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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Chevy, I love your house and front garden.  It's charming.

    Just when you think everything's ok....   When I arrived at the dentist's office yesterday, the first thing the hygienist did was take my blood pressure.  These huge numbers came up on the screen with beeping noises.  157/113.  She had me sit there 5 min. and took the bp again.  A little better. 140 something over high 90's.  She continued with her "maintenance" procedure ($107).  I had her take bp before I left and it was still high.  I went home and took another bp med (lisinopril 10 mg) and sat around not doing much.  The bp came down until it was 117/79.

    This morning the numbers were high again, so I guess I'll make an apptment with my dr.  I re-read the SEs of arimidex this morning and elevated cholesterol and high bp are among those listed.    As Rosanna Dana said on Laugh In--It's alway something!

    I intended to do an exercise workout this morning but I haven't because I don't know whether it's a wise thing to do.  If the bp goes down, I'll exercise this afternoon.  I have been lax the last few weeks because of being on the run so much.

    Otherwise, it's a pretty day here.  Sunny outside and cool.  We actually were able to sleep with the window open last night.

    Today is CSA pickup so we'll get a fresh batch of veggies.

    Happy Wed. to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.
    - Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good morning everyone.....drat, the picture of the clouds didn't show for me.  I use to be able to hit something....????  and the red X would go away and picture would appear. If I ever find that button again....maybe my brain will come back too. By the that other stunning.  I wouldn't let anyone ( developers ) get a hold of that house either.

    Carole --Wow

     Hope you will check in with your Dr. over the blood pressure thing.  I developed high blood pressure right after we moved back here almost 15 yrs. ago now.  A few yrs. later....I had a brain stem-stroke.  The Dr. regulated my blood pressure.....but only down to about 94 at the lower that systolic -- can't remember now, but in any case, I always wondered about this ( I saw no reason why I should be having a stroke while on medication for it ) and later on read some medical literature that indicated that your stroke risk is just as high, even with lower figures, as long as it is over what is considered normal......which I think is still 120/80. 

    I don't want to scare anyone....but had I known this information......I would have insisted that the Dr. take whatever measures that could be taken to totally regulate.  I also think it is possible that we built up a tolerance for some of what we take and get a little immune to it and need to switch to another medication....I've heard of that too.  So, not to scare anyone, but just wanted to put these ideas here in the hopes that it might help. 

    I hope you all have a really fantastic day.  I'll be checking back later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi gals!  Just go to Google Images.... then type in anything you want, and it will show up!  Lots of pictures....then I click on the one I like, and hit copy....then go to, like if I were going  to post.... and right click and hit paste....

    Thank you PJ.... both my Daughter's are in Sarasota Fla today!  On the beach with my one Grandson!   Going back to Orlando Friday!   They are loving it!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Chevy, love your  home.  Did you see the movie UP?  Try one of those packaged red beans and rice mix, they are good.  I even got Walmarts brand and it was great.  I can't make thinks like that either and have them taste good.

    Hubby dislocated his arm but by the time he got to the ER it had popped back in, he has an MRI on Friday in Odessa.  He is bad about leaving it disabled.  We are hoping the rotor cuff is not involved, he seperated the same shoulder years ago.

    Carole, take care of that blood pressure. 

    Jackie, my hubby and I still watch clouds and it is amazing what images you can see in them.  I always did that as a child also.

    Everyone have a good day.


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2012
    Chevyboy, Love your home. Glad to be back and catching up with everyone.Smile
  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Jeez - I go off to work for a day & I'm two pages behind.  Chevy - your home if beautiful. Hope teo get back to Denver one of these days.  Hooray for the beach for your daughters.

    Carole & Illinois - My BP has always been around 120/70 and I thought that was pretty good.  Love Rosanana Dana. 

    We've had the best day ever - one of VERY few in Houston - 60ish in the AM and high 70's in the afternoon, and no humidity.  And I was stuck inside at work.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Minus Two.....Your bp is perfect......if you were younger and more active it would more than likely be even lower.  I don't remember the top number.....probably just over a hundred when I was young and the bottom was about I was very, very active then.  Now I am about 128 to 138 with bottom number from 80 to 92......sometimes higher if I'm upset about something.  It is frustrating.  There are dietary things you can do but the way I live it would be very difficult and I think I'd be having to cook separately for Dh.  I just don't have the discipline I guess. 

    I will see you all the morning.....I'm at the brainless stage right now.....just home from work and tired. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s. welcome back pt dreamers.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    chevy, what a beautiful setting and home, so peaceful.

