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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Morning gals..........  Congratulations Jackie!  A little extra money always helps!  We got a little back also.... We are really lucky, with our Insurance, house paid for, and still do whatever we want to do.

    Wasn't always that way, with raising 2 Daughters, and going through really rough times, but we did it!  And both of us retired, and still mostly healthy....("mostly") Wink gives us a lot to be thankful for.

    I should have been locked up with this whatever I had...My cough drove even ME nuts, but today it is a lot better.  After what all those meds did, not to mention being run over by a truck, I've decided I'm going to stick with Yogurt and vinegar & water mouth rinses....Ha!  I think every thing you take to get over what-ever it is wrong with you, causes a lot of other problems.  I'm just taking Claritin now....  I'm just glad I "start-over" with every day.

    Carole, I remember how much fun I had watching my two little Grand-sons playing golf!  Taking one for his first "tournament" ..... him being so afraid he wanted to throw-up, and walking an watching him play those 9 holes, and hearing he had WON, is such a beautiful memory, I get chills just thinking about it! 

    They are STILL into golf, along with their Dad... They live in Orlando, so enjoy watching Tiger win that last one....  (didn't see his tantrum, Wink

    Watching those two grow up into young men, with great ideals, and empathy, and still calling us every week....("Grams and Papa")  Makes it all worth it....that we were and still are a part of their lives!  Oh mush, mush.   We are going to go see them in October!!!!!!  "My boys"..... 

    Have fun on the trip Kaara....  Bring back lots of memories..... 

    Have fun gals...........  Take good care.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
    Phillips Brooks
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Hey, I'm here....sun it out though still fairly cool.....had some freeze warnings but I think we are ok here.  As I think I mentioned some time back.....our little wedge of this county/area seems to always be a little better than everything around us which is why it has the nick-name of Little Egypt and has had for the longest time.  Even our daily newspaper, The Sentinel has an Egyptian logo with those words " Evypt's Greatest Daily ". 

    So who still has the things she bought for the yard.....still setting on the deck in pots waiting to be planted.  Guess that would be me.  Better get to it soon.

    We are going out today to look for knobs/hardware for our cabinets.  This week-end I will wash them all down with wood cleaner and we will change those knobs.  We didn't buy good ones when we first moved here.....nine yrs. ago now, and they are really showing it.  The tops have come off some of it is time to do something.

    Grandchildren....they can be such a reward.  They also put you in line to be great-grands and that starts to feel really special. 

    Hope you all have a great day with weather you can enjoy....maybe even some golf. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
    Robert H. Schuller
  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    just had my 2tx of a/c...yesterday ....also had my port put in was not very pleasant as dr hit a nerve in my arm and said my viens are crap...but they finally got it i went to chemo afterwards.  then later in evening blood was all over the morning itwas really i called and went back down and they redressed it and said to keep more ice and upward with the arm.  then i went at 4:30 and got neulasta shot today....took claritan day before and for 5 days they said.

    when hubbie buzzed my hair on easter...and i went to chemo MO said to use duct tape or lint roller to get the rest of as i call them prickles works pretty good....going to duct tape it some more tomorrow.

    hadnt been able to get on here as my browser kept telling me it was down for maint....finally got it working

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    munny....I am so glad you were able to get back here....but yikes, I sure wish the port had gone in easier and that you weren't having such a struggle with it.  Also...good for you to take the Claritin.....this will alleviate side effects from the shots so you can concentrate on keeping ahead of any se's from the chemo.  I wasn't smart enough at the time to just start taking the meds the day after chemo.......most of my friends did, and they did so well. 

    I've learned something new here.....I had no idea you could could duct tape to get the little pin feather thingys.  It may be a little thing......but I had my chemo back in 2008 and no one was saying things like using duct tape and lint rollers.  It is of such value to everyone......even those of us who did our chemo four yrs. ago. 

    I'm glad you have another one crossed off the list.  I think someone here.....or on one of the other threads bought lottery tickets......and after each chemo scratched one off.  That was how they kept track.....and hey, it did have a chance to produce a nice handful or two of trinket money as well. 

    Anyway.....I'm home late again --- have the week-end off....thank goodness.  Had some major rain today....and more storms on the way.  Be glad when they are all over. 

