three packets of seeds in three of my planters on the patio.  Red lettuce, arugula, and basil.  Yesterday morning I looked out the window and was thrilled to see a green fuzz in one of the planters!  In all three planters the seeds have already germinated.  Now if the darned squirrels will just stay off the patio and not dig up the planters.  I think it will be fun to go out and pick lettuce for a salad.  I have four planters full of various herbs and DH and I both like snipping herbs for a dish we're cooking.

    Hope everyone is have a productive Wed.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    I had a very productive day..went to have my hair done and while I was waiting for my app't, I walked in a little store in the mall that I had never been in before.  They had cute clothes so I tried on this maxi dress and it was so comfortable.  I was debating whether to buy it so I asked the girl how much it was and she said $4.99..say what!  I bought three of them...two for me in different colors and one for DD.   How can they make any money selling items that cheap.  What a bargain!  

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    mommarch i am having 4 rounds of a/c....ate popsicles first time...go april 12th for 2nd

    need some there anyway to up your white blood count on your protein powder...b12...vit c...really hate to think of getting neulasta shot

    even though my husband is very supportive, i just want to crawl into bed and wait until next treatment...just so frustrated...gotta get over that...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    munny:  There are tons of supplements you can take but better run them by your MO because they may not be compatible with the kind of chemo you are getting.  If you would prefer to go the supplement route, you should see a naturopath who will work with your MO to put you on a supplement program that will help you accomplish what you want.  Is your blood count low now or are you just anticipating that it will be?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Choose Inner Peace.
    Nothing is worth losing your inner peace.
    Take action as circumstances require,
    but never surrender your inner peace.
    Stop. Breathe deeply.
    Close your eyes and breathe deeply again.
    Then, and only then, take action -
    from a peaceful heart.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Brrr, I think summer is over for now and we will go back to our regularly scheduled temps. for this time of yr.  Guess that means I don't have to feel such a rush for the things I got that I want to plant.....they will keep for awhile in their pots. 

    Munny...I'm thinking the shots are a lot faster on building your blood cells.  I would check with your Dr........maybe he would let you have the Neupogin shots.  The catch have to have one a day for 7 days.  I gave them to night, before I went to bed....always with a fast acting Tylenol first. 

    I do know that many do use Claritin to ward off se's from  Nuelasta and have nary a problem with it then.  They take it before the shot.

    Kaara....chemo destroys the blood cells so most people will take a major dip right after chemo.  The shots will take immature cells and very quickly mature that your immune system is not so 'ripe' for whatever may be hanging around.  It is a very common chemo occurrence.  It is a difficult period to get through and the only way I could get through was to keep reminding myself that I was helping to save my own life --- which I successfully did.  Many of the cancer txs can seem harsh.....but they are way less harsh than full blown cancer.  Much of the upsets and problems can be alleviated.....and while difficult to remember........THIS TOO WILL PASS. 

    You will get through your txs.....and I so sincerely hope and pray.....when you do, like me, you will look back and marvel at the grit, the strength, and the sheer determination that drove you through it all.  My family wanted me around......and I wanted to be around.......but I won't minimize my struggle.  There was some suffering to it --- yet.....I would willingly ( even though I'm perfectly aware of the difficulties) do it all again in a heart-beat if I had to.  At the was worse because it was all very new and I just didn't know what each day might bring.  It seemed a very long 6 months......but I finally saw the light at the end.......and I knew I would win my health back.  It is sometimes hard to find and pull out that strength you have seems to want to hide.......especially when so much is a not only new, but at times, an un-pleasant experience. 

    Not much consolation munny.....but I'm praying for you and wanting things to go as well as they can.  There is an end......and it will hopefully be very good.....but I do know it may seem a long way off right now.  I hope you will be able to conjure up a picture of me giving you a great big hug so I can pass some of my strength on to you. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day......and you are loved and cared about and everyone here is wishing you well. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Yes Jackie, now that you mention it, I remember several of my friends not beng able to get their chemo treatment because their blood count was too low.  So now I understand the purpose of the shot.  Probably better, if you are doing chemo, to do the other tx's that boost the immune system and keep the blood count up.  Still a good supplement program might be in order if it was approved by the MO.  I've heard that SEs can be minimized with good supplements.