    Carol sorry about bp sure went through that but mine went down when the evil thyroid caused me to lose weight.  Dont think it was all bad.  Seems like when you can eat anything and stay the same it is a good thing.

    Jackie, never heard of that kind of stroke, dont seem to be something anyone would ever want.  OMG and I whine about the evil thyroid. 

    Mommarch sure hope dh is good, shoulder things are tough esp rotor cuffs, my friend had one, long down time.  Another one of life's little surprises.

    Have the baby tonight and he is starting to walk, its so great.  I cant lift him well because of LE.  He is a sweetie.

    Minustwo and PT glad to see you again.  Catching up is always fun.

    Everyone have a great day, overcast, with high chance of thunderstorms tomorrow in Kansas.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Nnnoooooooooooooooooooo!  You seriously mean my Walmart has the mix?  I used to buy their "instant refried beans" and they quit carrying it!    Okay THANKS!!!  I'll look for it! 

    I didn't see the movie UP, but I will look at the Ads again!  I think they are similar!   Glad your Hubby's arm is getting better...I was in the ER one morning...(slipped on ice & cut my head open) and there was a guy next to me in excruciating PAIN, so about 4 huge nurses & docs had to hold this guy down while they pulled his arm out, and got it back in the socket!   Made MY little problem seemed small in comparison. 

    Gotta go!  Gotta make a beans & rice run!

    Yes, Carole, hope you have your BP under control now! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    My 2 "little girls" at Lido Beach... How fun to see 2 sisters all grown up and enjoying each other!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited April 2012

    Oh, Chevy, didn't you want to be there? Photoshop yourself into the picture!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Don't Envy Other People

    Don't think when you have troubles
    That your neighbor goes scot-free
    Because he shows a smiling front
    And battles cheerfully.

    No, Man! He, too, has troubles,
    But herein the difference lies,
    While you go idly moping round,
    The other fellow tries.

    Don't envy other people;
    Maybe, if the truth you knew,
    You'd find their burdens heavier far
    Than is the case with you.

    Because a fellow, rain or shine,
    Can show a smiling face,
    Don't think you'd have an easier time
    If you could take his place.

    ‘Tis hope and cheery courage
    That incite one to retrieve
    One's past mistakes, to start afresh,
    To dare and to achieve.

    So smile, and if perchance you light
    The spark of hope anew
    In some poor sad and burdened heart,
    All honor be to you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good morning......I am back ( brain somewhat restored now ) to the land of the living.  Going to be exceptionally warm today.....unfortunately it is a prelude to what the weather people on t.v. say is a huge rainstorm that sounds like it will go on all day Friday.  At least they didn't say there is a bright side.

    OMG...your girls look like they are sharing such a special time together Chevy. Boy that Margarita sure looks yummy too.  It has been a while for me.  I was never much of a raised a lot of issues in my life over the years ( mainly having to do with other people )  but then it seems it is not recommended for people who have had bc.  Or....I should say, it should be minimal ----  so I am pretty moderate now. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day......

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012
    And it looks like they're eating bean dip.....withOUT me!  Wink
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Chevy , the movie was done a couple of years ago, sometimes you can catch it on TV on one of the family channels.  You can get it on DVD.

    Hope you like the beans and rice.  I am gong to pick some up when I go to Odessa tomorrow.

    Everyone take care 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    We cook our red beans and rice (brown).  It's so easy.  There's also a brand of canned beans that's very good, Blue Runner.  Also Zatarain has a package with the beans and seasoning.  I haven't tried it but Zatarain products are generally good.  The problem with canned and boxed is the high sodium.  I don't use any boxed selections like Hamburger Helper and  macaroni dishes.  Cooked from scratch food is so much better and healthier and not that difficult. 

    I was satisfied with my visit with my Primary care dr. yesterday.  She doubled my bp med and added a diuretic to the same med.  Hopefully, the diuretic will help with my tendency to retain fluid.  She said I seem to be very salt sensitive.  I explained to her that when I eat restaurant food, my weight will go up 2 or 3 lbs in one day.  I have an order for blood work and will go back to see her in two weeks. 

    Instead of playing golf today, I'm babysitting with my great-niece Olivia, aged 2 1/2.  Her mother has undergone still another crisis, meaning her deadbeat live-in boyfriend beat her up and broke her hand.  So it's back to the police to press charges.  This is either the 3rd or 4th time in a period of maybe 6 years.  It's no wonder the police don't take domestic violence cases more seriously.  Abused women can be so stupid.  Olivia is a cute little girl, the daughter of the deadbeat.  My niece has two other children, 8 and 6, with a different father, the man she's still legally married to.  The question now is, What's her next bad decision.  She has had mental problems since the age of 12 but she has character problems, too.  I feel sorry for her mother, my sister, whose only flaw as a parent that I saw was being too permissive and not enough of a disciplinarian.