    I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Be Content with what you have;
    rejoice in the way things are.
    When you realize there is nothing lacking,
    the whole world belongs to you.  ~~~~~  Lao Tzu
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Munny, gentle hugs to you.  You're sounding stronger and able to deal with the ordeal of your treatment.

    We're having another gorgeous day here in south Louisiana.  We've had a string of about 7 or 8 days that were 10's on the 1 to 10 scale.  The humidity was low enough to be comfortable.  It's the high humidity that makes our climate so miserable for the summer months.

    I have a full day's work ahead.  Yard work and ironing are on the list.  Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • Gerry58
    Gerry58 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    I will be 58 on 4/22.  I was 54 was I was diagnosed.  I really thought I could handle the depression this disease has left but I now realize it is more difficult than I thought.  Everyone tells me how great I did, how strong I am.  I have had a mastectomy, lymph node removal, chemo and radtiation. I also have lymphedema in my right arm.  I was hospitalized three times last year with infections and and now dealing with another infection.  Sorry, I just needed somewhere to express how I feel right now and did not know where else to go. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Gerry  this is the perfect place to come.  No one but someone in your shoes can really understand how pervasive a bc diagnosis with resultant txs. can be.  I think you top learn to move on after a fashion......but I have had many other 'medical' incidents......recovered and now they are merely a small section in my medical records.  There is something different with a cancer diagnosis. 

    I don't know about you, but I too was told over and over how strong and positive I was......and that always did " the trick " before, but when this diagnosis came for me......I never quite did feel strong or positive....the wind was definitely out of my sails.....and I felt others while trying to help me were really NOT allowing me to experience my fear and upset.  I NEEDED to acknowledge those things before I could move on and I was held back so often. 

    I finally yelled ( and I'm not that much of one ) to my dear mainly sweet and helpful hubby....if you tell me that one more time I'm going to pick up something.....anything, and hit you with it.  For the first time in my life....I don't want to be brave, strong, gutsy or sny of those things.  If you keep making me try and deny my fear I'll never get over it.

    Whew !!!!! Just thinking about it brought it all back.....but just to say....I did get over it.....but we all look over our shoulder every time we have another check-up and is the "normal" that you come to have after this diagnosis. 

    I'm so happy you did come here.......we know how difficult it is......every one wants you over everything.....and just carry on as usual.  Sure wish it was that easy.....but we do get it here and that is so much a part of the reason we stay here. 

    Just know we support whatever you are feeling because we get better, but your never actually REALLY over this.  You just learn to live on a different level. 

    Thinking of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi, first thanks to Jackie for the private message.  Since my friend died (Blood sugar bottomed out) have been in a "funk" and trying to climb back up.  I have not reviewed the posts but will do so.

    My brother and wife will be here in June which is so great.  We have fun and play.  The problem is that I have 4 bedrooms and three bath home which has not been tended to properly since my BC dx.  DH does housework and while somewhat clean looking havent done those things women do.  He doesnt know to clean the faucet with the toothbrush or get on your hands and knees and do the corners of the floor.  When I heard they were coming got out of the recliner and started to work except I am not the person I was before bc.  The feet hurt from chemo, LE acts up if I lift and omg dont do anything without gloves hence cellutitus.  My lower back and hips act up if they are subject to things other than the recliner.  Did any of you lose the abilities you had before BC. 

    I am going to read the posts but I want to tell all of you how much I miss you.

    Tis a very stormy night in Kansas

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Oh Gerry, I was hoping the depression would some day go away.  I have had 2 infections, caught the 2nd one early so no hospital. And the thryoid thing is related to radiation, just cant prove it. The LE has to be attended to everyday, had a swelling bout this week because I was watching the greatgrandbaby.  He is a year old and has to be the focus of attention which involves lifting.  

    Do we consider watching for LE and cellutitus to be our new normal?   Does it upset me that I will never go white water rafting again, no skiing and have to sit whenever I climb the stairs. (this list could go on and on)  Yes but I guess the other option wasnt too cool.

  • Gerry58
    Gerry58 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    Thank you so much for the support.  You are right, I kept thinking I would get over this, that was what everyone expected from me, but I finally reallized you don't just "get over it".  BC and LE do change the way you live your life.  Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be here! I have 6 grandsons and 3 granddaughters, and my biggest fear when I was diagnosed was will I be there to watch them grow up.  (Ages now 2-18)  I also travel for my job 75% of the time so when I do have a problem with the LE i can't just stay home until it subsides.  I am glad I found this discussion board.  It does help.  Now I am off to an Autism Walk, one of my grandsons is Autistic, and most of the family does the walk. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Morning gals!  Man, where have I been?  I missed 2 pages of posts! 