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    thanks jackie....i went out and bought b12 and am chewing on vit c....will try to contact mo today to see if that is ok...they know i am taking d3 and folic acid....but not this other

    this may sound strange..but me hair roots are hurting...when i lay down or sit in chair it is quite uncomfortable...maybe the chemo is up there doing its thing to my i have not lost any yet and today is day 13 from first chemo tx

    still trying to work almost everyday as i have a part time job from home...seems like i like to sleep more than work

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Munny, your hair  roots hurting are the hair folicals dying, your hair will soon start falling.  Mine hurt bad also, when it started comming out in my hand I shaved my head and the hurt went away.

    I also worked a part time job all through my chemo, it was not easy, I had chemo on Thrusday and then back to work on Monday or Tuesday.  I needed to keep the job for my insurance, I work at a state university.

    Keep your chin up.  Hugs

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    munny....yes love, the hair follicles', each individual one, make themselves well known now.  Your hair will not only look dead, it will feel odd as well.  Mommarch is totally right.....once you get it stops hurting.  I had mine cut fairly short at first......then when it started coming out I went to the local cosmetology school and they shaved it for me.  It was a bit traumatic at first....but once I realized that it no longer hurt....I didn't care too much.  I had a wig already and had purchased some scarves.  I became so focused on getting through my txs that I usually didn't think too much about my hair.......other than the fact that I started chemo in Dec. and it was hard to be bald in winter time. 

    Healing hugs,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Man, you guys are just great!  I love all the good advice Jackie, especially since you have been through it. 

    I can't comment on anything about chemo, because I didn't have it, but reading about what you all go through, helps me understand what happens.  And I don't have any suggestions, as to how to make those SE's easier....

    Here I've been whining about Asthma and Bronchitis, and felt like I had to crawl in a hole, and just wait it out, but YOU gals are trying to figure out ways to get you through chemo!    Puts my whole life into prospective.  So proud of you all!  I would hope I would be the same.

    Going to make some Sausage Bread today, for Easter....You know, the one the Italians make with Ricotta, and Basket cheese, and sausage & eggs?  I bought two rolled out doughs, to make it a lot easier. Wink 

    Take it easy everyone....  Munny..... I'm thinkin' about cha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012
    Etty Hillesum quote
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Chevy:  Good quote for the day!  Thanks for posting.  Hope you are feeling better by now!

    munny:  My hair follicles felt the same way a couple of months ago right after I started tamoxifen, but I think it was related to a flu virus I had...anyway my hair never fell out.  I know how it feels though...awful! 

    Yesterday we went to leave for our weekly dr. app't to get our vitamin infusions and low and behold, the garage door would not open!  We tried everything but could not get that door to budge.  The electronic opener was ok but it could not lift the door.  We finally gave up and called a repair guy who luckily was in the area and came right over.  Two springs and a wheel later to the tune of $480 we were back in business.  It only takes money:(  We were able to keep our app'ts but honestly, we had no idea how heavy those doors are without the help of a lift!  We were prisoners for a while.

    Off to shop for Easter dinner...still haven't heard from DS#2 as to whether he's coming.  I'm so annoyed with him because he is ignoring his older DD who needs help right now finding a suitable car.  She is working two jobs trying to keep her head above water and all he has to do is co sign for her so her payments won't be through the roof, and he is avoiding her.  He hasn't seen his DGD since Xmas, and she is so precious!  She is going to be here for Easter and I know he doesn't want to see her and have to commit to a decision.  In the meantime, his younger DD is showered with all the to drive, college tuition, etc.  It just isn't fair!  I think he knows if he waits me out I will step up to the plate and do something for her because I can't stand to see her suffer.  If I have to do it, I am gong to make provisions for her in my trust, and it's gong to come out of his share!  He and my DIL have just not done right by this child who is his from another relationship.  His behavior reminds me so much of the way his Dad treated our children after the divorce.  Sorry for the rant, but sometimes you just have to get things off your chest!  I'm done is what it is...moving on.  Thanks for listening.

    Happy Friday everyone!