    I'll also be taking my mother to her hair apptment this afternoon.

    Kaara, we miss you and hope you're having a good time!

    Have a great Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Three Rules of Work:
    Out of clutter find simplicity;
    From discord find harmony;
    In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
    - Albert Einstein
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Hmmm, I would probably try the Zatarain rice and beans --- at least once to judge general flavors...and then try and duplicate it later.  I'm like you Carole...I don't eat much of anything from a box --- not only huge salt content --- but my theory is that it is a bunch of chemicals mainly made up ro resemble food w/flavor and none of the chemicals are going to be great for your body.  And now here comes the but........I do keep a couple of things ( usually mac & cheese ) for if I am really pressured by something ) but eventually I go through my pantry and if it is stale-dated, out it goes.  At the same time.....lots of canned goods go.  I read every label ( each time I go to the store as they sneakily change things ) of everything I buy.  I think we will eat most of this stuff, but our work schedules are sometimes so weird and sometimes I just won't make something for myself.....easier when you can cook for four or so......even though it is just dh and me.....somethings just do better if your cooking a little more rather than less. 

    It is sad that some people are tied to abusive people.  No good comes of it, and abusers don't change.....if anything tend to get worse. If your niece is/was an only child I can sort of see why discipline took a somewhat back seat.  I was not the strictest myself.....but 1 did ok and 1 did not.  My son though was hyperactive....almost from birth, and that later turned into manic-depressive so it was an on-going struggle to get him through school and on his own.  He to this day ( in his 40's now ) doesn't do too well, and likely will never --- but I reached a point where I just had to say.....your own your own --- it is your life to live.  I could no longer influence his choices or behaviors ---  I showed and taught him what was correct --- and told him he would have to choose and be willing to undergo society's consequences if he didn't follow the rules.  I KNOW he knew what they were.  He is ok.....not great, but ok.  His sister is pretty top-notch, great husband, wonderful it has kept me from feeling true failure. 

    I hope your great niece does well.........may be some trial and error later, but we all have abilities to over-come a lot of the negativity around I sincerely hope and pray that happens. 

    Going to get rain today.....doesn't sound like it will be as bad as they first thought.....but it will be a gloomy day.  Week-end will brighten up though it will be cold.  Not to my liking but so much to still accomplish around here.....I may not notice.

    Hi to are missed, and Jennifer and Momarch and everyone else. 

    Have a fantastic Friday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi Gals....  Carole..... It is so hard to understand what goes on in abused women's  minds.  It's not only the physical abuse, the "mental" abuse will eventually drag down a woman until she sees nothing good in herself.....  But she loves this man, reasoning that "he really cares about her, even though he abuses her".....  When things are good, that seems to make up for the "bad things" that happen.

    But once an abused women gets the courage to leave, she usually goes back, because she hears these "promises" that "things will be different"..... The average abused woman will leave 5 TIMES, before she leaves or will go back for good.    And she has no self-esteem, and HE is the only one she has.  A restraining order is just a "tool" won't keep a man from beating up a woman, once he gets to her.   And a "sick" man will track a woman down to do more to her than beat the living day-lights out of her.

    I know that unless SHE gets help, AND the abuser changes his habits, only bad things will happen.  She has to make the commitment to herself that she CAN be alone, that she can learn to care enough about herself to be alone.... 

    Unless HE gets help, he will never change.  Is he an alcoholic?  My friend, whose Husband passed away, went through this also....HE went to a months rehab, and quit drinking.  BUT that didn't make him any nicer.  He was mean, even when he didn't drink.  She says she "misses" him, but doesn't miss how he was.  Does that make sense? 

    My Dad could be a terrible Husband....when he was drinking....which was every day and night... But Mom always said she "would rather have him part of the time, than none at all."   So she lived with him until she died.  Married over 63 years, and when she passed away, my Dad lost the love of his life.... He mourned her until he died about 1 year later....  If only she could have known how deeply he really cared about her.... But that alcohol just took over their lives....

    Funny isn't it?  How people go through so much together, but their lives are so intertwined that they can't live without each other..... and that's through the WORST of times.   

    Okay Carole..... What is your recipe for the beans and rice?  I have re-fried beans, but do they use cooked red-beans....not pinto?  and is it flavored with chili-powder?  I know the rice is just mixed in, like on top. 

    Mommarch!  I went to Google Images, and found the house with balloons!  It is my new "Desktop!"  Ha!  It DOES kind of look like my house! 