    Hi Gerry!  Wow, 4 years!  Good for you!  I don't think I'll ever be the same either, but I think mine is mostly because I'm getting older, and ain't nothin' wrong with that! Wink 

    Who said "White Water Rafting"?  Holy Mackerel!  THAT takes a lot of co-ordination and nerve!  

    Wait a minute!  Why can't you go any more Jennifer?   If that was something that I really wanted to do, I mean why not now?    I don't think I would go skiing too often....Oh wait!  Kaara, does!  She posts on this thread!   She comes to Colorado to ski!  Not since her surgery, but I think she plans to!

    I went "tubing" once, with my Grand-sons, a year after back surgery, and I stood at the top of that ice mountain mumbling "I can do this...I can do this..."  And once I took off,.... screaming bloody murder all the way down, I found I was still all in one piece!  And  that day was one of the most fun of my life!  Don't think I would try THAT one now.  Or maybe I would! 

    Jennifer!  Where have you been?  So Jackie had to scrape you up off the floor, for you to get back to us?  And you clean the faucets with a toothbrush? Surprised  I am such a slacker!  And the corners too?  Dang girl!   I just cleaned out my frig, AND the shelves, and I thought THAT was monumental!!! 

    See Carole goes golfing now...something she always loved to do!  So  Jennifer, just make something else your new "normal" if you don't want to try rafting again... Or what about Kayaking?   My Daughter loves to do that. 

    Depression will always be around the corner, for more reasons that our cancer, but find a way, or meds to help you past that. 

    So Munny!  You found another use for Duck Tape...??  (Is it Duct or Duck?)   My new roll says "Duck"...WhatEVER!  Pretty soon, your own natural hair will be coming in again....after you go through chemo....  So sorry about the PROblems!  You don't need anymore.    Just glad to hear from you again.

    Jackie, you little rebel you!  Did you really say that to dear Hubby?  You GO girl!  I think it's about time you let loose with something like that again!    Just SOMEtimes we have to let it out, whether we are sick of what people say to us, or something stupid DH does... 

    If I mention something like "Man, I just don't feel worth a darn this morning...My shoulder & neck just ache & I can hardly hold my head up"......  I get "Yeah, well, I ALWAYS feel like that, and my hands and fingers are so stiff I can hardly move them."    End of discussion.  So do I go tell little dog face Lacee?  Or yell something unintelligible back?   I prefer to drop it, for fear of reprisal.

     So Gerry, just don't expect too much yet.... Take it easy....don't let anything people say get to you.   Think about that family of yours, and when things get tough, come back her to hash it over with us.   And don't WORK too hard!   Give your little Grand-son a hug..... I don't know too much about Autism.... 

    Okay gals....Have a wonderful Sunday.... I plan to mope around and feign illness..... Ha! Just kidding!   Take good care!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    "Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles;
    they toughen and make strong."
    Norman Vincent Peale
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012 glad you are back.  I worry a bit when we don't see a friend for a while.  Yes, life goes on it its funny, sometimes tilted, sometimes heart-breaking way.  It has challenges to it now I never thought about before.......who'd have thought walking could be a chore......and I think I need to do more.  I finally had to change shoes yesterday "to keep going" but it was difficult by that time.

    I relate to the foot problems after tx.  All the damp weather lately and feet and legs ache a bit.....I can do ok in the leg dept.....but walking does get to be a struggle. 

    Jennifer.....I totally relate to cleaning problems after txs.  For almost two yrs. here little was done and I'm stil trying like ever to catch up and I finished tx in it has been a long battle.  Yesterday I washed all my kitchen cabinets with Murphy's Oil Soap....then polished with Scot's Liquid Gold, then put on brand new knobs.  The cabinets did not look so bad.....I think the filth was evenly distributed....but they are back to being so pretty now.  I'm so glad I did it, but I was all in by the time I sat down.  Brain had nearly completely turned off too. 

    Sounds like we are in for more wind and rain today.....hope the wind isn't too bad.  Tornadoes were all over the place yesterday but nothing here.....I think Kansas and Oklahoma were the worst so I am definitely thinking about you Jennifer and hoping that all is well with you. 

    At least the sun has been out but doubt it will stay too long.....would be nice if the weather was "wrong" but it is probably now.....the wind alone will be enough to "bring" the negative weather patterns our way. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.....I'll be checking in later on.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi and thanks for the welcome backs.   Chevy your post made me laugh alot.  White water rafting takes alot of arm work and dont think mine is up to it.  However it can still play bingo and go to the casino once in awhile.  LE is something you have to always be on guard for.  My first swelling was terrible, it had 15 or so inches too much arm so I try to be careful.  I use to clean the faucets with a toothbrush, dont seem to anymore. 

    Gerry. great reason for a walk and congrads for that.  Also congrads for being out 4 years.  On the greatgrand here, the grands are grown so I guess am ready to watch another generation.  What we are going to do is put up a pool, one of those cheap ones for the gg and I enjoy that, plus I have an enclosed patio so no one can see me when I plop into it.  Evidently things to do with water are good for LE.  My LE is a little better have lost alot of the trunkal problaby because I use that machine. 

    Jackie storms missed us, went to the south.  While I enjoy a good spring storm dont really like to have severe ones.  Oh so great that you did your cabinets.  I love clean things, have a little Monk in me except no one knows it except my shrink. 

    Most likely the aging process and BC just happened at the same time. I am 65 so things were bound to hurt here and there.  I noticed that when my gg and kid are doing well I do better and am much happier so alot of the woes are mental.  And let me add that I am sick of going to doctors.  I have two upcoming appts (just checks) and a mammogram.  Every time they come near me I cry.  Hopefully the VA will let me turn my mammograms back to my BC surgeons group,  I love them.  I have medicare so I will go on that if I have to.  The last mammogram person tried to kill my right breast.  Ok enough whining.

    Jackie thanks again for scraping me off the bottom, lol. 

    I love duct tape and velcro.  There is nothing better.

    Still a little stormy in Kansas and everyone have a good one

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Welcome, Gerry, and welcome back, Jennifer!  Whining and venting are always allowed here.  This is a place where you can say how you feel and get sympathy and understanding.

    Today was pleasant.  I took my mother to church and afterwards we drove to a Popeye's Chicken restaurant and bought fried chicken and mashed potatoes w/gravy and coleslaw, a good Baptist lunch!  We then drove to my house and shared our repast with DH.  Fried chicken is one of those rare food splurges for me.  I love it but do not indulge often because of the calories, fat, and sodium.  But it did taste good. 

    LE sounds like a horrible affliction.  So far I haven't gotten it.  I had 4 nodes removed and thought that I wasn't in much danger, but then I did some reading and found out that some women who have MX and even no node removal can develop it. 

    I started playing golf as soon as my PS gave me the go ahead.  I think it was about 6 wks or maybe 8 wks.  I chose immediate reconstruction instead of DIEP because of the shorter recovery time.  I played tennis for years before I switched to golf so being active is just who I am.  But age is definitely slowing me down.  I don't have the energy I've always had and it's easier to sit down and let things go undone.

    I had to laugh about the toothbrush as a cleaning tool!  This morning I did a quickie cleaning of the two toilets that my mother might use while she was here.  I figure that having visitors to a super clean house is just going to make them feel inadequate!  How's that for a rationale?

    Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

      Morning all!  Yes, when we have company over, it's always nice to hand them a rag and some cleaner when they want to use the bathroom.....  They feel needed that way!   My Daughter came over & said I need to use the vacuum or "something" to get the lint and dust off of the wall over our little heater in the bathroom...  I said, "here it is, would you mind?"    So it's nice to have input when we need help!

    She was telling me about her "friends" mother... Who has this "Detox Machine" to rid the body of all of it's built up toxins...So all you do is put your feet in this bath thing, and they turn it on, and you can "actually see all the poisons coming out of your body"....  I said, "And you believe that?"

    So I quickly asked Dr. Google and without fail, I found just ONE of I think hundreds of articles on detoxing through your feet came up!  And everywhere else for that matter.  She said women come to her home and she charges for this!!!  Seems with a little research, I find that our bodies do well on their own, of de-toxing themselves.  Imagine that!   Drinking lots of water, eating a relatively good diet will do the same thing, as spending copius amounts of cash to get healthy!