    Hi Jen.....hope you are feeling okay!

    Okay, guess I better get to gettin'! Talk to you later....

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi just a short note tonite.  Great picture Chevy.  Jackie love Albert Einstein.  After chemo my hair started to look like his.  Guess I will be off to the store to get stuff for beans and rice, you all made me hungry.

    Have a good one, Kansas is peaceful tonight.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
     Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them. -Vincent McNabb
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Saturday morning.............

    Well, it's very cool out....have our little i-heater pouring heat into the room so we are cozy in the living room.  Still can feel a little cool.....I know it is hard to imagine but our living room is part of a big L shape.  Foyer turns to living room --- LR is the large part of the L and then the kitchen is open to the last part of the we are throwing that  heat into a BIG part of the house, but it works.

    Nothing much planned for today, just trying to bring a little peacefulness and happiness into my little corner of the world here.  Maybe a bit of serenity thrown in for good measure.  We really are so capable of changing things just by the way we think......but I tend to quit remembering that when a few woes start to pile up. 

    Hope you are all going to have a great Saturday and wonderful week-end.  Got one more cabinet in my kitchen, but new knobs are now all on ( had to get some longer, different screws for 6 of the drawers ) and things are looking good.  Of course, I'm going to resolve to not let it ever get so bad again and probably will be able.  Still hard to believe how horrid things got while I was doing txs and how hard to progress it has been.  But at last I can say things are coming together and it is a very sweet feeling to have arrived. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Gerry58
    Gerry58 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    I have been away on business and did not have the opportunity to get back online.  I was in Missouri on business and had the chance to go to Pres. Truman's library-what a great experience.  My LE is still bothering me and I need to wrap for a while to get the swelling down.  Can't use the compression sleeves right now but once I get this back under control I should be able to.  Sunday is my birthday, and of course it is Earth Day- but my friends kid me that I am other then dirt LOL since Earth Day started in 1979.  I feel so much better knowing that there is support out there.  You guys are great.  My birthday present to myself is a gym membership and the goal to lose at least 30 pounds.  I have put on so much weight since my BC and I don't like it!

    Have a great day!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Happy Birthday Gerry!    No, you are not older than dirt, Ha, ha! 

    I don't have Lymphedema, but my legs sometimes get stasis dermatitis, and I'm supposed to wear the compression stockings!  They really help, but I bought a couple pair, where it was next to impossible to get them on!  I mean to pull them up over my toes & up to my knees!

    Once there, I left them on for 3 days!  Took showers and everything with them on!  They really helped, but you have to be a contortionist, and about 20 years younger to put them on normally! Wink

    Walmart does not have the refried beans and rice!  I looked EVERYwhere....I'll check for the Zataraines....  Or just make them myself.  ..... 

     Happy Birthday again Gerry!  Have a great one!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2012

    Chevyboy, I wear compression socks also. I found a sport sock on Ames Hoisery site that is easy to put on. Hope it is of help.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Happy Birthday Gerry....hope you enjoy this no-calorie cake.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Happy Birthday Gerry, the LE is a pain but wrapping really does help.  I use the machine too but wrap at bedtime, just make it feel better. 

    Jackie, glad to hear from you. Tonight taping and getting my extra room ready to paint for the company in June.  Yes it is hard to believe that things got so bad during tx but they did and time to make them right.  I still cant do windows and cabinets well (because of the LE) but drag grandkids in to help when I have to.  Today no ggrandbaby, my day off and need the peace. 

    Carol abusive men make me crazy.  There is no place on this earth for them.  And dont like drinking ones either.

    I wear compression hose when I travel however have not worn them since bc dx.  Wonder how they will work with chemo neuropathy left over from the good old days of bc treatment.  Maybe they could help.  Its not very bad just there to remind me.

    Kaara havent seen you much lately, hope your eyes are good.

     Well no metor shower for us in eastern Kansas tonight, seems like it is raining a litte and that means cloud cover.

    Everyone have a great day

  • Trickling
    Trickling Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2012

    munny bunny: re your March 12, 2012 post about bras

    I appreciated your friendly evaluation and went to the helpful link you supplied.  I was not familiar with this clothing site and need a large size.

    As I have skin allergies, I need to know the composition of the material of the bras. Surprisingly, I couldn't find such a description for any of the several kinds of bras I looked at on the site.

    Would you please see if the tag on your bras gives what the bras is made of and let me/us know? THANKS 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Morning Trickling!  Try this website......,bras,1357,001,10.html

    I went to Google and typed in Hypoallergenic Bras, and this was one that came up!

    Hope this helps.......