    So we went to Starbucks and mulled the whole thing over...  Glad to have my ideas re-inforced that my parts are actually taking care of business, without re-lying on machines, etc. to do it for me.Wink  There were even several video's on Youtube, explaining the foolishness of this.  You can clean your feet just fine, by walking out on the flag-stone, and scraping the bottoms of your feet when it's raining.  (TWO smiley faces here!)

    Carole, I LOVE Popey's!  Especially the Beans and Rice!  It's like dessert!   We are making a Costco run today, then picking up those Polish Dogs & taking lunch over to DD's house...Yes, I know....Nitrates, salt, and not to mention WHAT goes into a hot-dog, but once in awhile, they just are NEEDED!   I'll just go home & step in a detox machine, and all those un-desireables will be gone forever.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good morning.....of course, I put this quote in due to the subject matter of de-toxing through the feet.  We all WISH fervently that things could go so well and be so easy, and you know some time back there were those patches that you put on the soles of your feet overnight......and the next day -- they were dirty from all the "bad" toxins that got pulled out of you and into them.

    I feel sad that probably anyone doing this really FEELS strongly that they NEED the health-giving properties of the it hurts a bit to say.....where is the common sense these people should have and don't......and again I think it must be that their strong desire to be WELL leads them to forgo using their heads and just listen to their hearts.  Very sad indeed. 

    Chevy -- you are right.  The human body is such a great design......with lymph nodes and livers and kidneys......and even pores to rid the body of things that should not be there.  Sometimes you should trust Mother Nature and Gods design and just do your best to get over believing in the easy snake-oil fixes.  I hope the foreign lotteries never 'find' these people.  Don't know how many of those I won........and they call me and tell me too.  Always fantastic to win a lottery you never even entered. 

    Just to get my two cents in here....I've used tooth brushes to clean as well....mainly toilets.  But, when I bought the commode for my new half bath that we put in a former closet in my room ( there were two closets ) I bought the seat that actually comes completely off for easy cleaning......and boy how great that is for me.  I hate the little particles of dirt that get caught around the fittings that you often have to struggle with all the time.  This is easy to do.....and you don't even have to do it every time. Of all the things I am glad about.....this is one of the biggest.  Everything I bought for the half bath cost a little more at the time --- but it has been nine yrs. of love.  I put bead board a little over half way up the walls, with wall-paper the rest of the way.  Then crown moulding on top of where the bead board and wall-paper met.  Pedestal sink with large basin area, and the commode and seat.  I've never looked back. 

    Makes me want to re-design half my house....but sigh --- too many tx. expenses later.....I'll just have to use some fresh paint and flea market finds and hope it turns out.

    Our storms are over with I think.....and though it will be a bit cooler, nice to not consider getting wet every time I leave the house.

    I hope you all have a fantastic Monday.  I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Hi All,  haven't posted for awhile, but have been reading.  DH hurt his arm in Feb pulling a cord on a generator and he thought it was getting better and then he fell off the ladder of a motor home 2 weeks ago and really messed up the same arm and shoulder. ER put him in a sling and belt around his arm.  He will see his Dr. tomorrow, probably will have to go to Odessa for an MRI and I am really afraid we are lookig at surgery.  We canceled our Son's memorial for this weekend as there is no way we can drive 500 miles one way the shape he is in.  We will get something done sooner or later.  We have had nothing but car problems so we are down to our 2 seater and the old diesel pickup, makes life interesting.  When it rains it pours, at least no tornado or fire yet.

    Carole, I agree with your cleaning strategy, out where the dust flies all the time it is impossible to keep things really clean and then two dogs and a cat don't help, but we love them.

    Everyone take care

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    I played bridge this morning and my partner and I came in next to last.  We both were surprised because we didn't think we'd played that badly. 

    Afterwards I went to Walmart's with a long list.

    DH cooked red beans with a ham bone today so all I have to do for dinner is make a salad and cook brown rice. 

    We've had a few showers today and are supposed to have rain tonight with a possibility of thunderstorms.  The rain could continue into tomorrow.  I have a 30 min. drive to the dentist in the morning for a 9 am apptment.  Hope the weather isn't bad enough to make visibility bad.

    Chevy, I love your sense of hurmor and outlook on life.  One of these days, maybe we'll have the chance to eat some Popeye's together! 

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi Carole, you sure sound busy.  I was military, guess that is where the toothbrush thing came from, Jackie can problaby agree with that.

    Chevy agree body will take care of itself sometimess.  We love red beans and rice cooked the hot way with sausage.

    Jackie this home was built in the late 70's and would cost a fortune to re-design.  I looked into those bathtubs that you walk into and they were around 14,000 way out of my range.  So will deal with this. 

    Mommarch there is nothing more maddening than car issues.  I bought a new one when I finished radiation (miles were too high for comfort) and it sits in the garage most of the time. 

    Since starting my thyroid meds I seem to feel alot better however now the back and hips are acting up. Esp if I sit too long. Perhaps it is what it is just the meds. That tamoxifen can cause insanity. I am going to half dose awhile and see if its better. I went back to full dose about a month ago.  Have bloodwork scheduled.   Perhaps I will not have to see drs for awhile after mammogram.  Everyone I know has back and hip pains and they havent had bc, they are just older.  What the heck I know alot of younger people with back problems too.

    Gloomy in Kansas, have a good one everyone

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.
    - Tom Peters
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Well....another late day and not being able to get on here until after work.  It's about 10:15 pm, and I am glad to be home.  Hoping for shorter days soon.....which would mean Dh's truck  is back on the road and I can have my car back after a bit over 6 weeks.   If this keeps up much longer I will forget how to drive.....oh my. 

    Hope the storms are all played out for awhile and we can have a couple of sunny days.  Was great this afternoon.  In the low 70's.....sort of perfect weather.  I looked at a beautiful blue sky and some really dandy clouds.  I loved clouds when I was a kid.  Always felt I could ride around on they could actually support my wt....even though I had to stand up three times almost to cast a shadow.  I still think they can get you out of yourself......anyway....they were all billowing and pretty.

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.  I'll see you in the morning....I'm off to find the wonderful world of my recliner.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2012

    Jackie I love how u described clouds perfectly and how even as an adult u see so many things in them. I hope u have a pleasant night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Clouds for you Jackie!

    Morning all...... Ah Carol, you didn't play Bridge badly, you just let the other gals win...Ha!

    Yes, we'll all meet at Popey's and eat lots of "beans and rice"...Wink I tried to make them like THEY do, but it just wasn't the same.... Theirs is all smushed up beans with a little rice thrown in, but the seasoning is what makes it good.

    I went to lunch yesterday with my child-hood girl-friend! Known each other since grade school. We went to Olive Garden for their soup and salad..! It was sooooo good!  We sat in a smaller section, and when we left, I teased her & said "This must be the old folks section" Ha, ha! Because we missed the table of 12 with 6 extra small children!  Sealed  Now THAT was luck!  We both wear hearing aids, so the extra noise is always something we can do without.  We laughed like kids, talking about everything from playing jacks when we were little, to going out on our first dates!  And all the horror stories mixed in.Wink

    But we are so fortunate to be where we are, and still find lots to laugh about.

    Mommarch!  Is it the Rotator cuff?  Man, that is the worst!  My Daughter had that surgery last year, and it has the longest re-coup time ever!  But she couldn't take the pain any longer.  She wore that sling, with the little pillow, and yes the belt, to hold it all into place....

    And car problems rank right up there with dry sockets!  Jackie doesn't want to hear about any more car problems....Ha! 

    Jen, I don't know if it's the Tamoxifen that's causing your extra leg pain!  It COULD be maybe, but that pill is supposedly easier on your joints than the others.  I didn't get THAT SE, and I took it for 14 months....  Just the leg cramps, and "warm waves"...

    Our little Victorian home was built in 1886.... Remodeled in the early 60's, 4 years before we moved in... I mean they put in electricity and an indoor bathroom...... (Ha, ha!  Just kidding!)  But we love this place!   Always doing SOMEthing to make it prettier, or un-plugging the plumbing, or what-ever it takes to keep this a "working ranch."  Cool

    It's not like all the new ones they build in our same block.... 3 story huge double town-homes.  The developers buy these old homes, and scrape them, and put in multiple units, and then sell them for over $615 thousand a PIECE!!!   So we just sit here like warts on a frog, enjoying our little old house!  

    Okay...I had better get going to you later.... take it easy girls.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2012

    Just had to stick my nose in and say how lovely your garden is, Chevy. Just beautiful.